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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2017-18/CEL2102/SCL-WEEK 11

Analysing Paralinguistic Features
The following is an online individual activity for you to complete on your own without copying
answers from your friend(s) so that you benefit from this activity.

1. Watch the attached link of the video clip.
2. Select and analyse three paralinguistic or non-verbal feature from the following list found
in the video:
a. Stress Patterns & Rhythm e. Fillers
b. Intonation f. Eye Contact
c. Hesitation g. Body Gestures
d. Pauses h. Posture

3. Identify one example for each of paralinguistic features you have chosen.

4. Submit your completed exercise via Edmodo. Use the following format:

Matric No.

Paralinguistic Time Description of

features reference examples from video
The speaker uses this
Sample answer: gesture to indicate that
she is referring to
Gesture 0.28-0.32 The speaker places herself. This gesture is
her hand on her chest. also being used in
complementing her
verbal message.

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