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Cosmic Awareness Communication s

C. Q . tiro UC, .
Ot)mp' , WtislunQtrn 9nS0`

Paul . Shockle y
Question :

Awareness, this lad y . .from the t)ena Foundation, M .i`t,P . wrote quite a long letter ,
which I. can extract- from, asking several questions : one r.efer'a.:in, to the haw ofhove .
She says : "The Law of love states that it is the ' l .aw 'which places the welfare an d
the concern and the feelings for other above self' (above underlined), which seems i n
contradi_Lion to the phrasing (quote) " as oneself" (as underlined, her own underlining )
which is the phrasing given . this law through. Jesus Christ: as the channel ., and als o
through countless other individual channels both . before and since, according to variou s
records and reports . The interpretation as given 'in' tliosh particular words is reminiscen t
of the older church teachings and interpretations which led to what many have been told .
are basically erroneous concepts of " robbing Peter to pay Paul", or the belief that Co d
is a respecter of persons and requires one to put others above himself as being worth y
of ones concern . it is my understanding that this is one of the major tenets that Jesu s
gave his priests and self-elevated church leaders or his time, although T guess the y
called themselves scribes, as well as high priests in those days . In any event, all o f
the rest of the transmission is so very " right on" in every respect, according to my
own understanding of these New Age teachings that I thought perhaps it might be wis e
to clarify these points in our mind, so that we all understand clearly exactly what .
Cosmic awareness really represents as truth in this respect, "

Cosmic. Awareness :

This Awareness wishes to move through the jaw of hove . This Awareness indicatestha t
the haw of love was first introduced through the entity, I d Young, who wrote this out on.
paper . That this entity did . present this to Ralph Daisy . That the Law of Love theta wa s
expressed through trance by the entity, Ralph Dully, through certain readings .

This Awareness indicates that many entities in the Orsani ation . of Awareness became
aware of the apparent origin of the Law of Love and felt Chat this had no place in th e
organisation because this had. come from Ed Young, rather than from some channel . Thi s
Awareness indicates that this controversial Law in the . Oi aani?ation .of Awareness ha d
been argued and discussed . by many :

This Awareness indicates that the entity, td Young, was not without awareness ; tha t
this Awareness can speak through anyone . This Awareness indicates that those who fel t
Ed Young was not qualified to write the Law of hove, or that the Law of Love was not.
acceptable because it came from . Ed . Young's pen rather than from Ralph Duh y t s mouth, thi s
as erroneous thinking . This Awareness indicates that these concepts must be examined fo r
themselves and not for their source, not as being from an authority, but from what they ,
themselves, are saying and whether this is appropriate to the genera .l situation or not. .

This Awareness suggests that we now consider the of hove : This Awareness ind-
icates the word ' Law ` as being synonymous with the word ' Principle' . That a principl e
is a law in the cosmic sense . This as a rule, or a principle of love . 'Fite principle o f
love is that principle which places the welfare and concern and feeling for others abov e
self :

This Awareness indicates that the entity, Jesus, had the ability to avoid placin g
the welfare and the concern and the feelings for. . others above self, has the ability no t
to partake and drink of the cup, had the ability to avoid crucifixion, had the abilit y
to escape with his life and thereby avoid any kind of repercussion .from his actions o f
healing others, teaching those, who do not know .This entity could have ' 'voided tha t
outcome by placing others along with self, and following others as they followed him ,
walking through. time and space without': ever sacrificing, or giving anythiag to other s
unless assured that'"they would give an equal amount back to him . Yet this entity wa s
caught in that strange . phenomena called the LawofLov , the principle of love, an d
this entity did love humani ty so much that he was unable to place the welfare an d
concern and feeling of others along with ,self, but placed them above himself ; and i n
that action, gave himself for the mass of humanity .

This Awareness indicates that It has never demanded nor insisted, nor directe d
that any entity place himself or herself below others, nor th any entity be place d
above you, nor that you are to be forced to love others, or to place: them abov e
yourself . This Awareness has simply stated in this Principle of Love that this is wha t
love is . Whether an. entity is capable . of loving is up to the entity ..

This Awareness LQGLFDWHV there are many who can place the welfare and concer n
and feeling for others above self, for their consciousness has extended EH\RQG concept s
of ' self' into concepts of 'we' ; and to see another suffer, or to gain for oneself ,
or to be able to protect oneself when one could give something . to help another, thi s
becomes impossible for entries who love .

 Awareness indicates that It has suggested that there has been enoug h
VDFULILFH that lifetimes have been strewn with sacrifice, that civilizations hav e
been strewn .•ii_th sacrifice ; that for eons of time this Awareness has watched entitie s
sacrifice thu.iiselves for a cause :

This A:,rareness does not ask that entities sacrifice themselves ; . this Awarenes s
asks that you love one another .

That it cannot be over stressed . That ORYLQJRQHDQRWKHUZKHUHE\ each entit y

places the welfare and concern and feeling for others above self-interest, that i s
WKHWUXHPHDQLQJRIWKHODZRU Principle of Love . And whereby entities can . place th e
welfare and c-' ncei:n and feeling for others above their own . self-interest, they shal l
find than' there is no need to sacrifice themselves : for wherein one finds himsel f
being violated for having placed the welfare of another above self, RQHDOVRGLVFRYHU V
that to allow that violation is not to be fair and equitable to the one . ZKRZRXO G
violate, DQGWRSODFH the welfare of that one who would violate above self, one mus t
call attention to that violation so that the violator may become aware of himself an d
may grow toward greater purpose and activities ,

This Awareness indicates that love places the welfare of others above self ,
but to avoid :acri .fice of your own. self, there must be that which is conn :TCnlication :

Communication and love, working together, allow for the Clow and the exchange of

love and energies in a manner that does not create . violation .

'thi .s Aw:'. .reness i.eldicatcs that those who are not capable 'of; placing the welfar e
of others above self, are encouraged to p lace the welfare and cbnrerr for other s
along with self .

I'le?velst7Cas of AwrrancSs is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Cexnn wni' :atInns .
P .C . Sox lia, C l` n pia, t' ashi - gtori 9tihO7 Rates and membership information available upon request .

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