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The progress I have made during this past week

- I started streaming this week on twitch and I was happy with the results I had about 25
viewers at once which was the highest I’ve had so far, I would say about 10-15 were
people I knew and 10 were random which was really cool!
- I made my first posts on tiktok as well and got about 100 views on both my videos which
im happy with
- I finished editing my photos for my banners and profile pictures on my social media
accounts, while doing this I got some help from my community connection he helped me
finish my edited photos
- I’ve also been saving up gaming clips and such to make an edit to post on youtube
- I spent around 8 hours streaming total (probably more but these were when I actually
had people watching so I didn’t count the hours when it was like 1-3 viewers I counted
when it was like 5-15)
- All of the editing, clipping, and working on this log took about 4 hours total

What I need to move forward with my capstone

- I have to figure out a way to make my streams more interactive/fun because when I take
breaks searching for matches and such the stream can get boring at times I need to
figure out a way to make it fun (advice from viewers)
- I need to find a way to advertise my channels better so I can develop a following on all
my platforms

Obstacles I have encountered and how I have moved forward

- I didn’t have any serious obstacles as opposed to last week

The skills I’ve used and what I’ve learned

- Practiced my photoshopping skills
- Practiced my editing skills while making gaming clips
- Practiced advertisement (need to do better very small portion of what I actually need to
My goals and deadlines for next week
Next week I want to have gained more followers and try to have finished/at least almost
completed an edited video

Hours spent total so far: 5.5 hours

Hours spent this week 12 hours
Total 17.5 hours
tiktok :stinkerrzz

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