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dr. Ni Made Linawati, M.

Histology department
Medical Faculty of Udayana University
 Cartilage :
◦ Type: hyaline, elastis, fibrocartilage
◦ Element : cells and matrix
◦ Growth : interstitial and appositional
 Bone :
- Shape : long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid
- Element: cells and matrix
- Ossification : intramembraneous and
- Growth : length and width appositional
Distribution :
1. Hollow but flexible tube
 Respiratory passage : larynk, trachea,
 Auditory tube : external auditory meatus,
eustachian tube, auricle

2. End of bones/ between bones :

costal cartilage, articular cartilage, symphisis
Element :
1. Cellular element :

condroblast condrocytes
in lacuna (e) Isogenous cell group
condroclast (macrophages) only in
endochondral bone formation
2. Cartilage matrix (ground substance) :
Proteoglycan, glycoprotein, glycosaminoglycan
Fiber (collagen and elastic)
- territorial and interteritorial matrix
3. Perichondrium
Outer fibrous layer : collagen, fibroblast, blood
Inner fibrous layer : chondrogenic cells
Harbor blood vessel for avascular cartilage
Absent in :
- fibrocartilage
- articular cartilage :
diffusion of nutrient by synovial fluid
1. Hyaline C
2. Elastic C
3. Fibrocartilage
 Articular, larger
respiratory passage,
epiphyseal plate
 Condrocytes >> 
isogenous group

 Collagen type II
 Matrix : GAG,
 Territorial matrix
- Auricle of the ear, the
epiglottis, eustachian tube

- Chondrocytes
- Elastic fiber (elastin) >>,
collagen type II
- Matrix
 Intervertebral disks,
pubic symphysis,
articular disk

 Chondrocytes
 Collagen type I
 Matrix : rich in dermatan
and condroitin sulfate
1. Interstitial growth 2. Appositional growth
- Resulting from the - Resulting from the

mitotic division of differentiation of

preexisting perichondrial cells
- Occur only in early - Need perichondrium
phase of cartilage - >>
- Articular c, epiphyseal
1. Cellular element :
a. Osteoblast  osteocyte
Osteoblast secrete osteoid matrix, located in
the periphery of the bone
Osteocytes are surrounded by calcified osteoid
matrix ; lacuna; processescanaliculi,
nutrient by canaliculi-haversian systems.
b. Osteoclast
Multinucleated cell (2-50); Ø: 20-100µm ;
howship’s lacuna; secret acid;ruffled border
- Secreted by osteoblast - 50% (volume), 75%
- Composition : type I (dry weight) of bone
collagen (95%), matrix
proteoglycan (5%), - Element : ca
GAG, glycoprotein: hydroksiapatite crystal
sialoprotein, - Calsification process :
osteocalsin Matrix vesicle are
promoting secreted by osteoblast
calsification - Decalsification by acid

Organic matrix (osteoid) Inorganic matrix

 Type : long, short, flat,
irregular, sesamoid
 Structure :
- Canalicular-lacunar
nutrient supply systems
- Spongy B
- Compact B
- Bone marrow cavity
- Periosteum and
 Microscopis : primary
and secondary bone
 Dense area without
 Central / Haversian
 Perforating /
Volkmann’s Canals
◦ Blood vessels
◦ Nerves

Compact Bone
 Area with numerous
interconnecting cavities
 Trabecula, lacuna, canaliculi
 Endosteum
 No haversian systems
 Fetal development and bone repair
 Anorganic element <<
 Abundant osteocytes and irregular bundles of
 secondary bone (except : suture
of calvaria)
Primary / Immature/ Woven bone
 Lamellae >>
 Canaliculi : osteocytes processes cell
communication; channel (nutrient, hormones,
ions and waste product)

 Anorganic element >>

 Collagen fiber regular arranged parallel
each other
Bone formation process :
 Cellular differentiation : mesenchymal cell-
osteoprogenitor cell- osteoblast
 Bone matrix formation : osteoid matrix-
 Morphologic differentiation : formation of
bone spiculae , trabeculae, spongy bone, and
formation of compact bone by appositional
lamellae deposition
 Futher diferentiation of woven to lamellar
 Cartilage model formation
 Mesenchymal cell-  Bone collar development
osteoprogenitor cell-  Destruction of cartilage
osteoblast model followed by
 Flat bone : calvaria of osteogenic bud associated
the skull, mandible, with hemopoietic tissue in
periosteum of shaft of the space of cartilage
long bone destruction
 Primary and secondary
 Need periosteum
Center Of ossification
 Most of the long bone

 Occur in epiphyseal  Appositional growth
 5 zone : reserve  Begin from Periosteum
cartilage, proliferation,
maturation and  Continously througout
hypertrophy, the total period of
calsification, bone growth and
ossification development

In length In width
Cartilage VS Bone  similarities
Development begin at embryo in 5 week of age
1. Hard tissue
2. Lacuna – matrix systems
3. Same family of cellular components
 Chondroblast –chondrocytes
 Osteoblast-osteocytes
4. Surrounded by CT membrane
 Perichondrium and periosteum
Difference Cartilage Bone
1. Inorganic No High
2. Flexibility Yes No
3. Blood vessel Avascular Vascular
4. Nutrient supply Diffusion Canaliculi
5. Mechanism of Interstitial & Only appositional
growth appositional
6. Remodelling No Constantly
7. Destruction cell No Osteoclast

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