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Five Chinese Jokes You Should Know 

Posted by Mollan Mo on 2016-01-12 16:26:16  31935

Learning Chinese language, how can you not know some interesting Chinese
jokes? You know, having a conversation filled with humor can enable us to
integrate into a strange country better. You can not only learn some words or
sentences, but also can feel a lot of fun from it.

Now, let's learn some funny Chinese Jokes

1. Chinese Joke about "Right"
Yí Wèi Zài Měi Guó De Liú Xué Shenɡ , Xiǎnɡ Yào Kǎo Jià Zhào 。
一 位 在 美 国 的 留 学 生, 想 要 考 驾 照。
A student from the United States has a driving license test.
Zài Kǎo Lù Shì Shí ,Kàn Dào Dì Shànɡ Shì Xiànɡ Zuǒ 。
在 考 路 试 时,看 到 地 上 是 向 左。
When the road test begins, he can see the word on the ground is "left".
Tā Bú Fànɡ Xīn De Wèn Dào: 「 Turn Left ? 」
他 不 放 心 的 问 道: 「 Turn Left ? 」

He asked very anxiously: "Turn left?"

Kǎo Guān Huí Dá Shuō: 「 Right ! 」
考 官 回 答 说: 「 Right ! 」
The examiner replied: "right!"
Yú Shì Tā Lì Kè Xiànɡ Yòu 。
于 是 他 立 刻 向 右。
Then he immediately turned right.
Suǒ Yǐ, Hěn Bào Qiàn, Tā Zhī Yǒu Xià Cì Zài Lái 。
所 以,很 抱 歉, 他 只 有 下 次 再 来 。
So sorry, he had to come back next time for the test.
This is a joke about English for Chinese people. Because in China, the direction
"right" is "yòu", then if you want to say something or somebody is right, we can
say "duì" or "shì de". It is not like English we can use "right" for the direction and
the opinion about something.)

2. Chinese Joke about Alphabet Letters

Wèn : 26 Gè Zì Mǔ Qù Diào "E" Hé "T" Hái Shènɡ Jǐ Gè Zì Mǔ ?
问 : 26 个 字 母 去 掉 E 和 T 还 剩 几 个 字 母 ?
Q: If the 26 letters remove "e" and "t", then they leave how many letters?

Dá : 24 Gè !
答 : 24 个!
A: 24 then.
Wèn: Cuò!
问: 错!
Q: Wrong! ! !
Dá: Wèi Shén Me?
答 : 为 什 么?
A: Why?
Wèn : 21 Gè ,Yīn Wèi "ET" Shì Zuò "UFO" Zǒu De。
问 : 21 个 , 因 为 ET 是 坐 UFO 走 的。
Q: 21, because ET will leave with UFO.
3. Chinese Joke about 熟 shú

Wèn :Yí Gè Qī Fēn Shú De Niú Pái Hé Yí Gè Wǔ Fēn Shú De Niú pái Xiānɡ
Yù Le。
问 :一 个 七 分 熟 的 牛 排 和 一 个 五 分 熟 的 牛 排 相 遇 了。
Kě Tā Men Què Méi Yǒu Dǎ Zhāo Hu ,Wèi Shén Me ?
可 它 们 却 没 有 打 招 呼, 为 什 么 ?
Q: A steak medium and a steak cooked medium well meet in the street, but they
did not say hello to each other, why?
Dá :Wǒ Bù Zhī Dào,Wèi Shén Me ?
答 :我 不 知 道 ,为 什 么 ?
A: I don't know, why?
Dá : Yīn Wèi Dōu Bù Shú!
答 : 因 为 都 不 熟!
Q: Because they are both not familiar with each other.
("shú" in Chinese, we can use to indicate the food is cooked well , and it also
can be used to indicate the relationship among people: it means "familiar". For
example, if we want say: "I am familiar with him", we can say in Chinese like: "我
和他很熟 wǒ hé tā hěn shú". And you can say: "roù yǐ jīng shú le" which means
"the meat is already cooked" )

4. Chinese Joke about 公路 Gōnɡ Lù

Yǒu Yì Zhī Gōnɡ Lù Zài Lù Shɑnɡ Zǒu ,Tā Yuè Zǒu Yuè Kuài , Yuè Zǒu Yuè
有 一 只 公 鹿 在 路 上 走 , 它 越 走 越 快 , 越 走 越 快。
Zuì Hòu Tā Biàn Chénɡ Le Gāo Sù Gōnɡ Lù。
A buck is walking on the road. It is getting faster and faster, getting faster and
faster, and finally it turned into a freeway
(In Chinese, "buck" we call "公鹿 gōng lù", and we call "freeway": gāo sù gōng lù
高速公路. So you can see both of them are "gōng lù", "gāo sù" means high
speed. That's the reason of the joke.)

5. Chinese Joke about Spiderman

Wèn : Qǐnɡ Wèn Zhī Zhū Rén Shì Shén Me Yán Sè ?

问:请 问 蜘 蛛 人 是 什 么 颜 色 ?
Q: What is the color of Spider-Man?
Dá:Hǒnɡ Sè ?
答:红 色 ?
A: Red?
Dá:Cuò ! Shì Bái Sè De , Yīn Wèi "S-pi-der-man"!
答:错 ! 是 白 色 的 , 因 为 "S-pi-der-man"!
Q: Wrong! It is white, because "s-pi-der-man"!
Here, if we read "spider-man" in Chinese homophonic, it just likes: shì bái de
"man". "shì bái de" means : is white.)

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