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BIOL251 A002 Sum 20    Tests & Quizzes

Tests & Quizzes

Quiz 8  
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Part 1 of 1 - Part 1 100.0/ 100.0 Points

From chapter 24.5-7

Question 1 of 10
Which of the following is NOT one of the three metabolic states of the body? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. The postabsorptive state

B. The prestarvation state

C. The starvation state

D. The absorptive state

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.5.

Question 2 of 10
Which one of the following is considered a Trace Mineral? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. Potassium

B. Sodium

C. Calcium

D. Iron

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.7.

Question 3 of 10
The nutritional Calorie (C) is the amount of heat it takes to raise 1000 g of water by how many degree(s) Celsius? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. 1

B. 5

C. 10

D. 100

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.7.

Question 4 of 10
10.0/ 10.0 Points
Which one of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin?

A. A

B. B12

C. D

D. K


Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology sec on. Sec on 24.7.

Question 5 of 10
10.0/ 10.0 Points
Which one of the following is NOT a water-soluble vitamin?

A. A

B. B1

C. B12

D. C


Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology sec on. Sec on 24.7.

Question 6 of 10
Which method of heat exchange is caused by the changing of the form of water from a liquid state to a gas? 10.0/ 10.0 Points
A. Convection Powered
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B. Evaporation

C. Conduction

D. Radiation

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.6.

Question 7 of 10
Which one of the following is NOT considered a Trace Mineral? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. Chloride

B. Iodine

C. Manganese

D. Zinc

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.7.

Question 8 of 10
Fever increases the body temperature and can induce chills to help cool the temperature back down. What other mechanisms are in place to regulate the body temperature? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. Shivering

B. Sweating

C. Erection of the hairs on the arms and legs

D. All of the above

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.6.

Question 9 of 10
The accumulation of how many calories adds one pound of weight? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. 200

B. 1500

C. 2000

D. 3500

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.7.

Question 10 of 10
The heat you feel on your chair when you stand up was transferred from your skin via which method of heat exchange? 10.0/ 10.0 Points

A. Radiation

B. Conduction

C. Evaporation

D. Convection

Feedback: Correct. This can be found in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology section. Section 24.6.


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