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The damage done to property in Examcity is substantial; however, it is the emotional and
psychological cost which is most damaging. The community has been devastated and the
once pretty village ruined by flood water. On one level, the residents here are lucky since
most people would have insured their houses properly. Some houses though have all but
disappeared and distraught villagers are desperately looking for friends and family to stay
with until the floods recede.

 On one hand, the local people I spoke to have all expressed some anger at local
government officials. According to one bitter resident, this disaster had been avoidable as
they had been building on land nearby and the flood water then had nowhere to go. Although
locals had warned the government about the risk, nobody listened.

 On the other hand, the local councillor, Robert Leach, expressed a different point of view.
He stated that they had behaved responsibly since nature and natural disasters cannot be

As for the future, the short term looks bleak as the clean up operation will take weeks as mud
from the river clogs up the streets and gardens. One of the villagers hope that sticking
together and helping each other will save the town, while another, Jack Flower, was less
easily placated. He believes that the disaster would happen again if no action was taken;
therefore, after the village local politics has to be cleaned up as well.

Whatever happens the future looks difficult but positive for these tough and resilient people.
If you have the opportunity to make a donation for the residents of Examcity, visit our website
for more information.

LEARNING LANGUAGES - Do you have a mobile phone?

Nowadays everybody needs to speak a foreign language to be able to

catch up with the modern world. Also, people usually have at least one
mobile phone, which is perfect for learning languages. Are you surprised?

First of all, I’m sure you have apps on your device. Well, you don’t need to
do anything else, just download a few which are related to practising
vocabulary or showing you news in that particular language.The best way
to learn a language is to use it in as many ways as possible!

In addition, statistics show that people love watching films and videos on
their gadgets. Therefore, it is time for you to start watching these in the
foreign language you want to learn. The more you listen to that language,
the more you will understand it.
All in all, there are many ways you can use your mobile to contribute to
your language learning process. Please comment under this article and
share what apps or techniques you use for this purpose!


1.   How many parts does an article usually have? What are these?

2.   What can you use to make your paragraphs connected to each other? What about

the sentences inside paragraphs?

3.   Can you use a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!) in the headline?

Why/Why not? 

4.   Can you use direct questions or exclamation marks in the article? Why/Why not?

5.   Can an article be informal?

  6. Who are you writing an article for? What can its purpose be?

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