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Questions from Lorentz Lyceum

Q1. What is it like leading a healthy life, in your country?

Ans: In our country, we mostly eat healthy food. In Maharashtra there are many
variety of foods and they are rich in vitamins and minerals. In my point of view,
I do not like to eat junk foods. So food is healthy in our country.

Q2. What is your country like?

Ans: Our country has a Diverse Culture, we follow different customs and
Traditions. We have people following different Religions, we have the
Hindus, the Muslims, and the Catholics etc.

Q3. Is the lifestyle you are living in, healthy?

Ans: All young people love to eat junk food. We have a variety of junk
food available here in India. But now due to the Pandemic,
we completely avoid eating from out, because it’s not safe. And these months
have taught us to enjoy home cooked food, and so we are eating healthy food.
And yes leading a healthy lifestyle.

Questions from St. Mary’s High School ‘SSC’

Q1. Has the Covid-19 situation changed your diet?

Ans: Yes, for me a bit because now I only eat with my family.
So I eat healthy.

Q2. Is the food healthier now or was it healthier in the past?

Ans: I think that my grandparents have eaten, healthier food
than me; because earlier there was very less junk food than now.

Q3. What does your daily diet comprise of?

Ans: In the morning I mostly drink a cup of juice. But in the
afternoon I eat a lot of bread and in the evening I mostly
eat mac and cheese.

Q4. What is one food item that you would advise people to avoid in their diet?
Ans: Mashed potatoes with carrots.

Q5. To what extent has the practice of sports changed?

Ans: I don’t think that the sports has changed much.

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