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Nama : Kevin Pratama Yuda


Asking Help.
During biology class, my friend tono looks unusually pale. after some time he asked me for
Tono: “Kevin, dan you help me?”
Kevin : “Yes Tono, what dan i help you? You look very pale”
Tono : “ Please help me ask permission from teacher and take me home”
Kevin : “ Well, i'll help you and take you home”
Tono : “ Thank you Kevin”
Kevin : “ You're welcome”

Offering Help
When i cake home, i saw the teacher who carried a log of assignments then i approached
him to provide assistance.
Me : “Afternoon ma'am, what book is the teacher carrying?”
Teacher : “ohh, ma'am was bringing a tentu grade student exercise book”
Me: “Look like a look ma'am, dan i help you?”
Teacher : “ohh, ok thank you”
Me : “ You're welcome ma'am”

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