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Basic Education Curriculum for Music

Music Theory Grade 10
S.Y. 2019-2020

Performance Learning Competencies


The learner should be able to…

1. Identify different kind of notes, rests and its value.
2. Understanding Time Signature.
3. Define tempo based on given examples. Learning Experiences /
Time Teacher’s
Content 4. Demonstrate major scales and modes. Assessment /
5. Identify key signature based on given songs. References and Materials

6. Classify Harmony (triads)

7. Identify musical form based on given examples.
8. Review Western Music and the instruments.
9. Create a simple song composition based on given

FIRST QUARTER - August 19- October 4, 2019

- Note and Rest - Identifies the The Learner associate’s icons with Week 1
Value different notes and sound and silence within a rhythmic Introduction to the topic
_______ rest. Able to pattern Lay down expectations to the class
Week 1 - Time Signature memorize each Discussion of the lesson: Rhythm, Scales,
- Tempo value. Performs claps, taps, sing and play Activity 1: p. 3 note beaming
using a musical instrument in Activity 2: p.2 Rhythm motion.
- Maintains a steady response to sound with the correct Exercises: Clapping or Tapping of different rhythmic pattern.
beat in tapping or rhythm
clapping, singing - Solo References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book
and playing musical - In groups
instruments. Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, PPT,
White Board
- Maintains a steady Performs claps, taps, sing and play Week 2
_______ beat in tapping or using a musical instrument in Review of the past lesson
Week 2 clapping, singing response to sound with different Time Signature
and playing musical tempo. Tempo
instruments. Application: Activity 2 p 6 Rhythm in Motion
Complete measures with time
- Recognize each signature using notes and rest. References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book
time signature and
its use in music. Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, PPT,
- White Board

-Memorize formula on -The learner Construct a harmonic Week 3

_______ constructing the harmonic minor scale using the given formula. Review of First and Second-week topic
Week 3 minor scale. -Able to sing the natural minor scales Scales: Construction of Harmonic minor scales
- Listen on examples of the by groups Modes: Dorian
harmonic minor scale with a - Listen to a song using the Dorian Key Signature
different key. mode. Application – Construction of Harmonic minor scales
Listen to a song using Solfege minor scales
Aeolian mode
References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book
-Know the formula of the
Dorian scale and list to the Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, PPT,
given examples. White Board

- Identifies the different key -The learner identifies the use of key Week 4
_______ signature. signatures Review of harmonicl minor scales and modes
Week 4 - Understands the - associates triads to different given Key Signature, Triads, Harmonizing major scale,
construction of triads. songs. Musical Form.
- Perform in group or solo - point out kind of music form in a Activity: Play major triads in the keyboard
- Pitch is accurate given song. Sing the song “If I ain’t Got You” in groups
- Recognize a different kind Listening to songs with a different form.
of form.
References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book
Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, Board,
PPT, keyboard

- Identifies the difference of - The learner identifies different kind of Week 5

_______ each instrument. Contemporary music instruments Review of the past lesson
Week 5 - Demonstrates an - associate history and importance of Contemporary Music
understanding of the origin each instruments. Activity: Music listening of Contemporary music
of each instrument. Show a video of different kinds of Contemporary music instruments
References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book

Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, Board,

PPT, Ukulele and Perc instruments

-Make an own composition -The learner can perform his/her Week 6

-Identifies the different original composition. Review:
_______ formula to compose a song. -can confidently perform in solo or in Contemporary Music
Week 6 groups. Songwriting
Activity 5: p. 18, Song Composition
Review concepts with Ukulele and Perc instrument application

References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book

Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, Board,

PPT, Ukulele and Perc instruments

-Performs accurately -The learner can accurately perform Week 7

_______ concepts discussed for 5 concepts learned from the past weeks
Week 7 weeks -can confidently perform in solo or in 1st Quarter Examinations
References: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book; Rubrics

Materials Needed: PMC Music Theory Grade 10 Book, Board,

PPT, Ukulele and Perc instruments

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