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LEARNING ACTIVITY # 011-1st Semester

Stylistics and Discourse Analysis

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 Concept Notes Laboratory Report Portfolio
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Others:___________________

Activity Title : Style, Register and Dialect

Learning Target : Differentiate and learn the concept on style, register and dialect.
References (Author, Title, Pages) : A study of English stylistics: Theoretical Background of language and levels of
background-of- language-and-levels-of-language/ (accessed July 27, 2020).

Language Varieties - Language variety refers to the various forms of language triggered by social factors such
as: Social situation, Occupation, Age, Geography, Education, Gender, Social status, Ethnicity.

For example:
Language Varieties Cover: Standard language • Style • Dialects • Registers • Pidgins • Creoles

For social political reasons, a variety of language may be officially elevated as the national language, such a
language variety is called standard language. It is associated to prestige, education and public life.

Prestige: Prestigious speaker: Academic writing and learning Public life: • Science, Political, Religion • Used by
educated speaker

A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or by a specific social class is called a dialect. •
The study of dialect is called dialectology.

Dialects are categorized into 4 types: • Regional • Temporal dialects • Sociolects • Idiolects
Regional / geographical dialects includes varieties of a language spoken in a geographical area.

Varieties of a language used at particular stages in its historical development. For example: • We identify
Shakespeare's English as being different from our English.

Sociolects includes varieties of a language used by people belonging to particular social classes. For example:
• Christian, Muslims and Jewish in Baghdad speak different variety of Arabic

American English and British English: Varieties of a language used by individual speakers, with peculiarities
of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

Registers are varieties of language used in different situations, which are identified by the degrees of
formality. Formal register and Informal register It consist of three points: • Field of discourse: what is being
discussed Example: Security of educational institute • Mode of discourse: oral or written Oral and written •
Tenor of discourse.

Language style is defined as the choice of words used by a specific group of people when they speak. • An
example of language style is the words, jargon and abbreviations which are used by the doctor.

Activity 11. THINKING OUT. Answer the following questions/statements based on your understanding of the
lesson above. Be concise but coherent with your answers.

1. One of the social factors that affects language variety is gender. Cite a situation based on your personal
experience that shows the said concept. (5 points)
2. Historical development influences varieties of language. How did the colonization of Spain affect our native
tongue? Expound your answer by naming facts. (10 points)
3. The lesson mentioned the difference of American and British language when it comes to pronunciation. List
at least ten (10) words that are pronounced differently by these varieties of language. Show the difference of
its pronunciations by using the IPA forms. (20 points)


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