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Monday, January 25th

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Students will likely need support to set up our magnetism fishing game that
they’ll play later. Please ensure you are available to support them, or arrange a
time before-hand to prepare the materials.

Extra Resources and Materials Needed:

 A shoe box or other intact box of similar size
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:15 Language Arts: Writing: Writing Nominations
Yesterday we began brainstorming reasons why selected books might be
nominated for an award. Hopefully by now you have an idea of which
book you’d like to nominate. Let’s ask ourselves the question: what do
judges need to know about this nominee to understand why it deserves
an award? We need to make our case using details and evidence. It’s time
to start our nomination draft!
9:15-10:05 Independent Work Time
Students will begin to write their first draft of their nomination letter.
10:05-10:15 Share
Students will have the opportunity to share their writing.
10:15-10:30 Whole Group Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North

10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break

11:05-11:10 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
11:10-12:10 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would include the computer
recording yourself reading a book on RAZ Kids). just in case I
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words call.
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games (Teach
Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape, ABCYA, etc.)
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:35 Science: Magnetism Fishing! Set-Up

We are almost done our magnetism unit! To wrap up, we’re going to play
a fun game It’s called Magnetism Fishing. Materials needed from
home are a pencil, a magnet, and a box.

Set Up Instructions:
1) Colour (optional) and cut out each of the fish. Attach a paper clip
to each fish. Put the fish into your box.
2) Tie a magnet onto one end of the string and tie the other end of
your string to a pencil. *Trim the string based on the depth of your
box. This will act as your fishing rod.

Playing Instructions:
1) Put all your fish into your box.
2) Dip your fishing rod into your box to go “fishing.”
3) “Unhook” the fish you’ve caught.
4) Continue to go fishing until you can make a true addition or
subtraction statement with your fish!
5) Take a picture of your addition or subtraction statement, then
release your fish back into your box to keep fishing!
1:35-2:35 Science
Practice your fishing!
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Ishika
2:45-2:55: Holden
2:55-3:05: Domeiko
3:05-3:15: Linnèa
3:15-3:25: Alec
Work to be Submitted
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been
 A picture of the writing your child completed today.
 A picture of your child fishing/some of the addition and subtraction statements
they completed.

Tuesday, January 26th

Extra Resources and Materials Needed:
 A sewing needle
 Wax paper
 A bowl of water
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting

Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:15 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would the computer
include recording yourself reading a book on RAZ just in case I call.
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games
(Teach Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape,
ABCYA, etc.)
10:15-10:30 Whole Class Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North
We will continue to read about the adventures of Duane the polar bear

10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break

11:05-11:15 Math Mini-Lesson: Doubles!
Learning doubles is a great strategy for mental math because once we
know doubles, it makes it easier to do doubles plus one or doubles plus
two. Cut out the doubles flashcards (coloured paper) and practice your
doubles facts. You might want to do this by playing a game or just by
practicing flashcards. After some practice, take a break and complete
page 1 in your math booklet.
11:15-11:45 Math Independent Work Time
Students will practice with their doubles flashcards and complete page 1
in their math booklet. With remaining time, students are encouraged to
keep practicing with their flashcards.
11:45-11:55 Math Mini-Lesson: Doubles Plus One!
Now that we’ve practiced our doubles facts, we can try doubles plus one!
When we see 2+3, it’s like 2+2, with one more. We know that 2+2=4, so 2+3
must be 5. This trick works well for higher numbers like 7+8. If we know
that 7+7=14, we can easily figure out that 7+8=15.
11:55-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete pages 2 and 3 in their math booklet. With
remaining time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play
math games on the class website or Prodigy.
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break

1:20-1:30 Science: Magnetism True/False
We are done our unit on Magnetism!! We have two more activities to
complete. The first one is a true/false questionnaire about magnets and
magnetism that will review everything we’ve learned in our unit. Then,
once that is complete, you get to have some fun and make your own

Create Your Own Compass Instructions

To wrap up our unit on magnets, students will be creating their own
compass! For this experiment, you will need a sewing needle, a piece of
wax paper, a bowl of water, and a magnet.
Here is a how-to video:
Written Instructions:
1) Magnetize the needle by rubbing one pole of the magnet on it
about 50 times, lifting the magnet off the needle with each pass
by. Use the other side of the magnet to magnetize the other side
of the needle.
2) Using scissors, cut out a 2-3cm in diameter circle from the wax
3) Carefully thread the needle through the wax paper twice. It should
go through the wax paper, then come back out so only a small
part of the needle is under the wax paper .

4) Place the needle and wax paper on the surface of the water so it
floats. Notice what happens when you let go. This is the needle lining
up with the magnetic north pole of the earth!!
Note: you can sub out the wax paper for a cork if you do not have any
wax paper.
1:30-2:35 Science: Experiment Time:
Students must first complete the magnetism true/false questions, then
they can make their homemade compass.
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Andreas
2:45-2:55: Callen
2:55-3:05: Zachery

3:05-3:15: Saphera
3:15-3:25: Mara-Jade
Work to be Submitted
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been
 Math pages 1, 2, and 3.
 A picture of your magnetism true/false
 A picture of your homemade compass!

Wednesday, January 27th

8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading Mini-Lesson:
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:15 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would include the
recording yourself reading a book on RAZ Kids). computer
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words just in case I
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words call.
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games (Teach
Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape, ABCYA, etc.)
10:15-10:30 Whole Class Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North

10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break

11:05-11:20 Language Arts: Writing: Making Comparisons to Support our Opinions
Nomination writers often make comparisons to support their opinions.
When we’re writing about books, we can compare characters, kinds of
books, or series to explain why one is better than the other. We can
compare two books or series that are similar and can use juicy words to
explain our opinion. For example, we could say that one book is more
suspenseful, or more humorous, or has more unique characters, and
then give our explanation of why.
11:20-12:00 Independent Work Time
Students can use comparisons to strengthen their nomination letters.
12:00-12:10 Share
Students will have the opportunity to share their writing.
12:10-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:35 Social Studies: The Northern Lights
We will watch a video of the Northern Lights and talk a bit about them.

1:35-1:45 Social Studies: Explore Inuktitut: The Language of the Inuit

Remember the Frobisher Inn? It was one of the places we could stay in
Iqaluit! The Frobisher Inn has a neat website that can teach us a little
bit of Inuktitut. Check it out here:
What words will you learn?
1:45-2:05 Social Studies: Practice Inuktitut
Students will take some time to practice some Inuktitut words.
2:00-2:15 Social Studies – Game
We will practice our Inuktitut on each other—seeing if one another can
figure out what we are trying to say!
2:15-2:35 Social Studies: Inuktitut: The Written Language
Check out this cool website where you can try to write your name in
Keep in mind that their language has different sounds than English does,
so you might have to go with the closest sounds rather than making it
perfectly! Can you write your name in Inuktitut? What about your
parents’ names? Are their other words you could try to write?
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Olivia
2:45-2:55: Paulinda
2:55-3:05: Harper
3:05-3:15: Macey
3:15-3:25: Eloise
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 A picture of your name in Inuktitut!

Thursday, January 28th

8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:10 Language Arts: Writing: Writing Introductions and Conclusions
Remember in our information story writing we talked about
introductions and conclusions? We can also use introductions and
conclusions in our opinion writing! Our introduction is where we introduce
our topic and introduce our reader to some of the things we will be
talking about. This is where, in opinion writing, we have to really try to
catch our reader’s attention so they’ll keep reading the rest!! In our
conclusion, we remind our reader of our very best arguments and try to
leave a memorable mark so they will remember our opinion.
9:10-10:05 Independent Work Time
Students will work on adding introductions and conclusions to their
writing. They can also continue adding comparisons.
10:05-10:15 Share
Students will have the opportunity to share their writing.
10:15-10:30 Whole Group Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:15 Math Mini-Lesson: Doubles plus TWO!
How well did the doubles plus one strategy work for you? If you liked it,
you’ll probably like the doubles plus two strategy! If you didn’t like it,
that’s okay! Remember that our brains all work differently and
sometimes strategies click and sometimes they don’t. We will find a
strategy that works if you don’t have one already!
11:15-11:45 Math Independent Work Time
Students will work on pages 4 and 5 in their math booklet. With remaining
time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play math
games on the class website or Prodigy.
11:45-11:55 Math Mini-Lesson: Subtraction Review!
Remember subtraction? We’re going to practice our subtraction facts
again! There are lots of different subtraction strategies, too. We’ll learn
about a couple of them today!
11:55-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete pages 6 and 7 in their math booklet. With
remaining time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play
math games on the class website or Prodigy.
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:35 Social Studies: What is an Inuksuk?
We will take a look at what an inuksuk is and read a story together
from Epic.
1:35-2:35 Social Studies: Inuksuk Art
We will be making inuksuk art this afternoon! Please check out YouTube
and/or ClassDojo for a link to the art project instructions!
2:35-2:45, Miss Bourassa’s Office Hours
Feel free to connect with me if you have any questions or concerns! I will
be busy from about 2:45-3:15 but will respond as soon as I can once I am
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 Math pages 4-7
 A picture of your child’s inuksuk art (this will be assessed as both an art and a
social studies assignment)

Friday, January 29th

No School – Professional Learning Day for Staff

Please find some time this morning to pick up your
child’s package for next week.

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