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The Court Hotel i. 2 ii.18 iii.

I. 2

From: Daisy Hicks

To: Slembrouch BVBA <>
Subject: Order No.256
CC: Ryota Ishikawa <>

Dear Sir or Madam

We have received the goods that we ordered from you (Order

No.256), but unfotunately these goods are incorrect. We order
1000 bottles of orange juice for a weeding party in two week’s
time instead of 1000 bottles of shampoo.

Please can you deliver the juice that we order as soon as

possible and collect the shampoo at the same time.

Yours faithfully
Daisy Hicks
Purchasing Supervisor

II. 18

From: Daisy Hicks

To: ABC <>
Subject: orange juice

Dear Sir or Madam

We recently ordered some orange juice from Slembrouck, but

they sent us the wrong goods.

We need 1000 small bottles of orange juice as soon as possible.

Do you have these available? If so, please can you tell us yours
prices are.

Yours faithfully
Daisy Hicks
Purchasing Supervisor

III. 58

From: Daisy Hicks

To: ABC <>
Subject: orange juice

Dear Sir or Mardam

Please can you answer if you received my email.

Please sent me If you have 1000 small bottles of orange juice as

soon as possible.

Yours faithfully
Daisy Hicks
Purchasing Supervisor

From: Daisy Hicks

To: Slembrouch BVBA <>
Subject: Order No.256

Dear Sir or Madam

We have now found a new supplier for the orange juice. Please
cancel our order with you.

Please can you collect your shampoo that you delivered to us as

soon as posible. We are sorry to tell you that, because of the
problems we have had, we do not intend to do any further
business with you.

Yours faithfully
Daisy Hicks
Purchasing Supervisor

Date: February 1st

To: Slembrouck BVBA <>
From: Purchasing & Sales Supervisor
Subject: Ordered No. 260
Cc: ABC Ltd. ‘s Manager <>

Dear Sir or Madam,

Our manager has recently recieved his ordered No. 260 for 150 kilos
of tea and coffee powder but unfortunately you only sent us 75 kilos
of tea.

Please could you deliver for me the rest of the coffee and tea at once
as soon as possible.

Your faithfully

Bac Nguyen Trung

Purchasing & Sales Supervisor
ABC Ltd.

Date: February 11th

To: Court Hotel’s Manager <>
From: Purchasing & Sales Supervisor
Cc: ABC Ltd. ‘s Manager <>

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have recently heard from Mr Wilson at Western Trading Co. that

Court Hotel need a large quantity of orange juice at once but at the
same time our company also have a large supply of juice that we do
not need.
We would be very to supply for your hotel if you can tell me how
many bottles you need. Our price is €45 per 100 bottles.

Please reply me if you need anything else

Your faithfully
Bac Nguyen Trung
Purchasing & Sales Supervisor
ABC Ltd.

Date: February 1st

To: Slembrouck BVBA <>
From: Purchasing & Sales Supervisor
Subject: Canceling Ordered No. 260
Cc: ABC Ltd. ‘s Manager <>

Dear Sir or Madam,

We have heard that your company are not going to deliver the coffee
and the rest of the tea until the end of the month. Unfortunately, by
the time we heard that news we have to immediately find the new

We are afraid that we have to cancel our order with your company
and thank you for spending your time to cooperate with our

Your faithfully
Bac Nguyen Trung
Purchasing & Sales Supervisor
ABC Ltd.

I, 60
Date : 1 February
From: Sales Supervisor <>
To: ABC Ltd < >
Subject : Order No.260
Dear sir or madam
We recently sent part of the above order to you. Unfortunately,
we could only send half of the tea that you ordered.
We hope to send the rest to you by the end of the month.

Yours faithfully

S Ghislain
Sales Supervisor

II, 44
Date : 11 February
From: Sales Supervisor <>
To : Court Hotel <>
Subject : Order No 256
Dear Ms D Hicks

We are sorry that we made a mistake with the above order.

Instead of 1000 bottles of orange juice, we sent you 1000 bottles
of shampoo.
Our delivery vans will be in your area at the beginning of the
month. We will deliver the juice then and collect the shampoo at
the same time.
With apologies.

Yours sincerely

S Ghislain
Sales Supervisor

III, 36
Date : 14 February
From: Sales Supervisor <>
To : ABC ( Drinks Machines) Ltd < >
Subject : Order No 260

Dear Mr Jamson

We are sorry that we did not send you any coffee in the above
order. Our delivery vans will be in your area at the end of the
month, so we will deliver the coffee and the rest of the tea then.
Because of the problem we have caused, we can give you a
special discount price of £15 per kilo for the coffee.

Your sincerely

Sales Supervisor
S Ghislain

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