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1. Topic 1.

3 tackle and enumerates the importance of property survey, is there

anything missing from the list? If Yes, what is it and briefly explain your

I believe that all the importance of property survey has been tackled in the
Topic 1.3. Others have been included or identified in the categorized
importance or significance of having a Property Survey.

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years (relating to your future

profession/career)? Do you want to engage in private practice, serve the
government, work overseas or venture a business/work unassociated to your
undergraduate course? Briefly explain your answer.

I see myself 5 years from now working in a government facility to first gain
experience and acquire enough skills and practice for me to be ready to
follow my father’s surveying services.

3. What is your biggest takeaway from lesson 1 of this course? Share what's the
first thing that comes to your mind when talking about lecture 1. Briefly
explain your answer.

Long process awaits to the future Geodetic Engineer, with all the
qualifications, applications, but would be all worth it after getting that license.
This is a complex and complicated job that requires skills and expertise
practiced through years, for we are handling different surveys that would test
our critical thinking and understanding on solving different issues related to
our surveys.

4. In your own understanding, briefly define Property Survey

A Survey done to identify and confirm boundaries; done before buying a

certain property or lot to know the pros and cons on buying the property, like
if it is in a good place, location, etc.

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