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Those who completed the course are qualified to

receive an e-certificate from the Department of

The access link to the e-certificate will be sent to

the email address that you provided in the “About
You” section of the course.

To qualify to get a certificate, you must:

1. Ensure that you filled out the About You form found in Section 1.3

2. Participated in the major course activities. These are:

a. Comprehensively responding to the following Discussion Forums:

i. In Section 2.2 – WinS Stories
ii. In Section 3.2 – Wins Monitoring System

b. Completing activities of the following:

i. Section 3.4 – Situational Analysis
ii. Section 4.3 - Next Steps Action Plan
iii. Section 5.3 – Sustainability Strategies

All the required course outputs are marked as “This is a required course output for
certification” to alert you.

To facilitate the validation of your participation in these activities, please submit a

learning portfolio. To develop your learning portfolio, please take a
screenshot/photo of all your posting/outputs. Do this as soon as you have
completed the activity otherwise, you may find it difficult to look for your specific
entry/posting as it gets mixed along with the submission of others. All the
screenshots should be compiled in one (1) MS Word Document and properly

LEADING WinS – How to Get a Certificate

For example,

Section 2.2 Discussion Forum Post

(Insert Screenshot of your actual post in the Discussion Forum)

Section 3.2 Discussion Forum Post

(Insert Screenshot of your actual post in the Discussion Forum)

And so on…

3. Include a screenshot of your PRC ID.

4. In section 6 of the course, a link to a Google form will be provided. In this Google form,
you will send your MS Word Portfolio. Certificates will be released approximately 2
months after the course is completed. There will be no “rush” processing of certificates.

LEADING WinS – How to Get a Certificate

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