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School based assessment

Name of Candidate: Shemar Fisher

Name of School : Prospect College
Candidate Number:
Subject : English Language
Teacher : Mrs. U Brown Bailey
Year of Examination: 2021
Plan of Investigation……………………………………………Page1

Reflection Entry1 …………………………………………….Page2

Reflection Entry2 ……………………………………………. Page3-4

Reflection Entry3 ……………………………………………. Page5

Group Report ...………………………………………….. Page6-7

Plan for the Oral Presentation ……………………………. Page8

Participation Measure ………………………………………… Page9

Appendix ……………………………………………. Page10-


Bibliography ……………………………………………. Page16

The topic for my English SBA is “The effects of drug abuse on teenagers.” I
became interested in this topic because of how I see teenagers abusing drugs
and getting deeply addicted on a daily. I plan to investigate how drugs can
affect the health of a teenager.
As a student of English, I expect to improve on my writing and comprehension
skills, my analyzing and adopting in all the areas of English and to further
improve my knowledge on the negative and dangerous effects of drugs and to
widen my knowledge on why teenagers gravitate to and abuse them.
I’ve searched the internet for useful documents and have found a poem about
over dosing, articles on drug addiction in teens and a song from Amy winsome
about the abuse of drugs and how it may lead you to a recovery you don’t
want to go through. I will use the information found to accurately write my
reflections and written report to complete my SBA.


I have learnt that the article written by Joshua Azevedo. I was very
informative. I’ve understood that drug abuse doesn’t just affect the person
that’s using the drugs but also everyone around him/her. It also tells that teens
make up different scenarios in their heads to make it look like everyone is the
problem and not them. It affects that drugs have on teens if he/she doesn’t
seek/get help can be devastating.
I have come to realize that when I listen to the song “Rehab” by Amy
Winehouse it encourages people not to go to rehab or a recovery facility,
sadly. Amy herself had an alcohol addiction, which led to her death. Amy
Winehouse said in line 37.40 “ and it’s not just my pride. It’s till these tears are
dry. They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no “.Which clearly she
is saying rehab which is not the answer.
It has shown me that lastly, a picture downloaded from Google. It’s a
hand, a person reaching out to the drugs. Some teenagers are going through
this and all they want is someone to talk to, a friend or family to guide and help
them because it’s just one draw, one shot, one moment that’s all it takes for an
addiction to begin.

The first material which was a song by Amy Winehouse. The artist uses short
line sentences to keep listeners interested an wondering what she will say
next. The song was very specific about how people would want to force
medication an treatment on you thinking they know what’s best for you if you
suffer from an addiction. The artist constantly uses repetition of the same
words to put emphasis on what she’s saying and to show that she means it,
“They tried to make me go to Rehab. But I said no, no, no”. The artist also
started of by telling that they wanted her to go to rehab and rehab is also the
title of the song so then and there you can see she’s sending a message that
they wants to put her in a facility she’s uncomfortable with. The artist also said
further down that “I don't ever want to drink again
I just, ooh I just need a friend
I'm not gonna spend ten weeks
And have everyone think I'm on the mend” and that stanza is pointing towards
her overcoming her addiction and then admitting that she just needs someone
to talk to and be there for her. This song has a lot of feelings towards it like
depression because Amy said that “The man said "Why you think you here?"
I said "I got no idea"
"I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby"
"So I always keep a bottle near"
He said "I just think you're depressed"
"This me, yeah baby, and the rest" and these 6 short lines in that stanza
explains that she’s depressed because she’s going to loose her baby. This piece
use a formal language to speak to Amy’s listeners so they can understand what
she’s going through clearly.
The second material is a picture that was taken from the internet. The picture
shows of a woman holding out her hand to reach the drugs. It’s clearly showing
that she’s a addict towards drugs because of how she is laying almost lifeless
but still some how trying to get to the drugs on the bed right next to her. The
girl would seems at least 20+ who is determine to take the drug even to she
looks ill. The expression on her face is one that is bleek or it’s the face of
someone who’s tired of life. The picture shows her laying look lifeless as if ill,
depressed or stressed and can’t go on no more.

The third material was an article written by Joshua Azevedo by the name of
Drug Addiction in Teens & Youth, the author uses standard English to portray
and make what he’s writing about very clear and understandable. The topic of
the article was explored, explained and developed on. The author tells that
drug addiction can be trying/tempting for a teenager. The article even mention
that drugs can make you get in trouble with family members, friend and
relationships and then it will make them want to blame it on other people as if
it their fault and not their own and that explains how drugs can twist the mind
if the user. The article also tells that because of the substance makes them
behave when parents worry the teenagers always say and I quote “My parents
are freaking out”, “Everyone else I doing the same think”, “I can stop whenever
I want”. It also tells that they mix false assumptions about addiction and
placing the blame on parents and other adults. Thus, not seeing how it is
affecting their lives. This article also notifies that there are recovery facility for
teens in need and the programs allowed many teens to not cross the line of
addiction and that those who have stopped as found an happier and more
fulling lives without the long term addiction present.

The school based assignment has helped me to develop good working ethics
and it also helps me to become a critical thinker. The SBA has shows me how
to socialize better with different persons in a group when we both have
different mindset and aims. I have learnt to better myself and not fall into the
things of the world.
By doing this SBA my mind as open up on how to research better and more
précised. I have became able to think about topic an reason about it right
through and be direct an clear about my information.
The SBA as shown me how to cooperate with my fellow classmates without the
usual argument. I’m now able to do group assignments easier and now it is
better to socialize and talk to my group members so work can now be
completed properly and efficiently
Finally I’ve learnt how to avoid the dangerous temptations of this world today.
The SBA as shown me the dangers of drugs and why I should stay away from
them. The SBA as open my eyes to see that drug can be as dangerous as life
threatening, mind disrupting and bring sense of relief which long term illness
and disease follow.


 What genre will your oral presentation take? Poetry
 If poetry, drama or prose what kind? The poetry chosen that was
selected is the regular poetry because the writers always expresses
themselves deep but it’s always easy to understand and the feelings in
the poetry are always felt and relatable.
 What inspired you to choose this genre? I choose this topic to use in my
oral presentation because I want to let people know about drug abuse
and how it affects teens and to inform them how it is harmful an
dangers for everybody but mostly teens who are addicted.
 How did the material help your content? The materials helped in many
ways such as the picture I obtained with a play reaching out to the drugs
and the song I obtained informed you about someone who had an
alcohol addiction which people wanting to put her in rehab an it speaks
to the poem I wrote for my oral presentation because it talks of a person
struggling with a drug addiction.
 Which register will be use? And why? The register chosen is formal
because it felt more comfortable plus it is modern and easier the be
 What will the oral presentation be about? My oral presentation is
about how addictive drugs can be and how it temps you to always stay
and not to quit. It also shows how dangerous drugs can be on a whole
and when addicted. It also tells that with a strong you can stop doing
anything even when it takes your all you can still be resilient.

Participation Measure
Rating Criteria Preliminary Student’s record of Final Rating
Rating teacher’s 1-agree
1-agree comments/suggestion 0-uncertain
0-uncertain -1-disagree
0- -1-disagree

I know what I am
expected to do to work
well in a team.

It is easy to focus on
what is taking place in
my group.
In the group, I feel self-
confidence, self-esteem
and self-efficacy.
I know how to manage
how I behave in the
I always manage my
tasks on time and
Total: /5 Total: /5


Amy Winehouse
They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black but when I come back
You'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I'm fine
Just try to make me go to Rehab
But I won't go, go, go
I'd rather be at home with Ray
I ain't got seventy days
'Cause there's nothing
There's nothing you can teach me
That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway
I didn't get a lot in class
But I know it don't come in a shot glass
They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black but when I come back
You'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I'm fine
Just try to make me go to Rehab
But I won't go, go, go
The man said "Why you think you here?"
I said "I got no idea"
"I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby"
"So I always keep a bottle near"
He said "I just think you're depressed"
"This me, yeah baby, and the rest"
They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black but when I come back
You'll know, know, know
I don't ever want to drink again
I just, ooh I just need a friend
I'm not gonna spend ten weeks
And have everyone think I'm on the mend
And it's not just my pride
It's just 'til these tears have dried
They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black but when I come back
You'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I'm fine
Just try to make me go to Rehab
But I won't go, go, go!

Article on Drug Addiction and Youth
Drug Addiction in Teens & Youth | Phoenix, AZ Treatment

This article on drug addiction and teens was written by Joshua Azevedo and
published in Together AZ. Together AZ is a newspaper that features articles on
drug addiction and recovery based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The word “addiction” brings to mind different images for different people. It
can be difficult for someone suffering with an addiction or potential addiction
to identify with the term “addict.” And it can be especially trying for a young

Teens commonly associate addiction with movie images, or people they’ve

seen at the absolute lowest, worst point of their addiction. Many have ideas
about what an addict looks like: desperate, homeless, suicidal, criminal. With
these ideas in mind, it’s hard for them to understand how their drug or alcohol
use is a problem — after all, their consequences seem less extreme.

It’s true; the external effects of someone using at age 16 are often much less
severe or obvious. They might get in trouble at school, get grounded by their
parents, fight with their friends or lose relationships. And they’ll often write off
these consequences as other people’s problems, not seeing how their own
behavior is a direct result of their substance use. They often say things such as:
“My parents are freaking out. If they would just chill out, everything would be
fine,” “Everyone else is doing the same thing; I just got caught,” “I haven’t
been using for that long,” or “I can stop whenever I want.” Combine false
assumptions about addiction and placing blame on parents and other adults —
and they have a ready-made excuse to distract them from taking an honest
look at themselves and how their substance use is affecting their lives.
Just as teens do, parents have their own images of what someone with a drug
problem looks like, and it can be as extreme as the child’s view. These
preconceived notions help parents stay in denial of a potential problem. Plus,
they lead to false measurement tools. Parents think, “If my kid had a problem,
she’d be getting bad grades” or ”Clean-cut polite kids don’t use drugs.”
Parents can easily fall victim to the false belief that if their child is not behaving
in a way the parent associates with addiction, then there is not a problem.

With parents, kids and others sharing this stigma about addiction, many drug
problems slip through the cracks, and that allows for worst-case scenario
circumstances to develop when the warning signs might have been there years

What does this all add up to? Addiction or not, drug or alcohol abuse is worthy
of scrutiny by both the person using and his or her family. Worst-case
scenarios are often avoidable by looking past preconceived ideas of addiction
and looking honestly at the effects of substance abuse on the user’s life.

If you or a loved one has been abusing drugs or alcohol, there is no need to
wait until you are absolutely positive there is an addiction present to seek help
or to stop using. Addicts are not the only people who benefit when they quit
using drugs or drinking.

Recovery programs for young people offer the chance for teens to identify with
others who have similar experiences and stories. And thanks to these
programs, many young people who have not crossed the line into addiction
have stopped using and found happier, more fulfilling lives without
experiencing the severity of long-term addiction.


 Article: Azevedo Joshua “Drug Addiction in Teens &
Youth”. Azevedo’s publisher. Published date unknown.

Song: (Oct 22, 2017, Amy Winehouse ,(Rehab lyrics © Emi

Music Publishing Ltd), Source: Musixmatch

Picture: (
artist, unkown


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