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Mechanics for Tarpaulin poster making contest

The output should be printed in a canvass size of 24 inches by 36 inches, either portrait or landscape.

Any output should be original in design.

Each section shall only have one participant. Registration of participants will be done on July 21 – 23,

Each section should provide their own payment for tarpaulin printing.

Each participant shall only have one output.

The design should bear the number of the participant.

The participant may use any software at his/her convenience as long as it is available in our computer

Participants are only allowed one hour to draw their design.

Poster theme should be in line with the ICT Awareness Celebration.

Computer lab rules will be applied, (avoid indecent/improper behavior during the contest)

All outputs will be posted during the culmination day.

Judges decision are unappeallable and irrevocable.

Criteria for judging:

Originality 35% It must show the ability to be inventive and creative taking into account the freshness of
design or style

Relevance to the theme 35%. The poster design should effectively communicate with the theme.

Aesthetic appeal 30%. The poster design should captivate the judge’s appeal taking into consideration
the aesthetic principles of symmetry, focal point, pattern, perspective, dimensionality and proportion.

The design receiving the most points win.

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