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1. Calculate the ratio of effusion rates for nitrogen (N2) and neon (Ne).

2. Calculate the ratio of diffusion rates for carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide

3. What is the rate of effusion for a gas that has a molar mass twice that of a gas that
effuses at a rate of 3.6 mol/min?

4. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen gas in a mixture of hydrogen and helium if
the total pressure is 600 mm Hg and the partial pressure of helium is 439 mm Hg?
600 mmHg - 439 mmHg = 161 mmHg
5. Find the total pressure for a mixture that contains four gases with partial pressures of
5.00 kPa, 4.56 kPa, 3.02 kPa, and 1.20 kPa.
5.00 kPa + 4.56 kPa + 3.02 kPa + 1.20 kPa = 13.78 kPa
6. Find the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a gas mixture with a total pressure of
30.4 kPa if the partial pressures of the other two gases in the mixture are 16.5 kPa and
3.7 kPa.
30.4 kPa - 16.5 kPa - 3.7 kPa = 10.2 kPa
7. Air is a mixture of gases. By percentage, it is roughly 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent
oxygen, and 1 percent argon. (There are trace amounts of many other gases in air.) If
the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg, what are the partial pressures of nitrogen,
oxygen, and argon in the atmosphere?
760 mm Hg x 0.78 = N2 = 590 mm Hg;
760 mm Hg x 0.21 = O2 = 160 mm Hg;
760 mm Hg x 0.01 = Ar = 8 mm Hg
8. Use the kinetic theory to explain the behavior of gases.
Gas terdiri dari partikel kecil dalam gerak yang acak yang mengalami tumbukan elastis.
9. Describe how the mass of a gas particle affects its rate of effusion and diffusion.
Kecepatan efusi dan difusi menurun saat massa meningkat
10. Explain how gas pressure is measured.
Tekanan atmosfer diukur menggunakan barometer. Tekanan gas di dalam wadah tertutup
diukur menggunakan manometer.
11. Explain why the container of water must be inverted when a gas is collected by
displacement of water.
Jika wadah tidak dibalik, gas yang kurang rapat dari air akan meningkat melewati air dan
keluar dari wadah yang terbuka.
12. Calculate Suppose two gases in a container have a total pressure of 1.20 atm. What is
the pressure of gas B if the partial pressure of gas A is 0.75 atm?
1.20 atm - 0.75 atm = 0.45 atm
13. Infer whether or not temperature has any effect on the diffusion rate of a gas. Explain
your answer.
Jika temperature meningkat kecepatan partikel akan meningkat dan partikel akan terdifusi
lebih cepat
14. Explain what determines a substance’s state at a given temperature.
Gaya intermolecular antara partikel menentukan wujud dari zat. Dalam keadaan padat gaya
intermolecular sangat kuat dan mengikat partikel bersama. Dalam keadaan cair, gaya
intermolecular lebih lemah dan dalam keadaan gas, tidak lagi mengalami gaya
intermolecular. Intermolekul = antarmolekul
15. Compare and contrast intermolecular forces and describe intramolecular forces.
Gaya antarmolekul terjadi antara partikel. Gaya intramolekul mengikat partikel bersama.
16. Evaluate Which of the molecules listed below can form hydrogen bonds? For which of
the molecules would dispersion forces be the only intermolecular force? Give reasons
for your answers
a. H2
b. H2S
c. HCl
d. HF
a. H2 ikatan hidrogen
b. H2S merupakan molekul polar dengan atom yang berelektronegatifitas tinggi dan
berikatan dengan atom hydrogen yang nonpolar
c. HCl merupakan molekul polar dengan atom yang berelektronegatifitas tinggi dan
berikatan dengan atom hydrogen yang nonpolar
d. HF gaya dispersi, merupakan molekul polar dengan atom yang berelektronegatifitas
tinggi dan berikatan dengan atom hydrogen yang nonpolar
17. Intepret Data In a methane molecule (CH4), there are four single covalent bonds. In an
octane molecule (C8H18), there are 25 single covalent bonds. How does the number of
bonds affect the dispersion forces in samples of methane and octane? Which
compound is a gas at room temperature? Which is a liquid?
Lebih banyak ikatan berarti lebih banyak electron untuk membentuk dipol sementara, yang
berarti gaya dispersi yang lebih besar. Metana adalah gas, oktana adalah cair.
18. Contrast the arrangement of particles in solids and liquids.
Partikel lebih dekat dalam padatan dibanding cairan karena gaya tarik antarmolecul. Banyak
padatan yang mempunyai pengaturan/penyusunan partikel yang berulang sedangkan cairan
tidak memiliki hal yang sama
19. Describe the factors that affect viscosity.
Viskositas ditentukan oleh jenis gaya antarmolekul dalam cairan, ukuran dan bentuk
partikel, dan temperature.
20. Explain why soap and water are used to clean clothing instead of water alone.
Sabun dan deterjen menurunkan tegangan permukaan air dengan memecahkan ikatan
hydrogen yang mempu membuat kotoran yang dibawa air.
21. Describe the difference between a molecular solid and a covalent network solid
A molecular solid is formed from molecules held together by intermolecular forces that are
weaker than covalent bonds; covalent network solids are formed from molecules held
together by covalent bonds
22. Explain why most solids are denser than most liquids at the same temperature.
because usually at the same temperature, the molecules in solids are more closely packed
than liquids, thus it will be denser
23. why the surface of mercury in a thermometer is convex; that is, the surface is higher at the
The cohesion between mercury atoms is stronger than the adhesion between mercury and
24. Describe the information that a phase diagram supplies.
The combinations of temperature and pressure under which a given substance exists as a
solid, liquid, and/or gas
25. Explain the difference between the processes of melting and freezing.
Freezing occurs when a liquid becomes a solid and energy is released. Melting requires an
input of energy to convert a solid to a liquid
26. Explain what the triple point and the critical point on a phase diagram represents
Triple point: the temperature at which the three phases of a substance can coexist; critical
point: the pressure and temperature above which a substance cannot exist as a liquid
28. Thinking Critically Aerosol cans contain compressed gases that, when released, help propel
the contents out of the can. Why is it important to keep aerosol cans from overheating?
Because heat will cause the vapor pressure inside of the can to increase. When the vapor
pressure increases, the can will burst.
29. Complete the concept map using the following terms: covalent network solid, molecular
solid, metallic solid, ionic solid, solid.


30. What is an elastic collision?

one in which no kinetic energy is lost
31. How does the kinetic energy of particles vary as a function of temperature?
It is directly proportional to their temperature
32. Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain the compression and expansion of gases
Because of the space between gas particles, gases are easily compressed when pushed into a
smaller volume. When the pressure is removed, their random motion enables gases to
33. Compare diffusion and effusion. Explain the relationship between the rates of these processes
and the molar mass of a gas.
Both involve the movement of gas particles. Diffusion is the movement of one substance
through another; effusion is when a substance under pressure escapes through a tiny
opening. Effusion and diffusion rates are inversely related to molecular mass of a gas.
34. What happens to the density of gas particles in acylinder as the piston is raised? (13.1)

35. Baking at Different Elevations Explain why the baking instructions on a box of cake mix are
different for high and low elevations. Would you expect to have a longer or shorter
cooking time at a high elevation?
Because of the variation in air pressure with elevation; At high elevations, reduced air
pressure results in a lower boiling point for water and cooking time is longer.
36. Explain the difference between a temporary dipole and a permanent dipole.
A temporary dipole forms when one molecule is close to another molecule and the electrons
repel each other creating a greater electron density in one part of the molecule. Permanent
dipoles are found in polar molecules in which some regions of the molecule are always
partially positive and partially negative
37. Why are dispersion forces weaker than dipole-dipole forces?
Dispersion forces are between temporary dipoles. Dipole-dipole forces are between
permanent dipoles.
38. Explain why hydrogen bonds are stronger than most dipole-dipole forces
A hydrogen bond involves a large difference in electronegativity between the hydrogen
atom and the atom it is attached to (O, N, or F), making the bond extremely polar
39. Use relative differences in electronegativity to label the ends of the polar
molecules listed as partially positive or partially negative. Polar Molecules
40. Draw the structure of the dipole-dipole interaction between two molecules of carbon

See Figure 13.8. The drawing should show two CO molecules, with the C partially positive
and the O partially negative. The C of each molecule should be bonded to the O of the other

41. Decide which of the substances listed can form hydrogen bonds. (13.2)
a.H2O e.H2O2
b.HF f. NH3
c. NaF g.H2
d.NO h.CH4
All of the substances can form hydrogen bonds.

42. Hypothesize why long, nonpolar molecules would interact more strongly with one
another than spherical nonpolar molecules of similar composition. (13.2)
Because long molecules have greater surface areas, more intermolecular forces can exist

43. What is surface tension and what conditions must exist for it to occur? (13.3)
The energy needed to increase the surface area of a liquid by a given amount; strong
intermolecular forces exist between the liquid particles

44. Explain why the surface of water in a graduated cylinder is curved. (13.3)
Adhesion between water and glass is greater than cohesion between water molecules.

45. Which liquid is more viscous at room temperature, water or molasses? Explain. (13.3)
Molasses; stronger intermolecular forces keep molasses from flowing

46. Use these drawings to compare the cubic, monoclinic, and hexagonal crystal systems.
In the cubic crystal system, all of the sides are an equal length and the angles are all 90°. In
the monoclinic crystal system, a, b, and c are unequal in length α and γ are 90° angles, but β
is not. In the hexagonal crystal system, a and b are equal in length, but c is not. The anglesα
and γ are equal to 90°, but γ is equal to 120°.

47. What is the difference between a network solid and an ionic solid? (13.3)
Network solid is held together by covalent bonds; ionic solid by electrostatic attraction.

48. Explain why most metals bend when struck but most ionic solids shatter. (13.3)
The sea of electrons that holds metal ions together can easily move to accommodate outside
forces; in ionic solids a strong force can separate the solid along the plane bonding groups of
atoms together.

49. What is an amorphous solid? Under what conditions is such a solid likely to form?

50. List the types of crystalline solids that are usually good conductors of heat and
electricity. (13.3)
metallic solids; ionic solids when molten or dissolved in an aqueous solution

51. How does the strength of a liquid’s intermolecular forces affect its viscosity? (13.3)
Stronger intermolecular forces result in higher viscosity because the forces hold the particles
together too tightly for them to flow easily.

52. Explain why water has a higher surface tension than benzene, whose molecules are
nonpolar. (13.3)
Surface tension increases with strength of intermolecular forces. Water molecules are held
together by strong hydrogen bonds, resulting in higher surface tension; the weaker
dispersion forces between benzene molecules result in lower surface tension

53. How does sublimation differ from deposition? (13.4)

Sublimation occurs when a solid is converted to a gas; deposition occurs when a gas is
converted to a solid.

54. Compare boiling and evaporation. (13.4)

Evaporation: conversion of a liquid to a gas at the liquid’s surface; boiling: when vapor
pressure is equal to external atmospheric pressure; it occurs at and below the surface where
bubbles form.

55. Define melting point. (13.4)

the temperature at which the crystal lattice of a solid disintegrates and it becomes a liquid

56. Explain the relationships among vapor pressure, atmospheric pressure, and boiling
point. (13.4)
Boiling point is the temperature at which vapor pressure exerted by liquid molecules
escaping from the surface of a sample equals the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the

57. Explain why dew forms on cool mornings. (13.4)

When water vapor in the air comes in contact with a cool object such as a windshield, it
condenses on the object.

58. Label the solid, liquid, and gas phases, triple point, and critical point on the phase
diagram shown. (13.4)
59. Why does it take more energy to boil 10 g of liquid water than to melt an equivalent mass
of ice?
Mengapa untuk merebus 10 g air mengambil lebih banyak energi
daripada melelehkan es dengan massa setara? (13.4)
Melting does not require as much energy because the particles in a solid do not have to move far
apart or gain much movement to form a liquid. Gas particles are much further apart and move much
more rapidly than liquid particles.
Lelehan tidak memerlukan banyak energi karena partikel dalam padatan tidak perlu
bergerak jauh atau banyak bergerak untuk membentuk cairan. Partikel gas yang lebih jauh
terpisah dan bergerak jauh lebih cepat daripada partikel cair.
60. Why does a pile of snow slowly shrink even on days when the temperature never rises above the
freezing point of water?
Mengapa tumpukan salju perlahan akan menyusut setiap harinya pada saat suhu tidak
pernah naik di atas titik pembekuan air? (13.4)
Some of the snow sublimes.
Karena beberapa salju menyumblim
62. What is the molar mass of a gas that takes three times longer to effuse than helium?
Berapa massa molar gas yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil tiga kali untuk effuse dari

63. What is the ratio of effusion rates of krypton and neon at the same temperature and pressure?
Berapa rasio tingkat efusi dari kripton dan neon pada suhu dan tekanan yang sama?

64. Calculate the molar mass of a gas that diffuses three times faster than oxygen under similar
Hitunglah massa molar gas yang berdifusi tiga kali lebih cepat dari oksigen di bawah kondisi
yang sama.

65. What is the partial pressure of water vapor in an air sample when the total pressure is 1.00 atm,
the partial pressure of nitrogen is 0.79 atm, the partial pressure of oxygen is 0.20 atm, and the
partial pressure of all other gases in air is 0.0044 atm?
1.00 atm - 0.79 atm - 0.20 atm - 0.0044 atm = 0.01 atm
66. What is the total gas pressure in a sealed flask that contains oxygen at a partial pressure of
0.41 atm and water vapor at a partial pressure of 0.58 atm?
0.41 atm + 0.58 atm = 0.99 atm
67. Find the partial pressure of oxygen in a sealed vessel that has a total pressure of 2.6 atm and also
contains carbon dioxide at 1.3 atm and helium at 0.22 atm.
2,6 atm - 1,3 atm – 0,22 atm = 1,08 atm
68. What is the total pressure in atmospheres of a mixture of three gases with partial pressures of
12.0 kPa, 35.6 kPa, and 22.2 kPa?
12,0 kPa + 35,6 kPa + 22,2 kPa = 69,8 kPa
69. The pressure atop the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest, is usually about 33.6 kPa.
Convert the pressure to atmospheres. How does the pressure compare with the pressure at sea level?

70. The atmospheric pressure in Denver, Colorado, is usually about 84.0 kPa. What is this pressure
in atm and torr units?
84.0 kPa x (1 atm/101.325 kPa) = 0.829 atm
84.0 kPa x (760 torr/101.325 kPa) = 6.30 x 102 torr
84.0 kPa = 0.829 atm and 6.30 x 102 torr
71 At an ocean depth of 250 feet, the pressure is about 8.4 atm. Convert the pressure to mm Hg and
kPa units.
8.4 atm x (760 mmHg/1 atm) = 6400 mm Hg
8.4 atm x (101.325 kPa/1 atm) = 850 kPa
8.4 atm = 8.5 x 102 kPa and 6.4 x 103 mm Hg
72.Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain why both gases and liquids are fluids ?
Because the particles in gases and liquids are held together by fewer attractive forces than in solids,
allowing them to flow.
Karena partikel dalam gas dan cairan yang dimiliki bersama-samabergerak menarik lebih
sedikit daripada di padatan, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengalir
73. Use intermolecular forces to explain why oxygen is a gas at room temperature and water
is a liquid. Oxygen molecules are nonpolar and held together by dispersion forces, making them
easy to separate ?
Water molecules are held together by stronger hydrogen bonds, making them harder to separate.
As a result, water has a higher boiling point.
Molekul air yang bergerak secara bersama-sama mengakibatkan
ikatan hidrogen lebih kuat, sehingga membuat mereka lebih sulit untuk memisahkan.
Akibatnya, air memiliki titik didih yang lebih tinggi.
74Use the kinetic-molecular theory to explain why gases are easier to compress than liquids or
Because particles in gases are farther apart than particles in liquids or solids, there is more space for
the particles to be compressed.
Karena partikel gas yang jauh terpisah dari partikel dalam cairan atau padatan, ada lebih
banyak ruang untuk partikel yang akan dikompresi.
75.At 25ºC and a pressure of 760 mm Hg, the density of mercury is 13.5 g/mL; water at the same
temperature and pressure has a density of 1.00 g/mL. Explain this difference in terms of
intermolecular forces and the kinetic-molecular theory.
Metallic bonds holding mercury atoms together are stronger than hydrogen bonds holding water
molecules together, so the mercury atoms are more closely packed, resulting in greater mass per
unit volume.
Ikatan logam mengikat atom merkuri secara bersama-sama hingga ikatannya lebih kuat dari
ikatan hidrogen untuk menahan air molekul secara bersama-sama, sehingga atom merkuri
lebih dekat dan mampat, sehingga massa yang jauh lebih besar per satuan volume.
77. Interpret Graphs Examine Figure 12.35, which plots vapor pressure versus temperature
for water and ethanol.
a. What is the boiling point of water at 1 atm?
b. What is the boiling point of ethanol at
1 atm?
c. Estimate the temperature at which water will
boil when the atmospheric pressure is 0.80
78. Apply A solid being heated stays at a constant temperature until it is completely melted. What
happens to the heat energy put into the system during that time?
The energy is used to break the intermolecular forces holding the particles of the solid together.
Energi yang digunakan untuk memecah antarmolekul yang mengikat partikel padatan
79.Compare and Contrast An air compressor uses energy to squeeze air particles together. When the
air is released, it expands, allowing the energy to be used for purposes such as gently cleaning
surfaces without using a more abrasive liquid or solid. Hydraulic systems essentially work the same
way, but they involve compression of liquids rather than air. What do you think are some
advantages and disadvantages of these two types of technology?
Air compressors produce rapid outputs of a large amount of energy because gases can be greatly
compressed. Hydraulic systems involve liquid water, which cannot be compressed as much, and are
more useful for a slow, steady output of energy.
Air kompresor menghasilkan output yang cepat dari sejumlah besar energi yang besar
karena gas dapat sangat dikompresi. Sistem hidrolik melibatkan air , yang tidak dapat
dikompresi dalam jumlah yang banyak, dan dalam keadaan yang lebih lambat, keluarnya
stabil energi.
80. Hypothesizing What type of crystalline solid do you predict would best suit the following
a. a material that can be melted and reformed at a low temperature
b. a material that can be drawn into long, thin wires
c. a material that conducts electricity when molten
d. an extremely hard material that is non-conductive

Answer :
a. a material that can be melted and reformed at a low temperature
molecular solid
b. a material that can be drawn into long, thin wires
metallic solid
c. a material that conducts electricity when molten
ionic solid
d. an extremely hard material that is nonconductive
covalent network solid

81. Communicating Which process is responsible for your being able to smell perfume from an
open bottle that is located across the room from you, effusion or diffusion? Explain.

Answer :
diffusion; gas particles in the perfume are mixing with air particles

82. Inferring A laboratory demonstration involves pouring bromine vapors, which are a deep
red color, into a flask of air and then tightly sealing the top of the flask. The bromine is observed to
first sink to the bottom of the beaker. After several hours have passed, the red color is distributed
equally throughout the flask.
a. Is bromine gas more or less dense than air?
b. Would liquid bromine diffuse more or less quickly than gaseous bromine after you pour it into
another liquid?
Answer :

a. Is bromine gas more or less dense than air? more dense

b. Would liquid bromine diffuse more or less quickly than gaseous bromine after you pour it into
another liquid? less quickly

Writing in Chemistry

83. Propane gas is a commonly used heating fuel for gas grills and homes. It is not packaged as
a gas, however. It is liquefied and referred to as liquid propane or “LP gas.” What advantages are
there to storing and transporting propane as a liquid rather than a gas? Are there any disadvantages?
Answer :
A liquid requires a smaller container than a gas and the container can hold more fuel as a liquid
rather than a solid.

84. Find out what your birthstone is if you don’t already know, and write a brief report about the
chemistry of that gem. Find out its chemical composition, which category its unit cell is in, how
hard and durable it is, and its approximate cost at the present time.
Answer :
Check student reports for accuracy.

85. What would happen to life on Earth if ice were denser than liquid water? Would life be
possible? Write an essay on this topic.
Answer :

Cumulative Review
86. Identify the following as an element, compound, homogeneous mixture, or heterogeneous
mixture. (Chapter 3)
a. air e. ammonia
b. blood f. mustard
c. antimony g. water
d. brass h. tin

Answer :
a. air homogeneous mixture d. ammonia : compound
b. blood heterogeneous mixture e. mustard heterogeneous mixture
c. antimony element f. water compound

87. Use the periodic table to separate these ten elements into five pairs of elements having similar
properties. (Chapter 7)
S, Ne, Li, O, Mg, Ag, Sr, Kr, Cu, Na
Answer :
88. You are given two clear, colorless aqueous solutions. You are told that one solution contains an
ionic compound and one contains a covalent compound. How could you determine which is an
ionic solution and which is a covalent solution? (Chapter 9)
Answer :
They could be tested for conductivity. The ionic compound in solution should conduct electricity;
the covalent compound should not.

89. Determine the number of atoms in 56.1 g Al. (Chapter 11)

Answer :


1. Water has an extremely high boiling point compared to other compounds of similar molar mass
because of
a. hydrogen bonding.
b. adhesive forces.
c. covalent bonding.
d. dispersion forces.
Answer :

2. What is the ratio of effusion rates for nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4)?
a. 0.326 c. 1.751
b. 0.571 d. 3.066
Answer : C

3. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the kinetic-molecular theory?

a. Collisions between gas particles are elastic.
b. All the gas particles in a sample have the same velocity.
c. A gas particle is not significantly attracted or repelled by other gas particles.
d. All gases at a given temperature have the same average kinetic energy.
Answer : B

4. Which of the following statements does NOT describe what happens as a liquid boils?
a. The temperature of the system rises.
b. Energy is absorbed by the system.
c. The vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to atmospheric pressure.
d. The liquid is entering the gas phase.
Answer :

5. The solid phase of a compound has a definite shape and volume because its particles
a. are not in constant motion.
b. are always packed more tightly than particles in the compound’s liquid phase.
c. can only vibrate around fixed points.
d. are held together by strong intramolecular forces
Answer : C

6. A sealed flask contains neon, argon, and krypton gas. If the total pressure in the flask is 3.782
atm, the partial pressure of Ne is 0.435 atm, and the partial pressure of Kr is 1.613 atm, what is the
partial pressure of Ar?
a. 2.048 torr c. 1556 torr
b. 1.734 torr d. 1318 torr
Answer : B
3.782 _ 0.435 _ 1.613 atm _ 1.734 atm

7. Which of the following does not affect the viscosity of a liquid?

a. intermolecular attractive forces
b. size and shape of molecules
c. temperature of the liquid
d. capillary action
Answer : D
8. Diamond is most likely to form at : d.Temperature < 4500 K and pressures < 10 Gpa
9. Find the point on the graph at which carbon exists in three phase. Solid graphite, solid diamond,
and liqid carbon. What are the temperature and pressure at that point ? a. 4700K and 15Gpa
10. In what form or firms does carbon exist at 6000K and 75 Gpa? B. Liquid diamond only

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