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RSL Standardisation: Assessment and Commentary

Unit Number & Title MUSPRA 306 Composing Music (Solo)

Assessment Decisions Grade Commentary

1.1 The learner has provided a comprehensive Distinction This shows an excellent
rationale for the project with clearly understanding of the task and the
defined aims and objectives. learner provides clear and insightful
aims and objectives. It’s evident
that they have fully engaged with
the unit so that the project has a
life of its own aside from

1.2 The learner has created a coherent and Distinction This is a highly polished collection
accomplished body of work that shows a of music and allays any fears that
high level of thought and creativity. the learner was planning repertoire
that fell awkwardly short of 25mins
as the written work shows that a
further 3 pieces were written and
discarded. Instead, this provides
strong evidence for 1.2 c.
1.3 The learner has provided a rigorous Distinction This piece of work sits more at the
evaluation of strengths and areas for borderline than the other two but
development demonstrating insight and is still a strong piece of work and a
appropriate target setting. merit would make no difference to
the overall grade. With this in mind
I am happy to give the learner the
benefit of the doubt.
The evaluation is well written and
indicative of insightful reflection
with targets set. A stronger
distinction would offer clearer
strategies for improvement and
perhaps evidence a more specific
consideration. For example and to
paraphrase; ‘I don’t yet have a full
understanding of Logic, to remedy
this I will research Logic’. Clear and
specific detail with these types of
points would help secure the

Overall Grade Distinction

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