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Northwestern Agusan Colleges

Bayview Hill, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte

Science 9
1st Periodical Exam

Name: _________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade & Section: _________________________ Date: __________________
The Oxygen Treasure Map: Write the path of oxygen from outside of the body to the blood stream. Place the
given list of words below inside the box .
Larynx ,Trachea , Alveoli, Nasal Cavity , Capillary, Pharynx , Bronchi, Bronchioles.

Outside the body

1 2 3

. 6 5 4

7 8 Blood stream

Choose the correct word and write it on the space provided.

1. When you inhale
a. the ribs move ________________ ( inward OR outward )
b. the diaphragm moves _____________ ( upward OR downward )
c. there is now _______________ ( more OR less ) space in the chest area
d. air rushes ________________ ( in OR out ) to fill the space
2. when you exhale
a. the ribs move _______________ ( inward OR outward )
b. the diaphragm moves _____________ ( upward OR downward )
c. there is now ________________ ( more OR less ) space in the chest area
d. because of this pressure air moves ______________ ( in OR out ) of the lungs

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is another name for the flu?
A. Pneumonia B. Asthma C. Influenza D. Tuberculosis
2. How virus infection can be spread directly?
A. Taking a bath regularly B. Sneezing, coughing and talking
C. Washing of hands thoroughly D. Taking vitamins and minerals
3. Which one of these is NOT a disease in circulatory system?
A. Stroke B. Asthma C. Hypertension D. Heart Attack
4. Which of the following is called the silent killer because it typically has no symptoms?
A. Stroke B. Atherosclerosis C. Heart Attack D. Hypertension
5. Which of the following is the best form of physical exercise?
A. Playing computer games B. Playing chess C. Jogging D. Watching
6. Which of the following defines stress?
A. Just a normal part of human life. B. Body’s reaction to controllable situation.
C. Situation that is not harmful. D. It is a body’s reaction to physical or emotional tension.
7. Which of the following will benefit our body in eating a balanced diet?
A. It improves body’s health and reduces diseases. B. It can lead to depression.
C. We are feeling empty and stress. D. Our body will become malnourished.
8. What are some things you can do to help support your lungs health?
A. Smoking regularly B. Drink alcohol excessively
C. Regular exercise and balanced diet D. Stress all the time
9. Which of the following best describe what a personal hygiene is?
A. Having a shower but wearing the same clothes B. Washing your hands
C. Using soap to clean yourself D. Both B and C

10. How can you make good choices and stay healthy?
A. Consult health professionals when you are not feeling well. C. Buy over the counter medications.
B. Use internet to diagnose and treat yourself. D. Listen to anybody that gives you advices.
11. Which of the following theories does NOT explain the chromosomal basis of inheritance?
A. Genes are located in the chromosomes.
B. Chromosomes and their related genes undergo segregation during meiosis
C. Mendel’s laws of inheritance do not relate to the behavior of chromosomes in meiosis
D. Chromosomes and their related genes undergo independent assortment in the formation of gametes.
12. Which structure in a cell are chromosomes be found?
A. cell membrane B. mitochondria C. nucleus D. centromere
13. A child’s body cells each contain 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes did the child inherit from his
A.46 chromosomes B.23 chromosomes C. 23 pairs D. 13 pairs
14. Which of the following laws violates the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
A. Law of dominance C. Law of independent assortment
B. Law of segregation D. None of these
15. Describe the centromere of a chromosome
A. The part of the cell where the chromosome is located
B. The longest arm of the chromosome
C. The part of the DNA where the genes are found.
D. The point in the chromosome that joins together the two chromatids.
16. Which of the following is considered the basic unit of heredity?
A. Trait B. Chromosome C. Enzyme D. Gene
17. DNA can sometimes be found in tightly compacted structures called _______in the nucleus of a cell.
A. chromosomes B. nucleotides C. genes D. nitrogenous bases
18. What is the complementary strand for A C G T T?
A.C- A- T- G- G B. T-G- C- A- A C. G- T- C- A- A D. T-
G- A- C- C
19. The location of a particular gene on a chromosome is called the ______.
A.“p” arm B. “q” arm C. genetic locus D.DNA
20. Which sentence is false?
A. Humans have 23 pairs of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
B. Alleles are different forms or versions of the same gene.
C. A chromosome contains hundreds to thousands of genes.
D. Each gene has a special role in determining physical traits.
21. Biodiversity is a short term for ____________.
a. biological diversity b. biological diversified c. biological diverse d. bio diversified
22. Environments always have both living and _________.
a. non-living factors b. nutrients c. biogeochemical cycles d. ecosystem
23. The ocean is the __________ ecosystem in the world.
a. shortest b. smallest c. largest d. longest
24. Abiotic factors are non-living things which determine the survival of an organism. Which of the following
items is an abiotic factor?
a. habitat b. food c. temperature d. organism
25. Biodiversity can affect the ________ of ecosystems and the _________ of populations.
a. sustainability ; stability b. life ; existence c. stability ; sustainability d. existence;
26. The environmental conditions that keep a population from increasing in size and help balance ecosystems is
called ________.
a. limiting factor b. biotic factor c. abiotic factor d. environmental factor
27. Biodiversity and the survival of ecosystems have a direct proportional relationship. This means that if
biodiversity will increase, the chances of survival will also _______.
a. decrease b. increase c. increase then decrease d. cannot be determined
28. Trees in the forest compete for limited resources like space, sunlight and soil nutrients. Some small plants like
grasses and shrubs can’t grow well therefore, population decreases. Which limiting factor greatly affects the
population of grasses and shrubs in the forest ecosystem?
a. space b. sunlight c. soil nutrients d. altitude
29. The main source/s of oceanic pollution is/are
a. plastics, volcanic ashes, nitric oxide c. oil, ozone, methane
b. detergent, nitric oxide, oil d. petroleum, oil, detergent
30. Where do all water pollutants eventually end up?
a. streams b. rivers c. oceans d. lakes
Prepared by: Approved by:
Science Teacher High School Principal

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