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Silleza, Angelica Jayne V.

BSN 1-1
Health Assessment
Diagnostic Test

Urine Analysis or urinalysis is a simple test that looks at a small sample of your urine.  It can
help find problems that need treatment, including infections or kidney problems.  It can also
help find serious diseases in the early stages, like kidney disease, diabetes, or liver disease.  A
urinalysis is also called a “urine test.”
A urine test can include three parts:

 Visual exam.  The urine will be looked at for color and clearness. 
For the test result above, the color results as orange and the transparency is slightly turbid. The
normal color for urine is typically yellow-amber, but varies according to recent diet and the
concentration of the urine. Orange urine can be a symptom of eating carotenoids (foods and
supplements containing beta-carotene), infection, dehydration, certain medications, injury, or
disease. For the transparency, turbidity of the urine sample is gauged subjectively and reported
as clear, slightly cloudy, cloudy, opaque or flocculent. Normally, fresh urine is either clear or
very slightly cloudy. Excess turbidity results from the presence of suspended particles in the
urine. Common causes of abnormal turbidity include: increased cells, urinary tract infections or

 Microscopic exam.  A small amount of urine will be looked at under a microscope to

check for things that do not belong in normal urine that cannot be seen with the naked
eye, including red blood cells, white blood cells (or pus cells), bacteria (germs), or
crystals (which are formed from chemicals in the urine and may eventually get bigger
and become kidney stones).
For the result above, PUS cells resulted as plenty which implies Pyuria (a condition that occurs
when excess white blood cells) causes cloudy urine and frequently indicates the presence of
a urinary tract infection (UTI). The normal value for PUS cells <2-5 WBCs/hpf (high power field).
For the RBC, A normal result is 4 RBCs/Hpf or less when the sample is examined under a
microscope. For the test results above, it is at the range of normal.
For Bacteria, the result were moderate and the normal should have a few or an absence of
bacteria.  A small number of bacteria may be found in the urine of many healthy people. This is
usually considered to be harmless. The presence of the bacteria in moderate way indicates a
likely urinary tract infection.
For Crystals or Amorphous Urates, the result was few. This indicates that this is normal and
They can be found in normal urine when caused by a protein-rich diet, which increases uric acid
in the urine. 

 Dipstick test.  A dipstick is a thin, plastic stick with strips of chemicals on it.  It is dipped
into the urine.  The strips change color if a substance is present at a level that is above
normal. a dipstick examination can check for include:
Acidity (pH) the normal pH value for urine is 4.5-8 (Acidic) and from the results above, the
acidity of urine is 6.0 pH and indicates that it is within the range of normal. And if the urine has
above normal pH value, it means that it is more alkaline, it might signal a medical condition
such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections (UTIs) kidney-related disorders.
Protein is an important building block in the body. Everyone has protein in their blood.  But it
should only be in your blood, not your urine. From the results above, there’s a trace of proteins
in the urine and the normal should be <150mg/d. It is within the range of normal. Abnormally
High Level of Protein in the Urine Could Indicate Kidney Disease
Glucose (sugar), from the test results, it is negative and that is normal. The presence of
glucose in urine is usually a sign of diabetes.
Specific gravity, the normal range for specific gravity should be 1.005 -1.025 and the results
above is within normal. Increases in specific gravity may be associated with dehydration,
diarrhea, emesis, excessive sweating, urinary tract/bladder infection, glucosuria, renal artery
stenosis, hepatorenal syndrome, decreased blood flow to the kidney.
Epithelial cells, the normal value for epithelial cells in urine should be 1-5 squamous epithelial
cells/Hpf. Having a moderate number or many cells may indicate: a yeast or urinary tract
infection (UTI) kidney or liver disease.
Mucus threads, a small amount of mucus in your urine is normal. An excess amount may
indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other medical condition.
Fine Granular Cast, the normal value of cast should be 0-5 hyaline cast/lpf. The results above
resulted as 0-1/lpf which is within the normal range. Granular casts that are above normal
maybe a sign of underlying kidney disease.

Based on the laboratory results that my physician requested, she interpret that I am diagnosed
with Urinary Tract Infection. She gave me some antibiotics and medicines to alleviate the said
infection. She also requested for another urine test after I take the medications and complete
the session, and after that the results are now normal.

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