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1. How do you define values?

Values are the set of moral conducts that a person acquired throughout his life.. These set of
values define us as a person because they establish the foundation of our character. Since we have to live
with our own self, our values are essential for us to survive. Sometimes, our values may change over time
due to the challenges and problems that the person may encounter.

2. Write at least 10 values that you possess and rank them according to what you think is
important to you.
 Strong Sense of Responsibility
 Optimistic Attitude
 Humorous
 Humble
 Street-wise
 Compassionate to others
 Open-minded
 Eloquent Communicator
 Patriotic
 Motivator
3. Do you agree that using “po” and “opo” and kissing the hands of our parents are signs of
respect and therefore should be preserved? Why? Explain briefly but concisely.
I absolutely agree that the culture of saying po and opo and kissing the hands of the
parents should still be observed because it is our branding as a filipino to be respectful to the
elderly especially to our parents who raised us and mold us. We have these saying in filipino
”Papunta ka palang, Pauwi na ako” which implicates us the how great individual they are due to obstacles
they have already encountered during the fruitful years of their life. So, we must, fully respect them as
they may guide as throughout our journey.
4. Do you believe in the saying that “kung ano ang puno ay siya ang bunga?” Explain.
Yes, I do believe in the saying : Kung ano ang Puno ay siya ang bunga” because it simply states
the cause-and-effect of the actions that we’re taking in our daily life. It is how life works, so as an
individual, we must think carefully of what we may do and what we say because there are always a
corresponding effect on each and every actions, may it be positive or negative. Being wise is necessary in
order not to hurt people that we have encounter. Every things, may it be big or small, should be always be
taken care of.
5. Explain “Values are caught and not taught.”
This statement “Values are caught and not taught” simply tells us how values are caught
by doing what's right, and doing your best to help others. People can teach you values but no one can
force you to have them. Everyone has the choice to live with values or not, thus, the way you act towards
others shows what Values you have.

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