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Investigation The Finite Volume Method Of 2D Heat Conduction Through A

Composite Wall By Using The 1D Analytical Solution

Article · May 2018

DOI: 10.37376/1570-000-031-008


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1 author:

Abdulhamid Saad
Tobruk University


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University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

Investigation the finite volume method of 2D heat conduction through a

composite wall by using the 1D analytical solution

Abdulhamid EL Edris Saad

) Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tubruk(

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

Investigation the finite volume method of 2D heat conduction through a

composite wall by using the 1D analytical solution

The two dimensional steady state heat conduction problems with complex boundary
conditions in composite wall don’t have an analytical solution. In this paper the finite volume
method is used to solve such problem with second order accuracy. The focus in this paper is
very simple technique is developed for how the solution can be validated without using an
expensive fluent or ANSYS software. That can be done by controlling the boundary
conditions of the 2D heat flow through the wall to be 1D problem. Insulating the upper and
the lower boundary of the wall to regulate the contour lines of the heat flow to become one
direction, so that the wall will work as 1D problem in that case which already has it's an
analytical solution. After that, the boundary condition of the finite volume code can be
change from insulating the boundary to any other boundary conditions. The behavior of the
temperature contours of the heat flow was the same in the comparison between finite volume
and the one dimensional solution which indicates that the finite volume method and its
second order scheme can be considered as a good solution of 2D heat conduction problem.

Keywords: heat, conduction, temperature, finite volume method, accuracy

‫ يف‬.)‫ ال حيتوي حل حتليلي (رياضي‬،‫حل مسائل انتقال احلرارة بالتوصيل عرب جادر ثنائي البعد مع شروط حدية للجدار معقدة‬
‫ مت الرتكيز يف هذه الورقة على طريقة تأكيد احلل العددي ملثل‬.‫هذا العمل طريقة احلجوم احملدودة تُستخدم حلل مثل هذه املسائل‬
‫هذه املسائل واملقصود هنا من احلل هو توزيع درجات احلرارة يف بعدين داخل اجلدار املركب من عدة معادن او طبقات قد‬
‫ ففي بعض االحباث يتم املقارنة للتأكيد على احلل باستخدام الربجميات الغالية الثمن مثل آنسيس‬.‫تُستخدم لتطبيق هندسي معني‬
‫ حيث يتم التحكم‬.‫ فاإلضافة هنا هو طريقة املقارنة الرخيصة وهي مقارنة املسألة ثنائية البعد بـ املسألة احادية البعد‬.‫وفلوينت‬
‫بالشروط احلدودية بأنه مت عزل اجلدار من االعلى واالسفل كشرط حدي والذي يعرب عنه رياضيا بأن املشتقة االوىل لتغري درجة‬
‫ هبذا العزل فأن النتائج اليت مت التحصيل عليها هي‬.‫ وكذلك بالنسبة للجزء السفلي من اجلدار‬،‫احلرارة مع املسافة الرأسية هو صفر‬
‫ ومت هذا بأن السريان‬.‫نفسها نتائج انتقال احلرارة احادي البعد الذي حيتوي اصال على حل حتليلي رياضه ميكن مقارنة احلل معه‬
‫ بعدها ميكن تغيري‬.‫ وبالتايل مت التمكن من املقارنة بسهولة‬.‫للتدفق احلراري أصبح احادي البعد مع ان املسالة هي ثنائية البعد‬
‫ فقط يتم‬.‫ الن برنامج املاتالب للطريقة مت اختباره‬،‫الشروط احلدية للجدار املركب حسب املطلوب بدون أي اختبار اخر للحل‬
.‫تغيري الشروط اجلديدة للمسألة ثنائية البعد كمدخالت يف الربنامج بدون التغيري اجلوهري فيه‬
.‫ دقة‬،‫ طريقة الفروق احملدودة‬،‫ درجة حرارة‬،‫ توصيل‬،‫ حرارة‬:‫مفتاح الكلمات‬

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

1. Introduction

Heat conduction processes occur everywhere. The heat conduction behavior inside
conducting structural materials is important in many industrial applications, such as in heat
treatment process of metals where the temperature is a crucial factor for obtaining desired
microstructures. Often the conduction analysis is focused on finding the physical region
which is affected by conduction to from the boundary surface. This heat affected region
within the conducting body is dependent on many factors. Surface thermal boundary
condition is one of them (Xiaojun Terry Yan, 2002).

In many practical situations the geometry or boundary conditions are such that an analytical
solution has not been obtained at all, or if the solution has been developed, it involved a
complex series solution. For such situations the most fruitful approach to the problem is that
one based on finite-volume techniques (J.P.Holman, 1986).

The finite volume element method has the simplicity of finite difference method and the
accuracy of finite element method (Ling Zhu, Qian Zhang, Hong Sun, Zhiyue Zhang, 2015),
and it has been adopted to solve the energy equation (K. Lari and S. A. Gandjalikhan Nassab,

Nowadays programs like ANSYS, which costs use to be quite expensive, provide the students
of a quick and accurate sort of solving this kind of problems , without taking care of formulas
or previous steps in which calculations are required , however, in the work done below helps
to develop both preparation and solution of the problems (Luis Blanch, 2011).

This paper shows the steps of how to use the finite volume method to solve two dimensional
steady state heat conduction equations and how to deal with the boundary conditions such as
specified given temperature, and then the results are tested with the one dimensional
analytical solution.

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

2. The method

2.1 Finite Volume Method of 2D steady state heat conduction problem

This method is used to convert the partial differential equation to a system of algebraic
equation that can be solved iteratively by the tri-diagonal method of linear algebra.

2.1.1 Grid generation

The first step in the finite volume method is to divide the domain of the wall into discrete
control volumes. Each node is surrounded by a control volume or cell. The nodes to the west,
east, north, south are identified by W , E , N , and S respectively. Also, the side faces of the
control volume is referred to by ‘w’ , ‘e’ , ‘n’ , ‘ s’ . The distances between the nodes W and P ,
and between nodes P and E , are identified by  XPW and  XPE respectively (H K Versteeg
& Malalasekera, 1995).

 T  T
(k )  (k )S 0 (2.1)
x x y y

A portion of the two-dimensional grid used for the discretization is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. 2D grid (mesh)

2.1.2 Discretization

When the above equation is formally integrated over the control volume we obtain:

 T  T
yn xe y xn e y xn e

y x x x
( k ) dx.dy  y x y y
( k ) dx.dy  y x S dx.dy  0 (2.2)
s w s w s w

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

So, noting that

Ae  Aw  y And

An  As  x , we obtain

 T  T T 
yn xe n y

y x x x  y (k x ) e  (k x ) w dy
The 1 term: ( k ) dx.dy (2.3)
s w s

Assuming that (k ) Dose´s vary in y-direction over the east and west faces of the
control volume. As before this equation represents the balance of the generation of T ,
in a control volume and the fluxes through its cell face:

yn xe
 T
 T T   Te  TP TP  TW 
y x x (k x )dx.dy  y (k x ) e  (k x ) w dy  k e ( xe )  k w ( xW )dy (2.4)
s w s

xe y n
 T  Tn  TP T  Ts 
  y (k y )dy.dx  k )  kw ( P
The 2 term : ( ) dx (2.5)
y n y s 
xw y s

yn xe
The 3 term :   s dx.dy  s.dx.dy
ys xw

y.k e y.k e y.k w y.k w x.k n x.k n x.k s

TE  TP  TP  TW  TN  TP  TP
dxe dxe dx w dx w dy n dy n dy s
x.k s
 TS  ( S c  S P TP )x.y  0
dy s (2.6)

This can be re-arranged as:

k e y k w y k n x k s x
(     S P )TP
dxe dx w dy n dy s

k e y k y k x k x
( )TE  ( w )TW  ( n )TN  ( s )TS  S c
dxe dx w dy n dy s

a PTP  aeTE  awTW  anTN  asTS  S C


University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

a P  ae  a w  a n  a s  S p

k e dy k dy k dx k dx
ae  , aw  w , an  n , as  s (2.9)
dxe dx w dy n dy s

Discretized equation obtained in this manner, represents the conservation principle for the
finite control volume (Asish Mitra, 2013).

At the boundaries where the temperatures is known the discretized equations are modified to
incorporate boundary conditions in the manner demonstrated.

The boundary side coefficient is set to zero (cutting the link with the boundary) and the flux
crossing the boundary is introduced as a source which is appended to any existing S u and S P

2.1.3 Solution of algebraic equation (TDMA method)

TDMA is in fact a direct method, but can be applied iteratively in a line by line

fashion, to solve multidimensional problems and is widely used in CFD programs

(Mohammed Hasnat, 2015) .

Consider a system of equations that has a tri-diagonal matrix algorithm form:

φ1  C1 (2.10)

 a 2 φ 1  a P 2 φ 2  aW 2 φ 3  C 2 (2.11)

 aW 3 φ 2  a P3 φ 3  a E 3 φ 4  C3 (2.12)

 aW 4 φ 3  a P 4 φ 3  a E 3 φ 4  C4 (2.13)

 aWn φ n1  a Pn φ n1  a En φ n1  Cn (2.14)

φn1  C n1 (2.15)

It is assumed that φ1,φ n1 are known boundary values, by rearrange the equation (2.12):

aW 2 C
aW 3 ( 1  2 )  C3
aE3 aP2 aP2
3  4 
aE 2 a
a P 3  aW 3 a P 3  aW 3 E 2
aP2 aP2 (2.16)

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
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φ 3  A3 φ 4  C ' 3

So, the procedure can be repeated up to the last equation of the set. So, this constitutes the
formed elimination process.

For the back substitution:

 j  Aj  j 1  C ' j (2.17)

aWj 1 C j 1
aWj ( φ j 2  )Cj
a Ej a Pj 1 a Pj 1
Aj  , C' j 
a Ej 1 a Ej 1
a Pj  aWj a P j  aWj
a Pj 1 a Pj 1

A1  0, C '1  φ1


An1  0, C ' n1  φ n1

And then, by calculating

Aj , C j


j  2 to j  n

So, φ j can be obtained in reverse order ( φ n , φ n 1 , φ n 2 , -----, φ 2 ) by the equation

 j  Aj  j 1  C ' j (2.18)
In this derivation of the TDMA, I assumed that φ1 , φ n1 were given.

If the boundary constant heat flux at j=1, a E 2  0, and q  C2

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

For our case which is two dimensional steady state conduction

  T    T  (2.19)
k    k   0
x  x  y  y 

Inside the node

a PTP  aeTe  awTw  anTn  asTs , (2.20)


a P  ae  aw  an  as (2.21)

At the boundary

aPTP  aeTe  awTw  anTn  asTs  SC (2.22)

a P  ae  aw  an  as  S P (2.23)

The equation (2.20) through equation (2.23) give the temperature at each node in two
directions (x and y) either inside the wall or at the boundaries which depends on the type of
boundary condition.

2.2 Finite Volume Method of temperature at the boundary of the wall

Consider the integrated one dimension heat conduction equation

dT dT
(kA ) e  (kA ) w  0 (2.24)
dx dx

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

TA x / 2 x1E

1 E

Figure 2. Temperature boundary condition

Consider node 1 in fig.3 the west boundary of the control volume of node 1 is kept at a
specified temperature T A .

Applying the integrated equation over the control volume surrounding node 1 to give

TE  TP T  TA
k e Ae  k A AA P 0 (2.25)
x1E x
( )

After re arranging we obtain

a PTP  aW TW  a E TE  S C (2.26)


k e Ae
aW  0 , a E 


a P  aW  a E  S P (2.27)


2k A AA 2k A
SP   , S C  ( A A )TA (2.28)
x x

So, equation (3.3) through equation (3.5) give the temperature distributions at the nodes next
to the boundaries (at x=dx/2)

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

2.3 The balance between two materials in contact

The nodes before and after two material in contact have different thermal conductivity, so
approximately this can be calibrated by taking the average of the two thermal conductivity of
both materials as next.

ka kb
1 2

dx / 2

Figure 3. Different thermal conductivity treatment

So, at node 1 in fig.5

k a  kb
aE  , a W  k a , a N  k a , aS  k a

At node 2

k a  kb
a E  k b , aW  , a N  kb , aS  kb

3. The results and discussions

3.1 2D wall example compared with the 1D analytical solution

In these results we made sure that the Matlab code worked correct by comparing the results
with the exact solution. Insulating two sides made the wall works as 1D problem. The method
assumes the second-order accurate spatial distribution for any variable. That is, the truncation
error is proportional to dx2, where dx is the cell size. The numerical accuracy also can be
improved by using small mesh size (Passakorn Vessakosol, 2011).

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
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L/ H 1

T  100C
steel , k  16w / m.c T  50C


figure 4. ( x, y)  (0 : 0.5), (x  y)  0.025, mesh : 20by 20

Figure 5. Temperature contour of Finite volume (T ( x, y)

 T
(k )0
x x (3.1)

if k is constant

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
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 T
( )0
x x (3.2)

The solution of this equation is

T  Ax  B

x=0 and at T=50 oC X= L (0.5) by applying the B.C : at T=100 oC

The solution is: T= -100 x+100

Figure 6. Temperature contour (T ( x, y), the analytical solution (T  100 x  100)

3.2 2D composite wall example

As can be seen in the figure below, a two dimensional composite wall (different material) is
solved using the finite volume method. In this case the solution can't be tested with the
analytical solution, but the test can be considered the same with the past example which
calibrated as 1D problem. That because the main code of the finite volume method and its
accuracy are the same.

In figure (7), the rate of heat conduction is shown as arrows which also are perpendicular to
contour lines of the temperature fields which provide the theory of heat conduction in plane
wall which is mention in any heat transfer book.

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

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H /2
k  350( w / m.c)
T  100C
k  350( w / m.c) T  50C
k  350( w / m.c) k  70( w / m.c)

1 1 1
L1  L L2  L L3  L
3 3 3

Figure 7.( x, y)  (0 : 0.5), (x  y)  0.025, mesh : 20by 20

Figure 8. Temperature contour (T ( x, y), and (q( x, y) vector

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬

4. Conclusions

A numerical scheme of finite volume method for two dimensional steady state heat
conduction through a composite wall was used. Dividing the grid of the wall, discretization,
and solution of the algebraic equations were the three main steps of finite volume method.
Also, the boundary conditions that bounds the wall are considered by the finite volume

The wall then was made as one dimension by making the heat conduction of the two
dimensions problem flow in one dimension in order to test and validate the finite volume
method solution. The results show the temperature contours of temperature field.

University of Benghazi ‫جامعة بنغازي‬
Faculty of Education Al marj ‫كلية التربية المر ج‬
Global Libyan Journal ‫المجلة الليبية العالمية‬

) 7102 ( ‫ نوفمرب‬/01 – ‫العدد الواحد والثالثون‬


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