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Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Cebu Province
Lamac, Pinamungajan, Cebu

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________Date: ________________ Score: _____________

Direction: Read each questions carefully and write your BEST answer on the blank provided before each numbers.

______1. What is any physical activity that makes you sweat, causes you to breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster compared to when you are at rest?
A. Aerobics B. Aerobic Exercise C. Aerobic Fitness D. Zumba
______2. What is the ability of the cardiovascular system of the body to supply energy during continuous physical activities such as biking and running?
A. Aerobics B. Aerobic Exercise C. Aerobic Fitness D. Zumba
______3. How many seconds are needed to hold your position in doing the static stretching?
A. 20 seconds B. 30 seconds C. 40 seconds D. 50 seconds
______4. Which of the following does not show a sedentary lifestyle?
A. brisk walking B. doing a cross stitch C. playing video games D. texting a friend
______5. Which is an example of vigorous physical activity?
A. ball dribbling B. calf stretching C. jog in place D. mountain climbing
______6. In performing hip-hop aerobics, what fitness component is required?
A. agility B. cardio endurance C. coordination D. speed
______7. Which of the following can be obtained from the left or right temple with light pressure from the tips of the pointer and middle fingers?
A. Apex B. Carotid C. Radial D. Temporal
______8. Which refers to repeated practice of a skill or activity that eventually leads to the body getting used to doing it and makes the muscles perform it with
A. Adaptation B. Overload C. Progression D. Specificity
______9. What percentage of the maximum heart rate should be the target in performing moderate-intensity physical activity?
A. 64% and 76% B. 64% and 76% C. 64% and 90% D. 64% and 95%
______10. What type of training alternates the use of muscle groups depending on the body part being targeted?
A. Circuit training B. Resistance training C. Workout training D. Yoga training
______11. What type of stretching is most often recommended for general fitness because it involves slowly stretching into a position and holding for 10 to 30
seconds before slowly releasing the stretch?
A. Ballistic B. Dynamic C. Passive D. Static
______12. What exercise uses muscle strength in a coordinated manner to stabilize movements and reduce the risk of injuries?
A. Balance exercise B. Flexibility exercise C. Muscle exercise D. Warm up exercise
______13. Which is NOT included in the preparations before doing exercise?
A. Drink plenty of water C. Find a place where there is enough ventilation
B. Wear a dress that is absorbent D. Prepare a music that will motivate you to work out
______14. What does aerobic refer to?
A. How your body uses oxygen C. The absence of oxygen
B. Limit the uses of oxygen D. With little available oxygen
______15. Which physical activity is NOT aerobic exercise?
A. Hip-hop dancing B. Jogging C. Jump roping D. Yoga
______16. What type of physical activity makes you sweat, causes you to breathe harder, and gets your heart beating faster compared to when you are at rest?
A. Aerobic Exercise B. Aerobic Fitness C. Bone Strengthening D. Muscular Strengthening
______17. Which of the following will not improve a personal fitness program?
A. Muscular Strengthening C. Making your program appropriate
B. Exercising at moderate intensities D. Starting slowly then increase gradually
______18. What is the ability of the muscles to exert a force during an activity such as lifting weights?
A. Aerobic Exercise B. Fitness Exercise C. Muscular Strength D. Power Strength
______19. Which one is taken from the radial artery at the wrist, in line with the thumb, using tips of the pointer and middle fingers?
A. Apical site B. Carotid pulse site C. Radial pulse site D. Temporal pulse site
______20. Which of the following gets your heart pumping and your body moving? It also refers to street style dancing while you kick up your cardio with popping
and locking, breaking, top rocking', jerking, freezing, spinning, and sliding.
A. Ballroom dance B. Synchronize swimming C. Yoga class D. Zumba class
______21. Which is the most important role in setting goal in making a fitness plan?
A. Established realistic ones C. Established a frequency of 4 to 5 times per week to exercise
B. Established goals that can be achieved in a very short time D. Established a vigorous intensity work out to see the result right away
______22. What is the purpose of cooling down exercise?
A. Prepare the muscle for intense activity. C. Elevate blood pressure and increase blood flow.
B. Increase heart rate and breathing rate. D. Allow the body to gradual transition in a near-resting state.
______23. What type of exercise is it when you are not being able to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath?
A. Moderate intensity B. Overload principle C. Progression principle D. Vigorous intensity
______24. Which of the following training includes weight lifting, push-ups and crunches and working muscles by using dumbbell or own body weight?
A. Cardio Training B. Circuit Training C. Footwork Training D. Resistance Training
______25. Which one refers to stretching with movement wherein the body transitions gradually into a position and movement is repeated as reach and range of
motion is reached?
A. Active stretching B. Dynamic Stretching C. Passive Stretching D. Static Stretching
______26. What is the skill-related fitness used to knock out opponent with a strong punch in boxing?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Power
______27. What is the skill-related fitness manifested when you run 100-meter dash.
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction Time
______28. Which type of person most likely possesses high skill-related fitness?
A. Businessman B. Chess player C. Engineer D. Gymnast
______29. What is the skill related fitness that manifests when a gymnast executes tumbling without falling to the mat?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______30. Which is the best example of executing reaction time?
A. Blocking a punch B. Lifting a chair C. Pick a piece of paper D. Running
______31. What is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining a constant, rapid motion?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Power
______32. What is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or feel?
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction time
______33. What is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the maximum force of the muscles?
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction time
______34. What is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______35. What is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______36. What is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______37. What is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______38. What is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______39. What is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Powers
______40. What is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Reaction time
______41. What is the skill related fitness manifested in chasing the escaping dog.
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Speed
______42. Hitting the bull’s eye in playing dart game, is a great example of what skill-related fitness?
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction time
______43. What is the skill related fitness that helps you to jump over the hurdles?
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction time
______44. Which of the following is the best example of reaction time?
A. Blocking a fast and strong kick C. Hitting the target
B. Crossing the streets D. Walking in the balance beam
______45. In which sporting event is agility often manifested?
A. Archery B. Badminton C. Chess D. Rowing
______46. In the critical part of a basketball game, John skillfully dribbles the ball with one hand and protects it from opponents trying to steal it with his other hand.
At the same time, he eyes the ring as he prepares to shoot. What ability does John manifest?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination D. Power
______47. Memvie was walking with is boyfriend when someone threw a stone at them. She quickly pushed her boyfriend to prevent the stone from hitting her.
What skill related fitness did she exhibit?
A. Balance B. Coordination C. Speed D. Reaction time
______48. Shekinah wants to be an Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics. What skill-related fitness should she master to perform difficult stunts while keeping in the
state of equilibrium?
A. Agility B. Balance C. Coordination
D. Reaction time
______49. Emil makes a strong smash in badminton that no one can easily return his shots. What skill related fitness is dominant in his shot?
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction time
______50. What is the secret of Lydia De Vega in sprinting to win the 100 m dash and call as the fastest Asia’s women in 1980?
A. Coordination B. Power C. Speed D. Reaction time

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Subject Teacher

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