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3. A high-fat diet and how it is seen today?

So finally, the medical scientific research that Atkins needed back in the
70s was done and it came with results favoring Atkins, but this was tens of
years later. How can we go back now and adjust 60 years of history? And
also, how can we re-preprogram the mindset of someone, in fact millions of
someones, who were told since they were born that fat is bad and they
should eat half of their daily calories from carbs every day?

Because let’s be real, even today, in 2018, if we ask doctors who were in
medical school and practiced their profession before 2005, more than likely
we will be told that eating too many eggs, too much animal protein, and
definitely eating fat is a negative thing on the health and we should avoid it.
Many physicians still recommend that we should eat 45-60% of our daily
nutrients coming from carbohydrates, as grains, breads, pasta, etc.

So that is the challenge, but one thing is for sure: according to the new
results there is very little to no direct correlation between the intake of
saturated fat and heart disease. And that is great news for you if you are
looking to start a ketogenic diet.

As i look around, at my clients, my friends and on social media, more and

more people either from a big desire to lose weight, to reduce inflammation
in their bodies, to improve their clarity, their energy levels or out of need to
beat a sickness or illness, more and more the ketogenic diet comes to my
attention as something that people are willing to try to achieve their desired
weight and health goals.

As a health and fitness coach, I felt is my duty to do my research and I

started reading many books by medical doctors and nutritionists on the
subject and here are the conclusions that I came to: Even though dr.
Adkins was right on with many points of his Atkin diet, new studies show
that eating too much protein causes the body to convert excess protein to
sugar, which ultimately defeats the purpose of the ketogenic diet. We will
go deeper into macronutrients and how protein breaks down in the body in
the following lectures.
Instead, if we choose grass fed meats and wild fish and not processed
Meats, or grain-fed Meats, farm raised fish, we have better chances to lose
weight and improve our overall health.
By coming from Europe and being interested in a healthy lifestyle for more
than two decades, I do know that the food we eat, in my opinion, it's more
important than any medicine and supplements, and together with an
exercise routine can help us prevent weight gain, sicknesses and it can
help us create a healthy and balanced lifestyle for ourselves.

Please understand that I am not a medical doctor, nor a nutritionist, or

registered dietitian, I am a health coach and a fitness trainer and I am
basing this course on my own research thru reading books, studies, and
medical journals as well as Fitness journals and through seeing what works
for my clients and my friends. Therefore, my research is unbiased,
but I am not in the place of making any recommendations, I am not able to
tell you that you should choose a certain diet over another, or that you
should eat certain foods, all I'm doing is to share with you my findings
ketogenic diet and hopefully that will guide you to make your own decisions
together with your nutritionist or medical doctor.

To be completely honest, while I lived in Europe until 2004, I never had

access to low fat foods and we used to eat everything from an animal
including the organs, the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, often even the skin
from the pigs and the fat my grandparents used to melt and create lard in
which we would cook/fry different things.
Well in the same time we ate lots of stews and soups, fresh fruits when
they're in season, end also tons of bread. Even so many people Europe, in
fact the majority, are not overweight and I think that speaks volumes for the
different lifestyle that Europeans live.

I came to the United States and I saw all the low fat options, therefore
naturally, impulsively I went for those, going with the common idea that I
was protecting my family from unwanted diseases.
We did not eat bread at all, and I just could not get myself 2 the squared
processed bread which can stay on shelves weeks in a row without getting

Only years later, around 2011 when I started studying for my fitness
certifications, I came to understand how important the diet is for us and I
realized that low fat foods, skim milk, enriched products, are just as
processed as the long lasting bread I was refusing to buy. That's when
easy easy, I started switching back to organic grass fed whole milk, organic
butter, plain whole fat yogurt, and other foods which not only that they taste
better, but they are less processed all together.

It is important to start by saying that a healthy lifestyle, staying fit, losing

weight and in fact any change that we want to do in our lives comes down
to our belief system and our attitude. As you see, us humans, we are
continuously in the process of change, and our beliefs and attitudes can
change as well, just like the mindsets based on different results from
different studies can change what we eat or how we exercise.
My advice is to keep being open minded and accept progress as a natural
state of being for all things.

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