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Name:kindenew Mesenbet

School of Advanced Sciences Department of Mathematics

WS – 2019 MAT 3003 – Complex Variables and PDE
Digital Assignment - I Faculty: Dr.K.Thilagavath
Digital assignmen:complex integeral

Title of the Case study:Complex Integration
Complex variable techniques have been used in a wide variety of areas of
engineering. This has been particularly true in areas such as electromagnetic
field theory, fluid dynamics, aerodynamics and elasticity. With the rapid
developments in computer technology and the consequential use of
sophisticated algorithms for analysis and design in engineering there has been,
in recent years, less emphasis on the use of complex variable techniques and a
shift towards numerical techniques applied directly to the underlying full
partial differential equations which model the situation. However it is useful to
have an analytical solution, possibly for an idealized model in order to develop
a better understanding of the solution and to develop confidence in numerical
estimates for the solution of more sophisticated models.
The main result is—just as in the case of real analysis—the link between
integration and differentiation. We will prove a version of the fundamental
theorem of calculus for complex line integrals. Our approach will be through
differential forms and vector fields. This will allow us to understand
holomorphicity from the perspective of real analysis.
Literature Review
1.Defining Line Integrals in the Complex Plane
2.Equivalence Between Complex and Real Line
3.Review of Line Integral Evaluation
4. Cauchy’s Theorem
5.Extension of Cauchy’s Theorem to Multiply-Connected Regions
6. Cauchy Integral formula
7.Derivative Formulas in Cauchy integeral
8.Morera’s Theorems
9.Comparing Cauchy’s and Morera’s Theorems

10.Cauchy’s Inequality
11.Numerical Integration in the Complex Plane

Main Content of the report

Defining Line Integrals in Complex Plane:•
Define𝜁𝑛 on𝐶between 𝑧𝑛−1 and 𝑧𝑛

• Consider the sums

𝑁 Δ𝑧𝑛

𝐼𝑁 = ∑ 𝑓 (𝜁𝑛 ) ⏞
(𝑧𝑛 − 𝑧𝑛−1 )
• Let the number of subdivisions 𝑁 → ∞
such that Δ𝑧𝑛 = (𝑧𝑛 − 𝑧𝑛−1 ) → 0and define
𝐼 ≡ ∫ 𝑓(𝑧)𝑑𝑧 = lim 𝐼𝑁
𝑎 𝑁→∞

𝑁 Δ𝑧𝑛

= lim ∑ 𝑓(𝜁𝑛 ) ⏞
(𝑧𝑛 − 𝑧𝑛−1 )
(The result is independent of the
details of the path subdivision. )
I   f ( z ) dz

Review of Line Integral Evaluation:

A line integral written as C u ( x, y ) dx − v ( x, y ) dy

is really a shorthand for
 dx dy 
  dt dt  dt
u − v

where t is some parameterization of C :

C : x = x (t ) , y = y (t ) , t0  t  t f

Cauchy’s Theorem: A “simply-connected” region means that there are

no “holes” in the region. (Any closed path can be shrunk down to zero.

If f ( z ) is analytic in R then  f ( z ) dz = 0
First, note that if 𝑓(𝑧) = 𝑤 = 𝑢 + 𝑖𝑣, then
∮𝑓(𝑧) 𝑑𝑧 = ∮𝑢𝑑𝑥 − 𝑣𝑑𝑦 + 𝑖 ∮𝑣𝑑𝑥 + 𝑢𝑑𝑦

Extension of Cauchy’s Theorem to Multiply-Connected Regions:
• If f ( z ) is analytic in R then  f ( z ) dz  0 in general.

• Introduce an infinitesimal - width "bridge" to make R into a simply connected region R 

 f ( z ) dz =  f ( z ) dz −  f ( z ) dz = 0 since integrals along c1 , c2 are in

C1 −C2 + c1 + c2 C1 C2

opposite directions and thus cancel   f ( z ) dz =  f ( z ) dz

C1 C2

Unlike in Cauchy's theorem, now integrals are usually nonvanishing!

Cauchy Integral formula:

f ( z ) is assumed analytic in R but we multiply by a factor that is
( z − z0 )
analytic except at z0 and consider the following integral around C :
f ( z)
I=  ( z − z0 ) dz

To evaluate, consider the path C + c1 + c2 + C0 shown that encloses a simply -

connected region for which the integrand is analytic on and inside the path :
f ( z) f ( z) f ( z)
 z − z0
dz = 0   z − z0 dz = −  z − z0
C + c1 + c2 +C0 C C0

Evaluate the C0 integral on a circular path, z − z0 = rei , dz = riei d :

f ( z) r →0 0
r i ei d
 dz = f ( z0 )  = − 2 if ( z0 ) for r → 0
( z − z0 ) 2 re i

f ( z) 1 f ( z) Cauchy Integral
  z − z0 dz = 2 if ( z0 )  f ( z0 ) =
2 i  z − z0

Note the remarkable result :

The value of f ( z ) at z0 is completely determined by its values on C !

Note that if z0 is outside C, the integrand is analytic inside C ;
hence by the Cauchy's theorem, we have

1 f ( z)
2 i  z − z0
dz = 0

Graphical results
a Cauchy Integral formula
y R − a simply - connected region
y R

C c2 c
C z0 C0

x x
b. Extension of Cauchy’s Theorem to Multiply-Connected Regions

y y
R − a multiply - connected region R  −simply - connected region


C2 C1 C2 C1

x x
the integration of a function of a complex variable along an open or
closed curve in the plane of the complex variable. The method of
complex integration is used for the analytic continuation and the derivation
of functional equations of Dirichlet functions; for the derivation of
approximate functional equations of these functions; for estimating the
number of their non-trivial zeros and the density of the distribution of these
zeros in some part of the critical strip; and for obtaining asymptotic
formulas and estimates of various kinds of the most important arithmetic
functions. A classical example of the method of complex integration is
illustrated by the proof of the analytic continuation and the derivation of
the functional equation of the Riemann zeta-function

Arfken, G. "Cauchy's Integral Formula." §6.4 in Mathematical Methods
for Physicists, 3rd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 371-376, 1985.
Kaplan, W. "Cauchy's Integral Formula." §9.9 in Advanced Calculus, 4th
ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 598-599, 1991.
Knopp, K. "Cauchy's Integral Formulas." Ch. 5 in Theory of Functions
Parts I and II, Two Volumes Bound as One, Part I. New York: Dover,
pp. 61-66, 1996.
Krantz, S. G. "The Cauchy Integral Theorem and Formula." §2.3
in Handbook of Complex Variables. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, pp. 26-29,
Morse, P. M. and Feshbach, H. Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part
I. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 367-372, 1953.
Woods, F. S. "Cauchy's Theorem." §146 in Advanced Calculus: A
Course Arranged with Special Reference to the Needs of Students of
Applied Mathematics. Boston, MA: Ginn, pp. 352-353, 1926.


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