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ADRENOCORTICAL Decrease cortisol  Administer in divided
STEROID INHIBITORS production; used to reduce doses to reduce nausea
Aminogluthimide hyperadrenalism caused by and vomiting, and
Ketoconazole ectopic adrenocorticotropic instruct the client to
Mitotane hormone secretion by a continue taking the
tumor that cannot be totally medication despite
eradicated discomfort
 Inform the client to take
safety precautions
because medication
may cause drowsiness
and for orthostatic

ALPHA – GLUCOSIDASE Slow the digestion of some  Instruct the client to

INHIBITORS carbohydrates; aftermeal take the medication
Acarbose blood glucose peaks are daily and to continue
not as high other measures to
decrease blood glucose
 Advise the client that
insulin may be needed
during times of
increased stress
 Forewarm the client that
possible adverse effects
may include

ANTIDIURETIC Conserve renal water by  May be administered

HORMONE increasing urine osmolality intranasally; instruct the
REPLACEMENT AGENTS and decreasing urine flow client to notify the health
Desmopressin rate care provider if nasal
Vasopressin stuffiness occurs
 I.M. injection must be
administered deep I.M.;
be sure to warm oil-
based medications
 Instruct the client to
report signs of water,
(drowsiness, lethargy,
headache, sudden
weight gain, severe
nasal congestion);
caution against

adjusting dosage
without consulting his
health care provider.

ANTITHYROID AGENTS Interfere with conversion of  Advise the client to

Methimazole iodine thyroglobulin, report flulike symptoms
Prophythiouracil thereby inhibiting hormone and fever immediately;
synthesis they may be drug-
 Tell the client to report
signs and symptoms of
hyperthyroidism or
 Caution the client not to
use or eat products
containing iodine, such
as cough medicines,
iodized salt, or shellfish;
tell him to notify his
health care providers if
he is taking products
containing these

BIGUANIDES Keep the liver from  Instruct the client to take

Metformin releasing too much glucose the medication daily and
to continue other
measures (diet,
exercise) to decrease
blood glucose levels.
 Advise the client that
insulin may be needed
during times of
increased stress.
 Forewarm the client that
possible adverse effects
may include

D – PHENYLALANINE Stimulate the release of  Instruct the client to

DERIVATIVES insulin from beta cells administer at least 1 to
Nateglinide 30 minutes before
 Instruct the client to omit
when skipping a meal

ELECTROLYTE Maintain capillary integrity  Administer the amount

REPLACEMENT and normal functioning of prescribed slowly
Calcium gluconate the nervous, muscular and through a large vein to
skeletal systems avoid infiltration, which

may cause severe
necrosis and sloughing
of tissue
 Keep the client on bed
rest at least 1 hour after
drug administration to
prevent orthostatic
 Keep the medication at
the bedside with the
necessary I.V.

GROWTH HORMONE Suppress the release if  Administer with meals to

MEDICATIONS growth hormone and minimize GI distress.
Somatrem prolactin  Instruct the client to
Somatropin report vision problems,
severe nausea or
vomiting and acute
 Advise the client to limit
his use of alcohol

INSULIN Replace endogenous  Answer five questions

insulin and maintain blood before administering
RAPID ACTING glucose levels by regulating insulin
Humulin R; regular insulin protein, carbohydrate and 1) When dose insulin
INTERMEDIATE fat metabolism peak? Rapid acting
Humulin N, NPH peaks in 2 to 4 hours,
LONG ACTING intermediate acting in 6
Humulin L, ultralente insulin to 8 hours, long acting
– 70/30 (70% NPH and in 16 to 24 hours,
30% R), 60/40, 50/50 humalog acts within 15
minutes this is the time
that hypoglycemic
reaction may occur
2) What meal covers the
peak time? Glucose or
food is the antidote for
insulin e.g. 7am regular
insulin is covered by
3) Is the client receiving
nothing by mouth? If so
question the insulin
4) What is the client’s
blood glucose level? If
below 90 mg/dl
questions the insulin

5) Where will the shot be
injected? Absorption is
best in the abdomen
 Teach and demonstrate
techniques, injection
sites and rotation:
insulin and equipment
care, storage, and

IODINE CONTAINING Inhibit release if stored  Administer for short

AGENTS thyroid hormone and retard term before
Lugol’s solution hormone synthesis thyroidectomy
Potassium iodide medication has a short
 Dilute oral iodine
solution in juice or
beverage of choice,
administer through
straw with fluids to
prevent staining of teeth

MINERALOCORTICOIDS Replace hormones, major  Explain that additional

Fludrocortisone effect: sodium-retaining doses may be needed
activity associated with in terms of stress
potassium loss  Instruct the client to
report weight gain and
severe headache

SULFONYLUREAS Reduce blood glucose  Instruct the client to take

Acetohexamide levels by stimulating the medication calmly
Chorpropamide pancreatic insulin and to continue other
Glyburide production and make cell measures (diet,
Glypizide receptor sites more exercise) to decrease
Tolbutamide receptive to circulating blood glucose levels
insulin  Advise the client that
insulin may be needed
during times of
increased stress
 Forewam the client that
possible adverse effects
may include

SYNTHETIC Replace adrenocortical;  Inform the client that the

GLUCOCORTICOIDS major activities are medication cannot be
Cortisone metabolic effects on stopped abruptly but

Dexamethasone carbohydrate, protein, and should be discontinued
Hydrocortisone sodium fat metabolism and anti- gradually to prevent
succinate inflammatory and withdrawal symptoms
Methylprednisone immunosuppressive activity and possibly: shock or
prednisone death
 Identify signs and
symptoms of cushingoid
effects to report,
including weight gain,
moon face, buffalo
hump, and hirsutism
 Explain that dosage
may need to be
increased during times
of increased stress,
instruct the client to
carry medication or
medical identification

THIAZOLIDINEDONES Make muscle cells more  Instruct the client to take

Pioglitazone sensitive insulin, the medication daily and
Rosglitazone maleate decreasing blood glucose to continue other
levels measures (diet,
exercise) to decrease
blood glucose levels
 Advise the client that
insulin may be needed
during times of
increased stress
 Forewarm the client that
possible adverse effects
may include

THYROID HORMONE Raise metabolic rate,  Administer in the

Levothyroxine promote gluconeogenesis, morning to avoid
increase use of stored bedtime insomnia
glycogen, stimulate protein  Instruct the client to
synthesis, and affect notify his health care
protein and carbohydrate provider of signs and
metabolism and cell growth symptoms of
hypothyroidism and
 Monitor cardiac
response to increased
metabolic rate and
oxygen requirements.

VITAMINS AND Replace therapy for deficit  Observe the client for
MINERALS symptoms of

Oral calcium hypercalcemia (nausea,
Vitamin D vomiting, headache,
mental confusion,

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