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Prepared by: Er.

Narayan Prasad Dawadi

Tutorial 8: |Cross drainage structures

1.0 Following data are obtained at the crossing of a canal and a drainage. Design the suitable CDS.
a) Canal data:
Discharge = 50m3/s, Full supply depth = 1.60m, Bed width = 35m , bed level =
210.30m; Side slope = 1 2 : 1

b) Drainage data:
Discharge = 400m3/s; HFL = 211.00m; bed level = 208.50m;
General ground level = 210.50m


Here, bed level of canal is lower than HFL of drainage and bed level of drainage is lower than canal
bed level, so drainage flows below the canal with syphonic action.
Hence, syphon aqueduct has to be designed.

FSL 211.90
D= 1.60
HFL 211.00
Canal bed 210.30

Drainage bed 208.50

1. Design of Drainage water way:

Lacey’s regime perimeter P = 4.75√Q = 4.75 √400 = 95m

Provide 10 bays of 9m each separated by piers of 1.5m.

Then, clear water length of 10 bays = 10 x 9 = 90m
9 piers of 1.5m each = 9 x 1.5 = 13.50 m
⸫Total length of water way = 90 + 13.50 = 103.50m

Let us now limit the velocity through syphon barrel be 2.0m/s

So, height of the barrel Hb = Q/ clear water length x velocity = 400 / (2.0 x 90) = 2.22m = 2.20m say
Actual velocity of flow through the barrel = 400/ 90x 2.20 = 2.02m/s

2. Design of canal water way:

Normal bed width of canal B = 35m

Let the width be flumed and reduced to B/2 at aqueduct portion Bf = 35/2 = 17.50m
Prepared by: Er. Narayan Prasad Dawadi

Providing the splay of 2:1 for contraction transition and 3:1 for expansion transition.

a) Length of contraction transition Lc = [(B- Bf)/2] x splay = (35 – 17.50)/2 x 2 = 17.50m

b) length of expansion transition Le = [(B- Bf)/2] x splay = (35 – 17.50)/2 x 3 = 26.25m

c) The length of flumed rectangular portion of the trough above the syphon between the abutments is
equals to total length of water way of drainage L = 103.50m

1 2 3 4

Canal B = 35m Bf = 17.50 Bf = 17.50 B = 35


1 2 3 4
Lc = 17.50m L = 103.50m Le = 26.25m


TEL 212.056 212.031 211.974 211.936

FSL 212.02 211.868

211.811 211.90

Bed 210.42

210.268 210.211 210.30

Profiles of TEL , FSL and Bed levels at various sections.

Prepared by: Er. Narayan Prasad Dawadi

3. Design of TEL , FSL / water level and bed levels at different sections
Here, sectional area at 1-1 and 4-4 = A1 = A4 = BD + nD2 = 35x 1.60 + 1.5 x 1.62 = 59.84m2
Velocity of flow at 1-1 and 4-4 = V1 = V4 = Q/A1 = 50/59.84 = 0.835m/s
Velocity head at 1-1 and 4-4 = V12/2g = 0.8352/19.62 = 0.036m
Similarly; for section 2-2 and 3-3
Area of section A2 = A3 = Bf x D = 17.5 x 1.60 = 28m2
Velocity of flow V2 = V3 = Q/A2 = 50/28 = 1.786m/s
Velocity head = 1.7862/19.62 = 0.163m
a) At section 4-4
i) RL of canal bed = 210.30m
ii) RL of FSL = 210.30 + D = 210.30+1.60 = 211.90
iii) RL of TEL = 211.90 + velocity head at 4-4 = 211.90 + 0.036 = 211.936m
b) At section 3-3
There is expansion loss from 3-3 to 4-4
Head loss due to expansion HL = 0.30 (V32-V42)/2g = 0.30 x ( 0.163-0.036) = 0.038m
i) RL of TEL = TEL 4-4 + HL = 211.936 + 0.038 = 211.974m
ii) RL of FSL = 211.974 – velocity head at 3-3 = 211.974-0.163 = 211.811m
iii) RL of bed = 211.811 – D = 211.811 – 1.60 = 210.211m
c) At section 2-2
There is friction loss between 2-2 and 3-3
Head loss due to friction HL= N2 V2 L / R 4/3 For concrete trough N = 0.016,
L = length of trough = 103.50m, R = A/P = 28 / (17.50 + 2 x 1.60) = 1.353m
HL = 0.0162 1.7862 103.50 / 1.3534/3 = 0.057m
i) RL of TEL = TEL at 3-3 + HL = 211.974 + 0.057 = 212.031m
ii) RL of FSL = 212.031 - velocity head = 212.031 – 0.163 = 211.868m
iii) RL of bed = 211.868-1.60 = 210.268m
Prepared by: Er. Narayan Prasad Dawadi

d) At section 1-1
There is contraction loss between 1-1 and 2-2
Head loss due to contraction HL = 0.2 (V22-V12)/2g = 0.20 (0.163-0.036) = 0.025m
i) RL of TEL = TEL 2-2 + HL = 212.031+0.025 = 212.056m
ii) RL of FSL = 212.056 – 0.036 = 212.020m
iii) RL of bed level = 212.020-1.60 = 210.420m

4. Design of trough of aqueduct

Since; total flumed width of the aqueduct trough is 17.50m which is very large and hence it can be
divided into three compartments as one of 5.5m at left hand side over which inspection road can be
provided and rest two of each 6.00m. Partition walls may be of 1st class brick work in rich cement
sand mortar of 1:4 having 30cm width. The outer walls and base slab of trough may be of RCC of
40cm thick.
Providing free board of 0.60m,
Then, over all outer width of the trough = 17.50 + 2 x 0.30 + 2 x 0.40 = 18.90m.
Depth of partition wall = D + FB = 1.60+0.60 = 2.20m
The outer height of trough = 2.20 + 0.40 = 2.60m
Length of the trough = length of the aqueduct = L = 103.50m Inspection road

0.60 FB

5.50 6.0 6.0 2.60

RCC 0.40m thick

0.30m thick B/W Partition 18.90m

Over all width of trough

Fig: Sectional view of Trough

5.Head loss through syphon barrel

Head loss through barrel is calculated by Unwin’s formula

h = [1 + f1 + f2 . L /R] V2/2g
where V = velocity through barrel = 2.02m/s L = overall width of trough = 18.90m
f1 = 0.505 entry loss coefficient
f2 = a (1 + b/R) for plastered surface ; a = 0.00316 b = 0.030
Prepared by: Er. Narayan Prasad Dawadi

R = A/P = (9 x 2.20) / 2( 9 + 2.20) = 0.88m

⸫f2 = 0.00316 (1+0.030/0.88) = 0.004

Then, h = [1 + 0.505 + 0.004x 18.90 /0.88] 2.022/19.62 = 0.33m

HFL of drainage = 211.00m which is the d/s of barrel

HFL u/s of barrel = 211.00 + head loss through barrel = 211.00+0.33 = 211.33m.

6. Calculation of total floor length

Length of floor under barrel = 18.90m

Extra length for pier nose on both side = 2 x 1 = 2m
Providing d/s ramp joining bed level at a slope of 5:1
Horizontal length of ramp = 5 x (bed level of drain d/s – floor level below aqueduct)

Floor level below aqueduct = bed level of canal – slab thickness – Ht. of barrel
= 210.30- 0.40- 2.20 = 207.70m
Horizontal length of ramp = 5 (208.50 – 207.70) = 4.0m

Provide width of d/s cutoff of 0.60m

Length of extra floor at u/s side = 4.50m

Then, total length of floor required = 18.90+2.0+4.0+0.60+4.50 = 30m

Provide RCC floor of 30m length of 80cm thick.

7. Design of cutoff and protection work for drainage floor

Lacey’s Hydraulic mean radius R = 0.48 (Q/f) 1/3

Assuming f = 1
Then, R = 0.48 (400/ 1) 1/3 = 3.39m
Level of Scour depth below u/s HFL = HFL u/s - 1.5 R = 211.33 – 1.5 x 3.39 = 206.245m
Scour depth below u/s bed level = 208.60 – 206.245 = 2.455m
Hence provide u/s cutoff wall of 2.50m depth and 60cm thick.
Length of u/s protection = 2 x 2.455 = 4.91m
Provide 40cm brick pitching of 5m.

Similarly, level of scour hole below d/s HFL = 211.00 – 1.5 x 3.39 = 205.915m
Depth of scour below bed = 208.600- 205.915 = 2.685m
Provide d/s cutoff wall of height 3m and thickness of 60cm.
Length of d/s pitching = 2.685 x 2 = 5.37m
Hence provide 40cm d/s brick pitching of 5.50m.
Prepared by: Er. Narayan Prasad Dawadi

Inspection road Aqueduct Trough

HFL: 211.33 u/s
FSL 211.90 HFL 211.00 d/s
Afflux 0.33m

1.5R BL: 210.30 0.40 Flow

0.40thick 5m 18.90m 1.5R

Brick pitching Hb= 2.20m
1m nose Ramp 5:1 bed : 208.60


4.0m 5.50m

206.245 Concrete floor of 0.80m thick. 205.915 brick pitching

4.50m b=30m

Syphon Barrel

Fig: Syphon aqueduct

8. Design of variation in transition width along x direction from Bf to Bc.

This is done by using Mitra’s hyperbolic equation:
𝑩𝒙=(𝑩𝒄. 𝑩𝒇. 𝑳𝒇)/(𝑩𝒄 𝑳𝒇 −𝒙 (𝑩𝒄−𝑩𝒇))

i) For Contraction Transition Bx = 612.50 / (35- x) put Bc=35, Bf= 17.50, Lf = Lc = 17.50

x (m) 0.00 2.50 5 7.5 10 12.50 15 17.5

Bx(m) 17.50 18.85 20.42 22.27 24.50 27.22 30.63 35.00

35 = Bc Bx x Bf= 17.50
17.50 =Bf x Bx Bc= 35
Lf = Lc
Contraction Transition Expansion Transition
Lf = Le = 26.25
ii) For Expansion Transition: Bx = 918.75 / (52.50- x) put Bc=35, Bf= 17.50, Lf=Le = 26.25
x (m) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 26.25
Bx(m) 17.50 18.94 20.65 22.69 25.17 28.27 32.24 35.00
Prepared by: Er. Narayan Prasad Dawadi

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