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Answer the following items in no more than 10 sentences: (3 items x 10 points)

1. Choose and describe one (1) key element of total quality management.

Teamwork, the best competitive efforts in traditionally run organizations are often among departments
within the organization. Internal competition seeks to allow use of resources, which can concentrate on
improving quality and eventually result in external competitiveness.

2. Briefly explain how your chosen key element would contribute to maintaining quality standards
in the organization.

Teamwork is essential element of total equality. With the use of teams, the organization will receive
quicker and better solutions to problems, in processes and procedures, teams also provide more
permanent improvements. People in teams are more comfortable bringing up concerns that could arise
and can get support from other employees to find a solution and put them in place.

3. Sight other ways in achieving total quality in the workplace.

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