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Part Ahli Geges

Jacqualine: According to Marcella, from the BNPB side, does this application design have high prospects?
and how likely is this application design to be implemented in Indonesia?

Geges: BNPB is certainly very receptive to good ideas like this. Of course we can use it, but it still takes a
long time to prepare all its aspects. Because it is not only one or two parties who work here, but many
parties, where we all must be able to work together to help each other run this application optimally.

Jacqueline: Earlier Marcella talked about a lot of parties, then what parties were meant and what kind of

Geges: This application certainly requires us to cooperate with other government agencies and of course
with the community. For example, in terms of notifications of natural disasters and weather forecasts, of
course we must cooperate with the BMKG and the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster
Mitigation (PVMBG) because the information is indeed issued by the agency. In addition, in order for us
to be able to carry out regional mapping, it also requires contributions from the respective local
governments. We also have to cooperate with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to get
information about tourism in an area. Then do not forget also the Ministry of PUPR so that a temporary
evacuation site can be held so that when there is a disaster warning, the community can immediately be
directed to evacuate themselves. The Basarnas institution is also an important party because according
to its duties, Basarnas will help evacuate, search for and save casualties. In addition, it is also necessary
to cooperate with the Ministry of Social Affairs to distribute aid to victims and the Ministry of
Transportation to facilitate mobilization. We also need PMI which will focus on the health of the victims.
The Ministry of Communication and Information is also very much needed to realize this application.
One more thing that is also very important is the community. The community is also very important to
contribute to the procurement of this application. When there is a disaster that cannot be detected,
such as landslides or forest fires, the people who see it need to be provided with a place to report. In
addition, when the community finds out that there have been casualties, they can also help each other
to report so that Basarnas can move quickly and of course they can also be assisted by the community if
the situation allows. Furthermore, the community can also distribute donations or blood donations.

Jacqueline: Then, what needs to be prepared before this application exists?

* Of course what we need to prepare is an evacuation site which is not evenly distributed so mapping
must be done first and then, what is definitely needed is that we have to educate the public first
because in Indonesia not all people can maximize the use of technology and not all parts of this country
support the use of technology. maybe it was the culture or it was technical problems like the signal.
Besides that, not all people have access to it, so we also have to think about how this application can be
useful for all.
Part Ahli Eva

Jacqueline: According to Eva, from a religious perspective, what Christian values are applied in the
Nuraga application?

Eva: The first value is the value of caring and giving help. The Bible clearly states that the role of
government, as God's representative in the world, is to defend the interests of the world's poor and
marginalized communities, care for their needs, and pursue justice for the benefit of its citizens. As we
can see, the Nuraga application has also reflected the government's concern for the Indonesian people
with the aim that all of us are helped to realize the importance of understanding the potential for
natural disasters in each region and knowing steps to anticipate or prepare for disasters in order to
create mutual safety.

The second value is the value of Love. Many areas in Indonesia have a high level of disaster vulnerability,
but this is not accompanied by proper handling or anticipation. As a result, there were many casualties
everywhere. Of course, many people expect mercy and a helping hand. The second law of love in
Matthew chapter 22 verse 39 says: "You must love your neighbor as you love yourself." The love that
was exemplified by Jesus is love that renews and gives new, blessed life. Without love, there is no
justice. The command of the Lord Jesus to love others is the same as to love God, namely by using the
word "Agape". The meaning is that God gives the command to love others as the first and the highest.
With this application, we can remind each other and the government can anticipate casualties and
losses caused by the unpreparedness of the community, especially also for residents around disaster-
prone areas. This is a form of love for fellow humans by doing good to others who need help.

The last value is the value of democracy. Democracy is a system of government that is administered
from the people, by the people, and for the people. The Nuraga application is designed in such a way as
to assist and facilitate residents who wish to travel to safe areas, and at the same time minimize the
incurred casualties. Living a democratic life as a form of God's love for humans is one of the important
values. Herein lies the principle of democracy, where the Government sided with the people and carried
out development that made the people prosperous, in line with God's commands.

Jacqueline: Earlier you said that there are also democratic values embedded in the Nuraga application.
Are the values of democracy in the design of this application in accordance with the teachings of the

Eva: Yes, it really is. Because this application can be one of the ways and means of realizing God's love
for all humans. A democratic life cannot exist without love. A democratic life that is true and according
to the teachings of Jesus is marked to be based on love, because if not, a person will only prioritize his
own or his group's interests. Judging from its purpose, this application is also a form of government
effort in realizing the sovereignty of the people or the state.

According to the Christian viewpoint, democracy will certainly lead to the example of Jesus Christ during
his life in accordance with God's will. The meaning of democracy is the government of, by, and for the
people. The power given by the people to the government is exercised in the interests of the people.
Because this application is oriented towards the interests of the people and is able to properly actualize
democratic values, the Nuraga application can strive for the welfare and integrity of the Indonesian
nation, especially for people who want to travel, as well as residents who live in disaster-prone areas.
* Aplikasi ini tentunya menuntut kami untuk bekerja sama dengan lembaga pemerintahan lainnya dan
juga tentunya dengan masyarakat. Seperti misalnya, dalam hal notifikasi bencana alam dan ramalan
cuaca, tentu saja kita harus bekerja sama dengan BMKG dan Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana
Geologi (PVMBG) karena informasinya memang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga tersebut. Selain itu , untuk
kita bisa melakukan pemetaan daerah, diperlukan juga kontribusi dari pihak pemerintah daerah masing-
masing. Kita juga harus menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak kemenparekraf untuk bisa mendapatkan
informasi mengenai pariwisata suatu daerah. Lalu tidak lupa juga kementerian PUPR agar bisa diadakan
tempat evakuasi sementara agar ketika nantinya ada peringatan bencana, masyarakat bisa langsung
dengan cepat diarahkan untuk mengevakuasi diri. Lembaga Basarnas juga menjadi salah satu pihak yang
penting karena sesuai tugasnya, basarnas akan membantu mengevakuasi , mencari, dan menyelamatkan
korban jiwa. Selain itu, perlu juga bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Sosial untuk menyalurkan bantuan
bagi para korban serta Kementerian Perhubungan untuk mempermudah mobilisasi. Kita juga butuh PMI
yang akan berfokus pada kesehatan korban. Kemenkominfo juga sangat dibutuhkan untuk
merealisasikan aplikasi ini. Satu hal lagi yang juga sangat penting adalah masyarakat. Masyarakat juga
sangatlah penting untuk berkontribusi dalam pengadaan aplikasi ini. Ketika ada bencana yang tidak
memungkinkan terdeteksi seperti tanah longsor atau kebakaran hutan , masyarakat yang melihat perlu
disediakan tempat untuk melaporkan. selain itu ketika masyarakat mengetahui ada korban jiwa , bisa
juga saling membantu melaporkan sehingga dari pihak basarnas bisa dengan cepat bergerak dan
tentunya bisa dibantu juga oleh masyarakat jika keadaannya memungkinkan. Selanjutnya, masyarakat
juga bisa menyalurkan sumbangan ataupun donor darah.

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