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ELT 101 DC Theory Name ___Karl Mark_

Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab – -


Experiment with the bar magnet and compass. Turn on the field meter.

Where is the magnetic field strongest?

it is strongest at both poles. of the magnetic field


How is the electromagnet similar to the bar magnet?

they both are objects generating large magnetic fields out of electric currents.

How are they different?

the bar magnet has a permanent magnetic field whereas the electromagnet has a temporary magnetic

What happens when you reverse the polarity of the battery?

it will be a dead battery.

What happens to the magnetic field?

the north and south poles are also reversed.

What happens when the battery is at 0V?

the copper current collector dissolves, and then plates out on some of the electrode surfaces. If severe,
it could cause shorts within the cell.

How does increasing the battery voltage affect the magnetic field?

the magnitude of the magnetic field would increase with an increase in voltage in the circuit.
How does decreasing the battery voltage affect the magnetic field?

the magnitude of the magnetic field would decrease with a decrease in voltage in the circuit.

Change the number of loops in the coil. How does this affect the magnetic field?

The more loops you have the stronger the magnetic field.


Try to make the light bulb light. What are 2 ways you can make the bulb light up?

moving the magnet through the coil and

What factors affect the brightness of the light bulb?

how fast the magnet passes through the coil.

What happens when you increase the strength of the magnet?

It the brightness of the bulb.

What happens when you reverse the polarity of the magnet?


What happens when you change the number of loops?

it increase the duration of the bulb.

Where is the energy coming from to light the bulb?

Moving magnetic fields

Does it matter whether the coil moves or the magnet moves?

anyone could move

How can you keep the light on?

adding more coils.


How can you make the bulb light?

by turning on the generator to keep the magnet in constant movement.

What types of energy are involved?

kinetic energy

Where does the energy come from to light the bulb?

from the flowing water to the magnet then the bulb

Vary the flow of water, the strength of the magnet, and the number of loops in the coil, one at a time.

Describe how each affects the brightness of the bulb.

The faster the water the more the magnet rotates which increases the brightness of the bulb.

the stronger the magnet the faster the electrons are pushed and pulled which increases the brightness
of the bulb.

the coils the more the electron which increases the brightness of the bulb.

What combination makes the bulb the brightest?

faster running water, stronger magnet and more loops on a coil.

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