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Hi everyone. This is a video of a get first job.

I am going to introduce the players to

this video.

John has just graduated from University and has a Bachelor degree in Finance. As a
result of this, he wants to find a job in his field of what he studied  instead of
continuing to hold his current Payroll position.

  Finding a job conversation

A : Hi. It is good to see you, John.

B : Same here, Nancy. It has been a long time since I last saw you.

A : Yes, the last time we saw each other was New Year’s Eve. How are you doing?

B : I am doing OK. It would be better if I have a job right now.

A : You are looking for a job?

B : I already finished my studies and graduated last week. Now, I want to get a job in
the Finance field.

A : How long have you been looking for a job?

B : I just started this week.

A : You have prepared a resume, right?

B : Yes.

A : Did you mail your resume to a lot of companies? How about recruiting agencies?

B : Nope! Ahaa, why didn’t I think of that? Thanks, jane. You’re so smart. No, I have
not thought about recruiting agencies. But, I do look closely at the employment ads
listed in the newspaper every day.

A : Welcome, John. Have you thought about questions they might ask you during the
interview, btw?

B : What types of questions do you think they will ask?

A : Well, they might ask you some questions about Finance theories to test your
academic understanding. They also might tell you about a problem and want you to
come up with a solution. Hmmm, yeah also they may ask you to describe yourself.
For example, what are your strengths and your weaknesses?

B : I can handle that, I guess. Okay, I will start to mail my resume to a lot of
companies. Wish me luck!
A : Also, make sure you are on time. Nothing is worse than to be late for an
interview. You do not want to give them a bad impression, right from the start.

B : I know. I always plan to arrive about 10 or 15 minutes before the interview starts.

A : Good decision! It seems that you are well prepared for your job search. I am sure
you will find a good job in no time. Good luck in your job search, John. I have to go
for the market. My mom will mad at me if I late.

B : I hope so. Thanks for your advice. Bye!

And then, John will start to mail his resume to a lot of companies. He really
antusiasm and self-confident.

B : hmm.. Okay I will start it..

B : (focus on his resume)

Ini isi dari email kepada perusahaan yang dituju

To :
Cc :
Subject: Marketing Manager – Andi Riyanto
The General Manager,
Procurement Division,
Satu Nusa Company
Dear Mr. Jono

This is in reference to the job posting by your company in the Job, dated
February 19th , 2018. I have gone through the job description and find that my work
skills and the job requirements may be a good match.
I have been working for the past five years in the procurement department of Daun
Design Inc. I held the position of Senior Manager in the said company.
I completed my education on Marketing. My professional education was obtained
from the Gunadarma University Surabaya.
My updated resume is enclosed for your review.
I look forward to speaking with you soon about this employment opportunity,

Your Sincerely,

Andi Riyanto
123 Green Street
Jogjakarta, Indonesia 11111
Just a moment later...

B : yeahh, finally I did it.

Then, he sent it to a lot of companies. He is waiting for a reply from those companie.
A few days later, he got a reply from a “A” company. It was asked me to come to the
company for an interview tomorrow at 9 am. He really excited for it.

Next day. He prays before go to companie..

B : Bismillah. I am pretty sure can do it..

Once he arrived at a company, he was immidiately taken to Human Resources’s


In the Human Resources’s room...

B : Hi, Good morning.

C : Hi, Good morning. How are you doing?

B : I am doing good. Thank you

C : That is good, let’s start the interview. Are you ready?

B : Yes. I am

C : Okay, please introduce yourself briefly!

B :  My name is xxx, I am twenty five years old. I have graduated from Surabaya
University, majoring in Accounting and Business .

C : What department do you apply and why do you interested on it?

B :  I want to apply for the Finance position, I am interested working on that position
because that is my passion.

C : When were you most satisfied in your work?

B : It’s When I completed my job properly and on time, also when I get a job that
related to my passion.

C : What are your strengths, please specify each of three?

B : My strengths are I love to learn new things, I have a good analytical thinking, and
I like to pursue my target.

C : What are your weaknesses, please specify each of three?

B :  My weakness are, I often to lose focus when I have too many distractions. Next,
I am a perfectionist, so, sometimes it takes a long time to finish a job, because I want
to finish it perfectly, and the last is I am easily to get bored.

C : How much salary do you want in every month? 

B : I am expecting my salary is five and half million rupiahs per month.

C : Okay. I think this interview enough. We will reconsider about it. And we will call
you in two weeks.

Two weeks later...

C: Good morning, may I speak with Mr. xxxxx, please?

B: You are speaking to him, may I help you?

C: Mr. xxxx, this is the Xenon Company calling to speak with you.

B: Yes, good to hear from you!

C: We are calling you today to offer you the job you interviewed for last week.

B: That's great! I am looking forward to working for you.

C: Would you be able to begin working for us in two weeks?

B: I could begin working then with no problem.

C: Welcome to our company; we will see you then.

A : Job seeker’s friends

B : Job seeker

C: Human Resources Development

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