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Unit 1- mitosis and meiosis pre-worksheet


1. Describe the relationship among DNA, chromatin, and chromosomes. Chromatin is a

substance within a chromosome consisting of DNA and protein. The DNA carries the cell's
genetic instructions. The major proteins in chromatin are histones, which help package the
DNA in a compact form that fits in the cell nucleus. The DNA wraps itself around the histones
and forms nucleosomes. The nucleosomes in turn become compact and form chromatin.
The chromatin further condenses to form a chromosome.

2. describe with the aid of diagrams, the stages of mitotic cell division.
3. explain the importance of DNA replication for maintaining genetic stability. DNA
replication plays a role in maintaining the genetic continuity of species because it makes a
perfect copy of DNA for new cells. DNA replication ensures that the DNA being passed on to
the new cells is genetically identical to the original DNA and without errors. The daughter
cells created will always carry the same hereditary information in their cells as the parent
cell by creating an exact replication with no variation in genetic information.

4. discuss the role and importance of mitosis in growth, repair and asexual reproduction.
Mitosis is a way of making more cells that are genetically the same as the parent cell. It plays
an important part in the development of embryos, and it is important for the growth and
repair of our bodies as well. Mitosis produces new cells, and replaces cells that are old, lost
or damaged. The process of mitosis generates new cells that are genetically identical to each
other. Mitosis helps organisms grow in size and repair damaged tissue. Some organisms can
use mitosis to reproduce asexually. The offspring of asexual reproduction are genetically
identical to each other and to their parent. Most single-celled, microorganisms reproduce
asexually by duplicating their genetic material and dividing in half.

5. Which phase of the cell cycle is generally the longest in the cells of a mature eukaryotic
cell? Interphase

6. What happens to the chromosomes during S phase? During this stage, a cell grows and
copies its DNA. Protein molecules called histones are synthesized and cover each DNA
strand. Each chromosome becomes two chromatids. At this stage the cell is 4n (4 copies of
each DNA molecule, 2 in each homologous chromosome).
7. What changes with respect to ribosomal RNA occur during prophase? The nucleoli begin to
break down in prophase, resulting in the discontinuation of ribosome production.

8. What event signals the initiation of metaphase? If observed by a microscope, it can be seen
that the chromosomes are lined up at the metaphase plate (in the middle)

9. What molecular mechanism seems to be responsible for the movement of the poles during
anaphase? Centromere

10. Describe three events that occur during telophase. Chromosomes arrive at opposite poles
and begin to decondense. The nuclear envelope material surrounds each set of
chromosomes. The mitosis spindle breaks down and continues to push poles apart.

11. How is cytokinesis in animal cells different from that in plant cells? Cytokinesis occurs
differently in animal and plant cells. In animal cells, the plasma membrane of the parent cell
pinches inward along the cell's equator until two daughter cells form. In plant cells, a cell
plate forms along the equator of the parent cell.


1. describe with the aid of diagrams, the processes involved in meiotic cell division;
In meiosis there are a total of 8 stages. These are prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and
telophase I, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II.

In meiosis I
1. Prophase I in which a pair of homologous chromosomes line up and form a tetrad.
This is the stage during which genetic recombination occurs, meaning they exchange
genetic information (crossing over).
2. Metaphase I occurs, during which the homologous chromosomes line up opposite
each other at the metaphase plate. The chromosomes orientate themselves
randomly and in the center of the cell, thus homologous chromosomes are
distributed randomly to daughter cells .
3. In Anaphase I, homologous chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cells but
sister chromatids remain together. Each cell now has 23 chromosomes.
4. Telophase I in which the homologous chromosomes move to the poles and
cytokinesis occurs. Two daughter cells are formed.
In meiosis II
1. Prophase II (note: there is no interphase as seen in mitosis) during which
chromosomes start to move to the metaphase II plate. There is no replication.
2. Next is metaphase II when the chromosomes align at the metaphase II plate.
3. In anaphase II the sister chromatids separate from each other and move towards
opposite poles.
4. Lastly, in telophase II cytokinesis occurs again and four daughter cells are produced.
Each of the four daughter cells has 23 chromosomes.

2. discuss how meiosis contributes to heritable variation. Variation can also occur in Meiosis
due to the recombination of the maternal and paternal chromosomes (this occurs during
prophase I), and also due to the independent assortment of the chromosomes into the
gametes. Because of this, each gamete will contain a different set of DNA. This will then
produce a unique combination of genes in the resulting zygote. This reshuffling of genes into
a unique combination of genes increases variation in a population and can explain why there
are recognizable variations between siblings with the same parents. The combination of
gametes that fuse together during fertilization and the selection of a particular partner/mate
can be other sources of variation.
3. explain why sexually produced organisms vary in characteristics. Sexual reproduction
results from the fusion of gametes produced by male and female. Sexual reproduction
causes more viable variations because there might be an error in the copying of DNA,
though the event is rare, segregation of chromosome of maternal and paternal origin at the
time of gamete formation is random and also, there is an exchange of genetic material
between homologous chromosomes during formation of gametes. In case of asexual
reproduction, variation is significantly less since only a single parent is involved. Very small
changes occur due to inaccuracies during DNA copying that pass on to the progeny.
4. describe gene and chromosome mutations. A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in
the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found
in most people. Mutations range in size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA
building block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes.
This alternation changes the information on the DNA chain and results in differences in the
proteins being produced. A chromosome mutation is an unpredictable change that occurs in
a chromosome. These changes are most often brought on by problems that occur during
meiosis (division process of gametes) or by mutagens (chemicals, radiation, etc.).
Chromosome mutations can result in changes in the number of chromosomes in a cell or
changes in the structure of a chromosome. Unlike a gene mutation which alters a single
gene or larger segment of DNA on a chromosome, chromosome mutations change and
impact the entire chromosome.
5. discuss the implications of changes in DNA sequence for cell structure and function in
sickle cell anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia is an example of a disorder caused by a gene
mutation. The cause of sickle cell anaemia is a change to the base sequence of mRNA
transcribed from it and a change to the sequence of a polypeptide in haemoglobin. The
amino acid change (Glu → Val) alters the structure of haemoglobin, causing it to form
insoluble fibrous strands. The insoluble haemoglobin cannot carry oxygen as effectively,
causing the individual to feel constantly tired. The formation of fibrous haemoglobin strands
changes the shape of the red blood cell to a sickle shape.
6. explain how mutation brings about genetic variation. Genetic variations can arise from
gene mutations or from genetic recombination (a normal process in which genetic material
is rearranged as a cell is getting ready to divide). These variations often alter gene activity or
protein function, which can introduce different traits in an organism.
7. explain why heritable variation is important to selection. Heritable variation is the basis for
natural selection. With no variation there will be no selection as all environmental pressures
will be the same for all individuals. With no inheritance (if variation is random and offspring
do not resemble their parents more than the rest of the population) selection will not push
the population in specific directions and variation would just remain the same regardless of
the pressures. The future offspring will not be able to survive and develop under the
environmental pressures faced by their parents and the species will die quickly. Heritable
variation is important in the continuation of a species.

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