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RULES and PROTOCOLS of Galego-Português-English Exchange

1. This is a server for outsiders and foreigners who are interested in Galician/Portuguese, and
for Galicians and Portuguese speakers who wish to practice their English. We ask you to chat
in the language that corresponds to each channel.

2. Any type of discrimination is prohibited, which includes but is not limited to racism,
homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia, etc.

2(b). We do not permit any kind of speech that degrades or advocates for the
elimination of certain language or dialectal variations. For example, but not limited to:
calling Galician “portuñol” or even “porfrañol”, or saying that a language is useless. In
other words, linguistic discrimination is banned. *Context relevant*.

4. Any kind of insult or attack on someone is not allowed. Swear words are not banned, but if
you use them to make someone else uncomfortable, you will face consequences.

6. We do not allow sexual or nsfw content anywhere on the server, except for the #🔞 -nsfw

7. Spamming, advertising, trolling or any kind of disorderly conduct are banned.

8. If there is any problem or if you see suspicious things, you may ping the moderation team at
@Axudante. But please, we do not want false alarms; do not use it for no reasons.

8(b). Do not use any other pings in an excessive or unwarranted way either, especially
@everyone and @here. If you are unsure if it is appropriate to use a specific ping, please
consult a moderator.

9. Lying to or disrespecting a mod is punishable.

10. Limit discussion of politics to just #🇺🇳 xeral-geral-multilingue, #🗣 -off-topic-hanging-out,

and #política-politics. Strictly no politics in the rest of the channels.

11. Hate symbols are not permitted. You may not include them in your profile pic or send them
in any channel. (It is up to the Mods to decide what symbols are considered as such). For an
intentional offense of this rule, mods are allowed to skip Protocol 2.1.

13. Users are prohibited from maliciously insulting the server (to be distinguished from polite
suggestions and constructive criticisms). Punishable by UP TO 336h of tempmute per count.

14. Candidates who aspire to become moderators of GPEE must obtain the owner/Admin’s
approval, as well as the approval of at least 50% of the voters in a server-wide confirmation

15. The expression of support for terrorism, especially that of Jihadic, white nationalistic or
anti-semitic nature, is strictly prohibited. Punishable by up to a permanent ban.

16. The expression of dangerously radical ideologies, no matter left or right, is banned in all
channels but the politics one. Punishable by up to a tempmute. (Moderators MUST interpret
“dangerously radical” AS CONSERVATIVELY AS POSSIBLE.)

17. Members are prohibited from impersonating a server official, such as a mod, Corrections
Officer, or the Policía da Regra 1. Impersonation is defined as using similar or identical
usernames, nicknames or profile pics. Punishable by a tempmute along with the permanent
lost of ability to change their own nickname. Pranks without the intention to deceive shall count
as infractions too, since it may still confuse other users who are in need of moderator help.

18. Members are prohibited from impersonating other non-mod members. Impersonation is
defined as using similar or identical usernames, nicknames or profile pics. Punishable by a
tempmute ONLY. Pranks shall NOT count as infractions of this rule.

PROTOCOLS/Bill of Rights of Members:

Your rights as a participant and member in the server are guaranteed, and no one shall
be muted, warned, kicked or permanently banned in an arbitrary fashion. We will always
closely adhere to the following Protocols upon deciding what punishment a rule-breaker
shall face. 

All infractions are classified as unintentional or intentional. We have determined that rules no. 4,
6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15 and 16 can ONLY be intentional, while all of the rest can be EITHER. 

1 Protocols for UNINTENTIONAL infractions: 

1.1 First unintentional infraction of any rule warrants an informal verbal warning from a mod.
Note that this is not a formal warning. 

1.2 Second unintentional infraction of the same rule, a formal warning shall be issued for the
individual in the #infraccións-infrações channel. 

1.3 If you still make the same mistake after having been warned twice, we will assume that it is
done on purpose. For a 3rd violation of the same rule, regardless of intention, mods shall
proceed directly to 2.1.

2 Protocols for INTENTIONAL offenses: 

2.1 The first intentional rule violation, no matter how many rules broken, will result and only
result in no longer than an 84-hour temp mute.

2.2 Punishments for reoffenders (need not be of the same rule(s) as the 1st time)— temp mute
of, unless otherwise stated in the rule, up to 168 hours for each rule that is violated.

2.3 For 2.2, if a member violates more than one rule at a time, the time for every violation
(count) will be added up and served consecutively. E.g. say, reoffender X breaks Rules 6, 7 & 9
at the same time. They get at most a temp mute of 3x168= 504 hours.

2.4 Upon deciding the duration of a tempmute, the acting moderator must take into account
the following mitigating factors, in order from the most important to the least importance: 1)
how active the user tends to be in the server; 2) the severity of the incident(s) and of the rules
broken; 3) the number of precedents.

2.4.1 Members that are more active in the server shall get shorter mutes, while those
that are less active shall get longer mutes.

2.4.2 Moderators are required to prioritize effectiveness over punitiveness—that is,

achieving the greatest effect with as much leniency as possible.

2.4.3 A tempmute as a moderating tool must never be used for retaliation.

2.5 Depending on the severity of the situation and how likely a rule-breaker is to be corrected,
for all Server Rules, the acting moderator may opt for a probation in lieu of an actual mute or
ban. The conditions for such a probation are the following:

2.5.1 The Administration agrees to waive any punitive action for the rule-breaker.

2.5.2 The rule-breaker must recant what they had said earlier or apologize for what they
had done earlier that resulted in the rule infraction, and promise not to repeat their

2.5.3 If the rule-breaker breaks their promise, the Administration has the right to impose
any of the following punishments: 1) tempmutes with fixed durations of up to 168h per
count; 2) a permanent mute with possibility of parole; or 3) a permanent ban.

2.6 Whenever a tempmute is applied, the acting moderator must also send a brief report with
the duration of the mute and its reason to the punished user’s DM. If they turned off their DM,
open a ticket room for them in #🆘 -talk-to-the-mod-team-in-private.

2.7 For offenses of, and only of, rules no. 2, 2(b), 6, 7, 11 and 15, and for violating the Discord
Community Guidelines, the moderation team has the discretion to skip 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3, and
impose a ban.

2.7.1 For the rules listed above in 2.7, excluding the Discord Community Guidelines,
moderators also have the choice to impose a permanent mute with possibility of parole
(in case they behave well on other servers, or show understanding of and remorse for
their wrongdoings via DMs, etc) in lieu of a permanent ban.

2.8 For permanent bans, there is no obligation for the acting moderator to DM the punished a
notice detailing why they were banned.

2.9 Mod actions are always final and never negotiable.

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