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A. Background of the Study

Language plays an important role in the development of the intellectual, social and emotional
aspects of students. Language functions not only as a subject or a material but also as a tool for
students to express their ideas or thoughts and feelings in everyday life either in the community
or in the school environment. In accordance to Permendiknas No.69 Year 2013, English is one of
the mandatory subjects that must be followed by all high school. As well as learning English,
students must learn English by balancing four language skills so that students can absorb and
apply English easily in their daily lives. In english learning in a school, students must understand
four important elements in English lessons. The four elements are the ability to listen, speak,
read and write.

Walija (1996:4) mentioned that the definition of language is the most complete and effective
communication to convey ideas, messages, intentions, feelings and opinions to others. This
definition shows that everyone needs language to communicate in order to convey their ideas,
ideas and feelings to the interlocutor. In learning English one is required to master several skills.
That understanding explains that everything we do requires skill. One aspect of language that
must be mastered by students is speaking, because speaking skills support other skills (Tarigan,
2013: 86). Speaking skills are not a type of skill that can be passed down through generations
although naturally every human being can speak. However, formal speaking skills require
intensive training and direction. Seeing the need for effective communication is considered
essential to achieving the success of each individual or group.

In addition to mastering these abilities, they must also know aspects of language, such as
pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Unfortunately, it is not easy for students to master these
abilities, as they will experience various obstacles in mastering these abilities and aspects. In
speaking ability students may be faced with situations where they have a minimal vocabulary, so
they have difficulty speaking and automatically they have difficulty conveying their ideas or
ideas and thoughts. Thus, after learning the language, students are expected to have some skills
and skills, especially speaking skills that will be able to make them communicate well and

Speaking skills must be mastered by each student as these skills are directly related to the
entire learning process of students in school. According to Richards (2008:19), the mastery of
speaking skill in English is a priority for many second-language or foreign language learners.
The student's learning success in following the learning process is largely determined by the
mastery of the student's speaking ability. Students who are not able to speak well and correctly
will have difficulty in participating in learning activities in all subjects and students who have
good speaking skills, the conversation will be easier to understand by the investigator. Speaking
supports reading and writing skills. Writing and speaking have similarities, namely as language
production activities and information conveying. Students' ability to speak will also be useful in
listening to and understanding reading.

Language learning has many supporting aspects. One of them, learning a language will not
be separated from learning vocabulary. the quality of one’s language skill depends on the
quantity and quality of vocabulary (Tarigan (2008:3). Vocabulary mastery is the most important
thing in language skills, without adequate vocabulary mastery, the goal of language learning will
not be achieved, because the more vocabulary a person has the more skilled he or she speaks.
Vocabulary mastery is one of the main conditions that determine a person's success in language,
the richer a person's vocabulary the more likely a person is to be skilled in language and the
easier it is for him to convey and receive information either verbally, in writing, or using signs
and cues.

Vocabulary has an important role to play in language learning although vocabulary is not
always a priority in language learning. Attention to vocabulary in language learning has
increased rapidly lately and experts are now stressing the need for a systematic approach to
vocabulary learning. One of the drivers of increasing vocabulary status in language learning is
the development of communicative approaches and methods that emphasize understanding.
Proponents of this approach and method state that the early stages of learning should be
emphasized on vocabulary and grammar (Nunan, 1991:117).
Vocabulary mastery at high school age is very important and a strong provision for
vocabulary mastery at college age and beyond. Students at that time learn and are guided
regularly and systematically. In the process of realizing the world and the surrounding world
even outside the world of the surrounding nature that called the learning process. The fact in the
field shows that the ability to speak English in high school students is generally still low even
though the high school level because of the monotonous learning of students, especially the
ability to master vocabulary has a serious problem that has not created the habit of
communicating with English. Students generally use mother tongue more, mother tongue can be
defined as the first language that man speaks from birth through interaction with fellow members
of his community, such as family and community environment.

The lack of vocabulary mastery that students have is due to monotonous learning seen when
describing something in English less fluently, as well as disproportionate textbooks meaning. It
does not have enough portion to develop skills such as communicating using English properly
and correctly. By the importance of vocabulary mastery for language skills, especially speaking,
this study was conducted to find out whether or not there is a significant influence between
vocabulary mastery and speaking skills in Grade XI SMAN Negeri 13 Banjarmasin. The
researchers took the title "The Correlation of Vocabulary Mastery on Speaking Ability in Grade
XI Students of SMAN Negeri 13 Banjarmasin".

B. Research Question(s)

The formulation of the problem raised in this study in accordance to the problems described
above are:

1. How is the correlation between Vocabulary Mastery for English Speaking Ability of 11th
Student at SMA Negeri 13 Banjarmasin?
2. What are students’ perceptions about Vocabulary Mastery for English Speaking Ability
of 11th Student at SMA Negeri 13 Banjarmasin?

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