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English for Job Interview

Chapter 2 Topics for Interview

Unit 27 Strong points

©2017 Acadsoc Limited

Unit 26 Strong points (B) ©2017 Acadsoc Limited


A. Conversation Practice 5 min

B. Conversation Example 5 min
C. Mock Interview 8 min
D. Possible Answers 5 min

TI: No time allocated here.

Unit 26 Strong points (B) ©2017 Acadsoc Limited

5 min Conversation Practice

(You may use one or more words for each blank.)

A: Would you like to describe your advantages briefly?

B: ___. I think my biggest advantage is dependable. No matter what project _________ to me,
I will try my best to _________ it on time.
A: So you are also good at overcoming difficulties.
B: Yes. I am always dynamic and staunch in my work. So I could _____ difficulties with my
unique strength.
A: I found that you are quite confident for your capabilities.
B: Yes, and confidence is another ________ of me.

TI: Help the student to fill in the blank.

Unit 26 Strong points (B) ©2017 Acadsoc Limited

5 min Conversation Example

(This example is only for reference.)

A: Would you like to describe your advantages briefly?

B: Fine. I think my biggest advantage is dependable. No matter what project is assigned to me,
I will try my best to accomplish it on time.
A: So you are also good at overcoming difficulties.
B: Yes. I am always dynamic and staunch in my work. So I could defeat difficulties with my
unique strength.
A: I found that you are quite confident for your capabilities.
B: Yes, and confidence is another advantage of me.

TI: Explain the answers to the student.

Unit 26 Strong points (B) ©2017 Acadsoc Limited

8 min Mock Interview

Q1: Now that I have an initial idea of your capability, I hope you can talk about
how you are going to make full use of your advantages in your work.

Q2: Could you please illustrate your plan after you get this position? How can
you bring your superiority into full play?

TI: Ask the questions to the student.

Unit 26 Strong points (B) ©2017 Acadsoc Limited

5 min Possible Answers

A1: First of all, I believe that my creativity will bring a refreshing change to the
job. Furthermore, my sense of humor is going to exert positive effects in

A2: I intend to make a detailed plan that covers all the ideas and inspirations
I came up with, and take the result into a complete project after

TI: Explain the answers to the student.

See you next class!

©2017 Acadsoc Limited

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