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Name: John Louis R.

Gutierrez Subject Code: PERDEV

Grade and Section: G-11-ST. CHRISTOPHER Activity No. 2


I ask my friends to describe me with a positive words and they

said that they describe me as honest and detailed person.

The personal goal that I have

already achieved is when i build my
confidence I accept and trust
Problem that I was myself and have a sense of control
in my life.
able to solve and
Three blessings for
overcome is when my which I am most
best friend died in an thankful to God which
makes me happy and
accident which i feel
My 3 positive prosperous. are;
and experience a
qualities are;
number of different Trustworthy, 1.Being alive
feelings.. Caring and
Hard-working 2.Loving parents who gave me
unconditional love, taught me rules,
But now i believe that he is happy now
manners and self-confidence.
thats why i was able to overcome it.
3. Good Health

My greatest
I do very well in treating achievement in life is
people with kindness and that I finally graduated
respect as much as What in myself am I from Junior
possible. proudest of is that I HighSchool
never stopped dreaming,
and I’ve always kept
reaching for more. My greatest
I do very well at achievement in life
making jokes is when i became a
especially with My happiest moment is when we're a Youth city official
the people who complete family during holidays , because during our Junior
are close to me. my Mother works abroad. high school days.

They said that I'm very responsible in everything.

My best friend also said that I'm warm, friendly, and

The personal goal that I have already achieved is when I made my

parents proud of everything that I’ve done in my life especially in school.
REFELCTION from the banner:
1. What do you consider as your weaknesses, abilities and talents?
2. What are the remedies you will take to improve or compensate for your
3. How can you further enrich your assets and strengths?
4. Where and how do you use it to your best advantage?


1. Weakness can be things or people you can't lose, or just things you're not nice or strong at. I consider
Trusting people easily as my weaknes
Your talents are the things you can do, either because you've learned it or because you've been taught
it. Being able to sing and play some musical instrument is the greatest gift for me.
Your abilities, on the other hand, are the things you can do on an extraordinary level. I guess having
self-motivation is one of my ability.
2. For me first things first is to identify your strengths, before you consider your weaknesses, take a
little time to consider your strengths. And then accept your weaknesses and embrace the challenges
and risk affiliation to it.
3. Caring and concern for others, honesty and integrity are aspects that can enrich my assets and
strengths. I also consider developing our good personal habit, inner values and skills to further
enrich your self.
4. For me, you can do it anywhere you think it's going to help you and others. This is going to depend
on where and when you are at the moment. Use it confidently, but the secret is use it smartly. You
need to know your limits and you need to know when to ask for assistance, and it's part of enhancing
your strength.

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