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‫‪What was the most useful strategy you learned during this course?

How will you‬‬

‫?‪apply this strategy in your future studies here at UoPeople‬‬

‫تعد استراتيجية المناقشة الجماعية من أهم أدوات االتصال و التفاعل فى بيئة التعلم عبر االنترنت حيث من‬

‫خاللها تحقيق العديد‪ G‬األهداف التربوية‪.‬‬

‫كما أنها تحقق العديد من األهداف التربوية التى تسعى كثير من المؤسسات التعليمية لتحقيقها ‪ ،‬حيث عندما‬

‫يشارك الطالب فى األفكار فإن التعلم يصل إلى أعلى المستويات المعرفية خصوصا ٍ التحليل ‪ ،‬التركيب ‪ ،‬التقويم ‪،‬‬

‫كما أن ‪ ،‬الطالب يضيفون خبراتهم الشخصية لبعضهم البعض‬

‫سأعمل خالل دراستي في ‪ UoPeople‬على زيادة تفاعلي في منتديات المناقشة ومنصات التواصل االخرى مثل‬

‫‪ yammer‬هذا سيزيد من فهمي للكتاب المدرسي وما يريده المدرس منا‪.‬‬

‫?‪What was the most surprising thing you learned this term? Why did it surprise you‬‬

‫ان اكثر ما فاجأني هو عندما اجريت ‪ VARK Questionnaire‬ذلك انني لم اكن اتوقع النتائج التي حصلت‬

‫عليها كما انه خالف كل توقعاتي حول طريقة التعلم التي افضل الدراسة بها ‪.‬‬

‫بعد معرفتي لنتائج االستبيان بدأ بالفعل بت سجيل المحاضرات واستمع إليها مرة أخرى أو من حين آلخر واالعتماد‬

‫على المناقشات التربوية مع اآلخرين أو أثناء مجموعات التعلم إضافة الى شرح المادة العلمية لآلخرين وذلك‬

‫لتطوير مهاراتي السمعية في التعلم ‪.‬‬

‫‪Peer assessment is a unique education model. Think back to how you felt about peer‬‬

‫‪assessment at the beginning of the term, and compare that to your feelings now. How‬‬

‫‪have your feelings changed? Are you more comfortable with peer assessment? Have‬‬

‫?‪you learned something new while assessing your peer’s work‬‬

‫كانت المراجعات فعالة وقدمت إرشادات واضحة حول كيفية تحسين كتابتي وهو أمر مهم ‪ ،‬وتعزيز التعلم ‪،‬‬

‫وتحسين أداء التقييم‪ .‬تُظهر المالحظات الشاملة أين أحتاج إلى بذل المزيد من الجهد وهذه طريقة فعالة لتطوير‬

‫القدرة على مراقبة وتقييم وتنظيم التعلم الخاص بي‪ .‬إن تلقي التعليقات سيقطع شوطًا طويالً في تشجيعك على‬

‫المشاركة بشكل أكبر وتحمل المزيد من المسؤولية عن تعلمك‪ .‬يشجع على التحليل النقدي لعملك بحيث ترى ما‬

‫وراء العالمة أو الدرجة‪.‬‬

‫كلما زادت التعليقات التي أقدمها ‪ ،‬كلما طورت المهارات واللغة لشرح نفسي بوضوح وإظهار االحترام ألقراني‪.‬‬

‫سأقدم مالحظاتي في الوقت المناسب حتى يتمكن زمالئي من تقييم عملهم بينما ال يزال جديدًا في االعتبار‪.‬‬

‫سيكون مفيدًا أيضًا ومرتبطً ا بشكل خاص بمعايير التقييم إلفادة الشخص الذي أقدم التعليقات إليه‪ .‬تكون التعليقات‬

‫ذات قيمة فقط عند تلقيها وفهمها والتصرف بنا ًء عليها‪.‬‬

What was the most useful strategy you learned during this course? How

will you apply this strategy in your future studies here at UoPeople?

The group discussion strategy is one of the most important tools for

communication and interaction in the online learning environment, through

which it achieves many educational goals.

It also achieves many educational goals that many educational institutions

strive to achieve, as when students participate in ideas, learning reaches the

highest levels of knowledge, especially analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, as

well as, students add their personal experiences to each other.

During my studies at UoPeople I will increase my interaction with discussion

forums and other communication platforms such as Yammer. This will

increase my understanding of the textbook and what a teacher wants from us.

What was the most surprising thing you learned this term? Why did it

surprise you?

What surprised me most was when I took the VARK Questionnaire, because I

did not expect the results that I got, and it also contradicted all my

expectations about the method of learning that I prefer to study in.

After I got acquainted with the results of the questionnaire, I began to actually

record the lectures and listen to them again or from time to time and rely on

educational discussions with others or during learning groups in addition to

explaining the scientific material to others in order to develop my auditory

skills in learning.
Peer assessment is a unique education model. Think back to how you felt

about peer assessment at the beginning of the term, and compare that to

your feelings now. How have your feelings changed? Are you more

comfortable with peer assessment? Have you learned something new

while assessing your peer’s work?

Reviews were effective and provided clear guidance on how to improve my

writing which is important, enhance learning, and improve evaluation

performance. Thorough notes show where I need to do more and this is an

effective way to develop the ability to monitor, evaluate and organize my own

learning. Receiving feedback will go a long way in encouraging you to be

more involved and take more responsibility for your learning. It encourages

critical analysis of your work so that you see beyond the mark or grade.

The more feedback I provide, the more I will develop the skills and language

to explain myself clearly and show respect to my peers. I will provide my

feedback in a timely manner so that my colleagues can assess their work while

it is still fresh in the mind. It would also be helpful and especially linked to the

rating criteria to the benefit of the person I provide reviews to. Feedback is

only valuable when received, understood and acted upon.

APA Exercise
We have also worked hard to develop our APA skills, so be sure to

practice your APA citations and references by including at least two

references and two in-text citations.

"Digital modelling and simulation can themselves be incredibly productive

research tools, which gives them an enormous potential in terms of training

students for research"(Hageneuer, 2018)

The founder of the Udacity platform was against education that is only

available to the top one per cent of all stu-dents. 1 am against tens of

thousands of dollars of tuition expenses. I am against the imbalance that the

present system brings to the world. I want to empower the 99 per cent'.

(Leckhart & Cheshire, 2012).


- Hageneuer. S, Communicating the Past in the Digital Age :

Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Methods in

Teaching and Learning in Archaeology (12th-13th October 2018),

2018. doi:10.2307/j.ctv11cvx4t

- Leckhart. S, & Cheshire.T, (2012), University Just Got Flipped: How

Online Video is Opening Up Knowledge to the World,


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