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“Describing Patient Summery”

Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris II

Dosen Pengampu :

Disusun Oleh :
Kelompok 5

Dara Hilmaini (PO71200190029)

Desmalinda Ramadhani ( PO71200190071)
Erwin Fibri Saputra (PO71200190049)
Ledya Dayani Anderson (PO71200190045)
Marina Puspa Sari (PO71200190051)
May Agrina S (PO71200190043)
Syahfrizal (PO71200190073)


TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021
Player :

1. Dara Hilmaini as patient’s 2

2. Desmalinda Ramadhani as nurse 1
3. Erwin Fibri Saputra as patient’s family 2
4. Ledya Dayani Anderson as nurse 2
5. Marina Puspa Sari patient’s family 1
6. May Agrina S as patient 1
7. Syahfrizal as doctor and narrator

Role play :

Narrator :

There are two patients will be treated in the same room. The first patient, her name is
May. She is 5 years old with complaints of stomach pain, has more than five bowel
movements accompanied by vomiting two times and has a history of anemia. The
second patient, her name is Dara, she is 10 years old complains of heartburn, nausea
and vomiting blood, no appetite, and has a history of asthma.


Then, two nurses entered the patient room

Nurse 1 : Good morning, miss. May's

Patient 1 : Good morning, nurse

Nurse 1 : I'am the nurse Desma on duty this morning

Patient 1 : yes, nurse

Nurse 1 : How are you feeling today?

Patient 1 : My stomach is hurts. I was defecated five times last night, and it was liquid

Nurse 1 : What did she eat last night?

Patient’ family 1: She ate meatball on the side of the road last night. In the morning, my child
had a stomach ache and vomited 2 times.
Nurse 1 : Does she have any allergies to food or drink?

Patient’s family 1 : she doesn't

Nurse 1 : Does she have a history of previous ?

medical illnesses?

Patient’s family 1: She has a history of hereditary anemia

Nurse 1 : Does the other families have a history of the same disease?

Patient’s family 1 : My husband has the same disease

Nurse 1 : Allright, in a few minutes, the doctor who will treat Miss. May’s will
coming in

Patient’s family 1: thank you , nurse

Nurse 1 : you’re welcome

Narrator :

Next, two nurses will check on Miss. Dara

Nurse 2 : Good morning, miss.Dara

Patient 2 : Good morning, nurse

Nurse 2 : I'am the nurse ledya on duty this morning

Patient 2 : yes, nurse

Nurse 2 : How are you feeling today ?

Patient 2 : my stomatch is hurts, nausea. Yesterday I was vomited blood

Nurse 2 : Did she eat on time yesterday?

Patient’s family 2 : She ate late yesterday

Nurse 2 : Do you have a history of previous ?

medical illnesses?

Patient 2 : I have a history of asthma Five years ago

Nurse 2 : When often appears your shortness of breath?

Patient 2 : I feel tight when i'm doing strenuous activities and exposed to cold air

Nurse 2 : Allright, in a few minutes, the doctor who will treat Miss. Dara’s will
coming any minute

Patient’s family 2 : thank you , nurse

Nurse2 : you’re welcome

Narrator :

Nurses talked to the patients one hour ago.And the nurses will enters to the doctor's

Nurse 1 and Nurse 2 : excusme doc,

Doctor : yes, come in

Nurse 1 :This is a doctor, her name is May, her is 5 years old, came to the hospital
with complaints of stomach pain, she has had more than seven times, she has
had bowel movements accompanied by vomiting two times

Nurse 2 : and this is also doc, her name is Dara, her is 10 years old who came to the
hospital with complaints of stomach pain he had more than seven times, had
bowel movements since earlier accompanied by vomiting blood and no

Doctor : Well,I will go to the patients room to check the situation.

Narrator :

The doctor and two nurses entered the patients a few minute ago
Narrator :

After being checked, the doctor asked the nurses to do an infusion on Miss.May, and the
doctor prescribes medicine to miss. Dara

Narrator :

Nurses had gone when doctor entered to the patients rooms

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