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М. О. Возна, О. Б. Гапонів, О. Ю. Васильченко, Н. С.

Х о м е н ко

• II К У Р С •

Видання друге, розш и рене т а оновлене

За загальною редакцією д октора ф ілологічних

наук, проф есора В. І. Карабана

Нова Книга
УДК 811.111(075)
А 64

Рекомендовано Вченою радою Інституту філології

Київського національного університ ету імені Тараса Ш евченка
як підручник (протокол № 2 від 25 вересни 201Н року)

В озн а М . О ., Галонів О. Б., В асильченко О. Ю ., Х ом ен ко Н. С.

Р ец ен зен ти:
О. М. Ільченко - доктор філол. наук, п роф есор, завідувач каф едри інозем них мов
Ц ентру наукових д осл ід ж ен ь т а викладан ня ін озем них м ов Н А Н України.
Л. Л. Славова - доктор філол. наук, п роф есор, завідувач каф едри теорії т а практи ки
перекладу ч англійської м ови К иївського національного університету імені Т араса
Ш евченка.
С. І. Сидоренко - канд. філол. наук, доцент, завідувач каф едри англійської ф ілології
' перекладу НАУ.

А н глійська м ова. 2-й курс : підручник / М . О. В озна, О. Б. Гапонів,

А 64 О. Ю. В асильченко, Н. С. Хоменко. 2-і с вид., розш ир, т а оновл. - В ін н и ­
ця : Н ова К нига, 2019. - 448 с.
ІБ В К 978-966-382-724-7
Д р у ге , р о зш и р е н е та о н овлене, ви данн я п ід р у ч н и к а для с т у д е н тів 2 -3 к у р с ів
ф а х о в и х ф ак у л ьте тів та ін с т и т у т ів ін о з е м н и х м ои, г час і и н о ю о д н іє ї і п е р ш и х в іт ­
ч и зн я н и х се р ій б азов и х п ід р у ч н и к ів з а н гл ій с ь к о ї м оии , н а ц іл е н и х на ф о р м у в а н н я
н а в и ч о к у с н о г о та п и с е м н о ю м овле нн я у м а й б у т н іх л ін г в іс т ів та п ерекл ад ачів,
а та к о ж на р о з в и то к н а в и ч о к у с н о г о та п и с і.м о в о ю перекладу. П ід р у ч н и к и ц іє ї с е р ії
є в ід о м и м и на р и н к у У к р а їн и і ш и р о к о в и к о р и с то в у ю т ь с я у к р а їн с ь к и м и в и ш а м и .
Авторам и запропоновані принципово нова структура уроку та автентичний
м о в н и й м атеріал, я к і у с п іш н о п р о й ш л и в и п р о б ув а н н я часом . К о ж е н у р о к м іс т и т ь
п ер ед тек сто в і вп рави, о р н і ін а л м іі тексти, сл о в н и к а к т и в н о ї л е к си к и т а н и з к у л е к ­
с и ч н и х , л е к си к о -гр а м а ти ч н и х і к о м у н ік а т и в н и х вправ, а та к о ж завдань з перекладу.
Д о п ід р у ч н и к а д од асть ся ауд іозан и с т е к стів , д іа л о г ів у р о к ів т а п е в н и х ф о н е ти ч н и х
вправ, з д ій с н е н и х н о с ія м и а н гл ій с ь к о ї м ови.
УДК 811.111(075)

€> А втори, 2019

ISBN 978-966-382-724-7 © Нова Книга, 2019
П е р е д м о в а ....................................................................................................11

Lesson 1: C a re e rs a n d P r o f e s s io n s ........................................................... 14
Functional expressions: Expressing hopes, stating preferences, expressing
Grammar: Perfect, Continuous and Perfect Continuous tenses
Writing: Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae (Resume)
Developing Translation Skills: Transposition/permutation, compression
and decompression in translation

In tro d u c tio n .................................................................................................. 14

Section A ........................................................................................................ 17
Reading .................................................................................................... 17
Text 7: Choosing A n d D evelopin g A Career (by A. H aponiev)............18
Vocabulary N o t e s ..................................................................................... 20
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ................................................................................. 25
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !.......................................................... 31
Section В ........................................................................................................ 32
Reading .................................................................................................... 32
C o m m e n ts ............................................................................................ 32
Text 2: Careers In The 21st Centu ry
(from "The Dilbert Future" by S. Adam s)................................................. 33
Vocabulary N o t e s ..................................................................................... 35
Vocabulary P r a c tic e ................................................................................. 40
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !..........................................................47
Section C ........................................................................................................ 48
Listening A n d Speaking. Vocabulary P ra c tic e ............................................ 48
C o m m e n ts .............................................................................................48
D ia lo g u e 1: Looking fo r a jo b (by A. H a p o n ie v ).................................49
D ia lo g u e 2: W ritin g a C V (by A. H a p o n ie v ) .......................................49
D ia lo g u e 3: The jo b in terv iew (by A. H aponiev)................................. 50
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !.......................................................... 55
G r a m m a r ...................................................................................................... 55
W r it in g .......................................................................................................... 61

Англійська мова. II КУРС З

Linguists' H ea da ch es..................................................................................... 66
Developing Translation S k ills ....................................................................... 68
(I) Translation transform ation o f tran sp o sitio n /p erm u tatio n ............... 69
(II) Com pression an d decom pression in tra n s la tio n ............................... 70
D eveloping interpreting sk ills....................................................................... 73
Translators' N ig h tm a re s ............................................................................... 73

Lesson 2: H e a lth C a re ................................................................................. 77

Functional expressions: Opening, continuing and closing a conversation
Grammar: Conditional Mood, Real Conditional, Unreal Conditional Present
Writing: Essays, Presentations
Developing Translation Skills: Antonymic translation, Addition

In tro d u c tio n .................................................................................................. 77

Section A ........................................................................................................ 82
Reading .................................................................................................... 82
C o m m e n ts............................................................................................. 83
Text 1: H ealth Care in the U K (by A. Haponiev).................................... 83
Vocabulary N o t e s ..................................................................................... 87
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ................................................................................. 93
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................102
Section B ...................................................................................................... 102
Reading ...................................................................................................... 102
Text 2: S m o kin g a n d H e a lth
(from "The R unaw ay Jury" by John G risham )................................... 103
Vocabulary N o t e s ...................................................................................106
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 109
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 114
Section C ...................................................................................................... 115
Listening A n d Speaking. Vocabulary P ra c tic e .......................................... 115
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................115
D ia lo g u e 1: Illness in the office (by A. H aponiev)........................... 116
D ia lo g u e 2: A t the B ritish chem ist's shop (by A. H apon iev)..........117
D ia lo g u e 3: A t the su rg ery (by A. H aponiev)...................................117
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !......................... ............................. 124
G r a m m a r .................................................................................................... 124
W r it in g ........................................................................................................ 130

4 M. 0. Bo3Ha • O. B. TanoHiB • O. IO. Baci/i/it«eHKO • H. C. XoMeHra

Linguists' H ea da ch es...................................................................................132
Developing Translation S k ills ..................................................................... 134
(I) A n ton ym ic translation (AT)................................................................134
(II) Translation transform ation o f addition............................................ 135
Developing interpreting sk ills..................................................................... 136
Translators' N ig h tm a re s ............................................................................. 140

Lesson 3: A m e r ic a a n d A m e r ic a n s ........................................................142
Functional expressions: Asking for (a) Factual Information;
(b) Repetition/Clarification; (c) Permission
Grammar: Conditional Mood, Unreal Conditional Past
Writing: Advertisements
Developing Translation Skills: Political correctness, culture-specific words,

In tro d u c tio n ................................................................................................ 142

Section A ...................................................................................................... 146
Reading .................................................................................................. 146
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................147
Text 7: The W a y A m e ric a n s C o m m u n ica te (by A. H apon iev)........148
Vocabulary N o t e s ...................................................................................150
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 154
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 162
Section В ...................................................................................................... 163
Reading .................................................................................................. 163
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................163
Text 2: A m e ric a n R acism
(from "Stupid W hite M en " by M ich ae l M o o re ) .................................165
Vocabulary N o t e s ................................................................................... 166
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 171
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 178
Section C ...................................................................................................... 178
Listening A n d Speaking. Vocabulary P ra c tic e .......................................... 178
C o m m e n ts ...........................................................................................178
D ia lo g u e 7: The G ra n d C a n y o n (by A. H aponiev)........................... 179
D ia lo g u e 2: The A m e ric a n D re a m (by A. H a p o n ie v )..................... 180
D ia lo g u e 3: B re a k fa st in A m e ric a (by A. H a p o n ie v )..................... 181

Англійська мова. II КУРС 5

Vocabulary .............................................................................................184
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 187
G r a m m a r .................................................................................................... 187
W r it in g .................................................................................................... 192
Linguists' H ea da ch es................................................................................... 193
Developing Translation S k ills ..................................................................... 195
(I) P o litical co rrectn ess........................................................................... 195
(II) Culture-specific words....................................................................... 197
(III) Translation transform ation o f diffe ren tiation ................................. 198
Developing interpreting skills..................................................................... 200
Translators' N ig h tm a re s ............................................................................. 203

Lesson 4: B r it a in a n d th e B ritis h . L o n d o n ........................................... 205

Functional expressions: Evaluating, comparing, exemplifying
Grammar: Non-factual Past Simple
Writing: Personal letters, Instructions
Developing Translation Skills: Generalisation, choosing the best lexical
quivalent, the use of the verb "to seem''

In tro d u ctio n .............................................................................................. 205

Section A ............................................................................................. 208
Reading .................................................................................................. 208
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................208
Text 1: The B ritis h C h a ra cte r (by A. H a p o n ie v )...............................209
Vocabulary N o t e s ................................................................................... 211
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 214
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lish !........................................................ 218
Section B ...................................................................................................... 219
Reading ...................................................................................................... 219
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................219
Text 2: London (from "Notes from a Sm all Island" by Bill Bryson) . . . 220
Vocabulary N o t e s ...................................................................................222
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 225
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 230
Section C .................................................................................................... 230
Listening A n d Speaking. Vocabulary P r a c tic e .......................................... 230
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................230

6 M. O. Bo3Ha • O. B. Fan o H iB • O. KD. BacM/itHeHKO • H. C. XoMem<o

D ia lo g u e 7: Term inal F o u r a t H e a th ro w A irp o r t (by A. H aponiev)........231
D ia lo g u e 2: In the H ig h la n d s o f S co tla n d (by A. H a p o n ie v )................. 232
D ia lo g u e 3: A t T in ta g e l C a stle (by A. H ap o n iev ).....................................232
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 238
G r a m m a r .................................................................................................... 239
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 243
W r it in g ........................................................................................................ 244
Linguists' H e a d a ch e s................................................................................... 244
D eveloping Translation S k ills ..................................................................... 246
(I) Translation transform ation o f g en e ra lisa tio n ...................................246
(II) Choosing the best lexical equivalents ............................................ 249
(III) The use o f the verb "to seem" in translation from U k ra in ia n ..........250
D eveloping interpreting skills..................................................................... 251
Translators' N ig h tm a re s ............................................................................. 252

Lesson 5: U k r a in e a n d th e U k r a in ia n s ................................................. 254

Functional expressions: Asking for, and giving advice
Grammar: Modal Verbs
Writing: An Article, Formal Letters
Developing Translation Skills: Omission

In tro d u c tio n ................................................................................................ 254

Section A ...................................................................................................... 256
Reading .................................................................................................. 256
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................257
Text 7: The B re adb asket o f Europe (by A. H a p o n ie v )..................... 257
V o cabu lary N o t e s ................................................................................... 261
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 270
Section B ...................................................................................................... 271
Reading .................................................................................................. 271
Text 2: F o r One's S o u l (from "The U krain ian Observer"
by V olodym yr Senchenko)..................................................................272
V o cab u lary N o t e s ................................................................................... 275
V o cabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 280
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 287
Section C ...................................................................................................... 288
Listening A n d Speaking. Vocabulary P ra c tic e ...........................................288

Англійська мова. II КУРС 7

C o m m e n ts ...........................................................................................288
D ia lo g u e 1: W hat's y o u r h o m e tow n lik e ? (by A. H a p o n ie v ) ........289
D ia lo g u e 2: H o m e tow ns in the W est (by A. H a p o n ie v )............... 289
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................293
G r a m m a r ................................................................................................ 293
W r it in g ...................................................................................................... 297
Linguists' H ea da ch es...................................................................................298
D eveloping translation s k il ls ..................................................................... 299
Translation transform ation o f o m issio n ................................................ 299
Developing interpreting skills..................................................................... 301
Translators' N ig h tm a re s ............................................................................. 302

Lesson 6: The P e rfo rm in g A r t s .............................................................. 305

Functional expressions: Constructive criticism and destructive criticism
Grammar: Non-finite forms of the verb
Writing: Critical Review
Developing Translation Skills: Substitution

In tro d u c tio n ................................................................................................ 305

Section A ...................................................................................................... ...
Reading .................................................................................................. 308
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................308
Text 1: The P e rfo rm in g A rts (by A. H ap on iev).................................309
Vocabulary N o t e s ................................................................................. 3 X 1
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 317
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................325
Section В .............................................................................................. 326
Reading .................................................................................................. 326
Text 2: S arah Bern h ardt's Three Tours o f Kyiv's Theatres
(from "The U krainian Observer" by Pylyp S e lih e y ) ......................... 327
Vocabulary N o t e s ................................................................................... 329
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 334
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................338
Section С ...................................................................................................... ...
Listening A n d Speaking. Vocabulary P ra c tic e ...................................... 339
C o m m e n ts ........................................................................................... 339
D ia lo g u e 7: H o lly w o o d legends (by A. H a p o n ie v ) ......................... 339

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапоьпв • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

D ia lo g u e 2: Liste n in g to m u sic (by A. H a p o n ie v )........................... 340
D ia lo g u e 3: S w an Lake (by A. H a p o n ie v )........................................ 340
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 343
G r a m m a r .................................................................................................... 343
W r it in g ........................................................................................................ 352
Linguists' H ea da ch es...................................................................................353
D eveloping Translation S k ills ..................................................................... 354
Transform ation o f substitution (replacem ent).......................................354
Developing interpreting sk ills..................................................................... 357
Translators' N ig h tm a re s ............................................................................. 357

Lesson 7: S p o r t .......................................................................................... 359

Functional expressions: Promising, breaking a promise, avoiding
a commitment
Grammar: Articles and Pronouns
Writing: Informal report or account - blog
Developing Translation Skills: Transliteration and transcription

In tro d u c tio n ................................................................................................ 359

Section A ...................................................................................................... 362
R eading.................................................................................................... 362
Text 7: Setting a W o rld Record (by A. H aponiev)...............................362
Vocabulary N o t e s ................................................................................... 365
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 372
Test y o u r knowledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 381
Section В ...................................................................................................... 382
Reading .................................................................................................. 382
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................382
Text 2: Fever P itch (from "Fever Pitch" by N. H o r n b y ) ................... 384
Vocabulary N o t e s ................................................................................... 386
Vocabulary P r a c t ic e ............................................................................... 391
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 400
Section C ...................................................................................................... 400
Listening an d Speaking. Vocabulary Practice............................................ 400
C o m m e n ts...........................................................................................400
D ia lo g u e 7: S u p p o rtin g o u r ow n (by A. H aponiev)......................... 401
D ia lo g u e 2: D e fin in g a s p o rt (by A. H aponiev)...............................402

Англійська мова. II КУРС 9

C o m m e n ts ...........................................................................................407
Test y o u r know ledge o f E n g lis h !........................................................ 408
G r a m m a r .................................................................................................... 409
W r it in g ........................................................................................................ 413
Linguists' h e a d a c h e s ................................................................................... 413
D eveloping translation s k il ls ..................................................................... 414
D eveloping interpreting skills..................................................................... 417
Translators' nightm ares............................................................................... 417

Transcripts to Functional Dialogues.................................................... 421

Keys to: Test your E n g lish !...................................................................425

Keys to Exercises....................................................................................431

Список літератури................................................................................446

10 M. О. Возна * О. Б. Галонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

"Англійська мова. II курс" є другим, он овл ен и м та р озш и р ени м , ви ­
д анням для студентів другого-третього курсів ф ілологічних та п е р е ­
кладацьких відділень фахових факультетів університетів та інститутів
ін озем н и х м ов із се р ії вітчизняних базових підручників, щ о вже давно
і д о б р е зареком ендували себе в навчальн ом у п р оцесі у виш ах України.
П ід ручн и к містить лінгвістичну та країнознавчу інф орм ацію , а також
базові відом ості з перекладознавства теоретичного та практичного
характеру і висвітлю є життя в Україні, Великій Б ританії та С получених
Штатах А м е р и ки за ц іл о ю н изкою тем.
П ід ручн и к був р о зроб лени й на кафедрі те о р ії та практики п ер е­
кладу з англійської м ови Інституту ф ілології Київського націон ал ьного
університету імені Тараса Ш евченка і відповідає п р огр ам і з англійської
м ови для університетів та інститутів, р озроб леній за п ідтрим ки Бр и ­
танської Ради авторським колективом під керівн и цтво м доктора педа­
гогічних наук, проф. С. Ю. Н іко лаєво ї та кандидата педагогічних наук
М. І. Солов'я, а також п рограм і з англійської м ови для студентів другого
курсу перекладацького відділення Інституту ф ілології КНУ ім ен і Тараса
Ш евченка. Загальну редакцію підручника здійснив д окто р ф ілологіч­
них наук, п роф есор Карабан В. І.
П ід р учн и к націлений на ф орм ування н ави чок усн ого та п и сем н ого
м овлення у м айбутніх лінгвістів та перекладачів, а також на розвиток
н ави чок усн ого та п и сьм о во го перекладу з ан глій ської м ови на у кр а їн ­
ську та з у кр а їн сько ї м ови на англійську як ф ахового уміння. Д о п ід р уч­
ника додається аудіозапис текстів, діалогів у р о ків та певних ф онетич­
них вправ, здійснений носіям и англійської мови.
"Англійська мова. II курс" вклю чає 7 уроків, транскрипти діалогів,
щ о містять ф ункціональні фрази, клю чі до вправ п ід вищ ен ого рівня
складності, клю чі д о завдань на лінгвістичну ерудицію . Кож ний урок
складається з передтекстових вправ, щ о стимулю ю ть зацікавленість
студентів те м о ю уроку, двох розділів (А та В), націлених на розвиток
нави чок читання та аналізу текстів із закріпленням в ід п о в ід н о ї лексики,
та розділу С, який має на меті розвиток н ави чок аудію вання та усного
мовлення в рамках від п о в ід н о ї теми. Д о структури ур о к у також входять

Англійська мова. II КУРС 11

розділ з граматичних вправ, розділ, націлений на ф орм ування н ави ­
чок письма, та розділи, присвячені лін гвісти чн и м та перекладацьким
труднощ ам і шляхам їх подолання. П ід ручн и к п р од овж ує ф орм ування
в студентів н ави чок п и сьм о во го та усн ого перекладу як фахового у м ін ­
ня ш ляхом озн ай ом ленн я студентів із різн и м и сп о со б ам и та м етодами
перекладу як в теоретичном у, так і в п ракти чн ом у плані за д о п о м о го ю
низки вправ у відповідних розділах кож ного уроку.
Всі тексти розділів А та діалоги розділів С, а також діалоги з функ­
ц іон ал ьни м и ф разами і теоретичний матеріал для розвитку нави чок
письм а написані спеціально для цього підручника н осієм англійської
мови, вип ускни ком М ан честерського університету (Велика Британія)
О лексан д ром Гапонівим, який також здійсни в р едакцію англійського
тексту підручника. Тести розділів В є ур и в кам и з сучасних художніх
тв орів відом и х англійських та ам ери кан ськи х авторів Біла Брайсона,
Скота Адам са, М айкла М ора, Д ж она Грішема, Ніколаса Горнбі та кра­
щ их зразків ан гл о м о в н о ї публіцистики. Уроки підручника присвячені
таким темам, як: "П роф есії та кар'єра", "Британія та британці", "Спорт"
(доц. М. О. Возна, О. Гапонів), "О хорон а здоров'я", "Америка та а м е р и ­
канці" (доц. О. Ю. Васильченко), "Україна й українці", "С ц ен ічн е м исте­
цтво" (доц. Н. С. Х ом енко). Друге, виправлене, он овл ен е та розш ирене,
видання підручника д о д руку було підготовлене доц. М. О. В озн ою та
О. Б. Гапонівим.
П ід ручн и к для II курсу се р ії "Англійська мова", яка вклю чає в ц іло м у
п'ять п ід ручн и ків і охоп лю є повний цикл навчання в бакалавраті й м а ­
гістратурі, п родовж ує навчання різни м типам ком унікативних страте­
гій, започатковане в під ручн и ку для І курсу, закр іп л ю є правильну в и ­
м о ву за д о п о м о го ю низки ф онетичних вправ та р озвиває лінгвістичну
ізагальну еруди цію студентів.
А втори підручника наголош ую ть, щ о м овн и й матеріал підручника
відбиває сучасний стан англійської м ови в різних ф ункціональних сти­
лях з акцентом на відм інностях м іж її бри тан ськи м та ам ер и кан ськи м
Граматичний матеріал, передбачений п р о гр а м о ю другого курсу,
вклю чає поглиблене вивчення вж ивання артикля, перф ектних та тр и ­
валих часів, у м о в н о го способу, м одальних дієслів та неозначених ф орм
дієслова і подається у ф ун кц іо нальн ом у аспекті. Лексичні, граматичні

12 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • Н. С. Хоменко

та лекси ко-грам ати чні вправи націлені на ф орм ування у студентів ре-
цепц ійн и х та репродуктивних здібностей, тобто здатності застосовува­
ти граматичні й лексичні елементи для сприйняття та відтворення м о в ­
них ситуацій, і враховую ть п сихологічні здібності та інтереси аудиторії.
Розділи з розвитку н ави чок письм а знайомлять студентів з таким и
видам и текстів: есе, лист до організації, приватний лист, стаття, огляд,
тези д о презентації, реклам не оголош ення, блог та ін.
Розділи з розвитку н ави чок перекладу користую ться тр а д и ц ій н ою
для перекладознавства те р м ін о л о гією і знайомлять студентів з такими
п ерекладацьки м и явищ ам и, як: ком пресія та д еком п р есія тексту, п олі­
тична коректність у перекладі, реалія. Відповідно д о п р огр ам и другого
курсу сп о со б и перекладу, розглянуті в ц ьо м у підручнику, вклю чаю ть
транспозиц ію , генералізацію та диф еренціацію , додавання та ви лучен ­
ня елем ентів речення, зам ін у й ан то нім ічн ий переклад, тр а н скр и п ц ію
і транслітерацію .


Англійська мова. II КУРС 13

Careers and Professions

Functional Expressing hopes, stating preferences, 6Xpr6SSiriQ

expressions: obligation

Grammar: Perfect, Continuous and Perfect Continuous tenses

Writing: Cover Letter; Curriculum Vitae (Résumé)

Developing Transposition/permutation, compression and d ecom ­

Translation Skills: pression in translation

Practice your pronunciation!
She wasn't
Before you start this unit, warm up with this verbal always
exercise! right,
There was a cut in the picture of the urn.
she w as
The sun hung in the unusually cloudless sky.
W e had fun in the surf
Put so m e butter in the batter - oh look, there's a butterfly!
Run quickly, until you're clear of the ugly m ug hunting
Lum ps o f cut m eat w ere put in the oven.

1. Discuss the fo llo w in g points:

1. W hen you have entered a university in Ukraine d o you believe you
have chosen y o u r career? C om pare the situation in this co u n try with
the situation in the UK o r the U SA in term s o f w hen decision s are
m ade as to the ch o ice of career, before higher ed u cation or after.

14 M. O. Bo3Ha • O. B. TanoHiB • O. KD. BacM-nweHKO • H. C. X 0 MeHK0

2. W hen cho osing a career, w hat are ou r expectations and objectives?
3. W h at jo b s do you believe to be boring and w hat jo b s are interesting?
4. H ow im p ortan t is a career for m en and w om en? Do you see any differ­
ences? W h at is the history of th e attitudes to w om en's em ploym ent?
5. W h at are the current trends in the labou r m arket that you are aware

2. Discuss the fo llow in g qu o tatio n s givin g exam ples of w hat is m eant and
yo u r opinions:
a) "All paid jo b s absorb and degrade the m ind" (Aristotle).
b) "I love deadlines. I love the w h oo sh in g sound they m ake as th ey fly
by" (D ouglas Adam s).
c) "He that w ould perfect his w ork m ust first sharpen his tools" (Con­
d) "W ork is the curse of the drin kin g classes" (Oscar W ild e rew orking the
old saying "D rink is th e curse of the w orkin g classes").
e) "Everybody w ants to save the earth; n o b o d y w ants to help M o m do
th e dishes" (P. J. Rourke).
f) "V ocations w hich w e w anted to pursue, but didn't, bleed, like colours,
on the w h ole of ou r existence" (H onoré de Balzac).

A 3 . W ith o u t looking in yo u r textbooks, listen to th e recorded dialog u e

"job Interview", to get its m ain m essage.
£ (the script is given at the end of the textbook)

4. Listen to th e d ialo g u e again and iden tify the fu n ction s used in it. W rite
them dow n and com pare in form ation w ith you r neighbour. A nsw er the fo l­
low ing questions:
a) W as the d ialo g u e you heard a begin n ing or an end to the conversa­
b) W h o were the tw o participants in it?
c) W as there any argum ent in it? H ow did it develop?
d) W h at d o you th ink is the o u tco m e of the conversation?
e) W ere there any facts m en tion ed in the dialogue?
f) W ere there any w ords used that you w ou ld classify as business En­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 15

5. W o rking with you r textbook, find am on g the expressions given below
those that were used in the dialogu es and o th er expressions o f the sam e
function specifying the speech register fo r each expression. Try to m e m o ­
rise as m any o f them as possible.

Expressing hopes Stating prefences Expressing obligation

I h o p e that... I w o u ld p refer to... W e must...
I w o u ld e xp e ct to... I'd rather... I really need to...
I alw ays w ante d to... I think it w o u ld be be tter You c e rtain ly o u g h t to...
I had alw ays e xp e cted if.. I think w e'll have to...
that... I'd love to have th at one.. W e should...
A fte r th at date, Id like to... That's clearly th e optim al. I w ant to return the favour.
If this w o u ld o n ly happen, That suits you, but... It's essential that...
then I'd w ant to... I think the se c o n d one's It's m a n d a to ry that...
I'd like to... worse... You'd better...
It w o u ld be w o n d e rfu l if... I'd m uch rather... You're g o in g to have to...
It'd be brilliant if... That's the o n e fo r me.

6. Fill in the gaps of the d ia lo g u e below with statem ents based upon the
fu n ction al expressions you have learnt.
C a n d id a te :... you have received my letter of application.
S e c re ta ry :... so, but I can't find it anywhere. W ait a second. Here we go.
This one m ust be yours.
C . : ... it was looked th rou gh and short-listed.
S.: ... , but I'm afraid the boss d id n 't have en o ug h tim e to w ork with
applications. A n d she's in a m eeting at the m o m e n t.... wait, it'll soon be
C .:... wait, as I ... have som e sort of an answ er today, as I ... g o ou t of the
city for a week.
S.: You m ay lo o k th o u g h those brochures a b o u t ou r co m pa n y there on
the table w hile w aiting.
C.: Thank you. ... learn m ore ab o u t y o u r com pany.

7. M ake up y o u r ow n dialogu es of jo b interview s using functional expres­

sions that you 've learnt.

16 M. O. Bo3Ha • O. B. T an oH iB • O. 10. Baci/i/ibMem<o • H. C. X 0 MeHK0

8 . Translate the d ialo g u e into English using functional expressions from
above and the fo llow in g words: с т и п е н д ія - grant, п ід р о б іт о к - addition-
a l income.
О ксана: А ж не віриться, щ о ми вже студенти другого курсу. Стипендію
затрим ую ть і грош ей катастроф ічно не вистачає.
Катя: Твоя правда. Я завж ди хотіла знайти підробіток.
О.: Я теж. Тоді нам треба негайно починати пош уки. Купити газети
з огол ош е н н я м и п рям о зараз.
К: М и нул ого разу платила ти. Тепер я хочу зробити тобі послугу.
Чекай, а ось і кіоск. М и хотіли б газети з о гол ош енн ям и п ро роботу.
Кіоскерка: Вибирайте, дівчата.
Катя: Д умаю , оця товста газета - найкращ ий вибір.
О.: А о ц ю тоненьку я візьм у для себе.
К іоскерка: 3 вас три гривні.
К.: Д якуєм о.


1. Look at th e title of the text and say w hat you think the text is about.

2. Think of ten to fifteen th em atic w ords which you are likely to find in fo l­
low ing text on 'C h oosing and d eve lo p in g a career' and w rite them down,
checking w hether the w ords you predict actually appear.

3. Learn the pro nu n ciation of the fo llo w in g words:

Rem uneration, convergent, divergent, scheme, m obile, com pete, co m ­
petitiveness, em ployer, em ployee, physicist, surgeon, sociologist, an th ro­
pologist, inherent, concom itant, hierarchical, consequences, quit, orient,
advertise, advertisem ent, o p po rtun istic, careerist, M cLuhan, detailed.

4. Read the text "C h oosin g and D evelopin g a Career" and u nderline the
sentences th at sum m arize the m ain idea of each paragraph.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 17

Text 1: Ch oosin g and D eveloping a Career

A jo b is an essential part o f life for all but the lucky few w ho have an in ­
co m e in depe nde n t of th eir daily activity. A lth o u g h it is possib le to say that
the better the job, the better the m oney and the associated remuneration,
at the sam e tim e m any peo p le ch oose jo b s that give them satisfaction and
a sense o f achievem ent, even th o u g h the m oney's poorer.
Is it better to have a large salary, co m pa n y car, m ob ile ph on e and v a lu ­
able pension scheme? O r is it better to have the co m fo rt o f know ing that
you are helping you r fe llo w m em bers o f society w hile being relatively
w orse-off financially?
A n o th e r aspect is the difference betw een a job and a career. The first im ­
plies an occupation, w hile the second im plies progress and developm ent.
A m b itio n is usually an essential part of having a career, as the achievem ent
you m ay desire d o e sn 't ju s t happen - it has to be w orked for. M an y p eo p le
in a career, especially in very large organisations, m ay devote as m uch or
m ore o f th eir tim e and energy furthering th eir career as d oin g th eir job .
There the inherent com petitiveness comes to the fore, w here beating your
fellow worker to a promotion can give m ore pleasure than the successful
co m p le tio n o f a project.
Jobs them selves o b vio u sly vary trem endously. They m ay be a b ili­
ty-based, kno w ledge-based or ju st som eth in g that som eon e else refuses
to do. A n ability-based jo b requires a certain aptitu d e o r talent, such as a
m usic teacher, w h o has to have a suitable level o f talent in relation to music.
They also have to be able to teach, a g ift often lost to m any teachers. A
kno w ledge-based jo b usually requires long preparatory education in order
to be, fo r exam ple, a rad io -p h ysicist or a surgeon. The acceptance o f a jo b
can also vary in that m any p eo ple co u ld not im agine cleaning toilets, w hile
m any others not im agine cutting open a hum an body, as a surgeon has to.
Education during the tw entieth century has had to alter to reflect ch a n g ­
es in society, especially w here jo b s are concerned. M o st W estern e c o n o ­
m ies are b ecom in g m ore and m ore reliant on service industries than on
m anufacturing and agriculture. W h ile the latter require "specialists" in
term s of know ledge, service industries m ay need m ore "generalists" w ho
tackle co m ple x interrelated issues. Here edu cation has to concentrate m ore
on divergent th inkin g than on convergent thinking.

18 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапоьпв • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

For exam ple, the m ost successful
stockbrokers to d a y spend as m uch
tim e reading th e news as calculating
re tu rn -o n -in v e s tm e n t (m ostly done
by co m pu te rs anyway). M o o d s and
trends are th e drivers fo r th eir w ork
and if they o rient their business d e ­
cisions in the right way they becom e
rich. If not, others beat them and they
b ecom e out-of-w ork. W estern c o m p a ­
nies m arket and sell products probably
actually m ade fo r them in the East. The
processes of selling and m ark etin g rely m ore on creativity and o rig in ality
than on technical know ledge.
V ery few p e o p le in a m o b ile te le p h o n e com pany, fo r exam ple, can
g ive any so rt o f d e ta ile d e x p la n a tio n o f how th e th in g itse lf w orks, since
th ey co n ce n tra te on its co m m e rcia l aspects. As th e C an ad ian p h ilo s o ­
p h er M a rsh a ll M cLu h an said in th e 1960s, "Invention is th e m o th e r of
n ecessity" (to c o n tra d ict th e a n cie n t b e lie f th at "n e cessity is th e m o th e r
o f invention").
Personal abilities such as the ability to co m m u n icate successfully, w rite
clearly, analyze often apparently unrelated factors and give a fresh a p ­
proach to an old problem are often the m ost h ighly-p rize d facet of an
em ployee. The "specialists" w h o refine the te ch n o lo g y fo r a new or dif­
ferent technical p ro du ct or those that translate its o p eratin g instructions
into a different language, fo r exam ple, will always be needed. But m ore
and m ore "generalists" will be needed to sell and m arket such products.
The n in eteen th -cen tury rules o f d e m a rca tio n o f labou r are fad in g away as
co m p u te riza tio n takes over m ore and m ore of the m echanical tasks w ithin
a jo b (such as calculating a price, m atching an item to a requirem ent or
fin d in g a piece o f legislation), leaving tom orrow 's em p loyees needing to
be o rigin al and creative.

5. A nsw er the fo llo w in g qu estion s after the first reading o f th e text:

1. W h at does a jo b m ean fo r m ost p eo p le in practical term s?
2. W h at are the ability based and the kno w ledge-based jo b s?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 19

3. W h at positive and negative m eanings m ay the phrase "to m ake a ca­
reer" have?
4. W h at is the role of education in m aking you r career?
5. W h at does a divergent th inkin g m ean? W h y is it so im p ortan t in to ­
day's careers?
6 . W h at facets are expected o f an em ploye e now adays? Explain why.
7. W h at is the m eaning behind the M cLuhan quote? Give you r own ex­
am ples of inventions that are sold as being the "necessities" o f life.
(N ote that in The Republic Plato w rote that "N ecessity is the M o th e r
o f Invention")
8 . W h at is fact and w hat is the author's o p in io n in the text?

6 . Study the fo llo w in g v ocabulary notes. Then g o th rou g h the text again
and give the Ukrainian equivalents fo r the h ig hlig h ted words.

Vocabulary notes

1. O ccu p a tio n , n. This w ord has tw o key m eanings: that w hat a person
does as e m p lo ym en t fo r m oney and secondly, th at w hat they d o fo r re­
laxation or fulfillm ent. The first m eaning can use "occupation" as a very
general w ord to den o te a person's job, m eans of earning a living, or p ro ­
fession. The noun "p ro fe ssio n " is not really a synonym as it im plies a way
o f earning a living after lon ger and m ore profou n d education than m ay be
perhaps needed for ju s t any occupation, e.g. He was an electronic en g in eer
by profession, but his m ain occu pation now adays was repairing TV sets
and o th er appliances. "Trade" is an oth er noun relating to jo b , e m p lo y ­
ment, occu pation and profession, w hen it m eans "skilled craft practiced
professionally", e.g. "He was a thatcher by trade". A "v o c a tio n " is literally a
"calling" - the abstract desire to jo in a profession fo r a d ee p -d ow n need to
co n tribu te to som e part of society and can be translated as "покликання".
Thus, the co m m o n m eanings of the described w ords are:
O ccu p a tio n , n.
1 ) a person's m eans of earning a living - рід занять, фах, професія, п р а­
ця, робота, e.g. Thom as to o k his occu pation and his religion very seriously
(SOED - Shorter O xford English Dictionary).

20 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

2) pastim e - заняття, захоплення, e.g. I find there is no occu p ation that
stim ulates th o u g h t m ore than d ig g in g (SOED).
3 ) taking or h oldin g a co u ntry by force - окупація, e.g. occu p ation army,
occu p ation force, e.g. The occu pation arm y fortifie d th eir headquarters in
the capital of the co u ntry that had ju st been invaded.
Profession, n.
1 ) vocation or calling, especially learned or scientific - професія, фах, рід
занять, e.g. m edical profession.
2 ) a generic nam e fo r peo p le in the sam e jo b - особ и якоїсь професії,
e.g. the legal profession - ю ристи, the learned professions - богослов'я,
право та м едицина, the oldest profession - проституція.
Trade, n.
1 ) a skilled handicraft practiced professionally, especially one requiring
an ap p ren ticeship - заняття, ремесло, e.g. The m achinist to o k seven years
to learn his trade. His trade was that of a merchant, specializing in the bar­
ter of w oo l for spices.
Phrases: a shoem aker by trade - професія шевця, a stonem ason by
trade - кам ен яр за фахом, to apprentice so m e b o d y to a trade - вчити
когось ремесла, the Trade - представники п евн ої проф есії або ремесла.
It is im p o rta n t not to confuse the w ords tradesm an (som eone w h o prac­
tises a trade - рем існик) with trader (som eone w ho deals co m m e rcia lly in
products or services - трейдер).
2 ) the buying, selling or exchange o f g o o d s and services fo r profit -
торгівля, e.g. hom e trade - внутріш ня торгівля, foreign trade - зовніш ня
торгівля, fair trade - торгівля на о сно ві взаєм н о ї вигоди, retail trade -
розд р ібн а торгівля, trade in arm s - торгівля зброєю .
Phrasal verbs:
To trade on. To take advantage o f som eone's credu lity or reputation -
мати вигоду, використовувати в особ исти х інтересах, e.g. Не traded on
his fam ily co n ne ction s to rise to a sen ior position. O r She traded on his
ig n oran ce of antiques to buy the painting very cheaply.
To trade in. To part-exchange a used item fo r a new or better replace­
ment, paying o n ly the difference in price betw een the tw o item s - віддавати
стару річ в рахунок придбання н о в о ї або об м ін яти з доплатою , e.g.
85% of new cars b o u g h t in the UK have a trade-in.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 21

To trade off. To exchange som ethin g as the result of bartering, a n e­
g otiation o r a course of action - поступатися ч и м о сь в о б м ін на щось,
розплачуватись ч и м о сь за щось, збувати, об м ін ю вати , e.g. The M in istry
of Finance o f any m odern State often has to tra d e -o ff reduced inflation
against higher unem ploym ent. O r They g o t a g o o d d iscou n t on th eir h o l­
iday booking, but fo r that, they had to tra d e -o ff paying for their m eals in
advance at the hotel.
2. Job, n. "Job" is different to "profession" o r "occupation" in that it
m eans a position in, or piece of, paid em ploym ent, w hich has specific d e ­
scription s of fu n ction s and responsibilities, e.g. The band, all classical m u ­
sicians by profession g o t them selves a g o o d jo b fo r the sum m er season
playing Rock m usic on Sunday lunchtim es in the pub.
O th er co m m o n m eanings of "job" as a noun include:
1 ) piece o f w ork to be done, task, especially a d ifficu lt on e - праця,
робота, e.g. They ran the long jo b on the co m pu te r overnight. A hell o f a
jo b - ще та справа!
2) state of affairs - стан речей, e.g. bad jo b - безнадійна справа.
Phrases: ju s t th e jo b - те, щ о треба, m ake a jo b o f s o m e th in g - д о б р е
в п ор ати ся з ч и м о сь , to m ake a bad jo b - п о га н о вп ор ати ся з д іл о м ,
on th e jo b - при справі, або зай м ати ся се ксо м , o u t o f a jo b - б е з р о ­
Comb.: jo b op e n in g - вакансія, jo b d escrip tion - ф ункціональні
обов'язки, odd jo b s - випадкова робота.
3. Employment, n. In ad d itio n to the m eaning o f "person's trade or p ro ­
fession" also means:
1 ) the process o f e m p lo yin g or th e status of being em ployed - н ай ­
мання, п рийм ання на роботу, зайнятість, e.g. full e m p lo ym en t - повна
зайнятість, part - tim e e m p lo ym en t - часткова зайнятість.
2) occupation, business, paid w ork - праця, робота за наймом, e.g. The
m arket for his profession was so narrow that gettin g e m p lo ym en t was a
nightm are.
4. Career, n. The principal m eaning of the "career" is "professional p ro g ­
ress through life" - кар'єра, успіх, e.g. He retired after an o u tstan d ing ca ­
reer that had taken him to the very to p of his profession.
Phrase: to m ake a career fo r you rself/to carve o u t a career fo r you rself -
зробити кар'єру.

22 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Comb.: career politician - п роф есійний політик, career w om an - жінка,
яка роби ть кар'єру, ділова жінка; careers advisor - консультант з п р о ­
ф е сій н о ї орієнтації, career structure - структура організації, яка надає
м ож ли вість кар'єрного зростання.
5. Remuneration, п, form al. A w ord norm ally only used in highly form al
contexts, m eaning "reward, pay fo r services rendered" and can be tran s­
lated as "винагорода, оплата, компенсація". Rem uneration is different to
"wages" and "salary" in that it is the "package" paid to a m ore sen ior e m ­
ployee that m ay include co m m ission o r special bonuses, e.g. The rem uner­
ation will be co n co m itan t with the level of experience.
Wages trad itio n ally refer to the w eekly pay given for a jo b . It is likely to
vary as to the num ber of hours worked, with bonuses fo r any overtim e.
A salary is generally paid m on th ly to a m ore senior em ployee, and is
a fixed am ount. M o st usually, the overtim e is not paid - the em p loye e is
expected to w ork as m uch as necessary to get the jo b done.
6. Pension scheme. П енсійна програм а. A lth o u g h em ployers are m an­
dated to pay into a State pension scheme, the ultim ate pension from the
State is not great. Consequently, m any com panies have private pension
schem es w hich they pay into, as a benefit fo r the em p loye e and as an e n ­
co u rag em e n t to loyalty.
7. Come to the fore. Виходити на передній план. A co m m o n phrase
m eaning "to com e to prom inence, to becom e highly visible, usually as a
result o f success."
8. Beat somebody to a promotion. О трим ати підвищ ення на службі
в об хід комусь. A co m m o n phrase used to m ean that som eo n e w ins the
race to a prom otion, m ost im p o rtan t in hierarchical or "pyram id" o rg a n i­
9. Lost, participle. Втрачений, загублений, пропалий. "A g ift lost to
teachers" m ay be translated as "дар, якого вчителі не мають".
Comb.: lost happiness - втрачене щастя, lost effort - м ар не зусилля, to
m ake up fo r lost tim e - надолуж ити зм а р н о ван и й час.
O th er m eanings of the p articiple include:
1 ) dead - загиблий, e.g. to give so m e b o d y up for lost - вважати когось
2) failing to find a destin ation - заблудлий, e.g. the lost sheep - заблу-
кана вівця.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 23

3) m issed - невикористаний, пропущ ений, e.g. lost o p p o rtu n ity - у п у ­
щена мож ливість.
10. Specialist, n. Спеціаліст, фахівець в певній галузі. N ote that the
Ukrainian w ord "спеціаліст" has a m uch w ider m eaning and is used fo r a
co n sid e rably extended range of professions than the English w ord "special­
ist". The best translation fo r the Ukrainian w ord "спеціаліст" is the English
noun "professional".
Thus, the m ain m eanings o f the noun "specialist" include:
1 ) an expert in a particular narrow area, studying or w orking with a d e ­
fined branch of a subject - спеціаліст у певній (вузькій) галузі, e.g. The
ow ner of the art gallery was a specialist in the w ork o f Renoir.
2 ) a m edical p ractitio ner having advanced train in g in and dealing exclu ­
sively with a narrow ly defin ed field - вузький фахівець (медик), e.g. The
General Practitioner referred his patient to the Eye Specialist at the nearby
11. D ivergen t, adj. Дивергентний. C o n v erg en t, adj. Конвергентний.
These are adjectives w ith op p o site m eanings, i.e. antonym s.
C o n v e rg e n t th o u g h t is the use o f d eductive reasoning to narrow dow n
issues to solve a p ro blem and produces a logical result by logical means.
D iv e rg e n t thinkin g is w hen unusual answers o r responses to a problem are
reached by w iden ing the issues involved. The latter is som etim es called
"lateral thinking". In recent years, in business especially, divergent th o u g h t
has b ecom e h ighly prized as it allow s fo r innovation, creativity and o rig in a l­
ity. This gives com m ercial com panies a "com petitive edge".
12. Return on in ve stm e n t (ROI). П овернен ня капіталу на інвестицію .
This is the hard statistic that m easures the value of a business and the
m oney it generates in a given period, usually a year, as a percentage of
the capital invested in that com pan y p rior to th at period. Therefore if an
investor puts 100000 into a com pan y and receives 8.000 pure profit then
the ROI is 8 %. It ignores m any o th er m easures of p ro fita b ility and value
norm ally used in business.
13. M a rk e tin g , n. М аркетинг, продаж , збут. This is a g eneric nam e for
the w ide range o f activities th at take place to ultim ately sell a p ro du ct and
to differentiate it from its com petitors. These include design, branding, a d ­
vertising, m erchandising and pricing.

24 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

14. D em arcatio n , n. Lit. M arking o f a bou n dary or lim its - демаркація,
розм еж ування. In the text it is used in the figurative m eaning as in classical
M arxism and can be translated as "розподіл праці".

7. Listen to the recording of the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

8. Say w heth er each statem ent is true o r false according to the text:
1. To all p e o p le re m u n e ra tio n is th e m o st im p o rta n t c o m p o n e n t of
th e ir jo b s . 2. A ll jo b s are k n o w le d g e -b a s e d . 3. In m o d e rn larg e o rg a n i­
sa tio n s p e o p le in a ca ree r o fte n d e v o te as m uch o r m ore o f th e ir tim e
and e n e rg y fu rth e rin g th e ir ca ree r as d o in g th e ir jo b . 4. The a cce p ta n ce
o f a jo b d o e s n 't m ean a n y th in g w hen c h o o s in g a p ro fe ssio n . 5. S ervice
in d u s trie s re q u ire "sp e cia lists" m o re than "generalists". 6 . D iv e rg e n t
th in k in g is g e ttin g m ore and m ore p raise d now adays. 7. M a rk e tin g re­
lies m o re on te c h n ic a l k n o w le d g e th an on creativity. 8 . The M a rx ist
ru les o f d e m a rca tio n o f la b o u r are fa d in g aw ay in th e 2 1 st c e n tu ry as
c o m p u te riz a tio n takes o v e r m o re and m ore o f th e m e ch a n ica l tasks
w ith in a jo b .

Vocabulary practice

9. Read the fo llo w in g eigh t statem ents and say w hich o f them are telling
us ab o u t the speaker's job, w hich are ab o u t th eir favourite occu p ation and
w hich are ab o ut an occupation. W hich of them are jo b d escrip tion s and
w hich are occu pation descriptions?
A. "W hen I g et hom e there's noth ing better than ch an gin g into m y old
clothes, g o in g ou tside and w eeding th e flowerbeds."
B. "I liaise with the m arketing d epartm en t to ensure that the design
characteristics we're w orkin g on fo r next year's m odels are the m ost likely
to give us a co m pe titive e d g e in th e market."
C. "W henever possible, I close the General Ledger and spent tim e with
m y watercolours, preferably in the O ld Town, recreating street scenes from
the 19th Century".

Англійська мова. II КУРС 25

D. "I usually perform after the trapeze artists w ith my three lions, as
th e audience is usually in bit of a nervous m ood, and m y act extends and
heightens the thrills from the dan ger involved".
E. "I adm ire surgeons because they're so im p o rtan t to ou r society and
its Health Service, but cutting p eo ple open is som eth in g Iju s t co u ld n 't do".
F. "I su ppose we have to have vicars and priests, because a lot of peop le
believe in the faiths th ey represent, but I person ally d o n 't su p p o rt any or­
ganised religion and I su ppose to be blunt, I d o n 't really care w hat th ey do."
G. "To relax at w eekends I always try to g o sailing w henever I can, even
w hen it's raining."
H. "After I graduated, I jo in e d the co m pan y as a m anagem ent trainee but
liked w orking in the P rodu ction unit so m uch I've been here ever since, in
charge of scheduling".

10. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian paying especial atten ­
tion to the m eaning and translation of the italicised words.
I. By profession he was a shearer o f sheep, a seasonal occupation.
2. W hat's you r profession? 3. W hat's yo u r o ccupation ? 4. They m ade a trade
by w hich he w ould m ow the lawns in exchange fo r Sunday dinner. 5. The
A m erican com pan y d id n 't w ant any trade with the Japanese supplier, even
th o u g h it was now the o n ly m anufacturer. 6. The Trade G ap w orsened as
the yen increased in value. 7. The A sian countries co n clu d ed a series of In­
ternational Trade Agreem ents. 8 . The Christm as trade is an especially busy
tim e of year for m any businesses. 9. The tou rist trade p rovided the lion's
share of the island's incom e. 10. The trade will never agree. 11. She to o k a
part-tim e jo b as a waitress w hile fin ish in g her degree. 12. He finally landed
the jo b he had hoped fo r all his life. 13. A t the jo b interview, the com pan y
was keen to stress its highly develo ped career structure philosophy. 14. The
rem uneration is based on the am ou nt of experience o f the person a p p ly ­
ing. 15. A n y scientist, such as a biochem ist, on ly becom es a specialist after
co m ple tin g research in a very narrow field. 16. The S enior C on su ltan t at the
hospital had becom e a specialist in tropical diseases after w orkin g in M a ­
laya fo r m any years. 17. He becam e a tradesman, specialising in the laying
o f parquet floors, as had five generations of his fam ily before him. 18. A f­
ter o b tain ing his degree in International Relations, he decid ed to becom e
a trader in Eurobonds fo r the Swiss Bank. 19. M arketing was ju st one of

26 M. O. B o3 H a • O. 5. fanoHie • O. KD. Baci/i/ibMeHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

the career o p tio n s she was co n siderin g after graduation. 20. The C om p an y
Pension Schem e was an im p ortan t in ducem ent in persuading her to jo in the
French m ultinational com pany. 21. There were m any odd jo b s around the
house that he had been prom ising to d o fo r weeks. 22 . O n-the-job training
is essential fo r m any skilled professions, such as nursing. 23. The youngster
becam e apprenticed to the m achine to o ls trade. 24. Join ing the m edical
profession as a surgeon had been her am bition since ch ild h ood . 25. The
learned professions are those w here you co ntin u e to study after graduation
fo r m any years. 26. Representatives of the oldest profession stood by the
Ring Road, w earing im p o ssib ly sh ort skirts.

11. Translate the fo llow in g text in w riting paying especial attention to the
way divergent and convergent are translated. Sum m arise w hat you have
read by givin g you r ow n defin ition s of the tw o antonym s.

Rational thought, logic and the narrowing dow n

o f inform ation to an apparently obvious conclusion
are som e of the ways that have been used by so cio l­
ogists and anthropologists to describe the way m ost
of us think in ou r society and to contrast us with an ­
cient societies and cultures. This use of convergent
th ou g h t is believed to be "scientific" and ancient diver­
gent th ou g h t is som etim es described as "mystical" or
The ancient Greeks valued logic and m uch of our
society since the Industrial Revolution has valued co n ­
vergent th ou g h t as a way of measuring, counting and
quantifying everything we m anufacture and indeed, everything around us.
But now we have m ore and m ore com m ercial organisations com peting hard­
er and harder for custom ers. Suddenly we need to look at new ways of d e ­
veloping a com petitive edge, of ways to innovate and profit from new ideas
and ways of m aking peop le want you r product and not you r com petitor's.
D ivergent th inkin g has becom e a valuable asset in m any professions, es­
pecially in the co m m ercial world, so that new ideas, creativity and business
advantage m ay be realised. N o lo n g er is divergent th inkin g the exclusive
p ro perty o f artists, w riters and philosophers.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 27

12. Study the m eaning and find the best equivalents in translation fo r lost
in the fo llow in g sentences.
1. The m essage o f the fable was lost on the youngster. 2. W hen he failed
to get a seat on the train, he felt that it was a lost o p p o rtu n ity for an a d ­
venture. 3. W hen we cam e back to the sam e clearing fo r the third time, we
realised that w e were lost. 4. W hen the h elico p ter failed to find any trace
o f the m ountaineer, he was given up for lost. 5. "'T is better to have loved
and lost than never to have loved at all" (Tennyson). 6 . They began to run
in ord er to make up for lost time. 7. 'W hy d o n 't you ju st g o and g et lost!"
8 . She was lost w ith ou t her m ob ile phone. 9. The vicar th o u g h t of his c o n ­
gregation as lost sheep. 10. "Oh well, m aybe it'll turn up at the lost p ro perty
office". 11. There was no love lost betw een th e tw o footballers. 12. They
lost the battle but w on the war. 13. A fter the second b ottle he began a lost
w eekend that ended in an extrem ely painful hangover. 14. O ne of the tra g ­
edies o f w ar is the lost gen eration of husbands and fathers.

13. Give either a synonym o r an explanation in English for each o f the

follow in g. In case a w ord has several m eanings give several synonym s and
explanations to each of them .
A career wom an, a career politician, a tradesm an, a trader, a professional,
a specialist, apprenticeship, to train, return on investm ent, a trade, to trade
on, to trade in, to trade off, dem arcation, m arketing, occupation, pension
scheme, rem uneration, prom otion, career soldier.

14. Give phrases with an ton ym ic m eaning to the fo llo w in g w ord c o m b i­

Low pay, adequate rem uneration, boring jo b , fu ll-tim e em ploym ent, odd
job , favourite pastime, divergent thinking, te m p o ra ry job , lost luggage,
em ploym ent.

*15. M atch the fo llo w in g English phrases in the first colum n to th eir m ean ­
ings in the second colum n.
a) w age packet 1 ) particularly high pay for a jo b
b) salaried jo b 2) the least am ount that can be paid an e m ­
ployee by law
c) the wages o f sin 3) a jo b that makes som eone work to the limit

28 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB ♦ O. K). B acM /iw eH K O * H. C. XoMem <o

d) h andsom e rem uneration 4) especially visible, w ell-p aid but risky jo b
e) career w om an 5) the m oney refunded an em p loye e for
that spent on business
f) m inim um w age 6 ) a b u ild e r d o in g occasional o r 'o d d 'jo b s
g) d em an din g jo b 7) th e extra inducem ents given an e m p lo y ­
ee over and above their salary
h) h ig h -flying position 8 ) regular, usually weekly, pay fo r a jo b
i) expense account 9) the consequences of im m oral action
j) the perks of the jo b 10 ) m onthly rem uneration for a jo b that
does not pay extra fo r overtim e
k) co m pa n y Benefit Schem e 11 ) am bitious, capable fem ale w orker
I) jo b b in g b u ilde r 12 ) the bureaucratic level of an em p loye e in
a hierarchical organisation
m) jo b grade 13) the form al description of the 'job pack­
age' in addition to a salary

16. C o m p le te the sentences using the fo llow in g w ords and expressions:

ROI, to pay, dem arcation, job, em ploym ent, occupation, wage, pension
scheme, careers advisor, salary, to beat to a prom otion, position, to delegate,
to promote.
1. The venture capitalists were lo o kin g fo r a high ... 2. Until th e 1960s
there was a m axim um ... fo r foo tballe rs in Europe. 3. She q u it as the jo b
d id n 't ... very well. 4. Her ... rose by 24% during the course of the year.
5. There was a ... dispute betw een the w arehousem en and the fo rklift truck
drivers. 6 . The tilers did a bad ... and the roof began to leak again the first
tim e it rained. 7. He w rote "observer of life" in the space m arked on the
form . 8 . He hadn't been able to find re g u la r... for several years. 9. The c o m ­
pany offered a ... as one o f the m ore im p o rtan t perks to em ployees. 10. The
school had a ... w ho m et with pupils on tw o afternoons per week. 11. He
focused m ost of his efforts on ... his rivals to ... 12. The m anager decid ed ...
his ju n io r em ploye e to a higher jo b grade. 13. The ... was advertised widely,
but still failed to attract any candidates. 14. She decided ... all resp on sib ility
fo r advertising to her assistant.

17. Find the Ukrainian equivalents fo r the fo llo w in g professions and trades:
Professions: teacher, university lecturer, doctor, general practitioner (GP),

Англійська мова. II КУРС 29

tow n planner, land surveyor, architect, solicitor, detective inspector, p olice
constable, dentist, financial controller, journalist, m anagem ent consultant,
tax inspector, m em ber o f Parliam ent, judge, new spaper editor.
Trades: plumber, carpenter, plasterer, bricklayer, tiler, baker, hairdresser,
hotel porter, car park attendant, receptionist, farm worker, gardener, lorry
driver, prison officer, fire fighter, electrician.

18. M ake up sh ort d ialo g u es discussing: 1) the pros and cons o f highly
specialised professions; 2 ) the pros and cons of a kn o w led g e-b ased p ro fes­
sion versus an ability-based profession; 3) em p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s and
w ages of tradesm en in Ukraine and in the UK; 4) y o u r first jo b interview;
5) how im p o rtan t a career is to you.

19. Find Ukrainian proverbs used to the sam e effect w herever possib le and
discuss the m eaning o f the fo llo w in g English proverbs relating to work.
M ake up sh ort dialogues. W ork in pairs.
1) A Jack o f all trades is g o o d at none.
2) M an y hands m ake light work.
3) Business before pleasure.
4) A bad w orkm an always blam es his tools.
5) Practice m akes perfect.
6) Better reap tw o days to o soon than on e day tw o late.
7) D o n't keep a dog and bark yourself.
8 ) N ever put o ff till to m o rro w w hat can be d o n e today.
9) There is n oth ing th at we receive with so m uch reluctance as advice.
10) Scratch an Englishm an, find a seaman.

20. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using the voca b u lary of
the lesson.
1. Ваша заробітна плата відповід ати м е д о свід у роботи. 2. За к о р ­
д о н о м оф іціанти маю ть д осить низьку зарплату, адже їх роботод авці
очікую ть, щ о вони отрим аю ть додатковий дохід у вигляді чайових.
3. 'Ю ристи ніколи на це не підуть," - сказав голова проф спілки. 4. Він
торгує цін н и м и п аперам и на біржі. 5. Він сл ю сар-сантехнік за п р оф е­
сією. 6 . Каменярі як р о б о ч а проф есія дуж е ціную ться в Англії, і вони
отрим ую ть д осить ви со ку зароб ітн у плату. 7. У Британії завж ди м ож на

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

об м ін яти старий автом обіл ь на новий з доплатою . 8 . Х ім ік за п роф е­
сією, він тепер займається продаж ем фарб та лаків на ринку. 9. М оє
найулю бленіш е заняття - садівництво. 10. Університет готує фахівців
для різних галузей н арод н ого господарства. 11. Я записалася на завтра
д о спеціаліста з х в о р о б вуха, горла та носа. 12. Цей хірург сп е ц іал і­
зується на пластичних оп ераціях живота і стегон. 13. М аркетин г - це
п росування товару на ринок: від вивчення м о ж л и в о го попиту д о його
реалізації. 14. У наш час ж ін ок, налаш тованих зробити кар'єру, наба­
гато більш е, ніж в м ин улом у столітті. 15. Під час Д р у го ї св ітово ї війни
вся Україна була окупована н ім е ц ьк и м и військами. 16. Він скор и став­
ся св о їм и зв'язкам и для отрим ання п ер сон ал ьн ої ф ін ан со в о ї вигоди.
17. М и завж ди обстою вали при нци п торгівлі на взаєм овигідній основі.
18. О бсяги з о в н іш н ь о ї торгівлі постій но зростаю ть. 19. Нам довелося
поступитися д еяки м и зручностям и в о б м ін на зниж ення вартості путів­
ки. 20. Торгівля зб р о єю та наркотикам и - це незаконний бізнес. 21. Це
ще та була робота! 22. Ви д о б р е впоралися з перекладом . 23. Не зава­
ж ай їм - вони зайняті ін ти м н и м и справами. 24. Після закриття в и р о б ­
ництва багато лю дей залиш илося без роботи. 25. П овні виплати за п ен ­
сій н о ю п р о гр а м о ю м ож л и ві тільки після досягнення п ен сій н ого віку.
26. Під час роботи над проектом на передній план вийш ли абсолю тно
н есподівані аспекти. 27. П оказни к п овернення капіталу на інвестицію
ви м ірю ється у відсотках.

Test your knowledge o f English!

. W h en w orkin g hard, you should keep y o u r nose to ... what?

a) the grindstone; b) the m illstone; c) the kidney stone; d) the stone

2. S om eo n e w h o is rig h t-m in d e d is ...

a) a fascist; b) of sound principles; c) deaf in one ear; d) right-handed

3. W h at does nil d e sp e ra n d u m m ean?

a) no score; b) never despair; c) no parking; d) no cake left

Англійська мова. II КУРС 31

4. A big cheese is ...
a) lunch; b) a sm elly person; c) an im p o rtan t person; d) an expensive car

5. You put you r shoulder to the wheel to ...

a) slow som eth in g down; b) speed som eth in g up; c) to increase effort;
d) to stop m oving.


1. a) Look at the title o f the text. Have you ever read any boo ks on the
topic? By w hat authors? W hat sort of boo ks were they? Fiction? A d vice?
b) Read the abstract ab o u t the author. Have you ever heard ab o u t the Dil-
bert co m ic strip or read anything by this author?

2. Transcribe and practice p ro n u n ciation o f th e fo llo w in g w ords from the

text consulting the d ictio n ary if necessary.
Recruitm ent, prophesy, satire, in lieu, resume, resume, obscene, a p p li­
cant, em ployee, em ployer, m odel, athlete, perspiration, alternative, re loca­
tion, executive, abundance, corporate, acerbic, embarass.

3. Before reading the text lo o k through the fo llo w in g com m ents:

Com m ents

1. Comic strip. A regular publication, often daily but sometimes weekly, of a

number of comic drawings. They are drawn as a sequence, a "strip", to tell a story or
joke, sometimes a strip may continue a story day-by-day.
2. Business commentaries. A "commentary" is a new term that describes doc­
umentary non-fiction, but that which includes many personal observations and
subjective comments. Scott Adams focuses on business commentaries, while, for
example, Michael Moore has published several political and social commentaries.

32 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. fa n o H iB • O. fO. BacH /ibneH KO * H. C. XoMem<o

4. Read the follow in g abstract from the b o o k "Careers in the 21st century"
by S cott A d am s and answer the follow in g questions checking y o u r general
und erstan din g of the abstract:
1. W hat prevails in this abstract - author's op in io n o r fact? 2. W hat is
the m ain claim (speculation) o f the au th or in this abstract? W h at does he
proves it w ith? 3. Are there any indicators o f the author's e m o tio n s and
attitude in the text? 4. Find the in d icator in the text with w hich the author
co n clu d es his idea o f w hat happens in the future. 5. Are there any instances
o f hu m or in the text? W o uld you describe it as acerbic? Give relevant q u o ­
tation. 6 . N o t that m any years after the text was written, did his prophesy
com e true? Prove it with facts from yo u r personal experience.

Text 2: Careers in the 21st century by Scott Adams

Scott Adam s (born June 8, 1957) is the American creator of

the Dilbert comic strip and the author of several business
commentaries, social satires, and experimental philosophy
books. His 1997 book, The Dilbert Future, forecasts the exten­
sive use of the internet for job search and recruitment, among
many other similar topics, and in the short time since then, this
prophesy is now fact.

M o st p e o p le w on 't adm it how th ey g o t th eir current jo b s because they

are em barrassed to adm it luck was involved, although there are som e ex­
ce p tion s to the career luck rule. For exam ple, lawyers and d o cto rs study
fo r years to prepare for their professions, d ilige n tly acquiring valuable in ­
form atio n that they can use later in lieu o f personalities, but the rest of us
d o n 't have a clear career path unless w e're lucky.
It's a g o o d thing that career luck happens so often. It's m ore effective
than the a lte rn a tiv e - lying on yo u r resum e and h opin g you g et an inter­
view with som eo n e w ho has p o o r perception.
The cu rre n t-fillin g process has been a w onderful th ing for unqualified
people. I was a m ajor b e n e ficia ry of the system in m y co rp o ra te past.
I co u ld always co u nt on m oving to a new jo b w ithin the com pany, assisted
by the fact that the hiring m anager d id n 't have a g o o d system fo r fin d ing
a better candidate. M y em ployer's lack o f alternatives was m y gain.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 33

But w hat happens w hen every jo b op e n in g and every resum e is on the
internet? Surely that w ill happen. You'll su d d en ly find yo u rself co m p e tin g
against thousands o f candidates fo r every low - and m ed iu m -skill jo b . You
w on 't be able to rely on the inefficiency o f the jo b search process anym ore.
Com pan ies will be able to find a candidate w ho not o n ly fits a jo b per­
fectly w ith ou t tra in in g , but m ight be w illing to d o it fo r less than the nor­
mal salary fo r th at position. For exam ple, so m eo n e living in a g odforsaken
h ellhole like N o rth Dakota m ight w ant to m ove to California and be w illing
to accept a low salary to d o it. In fact, th ey m ig h t be w illing to d o it w ith ou t
d em an d in g th at th eir relocation costs be paid. In fact, th ey m ig ht be w illing
to strap th eir livestock to th eir backs and w alk to California.
For the first tim e in history, co m pan ies will have an ab u ndance of g o o d
a p p lica n ts fo r every jo b op e n in g in the "m ediu m -skill" level. That m eans
salaries fo r m e d iu m -skille d jo b s will g o down, unless the g overnm en t gets
involved. If the g o vernm en t notices what's happen in g to salaries, th ey will
step in and d o w hat governm ents always d o for the pow erless - they'll raise
their taxes. So it's bad news all round.
It's happy days ahead for the highly skilled laborer. The jo b m arket will
start to lo o k like the N ational Basketball Association, NBA, where th e top
stars earn m ore than anyone else on the planet. Top te ch n ica l p eo p le will
co m m a nd am azing ly obscen e salaries. The em ploye e w ho is 1 percent bet­
ter in a high-skill area is w orth a hundred tim es as m uch as som eo n e w ho is
ju s t "pretty good". That 1 percent m ight be the difference betw een w inning
and losing in the m arketplace - ju st as it is in sports.
Professional sports is a g o o d m odel fo r how th e rest of the e co n o m y will
lo o k in the future. Pro sports is an industry where there is alm ost co m ple te
inform ation ab o u t w h o has w hat skills and w ho has w hat openings. It's a
fairly efficient jo b market.
In the N B A you end up with am azingly rich athletes on one end of the scale
and everyone else w ho works for the club has jo b descriptions like, "Guy who
wipes perspiration off the court during time-outs." There are a few executives
in the m iddle to hold it all together, but they aren't terribly im portant.
That's w hat the jo b m arket will look like in th e future - rich superstar
professionals on one end o f the spectrum , perspiration w ipers on the other,
and a few m an agers in the m iddle. Everything else w ill be d on e by co n su l­
tants or o u ts o u rc in g firm s.

34 M. O. Bo3Ha ♦ O. 5. TanoHiB • O. IO. BacM^bweHKO • H. C. X 0 MeHK0

r»1* \V

5. Learn the fo llo w in g voca b u lary notes:

Vocabulary notes

1. R ecruitm ent, n. The action or process of hiring people. Н аймання

на роботу, вербування, комплектування о со б о в и м складом, e.g. The
co rp oratio n seem ed to change its recruitm ent p o licy frequently. The o th ­
er m eaning of the w ord is "reinforcem ent", w hich can be translated as
"поповнення, підкріплення", e.g. The A rm y Recruitm ent O ffice was locat­
ed in the sh o p p in g centre. N o te that 'recruitm ent office' as a phrase is only
norm ally used by the A rm ed Forces o r military. For n o n -m ilita ry o ccu p a ­
tion s th e m ost co m m o n term is 'Job Centre'. The phrase "h ead -h u n ting " is
now co m m o n ly used to describe recruitm ent of selected candidates w ho
are already em ployed but desired by an oth er em ployer.
Syn.: hiring, c u rre n t-fillin g p ro cess (Am Eonly), em ploym ent, h ea d-h u n t­
Comb.: recruitm ent policy, recruitm ent com pany.
2. A lte rn a tiv e , n.
1 ) any o f tw o or m ore possibilities - альтернатива, вибір, варіант, e.g.
The alternative seem ed to be either death o r glory. O r They had to ch oose
betw een several alternatives, none o f w hich were attractive.
2) ch o ice - вибір, e.g. He had no alternative but to go.
A lte rn a tiv e , adj.
1) available as an oth er ch o ice - другий (з д вох можливих), e.g. alter­
native route.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 35

2) unconven tion al - нетрадиційний, альтернативний, взаєм ови клю ч-
ний. e.g. alternative m edicine, alternative society, alternative birthing, a l­
ternative technology.
The ad je ctive "a lte rn a tiv e " s h o u ld n o t be co n fu se d w ith "a lte rn a te ",
w h ich has th e m ean in g o f "every o th e r o f a seq u e n ce" and can be tra n s ­
lated "кож н и й другий", e.g. There w ill be a d a n ce on alte rn a te S atur­
3. Résum é, n. Г rezjumei/. The A m erican term fo r "a curriculum vitae", or
CV, w hich m eans "the details of the life and relevant occu p ation of a per­
son". The o th er m eaning of "résum é" is "a sum m ary", which can be trans­
lated as "підсумок, висновок", e.g. Ben gave a résum é of G ordon's story.
This w ord is of French origin and usually bears diacritics on the first and
last vowels. W ith o u t them it turns into a verb with different pronunciation
/ri'zju:m/, which m eans "to begin again, esp. after interruption", e.g. He
d ecid ed to resum e w atching the television.
4. B eneficiary, n. A person w ho receives or is entitled to a favour o r b en ­
efit, esp. u nder a trust, o r will, or life insurance policy. Бенефіціарій, особа,
щ о одерж ує прибутки від д о в ір ч о ї власності й т.і., e.g. His son was the
main beneficiary of his last will and testam ent.
5. C o rp o rate , adj. Корпоративний, спільний. The m ain m eaning is that
of or belo n g in g to a corporation, or a gro u p o f people, collective, joint,
e.g. co rporate im age - репутація корпорації, co rp orate nam e - оф іційна
назва корпорації, co rporate p ro perty - корп оратив не майно, corporate
view - точка зо р у корпорації.
C o rp o ra tio n , n. A b o d y of peo p le that has been given a legal existence
distin ct from the individuals w ho co m po se it or fou n d it. Об'єднання, то ­
вариство, корпорація, ю ри ди чн а особа. Public co rp oratio n - а к ц іо н е р ­
на компанія, e.g. The com pany was liquidated and replaced by a public
corporation, the British Broadcasting C o rp o ratio n (Encyclopaedia B ritan n i­
ca). M u n icip al co rp oratio n - міська влада, муніципалітет, e.g. The m ayor
looked blue, d o did the C o rp o ratio n to o (Browning).
Comb.: m ultinational corporation.
6 . Training, n. The m ain m eanings of the noun include:
1) the act o r process o f providing or receiving instruction in o r fo r a par­
ticu lar skill, profession, occu pation - навчання, підготовка, e.g. Her m e d i­
cal training was five years as an undergraduate and seven years p o stg ra d ­

36 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

uate. O r They received training in how to use the new co m p u te r system.
O r The p lu m ber's training was a form al apprenticeship.
2 ) the process o f d eve lo ping physical fitness and efficiency by d iet and
exercise - тренування, заняття (з ф ізи чн ої підготовки), e.g. SAS training is
excep tionally long and difficult. The boxer started training for his next fig h t
six m onths before the event.
3) m ilitary drill - військова підготовка, муштра, e.g. The new recruits
started th eir parade-grou n d training the first day they arrived.
Phrases: to g o into training - почати тренуватися, in train in g - п р о х о ­
дити ф ізичну підготовку, бути в ф ормі, ou t of training - бути ф ізично не
в ф ормі.
Comb.: tra in in g -co lle g e - педагогічний інститут, сп еціальне училищ е,
технікум, train in g -sch o o l - спеціальне уч и ли щ е або виправно-трудова
колонія, training ship - навчальне судно, training shoes o r trainers - к р о ­
7. A p p lica n t, n. A person w ho applies o r makes a form al request to get
a job . Кандидат, претендент.
Phrase: an ap p lica n t for the p osition - кандидат на посаду.
Syn.: Contender, candidate, aspirant, suitor, petitioner, claim ant, co n te s­
tant, com petitor, entrant.
8 . Technical, adj. This is a d ifficu lt w ord fo r both linguists and translators
in Ukraine, as its m eanings in English are w ider and usually different to that
of the Ukrainian w ord "технічний", w hich is better translated as "te ch n o­
logical". The m eaning o f the adjective "technical" include:
1 ) of a person: having k no w ledge of o r expertise in a particular art, sci­
ence, or o ther subject - технічний, майстерний, e.g. The technical director
of the O pera com pan y was in charge o f the scenery design. O r The fo o tb a l­
ler show ed great technical skill to pass three defenders and score.
2 ) pertainin g to, characteristic of a particular art, science, profession or
occu p ation - спеціальний, проф есійний, щ о стосується п е в н о ї галузі,
науки, e.g. A problem of purely technical nature: the structure o f benzene
(SOED). O r The ballet dancer had tro u b le with som e o f the technical details
necessary to perform a pas de deux correctly.
Comb.: technical term - спеціальний термін, technical co lle g e -
середній спеціальний навчальний заклад, technical draw ing - технічний
м алю нок.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 37

3) o f a writer, textbook, etc.: using or dealin g w ith term s that b elo ng to a
p articular subject o r field; requiring specialist k no w led g e to be understood;
treating a subject in a specialist way - той, щ о використовує технічні тер­
міни, вузькоспеціальний, e.g. A technical w riter / b lo g g e r w ho can keep ...
readers up-to-date... in a fast m oving in dustry (Guardian).
4) o fficially o r properly so called o r regarded; that is such accord in g to
the particular te rm in o lo g y or from the particular view p o in t o f an art, sci­
ence, etc. —о б єктивно-науковий, ф орм альний, e.g. In technical term s the
b o d y was dead or The need to have the official form rubber-stam ped was
o n ly a technical d ifficu lty and d id not stop them .
Comb., in technical terms, in a technical sense — за о б ’єктивним и о зн а ­
ками, з точки зо р у п е в н о ї науки.
5) legally such, so regarded according to a strict legal interpretation -
ф орм ально-ю ри дични й , формальний, e.g. The shopper was arrested, even
th ou gh it was only a technical assault. She d id n 't actually hit anyone. O r
There is a technical difference between culpability and blam e in legal circles.
9. Executive, n. There are three co m m o n uses o f this noun in business
1 ) a sen io r manager, usually at D irector -1eve I - керівник, адміністратор,
e.g. W h en she was a p p o in ted Hum an Resources Director, she was given
keys to th e Executive Toilet and the Executive Lift.
2 ) the m ost sen ior em ployee w ho actually runs a co m pan y as op p o se d to
so m e b o d y w ho is m ore o f a figurehead —головний виконавчий директор,
e.g. The C h ief Executive O fficer had a long m eeting with the Chairm an of
the Board yesterday.
3) a title given to ju n io r em ployees to m ake th eir jo b s sound m ore im ­
p orta n t than th ey are - служ бовець, сп івробітн и к, або за контекстом,
e.g. Instead o f a pay rise, th e Salesm an was given the title o f Sales Executive.
10. Manager, n. A person w ho m anages eith er a sub-set of a business or
em ployees or both. The exception is the title o f General Manager, w hich is
often given to the M an ag in g D irector in an org an ization w here there is a
CEO (Chief Executive Officer), or to den o te th at th ey are responsible fo r all
aspects o f a separate business unit. e.g. The Sales M an ag e r had three Ter­
ritory M an agers reportin g to him. In business environ m en t the noun m ay
be translated by a w h ole n u m ber o f w ords d e p e n d in g on the context: м е ­
неджер, завідувач, директор, керую чий, адміністратор, керівник тощ о.

38 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

11. O u ts o u rc in g firm , n. A specialist com pan y that deals in on e or
m ore very specific areas and sells its services to o th er com panies, cla im ­
ing efficiency and cost-redu ction - спеціалізована ком панія на стороні,
аутсорсингова компанія, e.g. The factory decided to close dow n its can­
teen and use the services o f an ou tsou rcin g specialist to provide fo o d for
its workers.
To outsource, v. To ch oose a specialist firm to provide services and
close dow n its own (in-house) d epartm en t - передати св о ї певні ф ункції
спеціалізованій ком панії, e.g. The local g o vernm ent au th ority decid ed to
ou tsou rce its rubbish co lle ction services to an outside contractor.

6 . Listen to th e recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate it

into Ukrainian.

7. A n sw er th e fo llow in g questions to th e text:

1. D o you agree w ith th e au th or a b o u t the luck rule in o u r lives? 2. C o m ­
m ent o f th e au th or's w ords a b o u t "d iligen tly acquirin g valu ab le in fo rm a ­
tio n " to be later used "in lieu o f personalities"? W h at was actually m eant?
3. W h at was th e m ain obstacle fo r m any em ployers in hiring p e o p le ac­
co rd in g to S cott A d am s before the w id e use o f the internet? 4. Did the
a u th o r o f th e text use this o bstacle to his own advantage? Prove you r
v ie w p o in t w ith a quote. 5. W hat new o p p o rtu n itie s doe s th e internet open
in jo b -fin d in g and jo b -h irin g processes? 6 . W h at con se q u en ce s d id Scott
A d a m s p redict in this respect? 7. W h at was the auth or's p red icted picture
of th e jo b m arket based on internet o p p o rtu n itie s in 1997? 8 . To w hat
extent d id this p re d iction co m e true? 9. In term s of style w h at did you
appreciate in this w ritin g m ost of all? S u p p o rt y o u r answ er w ith q uotes
and exam ples.

8 . C o m m en t on these fam ous quotes. Give y o u r views on three of them in

English using not m ore than three sentences for each.
• Bill G ates - Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces sm art p eo p le into
th inkin g they can't lose.
• A n o n y m o u s - W hen you own y o u r own business, you on ly have to
w ork half a day. You can do anything you w ant with the o th er twelve

Англійська мова. II КУРС 39

• Estee Lau d er - If you d o n 't sell, it's not the p ro du ct that's wrong, it's
• C o n fu c io u s - The su perior man understands w hat is right; the in feri­
or man understands what will sell.

Vocabulary practice

9. Read the fo llo w in g jo b an nouncem ents from the "Kyiv Post" w hich have
the nam e o f the jo b p osition deleted and then d ecid e w hat jo b s with a d e ­
leted nam e o f a jo b p osition and guess w hat jo b s these annou n cem en ts are
for. Find the m eaning of all key w ords that you d id n 't know and w hich were
instrum ental in u n derstanding the m ain requirem ents and jo b functions.
Learn them.

(Ukrainian Practice) & Partners offers a ch a lle n g ­

ing and professionally enriching experience, a hefty
co m pen sation package, lucrative fringe benefits and
a frien dly atm osphere. Due to increasing dem and
fo r ou r services and rapid deve lo pm e n t o f the firm,
(Ukrainian Practice) & Partners announces im m ediate
o p e n in g s for the fo llo w in g positions:
• 2 + years of relevant legal experience
• S uperior analytical abilities
• Excellent com m and of English
• Strong academ ic background (LLM is an advantage)

• Superb legal w riting and research skills

• Fluency in English, Ukrainian and Russian
• H igher education
• 2 + years o f secretarial/adm inistrative experience
• G o o d m anners and co m m u n ication skills
• Strong org an ization & tim e -m a n ag em en t skills are a must.

W o rld Leader in the provision of financial data and trading solutions

system s fo r financial m arkets professionals w orld -w id e is lookin g fo r a: ?

M. O . B o3 H a • O. 6. T an oH iB • O. KD. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoM eH KO

• Bachelor's degree in C o m p u te r Science or related discipline.
• 3+ years of C++/C# O bject-oriented deve lo pm e n t in an M S W in ­
d ow s environm ent.
• D em onstrable record of delivering high quality software products.
• Extensive know ledge o f W in d o w s platform tech n o lo g ies including
W in32 API, CO M , threading and sockets.
• Strong p ro ble m -so lvin g skills and th e ability to be a successful m em ­
ber o f a team.
• Basic English skills and ability to im prove those skills.
• D esirable - experience in distributed applicatio n architectures.
• D esirable - kno w ledge and ap plica tio n o f form al softw are d e v e lo p ­
m ent processes.
C om p e n sa tio n will be com m ensurate with experience.
Summary: The prim ary objective of th e ? p osition is to p rodu ce required
p ro du ct fo llo w in g processes in con ju n ction with team m em bers that is of
high q u ality and is timely.

M ultinational FMCG company

Job title: Location: Kyiv
Job description:
• Putting all necessary processes into place to make the C om p an y o p ­
erational from a fin an cial/acco un tin g poin t of view.
• D eveloping one standard chart o f accounts for the Com pany, a l­
low ing transparency of expenses, correct allocation s according to
Ukrainian and International A cco u n tin g standards, and im proving
the closin g process.
• Preparation and control o f all tax reports (profit tax, VAT, etc.) for
Com pany.
• Keeping the contact to tax adm in istration and replying to th eir re­
quests in co -o rd in a tio n with C orporate Controller/CFO .
• Con trol of payroll and business trip reports (twice a month).
• A rra ngin g reports according to N ational Statistics requirem ents and
N ational A cco u n tin g standards (quarterly).
Candidate Requirements:
• M ale /fem ale aged under 45.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 41

• University degree /M B A .
• Experience as ? in an o th er m ultin ation al com pany.
• Experience w ith Inform ation Systems.
• In depth k n o w led g e on International accou n tin g rules & standards.
• Basic kn o w led g e o f English.
• 3+ years of relevant w ork experience.

10. Study th e m eanings of the w ord "manager", "executive" and "director"

and th eir associated verbs in th e fo llo w in g text and find Ukrainian e q u iva­
lents fo r them . W h en reading th e text, pay careful attention to the context
to understand w hat is m eant by each term and how sen ior the jo b actually
is, irrespective o f th e title.
"W hen I graduated in 1976 with a Social Sciences degree, I g ot a jo b as a
Sales Executive which m eant that I was trained to sell, given a range of p ro d ­
ucts and told to m anage a sm all geographical territory. I reported to a Sales
M an ag er w ho m anaged six salesm en such as myself, as well as tw o Territory
M anagers w ho were sim ply m ore senior Sales Executives. All the activity in
all the various occupational sectors was directed by a Branch M an ag er who
reported to the Executive Board. A fter several successful years, I was p ro­
m oted to Product M an age r to direct the sales and m arketing from Head
O ffice o f one specific range of products, reporting to the M arketing Director.
A fter a couple o f years I was prom oted to M arketing Manager. Som e years
later I was prom oted to General M an ager and sent overseas to direct all the
com pany's activities in an Eastern European country. I em ployed a local Sales
Director, a Production Director and a Technical Director, w ho tog eth er with
the Chief A ccou n tan t and myself, form ed the Executive Board of the local
com pany. I was now reporting to the Chief Executive O fficer at Head Office
and after som e years of success returned to Head O ffice as an Executive."

Note: Although some of the above has such odd jo b titles that it almost sounds like a
joke, it is actually a real brief career autobiography. Why do you think it is common
in many multinational enterprises to have complex management structures with jo b
titles that are not always obvious?

11. M atch w ords in the first colum n to their m eanings in th e second colum n:
a) co m ic strip 1 ) any o f tw o o r m ore possibilities, choice

42 M. O. Bo3Ha • O. B. fa n o H ie • O. fO. Bacn/itw eH KO » H. C. XoM enxo

b) to outsource 2) a person w ho receives or is entitled to a favor or
c) head-h u n ting 3) a body o f p eo p le th at has been given a legal exis­
tence distin ct from the individuals w h o co m p o se it
or found it
d) co rp oratio n 4) to ch oose a specialist firm to pro vid e services and
close dow n its ow n (in-house) departm en t
e) ap p licant 5) a series of co m ic draw ings
f) co m m en tary 6) a person w ho applies o r m akes a form al request to
get a jo b
g) alternative 7) recruitm ent of selected candidates
h) resum e 8) d ocu m entary n on-fiction with subjective com m ents
i) recruitm ent 9) details o f one's life and relevant occu p ation
j) alternate 10 ) to begin again, especially after an interrup tion
k) resum e 11 ) delays in paym ents of wages and salaries
I) w age arrears 12 ) every o th er of a sequence
m) ben eficiary 13) the process o f hiring people

*12. Insert one of th e fo llo w in g partial synonym s: applicant, contender, ca n ­

didate, aspirant, suitor, petitioner, claim ant, contestant, competitor, entrant
into the sentence w here it is m ost appropriate: C o n sid er several o p tio n s if
possible. Find th e best Ukrainian equivalents.
1. A ll the ... for the vacant Senior Interpreter's jo b s were seated in the
Conference Hall, waiting to be called for interview. 2. The ... on the TV quiz
show introduced them selves. 3. The 5000m race featured som e of the m ost
talented ... in the world. 4. The ... had his case presented to the ju d g e by his
legal team. 5. Everybody was w aiting to see w ho w ould be the ... to the w in ­
ning lottery tic k e t 6. W e had over a hundred ... for the vacant accountant's
job, which we w hittled dow n to seven s e rio u s ... 7. It wasn't clear w ho was the
leading ... fo r the title bou t fo r the w orld boxing crown. 8 . Nearly tw o-thirds
o f the ... will be com peting in their first race. 9. He decided to be a Roman
Catholic ... to the priesthood. 10. She had s e v e ra l... for her hand in marriage.

13. Give rows o f synonym s to each of th e w ords o r w ord co m b in atio n s g iv ­

en below, co n su lting a d ictio n ary o f synonym s or a thesaurus if necessary.
Use them in sentences of you r own.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 43

Hiring, choice, resume, corporate, training, candidate, technical, recruit­
m ent com pany, jo b opening.

*14. Insert either m ake o r do o r m ake do as necessary, in the correct tense,

into the fo llo w in g sentences checking yo u r answers with the dictionary.
Take note th at som e o f the answers w ill use idiom s or phrasal verbs.
1. She decid ed to ... a career fo r herself before thinking ab o u t m arry­
ing. 2. He d id n 't w ant to ... the jo b before breakfast. 3. He ... a strong im ­
pression on the selection com m ittee. 4. She ... a g o o d jo b in repairing the
faulty printer. 5. He ... the jo b into the role it is today. 6 . A lth o u g h popular,
he ... badly when his sales results were taken into account. 7. Her objective
on starting her new jo b was to ... well. 8 . The accou n tan t resigned, so we
m ust ... the best o f it and ... the Books ourselves. 9. W ith all three service
engineers on h olid ay at the sam e time, w e had t o ......w hen repair requests
cam e in. 10. W ith such an out-of-date com puter, she had to ... the best of
it when asked for co m ple x graphics fo r the presentation. 11. He was told
to ... the report before he w ent hom e. 12. He ... it his business to find ou t
the answ er to the problem . 13.... the exercises in this chapter. 14. W ith their
experience, the rem ovals men ... light w ork of m oving the heavy furniture.
15. She was asked to ... a translation of th eir speeches. 16. W e could ... with
an ad d ition al adm inistrator. 17. The success o f the business ... credit to the
Firm's organization. 18. This co lle ction of ancient poem s newly ... into En­
glish is a fine translation. 19. The social m edia co m pa n y d ecid ed to ... her a
jo b offer. 20. The p lu m b e r ... a bad jo b o f repairing the toilet.

15. Think of the best translation for the fo llo w in g sentences co n tain in g the
w ord "technical". W rite ou t Ukrainian equivalents you've ended up with.
1. She was especially beautiful but in technical term s her m outh was to o
wide. 2. The film was an artistic trium ph, but in technical term s it failed,
as box receipts were low. 3. G o od news, everyone, I am still technically
alive. 4. The technical d ire ctor is in charge of the technical staff o f the show
(SOED). 5. In technical terms, tom atoes are fruit. 6. The technical capability
o f this plant can not be overestim ated. 7. The translators hated having to
w ork on technical manuals. 8 . H ippocrates invented the w ord 'C allip ygian ' -
a technical term to m ean "having lovely buttocks" (SOED). 9. It has been
estim ated that over 40% o f all English w ords are technical. 10. "You should

M . O. B o 3 Ha « O . B. T a n o H iB • O. fO. BacM/ibHeHKO • H. C. X 0 M e H K 0
have had the scoundrel arrested. It was a technical assault." (P. G. W o o d -
house q u oted in the SOED). 11. Jonas's teeth flashed in w hat was tech n ical­
ly a sm ile (S. K. Penman).

16. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into English using the w ord "tech­
nical" w herever appropriate, bearing in m ind the difference in sem antic
volum es o f the w ords in tw o languages.
1. Всіма технічним и аспектами, п ов'язан им и з вивчен ням та у п р о ­
вадж енням винаходу, буде опікуватися технічна рада. 2. Всі технічні
дані з цього проекту ми передали вам ще на то м у тижні. 3. Цей фан­
таст використовує багато термінів: не всім просто читати його ром ани.
4. Фігуристи прод ем он стрували п рекрасну техніку у виконанні цього
танцю . 5. Технічний д и ректор несе повн у відповідальність за роботу
технічного п ерсоналу ф ірми. 6 . Це було вузькоспеціальне питання,
то м у слухати довгу ди скусію було цікаво не всім. 7. О лена працю вала
вже на кількох проектах те хн ічн ої д о п о м о ги А ге н ц ії С Ш А з м іж н а р о д ­
ного розвитку, хоча насправді "технічна д оп ом ога" означає в ц ь о м у ви-
падку "експертну допом огу". 8 . Н айкращ і експерти завж ди отрим ую ть
в исоку зарплату, адже спеціальні знання цінуються. 9. Він н еп рави льно
м ене зрозум ів: я вж ив це слово в сп е ц іал ьн ом у значенні. 10. Фахівці
визнали високу худож ню значим ість твору, але в к о м е р ц ій н о м у пла­
ні він виявився неуспіш ним . 11. Велику частину будь-якого словника
складаю ть спеціальні слова. 12. Д іакри ти к - це сп еціальний терм ін для
н адрядкових або підрядкових знаків, які розрізню ю ть звуки, позначені
тією са м о ю літерою . 13. Технічний коледж в А н гл ії - це середній на­
вчальний заклад, який готує ф ахівців не тільки з технічних сп е ц іаль­
ностей. 14. П ідписи були ли ш е ф орм альністю , але це забрало багато
часу. 15. За об'єктивним и ознакам и тіло м ож на було вважати мертвим.
16. М іж цим и д вом а ознакам и існує ф о р м ал ьн о -ю р и д и ч н а відмінність.
17. Технічний м ал ю н о к був виконаний з се р й озн и м и неточностями.

17. Give English equivalents to the fo llo w in g Ukrainian w ords and expres­
sions, using the voca b ulary o f the lesson.
Кандидат на посаду, пош ук кандидатів, вибір, коротка автоб іо гр а­
фія, серія ком іч ни х м алю нків, б ю р о з працевлаш тування, виконавчий
директор, співбесіда з роботодавцем , середній сп еціальний навчаль­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 45

ний заклад, фізична підготовка, сп еціальне училищ е, навчання, оф і­
ційна назва ком панії, бенеф іціар, репутація ком панії, високооплачува-
на робота, приваблива винагорода, м ін ім альн а заробітна плата, ранг
служ бовця, пільги д о п е в н о ї посади, повернен ня капіталу, зайнятість,
консультант з проф орієнтації, просування по роботі, посада, п ен сій ­
на програма, делегування повноваж ень, представник р о б о ч о ї п р о ­
фесії, спеціаліст у вузькій галузі, п роф есійний військовослуж бовець,
розм еж ування, ремесло, вакансія, ф ункціональні обов'язки, кож ного
д ругого четверга, м айстерний, вузькоспеціальний, технічний, у п у щ е ­
ний, часткова зайнятість, повна зайнятість, випадковий заробіток, пе­
редавати частину ф ункцій орган іза ц ії зовн іш н ій сп еціалізованій к о м ­
панії, бути в ф ормі, вважати загиблим, отрим ати підвищ ення на службі,
виходити на передній план, зробити кар'єру.

18. Translate the fo llo w in g text into English using the vo cab ulary of the
Тисячі ком паній в у сьо м у світі спеціалізую ться на д о б о р і кваліф іко­
ваного персоналу. Д о спеціалістів з най м у звертаються представники
як малих фірм, так і великих компаній: д о б ір кандидатів на ту чи інш у
вакансію д овіряю ть проф есіоналам.
Наразі розвивається вітчизняний бізнес, від п овід н о ростуть вим оги
д о якості р об іт та послуг, і зокрем а, д о кваліф ікації персоналу. Р о б о ­
тодавці зацікавлені у висококваліф ікованих фахівцях. Д іап азон заявок
роб ото д авців вельми ш и роки й - попит є і на роб ітн иків н и зької та се ­
редньої кваліфікації, й на керівників центрального ви кон авчого ап а­
П ро те, щ о вітчизняна індустрія най м у п ерсон алу бурхливо р о зв и ­
вається, свідчить не лиш е кількісний ріст кадрових агенцій, а й поява
п ерш ої п р оф е сій н о ї спілки провід н их регіональних агенцій з д о б о р у
Кадрові аген ц ії м ож на класифікувати за п евн и м и ознакам и на дві
групи: аген ції з працевлаш тування та рекрутингові. Рекрутмент як н о ­
вий вид україн сько го бізнесу виник на початку 90-х, разом із п оя вою
н ового класу - приватних п ід п р и єм ц ів-р об о тод а вц ів . О станнім часом
збільш ився попит на зовн іш н ій рекрутинг: не всі к о м п а н ії м ож уть д о з ­
волити собі мати штатного рекрутера. Крім того, д о рекрутингових

46 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів ■ О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • H. С. Хоменко

агенцій звертаються у випадках, коли є потреба знайти унікального
спеціаліста, або визначитись з рівнем зарплати та у м о в а м и праці р о ­
бітників, яких ком панія зап рош ує для забезпечення н ового н апрям ку
роботи чи проекту.
Задача кад р о во ї аген ції полягає в тому, щ об позбавити зам овн и ка
зайвих дзвінків, зустрічей, сп івб есід з кандидатами, які маю ть низьку
й м о вір ність обійняти заявлену посаду, представити м ін ім ум кандидатів
та цим са м и м зекон ом и ти час роботодавця. Як і дитина має н ар о д и ­
тися через 9 місяців, так і п роц е с рекрутингу триває від 2 д о б тиж­
нів. Квапити рекрутера означає поруш увати технологію процесу, а це
негативно впливає на результат. Н ай цікавіш и м та н ай п ри б утко віш и м
для агенцій є д о б ір топ-спеціалістів та керівників. Н ай д о р о ж ч и м м е ­
тодом п ош уку є "полю вання за головами", але, щ об його здійсню вати,
необ хід н о бути д ій сн о п роф есіон ал ом св о єї справи. Р е к р у т и н г - бізнес
актуальний, прибутковий, але непростий. Він потребує глибоких знань
у різних напрям ках ринку праці та передбачає доб р оп ор яд ність.

{За м а т е р іа л а м и періодичного видання "П ропоную р о б о т у ")

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. The m o st p u b lic ise d p ro d u c t in a com pany's range is its ...

a) warship; b) object of worship; c) ship's flag; d) flagsh ip

2. S om eo ne who's very enthusiastic is said to be keen as ...

a) a knife; b) a whistle; c) ketchup; d) m ustard

3. S om eo ne w ho is a w e t is ...
a) feeble; b) a strong swim m er; c) drunk; d) always frightened

4. E lb o w grease is ...
a) hard work; b) easy work; c) slip pe ry behaviour; d) evasive behaviour

5. If som eo ne w ants to give you a backhander, you w ou ld g et a ...

a) punch; b) slap; c) bribe; d) piece of ju icy gossip.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 47

Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g com m ents before listening to the dialogues:

Com m ents

1. To post a vacancy. Originally the verb "to post" meant to place a notice in a
prominent place. In contemporary internet jargon, this now means "to put an item
on a website". Розмістити оголошення про вакансію в Інтернеті.
2. То hawk. То carry about or offer goods for sale. Becoming old-fashioned,
but still frequently used in certain phrasal verbs such as "to hawk around", e.g. The
agent is hawking around a CV. Пропонувати (товар, кандидатуру).
3. Commission. Much of the recruitment industry relies on commission paid
upon the successful placement (specific industry jargon) of a candidate. Usually
paid by the employer, but sometimes by the candidate. Комісійні.
4. Scruffy. A colloquial term meaning 'shabby' or 'untidy'. Very frequently used
in conversational English. Неохайний.
5. Matchmaking. Originally, 'to make a match' meant to bring together a couple
suitable for marriage, later shortened into one word. In contemporary IT use, the
word is used to refine a search or match database criteria before presenting results.
Тут: пошук відповідей за заданими параметрами.
6 . A hit. In contemporary IT use, the word is used to describe the result or results
of a search. A new meaning to add to dozens of English & US colloquial & slang
meanings. Результат пошуку.
7. To be right up your street. A conversational set-phrase meaning 'to be highly
suited' or 'highly appropriate'. Відповідати на всі сто.
8. Pagemaker. A PC program used by publishers for high quality reprographic work.
9. Masses. A conversational way of saying 'many'. Багато (also "loads" or "tons").
10. Downsizing. Recent commercial jargon used to mean the cutting of em­
ployee numbers to attempt an increase in short-term profitability, previously called
redundancy or laying-off. Many "cute" alternatives to avoid the negative impact
have also recently appeared, the most popular of which seems to be "rightsizing".
Скорочення (персоналу).
11. Proactive. Today deemed to be an essential characteristic for employees of
all kinds; those that take the initiative and are not simply 'reactive'. Ініціативний,

48 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

12. Careerist, Itself jargon, one of many fashionable words ending in -ist.
The word means someone who is focused very hard on their career. The word
does not have any negative meaning unlike its Ukrainian equivalent. Кар'єрист
(у позитивному знач.)
13. Below the belt. A common conversational phrase to mean 'unfair'. It comes
from boxing where to literally hit below the belt is against the rules. Нижче пояса.
14. A to Z. Almost all British cities and towns have a street map published by the
'A to Z' company. Довідник. Від „А" до „Я".
15. То rise to. То react to a stimulus or insult. Зреагувати, (розм.) купитися.
16. "I will not...". Such formal phrasing is usually only ever used in conversation­
al English as a way of heavily emphasizing an intention.

2. Listen to the recording o f the fo llo w in g dialogues. Repeat after the

speakers trying to reproduce all in ton ation as best as possible.

D ia lo g u e 1: Looking for a jo b

Serhiy: This site's got hundreds o f vacancies posted, but no dates against
the jobs.
Judith: I d o n 't like those - you never know w hat m ig ht really be available.
S: They're probably o n ly after y o u r C V so that they can hawk it around
and get com m ission if som eone's interested in you.
J: This one looks m uch better - clear, detailed and com prehensive detail
on each job.
S: O h yes. This is the one. I w ould never believe that a serious com pany
w ou ld put vacancies on a scruffy, illiterate site, but this looks great.
J: W ell, is there anything for me?
S: Hang on, I'm ju st putting details o f you r degree in ...
J: This is a bit posh, they're d o in g m atchm aking before letting you apply.
S: Here you are, seven hits. That second one looks right up yo u r street.
J: Wow, that's ju st it. Get my C V in quick.

D ialo g u e 2: W riting a C V

Kate: It's not en ough to do yo u r C V in Pagem aker w ith masses of g ra p h ­

ics and pretty fonts. You need to get the w ords right too.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 49

Vasya: W h at d o you m ean? It's brilliant.
K: This bit abo ut bein g "downsized". It ju s t sounds like you were sacked.
V: But I was in a way - they m ade nearly half th e w orkforce redundant.
K: D on't you th ink it w ou ld sound better if you said that you "left to fur­
th er you r career by seeking new challenges and o p p o rtun ities?"
V: W ell if I w rite that and get qu izzed on it, I'll ju s t feel stupid.
K: But it's true and it makes you sound proactive and positive.
V: It also m akes m e sound like an em ploye e w ho'll q u it and disap p ear
every tim e he thinks there's som eth ing better on th e horizon. W h at
ab o ut loyalty?
K: There's no such thing as a jo b fo r life any more, so everyone's expect­
ed to be both flexible and oppo rtun istic.
V: You sound m ore like a politician than m y wife, the doctor, som etim es.
K: W e ’re all stuck with this careerist jargon, w hoever we are.

D ialogu e 3 :T h e jo b interview

Tanya: You're sure you've left loads of tim e to get there w ithout being late?
Ian: I checked the train tim etables tw ice and even if one's cancelled the
next train'll get m e there in time.
T: As sure as you were when you turned up half an hou r late fo r our
w eddin g?
I: Hey, that's below the belt. That w asn't m y fault.
T: D oesn't m atter to d a y w hose fault it m ight be if you 're late - n ot tu rn ­
ing up on tim e is the guaranteed way not to get a job .
I: Well, I've also checked the A to Z to m ake sure I know how to g et to
their offices from the station.
T: Then you were tw o hours late fo r ou r first anniversary dinner.
I: I'm n ot rising to th at one - I will n ot be late fo r this interview. I'm off
T: You look so sm art in yo u r best shirt, best tie and best jacket but
sh o u ld n 't you rem em ber to put yo u r trousers on?

3. A nsw er th e fo llo w in g qu estion s on the contents of the dialogues.

1. W h at way o f lo o k in g for a jo b is described in th e first d ialog u e? Are
there any o th er m eth ods o f fin d in g a jo b ? N am e them . 2. W h o se jo b is

50 M . 0 . B o 3 H a • O. 5. T an oH iB • O. fO. B a c n /iw e H K O • H. C. XoMem <o

"haw king peo p le around trying to get a com m ission on a placem ent"? Can
a jo b seeker avoid it? How? 3. W hat is im p ortan t in w riting a CV? 4. W h at are
the basic requirem ents for a successful jo b interview ? 5. W h y is it im portan t
som etim es to use ro un d ab o u t ways of describing you r career m oves when
w riting a CV? 6 . Is there a co n tradiction between loyalty and op p o rtu n ism
in people's careers? Is it always possible to avoid it? W h at is y o u r o p in io n in
this respect? 7. W hy is it im p ortan t to sound positive and p ro-active when
lookin g for a jo b ? 8 . W h y d o w ell-organized, clear w ebsites give an im age
o f professionalism ?

4. Practice the reading o f the dialogues. Translate the d ialog u es as best as

you can. Present the d ialog u es in class close to the text.

5. Insert p repositio n s w herever necessary.

1. W hat is yo u r C V ... - Pagem aker or W ord? 2 . 1 prom ise not to be late ...
this interview. 3 .1th ink I'm all packed and ready. - So, you are ... then. 4. You
are guaranteed to fail this jo b interview if you d o n 't t u r n ...... time. 5. For
how long have you been hawking ... your CV? 6 . W hat you said is not fair,
it's ... the belt. 7. Can you phrase it sim pler? You're ju st stuck ... this jargon.
8 . Sure, you can't be quizzed ... every single d e t a il... you r CV. 9. Are you sure
it's the love ... life? O r anything new ... the horizon, and you'll forget about
you r loyalties? 10. That other jo b advertisem ent looks right ... you r street.
11. Hang ..., w e haven't finished ... this one yet? 12. Can you see any dates ...
those tw o jo b advertisem ents? 13. H ead-hunters are only ... the best can­
didates that are often already em ployed. 14. W hat d o you think is the co m ­
m ission ... a placem ent? 1 5 .1 need those letters urgently. Get them ... quick.

6. Find in the dialogu es and co m m e n ts several synonym s fo r the phrase:

to m ake som ebody redundant. D escribe all the nuances o f th eir m eanings
and speech register they are usually used in. M ake up y o u r ow n sentences
with these words.

7. M atch w ords and expressions in the first colum n to th eir m eanings given
in the second colum n:
a) co m m ission 1 ) a search return on the internet
b) d ow n sizin g 2 ) being socially su perior and m ore stylish

Англійська мова. II КУРС 51

c) m atchm aking 3) covering all aspects o f som ething
d) hit 4) the fees paid for a service
e) op p o rtu n ism 5) to leave or resign from a position
f) proactive 6) th e successful hiring of a candidate
g) posh 7) the reduction o f a w orkforce by redundancy
h) scruffy 8 ) to qu estion intensely
i) com prehensive 9) looking dishevelled
j) quit 10 ) taking advantage o f a situation fo r you r ow n g oo d
k) careerist 11 ) the brin ging to g e th e r o f suitable partners
I) placem ent 12 ) m aking sure th ings happen rather than ju st hoping
and w aiting
m) quiz 13) som eon e em ph asizin g the career part of th eir life.

8 . Find in the voca b u lary o f the lesson all adjectives that characterise a
successful candidate, add y o u r own d escription s to m ake a portrait o f a
p o tentially strong jobseeker.

9. Find Ukrainian equivalents fo r the w ords given below, co n su ltin g you r

dictionary. M ake up y o u r own sentences w ith these words.
A hit, dow nsizing, to post, to hawk around, to g et a com m ission, w ork­
force, to fu rth er one's career, a jo b opportunity, a challenge, to be quizzed,
to be proactive, to be positive, loyalty, flexible, o p p o rtun istic, to rise to
som ething, to be off, to turn up, posh, m atchm aking, scruffy, illiterate, co m ­
prehensive, to be available.

10. Broaden yo u r voca b u lary by reading the fo llo w in g text on w hy an in ­

terview m ay fail. W rite o u t the unknow n w ords then look them up in a
dictionary. Translate the text into Ukrainian in class.

"O ne in three" m angle jo b interview s

O ne in three w orkers believe they have m issed ou t on a dream jo b after

m aking "basic blunders" in an interview, according to a survey.
Top m istakes included arriving late after g ettin g lost, being caug h t ou t
lying on a CV, w earing in appropriate cloth es and calling the interview er by
the w rong name.

52 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. tO. B a c n /iw e H K O • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

A lm o st half o f the 1500 office w orkers polled by recruitm ent firm O ffice
A n g els blam ed nerves. But one in five adm itted they had been over-con ­
Paul Jacobs, m anaging director of O ffice Angels, said preparation was the
key to a successful interview. "Interviews are a tense period of tim e loaded
with expectation. The im portan t point to bear in m ind is to not let nerves or
ill-preparation result in a blu nder on the day. Interviews are by their nature
challenging - so it's best to make sure you're as prepared as possible".
O ffice A n g els urged jobseekers to dress sm artly at interviews, research
the co m pa n y they hope to jo in and allow plenty o f tim e for travel. The top
five tips fo r interview preparation given on Careers Portal was to w ork out
y o u r route there and how long it w ould take. Second was to research the
com pany, and third was to ch o ose an o p tim u m tim e for interview if p o s­
sible - i.e. not the m orn in gs if you are not a "m orning person". Fourth was
"loo k good", and fifth was "be punctual" - or at least call if you know you
are g o in g to be delayed.
(BBC News)

11. Using the in form ation given in the d ialo g u e and in the text above pres­
ent to yo u r fe llo w students y o u r view s on w hy a jo b interview m ay fail and
w hat are the right steps to take to prevent an unfortunate outcom e. A n d if
you still failed, is it a reason to becom e pessim istic?

12. Dram atize the fo llo w in g situations:

a) an interview in a recruitm ent com pany; b) an interview w ith a p o ­
tential em p lo y e r for a position of a secretary or a translator in a co m m e r­
cial com pany; c) an interview w ith a potential em ploye r in a governm en t
agency or o rgan ization fo r a translator's position; d) seeking advice from a
friend of yours w ho recently g o t a g o o d job.

13. M ake up short d ialog u es using form u laic and shortened phrases you've
learnt from the dialogues. Think of how they are used proactively o r reac-
1. You never know ... 2. Here you are. 3. T h a t ... looks right up yo u r street.
4. I'm not rising to th at one. 5. I'm off. 6 . That's below the belt. 7. That wasn't
my fault.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 53

14. a) W orking with yo u r n eig h b o u r co n sid e r the points given b elo w and
put 5 of them in o rder o f im portan ce for you.

W hat adds up to jo b satisfaction?

M akin g m oney Security

Social status The respect of colleagu es
Challenge Status in y o u r org an ization
W o rkin g co n d itio n s Personal freedom
Being prom oted Being part o f a team
Learning som eth in g new H elpin g o th er people
M ee tin g p eo ple th rough w ork Being praised by you r superiors

b) Discuss with yo u r n eig h b ou r 3 jo b s and p osition s w here som e of

these factors co m e to the fore. M ake up a list o f such jo b s with 5 attached
points from the co lum ns above. C om pare them with co rresp on d en t lists
co m p ile d by yo u r neighbor.

15. Discuss with y o u r fe llo w student jo b o p p o rtu n itie s fo r a graduate o f a

translators' dep a rtm en t of a university right after the g rad u ation using all
th e voca b u lary and idio m s you've learnt.

16. Revise this lesson by qu ickly giving U krainian equivalents to the v o ca b ­

ulary o f the lesson.


Job, trade, profession, career, careerist, applicant, interview, hit, m a n a g ­

er, recruitm ent, placem ent, com m ission, training, train in g college, o c c u ­
pation, vocation, career w om an, career politician, tradesm an, trader, p ro ­
fessional, specialist, apprenticeship, return on investm ent, dem arcation,
m arketing, pen sion schem e, rem uneration, pro m o tio n , career soldier, e m ­
ploym ent, wages, position, the perks o f the jo b , jo b grade, jo b description,
benefits, alternative, resume, beneficiary, m an ag in g director, candidate,

54 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. f a n o H iB • O. tO. B acM /iw eH K O » H. C. XoM eH KO

To outsource, to apply, to seek a job, to get a job, to lose a job , to m atch-
make, to quit, to downsize, to head-hunt, to quiz, to train, to trade on, to
trade in, to trade off, to com e to the fore, to prom ote, to fu rther one's career.
O p p o rtun istic, positive, proactive, executive, technical, lucrative, scruffy,
com prehensive, detailed, lost, posh, convergent, divergent, high-flying, d e ­
m anding, salaried, corporate, alternate, com petitive.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. A fa t ch a n ce is ...
a) a very high possibility; b) a very low possibility; c) a frequent event;
d) a rare event

2. The ins and ou ts are ...

a) the exits; b) the ideas; c) the doors; d) all the details

3. A n Irishm an's g ift o f th e g a b reflects th eir skilful what?

a) clothes sense; b) conversation; c) facial expressions; d) literary success

4. If in the USA you g e t a g ig it m eans that you 've g o t ...

a) a new job; b) a meal; c) a new pet; d) a nasty disease

5. If you d o som eth in g w illy-n illy , you d o i t ...

a) carelessly; b) quickly; c) w rongly; d) superbly.

1. Insert p re p ositio n s to form phrasal verbs in the fo llo w in g sentences us­
ing Ukrainian w ords in the brackets as prom pts.
1. She was p ro m o ted to trade ... coffee futures on the International C o m ­
m od ities Stock Exchange (торгувати). 2. I need to th ink ... this jo b offer -
I'm not sure if it's w hat I really w ant (продумати). 3. N ever mind, som eth in g
will turn ... soon (трапитися). 4. Having resisted being teased, there cam e
a p o in t w here he co u ld n 't avoid rising ... the bait (потрапити на гачок).

Англійська мова. II КУРС 55

5. For g o o d n e ss sake! Put ... a suit before you go to yo u r jo b interview!"
(вдягнути). 6. She decided to put her fam ily pictures ... her personal w e b ­
site (розмістити). 7. She was furious and ... his b lo o d (прагнути). 8 . "It's
on ly a co lle ction of rough notes, I need you to p u t ... the details" (вписати).
9. He was sacked w hen he was c a u g h t ... tellin g lies on his C V (спіймати).
10. W e re g o in g to have to trade ... h igher sales against increased profit
m argins" (поступитися). 11. They decided to call the salesm an ... a grand
nam e to boo st his co n fide n ce (назвати). 12. These increased inflation fig ­
ures will r e s u lt ... higher un em p loym e n t (призвести). 13. They sat dow n to
talk ... the results of the week's w ork (обговорити). 14. The p olice prom ised
to look ... the recent disturbances (розібратися). 15. The U nion agreed
to call ... the strike w hen all the dem ands were m et (відкликати). 16. She
was ordered to p u t ... her cigarette as she entered the bu ildin g (загасити).
17. The num ber o f un em ployed was fortun ate ly fallin g ... (падати). 18. The
num ber o f em ployees was cut ... w hen sales fell (скоротити). 19. She d e ­
cided to m ake ... som e interesting details of her very o rd in ary career (вига­
дати). 20. W h ile w aiting fo r the interview, he was asked to f i l l ... a personal
history form (виповнити). 21. He ju s t co u ld n 't co p e with the pace o f work,
so he gave ... on the jo b (кинути). 22. He co u ld n 't resist trading ... his b o y ­
ish g o o d looks (скористатися).

2. Find in the d ialog u es exam ples of the use o f Perfect, and C on tin uo u s
Tenses. Explain them and translate into Ukrainian.

3. Explain the use o f Perfect, C o n tin u o u s and Perfect C on tin uo u s Tenses in

the fo llow in g sentences. W iden the context of the sentence if necessary.
A. 1. You've ruined the carpet. 2. W e've run out o f petrol. 3. You've ju st
m issed the bus. 4. I've been off w ork with 'flu since M onday. 5. Ukrainian
sportsm en lately have w on m any g o ld m edals. 6 . You've ju s t seen the film.
W o uld you recom m end w atching it? 7. I've been w aiting for tw o hours!
8 . I've been trying to g et hold o f you on the ph on e all day. 9. He's been
w orking for this co m pa n y fo r fou r m onths. 10. M y hands are dirty. I've been
cleaning the car. 11. W e ve been gathering m u sh room s ever since the sun­
rise. 12. I've been w riting since I cam e here.
B. 1. By that tim e I'd already written the letter. 2. W h en I cam e hom e the
children had already returned from school. 3. She had been ill for tw o days

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко » H. C. Хоменко

when we learnt abo ut it. 4. The storm had died away but very far off the
th u n d e r was still m uttering. 5. He told m e that he had had d in n e r at tw o
o'clock on that day. 6 . She said that she had finished the translation. 7. She
had been w alking for tw o hours w hen she saw a lake in the distance. 8 . W e
had been gathering berries fo r q uite a w hile w hen a th un d erstorm broke
out. 9. She rose from the bench w here she had been sitting for half an hour.
C. 1. By six o'clock I'll have finished m y work. 2. W e'll have w alked a long
way before w e reach the sea. 3. W hen you have finished this book, you'll
have learnt m any new w ords and expressions. 4. If you ring m e up after six,
I'll have spoken to my parents. 5. By the begin n ing o f sum m er w e'll have
been at the seaside fo r a fortnigh t. 6 . By the 1st of June he'll have been
w orking in this com pan y fo r half a year, so he is entitled to a holiday.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into Present, Past, o r Future Perfect Tense o f the
co m m o n aspect in the fo llo w in g sentences:
1. W e already (to settle) th e m atter - there's no need fo r arbitration.
2 .1 (not to see) her since 2001 / 2016. 3. She (not to finish) until next Thurs­
day. 4. They (to decide) to carry on until they finish. 5. W e (to find) that the
p ro du ct had a bad im age in its intended m arket - we need to re-brand it.
6. The co m pe titors (to launch) th eir new produ ct before w e're ready with
ours. 7. The villag e factory (to fail) to capitalize on the local m arket for
fresh m ilk products before the foreign co m pe titors arrived. 8 . She (to go)
to d ozen s of jo b interview s w ith o u t success. 9. Have you (to choose) w hat
jo b you'd really like to do? 10. By the tim e we arrive, will you (to com plete)
y o u r essay? 11. It seem ed that all th eir plans (to go) up in sm oke. 12. She
said that she (to want) to have been ready long before now. 13. The Prim e
M in iste r stated in her speech that th e un em p loym e n t rates (to fall). 14. The
O p p o sitio n spokesm an was furious w hen he realized that the G overn m en t
(to speak) at the European U nion m eeting.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into Present, Past, or Future Perfect Tense o f the
co n tin u o u s aspect o r any oth er tim e required in the fo llo w in g sentences:
1. He (to eat) m y chocolates and there are hardly any left. 2 . 1 (to speak)
regularly at th e C lu b fo r over a year. 3 . 1 (to go) on h olid ay to the Crim ea
since I was a child. 4 . 1 was dead tired: I (to work) for several hours w ith ou t
a break. 5. As I aw oke I looked at th e tim e and saw that I (to sleep) for

Англійська мова. II КУРС 57

ten hours. 6 . The g ro un d was co m ple tely sod d e n - it (to rain) since dawn.
7 . 1 (to work) in the office for several hours by the tim e you get back from
the m eeting. 8 . W e (to listen) to the co n cert fo r three hours before there's
due to be a scheduled interm ission. 9. W e (to drive) fo r hours before we
fin ally saw a petrol station. 10. He told m e th at he (play) his co m p u te r gam e
since m orning. 11. It w as nearly five and she (to wait) since ju s t after fou r
o'clock. 12.... you not (to fill) ou t the form in black ink? 13. She (to sm oke)
a cigarette in silence; now she started to co u g h and g o t up from the sofa
w here she (to sit).

6 . C o m p lete the fo llo w in g sentences using one o f the required perfect

tenses. Use yo u r im agination!
1. W hen I returned from w ork I was to ld t h a t .... 2. Som ething fam iliar in
the man's face to ld m e t h a t .... 3.... when he stated that he d id n 't like Chinese
food. 4. Her expression conveyed t h a t .... 5.... w hen a goal was finally scored.
6 . W hen I return home, I w ant you t o .... 7 .1 co u ld n 't find my co p y of the text­
book, som eone ... 8 .... to the same fruit stall week in and week ou t for years.
9. W here's my CD? For tw o weeks you have .... 10.... in the garden since I've
been here. 1 1 .1 can't open the lock - it seems as th ou g h s o m e o n e .... 12. W e
found huge quantities of w ild strawberries in the woods, we ....

*7. Correct errors in the fo llo w in g sentences o b se rvin g the rules o f the se­
q u ence o f tenses. Use both active and passive vo ice as necessary.
1 . I asked her w heth er she speaks to her m oth er ab o u t the exam.
2 .1 looked up as the candidate was q u estion in g on his previous w ork exp e­
rience. 3 .1 was to ld that w e will be increased pro d u ctio n next m onth. 4. W e
were prom ised th at there w ou ld have been a salary increase in the co m in g
year. 5. W e expected to fin d th at the car to be repaired by th e tim e w e cam e
back from holiday. 6 . She had heard th at the co n cert m oved to next Thurs­
day. 7. He to ld them that the result of last year's effort will be all in vain
and the factory w ould still be closing. 8 . The child's chronic asthm a was still
d eteriorated each year, pro ba bly caused by the increasing level of traffic in
the city where she lives. 9. W hen I reached the su m m it o f the m ountain, the
Ukrainian flag planted there to ld m e th at it already was clim bed. 10. A fter
I was to ld how co n vo lu te d the route was, I will be afraid th at I sh ou ld lose
m y way in the dark.

58 M . O . B o 3 H a • O. B. TanoHie * 0. HD. BacM/ibneHKO • H. C. X0MeHK0

*8. C o m p lete the fo llo w in g passage w ith the correct form of the verb in
brackets. Use the present, present perfect, or past, sim ple or continuous,
active o r passive:

Note: Anyone's first day in a new jo b can be a trying experience. Helen Fielding's
"Bridget Jones " now (to appear) in two bestselling books of her fictional diaries, both
of which (to become) successful Hollywood films. This extract describes Bridget's first
day in a new jo b at a television studio.

9 p.m. I (to go) to bed, co m ple te ly exhausted. I (to forget) how hid eou s it
is starting a new jo b w hen n o b o d y (to know) you, so yo u r entire character
b ecom es (to define) by every chance rem ark or slightly peculiar th ing you
(to say): and you can't even so m uch as go to put on som e m ake-up w ith ­
o u t asking w here the ladies' (to be).
I (to be) late th rou gh no fau lt of my own. It (to be) im p ossib le to g et into
th e TV stu dio s as I (to have) no pass and the d o o r (to run) by th e sort of
security guards w ho th ink th at th eir jo b is to prevent th e staff from en te­
ring the building. W hen I fin ally (to reach) reception I (not to be) allow ed
upstairs till so m e b o d y (to com e) to g et me. By this tim e it was 9.35 and the
con ference (to start) at 9.30. Patchouli eventually (to appear) w ith tw o huge
barking dogs, one of w hich (to keep) ju m p in g up and licking my carefully
m ad e-u p face w hile the o th er (to put) its head straight up my skirt.
"They're Richard's - aren't they, like brilliant?" she said "I'll ju st take them
to his car".
"W on 't I be late for the m eeting?" I (to say) desperately, h old in g on to
the d og 's head betw een m y knees and trying to push it away. She (to look)
at m e up and dow n as if to say "So?" and then (to disappear) d rag g in g the
By the tim e I (to get) to the office, therefore, the m eeting (to start) and
everyon e (to stare) except Richard, w h ose p ortly form (to be) clad in a
strange green w oo lle n boilersuit.

9. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using Perfect, C on tin uo u s

and Perfect C o n tin u o u s Tenses w herever possible:
1. Д е ви були? М и ш укали вас усю перерву. - М и ходили д о м ето­
дистів на другий поверх. 2. Як ви змогли дістати книж ки з верхньої
п олиці? - Д овелося принести драбину. 3. Ти бачив цей фільм? Варто

Англійська мова. II КУРС 59

його подивитися? - Авж еж . М и були на н ьо м у вчора ввечері. Н ам дуже
сподобалося. 4. Хазяїн запалив к о м и н о к і сидів біля столу, коли ми за­
йшли в кімнату. 5. Олеся закінчила працю вати у квітнику й присіла на
лавку перепочити, б. Ти вже написала вправу на переклад? Покаж и, як
ти зробила. 7. Він закінчив працю вати й сів на веранді, переглядаю чи
рукопис. Вітер вщух, і сонц е щ о й н о закотилося за обрій. 8 . Я п р ац ю ю
над своїм р езю м е вже дві години й б о ю сь не встигнути його роздруку-
вати д о третьої. 9. Тетяна сказала, щ о чекає на секретарку, щ о б забрати
св о ї папери. 10. Я кщ о ви прийдете так пізно, я вже поїду на співбесіду.
11. Д о щ ллє зранку й, бою сь, м ож е не перестати д о вечора. 12. М и н у ­
лого літа я відвідала село, де жила бабуся й де народилася м оя мама.
13. Я ніколи не читала такого цікавого істори чн ого роману. 14. Я п р а­
ц ю ю над редагуванням цього рукопи су вже ціле літо й зробила більш у
частину, а д о кінця вересня вже віддам його в редакцію . 15. М ій новий
приятель був певен, щ о батьки непокоїтим уться, якщ о він не п о в е р ­
неться до дванадцятої. 16. Я не знав, щ о ви маєте таку м аленьку доньку.
17. Олена сказала мені, коли сам е прийш ла і щ о робила весь цей час.
18. Всі дуж е здивувалися, коли я сказала, щ о ж и в у в ц ьо м у будинку вже
багато років. 19. Я щ о й н о мила вікна і не встигла вимити руки. 20. Я ска­
зала вам по телефону, щ о ще її не бачила й щ о сп о діваю сь побачитися
з нею в четвер.

10. Translate the follow in g text into English using Perfect, C o n tin u o u s and
Perfect C o n tin u o u s Tenses as necessary.
Із 26 м іл ьй он ів о сіб працездатного віку на сьогодні м аю ть оф іц ій н у
роб оту лиш е близько 16 м іл ьй он ів осіб. Відсоток зайнятості п р ац ез­
датного населення України на сьогодні становить 52,6%, п о в ід о м и в на
засіданні Кабінету м ін істрів України м іністр со ц іа л ь н о ї політики А н д рій
А н д рій Рева також додав, щ о низький рівень за р о б ітн о ї плати у к р а ­
їнців і брак р о б о ч и х м ісць для кваліф ікованих п рацівн и ків п р о в о ­
кує м асш табну м ігр ац ію частини населення країни. Україна втратила
З м іл ьй он и р о б о ч и х м ісць через о куп а ц ію Д о н б а су та Криму. "Н аяв­
ність значної кількості р о б о ч и х м ісць без ви м оги д о кваліф ікації та
низький рівень оплати праці п ризводить до того, щ о лю ди виїж дж аю ть
д о інш их країн у пош уках кр а щ о ї долі", - сказав він.

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

Як повідом ляв УНІАН, на сь о го д н іш н ьо м у засіданні Кабінету М ін і­
стрів України п р ем 'єр -м ін істр України В ол од и м и р Гройсман з а п р о п о ­
нував реф ормувати д ерж авн у служ бу зайнятості та перейти від ф інан­
сування б езробітни х до створення нових р о б о ч и х місць.
Кількість оф іційних б езробітни х в Україні, за дан и м и Держстату,
на листопад минулого року становила 337,9 тисячі осіб. За ін ф ор ­
м ац ією н ай більш ого ресурсу з п ош уку роботи і сп івр о б ітн и ків к о м ­
пан ії W, кількість вакансій на ринку праці України в 2016 році
збільш илася в се р ед н ьом у по країні п орівн ян о з 2015 р о к о м на 62%.
Згідно з п р овед ен и м дослід ж ен н ям експертн о-ан ал іти чн ого центру
"H ead H un ter Україна", за 2016 рік кількість вакансій на ринку праці
України зросла в се р ед н ьом у по країні на 46% п о р івн ян о з 2015 роком .
Середня заробітна плата по Україні м ож е досягти 10 тисяч гривень
вже восени 2018 року, повідом ляється на сайті ур яд о вого порталу
з п осиланням на віц е -п р е м 'єр -м ін істр а України Павла Розенка. За його
словами, вже зараз існують тисячі вакансій по всій Україні, заробітна
плата на яких п еревищ ує 15 тисяч гривень.

(УНІАН, липень 2018)

А ■#
Writing ^
A Cover letter goes together with a resume, or a CV. It is important to address
the person you are writing to correctly, state the position you apply for, mention
your relevant work experience, or in the case of no experience you should mention
relevant education. Motivation is important in both cases, as well as the names of
those people with whom you worked and who agreed to give you a reference letter
if necessary.

1. W rite an applicatio n letter to a potential em ploye r using the fo llow in g

texts as guidelines. N ote that the first sam ple is g o o d fo r so m e b o d y w ho
has experience relevant for the sou g h t position. The second sam ple will
help those w h o are fresh from university and d o not have the relevant

Англійська мова. II КУРС 61

Cover letter 1

Apt. 20,
5a, Khreshchatik

Tel. home: (380 44) 000 00 00

Tel. m ob: (380 67) 111 11 11
E-mail: m e@
For the attention of Darren Smith
Human Resources Manager,
(Big European Company)

Dear Sir,
I have been w orkin g as an interpreter and translator on the U N G lobal
Project in Kyiv, Ukraine, w ith John House, am on g st others, and this UN
project, as you m ay know, is now co m in g to a close. C o n se q u e n tly I am now
lo o kin g for a new position.
A lth o u g h John House, Program M a n a g e r at th e U N Project, w h o I know
to have been a form e r co lle ag u e of yours, m ay have already passed m y CV
to you, I have attached a co p y below in the event that it m ay be o f use to
you in y o u r plan nin g in th e near future. I w o u ld very m uch like the o p p o r­
tu nity to co n tin u e w o rkin g in th e area o f G lo bal Project in th e com m ercial

I lo o k forw ard to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Petro Petrenko

62 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. E. Ta n o H iB • O. (O. B acn/itw eH KO * H. C. XoMem <o

Cover Letter 2

Apt. 20,
5a, Khreshchatik

Tel. home: (380 44) 000 00 00

Tel. mob: (380 67) 111 11 11
E-mail: m e@
For the attention of Darren Smith
Human Resources Manager,
(Big European Company)

Dear Sir,
I have heard that you are currently in the process o f recruiting staff for
the Kyiv office o f Big European Com pany. I w ou ld very m uch like th e o p ­
p o rtu n ity to m eet you and describe w hy I w ou ld be a g o o d cand id ate for
the p o sitio n o f salesm an.
A lth o u g h I have only ju st graduated from L'viv University with an honours
degree, I can already show that I have strong inherent abilities to c o m m u n i­
cate, sell and succeed. As you m ay see from m y attached CV, I have already
w orked part-tim e in several com panies w hile gaining my degree that have
given m e a g o o d g ro un din g in com m ercial business practise. M y abilities to
com m unicate clearly and effectively, to persuade and to successfully m eet
the targets set for m e in each jo b m ake it clear to m e that I w ant to succeed
in sales at such a respected organization as Big European Com pany.
M y degree is in English and so I also have the ability to clearly co m m u ­
nicate directly with you and y o u r co lleagu es at Big European C o m p an y —
I very m uch lo o k forw ard to th e chance to d o so.

Yours sincerely,

Petro Petrenko

Англійська мова. II КУРС 63

Note: If you're writing to "Big American Company", then you need to attach your
resume and to meet with (or speak with) the person you're writing to. Your degree, if
диплом з відзнакою, wilt be cum laude rather than an honours degree. Don't forget
when detailing the dates of education or work that American reverse the month and
date, so 9/11 refers to t h e ll A of September and NOT the 9 h of November, as it would
in Europe.

C V (Resum e) In a C V (the nam e you use if y o u r p otential em p lo y e r is

European) o r a resum e (if they are Am erican) you should give yo u r q u a li­
ficatio ns relevant to the p osition you w ant to obtain, yo u r education, very
b rief personal detail and a sum m ary o f yo u r w ork history. If you 're a recent
graduate, you need to h ig h lig h t te m p o ra ry jobs, university societies w here
you were active or any special kn o w led g e th at differen tiates you from the
rest. D on't m ake yo u r C V long, rem em ber that y o u r potential e m p lo ye r
m ay be very busy indeed. He or she will app re ciate it if it not lo n g e r than
tw o pages and to the point. D o n 't give any unnecessary irrelevant in for­
m ation. In the case th at y o u r C V is fo r a recru itm en t co m p a n y you m ay
p ro vid e m ore in form ation , as yo u r C V stays w ith them and m ay be used
tim e and tim e again, fo r differen t placem ents. They w ill select the m ost
a p p ro p riate elem ents fo r a p articular vacancy. N o te that w ork histo ry is
u sually given in reverse o rd er starting from th e last o r current p o sitio n and
g o in g to the first ones, but n ot everyon e agrees on that. D o n't leave gaps
in tim e w ith o u t explanatio n or the im m e diate assu m p tio n is th at you were
in prison or a secure institution! M a n y m anagers recruiting staff also like a
short, sharp paragraph o r tw o tellin g them clearly w h y you are especially
well suited to the jo b vacancy. M o s t im portant, never lie because if you're
caug h t ou t later, m any co m pan ies will sim p ly sack you as you ca n n o t be

2. W rite a C V to g o to g e th e r with you r cover letter. Do a C V for you rself as

if you were to start lookin g for a jo b now, and then fo r you r friend.

64 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко


Petro Petrenko

apt. 20, 5a, Khreshchatik, Kyiv, Ukraine, tel. (044) 000 00 00

Summary o f qualifications

A h ig hly skilled interpreter at business m eetings, presentations and c o n ­

ferences, I have both directly translated and m anaged the translation of
contracts, proposals, legal and accoun tin g docum ents, technical texts and
advertising m aterial. I have translated texts from Ukrainian and Russian
into English and from English into Ukrainian and Russian. I have significant
experience o f sim ultaneous translation at business discussions. Areas of
expertise include: legal (in particular, title registration), banking, finance
and texts of contracts. I provided business su p p ort for a General M an ag e r
for over tw o years in the role o f personal assistant.

I am a self-starter, active, well organised, positive and eag er fo r know ledge.

Experience in W in d o w s and M icro so ft W ord.

Excellent com m and of English, Russian, Ukrainian, passive k n o w led g e of

Germ an and French.


N ational Shevchenko University, Kyiv. D epartm ent of W estern 1 9 9 3 -1 9 98

Languages and Translation. Q u alifica tio ns obtained: linguist,
lecturer and translator o f English, Germ an, French
M asters D egree in English Linguistics received 20 June 1998 1998

Personal details

• A g e 29 • N a tio n ality and citizen ship Ukrainian

• M arried, no children • Driving licence, car ow ner
• E-mail: m e@ • H om e num ber: (044) 000 0000

Англійська мова. II КУРС 65

Chronological work history summary

EU TACIS N a m e o f th e P roject
Interpreter 30/6/2003-
Job functions: interpreting at sessions o f the C o n su ltin g present
G rou p o f the C abin et o f M inisters o f Ukraine, business m eet­
ings and conferences. Translation o f title registration and
o th er docu m e n ts into English and Ukrainian
W o rld Bank
Free-lance interpreter Dates
Job functions: in terpreting at business m eetings, round ta ­
ble discussions, conferences, translating as required
B ritish Em bassy in Kyiv
Free-lance interpreter Dates
Job functions: in terpreting at business m eetings fo r experts
o f the British K n ow -H ow Fund and at receptions in the Brit­
ish Em bassy
N a m e o f th e C o m p a n y
Interpreter - business assistant Dates
Job functions: interpreting, translation, preparation of c o n ­
tract texts, co m p ilin g m aterials ab o u t th e corporation, ar­
ranging m eetings, d em o nstra tio ns and presentations, h o ld ­
ing a database for p ro m o tio n m aterials and m anaging the
w ork of three translators. During office start-up I was also
involved in fin d in g office premises, dealin g with renovation
issues, acquisition of office eq u ip m en t and m any o th er re­
lated adm inistrative functions
N a m e o f th e C o m p a n y
Office adm in istrator Dates
Job functions: m aking and receiving tele p h o n e calls, sending
faxes, w riting letters, filling ou t orders, translation, copying

Linguists' headaches
W o rd o rd e r o f sim p le sentences. O n e of the p eculiarities of English is
how both w ord o rder and intonation o f spoken English are essential to the

66 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB • O. KD. Bacunw-ieHKO • H. C. X o M e m co
m eaning o f even the sim plest sentence. A g o o d auth or w ill always either
avoid unclear im plication s o r en gin ee r the context to ensure that the co r­
rect m eaning is as clear as possible. The exam ple below A re yo u right? is
typical of a phrase from a d ialo g u e and any Ukrainian au th or is advised to
speak aloud such phrases with different intonation, should they w rite them,
to check for am biguities.
Below are the usable co m bin ation s o f all, are, rig h t an d y o u w ith d e fin i­
tion s o f each m eaning.
You are right. This is the straightforw ard expression using these w ords
to sig n ify that the speaker believes that som eon e is correct. A stylistically
co lou rfu l w ay of em phasising that som eo n e is correct and that the speaker
w h ole he arte dly agrees is 'R ig h t is w h a t y o u are!'.
R ig h t y o u are. M o st co m m o n ly m et in Irish w here it is very frequently
used, but also used in o th er regional British dialects, especially the N orth
W est of England. It has tw o m ajor m eanings, the first that o f agreem ent to
end a to p ic o f conversation. Equivalent to 'гаразд' with English synonym s
such as 'Right, that's fine' o r 'W ell, O K then'. The second is w hen it used
at the end o f a conversation w hen it is equivalent to, fo r exam ple 'ход ім о
вже', with English synonym s such as 'OK, let's go' o r 'Right, I'm off. See you'.
The Irish are perhaps m ore likely to use the first m eaning and the N W En­
glish the second, but both are clearly un derstoo d across th e UK.
A re y o u right? has at least three distin ct m eanings, each o f w hich d e ­
pend on th e logical stress and in tonation used.
- A r e y o u right? im plies d isb e lie f and is a request to check the facts.
- A r e y o u right? im plies that som eo ne else had been believed but facts
have now co m e to light w hich m ay cause the speaker to ch an ge th eir mind.
- A r e y o u rig h t? im plies that the speaker is rather surprised but believes
w hoever is being spoken to.
A re y o u all right? used to be a sim ple question to con firm that the per­
son being spoken to is not unw ell or ill, or injured after a m ino r accident.
Today the m eaning has changed totally and this has b ecom e a set phrase
used m ostly in shops by shop assistants to say "Can I help you ?"
Y ou 're all rig h t is a way of saying "I like y o u " w ith ou t any sexual c o n n o ­
tations and m ay equ ally be used by m ale to male, m ale to fem ale or vice
versa. A very co m m o nly used phrase in Australian English.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 67

Note that the frequently used *alright* is stili not acceptable in format English al­
though many examples of its use may be found. All authorities dearly state that this
shortening is wrong.

Task: C o m p le te the fo llo w in g phrases or th ink o f responses to them in

the situations given below:
1. I've been th in kin g ab o u t w hat you had said, and yes ....
2. N o w that I know you better I really believe ... .
3. That was quite an unfortunate fall ....
4. Everything is settled fo r to m o rro w ... .
5 .1 can't believe i t ....
6. Those facts need to be checked ....
7. ... N o w after w hat I heard I m ay believe you.

Translate into English:

1. З то б о ю все гаразд?
2. Ти хлоп ець те щ о треба.
3. Хіба ти маєш слуш ність?
4. Ти правий?
5. Д обре, побачи м ось.
6. Ти таки д ій сн о маєш рацію.
7. М аєш рацію.
8. Гаразд, д ом ови ли сь. Бувай.

Developing translation skills

Translation is a process o f interlanguage and intercultural co m m u n ica ­
tion when, after special translation analysis of the Source Language Text
(SLT), another co m m u n icatively-equ ivalen t text is created in the Target Lan­
gu ag e (TL).
It is essential to recognize and ackn ow le d g e th at SLT subm itted for
translation u n dergoes a num ber of changes know n as translation trans­
formations. These are inter-language changes of m eaningful verbal signs.
Translation transform ations, however arbitrary, can be observed on differ­
ent levels of language hierarchy: gram m atical, lexico-sem antic and stylistic.

68 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Translation th e o ry distin guishes several types of translation tran sform a­
tions. The m ost tradition al am ong them are: transp osition /p erm u tation ,
substitution/replacem ent, om ission, ad d itio n and com pensation.

(I) Translation transform ation o f transposition/perm utation

T ra n sp o s itio n /p e rm u ta tio n is a ch an ge in the order of lingu istic ele­

ments: words, phrases, clauses and sentences in the TL (Tar g et Language)
as com pared with the SL (Source Language). This change m ay be caused
by m any reasons. A m o n g them the necessity of preserving intact the fu n c­
tional sentence perspective (the rhem e and the theme), w hich trad ition ally
may take different places in tw o languages. The rhem e (the part o f the
sentence givin g new in form ation ab o u t the them e or to p ic of an utter­
ance) in Ukrainian tends to take a final p osition in the sentence, whereas in
English it is not necessarily so, com pare: Після об іду подали с и г а р е т и /
cigarettes, ш околади / chocolates. Cigarettes were offered aro u n d after
lunch. S pecific rules of adjective and adverb order represent an oth er rea­
son fo r transposition, com pare: black Spanish leather boots - ісп ан ські
чорні ш кір я н і черевики, to breath h a r d - в а ж к о д и х а т и . The final position
of clauses of co n d itio n and tim e in English m ay often take the initial p o si­
tion in Ukrainian, e.g. It'll be done as soon as we agree on certain points. Я к
т іл ь к и м и дом ови м ось щ одо деяких п и т а н ь , справу буде завершено.
M an y o th er such changes in the order of TL units m ay be required to make
the translation sound natural, adhere to the standards and norm s o f the TL,
w hich of course is easier w hen you translate into you r native tongue.

1. G o back to yo u r translation of Ex. 18 (Section B) and analyse w hat p artic­

ular tran sposition s had to be a pplied and why.

2. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian bearing in m ind the n e ­

cessity of transposition. Com pare the w ord order in the o rig in al sentences
and in th eir translations. Explain w here exactly tran sposition to o k place.
A. 1. There's no such th ing as a jo b fo r life any more. 2. You sound m ore
like a p o litician than m y wife, th e doctor, som etim es. 3. You need to get
the w ords right too. 4. As sure as you turned up half an hour late fo r our
w ed d in g ? 5. I'm not rising to that one.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 69

В. 1 Не b ro u g h t no flow ers, but his app e aran ce was q u ite a nice sur­
prise fo r Jane anyway. 2. The fam ily had no future in this h ellh o le o f c o m ­
plete u n em p loym e n t. 3. He was breath in g hard and sw eating profusely.
4. If you w ant th at car fo r th at price, then it's a d o n e deal, by me. 5. She
w ill be up again at six tom orrow . 6. There w ere fo u r o f them seated t o ­
g e th e r at a ta b le in the officer's clu b th e last tim e he and P old ark had
called each o th e r crazy. 7. There was never a dull m om ent. 8. He w asn't
used to w earing a suit and tie, and fe lt q u ite o u t o f place at th e co ck­
tail party. 9. The co m p a n y w ill lose to o m uch m o n ey on current stock if
prices plunge. 10. A m atch flared in th e darkness. 11. He tre m b le d as he
looked up. 12. To take advan tage of th eir land's diversity, M o n g o l villag es
had to be m obile. 13. I'll be back here as soon as w in ter com es. 14. Keep
y o u r lu g g a g e w ith you at all tim es. 15. Im m ediately, his co m p a n io n s saw
w h at he was after. (D. Dunnett). 16. A n d yet the lad was inventive, by G od
(D. Dunnett).

3. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English ap p lying tran sp osition

w herever necessary.
1. П ерш і н овини п ро нього надійш ли тільки п ізн о ввечері. 2. П ізніш е
з'ясувалося, щ о поєднання лихварства та ф арбув альн ої справи вияви­
лося щ асливим . 3. Уже два дні вона була у себе вдома. 4. П р о батька
Кателіна брехати не могла. 5. Ц ього разу на п е р ш о м у м ісці була д ів ч и ­
на. 6. Крім того, на березі були люди. 7. Почулися голоси, загавкали с о ­
баки. 8. Серед них було і двоє робочих. 9. А л е він при ц ь о м у зовсім не
дивився на Джуліуса, він дивився на грека. 10. Х лоп е ц ь не вм ів д об р е
плавати. 11. Серед цікавих стояв ви сокий те м н о б о р о д и й сп о кій н ий ч о ­
ловік. 12. Н ічого не м ож у обіцяти тобі, хлопче. 13. На обли ччі Клааса
з явилася щ аслива усм іш ка. 14. В нього не було грошей, зате була го­
лова на плечах. 15. Д во є ш видко бігли й репетували на ходу. 16. Гість
ввічл и во спитав. 17. Це нас аж ніяк не цікавило.

(II) Com pression and decom pression in translation

It is w ell-kn ow n that the length of tw o texts in Ukrainian and English

m ay n ot be the same. This can be explained by the use o f the com pressed
form s in both languages. By co m p re ssio n w e m ean any sh ortenin g o f the

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів * О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

n um ber o f the sentence elem ents o r om ission of such elem ents in tran s­
lation. The reasons for the use of com pression in translation m ay be quite
different: such as the specific features of gram m atical structure of th e TL,
stylistic o r pragm atic factors etc.
D e co m p re ssio n is the o p p o site process to com pression, i.e. the increase
in the volu m e of the text in the TL as com pared to the SL text. The reasons
for d ecom pressio n include differences in gram m atical structure and the in ­
herent v o ca b u lary o f the tw o languages, different speech patterns and the
trad ition s o f speech. W hen translating from Ukrainian into English, d e c o m ­
pression, am ong m any oth er things, includes ad d ition of possessive and
oth er pronouns, e.g.: Він підняв руки. He raised his hands. He встигнеш
і слова сказати, як вже наразиш ся на небезпеку. Even before you can
say a word, you 'll be in trouble. For m ore exam ples of d ecom p ressio n see:
A d d itio n in Lesson 2.

1. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences from the d ialog u es of the Lesson.

A nalyse th e cases of com pression and decom pressio n in them.
1. You never know w hat m ight really be available. 2 . 1 w ou ld never b e ­
lieve that a serious co m pa n y w ou ld put vacancies on a scruffy, illiterate site.
3. They m ade nearly half the w orkforce redundant. 4. W o uld it sound better
if you said that you "left to fu rth er y o u r career by seeking new challenges
and o p p o rtu n ities"? 5. W e're all stuck w ith this careerist jargon. 6. M an y
"cute" alternatives to avoid the negative im pact have also recently a p ­
peared, the m ost p o p u lar o f w hich seem s to be "rightsizing".

2. Translate th e fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian using com pression as

necessary. For the last sentence, check a d ictio n a ry of idiom s.
1. They say th ere m ig h t be new jo b o p e n in g s in th is co m p a n y soon.
2. You see, there's n ot m uch p o in t in s p e n d in g so m uch tim e and e ffo rt
on th is task rig h t now. 3. Even b efore you en te r the room , you start to
feel th e sp ecial atm osphere. 4. D o n 't th in k it, say it. 5. E v e ryb o d y exp ect­
ed a p o sitive answer, but th e girl ju s t s h o o k her head. 6. It w as clear th ey
w o u ld n ot spare my life. 7. I g o t m y ch ance in a very u n exp e cted way.
8. D ryin g his w ou n ds, he d o n n e d his an k le-len g th , h o o d e d ro b e (Dan
Brown). 9. Everyone in sid e th e o ffice n o d d e d th e ir u n d e rsta n d in g (Dan
Brown). 10. She w rin k le d her nose. 11. H er back to him, she p o u re d w ine

Англійська мова. II КУРС 71

in g e n e ro u s m easure (D. Dunnett). 12. She gave him his w ine and sto o d
fo r a m o m e n t h o ld in g her ow n (D. Dunnett). 13. He kept lo o k in g at his
watch, e xp ectin g th em to have fin ish e d th e ir m ission. 14. He ro lled over,
sat up and fo rg o t his hunger, his losses, his m isery. 15. Me, m yse lf and I
(an idiom ).

3. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using com pression as n ec­
1. Управлінці, для яких час багато значить, намагаються зійти з літа­
ка ш видш е за всіх. 2. Вираз її обли ччя наче говорив: "Ти мені вже так
н абрид . 3. Ці гості, щ о з явилися на годину раніше, вже встигли д о ш к у ­
лити хазяйці. 4. Очікується, щ о уряд вж иве заходів для збільш ення р о ­
бочи х місць. 5. Цей засіб для миття посуду мені дуж е подобається. 6. Іан
Ранкін вважається од н и м з найкращ их сучасних м айстрів детективного
жанру. 7. Це спало мені на думку, коли я йш ов лісом д о дачі. 8. П ер е­
говори з п ози ції сили н ічого не дадуть. 9. З точки зор у істор ії цей факт
не доведений. 10. О кр ім того, у рамках зустрічі двох п р ем 'єр -м ін істр ів
було під пи сано угоду п ро д в о сто р о н н ю співпрацю . 11. У м ови ведення
п ід п р и єм н и ц ь ко ї діяльності були детально п р оп и сан і в законі. 12. Тре­
ба зважити на те, щ о вони давно ж ивуть у ц ьо м у місті. 13. Ця е к о н о ­
міка, щ о колись процвітала, тепер переж ивала складні часи. 14. Човен
уповільн и в хід і тихо зупинився біля причалу.

4. Translate the follow in g sentences into English using decom pression.

1. He встигнеш і слова сказати, а він вже тут. 2. Розумієш , він і так би
не отрим ав цю посаду. 3. Кажуть, на ц ьо м у підприєм стві заробітна пла­
та вища, ніж будь-де. 4. Ну то й скажи. Чого ти м овчи ш ? 5. Вони ш видко
натягли у н іф о р м у і були готові д о роботи, б. О станні слова м ови в у го ­
лос і втямив, щ о зн о ву сказав щ ось не вельми р озум н е (І. М ушкетик).
7. Сам колись був січ о ви ко м і ваш ого брата наскрізь бачу (І. М ушкетик).
8. Він зітхнув і опустив голову, уквітчану тем н и м и хвилям и густого, злег­
ка закучерявленого волосся... (В. Малик). 9. Кузьм ищ е витер ш и р оки м
рукавом рота і бороду... (В. Малик). 10. Княгиня чула, як син п р ой ш ов
сіньми, відчинив д вері (С. Скляренко).

м. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Developing interpreting skills
1. To develo p m em ory skills for oral translation practice the fo llo w in g "snow
ball" repetition. Repeat the sentences after you r teacher w ith ou t lookin g at
the text:
A. It's m ore effective than the alternative.
It's m ore effective than the alternative - lying on yo u r resume.
It's m ore effective than the alternative - lying on yo u r resum e and
h op ing you get an interview.
It's m ore effective than the alternative - lying on yo u r resum e and
h op ing you get an interview with som eon e w ho has p o o r perception.
B. C om pan ies will have an abu ndance of g o o d applicants.
For the first tim e in history, com pan ies will have an ab u ndance of
g o o d applicants.
For the first tim e in history, com pan ies will have an ab u ndance of
g o o d applicants fo r every jo b opening.
For the first tim e in history, com panies will have an ab u ndance of
g o o d applicants fo r every jo b op e n in g in the "m ed iu m -skill" level.

Translator's nightmare
Challenge This w ord as a noun is especially im p ortan t in business b e ­
cause it conveys a positive attitude to an objective o r a problem . Because
o f this, the w ord is used very often in English and belo ng s to a stratum of
w ords w hich d o not have a d o m in an t d ictio n ary equivalent, but are translat­
ed relying m ostly on the context. Such contextual translations m ay include
such Ukrainian w ords as "завдання", "робота", "проблема", "обов'язки",
and oth er such w ords and expressions. Bear in m ind that w hen translating
from Ukrainian, the w ord 'challenge' should be used to give a positive,
proactive approach to a situation, reserving 'objective' fo r neutral situa­
tion s and 'p ro b le m ' for negative contexts. In oth er words, if you are given
som eth in g to do, then there m ay be three co n no tatio n s to the situation:
If you regard the task as a challenge, you are being positive and proactive.
If you regard the task as an objective, you are being neutral.
If you regard the task as a problem , you are being negative.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 73

The oth er m eanings o f the noun 'challenge', in a context broader than
Business English, include an objection (заперечення), a calling into q u e s­
tion (оскарж ення судового рішення), a sentry's dem and fo r a password
(оклик вартового) and an invitation to take part in a trial or a contest
(виклик на змагання тощо).

Task: translate into Ukrainian:

1. He was given the ch allenge of re-w riting the instruction manual.
2. She resigned from her jo b as she was lo o kin g fo r a new challenge.
3. She regarded her new role as Hum an Resources M an ag e r an exciting
4. He faced a new ch allenge in his career w hen the com pan y was reor­
5. W e accepted the challenge to participate in next sum m er's Games.
6. The Suprem e C o u rt m ade a challenge to the decisio n o f the City Court.
7. She felt that she was ob lig e d to m ake a challeng e to his version o f the
sequence o f events on that night.
8. He stopped when the O fficer on duty at the gate m ade a challenge.
9. For the g eo g ra p h ica lly and historically challenged, could you tell us
w hat region today constitutes Eleanor's A qu itane?

O p p o rtu n is m is, in English, the seizing o f o p p o rtu n itie s when they occur.
This is the adaptatio n o f actions, plans or policies to take into accou n t new
o r ch anged circum stances and is alm ost always regarded as positive and
proactive, especially in business. The Ukrainian w ord "опортунізм " from
C om m u n ist id e o lo g y is the m aking of often u npalatable concessions to the
bourgeoisie. To avoid the w rong connotations, take care w hen translating
the w ord from English. The Ukrainian translation in each particular case is
d ep e n d en t on the context. The o p tio n s are: "вм іння або баж ання ск о р и ­
статися можливістю ", "пристосуванство", "гнучкість підходів", "авантю ­
р изм " etc.

Task: translate into English:

1. His goal, fo llo w in g a long run from m idfield fo llo w ed by a skillful shot,
was a w on de rful exam ple o f oppo rtun ism .

M. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

2. A classic exam ple o f o p p o rtu n ism is the in trodu ction o f m iniaturized
cam eras being incorporated into m ob ile phones to increase sales and
usage o f both technologies.
3. Her op p o rtu n ism in assum ing the respon sibilities of th e d ire ctor w ho
resigned led to her pro m o tio n in a sh ort space o f time.
4. D arw inism is seen by m ost as M o th e r Nature's op p o rtun ism .
5. The Conservatives have been g u ilty o f op p o rtu n ism in o p p o sin g g o v ­
ern m en t policies sim ply fo r the sake o f oppo sition , th e sh adow e d u ­
cation secretary has conceded.
6. There is a m ajor debate taking place as to w heth er the aid donated
fo llo w in g the 2004 Tsunam i is being used for reconstruction or sim ple
eco n o m ic opportun ism .

Variant. A variant is so m eth in g w h ich differs in form or d eta ils from

a standard, e.g. variant spellin g, there are fo rty varian t form s. This ex­
pressly m eans th at there is on e standard or norm al item and its variants
are th o se w hich are m od ifica tio n s. This use dates from th e m id d le o f the
19th ce n tu ry and is m ost likely to be fo u n d in fictio n from th at period. It
is a w ord rarely used in co n te m p o ra ry English. There is also a sp ecialist
m ath em atical d e fin itio n fo r variant. The o p tio n s in U krainian m ay in clu d e
in a d d itio n to "варіант": "м одиф ікація", "мутація", "підвид", "різновид",
"п е р е м ін н а" etc. The w ord 'variant' in English is very fre q u e n tly used by
m any U krainians to translate 'варіан т' a lth o u g h this is u sually w ron g and
option, alternative, preference o r choice express th at w h ich is m eant in

Task: analyze the fo llow in g passage and translate it into Ukrainian. N ote
the difference in the volu m e of the English w ord "variant" and the Ukrainian
A fte r we decided on our cho ice of the course of action, there still re­
m ained several alternative o p tion s as to exactly how w e should g o ab o ut
the task. M y preference was to tackle the jo b in one go, w h ile Steve felt
that we should go fo r a less dram atic alternative and m o d ify the elem ents
grad u ally over several days. Rob felt that ou r best approach was to take a
co m p rom ise o p tio n and spread the load over tw o days.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 75

Task: translate into Ukrainian the follow ing, paying careful attention to
w hat the w riter intended.
1. It was a debased and im poverished variant o f the real thing.
2. G enetic variants coexist w ithin a single interbreeding population.
3. Beow ulf's fig h t w ith the dragon is m erely a variant on his fig h t with
4. The variant spelling prophesy is now con fined to the verb. (SOED)
5. He introduced a variant into the equ ation to study its effect.

Translate into English:

1. Інших варіантів немає, доведеться робити, як ти сказав.
2. Ти вибрав найгірш ий варіант з усіх мож ливих.
3. У рівняння була введена змінна.
4. Цей варіант ви м ови даного звуку ш и р о к о р о зп овсю д ж ени й на
півдні Англії.
5. Різновиди цього птаха зустрічаю ться в наш их лісах.

76 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Галонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Health Care

Functional Opening, continuing and closing a conversation

Grammar: Conditional Mood. Real Conditional, Unreal Conditional

Writing: Essays, Presentations

Developing Antonym ie translation, Addition

Translation Skills:

Practice your pronunciation!

S he w asn ’t
Before you start this unit, warm up w ith this verbal
But then, he's been with us th rou g h thick and thin. she was
Thirty o r m ore th o ro u g h ly thaw ed pork chops. always
T hank you; th at was a g o o d w ay to spend Thursday. atriculate

There w as a loud thw ack as she th u m p e d him.

The th u m p o f th u n d e r in the distance c o u ld still be heard.
The thugs w ere all fingers and thum bs.

1. A g ree o r disagree with the fo llo w in g statem ents. Give y o u r reasons.

1. Health issues are the m ain concern of the Ukrainian governm ent.
2. M ed ical care should be free for everybody.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 77

3. You m ust be insured against sickness.
4. N ow adays you d o n 't need a doctor's prescription to buy m edicines.
5. It is necessary to call ou t an am bulance if you d o n 't feel well.
6. Bad habits affect a person's health.
7. It is reasonable to ban sm oking in p u blic places.
8. Ukrainian com pan ies have started to refuse to em p lo y smokers.

2. Read the explanation concerning Functional expressions o f opening,

co n tin u ing and closing a conversation and study th e tables below.
There are m any form al and inform al phrases m arking the degree of p o lite­
ness and form s o f address. There are relatively clear-cut socio-cultural rules
ab o ut when to use which form, which m ay be hard to grasp for a non-native
speaker of English. Also, tuition o f English from day one tends sim ply to give
certain set phrases which alone are useless for actual conversation.

"How are y o u ? It is a sunny day but rain is fore­

cast for tomorrow. Goodbye." sounds to tally u n ­
natural and alm ost robotic, since it is m issing the
cultural patterning of speech essential w hen tw o
p eo p le com m unicate. C o m b in atio n s o f pleas­
antries or form al interaction are necessary for
d ia lo g u e to be real. The flow is that of opening,
co n tin u ation and closing and som e set phrases
are given below, then som e others are used in the
functional dialogues.

UK US Both
- formal, Pleased to m eet Hi, how are you G o o d m o rn in g
polite you. today? G o o d a fte rn o o n
H ello, h o w are yo u ? G o o d e ve ning
H o w are yo u ? It's a pleasure to m ee t you
H ello

- informal, A re y o u all right? A n d h ow are you ? N ice to see you

polite G o o d to m e e t you. G o o d to see you
Hey, h o w y o u d o in g ?

M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. Tan oH iB • 0 . tO. B acn/ibneH K O * H. C. XoivieHKO

- infor­ Hiya Hi, hiya, hey H o w 's/H o w 're th in gs?
mal, to a So h o w are you H ow's it g o in g ?
friend k ee pin g? H ow you been d o in g ?
Hey, lo n g tim e no How's it ha n g in g ?
see. Yo

Direct and C o u ld y o u tell m e ...? Yes. No.
open ques­ Please tell m e ... Direct, N o as an an sw er is im p o lite o r
tioning offensive
W h a t w o u ld be ...? O p e n , d e m a n d s a c o m p le x answ er
H o w w o u ld I ...? O p e n , d e m a n d s a c o m p le x answ er
W h e re c o u ld you...? O p e n , d e m a n d s a c o m p le x an sw er
W h e n sh o u ld we b e s t ...? O p e n , d e m a n d s a c o m p le x an sw er
W h y is it t h a t ...? O p e n , d e m a n d s a c o m p le x answ er
Tell m e h ow to ... Direct, bu t c o u ld be a b ru p t an d rude

Persua­ I feel w e sh o u ld now d is c u s s ...

sion and I b e lie ve w e o u g h t to ...
Let's n o w lo o k a t ...
I'd be grateful if w e c o u ld n ow talk about...
I h o p e w e can n ow discuss...
You p ro m ise d that w e w o u ld lo o k a t ... in m o re detail.
I've alw ays w an te d to know m o re a b o u t ...
I still d o n 't q u ite u n d e rsta n d ...

UK j US Both
- formal, G o o d b y e (very H ave a nice day G o o d night
polite polite) I really m ust be g o in g
It's be e n a pleasure I m ustn't k ee p y o u any
to m ee t yo u lo n g e r
I've really e n jo y e d m eet­
ing you

Англійська мова. II КУРС 79

- inform al, Bye Take care C ia o
p o lite Bye fo r now Take it easy See you around
Bye now
('Bye bye' w o u ld
p ro b a b ly o n ly be
used by y o u n g c h il­
dren o r fo r specific
stylistic purposes)

- inform al, See yo u (or see ya) G otta g o now Take it easy
to a frien d A ll th e best It's been g o o d . Take care
Take care, now. Keep it real
Take it easy, now, Later on
D o n 't w ork to o hard

1) Rhyming combinations used in closing a conversation, long popular in
both the USA and the UK, are still often used today: the most common being "See
you later, alligator'' which may jokingly be replied to with "in a while, crocodile''.
2} In contemporary English How are you? and Are you all right? are now greetings
and no longer questions regarding your immediate state o f health.

A 3. W ith o u t looking in yo u r textbooks, listen to the recorded Dia-

logues 1 and 2. Try to get th eir messages; reproduce them in English in
.gM fc yo u r own words. The d ialog u es contain several functional expressions
of a) opening, b) continuing, c) clo sin g a conversation. W h ile listening
to the sam e d ialog u es again, write dow n these functional expressions
in y o u r exercise books.
(The scripts are given at the end of the book)

4. Im agine that yo u r partner in class asks you: "H ow are you?" Give a d e ­
tailed literal account of how you really are and then respond as you should
to a native speaker.

5. A nsw er the qu estion “A re y o u a ll right?" literally and then respond as you

should to a native speaker.

6 . Read this sh ort ad d ition al text, an extract from "Barracuda 945", a c o n ­

tem p orary p o p u la r th riller by Patrick Robinson and m ake sure you under­

80 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

stand how im p o rtan t cultural differences are betw een co m m o n w ords and
phrases used by different nations w ho apparently all speak English:
Right on cue, the d o o r op e n ed and the du ty guard ushered Lt. Jim m y
Ram shaw e inside.
"G'day, Adm iral," he said, issuing the perennial Aussie greeting, and
heaving a pile o f m aps and papers on to a big table.
G e orge M o rris chuckled. "Hello, Lieutenant. They working you so hard
you can no lon ger tell the difference betw een day and night?" he said.
"M atte r of fact, yes," said Jimmy. "But I can't w alk around saying 'G'night,
Adm iral,' can I?"
"Well, I guess not. H ow ab o u t 'G'd evening?"
"Nah. I'd sound like a b lo o d y pooftah."

Notes: 1) “Right on cue" is a standard phrase to mean ‘happening at exactly the

right moment' - як на загад, 2) Aussie. Standard, friendly UK word for Australian'.
3) In theory an illiterate sentence, but in fact normal and common phrasing by an
American, as Morris is, in context. 4) Goodnight is only used to mean that the speak­
er is going to bed. 5) Good evening would only be used in Australia by a camp (i.e.
blatantly overt) homosexual in that country, although it is normal speech in the USA
and the UK. 6) "Nah" is the way that an Aussie, American or a Londoner would say
"no" 7) 'Pooftah' is a slang word for a homosexual common in Australian English and
frequent in Anglo-English.

7. Translate the fo llo w in g d ia lo g u e into English.

- Гей, п р и єм н о тебе бачити. Як ти? Все гаразд?
- Привіт. Ти знаєш, щ о й н о одуж ав від грипу. Цей грип м ене дістав.
Щ о р о ку хворію .
- Я вже декілька років р о б л ю щ еплення. Д опомагає.
- Т и дивись, а я в ці щ еплення ніколи не вірив. У ц ь о м у році я це вже
прогавив, а наступного року, мабуть, зр о б л ю також.
- А л е п оп ере д ньо порадься з лікарем. М ені, наприклад, п о р е к о м е н ­
дували вакцину "Інфлувак®".
- Гаразд. Ну, все. Я м аю бігти. Бувай.
- Тримайся. Бережи себе. Я тобі зателефоную. Щасти.

8. M ake up y o u r own d ialog u es with th e functional expressions listed in

Exercise 2.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 81

Section A



Note: Defibrillator. A machine that gives the heart an electric shock to make it start
beating again after a heart attack - дефібрилятор.


1. Look at the title of the text and say w hat you th in k the text is about.

2. Think o f ten to fifteen them atic w ords w hich you are likely to find in the
fo llo w in g text on "H ealth Care in the UK", and w rite them dow n in you r
exercise books. A fte r reading the text you will be able to check w hether the
w ords you predict actually appear.

3. Read the fo llo w in g qu estion s and try to answ er them before reading the
text. W hen you read the text, find the answers to th e questions and c o m ­
pare them to w hat you have previously done.
1. W h at place does W in ston Churchill o ccu p y am on g oth er British iconic
2. W h at does the creation of the W elfare State provide?
3. O n w hat prin ciple does the N ational H ealth Service in the UK w ork?
4. Do all EU citizens enjoy the sam e right to m edical care in the UK?
5. W hen can you request a hom e visit by th e G P in the UK?
6. To w hom m ay a throat ache be referred?
7. W here can doctors obtain the experience needed fo r a GP?
8. W h o funds m edical care in the UK?

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

4. Learn the pro nu n ciation o f the fo llo w in g pro per nam es from the text
W in ston Churchill /'winstan 'tfktjil/
C lem ent A ttlee /'klemsnt 'aetli:/
Nye Bevan /nai 'bcvon/

5. Transcribe the fo llo w in g words. Learn th eir pronunciation:

Renowned, iconic, landslide, tem porarily, surgeries, pharm acist, exempt,
substitute (n), hospitalize, locum , defibrillator, referral, chronic, generalist,
elite, luxury.

6 . Look th rou g h the fo llo w in g co m m en ts before reading th e text:

Com m ents

1. The Welfare State. (A country with) a system in which the government pro­
vides money, free medical care, etc. for people who are unemployed, ill, or too old
to work. Держава загального добробуту.
2. National Health Service (NHS). The British system that provides free medi­
cal treatment for everyone, and is paid for by taxes. Державна служба охорони
3. Family Practitioners' Committee. Now Family Health Services Authori­
ty (FHSA). Responsible for the registration of doctors and dentists on the NHS.
Управління служб сімейного здоров'я.
4. BUPA. British United Provident Association. A company which sells private
health insurance and runs its own hospitals outside the National Health Service.
Британське об'єднане товариство взаємного страхування.

7. Read the text "H ealth Care in th e UK" and find the key sentences that
sum m arize the m ain idea of each paragraph.

Text 1: Health Care in the UK

The renow ned w ar-tim e leader and Prim e M in iste r W in ston Churchill,
after alm ost 50 years, is still in British people's m inds and head an d s h o u l­
d ers a b o ve any o ther British ic o n ic person ality.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 83

So w hy was it that after WWII ended and a general election was called,
W inston Churchill, a Conservative, lost? Instead, a socialist Prim e Minister,
Clem ent Attlee, was elected as the Labour Party won by a landslide. P ro b ­
ably the m ost significan t factor that gave him such p op u larity was the w ork
o f a W elshm an, Nye Bevan, w ho championed the creation o f the Welfare
State, w hich provided m ore generous u n em p loym e n t benefit, sickness
benefit, m aternity and w idow s' benefits and better state pensions, all fu n d ­
ed by compulsory contributions from e m p lo ye r and em ployee.
But the m ost im p ortan t part of the W elfare State was the creation o f a
National Health Service (NHS) w hich gave essentially free medical care
to everybody. As M in iste r of Health, Nye Bevan succeeded in introducing
the N H S in 1948 and m edical care was now the sam e fo r all, irrespective of
their wealth.
The N H S w orks on the principle that all UK residents have the right to
be on the patient list o f a General Practitioner, GP, usually local to them
but of the choice of the individual. In recent decades, this right has been
extended to all EU citizens w ho m ay be placed tem p orarily on a patient list.
Such lists are adm inistered by the Family Practitioners' Committee so that
no GP has to o m any potential patients, w h ile at th e sam e tim e receiving
an annual bonus, in ad d itio n to th eir salary, d ep e n d in g on the num ber of
p eo p le on th eir list. These GPs receive patients in th eir surgeries, w hich
norm ally contain three o r fo u r GPs on average, a nurse, an adm inistrator,
and a receptionist. C on su ltation is alm ost always by a p p o in tm e n t and a
busy practice may ask patients to b oo k up to 4 -5 days in advance.
A lm o st all m edicines, with the exception o f sim p le over-the-counter
products, need a doctor's prescription before the pharm acist will su p p ly
them and in the UK all drugs, irrespective o f price, are su pp lie d by phar­
m acists after a paym ent o f a 'prescription charge'. In 2018, this standard
charge was £8.80, then ab o u t 320 UAH. In 2005, this standard charge was
£6.50, then ab o u t UAH 70. To avoid penalising those w ho m ay be less able
to pay, m any categories o f patients are exempt from prescription charges,
such as pensioners, pregnant wom en, disabled people, the u n em p loyed or
those on low incom e.
In the case of em ergency or serious illness, there are tw o o p tio n s avail­
able to a UK resident. If they are very ill, then th ey can request a hom e visit
by th eir G P or delegated substitute w ho m ay be "on call", as all GPs have

M . O. B o 3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. (O. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

to have som e tim e off, and em ergency hom e
visits are m ost likely at night. If the situation
is m ore serious, then an am bulance can be
called by d ialling 999, which should arrive
w ithin m inutes, or the GP m aking a hom e
visit m ay d ecid e to hospitalize a patient and
they w ill then call ou t an am bulance. If a GP
is aw ay on a co u rse or on h oliday then their
place is taken tem porarily by a 'lo cu m '.
H ospitals in the UK are usually large and
d ivid ed into "in -p a tie n ts" and "o u t-p a-
tients". S om eo n e needing serious attention
will be b oo ke d in as an in-patient, given a
bed and assigned a course o f treatm ent.
O thers will com e to the hospital th e m ­
selves as out-patients, either as the result of
an accident, to w hat used to be called a C asu alty D e p a rtm e n t but is now
called A & E (acciden t and em ergency), o r as a referral by a GP. There they
will be tre a te d and sent on th eir way hom e, unless a d o c to r decides they
need to be h ospitalized and they are adm itted as in-patients.
Prescription charges d o not apply to either in-patients or out-patients,
and all care and m edicines are free.
Those referred to see a Specialist by a GP are those w ho have a problem
that the G P is concerned ab o u t and feels that the patient needs a m ore
expert level o f care. So a puzzling, chron ic throat co n d itio n m ay be referred
to an Ear, N o se and Throat Specialist at an out-patients' d ep artm en t of a
hospital. In such a case, the a p p o in tm e n t is requested by the GP.
M o st of the doctors w orkin g as GPs have w orked in hospitals, either as
a ju n io r H o u se D o cto r (generalist) as part o f their m edical training to get
th eir M D q u a lifica tio n , or as a s e n io r H o u se D o cto r after qualification, to
ob tain som e of the experience needed for a GP. H ouse Doctors, especially
ju n io r ones, trad ition ally w ork very long hours fo r relatively little pay and
those th at survive the course tend to have learnt a lot.
A ll this is funded by N ational Insurance (N1) contributions, by both e m ­
ployers and by those in w ork from th eir p ay-p ackets and from the standard
prescription charge paid by those w h o can afford it. M an y em p loyers give

Англійська мова. II КУРС 85

their elite em ployees "paid health care" th rou g h som e o rg an ization such
as BUPA, but this does not actually affect th eir health care on the whole.
A lm o st all m edical care is carried o u t by th e N H S but BUPA (or o th er such
patients) m ay have, in th e case of hospitalization , a private room with lux­
ury facilities or even an assigned nurse, the extras being paid fo r by the
'private health care' organ ization .
O f course, alth ou gh som e co untries such as Canada, Sweden, Ukraine
and Britain have a N atio n al H ealth Service, others such as the U SA have a
m edical insurance system that pays fo r health care fo r each individual, as
and when needed. Those in dividu als that d o n 't have insurance m ay find it
extrem ely difficu lt to obtain health care at all in th ose countries w here cash
o r insurance is needed. Just ask any sick person w aiting fo r care w hether
th eir w allet o r th eir health is th e first p rio rity and see w hat answer you get!

8. Listen to th e recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate it

into Ukrainian.

9. A fter listening to th e text, co m ple te th e fo llo w in g sentences from the

alternatives given below:
1. The renow ned w ar-tim e leader and Prim e M in iste r W in ston Churchill,
after alm ost 50 years, is still in British people's m inds and ... above any o th ­
er British iconic personality.
a) tooth and nail; b) head and shoulders; c) hand and foot.
2. Instead, a socialist Prim e Minister, C lem ent Attlee, was elected as the
Labour Party w on ...
a) the w oo d en spoon; b) the toss; c) by a landslide.
3. Probably the m ost significan t factor th at gave him such p op u larity
was the w ork o f a W elshm an, Nye Bevan, w h o ch am p ion e d the creation of
the W elfare State, w hich provided m ore generous u n em p loym e n t benefits,
sickness benefit, m aternity and w idow s' benefits and better state pensions,
all funded b y ...
a) fun d-raisin g events; b) w ell-wishers; c) co m p u lso ry co n trib u tio n s from
e m p lo ye r and em ployee.
4. The N H S w orks on the p rin ciple that all UK residents have the right to
be on the ... o f a General Practitioner, GP, usually local to them but o f the
ch o ice of the individual.

86 M. O. Bo3Ha • O. 5. TanoHiB • O. KD. BacM/ibMeHKO • H. C. XoMem<o

a) patient list; b) w aiting list; c) dan ger list.
5. These GPs receive patients in t h e ir ..., w hich norm ally contain three o r
fo u r GPs on average, a nurse, an adm inistrator and a receptionist.
a) private offices; b) surgeries; c) studies.
6. If a G P is away on a course or on holiday then his/her place is taken
tem p o rarily by a ...
a) param edic; b) em ergency m edical technician; c) locum .
7. So a puzzling, chronic throat co n d itio n m ay be referred to a ... S p ecial­
ist at an out-patients' dep a rtm en t o f a hospital.
a) trop ical disease; b) ear, nose and throat; c) eye.
8. A ll this is fu n ded by N ational Insurance (N1) contributions, by both
em p loyers and by those in w ork from t h e ir ... and from the standard p re­
scrip tion charge paid by those w ho can afford it.
a) nest eggs; b) pay-packets; c) lifejackets.

10. Study the fo llow in g voca b u lary notes Then g o th rou g h the text again
and give the Ukrainian equivalents fo r the h ighligh ted words:

/ Vocabulary notes
1. To be / stand head and shoulders above somebody. To be m uch bet­
ter than o th er peo p le - переваж ати когось, виділятися з-п о се р ед когось,
e.g. O ne contestant stood head and shoulders above the rest.
2. Iconic personality / icon. Som eo ne fam ous w ho is adm ired by m any
p eo p le and is th o u g h t to represent an im p ortan t idea - ідол, кумир,
п редм ет поклоніння, культова фігура, e.g. а 60s cultural icon.
3. Lan dslide, п. The noun m ay mean:
1) a v icto ry in an election in w hich one person or party gets a lot m ore
votes than all the others - ріш уча перемога на виборах, e.g. The S N P (the
Scottish N ational Party) candidate w on by a landslide.
2) literally, a sudden fall of a lot of earth o r rocks dow n a hill, cliff, etc. -
обвал, зсув, e.g. Flooding caused landslides and serious p ro perty dam age.
4. C h a m p io n , v. To pu b licly fig h t fo r and defend an aim or principle, such
as the rights of a group of p eo ple - боротися, захищати, відстоювати, e.g.
to ch am p io n the rights of the individual.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 87

5. Benefit, n. The noun has fo u r m ain m eanings:
1) an advantage, im provem ent, or help that you get from som eth in g -
вигода; користь; прибуток, перевага, e.g. W h at are the benefits fo r Britain
of b elo n g in g to the European U nion? You should ad m it the airport's e c o ­
n om ic benefit to the region.
2) m oney provided by the g o vernm en t to peo p le w ho are sick, u n em ­
ployed, o r have little m oney (AmE: Welfare) - пенсія, (страхова) допом ога,
e.g. u n em p loym e n t benefit - д о п о м о га з безробіття; sickness benefit -
д оп ом ога у зв'язку з хво робо ю ; m aternity benefit - д оп ом ога породіллі;
w idow 's benefit A n g lo E / survivor's benefit A m E - д оп ом ога у зв'язку
з втратою годувальника; cash benefit - грош ова допом ога; d isab ility
benefit - д о п о м о га з непрацездатності; health-care benefit - д оп ом ога
з догляду за хворим ; retirem ent / o ld -a g e benefit - пенсія за віком; vete­
ran's benefit - до п о м о га для ветеранів (війни, праці тощо).
3) u sually p lu ra l extra m oney or o th er advantages that you get as part
o f you r jo b or from insurance that you have - пільги, додаткові послуги,
п р и в ілеї тощ о, e.g. The benefits include full m edical cover w hen travelling
abroad. W e offer an excellent salary and benefits package.
4) a concert, perform ance, etc. arranged to m ake m oney fo r charity -
благодійний концерт тощ о, e.g. They gave a benefit co n cert for the C h il­
dren's Hospital.
6. Sickness, n.
1) the co n d itio n of being ill, ill health - нездужання, нездоров'я, х в о ­
роба, e.g.He had a lingering sickness th at had not cleared up fo r m onths.
2) an instance o f ill health, a specified disease or illness - (випадок)
захворю вання, (конкретна) хвороба, e.g. She had been u nlucky en ough
to suffer Car Sickness since ch ildh ood.
3) an attack of nausea or vo m itin g - нудота, e.g. She felt a rush of sick­
ness after her seventh piece of cake.
4) utter disgust of som eth in g - відраза, e.g. You could sense her sick­
ness as she tried to conceal her em otions.
A n a ilm en t is a m ild form o f ill-health, w h ile an illness is m ore serious.
A disease m ay be chronic or acute - in each case it it generally m ore serious
than an illness. The term 'm alad y1 is now very rarely used in co n te m p o rary
English - it is a close synonym fo r 'illness'.
7. Contribution, n. The noun is used in the fo llo w in g meanings:

88 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

1) som eth ing that you give or d o in order to help som eth in g be success­
ful - внесок в науку тощ о, e.g. Einstein was aw arded the N o b el Prize for
his co n tribu tio n to Q uantum Theory.
2) a piece of w riting, a song, a speech, etc. that form s part of a larger
w ork such as a newspaper, book, broadcast, recording, etc. - сп ів р о б ітн и ­
цтво в газеті, ж урналі тощо; матеріал для газети, ж урн алу тощ о, e.g. This
m agazine w ith co n tribu tion s from w ell-kn ow n travel w riters is very p op u lar
am on g its readers.
3) an am ou n t of m oney that you give in o rder to help pay fo r som ething;
w hen you give money, time, help, etc. - пожертва, внесок, e.g. C o n tri­
bu tion s to charities are tax deductible. All the m oney has been raised by
v olu n ta ry contribution.
4) a regular paym ent that you m ake to y o u r em ploye r or to the g overn ­
m ent to pay for th ings that you will receive w hen you are no lon g er w ork­
ing, for exam ple health care, a pension, etc - внески, збори, e.g. National
Insurance (N1) co n tribu tion s - внески д о фонду держ авн ого страхування.
8. Compulsory, adj.
1) th at w hich m ust be done, necessarily enforced, co m p e lled - п р и м у ­
со в и й , e.g. co m p u lso ry labour.
2) required by law - обов'язковий, e.g. co m p u lso ry education.
Syn.: o b lig a to ry - that w hich cannot be avoided, bin d in g - resulting from
a previous agreem ent, necessary - needed for progress to occur, m an d ato ­
ry - required by the rules, prescribed - decid ed as the result of a ju d g m en t.
9. Medical care - м едична допом ога.
10. Patient list - сп и со к пацієнтів.
11. General Practitioner / GP / generalist / family physician. A d o cto r
w h o is trained in general m edicin e - лікар ш и рокого профілю; лікар за­
гальної практики; терапевт; д ільн и чн ий лікар; сім ей н и й лікар, e.g. The
w h ole fam ily had had a succession of cou ghs and colds, and all of them
had visited their GP durin g the past m onth.
12. Surgery Office. A place w here a d o cto r or dentist gives treatm ent.
But no actual surgery as such ever takes place there norm ally - лікарський
кабінет, невелика поліклініка, амбулаторія.
The noun surgery possesses the fo llo w in g m eanings:
1) m edical treatm ent in w hich a surgeon cuts open yo u r b o d y to repair
o r rem ove som eth in g inside (operation) - операція, e.g. He's currently re­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 89

covering from surgery on his right knee. He had surgery last night, as his
co n d itio n had worsened.
2) especially A m E the place w here ope ration s are d o n e in a hospital.
A m erican equivalent: operatin g room , British equivalent: o peratin g th e ­
atre - операційна, e.g. Dr. Hanson is in surgery.
3) A n g lo E a regular period each day w hen p eo p le can see a d o c to r or
dentist. A m erican equivalent: office hours - п р и й о м хворих, пр и йм ал ьні
години лікаря, e.g. Surgery is from 9 am - 1 p m on weekdays.
4) A n g lo E a special period o f tim e w hen p eo ple can see a M e m b e r o f Par­
liam ent to discuss p roblem s - п р и й о м в и б о р ц ів депутатом, e.g. The M P
had been to o involved at W estm inster to have held a surgery fo r m onths.
13. P ractice (of doctors and lawyers), n AngloE. The w ork o f a d o c to r or
lawyer, or the place w here they w ork - практика, діяльність (лікаря, а д в о ­
ката); клієнтура; м ісц е роботи (лікаря, адвоката), e.g. Taras w orks at a big
legal practice in Lviv.
Practise, v AngloE. To w ork as a d o c to r o r law yer - практикувати; за­
йматися л ікар сько ю практикою; займатися ю р и д и ч н о ю діяльністю , e.g.
Irina had decided to practise law from ch ildh ood.
In A m erican English the noun practice is often spelled as practise and the
verb practise as practice.
14. O v e r-th e -c o u n te r (m edicine) can be o b tain ed w ith ou t a p rescrip ­
tion - л ік и , щ о продаю ться без рецепта. O v e r-th e -c o u n te r d ru g - патен­
товані ліки, e.g. If you've g o t a cold o r sore throat, they can advise w hich
o ver-th e-cou n ter m edicines to take.
15. P re scrip tio n charge, AngloE. The standard am ou n t of m oney m ost
p eo p le have to pay fo r any m edicine that needs d o c to r s prescription.
Стандартна плата за будь-які ліки, щ о продаю ться за рецептом (при­
б лизно 70 грн); e.g. There has long been debate in Britain as to w h o should
be exem pt from prescription charges.
16. Penalize, v. The verb m ay mean:
1) to punish som eo n e or treat them unfairly — штрафувати, карати,
створю вати несприятливі умови; ставити в невигідне становищ е; не­
гативно відбитися на комусь; ущ ем ляти когось, e.g. Two students were
penalized very differently for the sam e offence. W o m en feel professionally
penalized fo r taking tim e o ff to raise children. The pro po sed energy taxes
w ou ld unfairly penalize peo p le living in rural areas.

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

2) to punish a team or player in sports by givin g an advantage to the
oth er team - штрафувати, e.g. The team was penalized fo r w asting time.
17. Exem pt (from), adj. N o t affected by som ething, o r not having to do
it or pay it. Звільнений від (сплати податків, оплати ліків тощо), e.g. The
interest is exem pt from incom e tax. C hildren are exem pt from th e charges.
A re students exem pt from co m p u lso ry sch oo lin g o r from certain courses in
the curriculum on religious grounds?
18. D isabled, adj., n. M ad e incapable o f action or use, esp ecially o f a
person posessing a disability, for the use o f such people. П ок а л іч е н и й ,
інвалід, л ю д и н а з ф із и ч н и м и вад ам и , e.g. There was a ram p alon g sid e
the stairs for the w heelchairs o f disabled people.
A lth o u g h there are such synonym s as handicapped and invalid, they all
tend to be regarded as p o litically incorrect, and so the term "physically
challenged" should always be used.
19. D e le g a te d su bstitu te. Тут: м едпрацівник, щ о має право ходити за
ви кликам и зам ість терапевта.
20. То be aw ay on a (refresher) course. To take a training course, u su­
ally a sh ort one, that teaches you ab o u t new d evelo pm en ts in a particular
subject or skill, especially one that you need fo r yo u r jo b . Бути на курсах
підвищ ення кваліфікації.
21. Locum . A d o c to r or priest w ho does an oth er d o cto r's or priest's w ork
w hile th ey are on holiday, ill, a tem p o rary replacem ent - лікар аб о св ящ е­
ник, щ о ти м ч асо во зам іняє інш ого лікаря або свящ еника; ти м часови й
заступник, e.g. A locum co nsu ltan t failed to sp o t the result of her earlier
test and arranged for a totally unnecessary exp lo ratory operation.
22. In -p a tie n t - стаціон арн и й хворий.
23. O u t-p a tie n t - ам булаторний хворий.
24. A & E (acciden t and em ergen cy). The part of a h ospital w here peop le
w ho are injured or w h o need urgent treatm ent are brought. Відділення
ш ви д кої й н евід клад н ої д о п о м о ги . The old nam e in the UK was C asu alty
D ep artm en t, still often used in inform al speech.
25. Referral, n formal. W hen som eo n e sends som eo n e or som eth in g to
an oth er person to be helped or dealt w ith - направлення (на роботу, до
лікаря тощо), e.g. The d o c to r will give you a referral to a specialist in your
26. Treat, v.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 91

1) ap p ly m edical care o r attention to a person o r an ailm en t - лікувати,
e.g. Her w ou n d treated was treated as soon as possible. It was d ecid ed to
treat the infection with strong antibiotics. She was m istakenly treated for
shock alth ou gh she actually had internal bleeding.
Please pay attention to the difference betw een to treat (лікувати) and to
cure (ви л ік у вати ) where the first m eans the w ay that m edical attention is
given, w hile the latter describes the attem pt to rem ove a m edical problem
entirely, e.g. She was treated to o late fo r cancer and could not be cured.
2) deal with or act tow ards in a specified way - поводитися, ставитися
д о когось/чогось, e.g. A t least she did not treat m e like a child.
3) deal with o r represent (a subject) in literature, art etc., discuss or pres­
ent in speech o r w riting - трактувати, розглядати як, e.g. She read an
interesting b o o k that treated religion from a p sych olog ical p o in t o f view.
4) subject to a chem ical act or action to obtain a particular result -
обробляти, піддавати дії, e.g. The cloth was treated to w ithstand the
5) provide with food, entertainm ent, especially at one's ow n expense -
частувати, пригощ ати, e.g. He treated M a ry w ith yet an oth er ice-cream .
26. Junior House Doctor / housem an. S om eo ne w h o has nearly finished
training as a d o cto r and is w orking in a hospital - інтерн.
Senior House Doctor. A d o cto r w h o after gettin g an M D q u alification
w orks in a hospital to obtain m ore advanced postgraduate ed u cation or
w orks his/her way up the career ladder - клін ічни й ординатор.
House Doctor is not a form al title but the co m m o n conversational way
of describing generalist doctors assigned to a hospital. H ospital A d m in is ­
trators w ill give them a w ide variety of form al titles. Д о м а ш н ій лікар.
27. MD qualification gives the right to use the title o f D o ctor (Dr.) and to
form ally practice m edicine. This degree is given to graduates in m edicine
after Residency (ординатура). Д и п л о м о в а н и й лікар. The abbreviation
should not be confused with PhD in m edicin e - д октор м еди чн и х наук.
28. Pay packet. This w ord co m bin atio n m ay mean:
1) the am oun t of m oney som eon e earns - получка, заробіток, e.g. She
was d elighted to receive her first pay packet.
2) an envelope literally co ntain in g som eone's w ages - конверт із з а р о ­
б ітно ю платнею; e.g. A t Christm as, a bonus was put into everyone's pay

92 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Pay packets were once brown envelopes containing cash and a w age
slip, d etailin g earnings and deductions. O ver the past 50 years, w ages in the
UK and the U SA have becom e au tom atically paid into a bank account, but
the noun lives on. Thus, "to fund from pay packets" m eans "фінансувати
з зарплатні".

Vocabulary practice

11. Finish th e fo llow in g sentences as close to the texts of the lesson as

1. The renow ned w ar-tim e leader and Prim e M in iste r W in ston Churchill,
after alm ost 50 years, is still ... . 2. As M in iste r of Health, Nye Bevan suc­
ceeded in .... 3. GPs receive patients in .... 4. C onsu ltation is alm ost always
by a p p o in tm e n t and .... 5. To avoid penalising those w ho m ay be less able
to pay, ... . 6. Those referred to see a Specialist by a GP are those w h o ... .
7. W hen the G P is m aking a hom e visit they m ay d ecid e to hospitalize a
patient, and then they will ... . 8. If a G P is away on a course or on holiday
then th eir place is taken tem porarily by a .... 9. M o st o f the d octors w orking
as GPs have w orked in hospitals, either as .... 10. M an y em ployers give their
elite em ployees .... 11. Those individuals that d o n 't have m edical insurance
m ay find it extrem ely d ifficu lt to ... 12. To receice health care all UK resi­
dents have the right to be ....

12. Translate the follow in g sentences into Ukrainian paying especial atten ­
tion to the m eaning and translation of the italicised words.
1. She w ent to the dentist fo r a consultation on her b leed ing gum s p ro b ­
lem. 2. Tony Blair had prom ised to resign before the next g eneral election.
3. She was happy to see a generous helping of m ashed potatoes on her
plate. 4. Beer com panies frequently try to persuade a fo o tb a ll icon to sp o n ­
sor th eir beer. 5. Fans of Leonardo da Vinci are co nvinced he was head
and shoulders above all his contem poraries. 6. She was o n ly to o eager to
cham pion the banning of sm oking in p u blic places. 7. The GP agreed to
see the Ukrainian tourist, even th o u g h she was not on his p a tie n t list. 8. The
dentists' practice m oved to a m ore central location in the city. 9. The Local
au th ority passed a local law to p en alize spitting on the pavem ent. 10. The

Англійська мова. II КУРС 93

students were exem pt from m ilitary service in th eir hom e country. 11. The
lecturer had agreed fo r on e o f her colleagues to substitute fo r her w hile she
was aw ay on a course. 12. A lth o u g h it had been at first th o u g h t better to
h ospitalize her as an in-patient, her protests led th e m edical staff to agree
to treat her as an ou t-patien t and then send her hom e. 13. His GP m ade
an appointm en t for him to see a specialist ab o u t his knee problem . 14. The
GP gave a referral for A gatha to see an ear specialist. 15. She op e n ed the
en velope and shrieked with jo y to learn that she had been a p p o in ted as
a house doctor at her local hospital. 16. The sickness had been speading
th o u g h o u tth e region at a rapid rate. 17. His p ro lo n g e d illness had left him
partially disabled.

13. Insert the fo llo w in g w ords and th eir derivatives in the sentences below:
treat, contribution, benefit, surgery.
1. The only person w h o knew how to ... the broken bone was the office
first-aider. 2. She ... her nephew to a new fo o tb a ll even th o u g h it w asn't
his birthday. 3. He needed pro lo n g e d heat ... on his pulled ligam ent. 4. It
was often a Sunday ... to g o fo r a drive in the countryside. 5. H e r ... to the
advancem ent o f m olecu la r b io lo g y was vast. 6. W e were all asked fo r a
sm all ... to th e purchase o f a leaving present fo r Tanya. 7. He liked to of­
ten ... articles to the U krainian Observer m agazine. 8. She was never slow
to ... to the conversation. 9. A r e g u la r ... to the society's funds was always
w elcom e. 10. W h ile he was unem ployed, he received Social Security ...
11. She was the m ain ... o f the will. 12. The fam ous ja zz band agreed to play
at the C harity ... Concert. 13. The leg was so badly broken that it needed ...
14. She w ent into the do cto r's ... when the lig h t began to flash. 15. The
w o rld -fa m o u s ... gave a lecture on heart by-pass techniques at the univer­
sity last week.

14. Find in the text "H ealth Care in the UK" th e w ords co rre sp on d in g to the
fo llo w in g definitions:
1. "Known and adm ired by a lot o f people, especially for a special skill,
achievem ent, or quality, famous". 2. "Larger or m ore than th e usual size or
amount". 3. "Relating to the particular area you live in, or the area you are
talking about". 4. "Som eone w hose jo b is to prepare m edicines in a shop
o r hospital". 5. "Confusing and difficult to understand or explain". 6. "O f a

94 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. B. F an o H iB • O. KD. BacH /ibneH KO • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

disease or illness that continues for a long tim e and cannot be cured" 7. "An
arrangem ent fo r a m eeting at an agreed tim e and place, for a particular pur­
pose". 8. "To give som eone a particular jo b or make them responsible for a
particular person or thing". 9. "O bligatory, required by the rules". 10. "Som e­
thing that is not included in the price and you have to pay m ore for it".

15. Paraphrase the fo llow in g sentences focusing on the italicised parts.

1. A lm o st all m edicines, with the exception of sim ple over-the-counter
products, need a doctor's prescription before the pharm acist w ill supply
them . 2. To avoid pen alisin g th ose w ho m ay be less able to pay, m any cate­
gories o f patients are exem pt from prescription charges. 3. O thers will com e
to the hospital them selves as out-patients, either as the result of an acci­
dent, to w hat used to be called a Casualty D epartm ent but is now called
A & E (accident and em ergency) or as a referral by a GP. 4. House Doctors,
especially ju n io r ones, trad itio n ally w ork very long hours for relatively little
pay and th ose that survive the course tend to have learnt a lot. 5. A ll this
is fu n d ed by N ational Insurance (N1) contributions, by both em ployers and
by those in w ork from th eir pay-packets and from the standard prescription
charge paid by those w h o can afford it. 6. She was convinced that on the
day of th e election that she w ould win by a landslide. 7. W hen I w ent to
the surgery to see m y old friend, the local GP, I was astonished to hear that
she had been replaced by a locum until September. 8. There are m any ar­
g u m en t / argum ents as to ju st how m uch the welfare state should help the
needy. 9. He groaned as his m ob ile rang, saying that he was on ca ll ton ig h t
and m ig ht have to m ake em ergen cy house visits.

16. Insert th e right form o f "practice" or "practise" into th e fo llo w in g sen­

tences. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. M otorcycles w ould be kept out by barriers at each end - this is nor­
mal ... fo r cycle/pedestrian paths. 2. It's not considered g o o d ... to reveal c li­
ents' names. 3. It gave him the chance to put his ideas into .... 4. If you need
a d o c to r there's this gro u p ... nearby, or that one. 5. A t night, in o u r hotel,
we q u ickly we co u ld roll ou t o f o u r beds in case o f an attack! 6. Ev­
e ryb o d y w ants ... th eir English on me. 7 . 1 graduated from M an ch ester Law
sch oo l and ... with the firm o f A rth u r & M ad d e n o f Birm ingham . 8. M an y
law graduates ch oose to enter p u blic service rather than private .... 9. Fam­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 95

ily ... has o n ly been officially recognized since 1969, but it develo p ed from
o ld e r m odels of general m edical ... in w hich all o f a patient's health care
needs were m et by a single physician. 10. The ...of d en tistry is now well
controlled, and in all countries of the w orld in w hich den tistry ... there is a
licensing requirem ent.

*17. C o m p lete the fo llo w in g sentences with the w ords in the lists using the
Ukrainian adjectives in brackets as a prom pt:
A. Sickness, illness, m alady, ailm ent.
1. Som e of th e passengers leaving the plane were cleary suffering from
travel (захворю ванн я). 2. Her boss au tom atically assum ed that she was
ab o ut to co m pla in ab o u t yet an oth er im aginary (н ездуж ання) w henever
she rang him first th ing in the m orning. 3. The (хво роба) had been sp re ad ­
ing am ong the g ro u p of students like wildfire. 4. Everybody sat around,
gloom y, as th o u g h som e strange (недуга) had hit everyone in the room.

B. Compulsory, obligatory, m andatory, binding, prescribed, necessary.

1. (О б о в 'я зк о в и й ) w earing of seat belts had been in force fo r over
th irty years. 2. The (о б о в 'я з к о в и й ) answers on the exam paper had not all
been filled in, o b v io u sly m aking th e cand id ate fail. 3. It was (н е о б хід н и й )
to act cool in th club, to avoid being ejected by th e bouncers. 4. The c o n d i­
tion s were in fact (такий, щ о зо б о в'я зує), as the law yer con firm ed. 5. She
had never th o u g h t it (потрібний) to carry her phone's PIN co d e w ith her.
6. The stom ach pills she had been (приписаний) were left on the train by

18. M atch the English w o rd -co m b in a tio n s with th eir Ukrainian co u nter­
1) bronchitis а) свинка
2) m um ps b) бронхіт
3) m easles c) туберкульоз
4) germ an m easles (rubella) d) кір
5) sinusitis e) червон а висипка
6) diph th eria f) гайм орит
7) tu berculosis g) дифтерит
8) hepatitis h) гастрит

96 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

9) chicken pox і) гепатит
10) ulcer j) вітряна віспа
11) gastro-enteritis k) грип
12) ton silitis 1) виразка
13) influenza ('flu) m) сер цеви й напад
14) bird flu (Avian flu) п) інсульт
15) neurosis о) розлад травлення
16) p neum onia р) запалення легень
17) heart attack q) ангіна
18) (heart) stroke г) застуда
19) tetanus s) правець
20) in d ig estio n t) курячий грип
21) heartburn и )груд н а жаба
22) a p p e ndicitis v) печія
23) diarrhoea w) невроз
24) cold х) апендицит
25) angina (always a heart disease in English!) у) п р он ос

19. C o m p le te the sentences with one of the follow in g w ords and phrases,
using the Ukrainian w ords and w o rd -co m b in a tio n s in brackets as a prom pt:
p a y packet; unem ploym ent benefit; surgery; icon; landslide victory; to m ake
an appointm ent; practice; to cham pion; contribution, surgery hours.
1. W o m en w h o undergo cosm etic (операція) still far o u tn u m b e r their
m ale counterparts. 2. M arilyn M o n ro e is an (ідол, кумир) of p o p u lar cu l­
ture. 3. O p in io n polls forecast а (ріш уча перемога) for this candidate.
4. A ll (пожертва), how ever small, will be greatly appreciated. 5. O rg a n iz­
ers o f benefit concerts and charity events often get great pleasure from
seeing the results of don ation s to the charities that they (розкручувати,
підтримувати). 6. C ou ld І (записуватися на прийом ) with a d entist at 5 pm
to m o r ro w ? - I'm sorry but (прийм альні години лікаря) is from 9 a m - 1 p m
on weekdays. 7. If you were fired from y o u r previous job, you m ay not be
able to claim (допомога з безробіття). 8. He'd been conned, as if he was
an eig h teen-year-old kid up from the suburbs with his first (зарплатня).
9. I was glad to hear that the then prom ising student has jo in e d a busy
legal (практика) in Kyiv.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 97

*20. C o m p lete the fo llow in g sentences by using the correct form of the
w ord derived from that printed in brackets in bold type. Translate the text
into Ukrainian.
Until the m id -2 0 th ce n tu ry it was n o t ... (usual) fo r th e d o c to r in Britain
to visit patients in th eir ow n hom es. A GP m ight m ake 15 o r 20 such house
calls in a day, as well as seeing patients in his office o r "surgery", often in
th e evenings. This ... (able) him to becom e a fam ily d o c to r in fact as well
as in name. In m odern practice however, a hom e visit is quite ... (e xce p ­
tio n ) and is paid o n ly to th e severely ... (able) o r seriously ill w hen o th er
recourses are ruled out. A ll patients are ... (norm ) required to g o to the
doctor. It has also becom e ... (usual) fo r a ... (person) d o c to r to be avail­
able durin g w eekends or holidays. His place m ay be taken by one o f his
partners in a g ro u p practice, a ... (pro vide ) th at is ... (reason) ... (satisfy).
GPs, however, m ay now use on e of the several ... (com m erce) ... (d e p u ­
ty) services that em p loys you n g d o cto rs to be on call. A lth o u g h som e of
these you n g d o cto rs m ay be w e ll... (experience), patients d o not g e n e ra l­
ly appreciate this kind o f ... (arrange).

(From Encyclopaedia Britan n ica 2003)

21. Read the fo llo w in g text to find ou t the difference betw een infectious
and co n ta g io u s diseases. Then based on y o u r background kno w led ge sort
o u t the fo llow in g list o f diseases into the tw o group: colds, flu, plague, hep-
atitus, chicken pox, measles, mumps, scarlet fever, w hooping cough, AIDS,
Transm ission o f diseases can be by m any ways, w hile som e diseases such
as cancer and heart disease are not transm itted but m ay develop. The tw o
m ost im p ortan t categories o f transm itted diseases are 1) infectious and
2) contagious.
Infectious diseases are those w hich spread by m icro-organism s, of­
ten th rou gh the air in fine dro plets of liquid, such as those produ ced by
a sneeze or a cough. They m ay also travel th rou gh drinking water, sewage,
co n tam in ated fo o d o r the bites o f insects.
C o n tag io u s diseases are those spread by contact, person to person, with
som eo n e w ho already has the disease or is a carrier. They are som etim es
called co m m u n icab le diseases.

98 M. O. B o3 H a • O. 5. T an oH iB • O. KD. Bacn/ibHeH KO • H. C. XoMem <o

The d ifficu lty in translation com es from the fact that so m any diseases
m ay be spread in different ways and all co n tagio us diseases are infectious

22. D o you know that the m eaning o f para in French / Italian is (from
parare): shield, defend, cover fro m ? This led to the creation o f the w ord
parachute by addin g - chute w hich m eans 'fall", i.e "shield from fall". Later,
m edical staff trained to ju m p by parachute into w ar zon es becam e called
param edics. But co n te m p orary English has already m oved on from there.
Using yo u r dictionary, give the co n te m p orary m eanings of the follow in g
English words: param edic, paradoctor, parascending, paraplane, p ara ski and
param ilitary.

23. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into English:

1. Ти отрим уєш якусь д о п о м о гу у зв'язку з х в о р о б о ю ? 2. Англійські л і­
карні часто маю ть довгі списки пацієнтів, які чекаю ть на госпіталізацію .
3. Всю сум у зібрали з д об р о в іл ьн и х пожертвувань. 4. М и нул ого тижня
й о м у зр об и л и складну о п е р а ц ію на спині. 5. В Україні терапевта м ож на
викликати д о д о м у по телеф ону в разі хвороби . 6. Д еякі пільгові кате­
горії гром адян звільнені від оплати ліків. 7. Д о відділення ш в и д ко ї д о ­
п ом оги (травматології) привезли лю дину, яка впала з д р аб ин и і сильно
забилася. 8. Дітям роблять щ еплення проти таких інф екційних захво­
рювань, як правець, дифтерит, туберкульоз тощ о. 9. У Ганни була х р о ­
нічна ангіна, яку вона весь час лікувала, але ніяк не могла вилікувати.
10. Всі се р й озн і ліки в А н гл ії продаю ться ви кл ю ч н о за рецептом. 11. Д о
деяких лікарів у поліклін іці ведеться поп ередній запис. 12. Вакуленко
має велику ю р и д и чн у практику у Л ьвові. 13. Вінстон Черчиль і зараз
виділяється серед інш их кум и рів в історії британського суспільства.
14. Ця політична партія завж ди обстою вала п ри нци п и д е м о к р а ти ч н о ­
го розвитку. 15. У вас є якісь пільги на оплату ж и тл ово-ком ун ал ьн и х
послуг? 16. У лікарнях всі о п е р а ц ії робляться в спеціальній о п е р а ц ій ­
ній залі. 17. У багатьох країнах ж ін ки все ще прод овж ую ть перебувати
в н ев и гід н о м у становищ і з точки зору оплати праці тощ о. 18. В А н гл ії
направлення д о вузького спеціаліста дає терапевт. 19. П ацієнту була
надана невідкладна м едична д о п о м о га протягом півгодини. 20. О тр и ­
мати ріш учу п ере м о гу на ви борах виявилося н ад звичайно складно.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 99

21. Щ о ви знаєте п ро переваги приєднання д о НАТО? 22. Благодійний
концерт відбувається щороку. 23. А чи мав м ісце справж ній внесок
в акад ем ічн у науку? 24. П р и й о м хво рих кожен д ень д о обіду. 25. Деякі
категорії громадян звільняю ться від оплати цього податку. 26. Наш те­
рапевт уж е другий м ісяць перебуває на курсах підвищ ення кваліф іка­
ції. 27. А м булаторн их хворих набагато більше, ніж стаціонарних. 28. Яке
лікування тобі зап роп он ували ? 29. Д о О ленки чо м усь складно було
ставитися п о-серй озно м у. ЗО. Наша країна вже д ав н о має о б ов'язко ву
сер ед н ю освіту.

24. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the fo llo w in g m edical specialists:
Cardiologist, Ear, N o se and Throat specialist, proctologist, G yn eacolo-
gist, N eu ropath olo gist, Plastic surgeon, D erm atologist, Eye specialist or
O p th am ologist, Physiotherapist, O rth o p a e d ic surgeon, Paediatrician, V iro l­
ogist, Anaesthetist, Epidem ologist, M idw ife, O nclogist.

25. M atch the English w o rd -co m b in a tio n s with th eir Ukrainian cou nter­
a) treatm ent fo r a cold 1) втрати при о ч и щ ен н і
b) inpatient treatm ent 2) ш окова терапія
c) treatm ent allow ance 3) стаціон арн е лікування
d) treatm ent o f waste w ater 4) ефект лікування
e) treatm ent response 5) о ч исн а споруда
f) kind treatm ent 6) невідкладна д оп ом ога
g) treatm ent loss 7) ш ано бли ве ставлення
h) treatm ent m ode 8) оч и щ ен н я стічних вод
i) treatm ent by spraying 9) д о п о м о га на лікування
j) red-carpet treatm ent 10) лікування від простуди
k) treatm ent plant 11) реж им найбільш ого сприяння
I) silent treatm ent 1 2 )д о б р е ставлення
m) shock treatm ent 13) о б р о б ка розп и лю ван ням
n) preferential treatm ent 14) метод лікування
o) em ergency treatm ent 15) бойкот

26. Give English equivalents to the fo llo w in g Ukrainian w ords and expres­

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Терапевт, окуліст, кардіолог, пластичний хірург, ортопед, дерматолог,
оториноларинголог, гінеколог, медсестра, акушерка, невропатолог, фі­
зіотерапевт, педіатр, вірусолог, анестезіолог, онколог.
П р и йо м , амбулаторна лікарня, стаціонар, м едична допом ога, сп и со к
пацієнтів, операція, лікарська практика, патентовані ліки, метод л іку­
вання, фахівець, фармацевт, рецепт, ш окова терапія, п р и йм ал ьні го­
дини, пацієнт, стаціонарне лікування, ефект лікування, ангіна, інсульт,
інфаркт, застуда, д оп ом ога у зв'язку з хво робо ю , інвалід, карета ш в и д ­
кої д оп ом оги , нещ асний випадок, направлення до лікаря, інтерн, о р д и ­
натура, д и п л о м о ван и й лікар, кум и р покоління, зсув, переваги, внесок
в науку, д оп и сувач журналу, получка.
Виділятися з -п о м іж когось, штрафувати, бути звільн ен и м від чогось,
лікувати, вилікувати, записатися до лікаря, делегувати повноваж ення,
виписувати ліки, підтримувати когось, госпіталізувати, бути на курсах
підвищ ення кваліфікації, призначити курс лікування, відом ий, щедрий,
м ісцевий, хронічний, обов'язковий.

27. Translate into English.

Ставлення д о того, щ о незабаром в Україні всі ліки в аптеках будуть
відпускатися лиш е за рецептом, різне.
Багато лю дей вважає, щ о це правильне рішення. Д еякі бачать у ц ь о ­
му засіб бо ротьб и з нарком анією , хтось - з неякісним и, н еліц ен зован и -
ми ліками. Існує думка, щ о за рец ептом слід відпускати ли ш е такі ліки,
як, наприклад, антибіотики та горм ональн і препарати. Супроти вн и ки
самолікування, яке часто п ризводить д о негативних наслідків, вваж а­
ють, щ о кращ е нехай усе продається за рецептами.
Є, звичайно, й такі, хто не п ідтрим ує подібні новації. Вони впевнені,
щ о збільш иться навантаження лікарів, зростуть черги в поліклініках.
Д о багатьох лікарів уже зараз н еоб хід н о п оп ере д н ьо записуватися за
5 -6 днів. А щ о ж буде далі?
Години п р и й о м у терапевтів та спеціалістів рідко збігаються з віль­
ним часом тих, хто п рацю є або вчиться. Треба буде відпрош уватися
з роботи, із занять, щ о б піти до поліклініки, отримати рецепт. Більшість,
п еред бачаю чи всі ці складності, взагалі не піде за рецептом, доки о с ­
таточно не розхворіється і почне видзвоню вати невідкладну допом огу,
яка навіть при баж анні вже не зм о ж е стати невідкладною .

Англійська мова. II КУРС 101

Не будем о хвилю ватися наперед. Час покаже, наскільки ви п р авд а­
ний цей крок. Єдине, чого не хотілося б, так це запровадж ення стан­
дартної платні за ліки, щ о відпускаю ться за рецептом, як прийнято
у Великобританії.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W hich box contains an em ergency kit fo r the tre a tm e n t o f injuries?

a) first-aid box; b) to o l box; c) vanity box; d) ju ry box

2. W h at fruit keeps th e d o c to r aw ay if eaten every day?

a) plum; b) melon; c) banana; d) apple

3. You m ight h ope to have a six -p a ck ...

a) under a chair; b) on y o u r arms; c) u n der y o u r chin; d) on yo u r stom ach

4. If you n e e d le som eo n e, you ...

a) irritate them; b) am use them; c) an ger them; d) pin them dow n to an

5. W hich of these is the correct spelling?

a) acom odation; b) accom m odation; c) accom odation ; d) aco m m o d atio n

Section В

1. Read the abstract ab o ut the author. Have you read anything by him ? Do
you possess any ad d ition al inform ation ab o u t his life and activities?

2. Transcribe th e fo llo w in g words, co nsu ltin g the pro n o u n cin g d ictio n a ry if

necessary. Practice th eir pronunciation.

102 M. О. Возна « О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • H. C. Хоменко

Q uestionnaire, sue, quit, nicotine, carton, desperate, sneak, hypnotist,
acupuncture, em physem a, cough, adjournm ent, absorb, lungs, tripod, co n ­
striction, superficial, limb, pulse, digestive, insidious, nausea, vom iting, se­
cretion, gut, stim ulant, m ethodical, sincere, lethal, addictive, prosecution,
m anipulate, m anufacturing, artificially.

3. Read the text The Runaw ay Ju ry by John Grisham and answ er the fo llo w ­
ing qu estions checking yo u r general understanding o f the text.
1. Do you th in k that m uch d epe n ds on the ju rors' attitude to sm okin g if
they are to bring in th eir verdict in favour o r against a tob acco co m ­
2. W h y d o you think the man w ho was dying at the age o f fifty -o n e d e ­
cide to vide o the account o f the events connected w ith his sm oking?
3. W h at have you learned ab o ut nicotin e contained in to b a cco sm oke?
4. W h y do you th ink even an instinct for self-preservation ca nn o t often
m ake p eo ple stop sm oking?
5. D o you th ink that tob acco factories are interested in decreasing the
levels o f nicotine during the m anufacturing process?

Text 2: Sm oking and Health by John Grisham

John Grisham, bom 1955, is one o f the world's bestselling

authors. Most of his novels deal with the law in some aspect
and are legal thrillers.
In 1996 he published The Runaway Jury which exam ined the
situation where a tobacco com pany was sued by people dy­
ing or dead of lung cancer, having been heavy smokers. This
came into reality three years later when the first judgment
against a tobacco com pany was made in the USA after a
sim itar trial to the one described in this book.
Three extracts below focus on the health aspects and ju ­
ror's attitudes to sm oking: the first describes a questionnaire
given to potential ju ro rs before a trial, the second a video
deposition by a recently-deceased sm oker and the third a
statement by a m edical expert witness.

It asked questions like, 'D o you now sm oke cigarettes? A n d if so, how
m any packs a day? A nd if so, how long have you sm oked? A n d if so, d o

Англійська мова. II КУРС 103

you w ant to stop? Have you ever sm oked cigarettes as a habit? Has any
m em b er o f you r family, o r som eon e you know well, suffered any disease
o r illness directly associated with sm oking cigarettes? If so, w ho? (Space
pro vid ed below. Please give person's name, nature o f disease or illness, and
state w hether or not the person was successfully treated.) Do you believe
sm oking causes (a) lung cancer; (b) heart disease; (c) high b lo o d pressure;
(d) none o f the above; (e) all of the above?'
Page three held the w eigh tier matters: State yo u r op in io n on the issue
o f tax d o lla rs being used to fund m edical care fo r sm okin g -related health
problem s. State yo u r o p in io n on the issue o f tax dollars being used to s u b ­
sidize tob acco farmers. State you r o p in io n on the issue o f banning sm ok­
ing in all p u blic buildings. W hat rights d o you th ink sm okers should have?
Large em pty spaces were available for these answers.

Listening to the p o o r man give his personal history of sm okin g was in ­
teresting, to a point. Jacob had started sm okin g Redtops at the age o f six­
teen because all his b u d d ie s sm oked Redtops. He soon had the habit and
w as u p to tw o packs a day. He qu it Redtops w hen he left the Navy because
he g o t m arried, and his w ife co nvinced him to sm oke som eth in g with a
filter. She w anted him to quit. He couldn't, so he started sm oking Bristols
because the ads claim ed low er tar and nicotine. By the age o f tw enty-five
he was sm oking three packs a day. He rem em bered this well because their
first child was born when Jacob was twenty-five, and Celeste W o o d w arned
him he w o u ld n 't live to see his g ran dchildren if he d id n 't stop sm oking.
She refused to buy cigarettes w hen she shopped, so Jacob did it himself.
He averaged tw o cartons a week, tw enty packs, and he usually p ick e d up
an oth er pack or tw o until he could purchase by the carton.
H e d been desperate to quit. He on ce put 'em dow n fo r tw o weeks, then
sneaked o u t o f bed at night to start again. He'd cu t back a few times: to
tw o packs a day, then to one pack a day, then before he knew it was back
to three. He'd been to doctors and he'd been to hypnotists. He tried acu ­
puncture and nicotine gum . But he sim ply co u ld n 't stop. He co u ld n 't after
he was d iag n o sed with em physem a, and he co u ld n 't after he was to ld he
had lung cancer.

104 M. O. B o3 H a • O. 5. T a n o H iB • O. fO. B acun tw eH K O • H. C. X o M e m co

It was th e d u m b e st th in g he'd ever done, and now at the age o f fif­
ty-one, he w as d y in g fo r it. Please, he im plored betw een coughs, if you're
sm oking, stop.
tqjn £^50 <njn

The afternoon was spent on nicotine. From on e -th irty until three, then
from three-thirty until ad jo u rn m e n t at five, the ju rors learned m ore than
they cared to abo ut nicotine. It is a poison contained in tob acco smoke.
Each cigarette contains from one to three m illigram s of nicotine, and for
sm okers w ho inhale, as did Jacob W ood, up o f ninety percent of the nicotine
is absorbed into the lungs. Dr. Bronsky spent m ost of his tim e on his feet,
p oin ting at various parts of the hum an body displayed in a brig h tly colored
life-size draw ing m ounted on the tripod. He explained in great detail how
nicotine caused co n stric tio n o f th e su p erficial vessels in the limbs; it raises
the b lo o d pressure; it increases the pulse rate; it makes the heart w ork hard­
er. Its effects on the digestive tract are in sid io u s and com plex. It can cause
nausea and vom iting, especially w hen one begins to smoke. Secretions of
saliva and m o v e m e n t of the gut are first stim ulated and then depressed. It
acts as a stim ulant on the central nervous system. Bronsky was m eth o d ica l
yet sincere; he m ade a single cigarette sound like a dose of lethal poison.
A n d th e w orst thing ab o u t nicotin e is that it's ad d ictive. The last hour -
again tim ed perfectly by th e p ro se cu tio n - was spent co n vin cin g the ju ­
rors that nicotin e was w ild ly addictive, and that this k no w led g e had been
around fo r at least fo u r decades.
The levels o f nicotine co u ld easily be m anipulated durin g the m anufac­
turing process.
If, and Bronsky stressed the w ord 'if', the levels of nicotin e were a rtificia l­
ly increased, then sm okers w ou ld naturally becom e ad d icted m uch faster.
M o re ad d icted sm okers m eans m ore cigarettes sold.
It was the perfect sp ot to end the day.

4. G o th rou gh the text again. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the h ig hlig h ted

5. Find th e key sentences that sum m arize the m ain idea of each paragraph.
Then study the fo llow in g voca b u lary notes:

Англійська мова. II КУРС 105

/ Vocabulary notes
1. Sue, v. To m ake a legal claim against som eone, especially fo r money,
because they have harm ed you in som e w ay - переслідувати за судом;
подавати в суд, поруш увати справу, подавати позов, e.g. If the builders
d on t fulfil th eir side o f the contract, w e'll sue. The co m pa n y is suing a for­
m er em ployee.
2. Ju d g m e n t, n law. A n official decision given by a ju d g e or a co u rt of
law - судова ухвала, вирок; e.g. The co m pa n y were fined £6 m illion, fo l­
low ing a recent co u rt ju d g m e n t .
3. Juror, n. A m em ber o f a ju ry in a co u rt o f justice. П рисяж ний, член
суду присяжних; e.g. The defence objected to several to the jurors su b ­
m itted.
4. D e p o sitio n , n law. A statem ent w ritten or recorded for a co u rt of
law, by som eo n e w ho has prom ised to tell the truth - п и сьм ов і покази
під присягою ; зняття показів під присягою , д олучення д о матеріалів
справи; e.g. Sym ington's d ep o sitio n was taken as part o f a lawsuit betw een
the City o f Tucson and the M etro p o litan W ater District.
O th er co m m o n m eanings o f d ep o sitio n include:
1) rem oval o f so m e b o d y from power, deth ro n e m en t - позбавлення
(влади), скинення (з трону), e.g. Was the d e p o sitio n o f King Charles by
death or by m urder?
2) the laying dow n o f m aterial over tim e by g eo lo g ical m eans —
відкладення, наш арування, e.g. Rocks are n ot b u ilt by dep o sition but b ro ­
ken dow n by erosion.
5. Tax d o lla rs - податкові надходження.
6. Buddy, n. A friend - приятель, e.g. W e're g o o d buddies.
In spoken A m erican the w ord was used to talk to a man or boy, esp e cial­
ly on e you d o not know; e.g. Hey, buddy! This yo u r car?
7. H e w as u p to tw o packs a day. Він ви курю вав д о двох пачок сигарет
на день.
8. То p ick up, inform al. То buy som eth in g or get it from a shop etc. -
купити, придбати, прихопити; e.g. I picked up an new spaper on the way
9. To sneak (out). To g o som ew here secretly and q u ietly in o rd er to
avoid being seen o r heard - крадькома (тайкома) вислизнути, вибратися

106 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

(з дому, з ліж ка тощо); e.g. А т Е She snuck out of the house on ce her par­
ents were asleep. A n g lo E She sneaked o u t of the house on ce her parents
were asleep.
10. To cu t back. To reduce the am ount, size, cost etc of som eth in g -
скорочувати, знижувати; e.g. Richer countries m ust d o m ore to cut back
carbon em issions.
11. The d u m b e s t th ing, Am E. The m ost foo lish (stupid) th ing - найбільш а
дурниця; e.g. Oh, I ju st did the du m be st thing back there, I fo rg o t m y brief­
case. A lth o u g h the A m erican use o f dum b to m ean stupid is w ell-reco g -
nized in A n g lo-English , alm ost no native speaker in Britain w ou ld norm ally
use the w ord in that m eaning.
12. To be d y in g fo r s o m e th in g / to d o so m e th in g , spoken. To w ant
som eth in g very m uch - до см ерті чогось хотіти; e.g. I am d ying fo r a cup
o f tea.
The au th or cleverly plays on w ords in th e sentence "It was the d u m best
th ing he'd ever done, and now at the age o f fifty-one, he was d ying for it".
It m eans that the man co u ld n 't stop sm okin g and was dying o f his fatal
p a s s io n ."... І тепер через це він помирав".
3. A d jo u rn m e n t, п. A short period o f tim e w hen schoolw ork, a m eeting,
a gam e etc stops - пауза, перерва; e.g. W e sough t an ad jou rn m ent o f the
14. Inhale, n. In this context th e verb m eans " затягуватися (тю тю новим
15. C o n s tric tio n o f th e s u p e rficia l vessels - звуж ення поверхневих
16. Insidious, adj. Spreading o r acting gradu ally and un noticed but with
harm ful effects - прихований, хитрий, підступний, той, щ о діє таємно;
e.g. A m ore insidiou s form of w ater p o llu tio n is chem icals used on farms
that g et into the w ater supply.
17. M o v e m e n t, n, medicine. Перистальтика.
18. M e th o d ic a l, adj. Characterized by m ethod o r o r d e r - систематичний,
методичний, e.g. They had been m ethodical, they had d o n e th in g s a cco rd ­
ing to plan.
N o te th at the w ords 'm e th o d o lo g ica l' and 'm eth o d ica l' are slig hh ly d if­
ferent in English. The form er im plies the ap plica tio n of science o r scientific
m ethods; the latter is not as strong and ju s t im plies an ord erly approach.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 107

Thus w hen translating 'м ето ди ч ни й ' in the sense o f the ap plicatio n of par­
ticu lar m ethods, it is best to use 'm eth odological'.
19. A d d ictiv e , adj. Tending to cause a d d ictio n or dependence. Такий, що
викликає звикання (часто стосовно наркотиків), e.g. Crack is a cheaper,
sm okab le form of heroin w hich is pow erfu lly addictive.
This adjective should not be confused with anoth er adjective "addict­
ed" w hich m eans "схильний до чогось, такий, щ о робить щ ось в силу
звички, вимушено"; e.g. Those w h o are addicted to cocaine often take it in
the form of p ow d e r like snuff.
20. P rose cu tion , n.
1) charging som eone fo r a crim e in a co u rt of law - судове пересл ід у­
вання; позивання; e.g. W alters co u ld face prosecution fo r his role in the
robbery. The evidence is not sufficient to bring a prosecution against him.
2) the lawyers w ho try to prove in a co u rt of law that som eon e is gu ilty
o f a crim e - обви нувачен н я (сторона в суд ово м у процесі), e.g. Не was
cleared o f a m urder charge yesterday w hen the prosecution offered no
fu rth er evidence against him.

6. Listen to the recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

7. Define w hether the fo llo w in g statem ents are false o r true:

1. The qu estion n aire m en tion ed in the text was given to the applicants
fo r vacant jobs.
2. Jacob had started sm oking co pying his buddies.
3. Jacob's w ife treated her husband's passion with understanding.
4. Jacob's record was tw o weeks of non-sm oking.
5. Jacob co u ld not stop sm oking even w hen he learned he had lung
6. It was acupuncture that helped him quit Redtops.
7. Dr. Bronsky spoke ab o u t the use o f n icotin ic acid in drugs p roduction.
8. A d d ictiv e properties o f nicotine have been know n fo r decades.
9. Sm okers suffer from various diseases.
10. The levels o f nicotin e are always under close supervision o f m anufac­

108 М. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Vocabulary practice

8. Finish th e fo llo w in g sentences as close to the texts of the lesson as

1. Jacob had started sm oking Redtops .... 2. He co u ld n 't (stop sm oking)
after he was d iagn osed with .... 3. Please, he im plo red betw een c o u g h s ,....
4. Each cigarette contains ... . 5. Dr. Bronsky explained in great detail how
nicotin e caused .... 6. Dr. Bronsky m ade a single cigarette sound like .... 7. If
the levels of nicotin e were artificially increased ... . 8. This cam e into real­
ity three years later w hen ... . 9. The w orst th ing abo ut n icotine is t h a t ... .
10. M o re addicted sm okers m eans .... 11. Sm oking was th e d u m be st thing
Jacob had ever done, and now ... . 12. State yo u r op in io n on the issue of
banning ... .

9. M atch th e fo llow in g legal term s with their definitions. Translate them

into Ukrainian.
a) p ro of 1) a b o d y of 12 p eo ple giving a verdict in a co u rt of
ju stice
b) sue 2) a legal determ ination by a ju d g e (and som etim es
jury) o f a case
c) the p rosecution 3) a person seeing events later reported in a cou rt
d) th e defense 4) to take to co u rt an alleged injustice
e )ju ry 5) the party of a trial claim ing the g u ilt of the d efen ­
f) d ep o sitio n 6) the party of a trial claim ing the innocence of the
g) trial 7) a specific accusation of an illegal act
h) ju d g m e n t 8) sworn evidence
i) adjournm ent 9) the decision of the court
j) d efen d an t 10) a break in a co u rt session
k) charge 11) the person accused during a trial
I) ju d g e 12) the person m aking the final d ecision as to the
result of a trial
m) evidence 13) factual in form ation offered durin g a trial, often
n) w itness 14) in dispu table and objective m aterial offered
durin g a trial

Англійська мова. II КУРС 109

10. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the fo llo w in g m edical terms:
Vessels, limbs, b lo o d pressure, pulse rate, digestive tract, nausea, vom -
ittting, secretions, gut m ovem ent, stim ulant, central nervous system lethal
a dose.

11. Find an adjective in the text in the com parative degree that is syno ny­
m ous with the fo llo w in g words: considerable, im portant, m ean in g fu l seri­
ous, significant, s u b s ta n tia l...

12. Look up the w ord deposition in V o cabu lary N otes and in yo u r d ic tio ­
nary. Study its m eanings. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian.
1. The second extract from the novel describes a vid e o d e p o sitio n by
a recently-deceased smoker. 2. Poor-qu ality eggsh ells indicate insufficient
d ep o sitio n o f calcium . 3. Erosion and d ep o sitio n begin and end at different
tim es at sites hundreds o f kilom eters apart. 4. The accused has m ade a
dep o sition . 5. Kings are said to find the step a short one from d e p o sitio n to
the scaffold. 6. He m ade a d ep o sitio n that he had w itnessed the accident.
7. A tten tion has also focused on acid d e p o sitio n effects on a w ide range of
crops. 8. Even the pre-trial d ep o sition s co u ld prove p olitically dam aq in q if
they were released to the public.

13. Insert either m ake or do in the fo llo w in g sentences, in the correct

form . Translate them into Ukrainian.
1 .1 need to have m y vaccinations ... before I g o on h olid ay in the Tropics
2 . 1 o n ly j u s t ... m y a p p o in tm e n t at the dentist's in time. 3. She d ecid ed to
have her h a ir ... as soon as she reovered from th e operation. 4 . 1 was told
to g o to the clin ic to have a range o f analyses .... 5. I needed to have an
X-ray ... of m y ankle. 6. They co u ld n 't tell m e exactly w hat the p ro blem was
until I had som e m ore tests ... . 7. M y fath er had an ECG (electrocardio­
graph) ... regularly after his stroke. 8. A fte r a few m inutes on the p h on e the
G P d ecid ed to ... a hom e visit. 9. A fte r Ira fell o ff her m otorbike again,'she
had to have a boo ste r tetanus injection .... 10. A s th ey were m any k ilo m e ­
tres from the nearest habitation, they had t o ......with a to u rn iq u et m ade
from Dasha s tights. ll. T h e specialist decid ed to ... a th oro ug h exam ination
of Slavkos ear. 12. The house d o c to r sent the em ergen cy victim to the th e ­
atre to have surgery ....

110 M. O. B 0 3 H 3 • O. 5. TanoHiB • O. N3. BacM/ibHeHKO • H. C. XcuvieHKO

14. Translate the fo llow in g phrases into English.
Зробити собі щ еплення, здати аналізи, зміряти тиск, зробити уль­
тразвукове дослідж ення, зробити електрокардіограму, зробити рент­
ген, пройти обстеження, оглянути хворого, з'ясувати си м п том и захво­
рю вання, зробити операцію , відвідати хво рого вдома, задовольнитися
результатами обстеження, зробити уколи, перевірити зір.

15. M atch the English w o rd -co m b in a tio n s with their Ukrainian counter­
a) зо вн іш н ій р о зм ір 1) superficial understanding
b) неістотне уш кодж ення 2) superficial pastim e
c) незначні зміни 3) superficial acquaintance
d) п об іж н и й огляд 4) superficial dam age
e) неглибокий розум 5) superficial frostbite
f) пусті розваги 6) superficial m easure
д) п о б іж н е знай ом ство 7) superficial sim ilarity
і) п оверхн еве об м о р о ж е н н я 8) superficial person
h) ом ан ли ва подібність 9) superficial changes
j) недалека лю дина 10) superficial inspection

*16. C o m p lete the fo llo w in g sentences by using the correct form o f the
w ord derived from that printed in brackets in bold type. Translate th e sen­
tences into Ukrainian.
1. Please indicate y o u r w ishes on the ... (question). 2. People w hose ...
(able) begin with severe ... (ill) or ... (injure) find them selves in m edical
hands w hether they like it or not. 3. The co u rt d id not alter th e $2.500 ...
(judge). 4. They are putting ... (press) on p eo ple to vote yes. 5. The Presi­
den t m ade a ... (person) appeal to the terrorists. 6 . 1 have been reassured
on countless occasions that a ... (hypnosis) can not m ake m e d o anything
against m y will. 7. Leonardo Da Vinci's ... (draw) show an im m ensely in ­
ventive and inquiring m ind. 8. He was feeling a ... (constrict) in the chest.
9. There w asn't a hint o f disapproval from the drug testers - all the in ­
gredien ts were natural and contained no chem ical ... (stimulus). 10. The
handw riting th ro u g h o u t appears neat and sm all and regular, as on e m ight
expect from a man o f ... (method) m ind.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 111

17. Give English équivalents to the follow ing:
Судове переслідування, звинувачення, суд присяж них, постанова
суду, перерва в суд ово м у засіданні, підсудний, свідок, судове засідання,
докази, свідчення під присягою , об ви нувач ен н я (сторона в процесі),
податкові надходження, приятель, дурниця, підступний, си стем атич­
ний, поверхневий, схильний д о чогось, такий, щ о викликає звикання,
відкладення, перистальтика, об м о рож енн я, травма, звуж ення судин,
вислизнути, прихопити, скорочувати, дуж е хотіти чогось, вдихати, в и ­

18. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English:

1. Дітям роблять щ еплення проти таких інф екційних захворю вань,
як правець, дифтерит, туберкульоз тощ о. 2. П аління ш видко викликає
звикання. 3. У СІІ1А були випадки судових п озовів проти ви р об н и ків
сигарет з боку постраж далих від паління або їх родин. 4. Ти не зна­
єш, як д о п о м о гти лю дині з п оверхн еви м о б м о р о ж е н н я м ? 5. У м ене
температура. Я, очевидно, застудився. Ти не м ож еш мені купити щ ось
в аптеці проти застуди? 6. В лікарні м ен е оглянув лікар, і мені зр об ил и
всі аналізи.7. Тобі треба пройти курс лікування уколам и та вітам ін а­
ми. 8. Від п овід н о д о суд ово ї ухвади ком панія пови н на була виплатити
великий штраф. 9. В суд о во м у засіданні оголосили перерву. 10. С в ід ­
чення під п рисягою були долучені д о справи. 11. О бви нувачен н я не
зм огло надати більш е ж одних доказів. 12. Бою ся, щ о паління в мене
ск о р о стане звичкою . 13. В разі невиконання контрактних зобов'язань,
м и п од ам о на вас у суд. 14. Всі м етодичні зауваж ення були врахова­
ні. 15. Робота над експери м ентом була ретельною та систем атичною .
16. У вас п р об л ем и з перистальтикою ? 17. М ен і д о смерті захотілося
пити. 18. Я скоїв н ай більш у д у р н и ц ю в св о єм у житті. 19. Я п рихопив
пару газет по д о р о з і додом у. 20. Гей, приятель! Ц е твій собака? 21. Не
затягуйся так сильно, адже ти знаєш, щ о нікотин дуж е ш кідливий для
з д о р о в ’я. 22. П одум ай п ро скоро чен н я д е н н о ї п о р ц ії сигарет.

19. Below are given three translations o f the sentence Listening to the p oo r
m an give his personal history o f sm oking was interesting, to a point. C o n -
sid er w hich o p tio n is m ore faithful to the original. Explain y o u r choice. Give
you r ow n alternative.

112 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

1. Слухання бід н ого чоловіка, щ о давав св о ю персон альн у історію
паління, було цікавим д о певного моменту.
2. Слухати, як бідолаха розп овід ає п ро свій д освід паління, було на­
віть цікаво.
3. Слухаю чи, як нещ асний ч о ловік представляв свій особ исти й д о с ­
від паління, всі п евн ою м ір о ю зацікавилися.

20. M ake up a qu estionnaire asking yo u r g ro u p mates ab o u t th eir personal

histories o f sm okin g (if any), their attitude tow ards sm okin g in general,
passive sm oking in particular, sm okin g in p u blic places, etc.

21 * . Translate the fo llow in g text into English in writing. Com pare you r
translation with the original English text given in the Keys. Translate it back
into Ukrainian consecutively.

Вакантні посади... але тільки для некурців

Британські ком панії почали відмовляти курцям у працевлаш туванні,

навіть якщ о ті об іцяю ть не зловж ивати палінням у р о б о ч и й час. Д есят­
ки к о м е р ц ій н и х структур запровадили таке правило, щ о б зекон ом и ти
час на перекури, які влаш товую ть сп івро бітн и ки в місцях, відведених
для паління, а також щ о б очистити тери торію біля входу в будівлю від
Серед роботодавців, які заб о р он и л и брати на роб оту курців, - влас­
ники ком п'ю терн и х компаній, бухгалтери й інші представники інте­
лектуальної праці, наприклад, ті, хто займається купівлею й продаж ем
творів мистецтва. Вони стверджую ть, щ о працівники, від яких тхне т ю ­
тю ном , відлякую ть клієнтів, а ті, щ о об іцяю ть палити ли ш е в н е р о б о ­
чий час, рідко дотрим ую ться д ан ого слова.
Така політика нетерпим ості підказана зростаю чи м зан еп окоєн н ям
через той факт, щ о паління супроводж ується ри зиком для здоров'я,
а також баж ан н ям о б м еж и ти його в гром адських місцях.
В ід п овідн о з трудовим правом , щ о діє в Британії, забороняється
д и скр и м ін ац ія за статевою ознакою , р асовою й р ел ігій н ою п р и н а­
лежністю , сексуальною орієнтацією , непрацездатністю , а з 2006 року
ще й за віком. Не існує о к р е м о го закону, який стосувався б паління.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 113

У канадських судах (у Британській Колумбії) курців прийнято вважати
"інвалідами", яких не м ож н а піддавати д и скр и м ін ац ії. А л е прийнятий
у Британії в 1995 ро ц і закон, щ о заб о р о н яє д и ск р и м ін а ц ію н еп р а ц е ­
здатних, не пош и рю ється на лю дей з н іко ти н о в ою залеж ністю . Єдина
законна лазівка для курців - це Закон п ро права лю дини (1998 року),
який гарантує право на "повагу до о соб истого й сім ей н о го життя".
Однак, якщ о курець подасть позов д о суду, ріш ення на його користь
навряд чи буде прийняте. Н ем ає такого закону, який забо р он яв би р о ­
ботодавцям д и скри м ін увати курців. Багато організацій не за б о р о н я ­
ють брати на роб оту курців, але віддаю ть перевагу тим, хто не палить.
У деяких ф ірм ах б аж аю чи х отрим ати ро б о ту запитують, чи палять
вони, яка їх дум ка щ о д о пасивного паління і як, з їх точки зору, м ож на
захистити некурців. Тільки той, хто д о к а зо в о підтвердить св о ю н е п р и ­
четність д о паління, має ш анс отрим ати роботу.
Загальна тенденція бо ротьб и з палінням викликає осуд з бо ку л о б іст­
ської групи "Форест". її керівник С ай м о н Кларк сказав: "Одна справа
запровадж увати політику проти паління, але ч о м у ж н еоб хід н о від ­
мовляти лю дям у п р и й о м і на роботу, якщ о ті палять у н е р о б о ч и й час?
А далі щ о? Віддаєм о перевагу худорлявим "? "Товстунам прохання не

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W hich o f these refers to a sm all b ro w n m ark on the skin?

a) heart spot; b) kidney spot; c) liver spot; d) brain spot

2. If you catch y o u r death, you ...

a) catch a cold; b) grab som ethin g dangerous; c) cheat death; d) learn
yo u r fate

3. If you are in th e d o g h o u se , you are ...

a) resting; b) gettin g ready to fight; c) arguing; d) in disgrace

4. A lo o se dress d esign ed to be w orn in bed by w om en is a...

a) nightwear; b) nightm are; c) nightie; d) n ightlife

114 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

5. A p ig in a p o k e is ...
a) som ethin g smelly; b) som ethin g ugly; c) som eth in g huge; d) so m e ­
th ing b o u g h t unseen.

Section C
Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Read the fo llo w in g co m m en ts before listening to the dialogues.

Com m ents

1. To waive the charge. Отримати безкоштовно.

2. Infirmary. A hospital (often used in the names of hospitals in Britain). Лікарня,
3. RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). A highly visible and often discussed problem in
US and UK offices. Карпальний тунельний синдром (KTC).
4. N o fair. Common colloquial way of saying 'that's not fair' in both the US and
the UK. Нечесно.
5. Chemist's shop. Although everybody in the UK knows the word 'pharmacy',
most people call them "chemist's shops". Shop-front signs also may use the word
chemists. Similarly, pharmacists are often still called chemists in common speech.
The US version is of course 'drugstore'. Аптека.
6. Duracef. A semi-synthetic antibiotic with a broad spectrum of bactericidal
activity, indicated in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, urinary tract in­
fections and skin and soft tissue infections. Contains cefadroxil monohydrate. (Sus­
pension, capsules, dispersible tablets). Дюрасеф.
7. Cefadroxil monohydrate. A semi-synthetic antibiotic with a broad spectrum
of bactericidal activity. Цефадроксилу моногідрат.
8. Tyrozets /'tairazo ts/. Pink, aniseed-flavoured lozenge. Relief for sore throats
and minor mouth irritations. Тирозетс
9. To sort som ebody out. Deal with somebody's problems. Улагоджувати
(проблеми); з'ясувати (питання, непорозуміння тощо).
10. Be running a temperature / have a temperature. То have a body tempera­
ture that is higher than normal, especially because you are sick. Температурити.

Англійська мова. II КУРС

11. Phlegm. The thick yellowish substance produced in your nose and throat,
especially when you have a cold. Харкотиння, мокрота, слиз.
12. Generic (antibiotic). A generic product does not have a special name to
show that it is made by a particular company. Заіальний. непагенгонаний. It may
also mean a non-spec ific or general drug that heals broadly rather than a specif
ic part ot the body ■ широкого спс-?ктра. Both meanings are appropriate in this

2. Listen to the recording o f the fo llo w in g dialogues. Repeat them after the
speakers. Try to co p y the w ay they speak.

D ialog u e 1: Illness in the office

Gary: Hey, M onica, you 're lo o kin g great today. I love yo u r new hairstyle
and is that a new dress?
M on ica : Oh, it's you. W h at d o you want?
G: W hat d o you m ean? It's always a pleasure to ta lk to you.
M: A n d the m ore com plim ents, then the b ig g e r the favour you w ant me
to d o fo r you.
G: That's totally untrue. A lth o u g h there is on e little thing.
M: I never w ou ld have guessed.
G: I've g o t an a p p o in tm e n t with a Specialist on W ed n esd ay m orning at
ten at the M an ch ester In firm a ry a b o u t m y RSI problem .
M : This is ab o u t you r sw ollen fin g e r from clicking yo u r m ouse all day,
every day.
G: That's right. Just look at m y forefinger.
M : You w an t m e to tell th e D ire cto r th at you w o n 't be at w o rk fo r half
a d ay becau se y o u 'v e been p laying co m p u te r g am es all night. A re
you see ing an eye S p e cia list as well, fro m to o m uch tim e b eh in d a
m on ito r?
G: Oh, co m e on, no fair. If the D irector hadn 't given m e so m uch w ork on
the PC, I'd never have these problem s.
M: Then m aybe you'd better tell him yo u rself and g et transferred to a
nice o u td o o r jo b loading the lorries. A n d see y o u r G P to d a y a b o u t you r
im m in ent back problem s.

116 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • Н. С. Хоменко

D ialo g u e 2: At the British chem ist's shop

Oxana: G o o d m orning. Do you have any

D uracef?
Pharm acist: Oh, that's ce fa d ro xil m o n o ­
hydrate. M a y I see you r prescription?
O: I d o n 't have one. M y sore throat's got
really painful over the past co u p le of
days and I th in k it's infected.
P: Have you seen a doctor?
O: I'm ju s t visiting from Ukraine and haven't registered w ith a GP.
P: Sorry, yo u 'll need a prescription fo r any antibiotic. W e can sell you a
range o f throat sweets - w e've g o t Tunes, Hall's, Strepsils and Tyrozets.
Tyrozets contain both antiseptics and a very m ild antibiotic. I suck them
m yself w hen I've got a throat problem .
O: Thanks, but I th ink it's to o sore fo r those. W hat should I do?
P: The nearest surgery's ju s t around the corner on W h e elw rig h t Lane.
W h y d o n 't you pop in now and have a w ord with the receptionist? If
you're lucky they m ight ju st b o o k you in as a European v isitor and a
d o c to r'll see you. Ukraine is in Europe, isn't it?
O: Yes, but we're not in the EU.
P: N ever mind, th e receptionist or nurse w ill tell you w hat to d o and I'm
sure they'll so rt y o u out. See you soon with a prescription.

D ia lo g u e 3: A t the surgery

D o c to r Thom as: G o o d m orning, and what's trou b lin g you?

Oxana: Thanks for seeing me, D o c t o r - I 'v e had a h orrib le sore th roat for
three o r fo u r days and it's getting worse.
D: A n y o th er sym ptom s? Such as earache or a cough?
O: N o o th er pains but I've a ticklish, dry co u gh that I th in k is being
caused by my sore throat.
D: H ave y o u been ru n n in g a te m p e ra tu re ?
O: No. I've taken it a co u p le o f tim es over the past day and it's norm al.
D: That's good. Slip off you r to p layer and w e'll have a listen to your
chest. You've no catarrh o r p h le g m w hen you cough?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 117

O: No, ju st d ry and irritating and it's m aking m y throat m ore sore every
tim e I d o cough.
D: N o w breathe deeply, good, slow ly and inhale. H old it. Okay, that's
fine. N o w open yo u r m outh and say "aaahhh".
D: I think w e've g o t a slight infection o f th e bronchi that's w eakened
you r throat and the co u g h in g is indeed m aking that worse. I'm g oin g
to prescribe a g e n e ric an tib iotic and I suggest you take a g o o d cough
m edicine to cut dow n the irritation. The pharm acist will advise you on
the choice.
O: Oh, I'm very grateful. Is the an tib io tic expensive? I'm a stu den t on
h oliday and I'm not all that rich.
D: It'll be the standard prescription charge but if you've g o t an Inter­
national Student's Card issued by an accredited university, it should be
possible to w aive th e charge. C om e back and see me after the five-day
course of tablets that I've prescribed if it's not g o n e away.
O: Thanks so much. Bye.

3. Listen to the d ialog u es again. "Shadow " the speakers.

4. Read the follow in g sentences with the ap p ro p riate sentence stress.

Its in the rear. They are not here. It is q u ite clear. You are a dear. It's m y
right ear. She's a bit queer. W e live quite near. They'll m eet in a year. It's out
of gear. He w o u ld n 't appear.

5. A nsw er the fo llo w in g questions on the contents of the dialogues.

1. W h at are the m anifestations of RSI? H ow co m m o n is it in offices?
2. W h at oth er unavo idable consequences o f to o m uch w ork on a PC can
be observed?
3. W hat throat sweets can help you to cut dow n a m ild throat irritation?
4. Do you need a prescription fo r any an tib io tic in the UK?
5. W hat foreign students are exem pt from paying the standard p rescrip ­
tion charge in the UK?

6. Translate the d ialog u es into Ukrainian. Present them in class close to the

118 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. fa n o H iB * O. IO. Baci/i;ibMeHKO • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

7. C o m p le te the sentences w ith one of the fo llo w in g w ords and phrases,
using the Ukrainian w ords and phrases in brackets as a prom pt: a d en­
tal appointm ent; forefinger; to transfer; to pop into; hairstyle; com plem ent;
swollen; im m inent; com plim ent; ticklish. Be careful not to confuse th e a n ­
swers to 2 and 6!
1. She looked at her handsom e com panion, w ho kept checking his gelled
(зачіска) even w hen relaxed. 2. He's always paying her (компліменти) and
buying her flowers. 3. I was already forty-five m inutes late for (прийом
у дантиста). 4 . 1 w ent across to the d rip p in g tap and held m y (пухла) hand
u nder the cold running water. 5. Then w e were faced w ith the (дражливе,
делікатне) issue of w h o w ou ld pay fo r the meal. 6. This w ine w ou ld be a
nice (додаток, д оповнення) to grilled dishes. 7. Parents should avoid d e ­
pressing th eir o p tim istic children by com m u n icatin g th at life is dangerous
and th at failure is (неминучий). 8. I need (заскочити) th e dru gstore for
a second. 9. She licked her undam aged (вказівний палець) and rubbed
away the tear traces. 10. He (переходити) from MI6 to the Security Service.

* 8.S ubstitute synonym s fo r the italicized words. Translate th e sentences

into Ukrainian.
1. M u scle cells and fat cells are com pletely different kinds of tissue. 2. He
had th o u g h t ab o ut taking her to the oculist. 3. It's unreasonable to expect
you to w ork seven days a week. 4. It's such a nice day. W h y d o n 't you play
outside? 5. Several tourists were checking in. 6. Charlie was taking o ff his
shirt w hen the ph on e rang. 7. D o n 't breathe and try not to make a sound
if you d o not w ant to be noticed. 8. The pharm acy displayed flyb low n p ro ­
p rie ta ry m edicines.

9. Translate th e fo llo w in g description s o f sym ptom s o f diseases and illness­

es into Ukrainian:
A sore throat, a skin irritation, d ifficu lt breathing, high b lood pressure,
increased pulse rate, nausea, vom iting, a swelling, higher than norm al te m ­
perature, fever, phlegm , pain in the back, an earache, a ticklish d ry cough,
a running nose, period pains, dizziness, constipation, shaking, feverishness,
headache, soreness, discom fort, a rash, spots, sweating, bloated stom ach,
feeling poorly, seizures, convulsions, cram ps, num bness, pins and needles,
sh ootin g pains, dizziness, giddiness, sw ollen glands.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 119

10. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English.
1. Це нечесно. І ч о м у це я знову повинен йти в аптеку? 2. А н т и б іо ­
тики ш и рокого спектра лікують, як правило, різні інфекції: дихальних
шляхів, сечових шляхів, шкіри, м 'яких тканин тощ о. 3. Які пастилки для
полегш ення сильного бо лю в горлі ви мож ете м ені запропонувати?
4. М оя маленька д очка зно ву температурить: лікарі не м ож уть вста­
новити причину. 5. З р о б и мені послугу: подай оті краплі для носа, а то
зовсім дихати не можу. 6. Є, правда, одна невеличка проблема: дехто
не м ож е прийм ати певні антибіотики через се р й озн і алергічні реакції.
7. М ен і здається, у м ене інфекція в бронхах, б о важ ко і боляче д и ха­
ти; треба об о в 'я зко в о викликати лікаря. 8. Ця рідина має антисептичні
властивості. 9. Деякі ліки треба ковтати не розж овую чи , а деякі см о к ­
тати. 10. Навіть незначна інфекція в легенях без лікування м ож е п р и ­
звести д о ускладнень. 11. П одразнення в горлі пройде, якщ о ви будете
п рийм ати всі п ризначені вам ліки. 12. У вас се р й озн и й випадок: п'яти­
д ен н ого курсу лікування вам недостатньо. 13. Роздягайтеся, я послухаю
ваш е дихання. 14. Стан пацієнта п огірш ився протягом останніх хвох
днів. 15. Я кщ о не долікуєш ся, нем и нуче м атим еш р ец ид и в хвороби.

11. Revise the active voca b u lary of the lesson.


To be/stand head and shoulders above som ebody; iconic personality;

landslide; to cham pion; the W elfare State; benefit; contribution(s); NHS;
m edical care; patient list; GP; the Family Practitioners' Com m ittee; surgery;
practice; practise; o ver-th e-cou n ter (medicine); prescription charge; p en al­
ise; exem pt from; delegated substitute; to be away on a (refresher) course;
locum; in-patient; out-patient; Casualty Departm ent; A & E referral; sp e cia l­
ist; (Junior, Senior) H ouse Doctor; M D qualification; pay-packet; BUPA.
To sue; ju dgm en t; deposition; tax dollars; buddy; to pick up; to sneak
(out); to cut back; the du m be st thing; to be dying for som eth in g /to do
som ething; adjournm ent; to inhale; co n striction o f th e superficial vessels;
insidious; secretions of saliva; m ovem ent; addictive; the prosecution; to be
around, to sort so m eb o d y out, catarrh, injection inoculation, electrocar­

120 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

diograph, to examine; treatm ent; disease; skin irritation; sym ptom s; co m ­
plaints; general practitioner; surgeon; chem ist's shop; deposition; injury,
m ethodical.
Infirmary; RSI; no fair; chem ist's shop; be running a tem perature; phlegm ;
g eneric (antibiotic); to waive the charge.

12. M ake up you r own d ialog u es using the vo cabulary o f Section C.

13. D ictation-translation. Listen to the fo llow in g abbreviations. Think to

yourselves how to expand them and w rite dow n th eir full Ukrainian e q u iv ­
alents: A A , BUPA, N1, UK, A& E, PhD, NHS, GP, WWII, M A , EU, RSI, Lt„ SBS,
Dr., PC, SO ED, BSc.

14. C o m m e n t on the fo llow in g graffiti.

D o n't study m edicin e and law at the sam e time, it tries yo u r patients.
(Birm ingham M ed ical School)
Beware o f the doc. (Outside a vet's, Sidmouth)
N o sm okin g in bed - and no sleeping in ashtrays. {USAF base)
N eurotics build castles in th e air. Psychotics live in them . Psychiatrists
charge the rent. (Birm ingham University)
A void the end of the year rush - fail yo u r exam s now. (London teaching
I have n oth ing to declare but my genes.
Im portan t notice. W ill all travellers visiting Iraq please visit the British
Em bassy im m ediately on arrival - and then g o next d o o r to the psychiatrist.
(Heathrow airport)

15. Translate the follow in g d ialo g u e into English. Use the fo llow in g prompts:
d ifficu lt breathing, fu rry tongue, a check-up, a whole bunch o f ilnesses, an
ultra-sound scan.
П ацієнт: Д о б р и й день, лікарю .
Л ікар: Д о б р и й день. Сідайте сюди, будь ласка. Щ о вас турбує?
П: О станнім часом я погано сплю. Часто болить голова, м ене нудить.
Я став я ки м ось нервовим .
Л: Ви коли-небудь проходили обстеж ення?
П: Ні. Вип'ю таблетку від головного болю , на певний час допом агає.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 121

Л. З м ір я й м о тиск. О, тиск у вас високий! Тепер відкрийте рота, п о ка­
жіть зуби, язик. Язик обкладений. Є скарги на ш лунок?
П: (закашлявся): Так, біль у ш лунку також турбує.
Л: Зараз я вас послухаю. Дихання ускладнене. Вам треба ретельно
обстежитись. Я випиш у необхідні направлення на аналізи, рентген,
УЗД, кардіограму.
П. Я сп о діваю ся на вас, лікарю . Впевнений, щ о ви м ені д о п о м о ж е ­
Л: Тільки якщ о й ви самі захочете собі д оп ом огти . Для мене о ч е в и д ­
но, щ о ви курець із со лідн им стажем.
П: Щ о є, то є.
Л: Д о ч ек ай м о ся результатів обстеж ення. А л е я й заздалегідь м ож у
сказати, щ о весь оцей букет нездуж ань ви н ик не без д о п о м о ги ва­
ш ої ш к ід л и во ї звички. Сп робуй те м ен ш е курити, а з часом і зовсім
П: Сп роб ую , звичайно, але не знаю, чи зможу.
Л: Я зап р о ш у ю вас на лекцію , де м ова йтим е п р о ш коду паління.
Д умаю , докази, які будуть там наводитися, змусять вас багато п ро щ о
замислитися. Д о побачення. Ч екаю вас через тиждень.
П: Д о побачення, лікарю , дякую.

16. Translate into English. Use the fo llo w in g prom pts: тю тю нови й м ага­
зин - to b a c co n is ts o r newsagent's; цигарковий автомат - a ven d in g m a­
chine; такий, щ о викликає рак, - carcinogenic.

Чи Вам в ід о м о , щ о
• В Україні 70% опитаних вважають, щ о Верховна Рада зобов'язана
прийняти закон п ро за б о р о н у паління в публічних місцях, 18% -
проти цього, 12% не мали готової відповіді на запитання. О питано
тисячу о сіб старш е 18 років за м ісц е м прож и ван н я у всіх регіонах
У Бірм і за б о р о н е н о палити тільки в кінотеатрах, у Китаї - в б іб л іо ­
теках та шпиталях.
У Ф інляндії та Ш веції паління за б о р о н е н е практично в усіх гр о ­
м адських місцях.

122 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

• В А в с тр ії на р о б о ч и х м ісцях запровадж ена тотальна забо р он а па­
ління. У гром адських — відведено спеціальні зони. П ор уш н и кам
загрож ує штраф - 730 євро.
• Ф іліп п інц і штрафи не визнаю ть - там за паління у непередбачених
м ісцях м ож на потрапити за ґрати на 5 -7 діб.
• В Італії з січня поточного року теж почала працю вати заборон а
паління в гром адських місцях. П оруш н и кам правила доведеться
викласти 275 євро, тим, хто закурив поблизу дітей чи вагітних, -
600, власникам пунктів гром ад ського харчування, які ігнорую ть
норм и, - 2220.
В Ірландії запровадж ена тотальна забо рон а паління в усіх гр о м а д ­
ських місцях.
Н ідерланди забо рон и ли палити не тільки в гром ад ських місцях,
а й у тю тю нови х крам н и цях та кав'ярнях.
На Кубі, батьківщ ині знам ени тих сигар, не м ож на палити на біл ь­
ш ості п ідприєм ств та закладів, у гром адських м ісцях зникли ц и ­
гаркові автомати, з а б о р о н е н о п родаж тю тю нови х в и р о б ів п о б л и ­
зу шкіл.
• П р оведен і в СШ А дослідж ення показали: забруднення повітря
в зад и м л ен о м у барі виявилося в 50 разів більш им, ніж в а в то м о ­
б іл ь н о м у тунелі Н ь ю -Й о р к а в годину пік!
• Інші дослідж ення підш товхнули д о висновку, щ о вентиляція в ба­
рах не зм ен ш ує ризику для зд оров'я відвідувачів та о б сл уго вую ­
чого персоналу. Навіть дуж е гарна вентиляційна система не л ік в і­
дує отруйні ком понен ти цигаркового смогу. А д ж е тю тю нови й дим
містить чотири тисячі речовин, п'ятдесят з яких м ож уть викликати

17. Discuss the follow in g top ics at a ro un d-table in class. If necessary

expand y o u r k no w ledge on the subject m atter using internet and other
sources o f inform ation.
1. British and Ukrainian health care system s com pared and contrasted.
A d van tages and disadvatages of both.
2. Epidem ics in the M id d le A ges and in the 21st century. W h at was called
"the p lagu e of the 20th ce n tu ry'?
3. The m ost w ide-spread diseases nowadays.

Англійська мова. II КУРС

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. If you're very kind, you are said to have a heart o f ... W hat?
a) tin; b) blood; c) gold; d) diam ond

2. S om eone w ho has excellent eyesight is said to have eyes like a ... W hat?
a) pig; b) pigeon; c) bat; d) Hawk

3. S om eo ne w ho is out of sorts is ....

a) slightly unwell; b) mad; c) excited; d) forgotten

4. If a d o c to r tells you th at you need a jab, prepare f o r ....

a) a punch; b) an injection; c) an exam ination; d) the bill

5. In the USA catsup is ....

a) ketchup; b) cat food; c) a plant; d) sem i-preciou s stone

*1. Insert articles w herever necessary. Translate into Ukrainian.
AIDS or "acquired im m u n od e ficien cy syndrom e", is ... fatal disease
caused b y ... rapidly m utating retrovirus that attacks ... im m une system and
leaves ... victim vulnerable to ... infections, m alignancies, and neu rological
disorders. It was first recognized as ... disease in 1981.... virus was isolated
in ... 1983 and was ultim ately nam ed ... hum an im m u n od e ficien cy virus
Som e p eo p le deve lo p ... flulike sym ptom s sh ortly a f t e r ... infection, but
m any have no sym ptom s. It m ay be ... few m onths or m any years before ...
serious sym ptom s d e ve lo p in ... adults; sym ptom s usually d eve lo p w ithin ...
first tw o years o f life in ... infants infected in ... w o m b o r at birth. Before ...
serious sym ptom s o c c u r,... infected person m ay experience ... fever, w eight
loss, diarrhea, fatigue, skin rashes, shingles (or herpes), thrush or m em ory
problem s. Infants m ay fail to deve lo p normally.
HIV is not transm itted by ... casual contact; ... transm ission requires ...
direct exchange o f b o d y fluids, such as b lo o d or b lo o d products, breast

124 M . O . B o3 H a ■ O. B. T an o H ie • O . KD. BacM/ibMeHKO • H. C . XoMem <o

milk, semen, o r vaginal secretions, m ost co m m o nly as ... result of sexual
activity o r ... sharing o f needles am on g ... drug users. Such ... transm ission
m ay also occu r from ... m other to ... baby during pregnancy or a t ... birth.
Saliva, tears, urine, faeces, and sweat d o not appear to tra n s m it... virus.

*2. Insert prepositio n s w herever necessary. Translate into Ukrainian.

Various m easures have been taken to discourage sm oking. Cigarettes
and to b a cco can no lo n g er be advertised (1) television. Tobacco co m panies
used to advertise (2) sports events, but in Britain this is now also forbidden.
There are high taxes (3) tobacco, and laws preventing the sale (4) cigarettes
(5) you n g peo p le (6) the age of 16. Sm okin g is no lon g er allow ed (7) m any
p u b lic places, in clu ding p u blic tran sp ort and restaurants. Som e airlines do
not allow sm okin g (8) th eir flights. O ffice w orkers often have to stand o u t­
side if they wish to sm oke.
A few peo p le find it im p ossib le to give up sm okin g and som e poorer
p eo p le co n sid e r sm oking one (9) th e few luxuries th ey can afford. Others
believe that the freedom to sm oke is a right. But the m ain o p p o sitio n (10)
laws against sm okin g com es from p eo p le w ho have a financial interest
(11) it, such as the states (12) Kentucky and Virginia w here it is grown, and
the to b a cco industry. The in dustry has been badly hit recently (13) court
decisions, saying that cigarette com pan ies hid evidence (14) how dan g er­
ous th eir p ro du ct was. A num ber (15) p eo ple have g o n e (16) co u rt and
w on m oney (17) to b acco com pan ies because th eir health was harm ed (18)

3. M atch th e prin ciple and su bordin ate clauses, for the sentences to be
logical and gram m atically correct.

1) if she does well in her exam s a) I'll try to find y o u r papers

2) if he w ins - and it's a big if - b) you r w riting w ould be im proved
3) if Jane failed her exam inations c) p eo ple w o u ld n 't ring me up from
again m orning till night
4) if m ost m em bers were against d) the parties shall d o it th rou g h the
Mr. Jones court
5) on ly if the op e rato r types in a e) he'll be the first Englishm an to win
six-d ig it co de fo r 20 years

Англійська мова. II КУРС 125

6) if m y num ber were not in the f) he w ou ld lose his position
d irectory
7) if you fix m y co m pu te r fo r m e g) she w ou ld be kept dow n next year
8) if you w ou ld ju st w ait fo r a h) the m issiles can be fired
m om ent
9) if it is im p ossib le to co m e to i) she will be g oin g to co lle g e in
term s and settle the dispute O cto b e r
by m eans of negotiations
10) if you pruned away som e of j) I'll give you tw enty pounds
those unnecessary adjectives

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form . Explain the use o f Real
1. If a GP (to be away) on a course o r on holiday then his/her place (to
take) tem porarily by a "locum". 2. There the patients (to treat) and sent on
their way home, unless a d octor (decide) they need to be hospitalized and
they are adm itted as an in-patients. 3. If you (not know) the m eaning of a
word you may use a dictionary. 4. If som eone (ring) w hile I am out could you
say that I (be back) by 8.00. 5 . 1 (ask) if (there + to be) any vacancies if you
(like). 6. W hat we (do) if you (forget) the password? 7. If you (not believe)
what I say, ask your mother. 8. She (not open) the d o o r unless she (know)
w ho it is. 9. If you (like) I (get) you a co py of this article. 10. If you (park) your
car there, the police (tow) it away. 11. If these chocolates (reach) you in a
dam aged co n dition please return them to us and we (send) you another box.
12. If John (agree) to let Ann go on w orking after m arriage she (marry) him.

5. Rewrite the fo llo w in g sentences, using an if construction, so that they

have the sam e m eaning.
A. 1. You w ill never speak g o o d English w ith o u t learning gram m ar. 2. You
will not be able to get a ticket to this play w ith ou t b oo kin g one beforehand.
3. He will not be able to repair the m o to r w ith ou t taking it to pieces. 4. You
will not get better w ith ou t d ro pp in g yo u r habit of sm oking. 5. You will not
get an other b o o k from the library w ith ou t returning the boo ks you have
borrow ed.
B. 1. I haven t m uch time, so I read very little. 2. He d o e sn 't pay his
staff properly; perhaps that's why they d o n 't w ork well. 3. The flats are not

M . O. B o 3 H a • O . B. T an oH iB • O . KD. B a c m tw e H K O ♦ H. C. X 0 MeHK 0
clearly num bered, so it is very d ifficu lt to find anyone. 4. There are no in ­
structions fo r assem bling the m odel, so w e d o n 't know w hat to d o w ith it.
5. He spends hours w atching television, that's w hy he know s every gossip
ab o u t celebrities. 6 .1 have m uch tro u b le w ith m y car because I d o n 't have it
serviced regularly. 7. She never changes her hairstyle, som etim es she looks
old -fash ion ed. 8. N o t all of us are ready to give Hr 50, so we can't buy him
a present. 9. M y boss is very dem anding, that's w hy he is so hard to please.
10. She d o e sn 't w ant to ch an ge her jo b because it m ay affect her pension.

* 6 . Read the poem "If..." by Rudyard Kipling. A n alyze the use of th e C o n d i­

tion al M o o d . Translate the poem into Ukrainian. C om p are yo u r translation
w ith the one given in the keys.

If you can keep you r head w hen all ab o u t you

A re losing theirs and blam ing it on you,
If you can trust you rself when all m en d o u b t you,
But m ake allow ance for th eir d o u b tin g too;
If you can w ait and not be tired by w aiting,
O r being lied about, d o n 't deal in lies,
O r being hated, d o n 't give w ay to hating,
A n d yet d o n 't lo o k to o g o o d nor talk to o wise;

If you can dream - and not m ake dream s you r master,

If you can th in k - and not m ake th o u g h ts y o u r aim,
If you can m eet with Trium ph and Disaster
A n d treat th ose tw o im postors ju s t the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you 've spoken
Twisted by knaves to m ake a trap for fools,
O r w atch the th ings you gave you r life to, broken,
A n d stoop and build 'em up with w o rn -o u t tools;

If you can m ake one heap of all y o u r w in n in gs

A n d risk it on one turn o f pitch-and-toss,
A n d lose, and start again at you r beg in n in g s
A n d never breathe a w ord ab o u t y o u r loss;
If you can force you r heart and nerve and sinew

Англійська мова. И КУРС 127

To serve y o u r turn long after they are gone,
A nd so hold on w hen there is nothing in you
Except the W ill w hich says to them: "H old on!"

If you can talk with crow ds and keep yo u r virtue,

O r w alk with Kings - nor lose the co m m o n touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all m en co u nt with you, but none to o much;
If you can feel the unforgiving m inute
W ith sixty seconds' w orth o f distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
A n d - w hich is m ore - you 'll be a Man, m y son!

7. Translate the follow in g sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Even if she repented her sins I w o u ld n 't forgive her. 2. You'd be stupid
if you d id n 't accept that offer. 3. N ick is always late. If he gets there on tim e
I'll eat m y hat. 4. If I were in your place I w ould be m ost grateful to them for
their help. 5. If I were to ask you to m arry me, w hat w ould you say? (were to
m akes an event seem m ore hypothetical). 6. If it w eren't for a new manager,
this com pany w ould be in a mess, (if it were n ot describes how one event
d epends on another). 7. Supposing you w on a tidy sum of money, w hat
w ould you do? - Oh, you see, a fool and his m oney are soon parted. (sup­
posing o r suppose can replace if, m ainly in everyday speech). 8. If I were you,
I'd think tw ice abo ut buying a car like that. 9 .1 w o u ld n 't accept the job , even
if they offered it to me. 10. Celeste W o od warned him he w ou ld n 't live to see
his grandchildren if he d id n 't stop sm oking. 11. If the levels of nicotine were
artificially increased, then sm okers w ou ld naturally becom e addicted m uch
faster. 1 2 .1 hate going on a diet, although I am sure, that if I did g o on a diet,
I'd lose weight. 13. If he d id n 't sm oke so m uch he m ight get rid of his cough.
14. If she had a university degree she w ould now be sitting in a co m fortab le
office instead o f standing at a street corner selling newspapers. 15. If people
drove m ore slow ly there w ou ld n 't be so m any accidents.

8 . Translate the follow ing sentences into English using the Conditional M ood.
1. Я кщ о д іл ьн и ч н и й терапевт на курсах аб о у відпустці, його буде
підм іняти інш ий лікар. 2. Я кщ о ти п ри паркуєш ся на ц ь о м у місці, ДАІ

128 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко * Н. С. Хоменко

евакую є твоє авто. 3. Ти будеш просто дурнем, якщ о не пристанеш
на цю п р о п о зи ц ію . 4. Якби рівень нікотину в сигаретах збільш ився,
залеж ність у курц ів розвинулася б набагато ш видш е. 5. Якби я сіла на
дієту, я б то чн о втратила не один кілограм, б. Якби м ен е п оп р оси л и
зробити презентацію , я би о б о в 'я зко в о скористалася м ож л и в о стя м и
ком п'ю тера під час підготовки і са м о го виступу. 7. Якби не нове ке­
рівництво, лікарня мала б се р й озн і п роб лем и . 8. Я кщ о ти не кинеш
палити негайно, то не дож ивеш , щ о б побачити своїх онуків. 9. Я б не
п огодилась працю вати тут м едсестрою , якщ о би мені навіть це за ­
п роп он ували . 10. Я кщ о я п окаж у непогані результати в навчанні, то
м о ж у поїхати вчитися закордон. 11. Зараз ще існує багато н еви л іко в ­
них звор о б. Якби тільки лю дство м ало ліки та вакцини проти них усіх.
12. Я кщ о підеш в аптеку сьогодні, о б о в 'я зко в о купи мені таблетки від
горла. 13. Я кщ о м ож на уникнути антибіотиків, то кращ е це зробити.
14. Я кщ о доведеться їхати в Африку, то р об и ти м е ш декілька щ еплень
проти інф екційних хвороб. 15. Я кщ о ш видка п ри їд е вчасно, стан па­
цієнта м ож е не погірш итися. 16. Я кщ о о тр и м аю гр о ш о в у допом огу,
о б о в 'я зк о в о поїду д о санаторію . 17. Якби Я рослав практикував у в е­
л и к о м у місті, то мав би більш е клієнтів. 18. Якби тобі довело ся лягати
в лікарню , я ко м у б стац іон ару ти віддав перевагу? 19. Я кщ о м ен е п о ­
просять написати статтю на цю тему, я залю бки це зр об лю . 20. Я кщ о
в Україні введуть страхову медицину, багатьом гром ад ян ам це м ож е
не сподобатися. 21. Я кщ о д о щ і триватимуть, ви н икн е сер й озна за гр о ­
за оп ов зн ів. 22. Я кщ о не м ож еш іти сам, то я завезу тебе в тр а в м а то л о ­
гію м аш и н о ю . 23. Якби дж ерела водопостачання були забрудненим и,
це п р и звело б д о епідем ії.

9. Translate the fo llo w in g d ialo g u e into English. Use the C o n d itio n a l M o o d

w here appropriate. Use the fo llo w in g prom pts: a grant, a resit, to cram, to
g et a big kick ou t o f something, to be chucked out, to catch up/to m ake for
- Привіт!
- Ой, кого я бачу!
- Знаєш, мені зап роп он ували заповнити анкету для поїздки д о Б р и ­
- Щ о ж за поїздка п осеред навчального року?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 129

- Я кщ о я п рой д у сп івб есід у у Британській раді, то отр и м аю сти пен ­
д ію й цілий рік навчатимуся в о д н о м у з британських університетів.
- Т а годі вже. Що, якби тобі випала така нагода, ти хіба відм ови вся б?
- З ви чай н о ж, ні. А л е мені якби й зап роп он ували щ ось, то тільки за­
платити за п овторн е навчання на тре тьо м у курсі. Я ж м аю два "хвости"
за літню сесію .
- Т и ж р о зум н и й хлопець, підучи все як слід і склади.
- Слава Богу, я вж е п очав розуміти, щ о на старих знаннях далеко не
підеш. Якби ж то все повернути. Я б з ранку до н очі зубрив, як-от ти. А я
ж, пам'ятаю , п осм ію в ався з тебе.
- М е н і навчання просто в кайф. Я п р и й ш о в сю ди вчитися на п е р е ­
кладача, і вивчуся.
- Я к щ о м ене не пож енуть з університету, я все наздожену. М е н і ж теж
дуж е подобається ця професія: у школі я був п ерш им з ін о зем н и х мов,
думав, щ о м о їх знань вистачить на три -чоти ри курси. Рано зрадів. Де
там, не з м о їм щастям.
- Ну, успіхів тобі.
- Тобі також. Я кщ о поїдеш д о Британії, дай знати, щ о там і як. М ен і
все дуж е цікаво. М ати м еш вільний час, ходи по місту, слухай людей,
запам'ятовуй, записуй усе корисне.
- О б іцяю . Я кщ о м атим у при стойн у стипендію , то ще й д о Ф р ан ц ії
змотаю ся. П одивлю ся, як ж и ве країна м о є ї д р у го ї ін о з е м н о ї мови.
- Ну, поки щ о бувай, М иколо, україн ськи й М а р к о Поло.
- А ти пиш и м ені листи і складай с в о ї "хвости".

10. C o m m e n t on the fo llo w in g quote. W rite 8 -1 0 sentences, arguing fo r or

against it. Use the C o n d itio n a l M oo d .
If there were no bad people, there w o u ld be no g o o d lawyers (Charles

.Л .#
An essay is a sh o rt prose co m p o sitio n th a t sh o u ld be in a form al w ritten style. It
s h o u ld in tro du ce a topic, d e scrib e th a t to p ic and th e n su m m arise th e p o in ts m ade
a b o u t th a t to p ic in th e b o d y o f th e text. M a n y p e o p le fin d it helpful to plan w hat

130 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

th e y in te n d to write, u sually on a p a rag ra p h -b y -p a ra g ra p h basis, b u t so m etim es
by section o r by in d iv id u al point. A n essay w o u ld usually be fro m on e page to ten
pages and e ith e r d iscu ss o n e to p ic in m ore detail o r several to p ics in less detail.

1. W rite an essay o f on e page in length on th e to p ic of health care. C h oo se

any area th at especially interests you and prepare to read you r essay to the
others in y o u r group. Typical subjects m ay be:
1. The p u b lic attitude to sm oking.
2. W h e th e r health care should be free in each co u ntry or not.
3. Your experiences during a situation in a hospital.
4. H ealthy eating.
5. Benefits fo r students in the context o f health care.

♦ A p re s e n ta tio n has a sim ila r overall pattern to th a t o f an essay:

In tro d u ctio n
C o n te n t
S u m m a ry

But n ow th e o b je ct is to use visual aids

to su p p o rt w h a t you are saying, as you
speak. So y o u sh o u ld be a ble to use a
visual aid to give v e ry b rie f b u lle t poin ts
fo r an in tro du ctio n . A B u llet P oin t is as
few w o rds as p o ssible to d e fin e a t o p ­
ic. So th e first step is to w rite th e b u lle t
p o in ts fo r an in tro du ctio n .
The co n te n t sh o u ld then be su p p o rte d
by th a t w h ich is n ecessary to e m pha sise
the a rg u m e n ts o f a presentation. This
m ay co m p rise a draw ing (or draw ings) such as th o se given to th e right. This m ay
be a set o f statistics to d e m o n stra te th e facts m e n tion e d. T here co u ld be a g ra p h o r
ch a rt to sim ilarly s u p p o rt the facts given o r arg u m e n t presented. The co n te n t m ay
be w ritten in any fo rm you w ish to present.
The visual aids m ay be projected slides, slid es on an overh ead projector, d ra w in g /
w ritin g o n a w hitebo ard, b la ck b o a rd o r flip ch a rt o r today, use o f a PC w ith a prese n ­
ta tio n p ro g ra m such as Pow erPoint.
The bu lle t p o in ts m a d e in y o u r in tro d u ctio n sh ou ld n ow be repeated as a sum m ary,
w ith a d e scrip tio n of h o w each p o in t has been proven o r d em on strated.
A three to fo u r m in u te p resentation w o u ld ty p ica lly use no m ore than three Pow ­
erP o in t p ages o r slides.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 131

2. Prepare a presentation on RSI, that should last for 3 to 4 m inutes. W rite
b ullet points to describe the causes o f RSI and ways of preventing it. Use
the fo llo w in g pictures as a prom pt. Then present you r result to you r group.

1 - tu n n e l (тунель); 2 - m e d ia l nerve, nervus m e d ia n u s (с е р ед и н н и й нерв); 3 - tendor, te n d o (сухожилля)

Linguists7 headaches
Diploma (Anglo-English) A diplom a is a docu m e n t show ing that som e­
one has successfully com pleted a course o f study or passed an exam ination.
A p lu m ber in Britain m ay earn a diplom a after attending a course on w e ld ­
ing, for exam ple. Thus, the w ord is used in a very w ide sense. You can get
(take, be awarded) a college/cou rse/sch ool diplom a, a teaching diplom a, a
d ip lom a in catering, a diplom a at the exhibition, etc., which corresponds to
the Ukrainian д и пл ом , с в ід о ц т в о , п и сьм ове посвідчення", "атестат".
Diploma (Am erican English) - a d o cu m e n t show ing that a student has
successfully co m ple ted their high sch oo l or university education, e.g. high
sch o o l/co lle g e d ip lo m a - д и п л ом п ро здобуття в и щ о ї освіти / д и п л ом
Degree A title given by a university o r certain co lleg es to a stu den t w ho
has co m pleted a course o f study successfully — звання, вчений ступінь,
спеціальність. Students at British Universities study for Degrees, and so in
the context of H igher Education as o p p o se d to Further Education, a stu ­
d ent should be said to be w orking fo r a degree and not said to be w orking
for a diplom a.
Cultural note
1) In England and W ales and in the US first (undergraduate) degrees
in clu d e a BA (Bachelor o f Arts) - бакалавр г у м а н іт а р н и х н аук fo r arts

М. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

subjects and a BSc A n g lo E BS A m E (Bachelor o f Science) - бакалавр
п р и р од ни чи х наук fo r Science and Social Science. H ig h e r (postgraduate)
d egrees in clu d e an M A (M aster o f Arts) - м а г іс т р г у м а н іт а р н и х н аук or
M S c A n g lo E M S A m E (M aster o f Science) - м а г іс т р при род ни чи х н аук
and a PhD (D octor o f Ph ilosophy) - д о к т о р наук, a university deg ree of
a very high level, w hich involves d o in g advanced research (in any field of
know ledge), e.g. P h D in Biochem istry. In S cotland deg ree courses last fo u r
years instead of three, and an M A or an M Sc is a first degree. In the US you
can also earn an A A degree (Associate o f Arts) - особа, щ о прослухала
неповний курс, необхідний для о т р и м а н н я с т у п е н я fo r tw o years study
in a Ju n io r C o lle g e - н еповний коледж, but this is a low er d eg ree than
a BA.
2) In Britain, students can graduate with an o rdin ary degree or an H o n ­
ours D egree - червоний диплом, w hich is better. The h ighest level o f h o n ­
ours degree is called a first or first class degree, and very few students get
this. The next best level is called a second or a second class degree, and
this is split into a higher level, called a tw o-one, and a low er level, a tw o-
two. The low est level is a third or a third class degree. In th e US, very g oo d
students graduate sum m a cum laude (having achieved the highest level
in th eir co lle g e or university degree) or m agna cum laude, o r sim p ly cum
laude - з відзнакою; the p eo ple w ho get these h onours w ou ld be in about
the to p 10% o f graduates.

Translate the follow ing word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1) A m E to con fer a d ip lom a / A n g lo E to present / grant a degree; 2) to
award a degree to; 3) degree in psychology; 4) bachelor's degree; 5) degree
in political science; 6) m aster's degree; 7) to earn a degree; 8) A m E to g ra d ­
uate cum \auder / A n g lo E to graduate with Honours; 9) H onours Degree;
10) h on orary degree; 11) academ ic degree; 12) a law degree.

Translate the following word-combinations into English:

1) отрим ати д и пл ом за участь у виставці; 2) отрим ати д и п л о м слю -
саря-сантехніка; 3) свід оцтво п ро серед н ю освіту; 4) д и п л ом коледж у
(в CLUA); 5) отрим увати вищ у освіту; 6) отрим увати сер ед н ю сп е ц іаль­
ну освіту; 7) бакалавр гум анітарних наук; 8) магістр п р и р о д н и ч и х наук;
9) д окто р наук; 10) отрим ати че рвон и й диплом .

Англійська мова. II КУРС 133

Developing translation skills
(I) A n to n ym ic Translation (AT)

A n to n y m ic tra n s la tio n usually im plies a com prehensive lexical and

g ram m atical transform ation: an affirm ative con struction is translated by
a negative one or a negative construction by an affirm ative one.
Look at the fo llo w in g sentence: U n til the m id -2 0 th century it was n ot u n ­
usual fo r the doctor in Britain to visit patients in their own homes. Som e p o s­
sible versions o f translation m ay be: 1. У Британії д о середини XX сторіччя
викликати лікаря д о д о м у було зв и ч н о ю справою . 2. Д о середини XX
сторіччя британські лікарі регулярно відвідували своїх пацієнтів удома.
In both versions an ton ym ic translation was resorted to.
W e often use antonym ic translation w hen m ore than one negative form
is used in the SL, e.g. I d idn 't dislike him. Він завж ди мені подобався.
I c a n ’t not obey. М у ш у погодитися. N o t till he g o t hom e d id he realize that
he h ad lost his wallet. Він зрозум ів, щ о загубив гаманець, лиш е тоді, коли
п р и й ш ов додому.
This type o f translation is also used w ith the w ords of negative m eaning,
e.g. lose, fail, lack and the like, e.g.: People never fa ile d to recognize such val­
ues as honesty, decency an d kindness. Л ю д и завж ди цінували такі якості,
як чесність, порядність і доброта. A T is q u ite often resorted to w hen we
render phraseological units o r set expressions into the TL, e.g. Let sleeping
dogs lie. He будіть сплячого собаку. Keep the cold ou t o f the room. He
відчиняйте вікна.

1. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian using an ton ym ic tran s­

1. The w om an at the o th er end asked him to hang on. 2. N o b o d y was
ever sorry to see him. 3 .1 have never m istaken him fo r a fool. 4. He is never
at a loss for his effective m oral attitude. 5. It was n ot until a voice with a
heavy accent asked the realtor w hether they co u ld have a look at the house
that the estate was sold after being on the price list fo r tw o years. 6. She
has always kept a stiff u pper lip. 7. N o on e has n oth ing to offer to society.
8. Today, with yo u r perm ission, we w ill sit up late. 9. She did n ot die till
2005.10. N o t until the office ph on ed m e d id I find o u t ab o ut the m eeting.

134 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

11. N o so o n e r had I g o t into the bath than som eon e knocked at the door.
12. Princess M argaret did not lack co m m itm en t to the royal cause, fam ou s­
ly givin g up her love fo r a dashing air force officer ou t o f a sense of duty
to her family. 13. Ours is not an unconventional school; it's fo r th e children
of today. 14. W h at you say is not ungram m atical but very old -fash ion ed .
15. N o t until I asked a passer-by did I realize w here I was.

(II) Translation transform ation o f a d dition

Som etim es w hen translating from the English language we resort to a d ­

d itio n . A m o n g the reasons fo r the use of ad d ition al lexical units to render
im p licit m eaningful elem ents o f the Source Language Text are: a) c o m ­
pressed gram m atical structures of the English language, b) th e discrepancy
in the use of the plural and the singular form s o f certain nouns, c) the
discrepancy in w o rd -b u ild in g and som e others. The w ord sm okable in the
sentence Crack is a cheaper, sm okable form o f heroin which is pow erfu l­
ly addictive (Крек - деш евш а ф орм а героїну, щ о використовується для
паління й викликає сильне звикання), needs som e ad d ition al lexical units
in translation. If used in the plural sm okables m eans тю тю нові вироби.
The sam e tech n iq u e is a pplied to translate the w o rd -co m b in a tio n addicted
behaviour - поведінка, щ о видає схильність д о вж ивання наркотиків.

2. Translate the fo llo w in g w ord-com bin ation s:

Riot police; fish ban; pay-claim ; to pension off the old man; to elbow
the oth er passengers; to w inter the cattle; to bribe the official; to g o o g le a

3. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian using addition.

A. 1. Her father was a w ell-con nected painter, his field being m ainly por­
traits o f notables. 2. The schem e supports jo b creation in service industries.
3. Let m e say in the beginning that even if I w anted to avoid Texas I could not,
for I am w ived in Texas, and m other-in-law ed, and uncled, and aunted, and
cousined w ithin an inch of m y life. 4. He bribed a guard to sm ug g le a note
ou t o f the prison. 5. G raduate students in m ost institutions are n otoriously
late risers, w ho w ork way past conventional bedtim e. 6. She w ou ld not try
to stiff-upper-lip it through. 7. Give us another cigarette, will you? - C ou ld n 't

Англійська мова. II КУРС 135

you stop chain-sm okin g? 8. The draper's shop w ould not only dress you,
post-office you, linoleum you, rug and w allpaper you ... but w ould also bury
and tom b ston e you. 9. W hen he recovers, surrogate-m other him fo r a while.
10. Id better take disposables to save washing. 11. W e could order meals
from outside and buy fresh fruits, sweets, and toiletries. 12. People w ho say
they are disturbed by noise at night m ay ju st happen to be light sleepers.
B. 1. He was born a parent-pleaser. 2. She had always w anted a m an i­
cured lawn. 3. During his operation he had an eerie o u t-o f-b o d y experience.
4. Sm o king-related problem s cost the Health Service huge sum s an n u al­
ly. 5. The alw ays-late b oy turned up long after the bus had gone. 6. N o-
show clients are a serious pro blem in the hotel business. 7. Her husband
turned ou t to be an inspired bird-watcher. 8. She w asn't ju s t a d o -g o o d e r
but a true philanthropist. 9. The Financial D irector d ecid ed to outsource
th eir printing. 10. The better-than-anticipated results really pleased Ann.
11. They asked his cousin to baby-sit on Saturday night. 12. It was a chance
o f a lifetim e. 13. Starting a business in a foreign co u n try was relatively easy
fo r him - street-sm art and cunning. 14. Please distrib ute this confidential
in form ation on a n e e d -to -k n o w basis only. 15. W e saw a lorry stop to pick
up a hitchhiking m onk. 16. A lth o u g h the foo tb all team scored in the sec­
on d half, they co u ld only m anage to draw at full time.

Developing interpreting skills

1. Repeat each g ro u p o f w ords and w o rd -co m b in a tio n s after yo u r teacher,
w ith o u t op e n in g yo u r textbooks:
1. Law, ju dgm e n t, trial, juror, deposition.
2. Cigarette, pack, habit, illness, b lood pressure.
3. Sm oking, heart disease, m edical care, health problem s, treatm ent.
4. Personal history, buddies, marriage, wife, grandchildren.
5. Carton, doctor, hypnotist, acupuncture, nicotin e gum.
6. Diagnosis, em physem a, lung cancer, to b acco sm oke, poison.
7. Tripod, draw ing, parts, hum an body, detail.
8. Constriction, vessel, limbs, pulse rate, digestive tract.
9. Nausea, saliva, gut, stim ulant, lethal dose.
10. Cough, nervous system, addict, insidious effect, prosecution.

M . O . B o3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB • O. IQ B a c u n w e H K O • H. C. Xc>MeHKO
2. Repeat each gro up o f w ords and w o rd -co m b in atio n s after yo u r teacher,
w ith ou t o p e n in g your textbooks:
1. Election, Prim e Minister, landslide, popularity, factor.
2. U n em ploym ent, sickness, maternity, benefit, pension.
3. Creation, contribution, wealth, patient, care.
4. Practitioner, bonus, salary, surgery, appointm ent.
5. Nurse, adm inistrator, receptionist, consultation, pharm acist.

3. Repeat the groups of w ords given in Ex. 2 again but this tim e by giving
th eir Ukrainian equivalents.

4. To perfect you r m em ory practice the fo llow in g "snow ball" repetition.

Repeat the sentences after you r teacher w ith ou t lookin g at the text:
1. H ouse D octors w ork long hours.
2. H ouse D octors w ork very long hours.
3. H ouse D octors trad ition ally w ork very long hours.
4. H ouse D octors traditionally w ork very long hours for little pay.
5. House Doctors traditionally w ork very long hours for relatively little pay.
6. H ouse Doctors, especially ju n io r ones, trad itio n ally w ork very long
hours fo r relatively little pay.
7. House Doctors, especially ju n io r ones, traditionally w ork very long hours
for relatively little pay and those that survive the course learn a lot.
8. H ouse Doctors, especially ju n io r ones, trad itio n ally w ork very Ipng
hours fo r relatively little pay and those that survive the course tend to
have learnt a lot.

5. For "snow ball" repetition, repeat the follow in g English sentences after
yo u r teacher, w ith ou t op e n in g yo u r textbooks:
1. W ith SBS, no defined disease can be determ ined.
2. W ith SBS, no clin ically defined disease can be determ ined.
3. W ith SBS, no clin ically defin ed disease can be determ ined as the cause
of the sym ptom s.
4. W ith SBS, it m ay happen th at no clin ically defined disease can be d e ­
term ined as the cause of the sym ptom s.
5. W ith SBS, it m ay happen that no clin ically defined disease or specific
co n tam in an t can be determ ined as the cause o f the sym ptom s.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 137

6. W ith SBS, it may happen that no clinically defined disease or specific
chem ical contam inant can be determ ined as the cause of the symptoms.
7. W ith SBS, it m ay happen that no clin ically defined disease or specific
chem ical or bio lo g ical co n tam in an t can be determ ined as the cause
o f the sym ptom s.

6. Read the left-hand co lum n of the Text Sick B u ildin g Syndrome. Then read
its translation in the right-hand colum n. N o w covering the colum ns in turn
d o tw o-w ay sight translation.

Sick Building Syndrome Синдром недужої споруди

In the 1980s, a W o rld H ealth O r g a n iz a ­ У 80-х роках XX сторіччя спеціальн и й
tion special re p o rt stated th at up to 30% звіт В сесвітньої орган ізац ії о хо р о н и з д о ­
o f new and re m o d e lle d b u ild in g s w ere ров'я констатував, щ о у меш кан ців п р и ­
c ausing th e ir o c cu p a n ts to exhibit Sick б л и зн о 30% нови х та рекон струй овани х
B uilding S y n d ro m e (SBS) sym ptom s. This споруд виявляю ться озн аки С и н д р о м у
is a p ro b le m in both residential and office Н едуж ої С п оруд и (СНС). Така п р о б л е м а
b u ild in g s an d pe rh ap s surprisingly, the існує як у житлових, так і в оф існих будів­
m o re "m o d e rn " th e d e sig n and c o n stru c ­ лях, і, як не дивно, щ о суча сн іш и й д и ­
tion, th e m o re likely p ro b le m s m ay occur. за й н та конструкція будівлі, то ш ви дш е
виникаю ть подібні п роблем и .

SBS is a p ro b le m in w hich o c cu p a n ts o f a С Н С полягає в тому, щ о м е ш к ан ц і с п о ­

b u ild in g e xp e rie n ce acute health effects руди за зн а ю ть п р о б л е м , які впливаю ть
that seem to be linked to tim e sp e n t in a на п о гір ш е н н я їх зд о р о в'я; і це, як п р и ­
build in g, bu t no sp ecific illness o r cause пускаю ть, п о в 'я за н е з кількістю часу,
can be identified. The co m p la in ts m ay be який м е ш к ан ц і п р о в о д я ть у том у чи
lo c a lize d in a p a rticu la r ro o m o r zone, ін ш о м у п р и м іщ е н н і. О д н а к не вд аєть­
o r m ay be w id e sp re a d th ro u g h o u t the ся ви зн ачи ти кон кретн е з а х в о р ю в а н ­
build ing. ня а б о ж причину, щ о й ого викликає.
Н е зд у ж а н н я м ож е виникати в яком усь
п е в н о м у м ісці а б о в усій споруді.

B uilding o ccu p a n ts can c o m p la in of М е ш ка н ц і мож уть скарж итися на появу

sy m p to m s asso cia te d w ith acute d is c o m ­ сил ьн ого дискомфорту. У них виявля­
fort. These sy m p to m s in clu d e headaches; ються такі сим птом и: головний біль, п о ­
eye, nose, an d th ro a t irritation; a d ry д р азн е н н я с л и зо в о ї о б о л о н ки й очей,
cough; d ry o r itchy skin; d izzin e ss and сухий кашель, сухість та свербіж шкіри,
nausea; d ifficulty in co n ce n tra tin g; fa ­ з а п а м о р о ч е н н я й нудота, нездатність на
tigue; an d sensitivity to o d o u rs. б уд ь-ч о м у зосер ед ити ся, втома, п ідви ­
щ ена сприйнятливість д о запахів.

138 М. О. Возна ■ О. Б. Гапонів « О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

W ith SBS, it m ay h a p p e n th at no clinically Трапляється так, щ о н е м о ж л и в о в и зн а ­
d e fin e d d isease o r sp ecific ch em ical o r b i­ чити якесь к лін ічн о заф іксован е за х в о ­
o lo g ic a l co n ta m in a n t can be d e te rm in e d р ю ва н н я а б о кон кр етн ий хім іч н и й чи
as the cause o f the sym ptom s. M o st of біо л о гіч н и й за бруд н ю в ач, щ о викли­
the co m p la in a n ts feel relief so o n after кає с и м п то м и С Н С . Більш ість тих, хто
leaving th e building. скарж иться на нездуж ан н я, відчуваю ть
полегш ення, тіл ьк и -н о вийдуть з п р о ­
б л е м н о ї будівлі.

W h ile sp ecific causes o f SBS rem ain u n ­ Х о ч а конкретні п р и ч и н и С Н С з а л и ш а ­

know n, the fo llo w in g has be e n cited as ються н е з'я со в а н и м и , м ож н а вказати
c o n trib u to ry facto rs to sick b u ild in g syn ­ на такі чи нники, які с п р и я ю т ь виник­
dro m e . T hese elem e n ts m ay act in c o m ­ н е н н ю ц ього си н д р ом у. В они мож уть
b in a tio n o r m ay su p p le m e n t o th e r c o m ­ діяти р а зо м а б о д о п о в н ю в а ти інш і н е ­
plaints such as in a d e g u a te tem perature, гативні м ом енти , а саме: температуру,
hum idity, o r lighting. вологість а б о освітлення в п р и м іщ е н н і,
щ о не від п ов ід аю ть вим огам .

C h e m ic a l co n ta m in a n ts from o u td o o r Х ім ічн і за б р у д н ю в а ч і із зо в н іш н іх д ж е ­
sources. O u td o o r air that enters a b u ild ­ рел. Повітря, щ о п отр ап л яє д о споруди
ing can also be a so u rce o f in d o o r p o l­ знадвору, також м ож е бути д ж е р е л о м
lution. Pollutants from m o to r veh icle за б р у д н ен н я в се р е д и н і п ри м іщ е н н я .
exhausts, p lu m b in g vents, an d bu ild in g З а б р у д н ю в а л ьн і агенти від викидів а в ­
exhausts (b ath ro o m s an d kitchens) can тотранспорту, з в о д о п р о в ід н о -к а н а л і-
e n te r the b u ild in g th ro u g h p o o rly locat­ з а ц ій н о ї м е р е ж і й витяжок, вста н ов­
ed air intake vents, w indow s, and o th e r л ен и х у ван н их кімнатах та на кухнях,
op e n in g s. мож уть потрапляти д о сп о р уд и че р е з
н е п р а в и л ь н о встан овл ені п о в іт р о зб ір -
ники, вікна й інші отвори.

C h e m ic a l co n ta m in a n ts from in d o o r Хім ічні забрудню вачі, дж ерел а яких

sources. M o st in d o o r air p o llu tio n co m e s знаходяться всереди н і при м іщ ен ня.
fro m so u rces inside th e bu ild in g. For e x­ П ер ев аж н и м ч и н о м забрудн ен н я п о в і­
am ple, adhesives, upholstery, carpeting , тря всереди н і п р и м іщ е н н я відбувається
c o p y in g m achines, m an u factu re d w o o d че ре з наявність дж ерела забруднення
products, c lea n in g ag e n ts an d pesticides всередині споруди. Н априклад, клейкі
m ay e m it v ario u s c h em icals that can речовин и , оббивка, килим ові покриття,
cause ch ro n ic and acute health effects копію вальні апарати, ламінат, м и ю чі за ­
at high con ce n tra tio n s, an d so m e are со б и й за со б и для б о ротьби з комахам и
know n carcin o g en s. Low to m o d e ra te мож уть виділяти різн ом ан ітн і хімікати,
levels m ay also p ro d u c e acute reactions щ о у високих концентраціях (деякі з них
in so m e individuals. These can also c o m e відомі як канцерогени) мож уть с п р и ч и ­
from synthetic fra g ra n ce s in p ersonal няти с е р й о зн і хр он ічні захвор ю ван н я.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 139

care p ro d u cts o r in c lea n in g an d m a in te ­ На деяки х л ю д е й дію ть і ниж чі к о н ц е н ­
nan ce products. трації. П р и ч и н о ю н ездуж ан н я мож уть
бути син тети чні за п а ш н і р е ч о в и н и , щ о
містяться в за со б а х о с о б и с т о ї гігієни,
в за со б а х для ч и щ ен н я та догляду за
спо рудам и .
B io lo g ical co n ta m in a n ts in clu d e pollen, Біологічні забрудн ю вачі вклю чаю ть: п и ­
bacteria, viruses, an d m oulds. These c o n ­ лок, бактерії, віруси й плісеневі грибки.
tam in an ts can bre ed in sta gn a n t w ater В они мож уть розм н ож увати ся в застій ­
that has a c c u m u la te d in hum idifiers, air ній воді, яка накопичується у зво л о ж у в а­
c o n d itio n in g system s, d ra in a g e systems, чах повітря, в систем ах кон ди ціонуван н я
an d ducts, o r w here w ate r has c o lle cte d повітря, каналізаційній і вентиляційній
o n ceiling tiles, insulation, o r carpet. Bi­ мережах, а б о там, де вода н акоп и чу­
o lo g ic a l co n ta m in a n ts can cause fever, ється на підвісних стелях, в ізоляцій ни х
chills, co u g h , chest tightness, m uscle матеріалах чи ки ли м ови х покриттях. Б іо ­
aches, and alle rg ic reactions. логічні за брудн ю в ачі мож уть викликати
лихоманку, о зн о б , кашель, утруднення
дихання, біль у м'язах і алергічні реакції.
B uilding d e sig n e rs te nd to m ake b u ild ­ П р о е ктув ал ьн и ки прагнуть з а б е з п е ­
ings m o re airtight, with less o u td o o r air чити будівлям біл ьш у герм етичність,
v entilation, in o rd e r to im p ro v e e n erg y о б м е ж и ти проникнення повітря з н а ­
efficiency. These re d u ce d ven tila tion rates д в о р у для того щ о б еф ективніш е в и к о ­
have be e n fo u n d to be, in m any cases, ристовувати ен ер гію . В становлено, щ о
in a d e q u a te to m aintain the health and в біл ьш ості випадків зн и ж е н н я кр а тн о ­
c o m fo rt o f b u ild in g o ccup ants. сті п о в іт р о о б м ін у не дає зм о ги з а б е з ­
п ечити з д о р о в е й ком ф ортн е існування
м еш канців.
A s the rapid rate o f co n stru ctio n o f both О скіл ьки в Києві збіл ьш ую ться темпи
residential an d office b u ild in g s co n tin u e будівництва ж итлових та оф існ и х с п о ­
to increase in Kyiv, it is e ve r m o re im p o rt­ руд, н а д зв и ч а й н о ва ж л и во зр о б и т и все
ant to m ake e v e ry e ffo rt to avoid such н е о бх ід н е для того, щ о б ун икн ути таких
problem s. проблем.

Translator's nightmare
E d ible and Eatable. There are tw o w ords w hich have rather different
shades of m eanings in English. "Edible" sim ply im plies that the fo o d stu ff is
not p oison ou s and is co n sequ ently capable o f being eaten - їс т ів н и й . "Eat­
able" has som e ad d ition al m eaning "good to eat", o r "palatable" - д о б р и й

140 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко * H. C. Хоменко

(на смак), см ачний. So clearly, the form er w ord should be used in its d e ­
notative m eaning and latter as a co m plim en tary term. Similarly, the English
believe that coffee as m ade in the USA is potable but not always drinkable.

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. A re these m ushroom s edible? 2. The meal was barely edible. 3. There
are m any ed ib le fruits grow ing w ild in the coastal forest. 4. W o o d lan d
harboured herbs fo r m edicines and fo o d and also several ed ib le varieties
o f m ushroom . 5. The bird's problem then is to distin guish sickening crea­
tures from healthy edible prey. 6. Mr. Rathje often finds readable co p ies of
25-year-old new spapers and eatable corn cobs. 7. O ur school m eals are
hardly eatable. 8. Have you b ro ugh t th e eatables?

Translate the follow ing dialogue into English:

- П р и в іт ,...
- В іт а ю ,...
- Х о д ім о д о студентського кафе в перерві?
- Ой, ні. Я там не їм. Пару разів спробував, - їж а абсолю тно не їстівна.
- Коли ж ти там був останнього разу?
- Ну... Д е сь із п івроку тому.
- Х одім о, подивиш ся, як там тепер здорово. З роби ли пристойний
ремонт. Н ово го кухаря взяли на роботу. Завж ди все свіже, й не дуже
дорого. І ви бір норм альний.
- Що, д ій сн о м ож на їсти?
- П овір мені. Все не просто їстівне, а смачне. Кухаря, м іж інш им, взя­
ли класного. Він закінчив кулінарний коледж з ч е р в он и м д и п л ом ом .
Х лоп е ц ь м олодий, але вже справж ній фахівець.
- Слухай, ти м ене просто-таки заінтригував. А ж закортіло чогось
см ачненького. М оже, одразу й підемо, чого чекати тієї перерви?
- Потерпиш . Спочатку давай п ідем о на заняття. Д о речі, ми ж сь о ­
годні о б го в о р ю в а ти м е м о тем у "Н аціональна британська кухня". Ось
нагуляємо апетит, а там і д о кафе.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 141

America and Americans

Functional Asking for Factual Information, Clarification and

expressions: Permission
Grammar: Conditional Mood. Unreal Conditional Past
Writing: Advertisements
Developing Political Correctness, Culture-specific Words,
Translation Skills: Differentiation

Practice your pronunciation!
Sh e wasn't
Before you start this unit, w arm up with this verbal always

I bet that w asn't really a bat. but

Annie, Frank an d Brad sat at the table. she was

The fat cat sat o n the Persian mat. always

The tw o sp o rtsm e n w ere c o m p e tin g fo r the Sportsm an
of the Year title.
O n e o f the m en in the room w as clearly a businessm an.
O n e o f m y favourite m ovies is Spiderm an.

1. A g re e or disagree with the fo llow in g statem ents. Give yo u r reasons.

1. The U SA is the w orld's greatest superpower.
2. The USA has a significan t influence on glo b al politics, econom y, trade
and culture.
3. Am erica's p o p u latio n is richly diverse.

142 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. fa n o H iB • O. fO. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

4. A m erica is fam ous for its dem ocracy, protection and p ro m o tio n of
hum an rights, as well as equal o p p o rtu n itie s fo r all.
5. Presidential elections in the USA are fair and transparent.
6. Im m igrants to the USA still believe in the A m erican Dream.
7. The US Founding Fathers are less p o p u lar am ong you n g p eo p le today
than TV and film stars.
8. The USA always listens carefully to th e EU before acting on the w orld

j iJ 2. W ith o u t lookin g in y o u r textbooks, listen to

the recorded Dialogue. You w ill hear a conver-
1 -■ sation betw een a tou rist from Scotland and a
N ew Yorker. Try to get its message; reproduce
it in English in y o u r own words. The dialogue
con tains several functional expressions of
seeking: a) factual inform ation; b) repetition
and clarification; c) perm ission.
W h ile listening to the sam e d ia lo g u e again,
w rite dow n these functional expressions in
y o u r exercise books.
(The script is given at the end of the textbook)

3. W o rkin g with you r textbook, find am ong the expressions given below
those th at were used in the dialogue. Specify the speech register for each
expression. Try to m em orize as m any o f them as possible.

(a) Seeking Factual (b) Seeking Repetition (c) Seeking Permission

Information and Seeking Clarification
Could you te ll m e w h e re ? C o u ld you re p e a t th a t? M a y I...?
................. w h e n ? Did I u n d e rsta n d C o u ld I...?
..................h o w ? c o rre c tly ? S h o u ld I...?
................. w h y ? M a y I ch e ck w h a t you W o u ld it be o ka y if...?
H o w m uch...? sa id ? W o u ld y o u m in d if...?
H o w often ...? W h a t did y o u say? W o u ld it be p o ssib le
D o you have...? H o w 's th a t re le v a n t? for...?
W h e re w o u ld I fin d...? W o u ld y o u e x p la in th a t? W o u ld it be p o ssible if...?
W h e re co u ld I fin d...? I w o n d e r if w e could....

Англійська мова. II КУРС 143

Where should I look for...? So I would be wrong if...? Could you just...?
At what time does...? Then that really means... Is it fine by you if...?
How do you...? I didn't catch that. Any objections if...?
Why do you have to...? What's that mean? All right by you if...?
I was wondering...? Is that so? What...? Happy if we...? (infml.)
W hat are you on about?

Note: In (a), "Could" is regarded as being bath polite and neutral. The same phrases
using the word "Can" carry with them a nuance of frustration or previous refusal.
"Would" also has a simitar shade of meaning but stronger, implying conflict has oc­
curred before the question was asked.

4. Read the functional expressions above, then repeat them ad d in g the

word please o r sorry o r even both to form a m ore polite structure where

5. The fo llow in g d ialo g u es contain several fu nction al expressions. Find

them , specify th e speech register for each expression. Translate the d ia ­
logues into Ukrainian.
M ik e (an A m erican businessm an): W o u ld it be possib le for m e to speak
with Rita, please? Hi, Rita. H ow you d o in g ? Are you free tom orrow ? O ne
of o u r colleagues is arriving in Kyiv at 2 p.m. W o u ld you m ind m eeting
him at th e airport?
Rita (an interpreter): Oh, sure. I'll go to Boryspil, m eet him and take him
to the hotel. But how will I recognize him ?
M : If it’s okay with you, write his nam e on a sign and ju s t stand with it
som ew here in th e arrivals hall. He'll co m e to you himself.
R: Great. I'm w ritin g this all down. W hat's his nam e? C ou ld you repeat
that? W h at d id you say? Very Good? Is th at right? Isn't th at a strange
M: Rita, sorry, we've g o t a bad line - I can hardly hear you. H op e we've
arranged everything. You'll be able to m eet him, w o n 't you?
R: I will, d o n 't worry. Bye.
M: Thanks, you 're ju s t terrific.


144 M. O. Bo3Ha • 0. B. f a n o H iB • O. KD. Bacn/ibMeHKO • H. C. XoMeHKo

M ike's co lle agu e (approaching Rita): Hi, how you d o in g ? Thanks for
m eeting me. W o u ld you m ind if I ju st correct som ethin g on the sign?
R: W e lco m e to Kyiv, Mr. G ood. Did I understand correctly - 1 haven't m is­
spelt yo u r name, have I? I suspected it was to o G o o d to be true.
M C: It's o n ly my first name. I'm Larry, Larry G ood.
R: Oh, I'm so sorry. I o b vio u sly d id n 't catch yo u r nam e correctly on the
M C: So w h o were you speaking with?
R: W ith M ike. I asked him to repeat y o u r nam e three times.
M C: It's okay. M ike always plays the sam e jo k e on interpreters in every
country. However, he's a nice guy, and it's been a bit of harm less fun.

6. Translate the follow in g d ialo g u e into English.

- Ви не проти, якщ о я сяду за ваш столик?
- А ж ніяк. А л е хочу вас попередити, я чекаю на оф іціанта вже 15 хв и ­
лин, а його все ще немає.
- Справді? О сь дивіться, схоже, це він іде.
- Офіціанте! Скільки м ож на на вас чекати? Чи не могли б ви на­
реш ті прийняти зам овлення? Д озвольте нагадати вам, щ о девіз ваш ого
кафе - "Ш видко, см ачно, дешево".

7. M ake up yo u r own d ialog u es w ith the functional expressions listed in

Ex. 3. The fo llo w in g top ics m ay be used:
- asking the way to a m ajor tou rist attraction
- ch o osing a b o o k in the library
- n eg o tiatin g a price at a m arket
- calling th e inform ation office at a ferry term inal
- b o o kin g a hotel room on th e phone
- asking perm ission to re-sit an exam after failing
- seeking in form ation ab o u t th e details of a part-tim e jo b
- trying hard to please your parents before gettin g away to the nightclub
- clarifying the time, the flig h t and th e nam e of the person you have to
m eet at th e airport
- co n firm in g the date and m aking the arrangem ents to get to your
School Reunion.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 145

Section A

1. Look at th e title of the text and say w hat you th ink the text is about.

2. Think o f ten to fifteen them atic w ords w hich you are likely to find in
the fo llo w in g text on "The W ay A m ericans Com m unicate", and w rite them
dow n in y o u r exercise books. A fter reading th e text you will be able to
check w heth er th e w ords you predict actually appear.

3. Read the fo llo w in g questions and try to answ er them before reading the
text. W hen you read the text, find the answers to the qu estion s and co m ­
pare them to w hat you have previously done.
1. D o you th ink A m ericans are different from o th er nations in the way
they com m unicate? 2. Do they speak plainly, w ith ou t trying to be p o lite or
to hide unpleasant facts? 3. Is the sam e m anner o f co m m u n icatin g typical
fo r the British or Ukrainian tradition ? 4. Do p eo p le from the East, such as
the Japanese, show th eir true feelin gs w hen th ey are speaking to p eo p le
from oth er countries? 5. W h at qu estion s are regarded as ta b o o in m any
cultures? 6. W o uld you expect N ative A m erican s to speak clearly, directly
and openly? 7. Did the integration betw een N ative and European cultures
significan tly influence the way A m ericans speak and act?

4. Transcribe the fo llo w in g words. Learn th eir pronunciation.

Bluntness, frontiersm an, undoubtedly, guarded, converse, privacy,
inscrutable, ubiquitous, sim ultaneously.

5. Read the fo llo w in g questions with the app ro p riate intonation.

1. W hat do you do for a living?
2. W hat d o you m ake in a year?
3. W h at did you have fo r yo u r birthday?
4. W h at d o you think you are d oing?
5. W hat d o you do in the evenings?
6. W hat does she usually wear?

146 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. 6. fa n o H iB • O. K3. Bacn^bMeHKO • H. C. X o M e H K o

7. W h at d o you plant in you r garden?
8. W h at d o you read in yo u r free tim e?
9. W h at d o you w ant m e to carry?
10. W h o d o you w ant m e to marry?

6. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g co m m en ts before reading the text:

Com m ents

1. Land of Opportunity. A country where you have a lot of good opportunities.

America is still viewed as a land of opportunity - країна сприятливих можливо­
стей. This phrase can also be used as a secondary nickname for Arkansas - земля
сприятливих можливостей.
2. The American Dream. The idea that the US is a place where everyone has
the chance of becoming rich and successful. For minorities and people coming
from abroad to live in America, the dream also includes freedom and equal rights.
Американська мрія.
3. Native American, also American Indian or Amerindian. A member of any
of the original people of America, esp. of the US and Canada. Native Americans
came from many different tribes, each having its own language and culture. Native
American is now the preferred and usual term. American Indian and Amerindian
may still be found, and when referring to Native Americans from South America.
Red Indian is old-fashioned and considered even more offensive than American
Indian. Корінний американець (індіанець),
4. "White man speaks with forked tongue". Immigrant says one thing but
actually means another. A phrase often used in old Western films, said by Native
Americans when they believe a white man is not telling the truth. Блідолиці дума­
ють одне, а кажуть інше. Forked. Having one end divided into two or more parts -
роздвоєний. Snakes have forked tongues.
5. Native American effects on US culture. Those interested in examining the
second theory of the text below could read books by Robert Pirsig, a contemporary
philosopher, especially his novel "Lila" which examines this facet of American culture
in some detail. Incidentally, his book "Zen and the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance"
(about a man's travels across the USA), was as widely read by European students as
Tolkien in the 1970s and 1980s.

7. Read the text "The W ay A m erican s Com m u n icate" and find th e key sen­
tences th at sum m arize the m ain idea of each paragraph.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 147

Text 1: The W ay A m ericans Com m unicate

O ne of the ways to tell an A m erican alm ost anyw here in the w orld is to
listen to the w ay they speak, both to on e another and to p eo p le from oth er
The m ain difference is the directness and bluntness in the way they con­
verse. W h ile a Japanese person is extrem ely concerned in m aking sure that
everything said is polite and guarded, o r an English person m ay take great
pains to respect the privacy of th eir companion, an A m erican will sim ply
say w hat he m eans and ask w hat he'd like to know.
A perfect exam ple o f this is the ubiquitous qu estion "Say, w hat d o you
make in a year?" There's been a long trad ition in Britain that a husband at­
tem pts to conceal such in form ation even from his wife, never m ind friends,
colleagu es or, God forbid, strangers. A Ukrainian will cheerfully chat w ith a
stranger and ask such questions as "W here are you from ? What do you do
for a living?" These are perfectly norm al qu estion s that show interest in the
stranger, alth ou gh not regarded as p olite in Britain. But alm ost no U krain i­
an w ou ld seek inform ation on the financial status o f a stranger. Those from
the East, especially th e Japanese are regarded by m any as "inscrutable"
since they m ask th eir feelings, attitudes and qu estion s behind a wall of
extrem e politeness. To discuss such details of th eir incom e is absolu tely
So w hy do A m erican s regard such a question, ta b o o in so m any o th ­
er cultures, as perfectly norm al? There are tw o key theories. The first is
that A m ericans are a melting-pot o f cultures and nationalities. N o t only
language itself m ay ch ange from origin to origin, from ethnic g ro u p to
ethnic group, but also con ventions and trad ition s in the w ay p eo p le speak
and w hat they ask, vary so m uch from co u n try to co u ntry that th ey w ou ld
sim p ly act as a barrier to com m u n ication , unless speech is blunt, direct
and clear. Sim ultaneously, Am erican s regard th eir co u n try as the Land of
Opportunity and are, indeed, richer than most. So, m any are proud of th eir
earnings and like to tell one another.
The American Dream is extrem ely im p o rtan t to the culture o f the USA,
w here achievem ent is the ou tco m e o f opportunity. This path has m any
rules embedded, and they include the needs fo r clarity, free speech and
freedom of action.

148 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

The second th e o ry is that th e im m igrants
to today's U SA cam e to a land p eo pled by
co m ple x cultures that had evolved fo r th o u ­
sands o f years, those o f N a tiv e A m erican s.
A lth o u g h g eo g rap h ically m any of the N a ­
tive A m erican nations were w idespread and
there are substantial differences between
m any of these cultures, one co m m o n factor
is th eir structure of language and trad ition of
co m m u n ication . All Native A m erican s speak
clearly, directly and openly. N o t to d o so is
taboo. W hen Europeans cam e to Am erica,
th e N ative A m ericans found them very d iffi­
cult to understand, and the universal phrase
"W h ite m an speaks w ith a fo rk e d to n g u e " appeared.
O ver a co u p le of centuries, there was en ough integration between
th e Native and European cultures th at there develo ped the im age of the
"straight-talking frontiersm an", p ro u d ly used by the em erging new A m er­
ican as a role-m odel. This th e o ry is not especially liked by Am ericans, w ho
like to th in k o f them selves as the educators of the natives and not the other
w ay round.
Probably the reality is a co m bin atio n of these tw o p erspectives. W h at is
u n d o u b te d ly true is that A m ericans stan d o u t as being direct and clear in
w hat they say and do.

5. D ecide w heth er the fo llo w in g statem ents are true o r false accord in g to
the text. If there is no appropriate in form ation in the text, give yo u r own
com m ents.
1. A m ericans d o n 't pay m uch attention to w hat they wear. They dress
casually and tastelessly.
2. In conversation with o th er people, A m ericans are tactful, considerate
and polite.
3. To seek inform ation on the financial status of a relative is not regarded
as ta b o o in Britain.
4. O riental p eo ple are extrem ely polite, the politeness being a shell to
hide th eir feelings, views and inquisitiveness.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 14 9

5. O ne of the ways to bridge the com m unication gap between different
ethnic groups living in one country is to speak clearly, plainly and directly.
6. A m ericans are always ready to boast o f the m on ey they possess and
7. The A m erican Dream is an indispen sable part o f US p olitical life.
8. N ative A m erican s' speech is very flow e ry and elaborate.
9. Native and European cultures in the USA are not encouraged to m erge
in the "m elting-pot".
10. A m ericans have always felt su perio r to N ative peoples.

6 . Study the fo llo w in g voca b u lary notes. Then g o through the text again
and give the Ukrainian equivalents fo r the hig h lig h ted words.

/ Vocabulary notes
1. To tell an American almost anywhere in the world... The verb in this
context m eans to differentiate, to distinguish, to identify, to perceive, to
recognize... - визначити, вирізнити, розрізнити, відрізнити, виділити,
впізнати, розпізнати тощ о, e.g. She co u ld not tell him by his voice. It's
d ifficu lt to tell the tw ins apart.
2. Converse, і/. Engage in conversation, talk (with a person, on or ab o u t a
subject). Розмовляти, спілкуватися; e.g. Keen to get to know the attractive
new em ployee, she fou nd every o p p o rtu n ity to converse w ith him.
Syn.: co m m u n ic a te -s u c c e e d in the transfer o f in form ation by any means;
talk - co m m u n icate verbally;
co m m u n e - feel at one with, have an intim ate exchange with;
correspon d - co m m u n icate in writing;
con fer - to d ecid e on m utual understanding;
discuss - to exam ine item s verbally;
co n fide - convey sensitive or secret inform ation.
3. To take great pains to do something. To m ake a special effort to d o
som eth in g - щ осили намагатися, e.g. He's taken great pains to im prove
his image.
4. Privacy, n. The w ord belongs to culture specific voca b u lary and m ust
be translated d ep e n d in g on the context. See D eveloping Translation Skills
below. (II)

150 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко * Н. С. Хоменко

The noun p rivacy has the fo llo w in g meanings:
1) th e (desirable) state o f being aw ay from o th e r people, so th at they
ca n n o t see or hear w hat on e is doin g, interest them selves in one's affairs,
etc. In m any w estern co u n trie s this is usually given p articu lar valu e and
p e o p le expect to have th e ir privacy respected by others, e.g. W ith seven
p e o p le squ ash ed in on e house, you d o n 't get m uch privacy. 'You d o n 't
g e t m uch privacy' m eans eve ryth in g - н е м о ж л и в ість сховатися, зни к­
нути, побути на самоті; відсутність сп о ко ю (відпочинку, о со б и сто го
життя), etc.
2) secrecy; avo id an ce o f bein g n otice d or talked a b o u t publicly; the
state o f b ein g free from p u b lic attention, e.g. She co m p la in e d th at the
q u e stio n s w ere an invasion o f her p r iv a c y - втручання у сф еру о со б и сто го
5. Companion, п. /Єомпаньйон(ка). The English and the Ukrainian w ords
are sim ilar in th eir form but different in their m eaning and usage. Such
w ords are referred to as m isleading (хибні друзі перекладача). The noun
"com panion" m ay mean:
1) a person or anim al that goes with, or spends m uch tim e with, another;
a person that shares in the work, pleasure, m isfortunes, etc. o f an oth er -
друг, приятель, товариш , побратим, попутник, партнер, сп івр о зм ов н и к,
(не) ком паній ська лю дина, e.g. She is an excellent com panion. They are
d rin kin g com panions. Your brother is not m uch of a com panion.
Comb: a close co m pa n io n - близький приятель; a faithful co m pa n io n -
вірний товариш ; a travelling co m pa n io n - попутник, co m pa n io n s in
arm s - б о й о ві побратими, co m pa n io ns in m isfortune - друзі в нещасті,
a b oo n co m pa n io n (idiom.) - добрий , веселий приятель.
2) som eone, especially a w om an, w ho is paid to live or travel w ith an
o ld e r person - ком паньйонка, e.g. The old lady's co m pa n io n always drives
th e car.
3) on e o f a m atching pair or set o f th ings - парна річ, e.g. I used to have
a co m p a n io n to that vase, but I broke it.
4) (used in b o o k titles) handbook; reference b o o k - п осібник, довідник,
порадник, e.g. A C om p an ion to Ukrainian Literature.
5) co m pa n io n m em ber o f certain distingu ished orders - кавалер о р д е ­
на (ниж чого ступеня), e.g. C o m p an io n of the British Em pire (CBE) - кава­
лер ордена Британської Імперії.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 151

6. Ubiquitous, adj. Present or fou n d everywhere, om nipresent. В сю д и ­
сущ ий. e.g. The u b iq u itou s Ukrainian traffic p o licem en were beg in n ing to
really annoy the Germ an driver.
7. Perspective, n. This w ord also belo ngs to th e group o f m isleading
words. It m ay mean:
1) a w ay o f th in k in g a b o u t so m e th in g , e s p e cia lly o n e w h ich is in flu ­
en ced by th e ty p e o f person you are o r by y o u r exp e rie n ce s - точка
зору, підхід, погляд, e.g. His fath er's dea th gave him a w h o le new p er­
sp e ctiv e on life.
Phrases: from a perspective - з точки зору, from a new perspective -
з н о в о ї точки зору.
2) the art of draw ing solid objects on a flat surface so as to give the
right im pression of th eir height, width, depth and position in relation to
each oth er - перспектива; e.g. The objects in the background are in/out
of perspective.
Phrases: in perspective - з дотр и м ан н ям законів перспективи, ou t of
perspective - без дотрим ан н я законів перспективи.
3) view, especially on e stretching into the distance - вид (у далечінь),
e.g. A fine perspective of the w h ole valley opened before his eyes.
4) the way in w hich a situation or problem is ju d g e d so that (proper)
co n sid eration and im p o rtan ce is given to each part - правильна п ерспек­
тива. e.g. He sees things in th eir right perspective. Він бачить речі такими,
яким и вони є (без перебільш ення і п ри м енш ення) або Він бачить речі
у правильній перспективі.
Recently the w ord "perspective" has been w id ely used in the first m ean ­
ing o f "точка зору, погляд", e.g. W hat's yo u r perspective on recent d ev e l­
opm ents in Ukraine? - Яка ваша точка зо р у на нещ одавні п од ії в У кр а­
їн і? M an ag in g C o n flict in the Form er Soviet Union: Russian and A m erican
Perspectives (the title o f the book) - О б м е ж ен н я та врегулю вання к о н ­
фліктів у кол и ш н ьо м у СРСР: погляд із Р осії та СІ1ІА.
"П ерспектива" in the m eaning of "види на майбутнє; нові м о ж л и ­
вості; нові горизонти" should be translated as "vistas, prospects, future,
outlook", e.g. A beautiful vista was open to us. П ерспективний сп о р тс­
мен - p rom ising athlete.
8. What do you make in a year? A m E H ow m uch d o you earn annually?
AngloE. Скажи, скільки ти заробляєш за рік? M ake in the sim ilar contexts

152 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

carries the m eaning of to earn or to get money, e.g. The deal could cost you
m ore than you w ould m ake in profit.
9. God/Heaven/the Lord forbid spoken. Used to say that you very
m uch h op e th at som eth in g w ill not happen. Борони Боже, не дай Боже;
e.g. G o d fo rb id that this should ever happen again.
10. What do you do for a living? W hat's your jo b ? Ч им ти заробляєш ?
11. Inscrutable, adj. That can not be understoo d by investigation, w holly
m ysterious. Н еп рон и кни й , незбагненний, таємничий, e.g. People from
China are often th o u g h t of as inscrutable by Europeans.
Syn.: m ysterious, inexplicable, incom prehensible, hidden, inpenetrable,
enigm atic.
12. Melting-pot, fig. A place w here p eo p le from different races, countries
or social classes com e to live to g e th e r - суміш , злиття (різних н а ц іо ­
нальностей, мов, культур тощо), e.g. N ew York has always been a great
m eltin g -p o t. N o te that Canadians have alm ost the opposite, a "m osaic"
culture w here ethic origin s and culture are carefully preserved, a m ajor
reason w hy the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada is still so distinct.
13. Embed, v.
1) lit. a n d fig. to be w h olly co ntain ed w ithin som ething, usually w ith ­
in larger o r firm er entity - закарбовувати(ся), викарбовувати(ся),
запам'ятовувати(ся), e.g. The em b e d d ed attribute in the M icro so ft W ord
d o cu m e n t are not always so easily changed.
2) enclose firm ly - врости, інкорпоруватися, e.g. The sword had over
the centuries becom e em b e d d ed in the w oo d en sarcophagus.
3) fix firm ly in a su rrounding mass o f solid and sem i-solid m aterial -
вставляти, вмуровувати, врізувати; e.g. The co lo u r and shape o f every
stone em b e d d ed in the footpath.
14. Frontiersman, n. O ne of the first settlers of an area where people
have never lived before, th at not m uch is know n about, especially in the
western US before the 20th century - амер. іс т . переселенці, колоністи,
щ о заселяли Захід.
15. Stand out, p h r v. The verb m ay mean:
1) to be very easy to see or notice - виділятися, виступати (на якомусь
фоні), вирізнятися; e.g.The outlines of ro oftops and chim neys stood out
against th e pale sky. She always stood ou t in a crowd.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 153

2) to be m uch better than other sim ilar people or th ing s - виділятися,
вигідно вирізнятися; e.g. That day still stands out as the greatest day in m y
life. His w ork stands ou t am ong o th er paintings.
3) to rise up from a surface - виділятися, виступати (на поверхні), п о ­
значитися; e.g. The veins stood ou t on his throat and tem ples.

7. Listen to the recording of the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

Vocabulary practice

8. Paraphrase the fo llow in g sentences focusing on the italisized parts.

Translate them into Ukrainian using the vocabulary notes.
1. The first th eory is that Am ericans are a "m elting-pot" o f different races
and cultures. 2. The second th eo ry is that the im m igrants to today's USA
cam e to a land p eo pled by co m ple x cultures that had evolved fo r th ou san d s
o f years; those o f N ative Am ericans. 3. W hen Europeans cam e to Am erica,
the Native Am ericans found them very difficu lt to understand, and the
universal phrase W hite m an speaks with forked tongue" appeared. 4. O ver
a co u p le o f centuries, there was enough integration betw een the N ative and
European cultures that there develo ped the im age o f the "straight-talking
frontiersm an , p ro udly used by the em erging new A m erican as a role-
model. 5. Probably the reality is a co m bin ation of these tw o perspectives. 6.
That day still stands out in m y m em ory as the happiest day in m y life. 7. The
d iam on d s were em bedded in the m obile ph on e casing. 8.The ubiquitous
SUVs in Kyiv stood ou t to the foreign visitors because o f th eir quantity. 9.
To put it bluntly, she is not up to the job. 10. H ow can you tell a pirate vid e o
from the real th ing? 11. She enjoyed the chance to converse with som eon e
w ho spoke her language. 12. I have always appreciated his ab ility to be
quite gu arded in his com m ents. 13. He has taken g reat p ain s to prove his
ability to be a conference interpreter. 14. She co m pla in e d th at the qu estion
W hat do y o u m ake in a m onth?" was an invasion o f her privacy. 15. Fear
was the h o sta g e s constant com panion. 16. This event fu lly co n vin ced m e
of the inscrutable ways of Providence. 17. His w ork in the UN and EU adds
a w id er perspective.

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Note: In contemporary English, the word jeep is a military or faim vehicle, or a
brand name for an SUV (sports utility vehicle) marketed by General Motors. The stan­
dard Ukrainian translation for an SUV is "джип".

9. Find in th e text the words w hich correspon d to the follow ing definitions:
1. "M an n e r of speaking roughly and plainly, w ithout trying to be
polite or to hide unpleasant facts". 2. "Seem ing to be everywhere , ever­
present", "universal". 3. "S om eon e w h o shows no em otion or reaction in
the expression on their face so th at it is im p ossib le to know w hat they
are feeling o r thinking . 4. "Behaviour and attitudes that m ost people in
a society co n sid e r to be norm al and right". 5. The final result of a m eeting,
discussion, war, etc. - used especially w hen no on e knows what it will be
until it actually happens". 6. “To put som eth in g firm ly and deeply into
som eth in g else, o r to be put into som eth in g in this w ay .

10. Insert th e m ost suitable verb in the fo llow in g sentences from the fo l­
low ing list of synonyms: to converse, to talk, to commune, to communicate,
to confer, to discuss, to confide.
1. She loved to trek into the w ilderness to ...with nature. 2. He d id n 't
know in w h om to .... 3. She co u ld n 't m ake the m odem ... with the server,
fo r som e reason. 4. It's a pleasure to sit dow n with you over a cup of coffee
and ... the w orld. 5. His dream had long been to ... in Japanese and so he
spent his free evenings learning th e language. 6. The teams in the quiz
show were allow ed to ... before givin g th eir gro up answer. 7. The therapist
... th e co u p le to learn to discuss m atters before acting. 8. The desire to ...
w ith d o lp h in s has driven her academ ic career. 9. The negotiation broke off
fo r ten m inutes while the sides ... in sepearate room s. 10. It to o k a lot of
co u rag e fo r her to be able to ... her secret desires. 11. He sim ply couldn t ...
w h ile his m outh was full o f toffee.

1 1 From th e follow in g list of w ords ch oose those that are close in m eaning
to th e noun perspective in each sentence: view, viewpoint, hindsight, angle,
context, landscape, panoram a, proportion, prospect, relation, vista, w ay of
looking. Then translate th e sentences into Ukrainian using synonym s as
a prom pt.

Англійська мова. II КУРС
1. W e have to look at everything from an international perspective.
2. The picture looks strange, because it has no perspective. 3. The new
evidence put an entirely different perspective on the case. 4. He was unable
to see p roblem s in their true perspective. 5. W hat's yo u r perspective on the
visa-free regim e fo r EU countries, w hich has been introduced in Ukraine?
6. The novel is w ritten from a fem in ist perspective. 7. The changes of the
1990s can be called epo ch -m akin g w hen seen th rou g h the perspective
of years. 8. The islands were of great im p ortan ce from the perspective of
A m erican Security. 9. From the top you g et a fine perspective of the city.
10. The radical change to her p u blic im age was looked at th rou g h a biased

12. M atch the English w o rd -co m b in a tio n s with th eir Ukrainian counterparts.
1) from a perspective а) бачити у сп р а в ж н ь о м у світлі
2) historical perspective b) втратити відчуття реальності
3) w ider / broader perspective C) з н о в о ї точки зору
4) to lose all sense o f perspective d) істори чн и й аспект
5) get / keep som ething in perspective e) крізь п р и зм у років
6) in a new perspective f) бачити щ ось у перспективі
7) through the perspective o f years g) з точки зор у
8) to see som eth in g in perspective h) ш и рш и й погляд

13. Translate the fo lllo w in g sentences into English using the w ord perspec­
tive w hereever possible:
1. Л и ш е п обувавш и в індіанських резерваціях, я п обачив п роб лем и
корінн о го населення А м е р и к и в сп р ав ж н ь о м у світлі. 2. Тобі не завадив
би ш и рш и й погляд на питання р а со в о ї нетерпимості. 3. У пер спекти ­
ві п о д о р о ж д о Сп ол учен и х Штатів не виклю чається. 4. З батьківської
точки зо р у Тетянина витівка була незрозум ілою . 5. Крізь п р и зм у років
колонізація А м е р и ки бачиться в д е щ о ін ш о м у світлі. 6. Твій новий на­
прям дослідж ен ь свідчить п ро те, щ о ти втратив відчуття реальності.
Ти уявляєш, яким и будуть витрати? 7. П еред нам и відкриваю ться нові
горизонти. 8. Богдан був перспекти вн им сп о ртсм ен ом . 9. То яка ваша
точка зору на останні п о д ії на Близьком у Сході? 10. Тарас бачить речі
такими, як вони є. 11. Зображ ення предм етів у перспективі - це те п е р ­
ше, чого вчать худож ників-початківців. 12. З гори відкривалася чудова

156 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

п анорам а на м орське узбереж ж я. 13. Після останніх подій його погля­
ди на життя змінилися. 14. Ти розум ієш ситуацію зовсім неправильно.

14. Insert adjectives from the fo llo w in g list using Ukrainian w ords in brack­
ets as prom pts: inscrutable, mysterious, inexplicable, incom prehensible, h id ­
den, inpenetrable, enigm atic.
1. It was im possible to tell w hat she was th inkin g - her features were
(непроникні). 2. The (загадковий) stranger cam e su dd en ly into the room
and ju s t as abruptly, left. 3. The (незбагненні) rituals were of such long
trad ition th at n o b o d y th o u g h t abo ut them . 4. The m anual accom panying
the hom e cinem a system was totally (незрозумілий). 5. The co ttag e was
(прихований) deep in the forest. 6. The (непролазний) ju n g le had pre­
vented m en from discovering the new species of fox until this year. 7. The
accou n tan t had such an (загадковий) personality that after several years
I felt as th ou g h I hardly knew him.

15. From the fo llow in g list of w ords ch o ose those that are close in m eaning
to the noun com panion in each sentence: accomplice, carer, colleague,
comrade, fellow soldier, fello w traveller, friend, guide, handbook, holder (of
the O rder o f Merit), match, mate, partner, playm ate, sociable (person). Then
translate th e sentences into Ukrainian using synonym s as a prom pt.
1. His dog has always been a faithful com panion. 2. M y co m pa n io n on
the jo u rn e y was an arm y officer in his m id-thirties. 3. The p olice arrested
him and his tw o co m pa n io n s in crime. 4. John hardly recog n ized th e co m ­
panion of his youth. 5. People were attracted to her. She was an excellent
com panion. 6. She to o k a post as a paid co m pa n io n to the old lady. 7. C o m ­
panions in arm s were invited to the reception organized in th eir honour.
8. Here's the slip pe r fo r m y left foot, but where's its co m pa n io n? 9. People
shunned him, as he was not m uch o f a com panion. 10. His bran d-n ew car
provoked adm iration. Even the O w ner's C om p an ion was in an expensive
leather cover. 11. The lady is m y constant co m pa n io n at bridge. 12. She got
the C o m p an io n of H o n o u r fo r her special services of national im portance.

16. Insert the m ost suitable w ord from the fo llo w in g list o f adjectives:
home, indigenous, vernacular, native, local, aboriginal, autochthonous, o rig ­
inal, domestic, mother.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 157

1. The ... peo ples o f Siberia have spread to every part o f Russia. 2.
A m erican art is a prized souvenir. 3. The ... brand o f ice cream was the
m ost p o p u lar in the region. 4. The blog au th or w rote in the ... to reach a
larger audience. 5. The ... p eo p le o f Australia created the D ream tim e myths.
6. The ... artw ork o f the co m ic strip realized a huge sum at auction. 7. The
tribe is ..., claim ing descent from a son o f Borysthenes Targitaos, w ho lived
a thousand years before. 8. The ... m arket o f M ilkila n d includes butter,
cheese and oth er d airy products. 9. The ... leg o f th e European C h am p ion s'
League sem i final was held at the O lym piyskiy Stadium . 10. H e r ... ton g u e
was French.

17. Fill in the blanks with w ords and w o rd -co m b in a tio n s listed below.
Translate both texts into Ukrainian.
M elting-pot, the A m erican Dream, G od forbid, to tell, the Land o f O ppor­
tunity, how m uch do y o u make, to take g re at pains, to stand out.
1. O ne of the ways ... a Ukrainian is to experience th eir h osp itality w hen
you 're in th eir com pany. They ... to ply you with fo o d and drinks. They will
cheerfully chat with you, sing and dance fo r you. They'll ask you a lot o f
qu estion s that show interest in you. They w ou ld seek in form ation ab o u t the
place you are from, ab o u t y o u r family, yo u r jo b , y o u r eating and drinking
habits, ab o u t the w eather and clim ate in yo u r co u n try etc. But alm ost no
Ukrainian w ould ask you ab o u t y o u r financial status. Thus, such questions
as "... in a m onth?" w ou ld alm ost never be heard. In th eir turn, Ukrainians
will g la d ly speak ab o u t th eir distant relatives, neighbours, colleagues, their
you n g children and grandchildren, the sw eetest and cleverest o f all. But
th ey are reluctant to talk ab o u t th eir private life, business, incom e or
2. Those w ho have been to N ew York say that it im presses you by its
grandeur. It ... as being one of the largest and richest cities in the world,
an international leader in trade, finance and th e perform in g arts. Even if
you know English well, you 'll experience d ifficu lty in u n derstanding p eo p le
there and this is no wonder, as p eo p le from differen t races, countries and
social classes live there - N ew York has always been a great .... Luxurious
cars, sky-scrapers, huge sh o p p in g malls, the N ew York Stock Exchange,
the heartland o f the A m erican Economy, the H av e-a-N ice-D ay culture, the
Statue o f Liberty representing freedom , faces o f successful celebrities lo o k ­

158 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. N3. B acM /iw eH K O ■ H. C. X o M e H x o

ing from glossy m agazine covers. New York epitom izes the idea that the
US is ... w here everyone has th e chance of becom ing rich and successful.
The idea know n as ... still attracts so m any im m igrants to co m e and live in
the US.

18. C o m p le te the sentences w ith one of the fo llow in g w ords and phrases,
using the Ukrainian w ords and phrases in brackets as a prom pt: to people,
guarded, stranger, inscrutable, to converse, it is a m atter o f convention,
native, to p u t it bluntly, outcome, to stand out, to embed.
1. (Відверто кажучи) I th ink yo u r chances of passing the exam are a l­
m ost non-existent. 2. It is d ifficu lt (вести розм ову) rationally with people
w h o hold extrem ist views. 3. (Так заведено) that businessm en should wear
suits. 4. He was not certain w hether the (м ісцеве населення) were frie n d ­
ly. 5. W e were anxiously aw aiting (результат) of their discussion. 6. Feel­
ings o f g u ilt are d eeply (укорінятися) in her personality. 7. The new road
sign is easy to read; the w ords (дуже чіткі). 8. A co m p le te (незнайом ець)
w aved to m e in the street. 9. People from Asia are (загадковий) because it's
d ifficu lt to tell w hat they are th inkin g from the expression on th eir faces.
10. The m inister was q u ite (обереж ний) in his com m ents. 11. Her w orld
(заповню вати) with im aginary friends.

19. Read th e fo llo w in g lim erick. Try to m em orize it. Explain how its contents
relate to Text 1.

There was a you n g lady of Kent,

W h o always said ju st w hat she meant,
People said, "She's a dear -
So uniqu e - so sincere
But th ey shunned her by co m m o n consent.

20. Below are given three translations of the sentence W hile a Japanese
person is extrem ely concerned in m aking sure that everything said is polite
a n d guarded, o r an English person m a y take great p ains to respect the
p riv a cy o f their com panion, an A m e rica n w ill sim p ly say w hat he m eans and
ask w hat he'd like to know. C o n sid e r w hich o p tio n is m ore faithful to the
original. Explain yo u r choice. Give yo u r own alternative.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 159

1. П оки яп он ец ь вкрай зан еп окоєн и й тим, щ о б переконатися, щ о
все, щ о він сказав св о єм у ком паньй он ові, ввічливе та стримане, або
англієць намагатиметься не втручатися в особисте життя свого к о м ­
паньйона, ам ер и кан ец ь просто скаже, щ о він думає, і запитає те, про
щ о хоче дізнатися.
2. На від м ін у від японця, який п ильно стежить за тим, щ об його мова
була в вічл и вою та виваж еною , і від англійця, який намагається не то р ­
катися у р о зм о в і ж одних особ исти х аспектів життя свого с п ів р о з м о в ­
ника, ам ер и кан ец ь просто говорить те, щ о думає, й питає п ро те, щ о
його цікавить.
3. В той час, коли японська персона вкрай занепокоєна тим, щ об
переконатися у тому, щ о все, щ о було сказано, ввічливе та обереж не,
або англійська персона м ож е си льно хотіти, щ о б поваж ати інтимність
свого ком паньйона, ам ери кан ец ь відверто висловить д у м к у і запитає
те, п ро щ о хоче дізнатися.

21. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into English:

1. Ш рам виступав на щ оці бувалого запорож ця. 2. Скільки ти з а р о б ­
ляєш на рік? 3. Будинки на ц ьо м у м алю нку зоб р аж ен і з д отр и м ан н ям
законів перспективи. 4. Це мій д о б р и й товариш уж е багато років. 5. Ця
картина вирізняється з -п о м іж його інш их робіт. 6. Злиття м іс ц е в о ї та
євр о п е й ської культур призвело д о виникнення образу білого к ол о­
ніста, який завж ди кажє те, щ о думає. 7. Почуття п р ови н и глибоко вко ­
рінилося в ньому. 8. Відверто кажучи, вести р о зм о в у з азіатами було
нелегко, адже їх обли ччя часто н ічого не виражаю ть. 9. О б р и си зали ­
того світлом будинка чітко виділялися на фоні тем ного нічного неба.
10. Як м ож на розпізнати а м ер и кан ц ів серед інш их туристів? 11. М о їм
п оп утн иком виявився від ом и й журналіст. 12. Сховатися в ц ь о м у б у ­
ди нку було просто ніде. 13. Герб род у вм урували у скелю п р ям о над
входом д о фортеці. 14. Д ум ки її були приховані, обли ччя загадкове, як
і поведінка в цілому. 15. П рон и кн ути у зам ко ву веж у було практично
нем ож ливо. 16. М и з М а р ій к о ю виявилися д рузям и в нещасті. 17. Б о ­
рони нас Боже від цих незрозум іли х місцевих. 18. Ці племена є к о р ін ­
ним населенням Аляски. 19. М ен і вже просто набридли ці всю дисущ і
пасхальні яйця та ш околадні кролики на полицях кож ного магазину.
20. В давні часи незам іж н і дівчата ви сокого роду могли подорож увати

160 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

ли ш е з ком паньй он кам и. 21. М о р я к и спілкувалися з м ісц е в и м насе­
ленням жестами, адже тутеш н ьої м ови не знали. 22. О б го в ор е н н я було
ж вавим, адже всі хотіли висловитися. 23. Говорити з адвокатом було
нудно: щ о він хотів сказати, зрозум іти було непросто.

22. Translate into English the follow in g excerpts from the b o o k "Snow
dies on the Earth" ("Сніг п о м и р а є на землі") by Valeriy Kykot. Use the
fo llo w in g key words: сидіння з ви со ки м и ніж кам и - a b a r stool, бути
спантеличеним - to be baffled, винувато розвести руками - to shrug,
feeling guilty, передати - to h an d over, ковток - a m outhful, не смітити -
no littering, штраф - penalty.
За годину по тому, як наш літак приземлився в ае р оп ор ту Кенне-
ді у Н ью -Й орку, ми зайш ли щ ось випити в один із барів Манхеттена.
Влаштувалися на сидіннях із ви со ки м и ніж ками біля стійки бару й за­
м ови ли пиво. П раворуч від м ене п ро щ ось гом оніли ж інка й чоловік
сер ед н ього віку. Ж інка, п очувш и м о ю р о зм о в у з ба р м е н о м , п овернула­
ся й спитала, з якого я штату. Я зізнався, щ о це перш а в м о єм у житті го­
дина перебування в СІ1ІА і щ о я з України. Вона відпустила ком пл ім ент
щ о д о м оєї англійської й сказала, щ о ніколи не чула п ро Україну. Я сп ан ­
теличено п очав згадувати слова, які м ож уть асоцію ватися в ін озем ц ів
з м о єю країною . Та, о кр ім Києва, в голову н ічого не приходило. Ж інка
винувато розвела руками, мовляв, це їй теж нічого не каже. Та коли я,
зреш тою , назвав Ч о р н о б и л ь - обоє, і вона, і її чоловік, зі співчутливим
виразом на об ли ччях ствердно закивали головами.

У Ваш ингтоні Л ю б о м и р "передав" нас Орестові, св о єм у товариш еві

і ком паньй он ові. Сам поїхав д о Н ью -Д ж ерсі. А ми почали з пам'ятника
Ш евченкові. Вперш е бачив у камені такого м оло до го Тараса.

Ж # #

Стою на вулиці Пітсбурга. Відкрив щ о й н о куплену в суперм аркеті

банку пива. Не встиг зроб ити п ерш ий ковток, як переді м н о ю н еві­
д о м о звідки виріс полісмен і суво р о попередив, щ о в С Ш А розпивати

Англійська мова. II КУРС 161

алкоголь на вулиці забо р он ен о. Д овелося залізти в авто і випити там.
Як він дізнався, щ о я ін озем ець? Це, мабуть, через те, щ о ам ер и кан ец ь
так би не вчинив.
Ідемо з Пітсбурга д о Н ью -Й орка, ди вуєм ося чистоті ам ер и кан ськи х
вулиць і доріг. Час від часу трапляю ться акуратні таблички: "Викидати
сміття забо рон ен о. Штраф $800".
оба гчОп тчОи
і ? ?

Скінчилася досить тривала п о д о р о ж по СШ А. Ч им ж е сподобалася

м ені А м ери ка, і щ о є в ній для м ене неприйнятне?
Усюди п оря д ок і чистота. Усе д оступне простій лю дині. Все є. Та чи
є щастя? Н езваж аю чи на те, щ о кож не обличчя, на я ко м у зупиняєш
погляд, негайно ж розтягується у тр а д и ц ій н о м у ам ер и к ан сь к о м у см ай -
лі, усю ди віє нудьгою і байдуж істю . Вражає і кількість товстих лю дей.
О ж и р ін н я тут є статистичною н ор м ою . П риїхати ще раз - так. Ж ити - ні.
М аб уть тому, щ о л ю д и ні треба, щ об увесь час чогось не вистачало, бо
коли в неї все є - вона перетворю ється на свиню .
Та й Бога у небі тут немає. Бог є тільки в тому небі, котре над твоєю
Батьківщиною. А ле ж є іще непереверш ений американський патріотизм!?
Отже, скор іш е за все, м ої враж ення хибні. А д ж е не тільки а м е р и к а н ­
цям, а й багатьом ін ш и м лю дям тут добре. Не м ож н а судити по собі.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. If y o u r a u to m o b ile in Am erica is a lem on, it's ...

a) a y ellow taxi; b) defective; c) a gas-guzzler; d) a bargain

2. Som ething w hich is d o d g y is ...

a) dubious; b) d ifficu lt to see; c) easy to miss; d) loud

3. A n item g o in g fo r a so n g is ...
a) very cheap; b) very expensive; c) very loud; d) very nice

4. A ta b lo id is ...
a) a small table; b) a stone tile; c) a sm all-form at newspaper; d) a tiny tablet

162 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко


1. Look at the title of Text 2. Read the fo llo w in g qu estion s and try to answer
them before reading the text.
1. W h at is the d octrine of racism based on? 2. A re racial differences
betw een peo p le the m ain influence on th eir characters and abilities?
3. W h o m ade racism the official ideology? 4. In w hat countries was racism
used to ju stify racial discrim ination, segregation and apartheid? 5. Is racial
d iscrim in ation legal in any co u ntry o f the w orld?

2. Read the abstract ab o u t the author. Have you read anything by him?
Have you seen his film s? Do you possess any ad dition al in form ation ab o ut
his life and activities?

3. Transcribe the fo llo w in g words, co nsu ltin g the pro n o u n cin g d ictio n ary if
necessary. Practice th eir pronunciation.
Colum bine, Fahrenheit, M o tle y Crue, Caucasian, bow ling, disqualified,
extraordinary, racism, lull, em erge, stalk, stereo, tornado, coincidence, evict,
deposit, puke, elim inate, insight, burglar, attach, Archim edes, entrepreneur.

4. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g com m ents:

Com m ents

1. Bowling for Columbine. Боулшг для Колумбши.

2. Fahrenheit 9/11. 9/11 за Фаренгейтом.
3. ВВ gun, А тЕ . A long, light gun that uses air power to fire small round metal
balls. BB guns are usually the first guns given to older children when they are
learning to shoot. They use them to fire at targets and to shoot small animals -
духова рушницн.
4. M otley Crue. A legendary group of six American Rock singers, their slogan
being 'Sin is good, sin is great, sin is back". The group was formed in Febru­
ary 1981 in Los Angeles. They are famous for playing Glam Rock ("шикарний,

Англійська мова. II КУРС 163

блискучий рок", "глітер-рок") distinguished by the costumes and stage acts
rather than any particular aspect of their music. The name of the group may
presumably be analyzed into two components: a m otley collection/crew/as­
sortment - a group of people or things that are very different from each other
and do not seem to belong together; and crew - a group of people or friends -
often used to show disapproval, e.g. A motley crew of students - різношерста
компанія студентів.
5. Lemon, informal. Something that is useless because it fails to work or to work
properly - мотлох, барахло, купа металу, металобрухт, туфта etc.
Lemon law А т Е colloq. Provision in some laws requiring manufacturer to pro­
vide a full refund on purchases of over $5 where repair cannot be made within
a reasonable period of use - закон про недоброякісну продукцію. In informal
Anglo-English the idea of "not working properly or not in good condition; not to
be trusted; involving risk or danger" may be expressed by such adjectives as dodgy,
lousy or the rather crude crap. e.g. a crap car; a lousy hard disk; dodgy share deal­
ings; dodgy moments. In both languages, the phrase "to be sold a pup" is synony­
mous with "to be sold a lemon".
6. Caucasian, adj. 1. In the USA, Canada, Australia and Singapore, Caucasian
refers to any light-skinned people, especially Europeans - білий. The Caucasian
race in classification by some US anthropologists is a major race, corresponding
to the European, North African and Middle Eastern native populations. 2. Of the
Caucasus, its people, or languages - кавказький.

5. Read the follow in g abstract from the b o o k Stupid W hite Men by M ichael
M o o re and answ er the fo llow in g questions checking your general u nder­
standing of the abstract.
1. W h y d o you th ink the au th or is so critical of Am erican society? 2. H ow
does the au th or define his attitude to racism ? 3. W hat unm istakable pat­
tern seem s to em erge as the au th or looks back on his life? 4. Is the au th or
the only w hite Am erican w ho suffered from the p eo p le of the sam e colour?
5. W h y can't the au th or help m aking sarcastic com m ents on the H ave-a-
N ice-D a y culture?

164 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • H. C. Хоменко

Text 2: Am erican Racism by Michael Moore

M ic h a e l M o o r e is one o f the most outspoken critics

o f Am erican society. He both directs and writes, with
his Bowling for Colum bine winning an Oscar for best
docum entary o f 2003, although his docum entary Fahr­
enheit 9/11 was disqualified from the 2005 Oscars
because of the tim ing o f its re le a se , even though it
was one o f the top 10 films o f 2004, an extraordinary
achievement for a non-fiction film.
This extract is from his book Stupid White Men (2001)
about George W. Bush and the men who ru n the USA.
The book was num ber one bestseller in both the USA
and Europe for almost a year. As well as defining his at­
titude to racism, it lists m any o f the im portant is s u e s in
the life o f an Am erican today. It is im portant to understand that Moore takes advan­
tage o f each American's right to free speech, as stated in the Am erican Constitution,
to say things that would sim ply not be allowed to be said in m any other countries.

"W hite p eo ple scare th e crap o u t o f me. This m ay be hard fo r you to

understand - con siderin g that I am w hite - but then again, m y co lo r gives
m e a certain insight. For instance, I find m yself pretty scary a lot o f the
time, so I know w hat I'm talking about. You can take my w ord fo r it: if you
find you rself su dden ly surrounded by w hite people, you better w atch out.
A n yth in g can happen.
As w hite people, we've been lu lle d in to th in k in g it's safe to be around
o th er w hite people. W e've been tau gh t since birth that it's the p eo p le of
that other color we need to fear. They're the ones w ho'll slit you r throat.
Yet as I look back on my life, a strange but unm istakable pattern seems
to em erge. Every person w h o has ever harm ed me in m y lifetim e - the boss
w ho fired me, the teacher w ho flu n k e d me, th e p rin cip a l w h o punished
me, the kid w h o hit me in the eye w ith a rock, the o th er kid w h o shot me
with his BB gun, the executive w ho d id n 't renew m y favorite TV show, the
guy w h o was sta lkin g m e fo r three years, the accou n tan t w h o d o u b le -p a id
m y taxes, the drunk w h o sm ashed into me, the burglar w ho stole my ste­
reo, the co n tracto r w ho ov e rch a rg e d me, the girlfriend w h o left me, the
next girlfriend w h o left even sooner, the p ilo t o f the plane I was in w h o hit a
truck on the runway, the oth er p ilo t w h o decided to fly th rou g h a tornado,

Англійська мова. II КУРС 165

the person in the office w ho stole checks from m y ch e ckb o o k and w rote
them ou t to h im self fo r a total o f $16,000 — every one o f those individuals
has been a w hite person. C oin cide n ce ? I th in k not!
I have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by
a black person, never had m y se cu rity d e p o s it rip p e d o ff by a black
lan d lo rd , never h ad a black landlord, never had a m eeting at a H o llyw o o d
stu dio w ith a black executive in charge, never seen a black agent at the film /
TV agency that used to represent me, never had a black person d en y my
child the co lle g e of her choice, never been puked on by a black teen ag er at
a M o tle y C ru e concert, never been p u lle d o v e r by a black cop, never been
sold a le m o n by a black car salesm an, never seen a black car salesm an,
never had a black person deny m e a bank loan, never had a black person
try to bury m y movie, and I've never heard a black person say, "W e're g o in g
to elim inate ten th ousand jo b s here - have a nice day!"
I d o n 't th in k I'm the only w hite g u y w h o can m ake these claims. Every
m ean word, every cruel act, every bit o f pain and suffering in my life has
had a C au casian face attached to it."

6. Study th e fo llo w in g v ocabulary notes. Then g o th rou g h the text again

and give the Ukrainian equivalents for the h ig h lig h ted words:

/ Vocabulary notes
1. Release, n. This noun m ay mean:
1) a) a setting free o r being set free from du ty or im p rison m en t - зв іл ь ­
нення (з тю рми), позбавлення (обов'язків), e.g. release from prison;
a release from solem n obligations;
b) a letter or m essage that sets som eo n e free - д о кум е н т п ро звіл ьн ен ­
ня (з-під опіки, з в'язниці тощо), e.g. The g o v ern o r o f the prison signed
a release.
Syn:. rem ission - (m edical) lessening o f the sym ptom s o f a disease, (pris­
on) the am ou n t by w hich a prison sentence is reduced, fo r g o o d beh aviou r
o r such reason; deliverance - rescue, the freeing o f som eo n e from torm ent;
liberation - the freeing o f som eo ne from confinem ent.
2) law givin g up o f any possible claim against an oth er person; a d o c ­
um ent by w hich a person frees an oth er from any claim - д о кум е н т про

166 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

звільнення від зобов'язання; виправдний документ, розписка; д о к у ­
м ент п ро передачу права чи майна, e.g. It was necessary fo r his w ife to
sign a release form before his m ountain clim bin g expedition.
Comb.: a m edical release form - п и сьм ова згода хво р о го на операцію ,
якою він звільняє лікарів від відповідальності за м ож л и ві негативні
наслідки, to agree / sign a release - переписати (майно) на когось; за п о ­
відати (майно) комусь;
3) a) th e act o f m aking som eth in g available to the p u b lic - вихід, в и ­
пуск, публікація (фільму, книги, продукту тощо), e.g. The new softw are is
planned fo r release in April.
b) a th ing that is m ade available to the public, especially a new CD or
film / m ovie - щось, щ о публікується, випускається (фільм, щ о вийш ов,
оп ублікован а книга тощо), e.g. the band's latest release.
c) an official statem ent, report, etc th at is m ade available to be printed
or broadcast, o r the act of m aking it available - п овід ом ленн я для друку,
прес-реліз, оп убл ікован ий матеріал, e.g. O cto b e r 22nd is th e date set for
the report's release.
2. Run the USA, v. The verb to ru n in this context m eans "to org an ize or
be in charge o f an activity, business, organization, or country" - керувати,
контролю вати, очолю вати, відповідати за щось; e.g. M an y p eo p le d o n 't
care w h o runs the country.
3. Issue, n. The noun belo ngs to the g ro u p of w ords of w ide sem antics.
It m ay mean:
1) o u tg o in g o r o utflow - вихід, витікання, виділення; e.g. The issue of
waste from the factory into the river was dangerous.
2) a) su p p ly and distrib u tion o f item s fo r use or sale - публікація, о п у ­
блікування, видання (чогось), e.g. the issue o f a new ed ition o f this d ic ­
b) number, quantity or set o f item s su pplied and distrib uted at one
tim e - наклад, тираж, видання (сукупність виданих п р и м ір н и к ів газет,
книг тощо), фін. емісія; e.g. The new issue of banknotes was extrem ely
elab orately printed.
c) one of a regular series of pu blication s - число (журналу тощо),
випуск, ном ер, e.g. the July issue (e.g. of a m agazine).
3) im p o rtan t to p ic fo r discussion, p o in t in qu estion - питання, п р о б л е ­
ма, e.g. a vital issue.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 167

4) la w children considered as part o f o n e s fam ily — потомство, діти,
нащадки, e.g. die w ith o u t issue (childless).
4. Scare the crap / the life / living daylights / hell, etc out of somebody.
Frighten som eo n e very m uch — лякати, налякати, злякати, перелякати,
відлякувати, e.g. The alarm scared the hell o u t o f me.
5. To lull somebody (into something). Calm som ebody, especially by
d ecep tion - приспати (пильність, підозри тощо), колисати, за сп о к о ю ­
вати, пом 'якш увати, умовляти, переконувати, навію вати (думку, вп ев­
неність, сп окій тощо), e.g. to lull som ebody's suspicions; to lull so m e b o d y
into a false sense o f security.
6. Flunk, in fo rm al AmE. The verb m ay be used in tw o m eanings:
1) fail (exam ination, academ ic course, etc) - завалити іспит, e.g. to flunk
2) give a failing m ark to (som ebody) - завалити когось на іспиті, e.g. to
be flunked in chemistry.
7. Principal, n. The w ord belo ngs to the gro u p o f m islead in g words. It
m ay mean:
1) A m E som eo n e w h o is in charge o f a school / university / co lle g e (A n -
g loE head teacher) - ди ректор ш коли / коледжу; ректор університету.
2) a person o r entity having the ch ie f au th ority or re sp on sib ility - перш а
особа, керівник, бос, шеф, "патрон", лю дина, яку перекладаю ть, клієнт,
принципал, e.g.: Interpreters should try to be a little bit m ore neutral than
the Principal fo r w h om they are interpreting.
3) the m ain p erform e r in a play or in a g ro u p o f m usicians, dancers, etc. -
п ровід н ий актор (актриса) / виконавець, соліст, зірка, e.g. The audience
w ent especially quiet as the principal to o k centre-stage.
4) finance the o rigin al am ou n t of m oney th at is lent to som eone, not
in clu ding any o f the interest; capital sum - о сно вн а сума боргу; осн о вн и й
капітал, e.g. The interest was paid m on th ly but the principal co u ld not be
w ithdraw n fo r tw o years.
Principal, adj. First in rank or im portance; chief, main, leading, etc - го­
ловний, основн ий , п р овід н ий тощо, e.g. the principal tow ns o f a country;
the principal m em bers o f the governm ent; gr. a principal clause.
Do not con fuse the noun and adjective "principal" w ith th eir paronym
p rinciple" (a basic rule), w hich has the sam e p ro nu n ciation but a different
m eaning.

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Principle, n.
1) a m oral rule or belief ab o u t w hat is right and wrong, that influences
how you behave - м оральні н орм и й правила; e.g. high m oral principles;
m an/w om an of principle; to betray / co m prom ise yo u r principles.
2) the basic idea that a plan or system is based on - принцип, правило;
закон, норма; основн а ідея, e.g. basic / fundam ental / g u id in g principle;
to establish / form u late / lay basic principles.
3) a rule w hich explains the way som ething such as m achine works, or
which explains a natural force in the universe - при нци п устр о ю (машини,
м ехан ізм у тощо); закони (фізики тощо); e.g. A rchim e de s' principle; the
basic principles o f physics. These m achines both w ork on th e sam e principle.
Comb.: on principle - з п р и н ц и п у / з п р и н ц и п ови х міркувань; in p rin ­
cip le / in general - в принципі; a qu estion o f p rin cip le / a fundam ental
(basic) qu estion - п р и н ц и п о ве питання, m an of high p rin cip les - в и со ­
ком оральна лю дина, m an o f no principles - бе зп ри н ц и п н а лю дина, to
co m p rom ise one's principles - зрадити св оїм при нци п ам , to adhere to
the prin cip le - дотрим уватися принципу.
Ukrainian w o rd -co m b in atio n s "п ри нц ип о ва лю дина" should be tran s­
lated as "a man o f integrity", "п ри нц ип о ва згода" - "consent in principle
(in the main)".
8. Stalk, v. Follow som eo n e w ith unw anted attention. Вистежувати,
переслідувати, набридати увагою; e.g. If you keep p o p p in g up in this
café, she's gonna th ink you're stalking her.
O th er m eanings o f the verb include:
1) pursue prey or a victim stealthily, especially under c o v e r - підкрадатися
(до здобичі, ворога), e.g. Big cats are masters of stalking their prey. The d e ­
fendant was charged with stalking the m ovie star over an extended period.
2) w alk in long, stiff strides in an im posing m anner - гордо виступати,
крокувати; e.g. In a rage, I stalked out. The headm istress stalked into the
room and all the children stopped writing.
9. Security deposit, AmE. Завдаток. N o w often also used in th e UK; e.g.
W hen we signed a rental agreem ent for the apartm ent, we left a security
d e p o sit o f on e m onth's rent with the landlord.
10. Rip somebody off, p h rasal verb. Cheat or steal som eth in g from
so m e b o d y - обідрати як липку. Regarded still as colloqu ial, but now m i­
grating into standard speech, e.g. The shop tried to rip m e off.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 169

11. Lan dlo rd, n. O rig in a lly an ow ner or land a n d /o r building, now a per­
son w ho lets a b u ild in g o r its part. Власник зем лі/квартири/будівлі, о р е н ­
додавець, e.g. W e agreed to m eet the landlord and the landlady at three,
in the apartm ent we w anted to rent from them.
12. O vercharge, v. Charge an a m o u n t in excess to the right price -
правити н ад м ір н у ціну, e.g. She was furious as she turned to leave the
shop but realized that she'd been overcharged.
Charge, v.
1) to ask fo r an am ou n t as a price - призначати, вимагати, правити
(певну ціну), e.g. They charged quite a fair price fo r it.
2) to load or fill (a thing) to the full or pro pe r extent, especially to load
a gun - навантажувати, обтяжувати, заряджати, e.g. The air was still
charged with dust. W e needed to charge the battery im m ediately.
3) to entrust with a duty, task o r respon sibility - доручати, e.g. He was
charged with escortin g the prisoner to the prison in the n eig h b ou rin g town.
4) to blam e o f a particular offence u n der law - обвинувачувати, e.g.
W hat offence was he charged with eventually?
5) m ake a rushing attack - атакувати, e.g. W e were charging up the hill
at breakneck speed.
Phrases: to be in charge - відповідати, контролю вати, to put in
charge - поставити відповідальним , free o f charge - безплатно, to be on
a charge - бути зви нувач ен и м у чомусь.
13. Pull over, A m E p h rasal verb. Drive to the side o f the road and stop
yo u r car, or to m ake som eo n e else d o this - під'їхати д о тротуару чи краю
дороги; притиснути д о узбіччя, e.g. A cop pulled him over and gave him
a speeding ticket (AmE). Com pare: A traffic policem an stop p ed him and
w rote ou t a fixe d -p e n alty notice (AngloEng).

7. Listen to the recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

8 . Define w hether the follow in g statem ents are false or true:

1. The b o o k Stupid W hite M en was not a success in the US because of
M ich ael M oo re's strong criticism of A m erican society. 2. W hen fou n d h im ­
self surrounded by w hite people, M o o re has always felt co m fo rtab le and
safe. 3. A cco rd in g to M oore, w hite A m ericans are b ro ug h t up to respect

170 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Галонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

the p eo ple o f the other colour. 4. The au th or w ould be unjustly insulted,
robbed and cheated by his w hite com patriots. 5. The tro u b le with lem ons
was that M o o re w anted to buy them singly, but they were sold o n ly by the
kilo. 6. Som e of M ich ael M oore's girlfriends turned o u t to be em p ty-head -
ed. 7. Blacks are not as black so th ey are painted.

Vocabulary practice

9. Finish the follow in g sentences as close to the texts of the lesson as

1. O ne o f the ways to tell an A m erican alm ost anyw here in the w orld
2. A lth o u g h geo g rap h ically m any of the N ative A m erican nations were
w idespread and .... 3. W hile a Japanese is extrem ely concerned in m aking
sure that everything said is p olite and guarded o r .... 4. N o t o n ly language
itself m ay change from origin to orig in ... . 5. W hen Europeans cam e to
Am erica, ... . 6. This m ay be hard fo r you to understand - co n sid erin g that
I am w hite ... . 7. Every person w h o has ever harm ed m e in my life - ... .
8 . 1 have never been attacked by .... 9. As w hite people, we've been lulled
into th inkin g .... 10. Every m ean word, every cruel act,

10. W rite ou t the verbs used in Text 2 that describe every cruel act, every bit
o f pain and suffering in the life o f M ichael M o o re caused by w hite people.

11. Paraphrase the fo llow in g sentences by giving synonym s to the italicized

words. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. Her latest release is a rock'n'roll / gru n ge version o f "M y Way".
2. Playing the piano can be a form o f em o tio nal release. 3. He is the
p rin cip a l character in the story, but there are a num ber o f interesting m inor
roles too. 4. If the cops p u ll you over and you're not w earing yo u r seatbelt,
you 'll be in trouble. 5. He apparently earns his living by rip p in g o ff young
kids w h o are desperate to get into the m usic business. 6. - H ow did you
d o in English? Did you pass? - No, I flunked. Som e o f the qu estion s were
real tricky. 7 . 1 suggested that we should ch oose a few key issues on which
to concentrate. 8 . 1 soon realized this shiny Rolls Royce / Lam borghini was
a lemon. 9. Floods here are rare and this has lu lle d lo cal people into a false

Англійська мова. II КУРС

sense o f security. 10. The th o u g h t of m y exam s next w eek scares the crap
out o f me. 11. N o one knows what the final issue will be. 12. Im portant
p rinciples m ay and m ust be flexible (A. Lincoln). 13. His p rin cip a l desire
is to stay in Kyiv and get a jo b . 14. H o llyw o o d stars are frequently stalked
by the obsessed fans. 15. In the surge o f an ger he slit the shirt into strips.
16. Two drivers started a m ad and dangerous chase, passing and repassing
each other. As a result one car sm ashed into the bridge. 17. They were
u nable to pay the rent, and were evicted from th eir hom e. 18. The foreign
affairs d epartm en t has denied claim s that the m an was arrested. 19. The
noisy teen ager was lou d ly outspoken and d ea ndin g that his views be heard
by everyone. 20. The Buick was recalled u nder the Lem on Law to have
its transm ission m ade safe. 21. As she tried to drive away, the w heel fell
o ff and she realized she'd been sold a lem on. 22. The M iam i p olice were
specially trained to watch ou t fo r suspected illegal aliens. 23. The h ob o
staggered over to ask for m oney but before I co u ld m ove away, he'd puked
on m y shoes. 24. G e orge W. Bush invaded Iraq in o rd er to elim inate S a d d ­
am Hussein's alleged stockpile o f w eapon s o f mass destruction. 25. The
landlord o f the apartm ent in the New York block turned ou t to be living
in Florida. 26. The Caucasian stood ou t am on g st the black residents in
Harlem. 27. The m otley gro u p o f punks stood on the corner of the block.
28. The singer becam e frightened w hen she realized that som eo n e had
been stalking her all evening.

12. Study different m eanings of the verb to run and find Ukrainian
equivalents for them in each of the fo llo w in g sentences:
1. He stayed late at frie n ds and had to run to catch th e last bus. 2. I've
been running aro u n d all m orn in g lo o k in g fo r C hristm as presents. 3. There
are fre q u en t trains ru n n ing betw een Lon don and Leeds. 4. S m u g g le rs run
guns, dru gs and o th e r p ro h ib ite d dan g ero u s item s betw een countries.
5. He had a terrib le scar running across his left cheek. 6. The sto ry runs
th at L.B.J. was "an e xtrao rd in arily g ifted President w h o was th e w rong
m an from th e w ron g place at the w ron g tim e u n d er th e w ron g circu m ­
stances". 7. The D n ip ro runs into th e Black Sea. 8 . 1 am afraid the co lo u r
ran w hen I w ashed y o u r T-shirt. 9 . 1 have no idea o f how to run a su ccess­
ful business. 10. G e o rg e W. Bush ran fo r th e P resid ency fo r th e second
tim e in 2004.

17 2 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. tO. B aci/i/iw eH K O • H. C. XoMem <o

13. Translate into English the fo llow in g sentences with the verb to run.
1. Я дам вам мож ливість послухати запис іщ е раз, зараз тільки п е р е м о ­
таю плівку на початок. 2. Я думав, щ о сльози потекли по її обличчі, коли
я зібрався йти. Виявилося, щ о вона просто різала цибулю в салат. 3. Будь
ласка, налий мені гарячу ванну, а я поки перекладу тобі інструкцію з ко­
ристування соковиж ималкою . 4. Контракт чинний протягом одного року.
5. М ій заступник цілком упорався з усіма справами, поки я був у від'їз­
ді. 6. Відчуття відповідальності притаманне усім членам н аш ої родини.
7. Я відчула, як біль пронизав ногу. 8. Дозвольте підвезти вас д о готелю.
Ручаюся, вам буде в ньом у комфортно. Тут усе чудово організовано, й ви
будете задоволені. 9. Він пробіг поглядом книжки на полицях. "Так, н іч о ­
го особливого, звичайна макулатура", - зробив він висновок.

14. From the fo llow in g list o f w ords ch o ose those that are close in m eaning
to the noun pattern in each sentence. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
using synonym s as a prom pt: design, standard, order, type, variety, example,
model, decoration, kind, system, sequence, shape, scheme, style, sort.
1. W e have w itnessed ch anging patterns o f behaviour am on g students.
2. W hen I first saw her, she was w earing a sm art dress w ith a pretty pat­
tern of cam om iles on it. 3. These sentences all have the sam e gram m atical
pattern. 4. O u r hostess's beh aviou r proved to be a pattern of the typical
values o f today's society. 5 .1 used to stare at the patterns m ade by the frost
on the w indow panes. 6. His research set a pattern w hich others follow ed.
7. M y fe llo w student talked m e into taking a pattern of m y favourite dress.
She prom ised she w ould w ear hers only ou tside the University. 8. A lim erick
has a fixed a a b b a rhym ing-pattern. 9 . 1 saw him leaf through th e b o o k of
tw eed patterns. 10. M P s have th o ro u g h ly analyzed the pattern o f econ om ic
d ecline in the country.

15. Insert the right form of p rin cip a l or prin ciple into the fo llo w in g sen ­
1. She displayed a set o f high m o r a l... 2. The underlying ... o f the design
was actually sim ple. 3. The ... of gravity still is one of the m ost im p ortan t
in physics. 4. The ... of the H igh School had only been in the jo b fo r one
m onth. 5. The ... o f the consu ltan cy co m pan y was often keen to g et ou t to
clients and be involved in projects. 6. The ... sin ger develo p ed a sore throat

Англійська мова. II КУРС 173

and her u b derstudy / understu dy can to qu ickly stand in fo r that evening's
perform ance. 7. The ... capital was lost during the bankruptcies. 8. The m ost
im p ortan t ... w hen dealin g with wild anim als is patience. 9. The ... clause
seem ed to have been lost in translation. 10. He had decid ed on ... to re­
fuse to lend his bro th er any m ore money. 11. The law yer felt that in ... the
m atter should g o to court. 12. Ethics is usually a qu estion o f ... 13. Being
such a man o f high ..., he felt that financial reward was secon dary to loyalty.
14. The financial benefits led him to co m prom ise his ... despite his holi-
er-than-thou stance.

16. C o m p lete the sentences with one o f the fo llo w in g w ords and phrases,
using the Ukrainian w ords and w o rd -co m b in a tio n s in brackets as a prom pt:
issue, run before we can walk; flunk, lu ll som ebody into (doing) something;
principle; p u ll over; principal; scare the crap out o f somebody; lemon; rip off;
pattern; bank loan.
1. His th un derou s voice always (лякати д о смерті) me. 2. He w ould
always flatter A n n by praising her figure and (переконувати) that she could
becom e a top fashion m odel. 3. Being a th ird-year stu den t he co u ld not
realize how d ifficu lt it was to co m bin e w ork with studies, w hich he did. N o
w o n d e r he (завалити, не скласти) three subjects last semester. 4. Unless
the appro priate reform s are provided, private entrepreneurs (обдирати як
липку) by the state. 5. H earing a strange noise from the engine, the driver
decid ed (з'їхати на узбіччя) to see w hat the m atter was. 6 . 1 had to take
(банківська позика) to buy a b ig g er car to drive m y num erous relatives.
7. The car he sold m e turned o u t to be a real (барахло, купа металу): it
hasn t g o t an engine! 8. Parliam ent will debate the reprivatization (питання,
п роблем а) next week. 9. A cco rd in g to the A rch im e d e s' (закон), an object
in a liquid is kept up by a force equal to the w eight o f the d isplaced liquid.
1 0 .1 like our (директор школи). He tau gh t us (не випередж ати подій), to
study th o ro u g h ly accordin g to his own, tim e tested (схема, модель).

17. C o m p lete th e fo llo w in g sentences by using the correct form o f the w ord
derived from that printed in brackets in bold type. Translate the sentences
into Ukrainian.
1. W e have on ly on e person in our team w ho is ... (speak) in his re­
marks. 2. The oilm an w ho is fin an cin g the exp ed ition expects to recoup

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

expenses th rough books, m ovies and... (docu m en t) spinoffs. 3. W o u ld Gar­
cia M arques have becom e an international... (sell) had he not had g oo d
translators? 4. His latest b oo k show s his remarkable...(sight) into hum an
character. 5. It's easy to say now w hat we should have d o n e then - w ith the
w isd om of... (sight)! 6. W e were talking of unusual events, and a little man
w ho was included in the talk to ld the... (scare) g h ost story I ever heard.
7. The trend tow ards w o rld w id e ab o litio n of the death penalty is...(mis­
take). 8. Recently she has been offered a jo b of an... (execute) in a co m p u t­
er com pany. 9. D ream ing o f setting up her own restaurant, she d id a cor­
resp on den ce course in... (count) and m arketing. 10. They... (charge) m e by
$1 for lukewarm cheap beer. 11. The nurse was like a surrogate m oth er for
the w ounded, trying to relieve their pain and... (suffer). 12. M y husband
is in his second...(child), playing with his grandson's toy trains. 13. Do you
th ink that h igher education is a good... (prepare) fo r yo u r career? 14. There
are several sayings in the English language where the idea o f "being safe"
is present, e.g.: Better safe than s o rry ;... (safe) first; there's... (safe) in n u m ­
bers, etc. 1 5 .1 d o n 't like being asked ab o u t my personal life. The ... (direct)
o f such questions startled me. 16. He was living on easy street, a co m ­
plete... (strange) to hard w ork. 17. M y shoes were so tig h t that I could
hardly move, and when o u r guide, sm iling... (cheer), suggested a stunning
10-m ile coastal walk, I nearly fainted. 18. O u r co u ntry is view ed by m any
foreig n investors as a ... (geograph y) favourable area. 19. Every year nat­
ural disasters cause... (spread) dam age. 20. W e've had o u r ... (d ifferen t) in
the past, but we get on O K now.

18. Paraphrase the fo llow in g sentences replacing the italicized w ords with
th eir synonym s from the text.
1. The political party representatives gathered in the hall with a prepared
statem ent fo r the press. 2. She w ent o n to the internet in ord er to dow n load
the latest album by her favourite group. 3. The decision was m ade th at the
house and adjoin in g b u ildin gs were to be p u t on sale. 4. A fte r weeks o f pain,
the rem ission in her illness felt w onderful. 5. Her deliverance from te m p ta ­
tion was absolu te and she refused the piece of chocolate. 6. The liberation
of the village cam e after weeks o f fighting. 7. The factory outflow went
straight into the river. 8. The act o f setting free the horses was som eth in g
he'd w aited fo r fo r years. 9. The new set o f postage stam ps was getting

Англійська мова. II КУРС 175

ready to be printed and sold. 10. The tw o m arket traders argued as to what
price to ask. 11. They were entrusted w ith th e task of w atching th e d oo rs to
prevent anyone w ith o u t a ticket from entering. 12. They had m isled their
o p p o n e n ts fo r a long tim e before sudden ly attacking.

19. Give English equivalents to th e fo llo w in g Ukrainian w ords and expres­

П ублікація, д и ректор школи, м ісц е витоку, питання (проблема), с о ­
ліст, н ови й випуск, м оральні норм и, о н о в н і принципи, видання, закон
фізики, наклад, п р и н ц и п о ве питання, число журналу, п р и н ц и п ов а зго­
да, п овід ом ле н н я для преси, складне питання, завдаток, звільнення
з тю рм и, біла лю дина, публікація, д окум ент п р о передачу прав на м а й ­
но, мотлох, духова руш ниця, гострий критик.
Правити н ад м ір н у ціну, керувати ком панією , зарядити р у ш н и ц ю ,б у ­
ти відповідальним , обвинувачувати, зупинити на у зб іччі дороги, бути
зв и нувач ен и м у чомусь, зрадити при нци п ам , атакувати, підкрадатися
д о здобичі, обідрати як липку, вистежувати ворога, доручати, гордо в и ­
ступати, просити певну ціну, налякати д о смерті, заколисати пильність,
завалити іспит, вм ерти бездітним, пильнувати.
В принципі, безоплатно, з п р и н ц и п о ви х м іркувань, п ровідний, в и со ­
ком оральний, б е зп ри н ц и п ни й , різнош ерстий.

20. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using the voca b u lary of
the lesson:
1. Я кщ о він керівн и к такого рангу, то м ає бути дуж е п р и н ц и п о в о ю
лю д и но ю . 2. Біля кінотеатру зібралася д оволі різнош ерста к о м п а ­
нія. 3. Цей ф ільм уж е в прокаті. В принципі, подивитися його м ож на.
4. П р овід н і сп івр о б ітн и ки НДІ відм ови ли ся брати участь у ц ь о м у п р о ­
екті з п р и н ц и п о в и х м іркувань. Б. Навіть не намагайся всучити м ені цей
мотлох. Я цього ніколи не куплю. 6. Зверніть увагу на п од вій не зап ер е­
чення у го л о вн о м у речен н і й п рави льн о відтворіть його в перекладі.
7. Всі д ій о ві о со б и останнього скандалу прод овж ую ть звинувачувати
одне одного, нібито не баж аю чи поступатися св о їм и п р и нци п ам и .
8. Це п ід при єм ство "прославилося" ви п уском н е д о б р о я к існ о ї п родук­
ції. 9. Я о ф іц ій н о звільняю тебе від виконання будь-яких зобов'язань.
10. Видання збірки до ю віл ею великого п и сьм ен н ика є для видавни-

176 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Ц ів а п р и н ц и п о в о ю справою . 11. То чи є якісь докум енти щ одо п ереда­
чі прав на м айно? Зважте на те, щ о покійн и й був бездітним. 12. Ти вже
отр им ав останнє число ж урналу? 13. П овід ом ленн я для преси п ов и н н о
бути готовим сьогодні д о третьої. 14. М и так і не зрозум іли, щ о саме
так налякало кошеня. 15. Й ого звільнили з ув'язнення д о стр о ко во за
зразкову поведінку. 1 6 .1 як ти зум ів так заколисати пильність батьків?
17. То хто ж насправді керує п ід при єм ством ? 18. Ти вм ієш зарядж а­
ти р уш н и ц ю ? 19. Д иректорка, ви соко піднявш и голову, крокувала до
зали. 20. М и отрим али п р и н ц и п о в у згоду на проведення експерименту.
21. П ерекладаю чи свого боса, слідкуйте за артикуляцією. 22. Л евиця
підкрадалася д о зд оби ч і у високій траві. 23. Д е завдаток? Тебе знову
обідрали як липку. 24. Х іба м ож на правити таку ціну за старий авто­
м обіль? 25. Законам и фізики нехтувати не можна. 26. П р о які м оральні
п р и нц и п и тут м ож е йти м ова? 27. Розвідники вистежували фаш ист­
ського оф іцера до сам ого вечора. 28. Соліста групи звільнили від усіх
зоб ов'язань щ одо ц ієї угоди. 29. М и д о р у ч а єм о тобі розв'язання цього
складного питання. 30. То в яко м у злочині його звинувачую ть? 31. Ка­
валерія атакувала лівий фланг ворога.

21. Below are given fo u r translations o f the sentence A s white people, we've
been lu lle d into thinking it's safe to be arou nd other white people. C on sid er
w hich o p tio n is m ore faithful to the original. Explain y o u r choice. Give you r
own alternative.
1. М и, білі люди, як нас привчили думати, м о ж е м о не остерігатися
таких сам их білих людей.
2. Як білих людей, нас н адійно заколисували навколо інш их білих
3. Нам, білим ам ери кан цям , завж ди навію вали, щ о знаходитися се ­
ред лю дей з таким са м и м кол ьо р ом ш кіри безпечно.
4. Нас завж ди переконували, щ о білим бути безп ечн о в оточенні та­
ких сам их білих лю дей.

22. C o m m e n t on the fam ous q u o te by M ark Twain "It is b y the goodness

o f G od th at in ou r country we have those three unspeakably precious things:
freedom o f speech, freedom o f conscience, a n d the prudence to practice
neither." D o you agree with it?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 177

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. If you are dow n cast, you are ...

a) throw n on the floor; b) always lookin g at yo u r feet; c) depressed;
d) Shifty

2. A s m a sh -a n d -g ra b is ...
a) an abstract painting; b) a meal o f potatoes; c) the launching of a
ship; d) a ro bbery

3. A single p iece o f sand is ...

a) a pebble; b) a grain; c) a speck; d) a sm idge on

4. W hich of these phrases form a p o lite refusal?

a) taken for granted; b) thanks for nothing; c) no thank you; d) on your bike.

Section C
Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g com m ents before reading the dialogues.

Com m ents

1. T he G ra n d C a n y o n . A n extrem ely large g o rg e (a valley w ith steep sides) in

th e US state o f A rizon a . It is a m ajor to u rist attraction, v isited b y a b o u t 3 m illio n
p e o p le each year. The C a n yo n w as created by the C o lo ra d o River and is a b o u t
1 m ile (1.6 kilom etres) d eep, 2 0 0 m iles (320 kilom etres) long, a n d 4 -1 8 m ile s £6-
29 kilom etres) w ide. It has co lo u rfu l layers o f rock, the o ld e s t o f w hich are a b o u t
2 b illio n years old. Великий каньйон.
2. O n e h ell (also a helluva) o f so m e th in g si. Used to e m p h a size th e idea that
so m e th in g is ve ry big, very bad etc., e.g. o n e hell o f a river, o n e hell o f a problem .
В р а ж аю ча ріка.

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

3. Evel K n ie v e l (born O c to b e r 1 7,1938) is an A m e rica n stu nt man, best k no w n fo r
his p u b lic d ispla ys o f d ista n ce m o to rcy cle ju m p in g , p a rticu la rly d u rin g th e 1970s.
4. T h e S n a ke C a n y o n was created in th e US state o f Idaho by the Snake River and
is a b o u t 0.5 m ile (800 m etres) deep. К ан ьй о н Сней к-Р івер.
5. Idaho. A state in th e n o rth -w este rn US. Its p o p u la r nam e is the G em State,
because it has m any m inerals, in clu d in g silver. It also p ro d u ce s a q u a rter o f all
th e p o ta to e s g row n in the US. The capital city is Boise. Idaho's attra ction s in clu d e
th e Rocky M ou n ta in s, Craters o f th e M o o n N a tio n a l M o n u m e n t and H ell's Canyon,
w hich is th e d e e p e st g o rg e in N o rth A m erica. Ш тат А йдахо.
6. To g e t to d o / d o in g , AmE. To ach ieve som e th in g. З іб р ати ся/сп р о був ати
зр о б и ти щ ось. У негати в н ом у реченні: руки не д ій ш л и д о чогось, e.g. Не never
d id g e t to ju m p this can yo n after that. Після ц ьо го він так ж о д н о го разу й не
зібр а в ся (спробував) п ер естри бн ути цей каньйон.
7. W a rre n B u ffe t (1930-) is an A m e rica n business m agnate, investor, and p h ila n ­
th ro p ist w h o w o rks as th e ch airm an and C EO o f Berkshire Hathaway. He is c o n s id ­
ered o n e o f th e m ost successful investors in th e w o rld and has a net w o rth o f US$84
b illio n as o f 3 June 2018, m aking him th e th ird w e a lth iest person in th e w o rld at
the tim e.
8. To ru b b e rn e ck . To stare o r g a p e in q u isitiv e ly as to u rists o r sigh tseers do.
The term o rig in a ted in N ew York w here to u rists kept lo o k in g up at th e skyscrapers
to th e a m u se m e n t o f th e locals. Оглядати (пам'ятки), в и тр іщ и ти сь на щось.
W e re s p e n d in g all day ru b b ern e ckin g . М и зб и р а є м о ся ціли й д е н ь вештатися,
о гляд аю чи м ісц е в і пам'ятки,
9. То g e t fu e lle d up. A co llo q u ia l term in both AmE and AngloE m e aning to be
fed and ready fo r th e next activity. П ідзаправитися.
10. M a p le syru p . A sw eet sticky liq u id o b ta in e d from so m e kin ds o f m a p le tree
w h ich is eaten esp ecia lly on pancakes. К л е н о ви й сироп.
11. To w a lk o f f d in n e r/a m e a l etc. G o fo r a w alk so th a t y o u r sto m ach feels less
full. "Розтрусити калорії".

2. Listen to the recording o f the fo llo w in g dialogues. Repeat them after the
speakers. Try to co p y the way th ey speak.

D ia lo g u e 1: The G rand Canyon

Lesya: It's been an am bition of m ine since ch ild h o o d to see the G ran d
C an yon. W here d o we get th e best view from ?
Clint: M o st anywhere alon g this 10 m ile stretch.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 179

L: W e're lucky with the w eather - it's such
a g lo rio us day. Perfect fo r seeing such
incredible landscapes.
C: N o t a lot o f rain this way. Pretty dry and
sunny m uch of the time.
L: There m ust have been o n e hell o f a river
once to have cut this.
C: That was m illions o f years. Speaking of
am bitions, ever hear of Evel Knievel?
L: Stuntm an on a m otorcycle, w asn't he?
C: Som ew hat - his am bition was always to
ju m p this on a bike.
L: You're pullin g my leg - you'd need an aircraft to ju m p this, not a
m otorbike.
C: N o it's true, he m ade a jet-pow e re d cycle and ju m p e d th e Snake
C an y o n in Ida ho in preparation.
L: You've g o t to be k iddin g - how w id e was that?
C: A lm o st a kilom etre. Jum ped it, then his safety parachute op en ed and
pulled him dow n into the canyon.
L: Did he survive?
C: Yes, but he never did g e t to ju m p this canyon after that.

D ialog u e 2: The Am erican Dream

Olya: So w hat are you g o in g to do when you graduate?

Chuck: N o question. I'm g o in g to be the next W arren Buffet.
O: W hat, give away m illions to charity?
C: No, fat chance, silly, build a business em pire. Be the next sym bol o f the
A m erican Dream, like Buffet.
O: I can't quite im agine you spen ding every w aking m inute d e cid in g on
investm ents.
C: Don't you like the idea of me having gazillions of books written about me?
O: But you haven't g o t the price of a cup of coffee right now.
C: So I'll w ork and build my w ay up from nothing. W h y not? Buffet did.
O: It w ould help if you could learn to do m ore than be an expert at ou r
hotel's breakfast buffet.

180 M. O. B o3 H a • O. 5. T an oH iB • O. KD. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XcuvieHKO

D ialo g u e 3: Breakfast in Am erica

Thelm a: W h at are you having fo r breakfast, then?

O lexiy: Usually I ju st have a cup o f coffee.
T: Hey, that's no good. W e're spen din g all day ru b b e rn e ck in g , so you
need to g e t fu e lle d up properly.
O: Okay, so w hat do you usually eat in the m ornings?
T: D epends on my diet and w hether I've tim e to g o jo g g in g before w ork
o r not.
O: So pretend you look like a Barbie doll and you're hungry.
T: Then it'd always be pancakes with m a p le syrup.
O: Wow, that'd be a g o o d hit of sugar - plenty of energy fo r the day, as
long as we w a lk it all off.

3. Listen to the dialogu es again. "Shadow " the speakers.

4. Read th e fo llo w in g sentences w ith the appro priate sentence stress.

He never did get to ju m p this canyon.
He does lo o k tired.
She did w rite to say thank you.
I know that you d id n 't expect m e to go, but I did go.
You d o lo o k nice in that hat.
I d o th in k you 've behaved badly.
This train never did arrive on time.
I did ring you up every night, but you w eren't in.
I d o h ope w e'll m eet again.

5. A n sw er the fo llo w in g question s on the contents o f the dialogues.

1. Is th e G rand C anyon a m ajor to u rist attraction in th e US? 2. W h at
river was it created by? 3. W h at is Evel Knievel fam ou s for? 4. Did th e stunt
m an realize his a m b itio n ? 5. W h at doe s W arren Buffet actually d o? 6. W h y
d o p e o p le call W arren Buffet th e sym b o l of th e A m erican Dream ? 7. W h at
d o you th in k is necessary to becom e th e next W arren Buffet? 8. W h at do
A m e rica n s usually have fo r breakfast? 9. W h en d o th ey allo w them selves
to g et fu elle d properly? 10. W h y is it so m etim es g o o d to w alk y o u r meal

Англійська мова. II КУРС 181

6. Translate the d ialog u es above into Ukrainian. Present them in class close
to the text.

7. M atch the w ords and w o rd -co m b in a tio n s with th eir definitions.

1) pancake a) a m an w ho is em ployed to take the place of an actor
when som eth in g dangerous has to be d on e in a film
2) sym bol b) a strong desire cherished fo r a long tim e
3) canyon c) a g ro u p o f o rgan ization s co n trolled by one person
4) jo g g in g d) a g ro u p o f television stations, w hich broadcast m any
o f th e sam e program m es, but in different parts of the
sam e co u ntry
5) diet e) to m ake som ething gradu ally d eve lo p or form (repu­
tation, business, firm, etc)
6) a business f) som eo n e or som ethin g that represents a particular
em pire qu ality or idea
7) TV N etw ork g) using a je t engine fo r pow er
8) to build up h) the activity of running slow ly and steadily as a w ay of
9) jet-p ow e re d i) a thin flat round cake m ade from flour, milk, and eggs,
that has been cooked in a flat pan and is eaten hot
10) am b ition j) a deep valley with very steep sides of rock that usually
has a river running throu gh it
11) stunt man k) the sort of fo o d and d rin k usually taken by a person or
gro up

8. Find synonym s fo r o r paraphrase the fo llo w in g w ords and expresssions

from the dialogues.
To pull one's leg, an aircraft, to be kidding, to survive, to g et to d o so m e ­
thing, to graduate, one hell of a stunt, to have th e price of a cup o f coffee,
to buid one's way up from nothing, no good, to get fuelled properly, to
rubberneck, a g o o d hit of sugar, to w alk calories off, incredible, glorious.

9. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian paying especial atten ­

tion to italisized words.
1. She never did g et to doing w hat she'd always hop ed for. 2. That was
one h ell o f a row w hich we co uld hear from tw o stairs below. 3. It was a hell

182 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. fa n o H iB • O. KD. Bacn;ibMeHKO * H. C. X 0 MeHK0

o f a long w ay up the m ountain because the path was tw isting and turning.
4. He's a hellu va nice g u y that you introdu ced us to yesterday. 5. The m aple
leaf is th e centrepiece of the Canadian flag. 6. The generous p o rtio n s m ade
them d ecid ed to w alk o ff their din ner in order to try to avoid g ettin g fat.
7. W h ile on holiday, they decided to g o to the city to rubberneck the am az­
ing skyscrapers. 8. They drove into the filling station to g et fuelled up before
entering the desert. 9 . 1 desperately need a g o o d h it o f coffee as soon as
I get up in th e m orning. 10. A fte r the button fell off, he rushed around look­
ing fo r a safety pin. 11. A fte r the late night, she found it tou g h to get doing
som eth in g the fo llow in g m orning.

10. Study the m eanings and use o f the w ords diet and am bition. Translate
the sentences into Ukrainian.
A. 1. Kids to d a y are raised on a constant diet of pop m usic and television /
youtube. 2. The d o cto r told m e sternly to change to a balanced diet, after
I adm itted to living on burgers and cola. 3. The problem w ith Christm as and
the New Year is that tw o weeks on to o rich a diet and I need a new w ard ­
robe. 4. The villag e children had a p o o r diet, w hich show ed in the co n d itio n
o f th eir bodies. 5. I decided to g o on a diet before m y holiday so that I'd
look better in m y swimwear. 6 .1was put on a diet that included a lot of fruit
and vegetables. 7. H aving been d iagn osed as having high b lo o d pressure
I was told that I m ust change to a salt-free diet.
B. 1. He is obsessed by his am bition to play fo r the national team. 2. He
h oped to fulfil his am bition to see Australia before he died. 3. Her am b ition
to g o scu ba-divin g in the Red Sea m ade her w ork extra hard in ord er to
save as m uch m oney as possible. 4. Having her au to b io g rap h y published
had been a life-lon g am bition. 5. She had a burning am b ition to succeed.
6. He never was prom oted - w hich d id n 't both er him as he had a d istict
lack of am bition.

11. Give English equivalents from the d ialog u es for the fo llow in g w ords
and phrases.
Лялька Барбі, прагнення з дитинства, відтинок узбереж ж я, огляда­
ти історичні місця, зібратися щ о сь зробити, жартувати, н е й м о в ір н и й
краєвид, враж аю ча ріка, п р ям о зараз, вставати з ліжка, не годиться,
заправитися, раціон харчування, бігти підтю пцем, м ли нц і з кленовим

Англійська мова. II КУРС 183

си р о по м , неабияка порція цукру, розтрусити калорії, зарядитися кало­
ріями, чудовий день, каскадер, стати си м вол ом , не м о ж у со бі уявити,
не мати ж о д н о ї копійки, побудувати кар'єру з нуля.

12. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English:

1. Надто пож ивна їжа для вас некорисна. 2. В А ф р и ц і велика частина
населення має недостатнє харчування. 3. Л ю дям , які страж даю ть на
ож иріння, лікарі при зн ачаю ть сп ец іальн у дієту. 4. О н к о хв о р и м п р и п и ­
сую ть дієту, щ о не м істить солі. 5. Ти просто зростаєш на телевізійних
м ильн их операх", н е м о в на д ріж дж ах. 6. Вона так і не зібралася здій-
нити цю п од оро ж , п ро яку м ріяла все життя. 7. У О ленки так руки і не
дій ш ли п ере роби ти м атерин у сукню , щ о б завчасн о пош ити костю м
на бал-маскарад. 8. П рагнення багатства д езор ієн тув ал о тебе у житті.
9. П ри страсн е баж ання досягти великих усп іхів у м узи ці вело її крізь
ж иттєві негаразди. 10. Х л о п ч и к плекав таєм н е баж ання потрапити
в Книгу рекорд ів Гінесса. 11. Я і дум ки не мав, щ о М и кола виявиться
сп о в н е н и м ам біц ій . 12. Й о м у не вистачало честолю бства: це точно.
13. Не маєш ж е ж о д н о ї коп ійч ин и за душ ею : як м ож еш м ріяти про
таку покупку? 14. З п агорба відкривався н еаби яки й краєвид на відти­
нок узб ере ж ж я д о в ж и н о ю в декілька миль. 15. Багато лю дей в А м е р и ­
ці п очинали з нуля і розбудовували б ізн е с-ім п е р ії. 16. П еред д о в го ю
п рогулянкою не завадило б підзаправитися. 17. М л и н ц і з кленовим
си р о п о м - улю блена страва канадійц ів та ам ери кан ц ів. 18. Сьогодні
просто чудовий день. 19. Ти, певно, жартуєш: цей каньйон н е м о ж л и в о
перестрибнути. 20. Тобі не подобається, як звучить твоє ім'я? 21. Ця
страва м ені не підходить, адже я на дієті. 22. А м е р и к а н ц і лю блять біг
підтю пцем.

13. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the active v o ca b ulary of the lesson.


To tell an A m erican alm ost anyw here in the world; w hat d o you make
in a year?; w hat d o you d o fo r a living?; W h ite M an speaks with forked
tongue; G o d forbid; never m ind

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Bluntness, a pattern, privacy, a com panion, a BB gun, an issue, a c o n ­
tractor, a runway, a coincidence, a security deposit, a lem on, a bank loan,
a m eltin g-pot, the Land o f O pportunity, an outcom e, a frontiersm an, a pat­
tern, a landlord, a perspective, an am bition, one hell o f a river, a diet, m aple
syrup, a hit of sugar, a stuntm an, a claim, a convention, a ro le-m o d el
To release, to rubberneck, to scare the crap ou t o f som ebody, to stalk, to
lull into thinking, to converse, to flunk, to evict, to rip off, to puke, to pull
over, to be sold a lem on, to watch out, to stand out, to be em bedded, to
puke, to elim inate, to charge, to w alk off, to run a com pany, to get to d o
som ething, not to have the price o f a cup o f coffee, to g et fuekked, to jog,
to overcharge, to be in charge, to take great pains to d o som ething
Guarded, principal, Caucasian, outspoken, em bedded, indiginous, u b iq ­
uitous, inscrutable, incredible, glorious, jet-pow ered.

14. Learn the fo llo w in g lim erick by heart. Translate it into Ukrainian.
C o m m e n t on the diet the girl was on.
There once was a girl from N ew York;
W h ose b o d y was lighter than cork;
She had to be fed;
For six w eeks upon lead;
Before she w ent out fo r a walk.

15. M ake up y o u r own d ialo g u es using the voca b u lary o f Section C. The
fo llo w in g to p ics m ay be used:
- y o u r realized and frustrated am bitions;
- the kind o f diet you prefer;
- w hat you are g o in g to d o w hen you graduate.

16. Prepare a 5-m inute presentation to be used as a stim ulus fo r discussion

in class on on e of the fo llo w in g topics:
a) A m erican Dream in literature, film and real life.
b) N ative A m erican s and w hite colonizers; gains and losses for both.
c) Am erican racism: the way you see it. Do you agree with M ichael M oore?
d) A m erica as a salad bowl. Pluses and minuses.
e) The land o f great adventurers.
f) Junk fo o d com es from the USA.

Англійська мова. II КУРС

17. Translate into English the fo llow in g excerpt from the b o o k "Snow dies
on the Earth" by V. Kykot.
П о д о р о ж ую ч и Ф л ор и д ою від М ая м і д о узбереж ж я М ек си к ан сь ко ї
затоки, ми зупиняєм ося час від часу в затиш них ресторанчиках, що
п р оп он ую ть м о р ськ у їжу. З ам о вл я єм о см аж ен у ри бу різних видів, кр а­
би, креветки, о м ар и і навіть м 'ясо акули. Коли стіл вкривається ап е­
титною м о р ськ о ю всяч ин ою та великим и келихами сухого вина, Л ю -
бом и р , як правило, п ри м руж ує очі, зітхає і своєю , н езв и чн ою для нас,
укр а їн сько ю щ оразу лукаво пром овляє: "Тяжке життя на еміграції".

(З книги В. К и к о т я "Сніг п ом ир ає на землі")

18. Translate the fo llo w in g story into English, using th e voca b u lary o f the
lesson and the fo llo w in g prom pts: to be driven out, to take a leading role,
a week nobody, a hopeless driver, m odel cars, to be appelaing, to revolt, to
refuse p o in t blank.
М ен і з дитинства доводили, щ о Івасик - розум ний, ввічливий та о б е ­
реж ний хл оп чи к і щ о ми п ови н ні стати д о б р и м и друзям и. Я б сидів
один удома й читав, а м ене виш товхували д о нього в гості, погратися.
Але, відверто кажучи, гратися з Іваном мені завж ди було н еприєм но.
Я ріс цілком н о р м а л ьн о ю дитиною , щ оправда був трохи со р о м 'я з л и ­
вим і не претендував на роль лідера. Н атомість Івасик звик усю ди бути
п ерш им і н айголовніш им . Я кщ о озирнутися в часі, в наш их дитячих
іграх б е зп о м и л ко в о вгадується один і той сам и й сценарій: Іван - від
початку п озитивний герой; я ж - слабка, нікчем на особистість. Він -
д и ректор школи, я - двієчник, щ о "завалю є" всі іспити. Він - см іливий,
сильний білий колоніст; я - боягузливий індіанець, в якого від страху
коліна тремтять. І, звичайно, я стараю ся говорити все не приховую чи,
ясно й прямо, як мені й було наказано; ви б о вкую всі секрети свого
племені, розум ію чи , щ о мені за це св о ї ж о д н о п л е м ін ц і переріж уть
горлянку. Він - суво рий поліцейський, я - нездара-водій. Він зупиняє
м ене й здирає з м ене штраф десь удвічі більш е від встановленого.
Я кщ о я стріляю в нього з у я в н о ї д у х о в о ї руш ниці, то о б о в 'я зко в о не
влучу. Я кщ о він цілить у м ене кам інцем , то вже об о в 'я зко в о влучить
в око (й на від м ін у від руш ниці, кам ін ець справж ній). Я кщ о він в и р і­
шить мені щ ось подарувати, то це завж ди буде якась туфта. Я ж п о ­
винен віддавати й о м у найкращ і м одельки маш ин, які він колекціонує.

186 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів * О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Д о сі не розум ію , ч о м у всі виріш или, щ о він міг слугувати взір цем для
Я щ осили намагався не показувати своїх почуттів, образ і приниж ень,
але перспектива й надалі товариш увати з цим м ил и м хл оп ц ем мене
зовсім не зігрівала. Я збунтувався, навідріз відм овився ходити д о нього
в гості, захопився читанням і заб о р о н и в д о м а ш н ім поруш увати м о ю
горду самотність.
Ч о м у я п ро все це згадую? Тому щ о навіть такий д осв ід не був м а р ­
ним. Я - дитячий п исьм енник. П и ш у казки, щ о закінчую ться щ асливо.
Іван — перспективний бізнесм ен. Кажуть, щ о він дуж е ж орсткий у сто­
сунках з підлеглими: штрафує, карає, звільню є, виселяє... Так, мабуть,
д о б р е потренувався на мені в дитинстві.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. S om eth in g which is the cat's pyjam as is ...

a) hilarious; b) the very best; c) the very worst; d) im possib le

2. If you 're inebriated, you're said to be d ru n k as a ...

a) dog; b) bear; c) weasel; d) skunk

3. S om eo n e w ho is y a ck in g (in Britain or y a k kin g in the USA) is ...

a) g ettin g bored; b) being offensive; c) dozing;
d) chattering incessantly

4. The US President w ho intends to get to the n itty -g ritty w ants to ...

a) g et to the heart o f the matter; b) sort th rough th e grit; c) resign;
d) delay a decision.

*1. Insert articles w herever necessary. Translate into Ukrainian.
Exam ple: You can't g et to (1) village in (2) w inter because o f (3) snow.
You write: 1 the; 2 - ; 3 the.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 187

King Kong is (1) fam ous US film (1933) ab o u t (2) very large ape. In (3)
story, King Kong captures Ann, played by Fay Wray, when she visits his
island. She is rescued, and (4) ape is taken to (5) N ew York to be presented
as (6) show. He escapes and clim bs to (7) to p o f (8) Em pire State Building,
w here he is killed by (9) w ar planes. (10) second version o f (11) film was
m ade in 1976, with Jessica Lange as Fay Wray, and (12) fu rth er film, King
Kong Lives, appeared in 1986. (13) latest version was released in (14) 2005.

*2. Here is an excerpt from Agatha Christie's b o o k Sparkling Cyanide, w here

one of the m ain characters explains how an other character has escaped
th e threat of being m urdered. Thus, th e w h ole p lo t m ay d ep e n d on the
u n derstanding o f the a versus the op p o sition . Insert articles w herever
necessary. Translate the excerpt into Ukrainian.
"And that, Iris, is w hat happened at the Luxem bourg that night. A fter
the cabaret, w hen you all w ent to dance, you d ro p p e d yo u r bag. (1) waiter
picked it up - n ot (2) waiter, (3) w aiter attending on that table w ho knew
ju st where you had been sitting - but (4) waiter, (5) anxious hurried little
w aiter with everybody bullying him, running along w ith (6) sauce, and w ho
q u ickly stooped, picked up (7) bag and placed it by (8) plate - actually
by (9) plate one place to (10) left o f w here you had been sitting. You and
G eorge cam e back first and you w ent w ith ou t (11) th o u g h t straight to (12)
place m arked by yo u r bag - ju s t as Kem p did to (13) place m arked by his
(From A g ath a Christie's book "Sparkling Cyanide")

*3. Insert p re positio ns w herever necessary. Translate into Ukrainian.

The Em pire State Building is an office b u ild in g (1) M anhattan, N ew York
City, w hich (2) over 40 years (3) it was built (4) 1931 was the tallest (5) the
w orld. It is 1250 feet (381 metres) high and has 102 floors.

*4. Insert p repositio ns w herever necessary.

1. Send this letter ... this address. 2. Do not knock ... the door. 3. Do
not find fault ... my w ork. 4. I con gratu late you ... you r success. 5. I have
no sym pathy ... him. 6. The p o lice w ill inquire ... the real cause o f trouble.
7 . 1 have no prejudice ... you. 8. He cam e here ... m y invitation. 9 . 1 am not
adapted ... that kind o f work. 10. Please credit this sum ... m y name, o r

188 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. (O. BacM/ibHeHKO • H. C. XoM eH KO

account. 11. There is another side ... the question. 12. They are spending
m uch m oney ... luxuries. 13. He has g o n e ... business. 14. He is blind ... his
defects. 15. He will be cured ... fever. 16. He has no m oney ... him. 17. O pen
you r b o o k ... page 65. 1 8 .1 d o not agree ... you. 1 9 .1 d o not agree ... this
point. 2 0 .1 d o not agree ... this proposal.

5. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian. Explain the use of U n ­

real C o n d itio n a l Past.
1. If I hadn t been w earing a seat belt, I w ould have been seriously injured.
2. If he had w orked harder at school he w ould be sitting in a co m fo rtab le
office now. 3. Had you obeyed orders this disaster w ou ld not have
happened. 4. If it hadn't been for th eir goalkeeper, D inam o w ou ld have lost.
5. That was a narrow escape! If I had fallen, I w ould have broken m y leg. 6. If
you had w ritten dow n my directions, you w o u ld n 't have been lost. 7. You
know that if I had had any m oney then, I w ould have lent it to you. 8. If
the Defence M in istry hadn't been interested, the project w ou ld have been
abandoned. 9. If M ike hadn't refused to w ork overtim e, he w ould have g ot
p rom otion. 10. If you hadn't en cou raged me, I w ou ld have given up.

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. I d id n 't know that he was a vegetarian. If he (tell) m e earlier I (cook)
him som ethin g m ore suitable. 2. The jo b is m uch w orse than I expected.
If I (realize) how awful it was g o in g to be I (not accept) it. 3 . 1 g o t lost. If
I (have) a m ap I (be) all right. 4. He proved im practical. If he (patent) his
invention he (make) a lot money. 5. If the w eather (be) g o o d they (launch)
the rocket at 8.30 instead of at 9.00. 6 . 1 am sorry. If I (know) you were still
reading those new spapers I (not throw) them away. 7. W e had to stand
alm ost all th e way. If you (book) seats we (have) quite a co m fo rta b le journey.
8 . 1 d id n 't recogn ize him at first. If he (not wear) dark glasses I (recognize)
him im m ediately. 9. If you (tell) m e we had run ou t o f bread I (buy) som e.
10. U nfortunately we had to g o by train. If we (have) en ough m oney we
(go) by air.

7. C o m p lete each sentence with a suitable verb in the correct tense from
those given below:
n ot be, n ot cheer, n ot run, not crash

Англійська мова. II КУРС 189

A g ro u p o f spectators, in clu ding myself, left the stand ju s t before the end
o f the gam e. W hen we were half way dow n the stairs a goal was scored and
there was a great cheer from th e spectators. If there ... a goal, th e crow d ....
If th e crow d ..., we ... back up the stairs to see w hat had happened. If we ...
back, we ... into the rest o f the spectators on th eir way dow n, and there ...
this frig h tfu l accident.
be, have, n o t fall, spend
The entire history o f the world, says French w riter Pascal, ... differen t if
Q u een Cleo patra of Egypt ... a shorter nose. Presum ably he m eans that
Julius Caesar and M ark A n to n y ... in love with her, and so ... th eir energies
on differen t conquests.

8 . Read the fo llo w in g text. Translate it into Ukrainian. Then co m p le te the

sentences below, using th e story as a key.
M ary's first th o u g h t on receiving the invitation
to the School Reunion was to ignore it. She had
so little tim e to spare, very little desire to m eet
up with her form e r schoolm ates, and also she
had ab solu tely n oth ing to wear. A ll the "old
girls" w o u ld be striving m adly to im press one
an oth er and she was no different.
It was quite by chance she overheard the
conversation on the bus; it seem ed that the
w hisperer's bro th er knew the jo cke y w ho had
said that "Silver Sparkle" ju s t co u ld n ot lose. The
o d d s were g o o d and Mary, breaking the habit
o f a lifetim e, put all her housekeeping m oney on th e horse.
The jo cke y had been wrong! To cover the shortfall in her housekeeping
money, M a ry paw ned her en gage m en t ring. The row that ensued w hen her
husband noticed its absence b ro ugh t profit only to a nearby glazier.

1. I f ... , M a ry w ould n ot have th o u g h t a b o u t her o ld schoolm ates. 2. If

she had caught a different b u s ,.... 3. Had she n ot lost all her housekeeping
money, M a ry .... 4. There w ould not have been a row i f .... 5. And, if they
h adn't had th at row, the w in d o w .... 6. If the sam e tem p tation arose today,
M a r y ....

190 M . O. B o3 H a * O . 5. TanoHie • O. (0. B a c w itw e H K O • H. C. XcxvieHKO

9. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using C o n d itio n a l Tenses:
1. Якби я не відвідав Ам ерику, я не знав би, яка це велика та вра­
ж аю ча країна. 2. Якби мені дали більш е часу, я підготував би д овш у
д о п о в ід ь про ам ери кан ськи х індіанців, але мені відвели ли ш е двадцять
хвилин. 3. Якби я приїхав в А м е р и к у надовш е, я п об ачи в би більше,
але м о є відрядж ення тривало ли ш е десять днів. 4. Я насилу врятувався!
Якби я впав, я зламав би ногу. 5. Ганна захворіла. Якби тільки вона зна­
ла, щ о ця хво роба була ін ф екційною . 6. Й о го відрахували з м ед и чн ого
інституту. Якби він тільки поставився тоді д о навчання серйозніш е, то
не лиш ився би без д и п л о м у п ро вищ у освіту. 7. Якби водій був п р и ­
стебнутий паском безпеки, він не отрим ав би таких се р й о зн и х травм.
А так, погляньте на нього! 8. Якби тільки я не пив так багато м ин улої
ночі, мені не довелося б сьогодні зранку ковтати аспірин. 9. М ен і на­
клали гіпс. Якби я тільки не поїхала кататися на м отоциклі в таку погану
погоду, я не травмувала б коліно. 10. Снігу нем ає щ е й досі. Ти знаєш,
я впевнена, якби я не купила сн оуб ор д в грудні, сніг би то чн о вже випав.
11. Якби Олег послухався п орад фахівців в ц ьо м у питанні, він не мав
би стільки клопоту. А тепер він просто не знає, щ о робити. 12. Якби ти
стільки не палив протягом життя, то не мав би тих п р об лем з легенями,
які маєш тепер. 13. Якби ти поводився більш стри м ан о вчора, сьогодні
б не д овелося червоніти. 14. Якби п ідпри єм ство п ильніш е ставилося до
кон тр ол ю за якістю продукції, то тепер не м ало б п р об лем з розглядом
справи в суді. 15. Якби погода була кращ ою , о б ри си села з'явилися б на
горизонті і ми не заблукали б. 16. Якби м ісцеві племена в 1 6-м у столітті
не були таким и розрізнен им и , то зум іли б протистояти завой овни кам .
17. Якби м ісяць не сховався за хмари, нам не д овелося б продиратися
крізь суцільну темряву, щ о було дуж е важко. 18. Якби преса не втруча­
лася в особисте життя зірки, все м огло б скластися інакше, н іж сталося.
19. Якби я не зустрів свого д о б р о го приятеля в генделику, то точно
б повернувся д о д о м у раніше. 20. Якби ти здав прес-реліз д о шостої,
його б опублікували ще вчора. 21. Якби не це гостре питання, ми б вже
д авн о закінчили обговорення. 22. Якби в дитинстві собака не налякав
м ен е так сильно, м ож ливо, я б ставився д о четверон огих д рузів краще.
23. Якби цей шахрай не обідрав м ене як липку, то, може, я б ніколи не
навчився обереж ності.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 191

10. Translate th e fo llow in g story into English. Use the fo llo w in g w ords as
prom pts: to work som ebody fla t out, to overuse somebody, a scandalm onger.
М ій^ знайом ий - лю дина дуж е неріш уча. Все нове, все н езн ай ом е
лякає його. Він якось примудряється звикнути й д о хорош ого, й д о п о ­
ганого. І зм ін ю вати щ ось у житті й о м у дуж е складно. М ож е, це й добре.
А л е ч о м у ж тоді я все частіш е від нього чую: "От якби тоді я наваж ився
перейти на інш у роботу, тоді б я зараз не займався не св оєю справою .
Якби я тоді не побоявся змінити своє особисте життя, я б зараз ж ив
набагато цікавіш е й п овн оцін н іш е. Якби я приділяв більш е часу св оїм
близьким та друзям, то був би тепер оточений їхн ь о ю л ю б о в 'ю й п і­
клуванням. Якби я був ріш учіш и м у судженнях і вчинках, то більш е б
себе поважав."
Щ о ж тут сказати! Не варто зациклю ватися на "якби ж то". М и н у л о ­
го не п овернеш . Та й чи треба його вертати? А якби на н о в о м у м ісці
начальник вичавив тебе д о останнього? А якби особисте життя не в и ­
правдало твоїх очікувань? А якби близькі й друзі сіли на ш ию ? А якби
тебе, з твоїм и судж еннями й діям и, вважали хам о м і скандалістом ? Д а ­
вай в и р іш и м о д оступн іш і завдання. Наприклад, куди ми п о їд е м о у в и ­
хідні, якщ о погода стоятиме гарна?

Writing # І
A n a d v e rtis e m e n t has to be a w ritten form th a t can be very q u ick ly read w ith
all the key p o in ts im m e d ia te ly visible. Since m any adverts ap p ear in new spapers or
jo u rn a ls w h ich ch arge fo r each w ord, it is im p o rta n t th a t no u n n ecessary in fo rm a ­
tio n appears. A cro n y m s and sh o rte n ed w o rds are used w hen th e overall size o f the
a d ve rt d e cid e s its price.

1. Im agine you have an apartm en t that you wish to rent. Using the exam ple
below o f a typical A m erican advertisem ent to su ggest structure, w rite for
you rself an im aginative and appealing advert that offers yo u r apartm ent
on Khreshchatik for rent in a style w hich w ou ld attract a foreig n visitor.
D o n't forget that each co u n try has its own style, so the advert you w rite
fo r Kyiv should use term in o lo g y as used in Ukraine. If you 're not sure o f the
differences, look in an En glish-langu age periodical such as the Kyiv Post.

19 2 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Prestigious Apartment to let on Sunset Boulevard
• M a g n ific e n t lo catio n • Penthouse
• Prestigio us address • Spa ciou s lo u n g e
• S p a cio u s interior • Luxury kitchen
• C a r-p a rk in g space • B ath room w ith Jacuzzi
• Lo ng lease available • Two b e d ro o m s
• 2 4 -h o u r atte n d e d security • L A N installed
• Pet-w alking service • In te llig e n t-b u ild in g sy ste m -re a d y
• From $ 2 0 0 0 p e r m on th

C all to d a y on 555 42 98 and ask fo r M ary-Lo u , Realtor

2. W rite a series of bullet points to give a presentation on w hat you a p ­

preciate m ost in the culture, tradition s and conventions o f the USA as
com pared to oth er nations.

3. W rite an essay of one page in length on one of the fo llo w in g topics:

1. The happiest day of y o u r life.
2. The day w hen you were unjustly insulted by the person you respected
and considered you r close friend.
3. Your experience of travelling in Ukraine or abroad with y o u r travelling
com panions.

Linguists' headaches
Dessert, Sweet, A fte rs and P u dd in g . Each of these w ords m ay refer to
sweet foo d or fruit served after the m ain part of a meal - "десерт", "солодке".
Fashion dictates which social gro up uses which w ord at a given point in his­
tory. "Pudding" is currently m ore fashionable am ongst rich, educated people,
but only at the tim e of writing! W ords such as "торт", "кекс", "пудинг", "м о ­
розиво" or "вареник із солодкою начинкою " all have their specific trans­
lations and all are generically puddings, sweets, desserts or afters. The word
"sweet" m ay also mean "цукерка" (usually "candy" in Am erican English).
"P u d d ing" is also used in a very w ide range o f specific nam es of foods,
such as "black p u dding" - "кров'янка", 'Yorkshire p u d d in g ' (which is a
baked batter eaten with m eat gravy and onions) or 'steak and kidney pud-

Англійська мова. II КУРС 193

d ing (which is a beefsteak and beef kidney filling served in a steam ed pas­
try case sim ilar to th e d o u g h used fo r "вареники").
In A m erican English the w ord "pu ddin g" is not often used in the m eaning
of "an unsw eetened dish of a m ixture of flour, fat, etc., either covering or
enclosing m eat and boiled with it". The w ord is used in the G erm anic m ea­
ning o f "a thick, soft, sweet dessert usually m ade with milk, eggs, sugar, and
a little cornflour, and served either hot o r cold", e.g. chocolate pudding.

Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Eating sweets is bad for your teeth.
2. A re we having a sweet? Ice cream is m y favourite.
3. - W hat's fo r p u d d in g ? - There isn't a p u d d in g today. - Can't believe it.
I know you have a sweet tooth.
4. Shall w e m ove on to dessert? I su ggest fruit salad or sweet d u m p lin g s
with cherry filling.
5 .1 find cakes, tarts and biscuits irresistible. N o w on d e r I have a p u d d in g
face, never m ind the rest o f my body.
6. W o u ld you w h ip the cream ? W e'll have it with straw berries for afters.
7. The p ro o f of the p u dding is in the eating (proverb).
8. - Have you finished your meal, sweetie? W as the dessert g o o d ? - Oh,
yum m y-yum m y!
9 . 1 m anaged to sw eet-talk her into driving m e home.

Translate into English:

- Привіт, ну, як ти, вже звик у Британії?
- Так, цілком. О сь іду з ресторану (ой ж е ж д о р о ги й виявився), - п о ­
обідав, та й з оф іц іантом вдосталь поспілкувався. Щ оправда, не дуж е
- Щ о так? Не зрозум іли одне одного?
- Спочатку все було добре. А л е як дійш ли д о з'ясування, щ о мені взя­
ти на десерт, він чо м усь говорив ви кл ю ч н о п р о пудинг. Я не дуж е п о ­
лю бл яю пудинги, але виріш ив підіграти й о м у (to play along) й п о п р о си в
перелічити все, щ о є.
- То який же ти обрав?
- Слухай, їх там сила-силенна: й оркш и рськи й , м олочн ий , сливовий,
ри совий та інші. Я ж вибрав чо р н и й пудинг, д ум ав - ш околадний.

194 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

- Уявляю со бі твій подив, коли тобі принесли кров'янку.
- Т а не кажи (You'd better believe it). Я був упевнений, щ о всі пудинги
солодкі. Нічого, наступного разу зам овлю йоркш ирський.

Developing translation skills

(I) Political Correctness

P o litica l correctness (PC) - language, beh aviou r and attitud e s that are
carefully chosen so that they do not offend o r insult anyone, especially
those w ho belong to the m ost vulnerable strata o f population: eld erly p e o ­
ple, disabled people, wom en, representatives of ethnic, religious, language
and national m inorities etc. In the English language of th e US, Britain and
Canada there is a tendency to replace o u tm o d e d offensive term s w ith up-
to-date, m ore appro priate and polite terms. W hen translating into English,

Do not use, e.g. Use /

Invalid p e rso n with a disability, p e rso n with
special needs

m an (when p e o p le o f both sexes are m eant) person, individual, h um an b e in g etc.

she o r he they

C h a irm a n ch airp e rson , chair

Firem an fire -fig h te r

o ld p e o p le se n io r citizen s o r seniors

N e g ro , Black A frican A m e rica n (in the USA)

Indian N a tive A m e rica n

W ife, husb an d Spouse

Scholars dealing with PC warn us: "To sound politically correct you must
watch w hat you say, not to display any sexist, racist, culturalist, nationalist,
ageist, sizeist, ethnocentrist, or other type of bias". Som etim es, they may
g o to o far in their love of PC. Look at the follow ing examples. A ren't they
ridiculous?! And what is more, som e o f the PC term s given below have already
been considered dated and have been replaced by m ore intricate ones.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 195

These are considered
politically incorrect Politically correct

A pet c o m p a n io n anim al

A fa t p e r s o n a p e rson w ith an altern ative b o d y im age; a larger than

ave ra g e citizen; a p e rso n o f size; a p e rso n o f substance;
h o rizo n ta lly c h a lle n g e d p erson

A girl p re -w o m a n

A w ife V ictim o f sexism

A h o u s e w if e d o m e stic o p e rativ e

A w o m a n o r m an ge n d e r-sp e c ifie d p erson

D ead te rm in ally in c o n ve n ie n c e d

A m e r ig o V e s p u c c i E urocentric co lo n ia list a d v en tu rer

V ic t im S u rvivor

R efugee Evacuee

H om osexual O TPO TSS (orientation to w ard s p e o p le o f th e sa m e sex)

L e s b ia n W om yn

1. Read the text below. C o m m en t on PC language. Translate the text into


Red Riding Hood (21st century version)

There on ce was a youn g person nam ed Red Riding H ood. O n e day she
to o k a basket o f organic fo o d and w ent to her birth grandparent w h o was
o p tica lly ch allenged and used a wheelchair. Red Riding H ood set off very
early because she was differently-sized and not in full physical health, so
it was g o in g to take her a long tim e to get to the m atriarch's. On her way
to the house she bum ped into a wolf, far from being an anim al co m p a n ­
ion, vertically challenged and ob v io u sly a stom ach ulcer patient, as he had
always sat on a carnivorous diet. The w o lf asked her w hat was there in
her basket. Red Riding H ood answered that there was som e fat-free, s u g ­
ar-free, salt-free, o zo n e-frie n d ly food. That m ade the w olf's m outh water;

196 M . O. B o3 H a • O. 5. T a n o H iB • O. KD. BacM/ibHeHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

there was a g lin t in his eye. Being an experienced pre-w om an Red Riding
H ood im m ediately realized that there was no use crying fo r help. The only
person w h o m ight be nearby was a log-fuel technician. But he was a person
w ith an au d ito ry im pairm ent. He w o u ld n 't hear. Red Riding H o o d gave the
w o lf the basket of fo o d and guaranteed him a daily healthy diet. Her differ-
ently-ab led relative was also taken care of. The N ational C ou n cil o f Senior
Citizens (NCSC) and the Salvation A rm y stand guard over the interests of
the p eo p le with special needs.

(II) Culture-specific words

The term "culture-specific w ord" or "lexical lacuna" im plies the idea that
an object or a notion exists in both languages but th eir lexical form s exist
o n ly in one of the languages, e.g. fo rtn ig h t - два тижні; grandparents -
д ідусь і бабуся; sibling п m eans on e o f tw o or m ore p eo p le with the same
parents - брат чи сестра; доба - tw enty-four hours; о кр іп - b oilin g water
etc. The noun "privacy" also b elo ngs to lexical lacunas. The tro u b le with
the w ord p rivacy is that it also expresses a culture-specific concept (a very
"English" one) w hich is rarely u n derstood by p eo ple from o th er countries.
Therefore it is n otorio u sly d ifficu lt to translate into o th er languages.

*1. From the fo llo w in g list of w ords choose th ose that are close in m eaning
to the noun p rivacy in each sentence. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
using these synonym s as a prom pt: confidentiality, isolation, y o u r space,
quiet, retreat, seclusion, secrecy, solitude.
1. There's not m uch privacy in these flats because o f the large w indow s
and thin walls.
2. W hen Elizabeth II inherited the British th ron e in 1952, royal privacy
was closely guarded.
3. He preferred to read the docum en ts in the privacy of his study.
4. A high wall round the estate protected th eir privacy.
5. N ew spapers often d o n 't respect the individual's right to privacy.
6 .1 m ight have been a gold-fish in a glass bowl for all the privacy I got. (Saki)

2. Translate the fo llow in g w o rd -co m b in atio n s with the noun privacy.

Ukrainian w ords and w o rd -co m b in a tio n s m ay serve as a prom pt, or you

Англійська мова. II КУРС 197

m ay give y o u r ow n options: т а є м н и ц я , с а м іт н іс т ь , о с о б и с т е ж и т т я ,
к о н ф ід е н ц ій н ість , п о т а є м н і к у т о ч к и серця, спокій, с а м о т а .
privacy o f deposits
privacy o f co rrespon den ce
to respect som eone's privacy
to disturb som ebody's privacy
to protect som ebo dy's privacy
to live in absolu te privacy
to say som eth in g in strict privacy
an invasion of som ebody's privacy
in the privacy of y o u r own th ou gh ts
the individual's right to privacy.

(Ill) Translation transform ation o f differentiation

Differentiation can be defined as the replacem ent o f a lexical unit of

broad m eaning with a lexical unit of narrow er m eaning. D ifferentiation is
a m ost frequent device in English-U krainian translation due to the m isbal-
ance betw een abstract and desem an tized w ords in the languages.
There is a large g ro u p o f w ords in the English voca b u lary o f w ide sem an­
tic volu m e that are som etim es necessary to differentiate o r to m ake them
m ore concrete in translation. Though there can be o th er possibilities, for
instance you can o m it them in yo u r translation. The context and you r back­
g ro un d k no w ledge will often help you to m ake th e right choice.
Such w ords m ay b elo ng to different parts o f speech. The m ost freq u en t­
ly used nouns are: thing, point, stuff, affair, man, woman, child, creature,
person, party, body, business, drink, etc. The text “A m erican Racism" contains
a n u m ber o f sim ilar words.

1. Find in Text 2 the w ords of w ide sem antic volum e. W rite dow n their
d ictio n ary definitions. Use these w ords in the sentences of you r own.

2. M atch the Engish w o rd -co m b in a tio n s with th eir Ukrainian counterparts:

1) legal issue а) нагальне питання
2) issue of the day b) актуальна проблем а/питання
3) trivial issues c) сп ірн е питання

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів * О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

4) sensitive issue гі) правове заперечення
5) divisive issue е) дохлий н ом ер
6) dead issue 0 д р іб н и ц і
7) side issue д) другорядн е питання
8) burning issue її) б о лю че питання
9) to take issue with som ething і) уладнувати, виріш увати питання
10) to address an issue .І) питання/справа в тім
11) to straddle an issue к) виріш ити питання
12) to settle an issue І) впритул підійти д о виріш ення
13) to bring an issue to a close т )з а с п е р е ч а т и с я
14) to bring up issue п) піднімати питання
15) the qu estion at issue is о) ставити питання

3. Translate th e fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Have you seen the Christm as issue o f this m agazine?
2. There is a new issue of stam ps to co m m em orate V-day/VE-day.
3. She died w ith ou t issue.
4. If you w ant to read the w h ole novel you should buy both the back and
the current issue of the m agazine.
5 . 1 know a th ing o r tw o a b o u t dogs.
6. H ow are you g oin g to fit all that stuff into yo u r w ashing m achine?
7. This is the shed where I keep m y garden ing things.
8. You should trust me. It w asn't really my fault; it was ju s t one o f those
9 . 1 g o t dow n to reading som e of m y little boy's fairy tales. G o od n ess
Gracious! W h at frighten ing stuff w hen read in retrospect!

*4. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English, using the w ords in brack­
ets as a prom pt:
1. Я цілком розум ію , щ о ви хочете сказати (point).
2. Вона пішла д о лікаря, б о їй в око щ ось потрапило (body).
3. Вода зам ерзає при 32° за Ф аренгейтом (point).
4. Щ о вам зараз потрібно, то це д о б р е відпочити (thing).
5. Він почав так екстравагантно фантазувати, б о зайняти д у м к у б іл ь ­
ше було н ічи м (issue).

Англійська мова. II КУРС 19 9

6. М аса хол од н ого повітря, щ о прийш ла д о нас з півночі, надовго
визначила погоду у столиці (body).
7. Цей політик вм іло веде д ерж авн і справи (affair).
8. М ені видається, щ о я випустив щ ось важливе у вашій розповіді (point).
9. Ця брудна історія, яку так д овго см акує преса, вже досить-таки
набридла (affair).
10. О с н о в н о ю те м о ю сь о го д н іш н ьо ї л е к ц ії є загальна характеристика
перекладацьких трансф орм ацій (matter).
11. Я просто ж и ву так, як мені хочеться, й р о б л ю те, щ о мені п о д о б а ­
ється (thing).
12. Я завж ди почувався чуж им в Англії, хоча й вільно говор и в англій­
ською (matter).
13. Намагайтеся бути гнучкіш им. Іноді зо всім непогано піти на к о м ­
п р о м іс (thing).
14. Ж од н ого сенсу продовж увати суп еречку (point).
15. Цей ш ам п унь зроб ить ваш е волосся густіш им і зд о р о в іш и м (body).

Developing interpreting skills

1. For snow ball" repetition, repeat the fo llo w in g Ukrainian sentences after
you r teacher, w ith ou t op e n in g you r textbooks.
1. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино.
2. Лас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д ш турм ує ігрові автомати.
3. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу ш турм ує
ігрові автомати.
4. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу оска ж ен іло
ш турм ує ігрові автомати.
5. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу оска ж ен іло
ш турм ує ігрові автомати, сидить за рулеткою.
6. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу оска ж ен іло
ш турм ує ігрові автомати, сидить за рулеткою, о сво ю є інш і п р и стр о ї
та апарати.
7. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу о ска ж ен іл о
ш турм ує ігрові автомати, сидить за рулеткою, о св о ю є інш і прості
чи хитром удрі п р и стр о ї та апарати.

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

8. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу оскаж еніло
ш турм ує ігрові автомати, сидить за рулеткою, о св о ю є інш і прості
чи хитром удрі п р и стр о ї та апарати, щ о доп ом агаю ть позбутися
9. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу оскаж еніло
ш турм ує ігрові автомати, сидить за рулеткою, о св о ю є інш і прості
чи хитром удрі п р и стр о ї та апарати, що, р озп ал ю ю ч и азарт,
д оп ом агаю ть позбутися кровних.
10. Л ас-Вегас - це численні казино, де лю д із усього світу оскаж ен іло
ш турм ує ігрові автомати, сидить за рулеткою, о св о ю є інш і прості
чи хитром удрі п р и стр о ї та апарати, що, р озп ал ю ю ч и азарт,
д оп ом агаю ть позбутися зн а ч н о ї дещ иц і кровних.

2. For "snow ball" repetition, repeat the fo llow in g English sentences after
you r teacher, w ith ou t op e n in g y o u r textbooks.
1. Those from the East are regarded as "inscrutable".
2. Those from the East are regarded by m any as "inscrutable".
3. Those from the East, especially the Japanese, are regarded by m any
as "inscrutable".
4. Those from the East, especially the Japanese, are regarded by m any as
"inscrutable", since they m ask th eir feelings.
5. Those from the East, especially the Japanese, are regarded by m any as
"inscrutable", since they m ask th eir feelings, attitudes and questions.
6. Those from the East, especially the Japanese, are regarded by m any as
"inscrutable", since they m ask th eir feelings, attitudes and questions,
behind a wall.
7. Those from the East, especially the Japanese, are regarded by m any as
"inscrutable", since they m ask th eir feelings, attitudes and questions,
behind a wall of politeness.
8. Those from the East, especially the Japanese, are regarded by m any as
"inscrutable", since they m ask th eir feelings, attitudes and questions,
behind a wall of extrem e politeness.

3. Repeat each g ro u p o f w ords after y o u r teacher, w ith ou t op e n in g your

1. Countries, difference, friend, bluntness, person.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 201

2. Pain, privacy, year, colleague, status.
3. C o m pan ion , exam ple, tradition, question, wife.
4. Britain, stranger, inform ation, husband, attem pt.
5. Interest, feelings, politeness, incom e, taboo.
6. Detail, attitude, culture, theory, pot.
7. Nationality, language, group, barrier, opportunity.
8. Change, origin, convention, people, com m u n ication .
9. Land, dream , achievem ent, clarity, tongue.
10. O utcom e, rule, factor, structure, freedom .

Translator's nightmares
C iv il Servant, P u b lic S ervan t The co n ce p t has becom e m ore fam iliar to
Ukrainians in recent years and has now a n u m ber of equivalents. The m ost
co m m o n ones include: держ авний службовець, публічний службовець.
A C iv il Servant is an em ploye e of the Civil Service, the State A d m in istratio n
o f th e UK, excluding the m ilitary and ju d icia l branches and elected
politicians. All State officials, in clu ding Civil Servants, ju dges, M e m b e rs o f
Parliam ent (MPs) and th e Royal Fam ily are P u b lic Servants. In this latter
categ ory are also th ose w ith a rank of h o n o u r given to them by the king or
queen for th eir services to th e country, e.g. th o se w h o were m ade knights
or dames, such as Sir Elton John o r Sir Alex Ferguson.
It's o b vio u s th at there are a lot o f differen t ranks, posts, positions, levels,
standings and status am on g Civil and Public Servants. The app ro p riate
co rresp on dence should be fou n d for each o f them in translation, th e m ost
co m m o n term s in Ukrainian being: д ерж авн ий служ бовець, п ублічний
служ бовець, посадова особа, чиновник, урядовець, сп івр о б ітн и к д е р ­
ж а в н о ї або п уб л іч н о ї служби, працівник, сл уж бов ець дер ж авн их уста­
нов і органів м ісц е во го самоврядування, д ерж авна або м уніципальна
посадова особа, сп івр о б ітн и к м іж н а р о д н о ї організації, держ авна о с о ­
ба, etc. The m ost recent loan -tran slation "п ублічни й служ бовець" has es­
tab lished itself in the Ukrainian lan gu age and is w idely used.
Because all Public Servants are expected to be exem plary in th eir
conduct, any in frin g em en t o f civil o r crim inal law is dealt w ith harshly. To
give an exam ple from the UK news, H arriet Harm an, then a C ab in et M in iste r

202 M. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів ■ О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

(міністр Кабінету міністрів), was stopped by the p o lice for driving on a
m otorw ay at som e 45kph over the speed lim it. Rather than be excused, as
has happen ed in Ukraine, she was prosecuted and "to set an exam ple", the
ju d g e fined her especially heavily and banned her from driving.

Translate into Ukrainian:

In earlier times, w hen c iv il serva nts were part of the king's household,
they were literally the m onarch's personal servants and located w ithin the
C o u rt of that m onarch. As the pow ers of m onarchs and princes w eakened
and they becam e m ostly sym bolic, rather than actually ruling, the a p p o in t­
m ent of civil servants passed to m inisters and heads o f bureaucratic d e ­
partm ents. The influence of senior civil servants on p o licy and the need
fo r them to w ork in close relationship w ith ministers, led to governm ents
insisting on co m plete freedom o f ch o ice w hen a p p oin tm en ts were made.
In som e countries, n otably the U nited States, sen ior advisers usually are
replaced w henever a new adm in istratio n takes office.
A ll countries base a p p oin tm en ts on som e kind o f co m p e titio n . In som e
countries, great em phasis is placed on form al written exam inations, su p ­
plem ented by interviews. In G reat Britain, trad ition ally on e of the great
advocates o f en try by form al exam ination, The Civil Service C om m issio n
relies m ore on inform al tests and a series of interview s and observations
and tends to m easure the candidate's intellectual co m peten ce by th e q u a l­
ity of th eir university degree.
(Adapted from Encyclopaedia Britannica)

Translate into English:

Стартує реформа системи професійного навчання публічних

службовців та депутатів місцевих рад

Н ац іон ал ьн и м агентством України з питань д е р ж а в н о ї служ би

(НАДС) за п ідтрим ки Ради Є вр оп и розпочаті консультації з м ето ю на-
п рацю ван ня узгодж еного П лану заходів з реалізації К о н ц е п ц ії р еф о р ­
мування систем и п роф есій но го навчання держ авних служ бовців, го­
лів м ісц е ви х держ адм іністрацій, їх перш их заступників та заступників,
п осад ови х о сіб м ісц е вого сам оврядуван н я та депутатів м ісц е ви х рад,

Англійська мова. II КУРС 203

схвален ої розп оряд ж ен н ям Кабінету М ін істр ів України від 1 грудня
2017 року на виконання Стратегії реф орм ування держ авн ого у п р а в ­
ління України на 2016-2020.
М етою К о н ц еп ц ії є визначення стратегічних напрямів, м еханізм ів
та строків ф орм ування суча сн ої еф ективної системи п роф есій ного
навчання держ авн их сл уж бовців та інш их категорій, яка забезпечить
п ідвищ ення рівня їх н ь о ї п р оф е сій н о ї компетентності, буде зо р ієн то в а­
на на потреби особистості у п р о ф е сій н о м у розвитку протягом усього
життя та сп ри яти м е вп ровадж ен н ю п р и н ц и п ів д о б р о го врядування
(good governance).
Реалізація К о н ц е п ц ії спри яти м е п р ове д ен н ю структурних реф орм
в Україні, зокрем а реф орм ува н н ю д ерж авн ого управління, д е р ж а в н о ї
служби, м ісц е вого сам оврядуван н я та те ри торіал ьно ї о р ган іза ц ії вла­
ди, має посилити м оти вац ію публічних сл уж бов ц ів д о підвищ ення р ів ­
ня проф есій ної компетентності, налагодження еф ективної ком ун іка ц ії
зам овн и ків і надавачів освітніх послуг.
Д осягнення ц ієї мети перед бачен о ш ляхом м о д е р н іза ц ії та р о зб уд о ­
ви з урахуванням кращ их націон альни х та світових практик і стандар­
тів усіх складових системи п роф есій но го навчання. К о нц еп ц ією також
пер ед бачен о утворення К о о р д и н а ц ій н о ї ради з питань п роф есій ного
навчання, яка б об'єднувала зусилля різних зацікавлених сторін, в к л ю ­
чаю чи всеукраїнські асоціації органів м ісц е во го сам оврядування та
інші інститути гром адян ського суспільства. Реалізація К о н ц еп ц ії зд ій с­
ню ватиметься протягом 2 0 18 -2 0 20 років і спри яти м е в п р овадж ен н ю
в Україні ш и р оком асш та б н и х д е м о кр ати ч н и х реф орм та д ец ен тр ал і­
зац ії влади.

204 М. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Britain and the British.

Functional Evaluating, comparing, exemplifying

Grammar: Non-factual Past Simple
Writing: Personal letters, Instructions
Developing Generalisation, choosing the best lexical equivalent, the
Translation Skills: use of the verb "to seem"

Practice your pronunciation!
S he w asn ’t
Before you start this unit, warm up with this verbal alw ays
These sh oes sim ply d o n 't fit m y feet.
There w asn't a single bit o f beet in m y borshch.
Please sit o n that seat o v er there.
The fleet-fo o ted shapes flitted th ro u g h the shadows.
H e seeks all o f the six treasures.
She always licks her plate after a m eal o f leeks with
cheese sauce.

1. Discuss the fo llow in g points:

1. The British stereotype and how you see a typical British person.
2. If you 've only seen London, you haven't seen the real England yet.
3. The Royal Family are an im p o rtan t attribute o f English life.
4. British policem en never usually carry guns.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 205

5. The British N atio n al Health Service (NHS) is free. W h y is that so im ­

» 2. W ith o u t lo o kin g in y o u r textbooks, listen to the recorded d ialog u e

N "Isn't trad ition great!", until you get its m ain message, then form u late
p l it in y o u r ow n words. Then listen to the sam e d ialo g u e again, and
w rite dow n the expressions o f evaluation, co m parison and e x em p lify­
ing used in it.
(the script is given at the end o f the textbook)

3. W o rkin g w ith y o u r textbook, find am on g the expressions given below

those that were used in the d ialog u es and o th er expressions o f the sam e
fu n ction specifying th e speech register fo r each expression. Try to m e m o ­
rise as m any o f them as possible.

Exemplifying Comparing Evaluating

Lo o k a t ... ... b e tter than ... I w o u ld p r e f e r ... to ...
If yo u c o n s id e r ... ... n o t as g o o d a s ... I d o n 't like the first o n e ...
A n e xam p le w o u ld That's less o f a ... W h ic h o f these w o u ld you
be ... There's m ore than ... ch o o se ?
F o r in s ta n c e ... E ith e r/o r an d n e ith er/n o r W h ic h strikes y o u as the
If w e s p e c if y ... I d o n 't p a rticu larly like ... better?
W h a t a b o u t ...? ... is pretty m uch ... W o u ld n 't y o u say the y're chalk
The n itty-g ritty i s ... That's so rt o f ... and ch ee se?
... m o re im pressive ... T hey're all m uch o f a m uchness
Isn't it great!
It's stunning!

4. Fill in the gaps o f the d ia lo g u e below w ith the fu n ction al expressions you
have learnt or sim ilar ones.
N atasha: Haven t you anything ... to d o ... sit on the internet again?
I a n :... this fantastic p h o to o f W arw ick Castle I've found Isn't it ?
N: It's ....
I: It's one o f the ... I've ... seen.
N: Its ... im pressive ... the one you to o k with y o u r ow n camera.
I: I ... it too, but j u s t ... th e list o f hundreds of W elsh castles on this site.
N: Isn't i t ... to have so m uch history!

M. O . E>03Ha • O. B. T a n o H iB • O. to. B acH /iw eiH K O • H. C. XoM eH KO

5. Discuss the fo llo w in g qu o tatio n s givin g exam ples o f exem plifying, co m ­
p a rin g and evaluating where relevant:
a) "The w h ole w orld is in revolt. Soon there will be only five kings left -
the King o f England, the King of Spades, the King of Clubs, the King of
Hearts and the King o f D iam onds" (King Farouk o f Egypt, 1948).
b) England and Am erica are tw o countries separated by a co m m o n lan­
g uage" (G. B. Shaw).
c) "If you had to cho ose three w ords to distill the essence of Britain,
A m erica and Canada, the w ords w ould be island, fro n tie r and survival"
(M argaret Atw ood).
d) "The truth is, that in London it is always sickly season. N o b o d y is
healthy in London, n o b o d y can be" (Jane Austen).

6 . Translate the d ialo g u e into English using w ords and w o rd -co m b in atio n s
from the fo llo w in g list: fantastic, great, stunning, impressive, terrific, on the
site, to shop online, to visit websites, to s u rf the net, to e m a il people.
Natasha: Чи маєш доступ д о Інтернету?
Ian. Так, звичайно. Я взагалі вже погано собі уявляю, як раніш е ж ив
без нього.
N.: Тепер м ож н а зрозум іти, ч о м у часом д о тебе складно д о д зв о н и ­
тися. Ти, очевидно, годинам и сидиш в Інтернеті.
І.. Трапляється. Іноді спілкую ся з друзям и ел ектро нн ою пош тою , ін о ­
ді ш укаю п отріб ну ін ф ор м ац ію на веб-сторінках, а буває й просто їх
продивляю ся для приколу. Н ещ од авн о навіть став зам овляти п р о ­
дукти через Інтернет.
N.: Згодна, Інтернет - класна річ. На жаль, я його вдом а не маю.
І.: Ну, зараз це - не п роблем а. Н ем ає м ож ли вості вдом а - м ож на
скористатися Інтернетом на роботі, в університеті, д о друзів піти.
N.: Я хож у д о інтернет-кафе. О со б и сто м ене при вабл ю є м ож ли вість
позн ай ом и тися з пам 'яткам и історії. Вони просто враж ають! А м а т о р ­
ські зн ім ки не йдуть в ж од н е порівняння. Д уж е вражає!
І.: Я кщ о додати: чудово, фантастично, п р и гол ом ш л и во - це й буде

Англійська мова. II КУРС 207

Section A

1. Look at the title o f the text and say w hat you think the text is about.

2. Think of ten to fifteen them atic w ords which you are likely to find in
follow in g text on T h e British Character' and write them down, checkinq
w hether the w ords you predict actually appear.

3. Learn the pro nun ciation of the follow ing g eo grap h ical and p ro per nam es
from the text below:
S alisbury Plain /'sorlzbari'plein/ Leofric /'h afrik/
Stonehenge /'st™nhond;j/ M ercia / 'm rs io /
Bath / b a :0 / Ann H athaw ay /'aen'hce03wei/
a /93 daivs/ Bablake School /'ba 3blik'sku:l/

4. Look th rou gh the follow in g com m ents before reading the text:

Com m ents

SaliLsbuar y bUry Pla'n' An UnUSUaNy (for Britain) flat area of lar|d north of the city of

hnift p h n ^ S n n 6' 3,1 andent drCUlar monument of standing-stones or megaliths

built about 5000 years ago, is located 13 km to the northwest of Salisbury.
Fnnia An Anglo-Saxon kingdom comprising parts of contemporary central
England and Wales. Mercia is thought to have originated from the disputed bor-
n l Z MWe6n 11 W8lSJ and the An9 lo-Saxons, before expanding eastwards and the
name Mercia means border folk' in Old English.

5. Read the text "The British Character" and underline the sentences that
sum m arize the m ain idea of each paragraph.

208 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. KD. BacM /itweHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

Text 1: The British Character

It m ay be painfully obviou s that th e British Isles are surrounded by the

sea - th ey are islands, after all. But if you were to w on d e r how this affects
the British character, then the first of the tw o key answers is th e "insular"
m e n ta lity of the British, and the second being nearly a th ou san d years of
uninterrupted tradition - the last serious invasion was by the N orm an s in
1066 .
Taking the first, even in the tw enty-first century, British p eo p le are re­
served, a lo o f and often haughty. Europeans and Am ericans are usually very
surprised by th eir desire for privacy and the British still use such p op u lar
sayings as "An Englishm an's hom e is his castle" to describe attitude rather
than any physical protection. This "insular" or "island" m entality of course
varies across the countries that m ake up the UK. Even so, it is p o ssib le to
generalise into gro ups or categories. For exam ple, the Southern English,
the W elsh and H ighland Scots are the m ost closed, Lowland Scots and
M id la n d s English are m ore open and the N o rth ern English are som etim es
h osp itab le and friendly. O r especially suspicious!
If you were to visit Britain, you w ou ld im m ediately notice th e alm ost
ch illing politeness of the British and the peculiar way that p eo p le w ill a p o l­
ogise continually. If you were to b u m p in to a person with, say, a sh o p ­
ping trolley, then the bruised victim will often turn round and say "Oh, I'm
terrib ly sorry". A person exiting a b u ild in g w ould not dream of letting a
d o o r slam into a stranger and p e o p le politely qu euin g could not im agine
anyone p u sh in g in for any reason. Two people at a d o o rw ay m ay spend
co n sid e rable tim e saying "You go first" "No, you" "No, you g o first" and so
on. A plate of cakes on a tab le after a meal m ay often have on e left after
eve ryb od y has finished - if you were to take the last one then you w ould
be th o u g h t of as being d re a d fu lly im polite.
The im age of the British G entlem an has spread th ro u g h o u t the w orld to
the co n fusion of m any oth er cultures. The British view that it is better to
participate at a sp ort and play honourably, than to win, is a b solu tely in co m ­
prehensible to an Am erican. In the USA, to com e second, n ever m in d third
or worse, is hum iliation. This British h o n o u r o f particip atio n m ay be co m ­
bined w ith great patience. A cricket m atch at international level, (a "Test
Match") takes place over five days.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 209

Stonehenge Am ericans are usually regarded
as boorish by Britons, and perhaps
because they often try to o hard to
be polite in an artificial and in sin ­
cere m anner - repeatedly saying
"Have a nice day" and US fast-food
café staff have to sm ile at custom ers
o r risk being fined o r sacked. Such
behaviour is alien to the British.
The second, tradition, is the cor­
nerstone of the British character and an oth er way to realise this is to look
at places and th eir architecture and history. If you were to drive across the
southern half o f England on the A303, then as you cross S a lisb u ry Plain,
you w ou ld see a rem arkable sight that so m any have seen over the past
5000 years, as S to n e h e n g e com es into view on the horizon.
There are m any N e o lith ic and prehistoric sites around Britain, Rom an re­
m ains in such cities as Chester, Colchester, Bath and Canterbury, th e rem ains
o f V ikin g settlem ents in York and from the N o rm an invasion in 1066, m any
stone castles and fortifications. Very m any villages and tow ns in Britain
tod ay still have N o rm an churches and cathedrals datin g from the eleventh
century. The locals all th in k of them as ju s t 'the church' and that it's nearly a
th ou san d years old isn't especially rem arkable. People still drink at the 'O ld
Trip to Jerusalem ' pub in N o ttin g h am w hich dates back to the tw elfth ce n ­
tury. Tourists flock to S tratford-u pon -A von w here Shakespeare's birth place
is, and the co tta g e w here he lived
4 Victorian Romantic painting o f G o d in s ride wjth Anp Hathawayj his wjfef jn the

16th century, still stands, near m any

oth er b u ild in g s the sam e age or
Even places off the tou rist m ap
such as C oventry have a sig n ifi­
cant heritage. Lady G odiva rode
th rou gh the streets of C ove n try in
ab o u t 1050 to persuade her h us­
band, Leofric, Earl of M e rcia to re­
duce pun itive taxes on the p eo p le

210 M, O. Bo3Ha • O. B. FanoHiB • O. KD. Bacn/itweHKo • H. C. XoMeHKO

o f Coventry. Legend has it that she rode naked to stress to her husband
how im p o rtan t this was to her, but Coventry's to w n sp eo p le so respected
her that n o b o d y looked at her nakedness during her ride. The exception
was alleg e d ly 'Peeping Tom' w ho was struck blind as a result. W h e th e r she
was actually naked o r not during her ride and w heth er Peeping Tom existed
d ep e n ds on w hether you believe the chronicles dating from 1236.
But the p o in t is that the city was significan t even then. The o ld e st C o v e n ­
try school, Bablake School, was fou n d ed in 1344 and m any o f the original
b u ild in g s still exist, alth ou gh the schoo l m oved to a new site n ot far away in
the nineteenth century. That each o f the school's pupils knows the age and
trad ition o f the school is certain, yet they often take it fo r granted.
This acceptance o f lo n g -sta nd in g and uninterrupted trad ition is deep
w ithin the British psyche and is one o f the explanations w hy the stand-off-
ish yet co n fide n t Brit feels no need to assert his 'superiority' by show ing off
to his foreign peers.

6. A n sw er the fo llow in g questions after the first reading of the text:

1. W hat are the m ain features o f the British m entality? W h at objective
factors is it related to? Do these features represent the o p in io n of the
au th or o f the text, co m m o n know ledge or fact?
2. W hat is the role of trad ition in the British character? S u p p o rt yo u r an ­
swer with relevant points from the text, qu otin g it if necessary.
3. W hat are the historical and g eo g rap h ic facts that were n ot know n to
you before you read the text? W hat are the facts that have im pressed
you m ost o f all?
4. W h at is the m ain idea o f this text?

7. G o through the text again and give the Ukrainian equivalents for the
h ig h lig h ted words. Then study the fo llo w in g vo cabulary notes:

/ Vocabulary notes
1. A ffe ct, i/. This w ord is frequently confused with "effect", n ot o n ly by
students o f English but also often by native speakers. These tw o w ords
are paronym s. A ffe c t is m ostly a verb with the fo llo w in g m ain m eanings,
alth ou g h note that the fou rth is becom in g old-fashioned:

Англійська мова. II КУРС

1) to influence, m ost co m m o n ly in a negative context - впливати, діяти
(на щось), в то м у числі негативно, тобто шкодити, вадити, e.g. Sm oking
affects y o u r health.
2) to attack (about an illness) - уражати (про хворобу), e.g. The inces­
sant co u g h in g caused by her cold affected her m ood m ore and more.
3) to m ove em o tio n a lly - хвилю вати, зворуш увати, e.g. She was stro n g ­
ly affected by the beauty of her surroundings.
4) to pose as or to use fo r effect - удавати, прикидатися, e.g. She affect­
ed a coqu ettish manner.
Effect is usually a noun with the fo llo w in g m eanings:
1) specific or concrete result - дія, вплив, e.g. to take effect, to give an
2) n on -spe cific o r general result o r co nsequ en ce of an action - наслідок,
результат, e.g. effects o f war, of no effect, to no effect;
3) purpose, intention - мета, намір, e.g. to this effect;
4) im pression - ефект, враження, e.g. general effect, for effect;
5) p i p ro pe rty - речі, майно, e.g. personal effects.
Effect m ay also be a verb w ith the m ean in g "to bring a b o u t" o r "to
make, to d o and can be tran slated as "виконувати, здійсню вати, п р о ­
водити в життя". See th e difference: Living on an island m ay affect
(вплинути) the p e rso n a lity o f som eone, since th e effect (наслідками) of
the iso latio n is....
2. M en tality, n. The m ost co m m o n use of the w ord is to m ean "way
o f th inkin g that m ay be translated as "склад розуму, ментальність,
ум онастрій, сп рям ован ість думок".
Less co m m o n but also found is the m eaning "degree or kind o f in telli­
gence that can be translated as "розум, інтелект, р озум о ви й розвиток".
This is m ost often used in scientific w riting.
Synonyms: character - collective qualities or characteristics, d isp o sitio n -
tem peram ent, personality - a person's distin ctive character o r qualities,
iden tity - individuality, nature - innate o r essential qualities.
3. To b u m p into. An inform al phrase w ith tw o m eanings, the first of
w hich is literal, as used in the text, and the o th er m etaphorical:
1) to physically co llid e w ith som eo n e - налетіти, наштовхнутися;
2) to m eet - зустрітися з ким сь несподівано, e.g. You'll never guess
w ho I b u m ped into in the superm arket!

212 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

4. To push in. To cut in front o f so m eb o d y in a queue. A phrase used to
convey anger at rudeness w hen the pro to col of q u eu in g in Britain is not
observed. In Ukrainian can be translated as "прош товхнутися, пролізти,
5. D readfully, adv. Страш енно. This is one o f a series of w ords that cam e
to m ean "very" in the early 20th century and are alm ost never used in
co n te m p o ra ry English except w hen they are chosen fo r stylistic purposes,
gen erally in the context of etiquette, to m ock the convention. O th er than
fo r stylistic purposes the use o f the w ord should be avoided. A s a m p lifi­
ers, such sim ilar synonym s as awfully, rather, frightfully, terrifically, p o p u ­
lar a cen tury ago, should also be avoided. C o n te m p o rary English uses for
w ritten phrases such am plifiers as: very, extremely, noticeably, especially,
particularly. Conversational English m ay also use these but m ore com m on
are: really, dead, to tally o r one of a w ide variety o f swear words.
6. N e v e r m in d . The tw o m ajor m eanings o f this phrase in co n te m p orary
English include:
1) let alone, not to m ention - вже не каж учи про... e.g. H ow w ou ld he
find the time, never m ind th e m oney" (Oxford D ictio n a ry of Idioms);
2) it d o e sn 't m atter - не звертайте уваги, не турбуйтеся, не п ер е й ­
майтеся, e.g. Oh never mind, ju s t ign ore it.
7. Peer, n. As a noun, there are tw o key m eanings of the word;
1) equal - рівня, рівний;
2) a form al title - пер, лорд, e.g. The H ouse of Lords is co m prise d of
A s a verb, the w ord has tw o m ain meanings:
1) to lo o k closely or with d ifficu lty - пильно вдивлятися, придивлятися,
e.g. He peered, trying to discern th e shadow y intruders (I. M urdoch);
2) to appear with d ifficu lty - визирати, з'являтися, показуватися, e.g.
The sun peered th rou gh the clouds.

8 . Listen to the recording o f th e text, read it aloud in class and translate it

into Ukrainian.

9. A n sw er the follow in g qu estion s from the alternatives given below:

1. The British Character is often described as being: a) cosm opolitan;
b) insular; c) m etropolitan. 2. The un interrupted trad itio n of Britain is due

Англійська мова. II КУРС 213

to: a) frequent invasions over the last m illennium ; b) occasional invasions
over the last m illennium ; c) no invasions over the last m illennium . 3. The
English usually act in w hat kind o f m anner? a) polite; b) boorish; c) ruthless.
4. A foreig n er w ould probably describe a typical Brit as being: a) tem p e ra­
mental; b) open; c) reserved. 5. A typical Brit believes that you should enter
a gam e or com petition: a) to win; b) to participate; c) to lose gracefully.
6. Stonehenge was built by: a) prehistoric people; b) the Romans; c) the A n -
glo-Saxons. 7. The m ost noticeable Rom an rem ains surviving in Britain are:
a) churches; b) roads; c) city walls, aqueducts, viaducts and villas. 8. Lady
G odiva rode naked th rou gh C oventry because: a) she w anted to help her
people; b) she w anted to annoy her husband; c) she w anted to thrill Peep­
ing Tom. 9. Bablake School in C oventry is a) the sam e age; b) older; c) new ­
er than Shevchenko N ational University?

Vocabulary practice

10. Insert the right form of "effect" or "affect" into the follow in g sentences,
having read once again the notes to Text 1. Translate the sentences into
1. So, how will this new law ... me? 2. W hat's g o in g to be the ... o f this
new law on my incom e? 3. She pleaded to no ... 4. The G u lf Stream ... the
clim ate o f Britain. 5. To this ..., he decid ed to donate som e money. 6. The ...
of the G u lf Stream is to raise average tem peratures. 7. Her cold ... her m ood.
8. Pamela was d ee p ly ... by the news. 9. The bank ... the transfer of m oney
betw een accounts. 10. His m other's death ... him badly. 11. This w ill have
no ... on our chances. 12. This w o n 't ... ou r chances. 13. W e had to g o to the
deceased man's house to deal with his p e r s o n a l.... 14. He ... the role of an
idiot. 15. A t last, the an tibiotics to o k ... 16. F o r ..., she w ore an oran ge scarf.

11. Translate the sentences into English usinq the ap p ro p riate paronym
1. М ісіс Kepi розпитувала прибульців з Гаїті, країни, щ о постраж дала
від урагану, п ро його руйнівні наслідки. 2. Фахівці стверджую ть, щ о о с ­
танні п одії не позначаться негативно на ек о н о м іц і країни. 3. Насправді,
всі м о ї сп р о би говорити з акцентом і зійти за інозем ця не дали ба ж а­

214 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

ного результату. 4. Концерт справив на нас сильне враження. 5. Паління
впливає не тільки на здоров'я курця, але й на тих, хто його оточує. 6. При
переїзді всі її пожитки акуратно спакували й доставили цілим и й неуш-
кодж еним и. 7. Щ о вже й казати, фільм нас вразив. О со б л и в о вдалими
є звукові ефекти. Я кілька днів після цього взагалі н ічого не чула. 8. Всі
наші сп р о би були безрезультатними. 9. З цією м етою збирали теплий
одяг. 10. Застосування антибіотиків не дало баж аного результату.

12. W rite out all the adjectives in th e text that characterise th e British and
find th eir equivalents in Ukrainian, giving synonym s in Ukrainian that may
be used fo r translation.
D ivide them into tw o colum ns; those that are usually regarded as p o si­
tive characteristics and those w hich are negative characteristics.

13. C o n tin ue the fo llo w in g pairs o f synonym s with w ords used in the text
and o th er w ords know n to you. C on su lt a d ictio n a ry of synonym s or a th e­
saurus if necessary.
a) reticent, shy ....
b) ill-m annered, im p o lite ....
c) arrogant, d is d a in fu l....
d) distant, h o ity-to ity ....

14. C o m p le te the fo llo w in g sentences using the Ukrainian adjective in

brackets as a pro m p t with on e o f the fo llow in g words: reserved, stand-off­
ish, boorish, haughty, aloof.
1. Since he was so (стриманий) by nature, he kept q u iet during the d is­
cussion. 2. She to o k an (відсторонений) attitude and decid ed not to b o th ­
er to co n tribu te during the discussion. 3. He was regarded by the English­
m an as being (невихований). 4. He was so (зарозумілий) that he refused
to listen to the solution. 5. A lth o u g h she w anted to be friends, she was
perhaps to o (відлю дний) in her nature. 6. He co u ld n 't understand that his
jo kes were regarded as (грубий). 7. His (невихований) attitude was irritat­
ing the Italian delegation. 8. D espite being acquainted fo r over ten years,
she still foun d him (непривітний). 9. He kept (віддалений) even th ou g h
m ost of the g ro u p were his relatives. 10. His (чванливий) m anner cam e as
a surprise to those w h o th o u g h t him th eir friends.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 215

15. M ake up sh ort dialog u es discussing an acquaintance o f yours using the
adjectives from th e above exercise. W o rk in pairs.

16. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian, to m aintain the En­
glish literal or id io m a tic m eaning. Put to g e th e r several sentences o f you r
ow n with the sam e phrase.
1 .1 can't walk, never mind run. 2. Never m ind me, I only d o all the work
around here! 3. Never mind, it II heal soon. 4. The team couldn't pass accurate­
ly, never m ind score a goal. 5. Never m ind the season, going for a run is good
for your health. 6. Never mind, we'll buy you another one. 7. But never m ind -
I shall feel better after Saturday, when I have finished with this examination
(A. J. Cronin). 8. Never mind me, I've only been waiting here for over an hour.

17. C o m p lete the fo llo w in g sentences using the w ords and expressions
from the fo llo w in g list: allegedly, to p u sh in, to b u m p into, m en ta lity, to peer,
p e e r (n.), fo u n d a tio n stone, site, insular, to s la m a door, to sack, N e o lith ic , to
co m e in to view, sights, to take fo r g ra n ted , to sh o w off, cornerstone.
1. W hat's the m ost im pressive ... site in the Crim ea? 2. She ... th at her
parents w ould buy her a new m ob ile ph on e to replace the stolen one. 3. He
was hurt w hen he ... the litter bin. 4. The vehicle was ... hit by the crane.
5. The decisio n was taken ... the em ploye e fo r always being late. 6. Even
th o u g h she was late, she did not w a n t ... the queue. 7. A fte r seven w eeks at
sea, the desert island ... 8. He co u ld not re s is t... his new M P3 player. 9. The
m id fielder had long been a ... o f th e foo tb all team. 10. He ... long and hard
at the list o f titles. 11. The Japanese tou rist co u ld not understand the
o f the Custom s O fficial. 12. The European U nion found th eir ... attitude
in com p atib le with th eir objectives. 13. The tou rist g ro u p d ecid ed it was
m ore im p o rtan t to see the ... than stop for lunch. 14. Being in such a bad
m ood, she ... into the next person's face. 15. The Ukrainian am bassador was
invited to lay the ... o f the new building. 1 6 .1 believe this prize pu m pkin has
no ... 17. W here's the ... o f the Scythian port?

18. C o m p lete the fo llo w in g sentences w ith am plifiers used in co n te m p o ­

rary English in w ritten style (A) and spoken style (B). Use the fo llo w in g
possible answers fo r (A): extrem ely, noticea b ly, especially, p a rtic u la rly . A nd
fo r (B): really, dead, bloody, totally, proper, abso lutely.

M. O. Bo3Ha • 0. 6. T an o H ie • O. fO. B acM /ibM eH K O « H. C. XoM eHKO

A. 1. It was found to be ... appropriate. 2. They felt th e third stately hom e
they visited was ... im pressive. 3. The ju d g e s chose the Ukrainian entry, as
th ey th o u g h t it was ... better than the rest. 4. He read all the books, d e c id ­
ing that the Pratchett novel was ... witty. 5. A fte r th e concert, th ey all agreed
that the bass guitarist was ... talented.
B. 6. You know, that curry was ... tasty. 7. I'm im pressed, that painting's ...
classy. 8. That's ... cool. 9. W e all th o u g h t the first song was ... brilliant.
10. G o o d grief, that wine's ... strong. 11. That's a ... great castle over there.
1 2 .1 never realised London was so ... big.

19. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English.

1. Х в о р о б а вразила його сильно: навіть упізнати м ого товариш а було
важко. 2. Все його особисте м ай н о було конф ісковано. 3. Не ш товхай­
теся, ставайте в чергу. 4. О ксана була під сильним впливом від краси
тутеш ньої природи. 4. Н аслідки війни відчувалися щ е багато років після
и закінчення. 5. Нареш ті м ісяць визирнув з-за хм ар і стало м ож ли ви м
розгледіти дорогу. 6. В готелі я раптово налетів на давнього знайомого,
якого не бачив м айж е десять років. 7. О стрівна ментальність бр и тан ­
ців проявляється в багатьох речах. 8. Загальне враж ення від спектаклю
було скор іш е негативним, ніж позитивним . 9. Рецензування акад ем іч­
них р об іт колегами є загальноприйнятою практикою . 10. О б р и си зам ку
з явилися на горизонті. 11. Все те, щ о Ірина робила для проекту, сп р и й ­
малося як належне.

20. Translate into English using the vo cabulary o f the lesson.

Він. — Завж ди цікаво дізнаватися щ ось нове п ро лю дей, щ о ж ивуть
в інш их країнах: тем п ерам ен тн и х іспанців, елегантних французів, прак­
тичних та грубуватих ам ериканців, ввічливих та стри м ан и х британців...
Вона: - Д о речі, п ро британців. Вони дуж е різні, власне кажучи, як
і представники б уд ь-яко ї нації. Д ум аю , на характер бр и тан ц ів сильно
впливає їхня 'острівна ментальність". Вважається, щ о ці лю ди д ещ о
байдуж і, зам кнені, зверхні, н ед овірл и ві та п ід креслен о оф іц ій н і з н е­
з н а й о м и м и . Я з цим не згодна. М е н і здається, щ о вони просто тр и ­
маю ться з гідністю. Британці, з я ки м и м ені д ово д и л ося зустрічатися,
гостинні, д р уж ел ю б н і та уваж ні. Я завж ди почувалася серед них р ів ­
ною .

Англійська мова. II КУРС 217

Він: - Я чув, багато б ри тан ців вельм и категоричні у св оїх уяв лен ­
нях п ро те, щ о є прийнятним , а щ о - вкрай неввічли ви м . Н априклад,
я кщ о ти не ви бачиш ся перед перехож им , щ о налетів на тебе з-за рогу
й ш товхнув так, щ о ти завив від болю , тебе вваж атим уть вкрай н е­
в віч л и во ю лю д и но ю . А щ о п ро тебе подумаю ть, якщ о, виходячи, ти
не п р и три м аєш двері, щ о б вони не вдарили того, хто входить? Я вже
не каж у п ро випадок, якщ о ти сп р о б у єш п рорватися кудись поза ч е р ­
Вона: - Так, я читала, щ о стояння в чергах - це н аціональна п р и ­
страсть британців. А л е ж хіба ввічливість та д и сц и п лін ованість - це
погано? О со б л и в о коли це природні, п ри род ж ен і якості, щ о с п р и й м а ­
ються як самі со б о ю зрозум ілі.
Він. - Згоден. Щ ось зображ ати з себе", дем онструвати штучну, не­
щ и р у ввічливість, ви м учен і посм іш ки, аби не втратити роботу, бр и тан ­
цям не властиво.
Вона: - А як бри тан ці поваж аю ть св о ї традиції, береж уть пам'ятки
історії! І це також одна з найваж л ивіш и х рис британського характеру.
Скільки разів, п еребуваю чи в Британії, я чула слова: "перш ий у світовій
історії", "єдиний у світі", "найдавніш ий в істор ії цивілізації"... На жаль,
мені не довелося побачити Стоунгендж: кажуть, коли його побачиш ,
сам м ож еш закаменіти.
Він. - Так, в Британії є щ о подивитися, ч о м у навчитися, а ч о м у й п р о ­
сто здивуватися.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W hat is a fo u r-p o ste r?

a) an overw orked postm an; b) a bed; c) a dog's toilet; d) a heavy club

2. W here co u ld there be an A d a m 's A p p le ?

a) ear; b) nose; c) throat; d) orchard

3. A sabre is ...
a) an anim al bred fo r its fur; b) an ornam ental door-sill; c) a cavalry sw ord
d) a w oo d en shoe

218 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

4. A d ea d d u ck is ...
a) lunch; b) a useless thing; c) last year's fashion; d) Indian parrot curry

5. Black p u d d in g is ...
a) chocolate blancm ange; b) blood sausage; c) cherry cake; d) Irish custard.

Section В

1. a) Look at the title of the text. Have you ever heard ab o u t the b o o k with
such a title? W h at is m eant by "a Sm all Island"?
b) Read th e abstract a b o u t the author. Have you read anything by him?

2. Transcribe and practice p ro nu n ciation o f the fo llo w in g w ords from the

text co n su ltin g the d ictio n a ry if necessary.
Sprawl, orchestra, wander, anonym ous, pom pous, toga, stuccoed, exhil­
arating, quest, congenial, plaque, kerb, nostalgia, concede.

3. Learn the pronu nciation o f th e fo llo w in g g eo graph ical and pro per nam es
from the te x t
D over /'cbova/ Lincoln /'linkan/
Paris /'paeris/ S oh o /'s3di3o/
N ew York /'nju: 'jo:k/ Leicester /'lesta/
C rip p leg a te /'kriplgeit/ B lo o m sb u ry /'blurm zbsri/
St. G iles /'seint 'd 3ailz/

4. Before reading th e text lo o k th rou gh the fo llow in g com m ents:

Com m ents

1. St. Andrew by the Wardrobe. Церква Св. Андр1я б тя гардероба. The origin
of the name comes from the King's Wardrobe - a department of a royal household
in charge of clothing. In modern English, this name sounds absurd.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 219

2. St. Giles Cripplegate. The origin of the name 'Cripplegate' could be from the
Anglo-Saxon 'crepel', a burrow, denoting the long, narrow underground or covered
way leading to the ancient City gate. Alternatively it could be that more cripples
gathered at this particular gate begging alms than at other gates of the city. Either
way, today it sounds very strange.
3. Pockets of quiet. A figure of speech that may be translated as "острівці тиші".
4. A little bell goes off in their heads. A figure of speech that can be translated
as "у них щось перемикає'.
5. The Knowledge. When written with capital letters, this is the mandatory ex
arnination for London taxi drivers to demonstrate their knowledge of London's ge­
ography and buildings.

5. Read the fo llo w in g abstract from the b o o k "Notes from a S m a ll Island"

by Bill Bryson and answ er the fo llow in g qu estion s checking yo u r general
understanding of the abstract:
1. Is there m ore fact or op in io n in this author's text? D em onstrate you r
answ er with relevant quotations. 2. W hat are the indicators in the text that
help the au th or to d eve lo p the argum ent? 3. W h at feelin gs does London
evoke with the author? Are they pre d om ina n tly positive or negative? 4. Are
there any explicit attitudes, e m o tio n s and o p in io n s of the au th or in the
text? Give exam ples. 5. W hat is the them e o f the abstract and w hat was in
y o u r op in io n the author's objective w hen w riting the text?

Text 2: Lon d on by Bill Bryson

Bill Bryson was bom in Iowa, USA in 1952 but lived in En­
gland from 1977 to 1995. This has given him an excellent
perspective o f both the British and the Am erican sides o f
English language and culture.
O riginally a journalist, Bryson is the author o f several ex­
tremely popular travel books, a book on the evolution and
development of Am erican English, Made in America, two
books on linguistics, Mother Tongue and Troublesome
Words, and the acclaim ed A Short History of Nearly Ev­
erything. This extract is from Notes from a Small Island

220 M. О. Возна * О. Б. Галонів ♦ О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Goodness me, but isn't London big? It seem s to start ab o u t tw enty m in ­
utes after you leave Dover and ju st goes on and on, m ile after m ile of
endless grey suburbs with their wandering ranks of terraced houses and
stuccoed sem is that always lo o k m ore o r less identical from a train, as if
they've been squeezed out of a very large version of one o f those m achines
they use to m ake sausages. How, I always wonder, d o all the m illion s of oc­
cupants find th eir way back to the right boxes each n ight in such a com plex
and an on ym ou s sprawl?
I'm sure I couldn't. London rem ains a vast and exhilarating m ystery to
me. I lived and w orked in or around it for eight years, w atched London
news on television, read th e evening papers, ranged extensively th rou gh its
streets to attend w eddin gs and retirem ent parties or g o on hare-brained
quests fo r bargains in far-flung markets, and still I find that there are great
fragm ents o f it that I have not ju s t never visited but never heard of. It c o n ­
stantly am azes m e to read the Evening Standard o r chat with an a cq u a in ­
tance and en cou nter som e reference to a district that has m anaged to
elude m y ken fo r tw enty-on e years.
I d o find London exciting... I can never understand w hy Londoners fail
to see th at they live in the m ost w on derfu l city in the w orld. It is far m ore
beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me, and m ore lively than
anyw here but N ew York - and even New York can't tou ch it in lots of im ­
p ortant ways. It has m ore history, finer parks, a livelier and m ore varied
press, better theatres, m ore num erous orchestras and m useum s, leafier
squares, safer streets, and m ore co u rteou s inhabitants than any o th er large
city in the world.
A n d it has m ore congenial sm all things than any o th er city I know:
cheery red pillar boxes, drivers w h o actually stop fo r you on pedestrian
crossings, lovely forgotten churches with w on derfu l nam es like St. Andrew
by the Wardrobe and St. Giles Cripplegate, sudden pockets of quiet like
Lincoln's Inn and Red Lion Square, interesting statues o f obscure Victorians
in togas, pubs, black cabs, d o u b le -d e ck e r buses, helpful policem en, polite
notices, peo p le w ho will stop to help you w hen you fall dow n or d ro p your
shopping, benches everywhere. W h at oth er great city w ou ld tro u b le blue
plaques on houses to let you know w hat fam ous person once lived there
or warn you to look left o r right before stepping o ff the kerb? I'll tell you.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 221

This was the first tim e in years I'd been in London w ith o u t having an y­
th ing in particular to d o and I felt a sm all thrill at fin d in g m yself abroad
and unrequired in such a great, teem ing urban organism . I had an am ble
th rou g h S oho and Leicester Square, spent a little tim e in the b o o ksh o p s on
Charing Cross Road rearranging books to m y advantage, w andered a im ­
lessly th rough B lo o m sb u ry and finally over to Gray's Inn Road to the old
Times b u ildin g w here I used to w ork, now the offices o f a co m pan y I had
never heard o f and felt a pang o f nostalgia.
I to o k a cab to Hazlitt's H otel on Frith Street. Let m e say right now that
London cab drivers are, w ith o u t question, the finest in the w orld. They're
trustworthy, safe, gen erally friendly, always polite. They keep th eir vehicles
spotless inside and out, and they will put them selves to the m ost extraor­
d in ary inconvenience to d ro p you at the fro nt entrance of you r destination.
There are really only tw o o dd things ab o u t them. O ne is that they can not
drive m ore than 200 feet in a straight
line. I've never u n derstood this, but no
m atter where you are o r what the d riv­
ing conditions, every 200 feet a little
bell goe s o ff in their heads and they
abruptly lunge dow n a side-street. A nd
when you get to you r hotel or railway
station or w herever it is you are g o ­
ing, they like to drive you all the way
around it at least on ce so you can see it from all angles before alighting.
The o th er distin ctive th ing ab o u t them is that th ey cann ot bear to adm it
that they d o n 't know the location o f som ethin g th ey feel th ey o u g h t to
know. They cannot co n ce d e even fractional ign oran ce o f The K n ow led ge,
w hich I th ink is rather sweet.

6. Learn the fo llo w in g voca b u lary notes:

/ Vocabulary notes
1. G o o d n e ss me! Sligh tly old fashioned exclam ation, still in use that
can be translated as "Господи!", "Боже!". S y n .: G o o d God! Heavens! G o od
Lord! G o o d Grief! M y word! Example: G o o d grief! You'd never believe it!

222 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

2. Wandering ranks of terraced houses. The phrase is used in its m eta­
phorical m eaning and can be translated as "блукаю чі ряди (або ш еренги)
терасованих будинків, таун-хаусів". The principal m eanings of the noun
"rank" include:
1) row o r line - ряд, низка, стоянка, e.g. The taxi driver was standing on
the rank (D.L. Sayers);
2) high social p osition - високе становищ е, звання, чин, посада, e.g.
H er p o sitio n required som eo n e o f rank act for her (S. W eintraub). M y rank
is th at o f a m erchant (H. Belloc);
3) single line of soldiers draw n up abreast - шеренга, e.g. The men
g ro ped th eir w ay into ranks o f tw elve ou tside the barracks (J. Heller);
4) pi. co m m o n soldiers - рядовий і серж антський склад, e.g. Kerensky
op en ed the officers' schools to the ranks (Reed);
5) distin ct social class - категорія, розряд, клас, e.g. p eo p le o f all ranks.
Phrases: to break rank(s) - виходити зі строю , розірвати стрій; ant. to
keep rank; to close ranks змикати ряди; to jo in the ranks - вступити на
вій ськову службу; reduce to the ranks - розж алувати в рядові, rise from
the ranks - пройти шлях від рядового д о офіцера, also in transferred
m eaning.
Synonyms: row - line of persons o r things, range - row, series, etc., es­
pecially o f m ountains, string - set o f th ings strung together, series, o r line,
chain - sequence, series o r set, series - succession, row o r set.
3. Occupant, n. A person, w h o occupies, esp. lives, in a place. М еш канець,
пож илець, той, хто перебуває в п евн о м у просторі, зай м ає щось, e.g. o c ­
cupant o f a cell, occu pant o f a hospital bed.
inhabitant - a person w h o inhabits a place,
leaseholder - an o ccu pan t o f prem ises on a contractual basis,
occupier - a person living in a house as its ow ner or tenant,
tenant - a person w ho rents land o r property,
resident - a perm anent inhabitant,
inmate - occu p an t of a hospital, prison, institution.
4. Sprawl, n. Straggling urban expansion. Тут: передмістя. The area
o f spreading expansion o f an urban or industrial area into th e adjoining
countryside, e.g. Birm ingham had grow n into one o f the b ig g est industrial
sprawls in the M idlands.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 223

5. Range, v. Traverse in all directions. Блукати, мандрувати, e.g. He
ranged far and wide.
to wander - to g o ab o u t from place to place aimlessly,
to travel - m ake a journey,
to explore - travel th rou gh a co u n try to learn a b o u t it.
6. Hare-brained, adj., colloq. Rash, wild. Л егковаж ний, необачний, не­
обереж ний.
rash - reckless, hasty,
impulsive - ten din g to act on im pulse,
thoughtless - careless of co nsequences o r o f others' feelings,
impetuous - acting o r d o n e rashly o r with sudden energy,
foolhardy - rashly or fo o lish ly bold,
reckless - disregarding the co nsequences or danger,
careless - lacking care or attention,
madcap - w ild ly im pulsive.
7. Ken, n. The on ly co n te m p o rary w idely used m eaning is "range of
know led ge or m ental perception" th at can be translated as "коло, меж а
8. Congenial, adj. Pleasant, agreeable, affable. Сприятливий, приєм ний.
The other m eaning is "com patible, suited, w ell-m atched, sym pathetic" that
can be translated as "близький, споріднений", e.g. In this villag e he found
few persons co n gen ial to him.
9. Obscure, adj. Here used in th e m eaning "n o t illustrious o r fam ous"
and can be translated "н ев ід о м и й , н ічи м не уславлений, такий, щ о
втратив св о ю значи м ість протягом часу". O th er m ajor m eanings of this
adjective include:
1) dark - темний, похм урий, м алоосвітлений, e.g. The day m isty and
obscure (E. K. Kane);
2) in d istin ct - fig. неясний, нечіткий, тум анний, e.g. The orig in of hail is
obscure (T. H. Huxley);
3) u n in te llig ib le - нечіткий, приглуш ений, e.g. indeterm inate vowel;
4) hidden, un noticed - прихований, відлю дний, віддалений, e.g. G um -
bril Senior occu p ied a house in a little, obscure square not far from P ad ­
d in g to n (A. Huxley).

224 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Antonym s: distinctive, notable, rem arkable, fam ous.
10. To co ncede, v. To adm it to be true. M a y be translated as "поступатися,
визнавати, погоджуватися", e.g. He reluctantly con ceded the argum ent.
The oth er co m m o n m eaning of the verb is "fail to prevent an o p p o n e n t in
a contest from scoring" that can be translated as "допускати м ож ливість
чогось, пропустити (гол)", e.g. Initially, D inam o con ceded a goal, but then
scored tw ice to win.

7. Listen to the recording of the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

8 . Define w hether the fo llo w in g statem ents are false or true:

1. London suburbs each have th eir own distinct character. 2. It is possible
not to know all the fragm ents of the English capital even after living there
fo r a very long tim e. 3. In the author's opinion, London is m ore b orin g than
the oth er capitals o f the w orld. 4. The city authorities in London care ab o ut
th eir citizens in m any different ways, w hich is not usual for o th er countries.
5. The au th or felt u n com fo rtab le in the 'great, teem ing, urban organism '
of London w hile being there as a tourist. 6. London taxi drivers are, in the
author's opinion, the finest in the w orld. 7. London cab drivers easily adm it
th at they d o n 't know th e location of som ew here th eir client w ants to get to.

9. C o m m e n t on the fam ous qu ote by Sam uel Johnson: "1/1/hen a m an is

tired o f London, he is tired o f life ". Do you agree w ith it?

Vocabulary practice

10. Give synonym s to the italicised w ords and expressions in th e fo llow in g

sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian.
1. He w o u ld not concede that he was wrong, even th o u g h it was o b ­
viou s to everyone. 2. The passengers aligh ted from the bus as soon as it
stopped. 3. A s she finally realised her am bition to see Stonehenge, she felt
a thrill. 4. Kate ju s t cannot bear to eat anything w ith apricots in it. 5. It was
an exhilarating feeling to stand on the cliff and lo o k ou t over the ocean.
6. You need to be really careful w hen you step o ff the kerb in Britain, as the

Англійська мова. II КУРС 225

traffic does not drive on the sam e side of the road as in Europe. 7. O lena
spent a very happy co u ple of hours w andering around th e shops by the
harbour. 8. M a n y h oliday resorts teem with life all th ro u g h o u t th e night.
9. His destination was clear, to reach N o ttin g h a m by Thursday. 10. M o st
statues in London have a plaque to describe w h o is being honoured. 11. He
ranged far and w id e over the valley, searching fo r w here the fossils had
been found. 12. She was surprised, but pleased, to encounter a co p y of her
b o o k in the shop. 13. The m eaning o f the h iero glyp h ics eluded him, even
th ou g h he had been studying them fo r years. 14. The hotel bar was live ly in
the evenings. 1 5 .1 always go to that superm arket, as th e assistants are a l­
ways courteous. 16. Thanks for the lift; can you drop m e by th e traffic lights,
please? 1 7 .1 hope I haven't pu t y o u to an y inconvenience by givin g m e a lift.

11. Study the different m eanings of the w ord "rank" and find Ukrainian
equivalents fo r them in each of the fo llo w in g sentences:
1. There m ust be a taxi rank nearby - there are tw o theatres here. 2. His
social rank d em an ded that he w ore his m ilitary u niform to the ch riste n ­
ing. 3. The assem bled ranks saluted the President. 4. He was transferred to
a rank-and-file jo b in the rem ote consulate. 5. As the enem y attacked, the
frigh ten ed soldiers broke ranks. 6. To hide the firm 's violation of C om p an y
Law, the sen ior m anagem ent were ordered to close ranks and not talk to
the Press. 7. The senior executive always p ro u d ly described how he had
risen th rou gh the ranks, having started w ork as a car-park attendant. 8. The
officer was severely d iscip lin e d by the G eneral and m ade to jo in the ranks.
9. The pawn advanced to the seventh rank as the result o f a clever play.
10. The fiancée to the earl was born of high social rank.

12. Insert one of th e fo llow in g synonym s into the sentence w here it is m ost
appropriate: occupant, inhabitant, holder, occupier, tenant, resident, inm ate.
C o n sid er several o p tio n s if possible.
1. O n ly residents' permit-... are allow ed to park th eir cars here. 2. There
w asn't a s in g le ... of the block of flats w ho agreed with the proposal. 3. T h e ...
o f the flat above had left a tap running. 4. The landlord was pleased to have
fou n d a new ... 5. "I co u ld be the catalyst that sparks the revolution, I could
be an ... at a lon g-term institution" (Ian D ury lyric). 6. As a ... of the b u ild ­
ing, he had the right to use the attached gardens. 7. The ... o f th e British

226 M . O. B o 3 H a • O . B. T a n o H i B • O. K). B a c n /iw e H K O * H. C. XoMem <o

Isles are frequently insular in their mentality. 8. Are you the ... of a British
passport? 9. Let me ju st check, ah yes, the ... of room 101 is A n n Sim pson.
10. The old lady had been ... in the village for over forty years.

13. C h o o se w hich of the partial synonym s "sprawl" o r "spread" fits the

context better after having studied th eir m eanings in English dictionaries.
Translate each sentence into Ukrainian.
1. London's urban ... has reached form erly distant villages. 2. The hotel
com plex ... o u t along the coast. 3. He ... his legs o u t on th e coffee table.
4. She m ade herself com fortable and ... on the sofa. 5. This buffet's tre m e n ­
dous. W h at a g lo rio u s ...! 6. The p la n t ... all over th e to p of th e cupboard.
7. She ... m arm alade on her toast. 8. Ian ... the wall w ith paint.

*14. Translate the w ords in brackets into English ch o o sin g on e the sy n o ­

nym s th at suits the context best: hair-brained, rash, im pulsive, thoughtless,
impetuous, foolhardy, reckless, careless, m adcap. M ake any o th er necessary
gram m atical changes while translating.
1. He m ade an (імпульсивний) decisio n to buy th e pink jeans. 2. It was
а (необачний) decision to bet on the blue team. 3. He drove in а (не­
о б ереж н ий ) m anner that made her shut her eyes. 4. Buying a truck-load
o f A rm en ian CD s was one of his m ore (необдуманий) schem es to make
money. 5. W e were (необачний) and ended up losing all the coins. 6. For­
g ettin g his m oth er's birthday was on e of his m ost (бездум ний) actions.
7. C lim b in g the statue at m idnight to put a hat on th e fig u re was a tru ­
ly (безрозсудний) idea. 8. You sh o u ld n 't have given m e this b o u q u e t of
flow ers! That's so (бурхливий) of you! 9. D eciding to w alk back was, in
h indsight, а (нерозсудливий) decision. 10. The Ch arg e of th e Light Bri­
g ad e d u rin g th e Crim ean W ar was one of history's m ore (відчайдуш но
хор о б р и й ) actions.

15. Find o u t the exact meaning and give synonym s fo r the phrase to have
an am ble. C on sult dictionaries if necessary. Use them in sentences o f your

16. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian paying atten tion to the
w ord "obscure" and its derivative. W rite ou t all the Ukrainian equivalents

Англійська мова. II КУРС 227

fo r it that you can find. C han ge the m eaning o f each sentence by using
a contextual antonym fo r each use o f "obscure".
1. Just as we g o t to the beach, the sun was obscured by clouds. 2. This
b o o k is one o f his m ore obscure works. 3. He cam e from an obscure village
far from civilisation. 4. His obscure m ethods of solving eq u ation s baffled
his students. 5. He gave som e quite obscure reasons for being late. 6. Find­
ing an interesting castle in som e obscure corn er o f W ales w ou ld be excit­
ing. 7. The origin o f the legend o f Robin H ood has faded into obscurity.
8. O bscure shadow s m oved rapidly around the forest and unnerved them.
9. Her obscure m anner was clearly affected, as she th o u g h t she was being
m ysterious.

17. W rite ou t the adjectives used in the text that characterise a person.
W h o are th ey describ ing? W h at else is said ab o u t these people? Use ex­
pressions from the text.

18. Give synonym s to the fo llow in g Ukrainian w ords and then th eir English
Хвилю ю чий...

19. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences using the vo cab ulary o f the Lesson:
1. Я кщ о ваша ласка, ви мож ете зійти з автобуса на наступній зупинці.
2. Вам не варто створю вати для себе незручності через м о ю з а тр и м ­
ку в роботі. 3. О дин раз при йн явш и ріш ення, Тетяна ніколи не йшла
на поступки. 4. За декілька д н ів д о п од оро ж і м ене охо п ил о п р и єм н е
хвилю вання. 5. Я просто не міг пром овчати. 6. На у зб іччі д о р о ги йшли
р ем он тн і роботи. 7. Тарас л ю б и в блукати полям и і лісом, коли тільки
у нього був на це час. 8. Наша п о д о р о ж закінчиться у Стамбулі. 9. На
будівлі були таблички з ім ен ам и від ом и х акторів театру, які в ній колись
меш кали. 10. Я не зразу збагнув, щ о м оя зустріч з ведмедем у гущ авині
лісу була небезпечною . 11. З м іст повід ом ленн я ніяк д о м ен е не д о х о ­

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

див. 12. Висадіть мене, будь ласка, біля театру. 13. В клубі царю вала
весела атмосфера. 14. М ій новий знай ом и й виявився д уж е л ю б 'я зн о ю
лю д и ною . 15. Ставок за селом був багатий на ри бу і раків. 16. М е ш к а н ­
ці міста зібралися на центральній площ і. 17. М ій кіт розтягнувся на д и ­
вані й удавав, щ о спить. 18. Імена цих худож ників були м ал о зн ай о м и м и
для ш и р окого загалу.

20. Translate the fo llo w in g text into English using the voca b u lary o f the
Л о н д о н подібний д о велетенського орган ізм у з н езліч ен но ю кількі­
стю лю дей, маш ин, будівель, пам'ятників, площ, парків, церков... П р и ­
ватним и м аш и н ам и тут не дуж е поїздиш: суцільні затори, складна м е ­
реж а вулиць з од н о сто р о н н ім рухом, заплутані розв'язки... Таке під силу
тільки таксистам, щ о в ід м ін н о знаю ть Л ондон, його вулиці й будинки.
Водії таксі - не лиш е високі проф есіонали: вони дуж е ввічливі, д о б р о ­
зичливі й надійні. Здавалося б, щ о тут такого? Не скажи: на багатьох
вулицях будинки настільки схожі, ніби вони зійш ли з од н ого конвеєра,
о с о б л и в о у передмістях Л ондона. Тут у сутінках м ож на заблукати серед
безликих рядів терасованих будинків.
Я кщ о ти не маєш ж од н и х те рм ін ови х справ, кращ е без п оспіху п р о ­
йдися вулицями й площ ам и Л ондона. Тоді ти зрозум ієш , щ о тут усе
просякнуте історією більше, ніж у будь-яком у ін ш о м у місті. Парки тут
зеленіш і, театри чудовіші, оркестрів та м узеїв більше, вулиці бе зп еч­
ніші, а м еш кан ці виховані краще. Боюся лише, щ о на це піде не один
десяток років. І все од н о Л о н д о н залишиться для тебе п 'ян кою таєм ­
ницею . Щ оразу ти відкриватим еш для себе нові й нові райони, вулич­
ки, крам ниці, бл ош и н і ринки, чарівні покинуті церковки, тихі куточки,
де м ож н а посидіти на лавочці, відпочиваю чи... Ти зустрічатим еш милі
се р ц ю картини: че рвон і телефонні будки й пош тові скриньки, статуї
нев ід ом и х вікторіанців у тогах, д воп ов ер хо ві автобуси, м ем ор іальн і
д ош ки на будинках, ввічливі п опередж увальні знаки. І все о д н о щ ось
та й вислизне з твого поля зору. Л о н д он - це цілий світ. Він ніколи не
набридне. А якщ о раптом ти стом иш ся від Л ондона, значить, ти сто­
мився від життя.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 229

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. If som ethin g is h id d e n away, it is ...

a) ferretted away; b) ham stered away; c) rabbitted away;
d) squirrelled away

2. S om eo ne w ho keeps ra b b ittin g , keeps d o in g what?

a) breeding; b) talking; c) m oving quickly; d) running away

3. If you are fe rre tin g aro u nd, you are ...

a) searching; b) running in circles; c) being aggressive; d) lo o kin g cute

4. Som ething w hich is dead on is ...

a) extinct; b) very good; c) exactly right; d) ready for burial

5 .1 d o n 't care. It's no skin o ff m y ... what?

a) leg; b) arm; c) cheek; d) nose.

Section C
Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Look th rou g h th e fo llow in g co m m en ts before listening to the dialogues:

Com m ents

1. Loch, n. A rare exa m ple o f a S cottish w ord, m e a n in g "lake", c o m m o n ly used in

English. N o te th a t th is w o rd is a lm o st u n iq u e in English as the "ch" is p ro n o u n ce d
as th e C yrillic "x", a sou n d o th e rw ise n ever used in English. О зеро.
2. To g ra ce so m e th in g . Used in the d ia lo g u e as a jo k e and can be tran slated in to
U krain ian as "удостоїти кого сь а б о щ ось".
3. C o n n e c tio n , п. C o n n e ctin g train etc. The w o rd is u sually tran slated as
"пересадка", e.g. T heir c o n n e ctio n w as in B irm in g ham , w here th e y had to leave th e
L o n d o n train and jo in th e M a n ch e ste r train. The o th e r m e a n in g s include:

230 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко « H. C. Хоменко

1) th e p o in t at w h ich tw o th in g s are co n n e cte d - зв'язок, з'єднання, e.g. e le ctri­
cal co nn ection , in co n n e ctio n with;
2) pi relative or associate, esp e cia lly w ith o n e w ith in flu en ce зв'язки,
зна йо м сгв а, e.g. to have co n n e ctio n s in high places.
4. Regular, adj. The p rim a ry m e aning in English is still "at eq u a lly sp aced inter­
vals" and can be translated as "регулярний", e.g. The regu lar tickin g of the clock
was p reventing him from sleepin g. The p rin cip a l A m e rica n use is to m ean stan
dard" o r "m e d iu m ” and can be tran slated "сіа н д а р тн и й ”, e.g. T hey g o t a regular
C o ke w ith th e ir burger. The latter is b e co m in g m ore and m ore used in Britain.
5. S h u ttle , n. A vehicle in d iffere nt form s o f tra n sp o rt used to m ove passengers
from o n e stage o f th e ir jo u rn e y to another, g en erally fo r a sh o rt distance. Transla
tio n in each specific case has to rely o n context.
6. H o u s in g estate. A g ro u p of hou ses usually b u ilt at th e sam e tim e and often
sim ilar in appearance. Can be tran slated as "ж итловий масив".

2. Listen to the recording o f the fo llo w in g dialogues. Repeat after the

speakers trying to reproduce all in ton ation as best as possible.

D ialog u e 1: Term inal Four at H eathrow A irp o rt

Bohdan: It's great to be back in England; it's a co u p le of years since I last

g raced its shores.
Kate: W h at ab o u t me? I haven't been hom e for m onths.
B: Trouble is, we've g o t in to Terminal 4 here at H eathrow and I can see
a lot of redevelopm en t w ork g o in g on.
K: Yes, I'd read ab o u t this. It's because Terminal 5 is being bu ilt and
they're ch angin g the infrastructure like you w o u ld n 't believe.
B: W ell, w e're booked into a hotel in Paddington, so that's w here we're
o ff to now.
K: Okay, but I can see th at the Tube co n n e ctio n from Terminal 4 is sus­
p ended during the works. If you lo o k to the right of th e Inform ation
Desk, there's a big notice saying so.
B: That's brilliant, there's no o th er sensible way to g et into London w ith ­
ou t sp en din g an arm and a leg. I'm not paying for a taxi driver to g o on
h olid ay in the Caribbean. Let's ask at the Desk.
K: O h no, that's alright, lo o k again at the notice. There's a free, re g u la r
s h u ttle bus to the o th er term inals w here w e can catch the Piccadilly Line

Англійська мова. II КУРС 231

into town. If we g o to the bus-stands by th e D epartures entrance w e'll
g et the shuttle at Stand 5.
B. That sounds good. H ow abo ut a burger and som e regular fries w hile
we w ork ou r way to the bus-stands?

D ialog u e 2: In the H igh lan ds o f Scotland

Justin: Well, here w e're ab o u t as far n orth -east as you can q o in the
British Isles.
R oxolana: I'm ju s t d isap p oin ted we d id n 't see the m onster as we drove
near the shore o f Loch Ness.
J: But w o u ld n 't you rather see the beauty o f the m ountains than som e
scary m onster?
R: O f course I'd rather see the H ighlan ds and
nature than som e h o u sin g estate. But I still
really enjoy seeing anim als, even prehistoric
reptiles if w e can find one.
J: Tell you w hat w e have found if you look
m ore carefully, H ighlan d cattle over there.
R: Hey, are th ey real? They're little and sh ag ­
gy and stranger than any cattle I've ever seen
J: Let's g o up to them and h ope th ey d o n 't
decid e to use those horns.

D ialogue 3: At Tintagel Castle

Pierce: This is it, the south-w est o f En­

gland in all its rugged glory.
M arin a: I've been dying to see Tintagel
ever since I read ab o u t the King A rth u r
stone fou n d there a few years ago.
P: Tintagel's on a headland ju ttin g out
from those cliffs.
M: Tell m e you 're jo k in g . I'm not c lim b ­
ing all those steps up that cliff. I bet

232 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. fa n o H iB • O. IO. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoMem <o

even a goat w ould have tro u b le getting up there.
P: There aren't m any goats but several hundred tourists m aking their
way to the castle every day.
M: A n d ju s t how m any fall to th eir deaths every day?
P: I bet not one. C o m e on, from the next crag you can lo o k dow n and
see M erlin's Cave.
M: I'd rather look up at it from th e coastal path, thank you very much.

3. A n sw er the fo llow in g qu estions on the contents o f the dialogues.

1. H eathrow is the m ain a irp o rt fo r which city? 2. W hat are three ways
of travelling from H eathrow to the centre o f London? W hich is the m ost
expensive? 3. W here can you get travel or other in form ation at an airport?
W h at letter is used to show its location? 4. W h y w ou ld you need a shuttle
bus to g et from Terminal 4 to Terminal 1? W here w ou ld you catch a bus?
5. W here is Loch Ness? W h at does the Scots w ord loch m ean? 6. H ow do
H ig hlan d cattle differ from m ost others? 7. W here is Tintagel Castle locat­
ed? 8. H ow is it related to King Arthu r? 9. W h y is it so d ifficu lt to get to the
site o f th e castle?

4. Practice the reading o f the dialogues. Translate the d ialog u es as best as

you can. Present the d ialog u es in class close to the text.

5. Insert prepositio n s w herever necessary.

1. Its always a g o o d idea to be booked ... a hotel in advance. 2. To
grace ... your presence. 3. To be o f f ... a hotel. 4. The bus co n n e ction from
the a irp o rt is suspended ... the works. 5. If you lo o k ... the Inform ation
Board, w here the big "i" is, you 'll find all the necessary inform ation. 6. H ow
can you g e t ... London from here? 7. You can always catch ... the Piccadilly
line if necessary. 8. Is there any oth er sensible way to g e t ... the tow n ... the
trip costin g an arm and a leg? 9. Are you the o n ly arrivals ... the airport?
10. W h y d o n 't we ask yo u r qu estion ... the Inform ation Desk? 11. A s soon
as the shuttle arrives, we should g e t ... it as soon as possible. 12. You should
w ait for yo u r bus ... Stand Four. 13. W e are as far south as you can g o ... the
British Isles. 14. W hat is that g ro u p d o in g ... there? 15. D o n 't be afraid to
g o ... to these animals: they are really friendly. 16. ... this w eather you can
see ... the coast ... all its glory. 17. Can you see that rock ju ttin g ...... the

Англійська мова. II КУРС

cliffs? 18. C lim b in g ... to that crag ... this path w ould be extrem ely dan g er­
ous. 19. F a ll... yo u r death.

6. Find Ukrainian equivalents for the fo llo w in g words, con su ltin g yo u r d ic ­

tionary: redevelopm ent, renovation, reconstruction, repair, redecoration, re­
newing, replace. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian.
1. The redevelopm ent of W em bley Stadium is a massive undertaking. 2. Re­
newing the exhibits at M adam e Tussauds is seem ed to be a never-ending job.
3. The repair and m aintenance of the thousands of kilometres of London's
sewers costs several m illion pounds per year. 4. The com plete reconstruction
of London's sewers was estim ated to cost 3.5 billion pounds in 2004. 5. The
ow ner of Harrods Departm ent Store insists on the contents of the fresh-food
hall being replaced daily. 6. The renovation of the Christm as Decorations for
Central London starts m onths before they are hung up in November. 7. W e
like to redecorate ou r house from top to bottom every couple of years. 8. Lon­
don Bridge was reconstructed 1967-1972 w hile the original was shipped to
Arizona. 9. The urban renewal of London Docklands has been taking place for
over 20 years and has com pletely transform ed the area. 10. A fter the fire in
1992, the repair bill for W indsor Castle was about 40 m illion pounds.

7. M atch w ords and expressions in the first colum n to th eir m eanings given
in the second colum n:
a) to b o o k 1 ) to be banned or stop ped tem p orarily
b) to be o ff 2) to head in the direction of
c) to be su spended 3) to ascend
d) to catch (a p u b lic vehicle) 4) to spend m ore than you can really afford
e) to w ork y o u r way 5) to protrude
f) to g o up 6) to reserve a hotel room , car or ticket
g) to ju t ou t 7 ) to use (a p u b lic vehicle)
h) to m ake yo u r way 8) to proceed gradu ally
i) to grace som eth ing 9) to g o away, to leave
j) to spend an arm and a leg 10) to be present or to arrive (sarcastic)

8. C o m p le te the fo llo w in g sentences using the w ords from the list o f g e o ­

g rap h ically related words: isles, island, shore, lake, loch, m ountains, h ead­
land, to j u t out, cliff, crag, cave, coast.

M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB • O. fO. Bacn/iw-ieHKO • H. C. XoMeHK<o

1. There are m any g ro ups o f ... o ff the coast o f Britain. 2. The Shetland ...
is perhaps the best-know n o f these. 3. The ... District is on e of the largest
o f Britain's N ational Parks. 4. M an y A m ericans love the song ab o u t "the
bonny, b on n y banks o f ... Lom ond". 5. A favourite pastim e on Sunday for
m any British people is to g o for a w alk high up along a ..., lookin g ou t over
the sea. 5. M an y species o f gull can be found nesting in a ..., inaccessible
from the beach. 6. King A rth u r is reputed to have been born in a ... below
Tintagel Castle. 7. A lighth ou se was often sited on a ... 8. The Gram pians
are a range o f ... in Scotland. 9. There are m any cafes fo r tourists on the ...
of Lake W indem ere. 10. Tintagel Castle and Crim ea's "Sw allow s' Nest" may
both be fou n d on large crags that ... over the sea. 11. There are Lifeboat
Stations on the ... all around Britain.

9. Broaden you r voca b u lary by reading the fo llow in g text on Tintagel. W rite
ou t the unknow n words. Translate the text into Ukrainian in class.

The castle of Tintagel lies on a

fin g er o f land projecting into the
sea from the flat plateau o f N o rth
Cornw all. H alf of the castle is on the
m ainland; the o th er part is reached
by w alking over a narrow neck of
land betw een tw o inlets o f the sea.
For hundreds o f years those w ho
sou g h t the castle m ade th eir way
across the plateau o r along the
edg e of the valley to this point, as
the o n ly way into the castle was along the narrow path in fro n t o f you.
A m edieval w riter w rote ab o ut the advantages o f its location; "The castle
is b u ilt high above the sea w hich surrounds it on all sides - there is no other
way in, apart from a narrow isthm us of rock. Three arm ed soldiers could
hold it against you, even if you stood there with the w h ole K in g d om of
Britain at yo u r side. W ith all its natural defences, Tintagel was an ideal spot
for an am b itiou s warlord."
The legend has it that Tintagel was the b irth place o f no less a person
than King A rth u r w ho is th o u g h t to have been a w arlord in the sixth ce n ­

Англійська мова. II КУРС

tury. W herever his legend is found, so to o is th e nam e o f M erlin the M a g i­
cian, w hose cave can be fou nd below the castle. For a long tim e no p ro of
was fou n d to co n nect these tw o with the place, until in 1998 a cover o f a
m edieval drain was fou nd w hich has a Latin version of the nam e A rth u r on
it. But the im pression left by the tales o f King A rth u r in the m inds o f m any
g enerations is truly significant.

10. Using the d escription given in the d ia lo g u e and in the text above, as
well as the picture, present to y o u r fe llo w students you r views on w hy
Tintagel Castle is so rom antic and draws so m any visitors.

11. Dram atize the fo llo w in g situation: one student is a Ukrainian g u id e

translating an excursion for a g ro u p of Ukrainians visiting Tintagel, the o th ­
er stu dent is an English g u id e in Tintagel. The rest of the class are visitors
asking questions. A ctin g as a guide, m ake use of the fo llow in g w ords and
W e lcom e to ... Especially noticeable is
W e start o u r to u r of M in d your head
To y o u r righ t/left The m ost dram atic part of ou r jo u rn e y is
If you lo o k carefully at W atch y o u r step
In front o f you If I m ay draw yo u r atten tion to
Straight on Take care on the next stretch of footpath ...
Right behind you This is the end o f ...

12. M ake up short d ialog u es using form u laic and shortened phrases you've
learnt from the dialogues.
1. I'd r a t h e r ... 2. Tell you w h a t ... 3. I've been dying to ... 4. Trouble is ... you w o u ld n 't believe. 6 .1 b e t ... 7. Tell you ... 8. This is i t ... 9. C om e
on ....

13. Discuss w ith yo u r fe llo w student w hat places you w ould rather visit
w hile in Britain using all the voca b u lary and idio m s you 've learnt.

14. Revise this lesson by qu ickly giving Ukrainian equivalents to the v o c a b ­

ulary o f the lesson.

236 M. O. B o3 H a « O. 5. F a n o H iB • O. KD. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoMem <o

O ccupant, sprawl, inlet, isthm us, cave, drain, plateau, m ainland, warlord,
rank, retirement, quest, kerb, d o u b le -d e ck e r bus, side-street, privacy, for­
tification, sh oppin g trolley, confusion, queuing, effect, cornerstone, m en ­
tality, psyche, peer, h ousing estate, reptile, bus stand, shuttle, connection,
redevelopm ent, headland, cliff, crag, inconvenience.
A nonym ous, stuccoed, exhilarating, courteous, congenial, obscure,
teem ing, odd, fractional, N eolithic, prehistoric, punitive, in co m p re h en si­
ble, aloof, haughty, reserved, stand-offish, boorish, chilling, peeping, alien,
hare-brained, allegedly, shaggy, rugged, sensible, regular.
To range, to elude, to encounter, to feel a thrill, to have an am ble, to
lunge down, to affect, to flock, to co m e into view, to slam a door, to be
taken fo r granted, to concede, to alight, not bear to adm it, to push in, to
b u m p into, never m ind, to show off, to assert, to suspend, to be off, to
grace, to ju t out.

15. G ive English equivalents to the fo llo w in g w ords and expressions:

Узбіччя, озеро, знання, бухта, узбереж ж я, переш и й ок, пош уки п р и ­
год, табличка, майно, дія або вплив, наслідок, враження, ментальність,
зд и р н и ц ькі податки, рівня, меш канець, передмістя, пересадка, ж и тл о­
вий масив, стоянка таксі, скеля, печера, вихід на пенсію , мис, материк,
плато, стічна труба, плазуни, полководець, бокова вуличка, укріплення,
візок у суперм аркеті, н аріж ний камінь, сум'яття, автобусна зупинка, фа­
садна штукатурка, глибоке хвилю вання, за легендою .
Наш товхнутися, пролізти, не переймайся, впливати, проводити
в життя, блукати, тягтися, мандрувати, поступатися, удостоїти, прогуля­
тися, курсувати на коротку відстань, уникати, стикатися, виступати, сті-
катися/ю рбитися, з'явитися в полі зору, грим нути дверим а, прийняти як
належне, вийти з авто, не визнавати, незручність, позувати, ствердж у­
ватися, ти м ч а со в о припинити роботу, кинутися в п ев н ом у напрямку.
П ом п е зн и й , п риєм ний, м аловід о м и й , ввічливий, ан он ім н и й , дивний,
частковий, доістори чн и й, незрозум ілий, стриманий, нахабний, чужий,
страхаю чий, легковаж ний, ви со ко м ірн и й, збудж ую чий, оп'яняю чий,
регулярний, такий, щ о кишить, кудлатий, розсудливий, хви лю ю чи й, не­
рівний/скелястий, страш енно.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 237

16. Translate the fo llo w in g text.
С е р ед н ьовічн і зам ки Є вр оп и завж ди притягували д о себе інтерес
та увагу туристів св оєю величністю і загадковою аурою . О п и н и в ш и сь
У се р е д н ьо в іч н о м у замку, ми п о ч и н а єм о уявляти ли цар ські турніри, які
проходили в минулі часи, урочи сті п рийом и, які влаш товували го сп о ­
дарі замку.
С ло во "замок" м айж е завж ди асоцію ється з корол ям и і лицарям и,
з п р екрасни м и леді та їх служ ницям и, а також з та єм н и цям и та з м о ­
вами. Я кщ о вірити легендам, то м айж е в ко ж н о м у се р е д н ь о в іч н о м у
зам ку Є вр оп и є свій привид.
Д и вн и м також є і те, щ о багато се р ед н ьовіч н и х зам ків Є вропи, щ о
пройш ли крізь війни і навали, збереглися д о наш их дн ів м айж е в п е р ­
в о зд ан н о м у вигляді. Кожен кам інь п р о со ч е н и й загадковістю та істо­
рією, і м айж е кожен за м о к має св о ю осо б л и в у легенду.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W hich o f these anim als is said to o in k?

a) horse; b) cow; c) pig; d) turkey

2. W hat is the nam e for the bushy ta il o f a fox?

a) bush; b) brush; c) broom ; d) fluffy

3. A person w ith large, gen tle, d a rk eyes is said to be ...

a) sheep-eyed; b) cow -eyed; c) doe-eyed; d) vixen-eyed

4. In Britain you w ou ld find C at's-eyes ...

a) on you r breakfast plate; b) in the road; c) up a tree; d) on bed room walls

5. In Britain you w ould m ost often find a tig e r's -e y e ...

a) served w ith chips; b) up a tree; c) set in a ring or a pendant;
d) by a pedestrian crossing.

М. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

* 1. Insert articles w herever necessary.
1.... British character has form ed u n d e r ... influence o f ... tw o fa c to rs :...
insular m entality and ...British tradition. 2. ...British Isles are surrounded by
...sea on a l l ... sides. 3.... W elsh and ...English have ... long and co m plicated
relation ship t h ro u g h o u t... history. 4. ... visit to London is often ... h ig h lig h t
o f ... trip to Britain. 5. ... b irth place o f W illiam Shakespeare is ... co ttag e in
Stratford-u pon-A von . 6. ... p olite attitude is often ... better w ay to live ...
life peacefully. 7. ... English like to th ink of their hom e as being ... castle.
8. Is ... British G entlem an real o r is i t ... illusion? 9. Have ... nice day! 10. ...
Edinburgh Tartan Shop is on ... Princes Street. 11. Did you give ... taxi d riv ­
er ... big tip? 12.... Bablake School and ... Eton are tw o o f ... o ld e r schools
in ... England. 13. W hen you asked ... passer-by for ... directions, did you
g e t ... frie n dly answer? 14.... Loch Ness m onster is ... favourite subject f o r ...
H o llyw ood films. 15. ... Lake W in dem ere is ... b ig g est o f ... lakes in ... Lake
D istrict N ational Park.

*2. Insert articles where necessary in the description o f a tou r around London.
Starting from ... Victoria Station ... coach
takes you along ... Buckingham Palace Road
to ... Victoria M onum ent. Here you have a
g oo d view o f ... Buckingham Palace. ... coach
then proceeds dow n ... Mall, with ... St. Jame's
Park on ... right and ... Regency Terraces,
which were build in ... early nineteenth cen­
tury by John Nash, ... fam ous architect, on ...
left. Reaching ... Trafalgar Square you see ...
Nelson's colum n, ... National Gallery, and ...
Church of St. M artin-in-the-Fields. Next we
drive dow n ... Whitehall, passing between
Horse Guards Parade and ... seventeenth cen­
tury Banqueting Hall, designed by Inigo Jones.
A t ... Parliam ent Square we pause to v is it ... W estm inster A b b e y and see ...
Tomb o f ... Unknow n Warrior. W e continue past ... Houses of Parliam ent
and ... fam ous tow er from which ... Big Ben rings ... chim e every 15 minutes.

Англійська мова. II КУРС

Then w e drive along ... Victoria Em bankm ent, where we have a view
o f ... Tham es w ith ... Royal Festival Hall and ... Hayward G allery on ... South
Bank. C o n tin u in g to ... City we visit ... St. Paul's Cathedral, ... M o n u m e n t
(although there is no lo n g er ... m on u m en t there!), and ... Tower of Lon ­
don, with ... Tower Bridge nearby. From here we can see one o f ... m ost
unusual skyscrapers in ... world, p o p u larly called "... G herkin" w hich is ...
b u ild in g that has ... oval shape p o in ting upwards. W e then return to ...
W est End via ... Fleet Street, fam ous fo r its new spaper offices, and ... Strand
to ... theatre-land o f ... Shaftesbury Avenue. Circlin g ... Piccadilly Circus, we
drive up ... Regent Street, along ... O xford Street, passing ... big d ep artm en t
stores such as ... Selfridges, to ... M a rb le Arch and ... Speakers' Corner. Fi­
nally we proceed dow n ... Park Lane, w here ... luxury hotels such as ... H ilton
and ... D orchester lo o k across to H yde Park. From ... Hyde Park C orn e r we
return you to ... V ictoria station.

3. Find in the text "The British Character" exam ples of the use o f n on-fac-
tual Past Sim ple. In w hat part of the sentence are they used - the principal
or the subordinate? Explain them and translate into Ukrainian.

4. Explain th e use o f non-factual Past Sim ple in the fo llow in g sim ple and
co m ple x sentences. Is this use different from the sentences in the text? Pay
attention to the fact that in Sim ple Sentences non-factual past sim ple is
used w ith m odal verbs only, except the o b sole te form u laic phrase starting
w ith " t h a t ...". N o te also that in co n te m p o rary English, "w as" is m ore often
used than "were" in sentences such as (5), (7), (9), (10) and (15) below.
1. To find th e answer, she co u ld lo o k on th e hotel's w ebsite. 2. He
sh o u ld fin ish th at essay to n ig h t so th at he co u ld freely g o to th e c o n ­
cert. 3. He'd bette r fin d his b ro th er's w atch or there w ill be p ro blem s. 4.
Its a b o u t tim e we w ent back to o u r hotel. 5. It lo o k e d as th o u g h it were
a b o u t to snow. 6. I wish it co u ld it be C h ristm as every day. 7. "I m iss
Pierce — I wish he were here w ith m e now." 8. W e have never d iscove red
w h eth e r it were so o r not. 9. Even if it w ere to snow, w e need to go. 10.
Oh, th at it w ere hot and su nn y today. 11. It's high tim e you grew up! 12.
Its a b o u t tim e fo r us to have lunch. 1 3 .1 wish he w o u ld stu dy harder. 14.
I wish you m ig h t stay w ith us fo r a n o th e r w eek. 15. He loved th e b oy as
th o u g h he were his son.

240 M . O . B o3 H a ♦ O. B. f a n o H i B • O. KD. BacM/iu-ieHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form to express non-factual ac­
tio n s in th e fo llo w in g sentences:
1. It's high tim e w e (to m ove) ou t to o u r sum m er cottage. 2. (to be) it not
fo r his presence of mind, w e w ould be lost. 3. Even if it (to be) raining, we
w ou ld g o out. 4. Even if she (to find) the wallet, I still w o n 't believe her. 5. It's
ab o u t tim e we (to go) hom e. 6. To im prove her jo b prospects he (can) learn
a foreig n language. 7. To be on time, you (may) start to g et ready now. 8. To
check the claim s, she (can) go on to th eir website. 9. She looked as th ou g h
she (to be) ready to burst into tears. 1 0 .1 wish you (to spend) m ore tim e at
hom e instead of g o in g o u t all th e time.

6 . Paraphrase the sentences using the non-factual Past Sim ple after the
expressions it's high time, it's about time.
1. Have you b o u g h t the tickets for Sir Elton John's co n cert yet? 2. W e will
g o ou t o f the rain now. 3. W e should g o and get a bite to eat now. 4. The
exhib ition should be open now. 5. Isn't it tim e for you to stop w earing those
flares? 6. The boarding of the aircraft should begin. 7. The trees should
have co m e into leaf by now. 8. It's tim e w e asked fo r d irection s before we
g et any m ore lost.

7. Use the non-factual Past Sim ple in the fo llow in g sentences:

1. It is very kind of you to help us out. 2. W ill you wash the dishes now?
3. W hat will w e d o w ithout you? 4. It does not m ake m uch difference as to
w hich you choose. 5. A n yo ne will ju m p at the chance to get free tickets.
6. You can only dream o f such an opportunity. 7. W e will be sorry not to have
en ough tim e to visit H am pton Court. 8. N o thin g g o o d will com e from this.
9. W ill you g o to Loch Ness with m e next week? 10. It makes g o o d sense to
visit the dentist tw ice a year. 11. You'll find the inform ation in the brochure.
12. W hatever you m ay say against her, we d o not believe you. 13. It is a
hu m b lin g lesson for both of you. 14. You have reached the p oin t where you
really should understand it. 15. A fter such a long day, it's tim e fo r us to rest.

8. Im agine th e situation w here you have ju s t arrived in a new tow n in En­

gland w hile tou rin g the co u n try in a car. C o m b in e the answers to the fo l­
low ing qu estion s into a narration. Retell the story in the first person. D on't
answ er th e last question (13) - it's rhetorical!

Англійська мова. II КУРС 241

1. A t what tim e w ould you arrive in Castleton if you leave at lunchtim e?
2. W o uld you b oo k a hotel room in advance? 3. C ould you afford this hotel
or w ould you look for a Bed and Breakfast? 4. W here w ould you eat tonight?
5. W ould you think you should save m oney and get som e fish and chips or
a Chinese takeaway? 6. W h at do you think the w eather w ould be like to m o r­
row? 7. Tom orrow m orning, w ould you go first to the Castle or to the water­
fall? 8. W o uld you want to visit the N orm an church today before it gets dark?
9. W hy w ould you not fill the tank with petrol before you leave? 10. W ould
you expect to find petrol stations everywhere in the Peak District National
Park? 11. Could you rem em ber where each petrol station is? 12. W o uld you
ask a passer-by where to buy petrol? 13. Is there any hope for you?

9. W rite dow n a story ab o u t yo u r dream h olid ay using the fo llo w in g w ords

and expressions from the list below. Use the non-factual past sim p le w her­
ever possible:
to dream ab o u t som ething, to g o on holiday, to queue, to pack, to
ch o ose a destination, to hire a car, to b o o k into a hotel, to like the room,
to see the sea from y o u r balcony, to g o fo r a swim from th e beach, to have
a hot cup of ca p p u ccin o afterwards.

10. Translate the fo llo w in g Ukrainian sentences into English using the
non-factual Past Sim ple w herever possible:
1. Настав час нам закінчити ро б о ту над цим розділом . 2. Якби не його
наполегливість, ми ніколи б не впорались із цим завданням. 3. Вона
мала такий вигляд, наче готова була геть усе покинути й поїхати негай­
но ж. 4. Хотілося, щ о б ми могли п одорож увати більше. 5. Навіть якщ о
піде сніг, ми все од н о п о їд е м о на екскурсію . 6. Ти могла би й не брати
з со б о ю стільки речей, ви їж д ж аю чи всього на тиж день. 7. П ора вже
нам вируш ати в дорогу. 8. П ри бли зн о зараз нам треба розпочинати
підготовку д о свята. 9. Якби не його ф ізична присутність, п од ії могли б
розгортатися інакше. 10. Навіть якщ о ти й перекладеш це д о завтра, все
о д н о текст ще треба буде вичитати. 11. Я кщ о вам доведеться відвідати
Велику Британію , о б о в 'я зко в о побувайте в сільській місцевості, щ об
побачити, яка вона - справж ня Британія. 12. Я кщ о вам колись д о в е ­
деться їхати м а ш и н о ю півднем Англії, побувайте у всесвітньо в ід о м о м у

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко * Н. С. Хоменко

11. Translate into English using the non-factual Past Sim ple. N o te that the
use of "were (was) to" m akes an event seem m ore hypothetical.
Я зазд рю вам. Ви побували в Києві. Хотіла б я бути на в аш ом у місці.
Д оведися мені поїхати д о Києва, я б оглянула всі історичні та культур­
ні пам'ятки міста, погуляла б його вулицями, площ ам и, парками, п о ­
спілкувалася з лю дьм и. Хотілося б, щ о б це було навесні, коли квітнуть
каштани. Кажуть, Київ о со б л и во красивий у цей час. На жаль, я не ке­
рую автом обілем . Я кщ о взяти м аш и н у напрокат, м ож на більш е всього
побачити. Хотілося б, як і ти, говорити українською . Треба пош укати
хор о ш і курси у кр а їн сько ї мови. А ще краще, якби ти мені п о р е к о м е н ­
дував, куди піти повчитися. І, звичайно, основн а пр об лем а - де взяти
грош і на поїздку? Час потроху відкладати, інакш е м о ї м р ії так ніколи
й не здійсняться.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W h ich o f these is the nam e of the p ira te flag?

a) H ap py Rupert; b) M erry Richard; c) Cheerful Roy; d) Jolly Roger

2. W h at is enclosed with a letter if an SAE is requested?

a) a lottery ticket; b) an envelope; c) an invoice; d) a love token

3. In London Cockney rhym ing slang, som eone's tro u b le and strife is t h e ir ...
a) life; b) wife; c) fife; d) knife

4. In London to a d -in -th e -h o le is ...

a) a children's game; b) a place to hide from the police; c) a dark secret;
d) sausages in batter

5. A sp u d in th e UK is co llo q u ia lly ...

a) a potato; b) a sm all dog; c) a pim p le on you r nose; d) a fat cat.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 243

\ /
A p e rs o n a l le tte r can be o f any le n g th and u su a lly never n eeds to in tro d u ce
th e w rite r and th e p u rp o se o f w ritin g th e le tter itself. This is co n tra st to a fo rm a l
le tte r w h ich d e m a n d s in tro d u ctio n o f th e w rite r and a sta te m en t o f th e o b je ctive s
o f th e letter. Inform al English is alw ays used and o ften co llo q u ia l and slan g term s
are used.

1. W rite a letter o f 1 5 -2 0 sentences to yo u r friend expressing y o u r strong

views abo ut travelling to the European U n ion using am plifiers from c o n ­
tem p orary English.

2. W rite a short essay abo ut a friend of yours, describ ing his or her per­
sonal characteristics. Try to use as m uch of the new voca b u lary as possible.

- # In s tru c tio n s are m ade in th e fo rm o f separated p o in ts th a t m u st be sequential,

in th e o rd e r th a t th e in stru ctio n s m u st be fo llo w e d so th a t th e result o f the
in stru ctio n s m ay be achieved. These p o in ts m u st n ot be a m b ig u o u s o r c o n fu s­
ing in any way. U su ally in stru ctio n s are w ritten in th e im p era tive m ood.

3. W rite dow n short instructions of how to find yo u r way ab o u t Kyiv Bo-

ryspil airp o rt for those w ho depart to travel to Britain for the first time.
Use as m any w ords and expressions from th e lesson as possible. M ake
sure you r reader clearly understands the differences betw een 'Arrivals' and
'Departures', betw een 'Check-in' and 'Passport Control', 'Cargo' and 'H and
baggage, and different Boarding Gates, fo r exam ple.

Linguists' headaches
Spelling can be different in the British and A m erican versions o f En­
glish. A m erican English frequently d ro ps the second co n so n an t in adver­
bial nouns o r past participles w h ile UK English retains it. O n e of the m ore
co m m o n exam ples can be seen in Kyiv banks w here you can find signs a d ­
vertising that "A m erican Express Travelers C h e q u e s" and "T h o m a s C o o k
Travellers' C h eq u e s" m ay be cashed.

244 M. O. Bo 3Ha • O. B. TanoHiB • O. tO. Bacu/ibMewco • H. C. XoMemco

In th e USA, a d o cu m e n t to transfer m oney to a payee's accou n t o r to let
them receive cash from a bank is called a "check". In this instance, A m er­
ican Express does n ot use that w ord internationally, to avoid confusion
a lth o u g h in their ow n co u n try A m ericans have "travelers checks".
A final p o in t in the exam ple given above is that US English g ram m ar has
d ecid ed to d ro p the apo stro p h e after a plural. So an Englishm an m ay have
two weeks' holiday w h ile an Am erican m ay have two weeks vacation.

Task: study these sentences and state w hy each is lab e le d /lab elle d as US
o r UK. C heck y o u r d ictio n ary fo r th e range o f m eanings o f the w ord "check"
and a d ictio n a ry o f idiom s fo r th e m eaning of sentence 7 below.
1. The bank cancelled his cheque. (UK)
2. The bank canceled his check. (US)
3. The travelers g o t off th e train at the first railroad station. (US)
4. The travellers left the train at the first railway station. (UK)
5. He w ore a check sports coat. (UK) see Year 1 , 10/13
6. He w ore a check sp o rt jacket. (US)
7. "W e'll take a rain check on that". (US)
8. She finished after fo u r hours' w ork on her essay. (UK)

Translate into English:

1. - Радий тебе бачити. М ож е, зай д ем о в кафе, поговорим о...
- Я б із задоволенням, але сьогодні аб сол ю тно не м аю часу. Якось
ін ш и м разом. (П ригощ атим у я!)
2. М е н е м ало не заареш тували в банку ''Ллойдз'1, б о виявилося, щ о
чек із таким и са м и м и реквізитам и вже було п огаш ено в ін ш о м у відді­
ленні того ж банку.
3. П о д о р о ж цього ам ери кан ця почалася невдало. Він ви й ш ов з п о ­
тяга на перш ій ж е станції, щ о б купити газету. Розбалакався з п р од ав­
цем, а потяг тим часом піш ов.
4. М ій англійський друг п остій но н осив сп о рти вн у куртку в клітинку,
успадковану від батька.
5. Д в о м іся ч н а перерва в навчанні відбилася на результатах його се ­
сії. Він і раніш е о со б л и в о не виділявся серед студентів Н ово го коледжу
О ксф ордського університету.
6. Тобі слід постій но стежити за тиском та п рийм ати відповідні ліки.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 245

7. Вчіться стримувати ем оц ії. В житті вам це знадобиться.
8. О сь ваш н о м е р о к і бінокль. Після вистави ви мож ете отрим ати
свій одяг поза чергою .
9. Ш ановні ам ери кан ські туристи, прохання позначити в переліку
пам 'яток Києва ті, які ви хотіли б відвідати. А нглійських туристів п р о с и ­
м о також зробити свій вибір.

Developing translation skills

(I) Translation transform ation o f generalisation

Generalisation is the process op p o site o f differentiation. G en eralisa­

tion takes place where a lexical unit of a narrow er m eaning in the Source
Language is replaced by a lexical unit of a broader m eaning in the tar­
get language. The transform ation occurs in both English-U krainian and
U krainian-English translation. W hen translating from English into Ukrainian
m any w ords signifyin g exact time, size, height, address, etc. m ay be ren­
dered by w ords o f broader sem antic m eaning, if (a) no narrow er equivalent
exists, e.g. watch, clock - годинник, or (b) accuracy is not required, e.g. He
was six feet two inches tall. Він був високий на з р іс т .
W hen translating from Ukrainian into English you should bear in m ind
that m any Ukrainian w ords o f narrow er m eaning may, and actually m ust
be, translated by English w ords of broader sem antics. These are used in En­
glish sig nifican tly m ore often than th eir Ukrainian equivalents. Such w ords
include: a thing, to be, to say, to give, and som e others.

1. Translate the fo llo w in g English sentences into Ukrainian using g en e ra l­

1. During after the battle, his arm had to be am putated. 2. Sharon's hand
was hurt w hen she fell over. 3. Ian looked at the clock on the internet to
check the time. 4. The accuracy o f his w atch was very im p o rtan t to Kevin
as he co u ld n 't bear to be even on e m inute late. 5. The d isp lay stand in the
sew ing d epartm en t had a broad range o f w oollen, silk and co tto n thread.
6. The pianist extracted every oun ce o f em o tio n from C h op in 's Third Piano
C oncerto. 7. The excitem ent on W all Street ech oed in the financial centres
o f the world. 8. He spent ninety days in jail. 9. The horse was sixteen hands

246 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

high. 10. He was expected to use the w orkers' canteen except on the rare
occasions he was invited to the director's d in in g room . 11. A n n e lost her
tem p e r by inches.

2. Translate the follow in g sentences using the w ord "thing" or phrases with
it as an equivalent fo r the Ukrainian w ords and w ord co m bin a tio n s in bold.
1. У Л о н д о н і є багато п р и єм н и х д р іб н и ч о к , яких, на жаль,
п озбавлені інш і столиці. 2. Інш ою ви значал ьною р и с о ю ло нд о нськи х
таксистів є їх небаж ання в ж о д н о м у разі визнати, щ о вони не знаю ть
м ісцезнаходж ення чогось, з їх точки зору, важ ливого. 3. Це єдине, щ о
має значення. 4. Вранці п ер ш за все я р об лю гімнастику. 5. Багато щ о
у М акса не виходило, але він наполегливо продовж ував. 6. П о м іж
ін ш ого, Тоня згадала п ро чудові канікули в Криму. 7. Вся ця сп рава
не така вже й важлива. 8. С п р ава в тому, щ о в Л о н д о н і ми вже не
вперш е. 9. Є багато речей, які я в цій си туац ії не розум ію . 1 0 .1 щ е о д н е
... треба кращ е подбати п ро твій гардероб під час поїздки ... 11. Єдине,
щ о не вдалося, це переклад деяких складних терм інів. 12. М и повинні
переглянути це д о кінця. 13. Я б не хотів о п ри лю д ню вати таке. 14. Все
м ож е закінчитися й добре, але судити п ро це щ е рано. 15. Як сп р ав и?

3. Translate the follow in g text into Ukrainian using generalisation where

necessary. Think of the ways to reflect regional variations in you r translation.

W hy the UK has so many words for bread

Everyone in the UK has an o p in io n on ju st w hat to call w hat is perhaps

the m ost inoffensive fo o d stu ff know n to m an - the hum ble, u b iq u itou s
bread roll; round and savoury with soft, w hite innards and an often flo u ry
A study co n ducted by the University o f M an ch ester identified sev­
en term s used around the UK fo r the generic bread roll, m ostly fou n d in
N o rth ern England, or, in the case o f 'bap' and 'blaa', Scotland and Ireland.
O th er variations are 'batch', w hich turned up w ith m ost regularity in C o v e n ­
try and Liverpool; the Lancashire 'barm'; and the W est Yorkshire 'teacake'.
O ld h am g o t in on the action w ith 'm uffin', w hile 'bu n' and 'cob' are m ore
generally used in n orth -east England and the M id la n d s respectively.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 247

O ther sources often throw even m ore intensely regional options into the mix,
like north-east England's 'stottie', Lancashire's 'oven bottoms', and the Leeds-ar-
ea scufflers or breadcakes' (the aforem entioned barm som etim es com es suf­
fixed with 'cake', too) - although the true 'bread roll' legitim acy of som e of these
is hotly debated. Regardless, there are thought to be som e 20 vocabulary vari­
ations on the neutral 'bread roll', with som e m ore w idely used and understood
than others depending exactly where in the UK you find yourself.
It's no w on d e r then that orderin g anything involving a bread roll ou tsid e
you r bread-nam e bu b b le can be so confusing. A n d som etim es even the
sandw ich sh op itself reflects the regional differences in d o u g h y vocabulary.
"If you g o to N o ttin g h am or Derby, then you d o n 't g o to a sandw ich shop,
you g o to a cob shop," said Jon n ie Robinson, d ia le cto lo g ist and lead cu ra­
to r o f the British Library s Spoken Speech collection. W h at Leeds residents
call a 'scuffler' w ould be a 'barm ' in Lancashire or a 'cob' in the M idlands.
Yet ou r num erous w ords fo r the e n d u rin g ly p o p u la r bread roll reflect
m ore than o p in io n on the 'righ t way' to say things, instead reflecting "geo­
g raphical barriers, political and cultural division s and settlem ent history,"
accord in g to Dr Laurel M acKenzie, lingu ist and co o rd in a to r o f the a fo re­
m en tion ed University o f M an ch ester study.
Take the C oventry 'batch', w hich com es from an old G erm anic w ord
m eaning to bake' {‘b a c a ri in O ld English). "This original m eaning shifted
from 'process of baking' to 'event o f baking' to 'the set o f things baked',
and eventually from there g o t to 'set of th ings from on e o rig in ' and ju st
set o f things'," explained Dr Tam Blaxter, a m em ber o f the faculty o f M o d ­
ern and M edieval Languages at C a m b rid g e University. "So 'batch' m eaning
bread roll' is a different, localised developm ent." Similarly, Lancashire's fa ­
voured word, 'barm ' (m eaning yeast) is pro ba bly descended from an old,
native G erm anic word, too.
Dr Blaxter goes on to note that "English does stand ou t am on g la n g u a g ­
es in the degree to w hich w e've d eve lo p ed a culture o f talking a b o u t 'right'
and 'w rong' speech", w hich m akes m e th ink th at ou r fierce debates ab o ut
bread aren't re a lly ab o u t bread; they're ab o u t identity. A fte r all, the w ords
we use says a lot ab o u t us, and w hat strikes m e as a north ern er is that w hen
com pared to the south, the northern regions o f th e UK seem to have great­
er diversity w hen it com es to these endu rin g regionalism s. G etting lost in
translation doe sn't necessitate a trip overseas fo r us Brits after all.

248 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB • O . fO. B a c n / iw e m c o • H. C. XoM eH K O

(II) C h o osin g the best lexical equivalents

The co m bin in g pow er o f words, i.e. the lexical context in w hich a p artic­
ular w ord appear, represents one o f the reasons fo r lexical transform ations
The w id er th e sem antic volu m e o f the w ord in the Source Language, the
w id er is its co m bin in g power, w hich opens up different translation p o s­
sibilities in the Target language. The translator should always ch o ose the
best lexical equivalent in the row o f synonym s taking into co n sid eration its
combining^ power, sem antic and stylistic nuances, e.g. the worst option -
н ай гір ш и й в а р іа н т , the worst earthquake - н ай си льн іш и й зе м л е тр у с,
the^ worst sm ell im agina ble - н ай неп риєм н іш и й запах, the worst p a in -
н ай р ізкіи іи й біль, the worst m istake - н ай гр у б іш а помилка, the worst
crim e - н а й т я ж ч и й злочин.
Som e Ukrainian w ords m ay have rather a w ide sem antic volu m e and
co m b in in g power, in which case a row o f English synonym s m ust be c o n ­
sidered fo r translation.

1. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian ch o o sin g the best lexi­
cal equ ivalen t fo r the w ord "good".
1. This was th o u g h t to be a g o o d option. 2. A g o o d h isto ry o f Ukraine's
foreign p o licy w ou ld be interesting, especially now. 3. She was earning
g o o d m on ey at her new jo b . 4. This bread has a g o o d consistency. 5. There
was g o o d soil at my boss's dacha. 6. M o st peo p le believe that g o o d looks
are very im portant. 7. She was g o o d at languages from an early age. 8. It
was a pleasure lookin g after such a g o o d child as Ira. 9. This is a g o o d
course o f lectures. 10. The new ed itio n of the G o o d Food G u id e was very
popular. 11. Everyone saw her as being especially g o o d -n atu re d . 12 His
credit was good.

2. Translate the fo llo w in g Ukrainian sentences with the w ords "рем онт" (A)
and "ж илець" (В) and th eir derivatives into English, using you r know ledge
o f the voca b u lary of the lesson.
(A) 1. Капітальний рем он т сп орти вн их споруд - це дуж е непросте
завдання. 2. Ремонтування тисяч кілом етрів системи водопостачання
в Києві щ о р іч н о обходиться м іськ о м у бю дж ету в копієчку. 3. М и х о ­
ч е м о відрем онтувати фасад наш ого будинку цього р оку обов'язково.

Англійська мова. II КУРС

4. Рахунок на рем он тн і роботи для ваш ого оф ісу ми відправили ще
вчора. 5. Косм етичний р ем о н т у ж илих п р и м іщ е н н я х баж ано р о б и ­
ти кож них п'ять-сім років. 6. Будівел ьно-рем онтн их ф ірм та ком паній
в Києві тепер дуж е багато. Як з них вибирати одну?
(В) 1. Ж оден ж и лець наш ого багатоквартирного д о м у не погодиться
на д об удо ву м ансарди над останнім поверхом . 2. Хазяйка вже через
два тиж ні здала квартиру в оре н д у н о в о м у ж ильцеві. 3. Тільки ж и л ь ­
цям цього д о м у дозволяється паркувати св о ї м аш и н и у дворі. 4. Ж ильці
над нами часто пересуваю ть меблі вночі, заваж аю чи нам спати. 5. Ба­
гато літніх лю дей ж ивуть у ц ьо м у селі все своє життя. 6. П сихіатричні
заклади маю ть своїх специф ічних ж ильців. 7. Ж ителі цього міста дуж е

(Ill) The use o f the verb "to seem " in translation from Ukrainian

The verb "to seem " is used to translate (a) principal clauses with the
w ords було таке враження", or (b) predicate verbs "здаватися, видавати­
ся", (c) co m ple x sentences with object clauses, (d) sentences co n tain in g the
w ord "нібито", and (e) in tro d u cto ry sentences "як видається", "як м ож на

1. Translate w ords and phrases in bold into English using the verb "to
seem " as necessary.
1. Здається, щ о Л о н д он тягнеться без кінця та краю на десятки
кілометрів. 2. М о ж н а п рипустити, щ о ці предм ети датуються 13-м
століттям. 3. Й ого вчинки н іб и то не мали виправдання. 4. Я к видається,
за язич ни цьки х часів на тери торії Британських остр ов ів ж інки
відігравали важ ливу роль в суспіл ьно м у житті. 5. Й ого аргум енти на
користь кельтської те о р ії ви д авал и ся обґрун товани м и . 6. Я к м о ж н а
п рипустити, на ц ьо м у м ісц і колись були дерев'яні укріплення. 7. Було
таке враж ен ня, щ о в ц ьо м у зам ку гуляють привиди. 8. Н іб и то ніхто і не
бачив, як дівчата повернулися. 9. Здавалося, традиція має неабияке
значення для м ентальності британців. 10. Л и ш е цей міст, здавалося,
цікавив ам ериканця. 11. М о ж н а при пусти ти , щ о слово "М ер лін " не
просто власне ім'я, а означає цілителя, чаклуна, мудру людину. 12. Ці
факти н іб и то й не м аю ть м іж со б о ю ніякого зв'язку.

250 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

Developing interpreting skills
1. To d eve lo p m em ory skills for oral translation practice the fo llow in g
"snow ball" repetition. Repeat the sentences after you r teacher w ith o u t
lookin g at the text:
A . 1. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris.
2. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me.
3. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me, and
m ore lively than anywhere.
4. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me, and
m ore lively than anyw here but New York.
5. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me, and
m ore lively than anyw here but New York, and even N ew York can't
touch it.
6. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me, and
m ore lively than anywhere but N ew York, and even N ew York can't
touch it in lots of ways.
7. London is m ore beautiful and interesting than Paris, if you ask me, and
m ore lively than anywhere but New York, and even N ew York can't
touch it in lots o f im p ortan t ways.

B. 1. People still d rin k at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " pub.

2. People still drink at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " pub in N ottingham .
3. People still d rink at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " pub in N o ttin g h am
w hich dates back to the 12th century.
4. People still drink at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " pub in N o ttin g h am
w hich dates back to the 12th century, and tourists flock to Strat­
fo rd -u p o n -A v o n .
5. People still d rin k at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " pub in N o ttin g h a m
w hich dates back to th e 12th century, and tou rists flo ck to Strat-
fo rd -u p o n -A v o n , w here Shakespeare's birth p lace and the co tta g e
still stand.
6. People still d rin k at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " pub in N o ttin g h am
w hich dates back to the 12th century, and tourists flock to S tratfo rd -u p ­
on-Avon, w here Shakespeare's b irthplace and the co ttag e w here he
lived still stand.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 251

7. People still drink at the "O ld Trip to Jerusalem " p ub in N o ttin g h am
w hich dates back to the 12th century, and tourists flo ck to Stratford-up-
on-Avon, w here Shakespeare's b irthplace and the cottage w here he
lived with Ann H athaw ay still stand.

Translator's nightmares
M ilitia In A m erican English m ostly and less in the UK, this w ord m eans
"a m ilitary force, a b o d y o f soldiers, especially one conscripted in an em er­
gency to su pple m en t a regular army". A n d in this case it should be translat­
ed as "народне ополчення".
In British English it is alm ost invariably negative and is used to m ean
"m ilitary force that engages in rebel o r terrorist activities in o p p o sitio n
to a regular army". H ence the translations m ay include: "(незаконні) о з ­
бр о єн і формування", "бандф ормування", "терористичні угруповання",
In the Soviet Union this w ord was used to m ean "police" and the nam e
has stuck in som e Slavic languages. It should be m en tion ed th o u g h that
in Ukraine and som e other post-Soviet countries "м іліція" was not so long
ago renam ed into "поліція". But the translation of "м іліція" into English
in the historical context should be "police" to avoid the autom atic under­
standing of "m ilitia" by English speakers in the m ilita ry context o f that word
in English.

Task: translate into Ukrainian the fo llo w in g extract from a news story,
paying careful attention to w hat the w riter intended.
Som ali businesses have been told to disband th e heavily-arm ed m ilitias
m any run to protect th eir interests. That is the m essage of the country's
newly elected leader A b d u lla h i Yusuf, w ho is trying to return a unified g o v ­
ernm ent to the war-torn nation.
"We prom ise that the governm en t will help them in term s o f security. W e
w ant to disarm m ilitias and unify the country."

Task: translate into English fo r a native speaker, again taking care to

keep to w hat the w riter intended.

252 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

М іл іц ією розш укується банда з чотирьох чо ловіків на автом обілі, яка
намагалася в п он ед ілок вранці викрасти банком ат з од н ієї з А ЗС міста
Києва. П редставник органів м іл іц ії заявив, щ о зловм и сн и ки підігнали
автом обіл ь заднім ходом до банком ата і намагалися завантажити його
в задню частину кузова автомобіля, який пізніш е покинули неподалік.
М іліція вважає, щ о п ри н ай м н і троє брали участь у цій сп р о бі пограбу­

Task: translate into English.

1. Він вступив до н арод н ого ополчення, коли й о м у було 16 років.
2. У відділенні м іл іц ії в нього перевірили докум енти й відпустили.
3. Викликайте м іліцію , вам са м и м не впоратися з о зб р о єн и м грабіж ­
4. Ю нак гордився св оєю н ове н ькою м іл іц ей сько ю ф орм ою .
5. О зб ро єн і ф орм ування продовж ую ть створю вати напруж еність на
півночі країни.
6. С п ів роб ітн и ки п о л іц ії затрим али в Ж и том и р ській області д вох ч о ­
л о віків - кілера і лідера о д н ієї з найбільш их орган ізован и х зл о ч и н ­
них груп, які дію ть в Україні.
7. П ідконтрольні Р осії о зб р о єн і бандф орм ування не готові д о м и р н о ї
д еескал ац ії конфлікту на сході України.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 253

Ukraine and the

Functional Asking for, and giving advice

Grammar: M odal verbs
Writing: An article, formal letters :
Developing Omission
Translation Skills:

Practice your pronunciation!
Before you start this unit, w arm up with this verbal
S h e wasn't
exercise! always

G o with the flow, Joe. right,

The scent from the rose as it was close to m y nose was
she w as
m aking m e com atose.
O h no, not th o se o ld clothes.
The arrow s rose into the air as the archers loosed their
I su p p o se the hose is round by the rows o f to m a to e s next
to the ga ze bo .
H e know s he was slow to throw the snowballs.

1. Discuss the fo llo w in g points:

1. W hat countries border Ukraine?
2. W hat is th e p o p u latio n of Ukraine?
3. W h at are the m ain branches of industry in Ukraine?

254 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. F an o H iB * O. KD. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

4. W h at resources is Ukraine rich in?
5. W h at are the m ajor achievem ents of Ukrainian scientists?
6. W h at m odern Ukrainian w riters d o you know?
7. W h at is th e h ighest b o d y of state pow er in Ukraine?
8. W h at is yo u r native city (town, village) fam ous for?
9. W h at are the m ain rivers in Ukraine?
10. W h at Ukrainian historical sites im press you the m ost?

2. W ith o u t lookin g in yo u r textbooks, listen to the recorded d ialo g u e

"M akin g Decisions", until you get its m ain message, and then fo rm u ­
late it in yo u r own words. Then listen to the sam e d ia lo g u e again and
w rite dow n the expressions o f asking for, and givin g advice used in it.
(the script is given at the end of the textbook)

3. W o rkin g w ith yo u r textbook, find am ong the expressions given below

those th at were used in the d ialog u es and other expressions of th e sam e
fu n ction specifyin g the speech register fo r each expression. Try to m e m o ­
rise as m any o f them as possible.

A s k in g fo r a d v ice G iv in g a d vice
I can't m ake up m y m ind w hat to do. W e ighin g up the alternatives, I'd
H ow would...? say that...
W h at course o f action w ould you take? In yo u r place, I'd...
W hat w o u ld you d o in my place? I w ould say that the best w ay o f ...
W h at w ou ld you d o in my shoes? If I were you...
H elp m e o u t here... I'd g o abo ut it like this...
H ow w ou ld you g o about...? W h at I w ould always d o is...

Note: that "You don't want to do it like that. You want to do it like this" is a classic
irritator and should be avoided at all costs.

4. Fill in the gaps of the d ialo g u e b elo w with the functional expressions you
have learnt.
W ayne: H ow on earth can I ..........?
M aria: I ......ab o u t it to o much; I'd ju s t follo w m y instincts.
W: But how can I ......m ost of those involved?
M : It's not g o in g to be ..., b u t ......I'd ... what's m ost im p ortan t to me.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 255

W: T h a t's ....... but how can I g o a b o u t ........?
M: You can't always - if I h a d .........., I'd co n sid e r what's g o in g to ... less
... in the long term.

5. Translate the d ia lo g u e from Ukrainian into English using the fo llow in g

w ords and w ord com binations: to m ake a decision, to avoid upsetting, in
y o u r shoes, to prioritize, w ouldn't w orry
Ніна: І як же м ені виріш ити, який сам е телевізор придбати?
Ольга: П росто прислухайся д о поради фахівців.
Ніна: А л е як уникнути м ож ли ви х н еп риєм ностей?
Ольга: Це буде зробити нелегко. На тв оєм у м ісці я б визначилася
з пріоритетам и. Щ о сам е для тебе в телевізорі головне?
Ніна: Л егко сказати, але я й сама не дуж е д о б р е знаю.
Ольга: Так часто буває. Якби мені треба було прийм ати таке рішення,
я б звернула увагу на якість зображ ення. А ін ш и м би не переймалася.


1. Look at the title of the text.

a) Say w hat you th in k the text is about. Translate the title o f the text.
b) Think o f 10-15 them atic w ords w hich you are likely to find in the text
and w rite them dow n. Then read the text and check w hether the w ords you
predict actually appear.

2. Learn the pro nu n ciation o f the fo llo w in g w ords and w ord co m b in ation s
from the text given below. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Sim ultaneously, voyage, genocide, alluvial, to encourage, the Caucasus,
the Carpathians, revival, giant, m anganese, titanium , fertilizer, revitalized,
Crim ean, cereal, infam ous, fam ine, conjure, N apoleo nic.

3. Read the text "The Breadbasket of Europe" fo r the first tim e and answer
the follow in g questions.

256 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

1. W h y is Ukraine called "The Breadbasket o f Europe"? 2. W h at is the
p re d om in a nt kind of soil in Ukraine? 3. W h at encourages farm ers to graze
cattle rather than sheep? 4. W h y d o Ukrainian farm ers prefer to plant crops
rather than raise cattle or pigs? 5. W h at fam ous political figures have called
Ukraine "The breadbasket of Europe"? 6. W hen did the m ain revival of a g ­
riculture occur? 7. W h at m etals is Ukraine a leading produ cer of? 8. W hat
natural resources is Ukraine rich in? 9. W hat are the key crops of Ukraine?
10. W h at fruit and vegetables are grow n in Ukraine? 11. W h y is forestry
im p o rtan t fo r the deve lo pm e n t o f the e co n o m y of Ukraine? 12. W h at is a
typical Ukrainian landscape?

4. Look th rou g h the fo llo w in g co m m e n t before reading the text.

Com m ent

D u ke o f W e llin g to n . Sir A rth u r W ellesley, 1 7 6 9 -1 85 2 w as th e first D uke o f W e l­

lin g to n and a fam o u s British g e n eral b est know n fo r c o m m a n d in g th e A n g lo -A llie d
forces at W aterlo o, after w hich N a p o le o n was fin ally defeated and p e rm a n e n tly
exiled to St. Helena. He also served as a Tory Prim e M in is te r o f th e U n ite d K in g d o m
on tw o separate occasions.

5. Listen to the recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate
into Ukrainian.

Text 1: The B readbasket o f Europe

Ukraine, Europe's largest country, is m ostly flat, with th e exception of

the Eastern Carpathian m ou n tains in the very west of th e co u n try and
the Crim ean hills form in g th e southern coast o f the peninsula along the
Black Sea. In English this is called Steppe (from the Slavic word) but A m e r­
icans call such areas Plains. In som e ways this is not especially accurate as
'steppe' im plie s tree-less grasslands, som etim es sem i-arid or even desert
areas, w h ile Ukraine even to d a y has m uch forested area and a great deal
o f the area cleared fo r agriculture, as in England, was on ce w o o d ed . In­
deed th e w ord 'steppe' to m any W estern m inds conjures up an im age of

Англійська мова. II КУРС 257

M o n g o l Russian hordes riding across vast panoram as o f poor, flat scru­
Ukraine is how ever blessed with som e o f the richest, m ost abundant,
alluvial black soil in the world, known as "chernozem ". Stunningly fertile,
chernozem allow s both high qu ality crops to be grow n and areas left fallow
allow rich g ra z in g fo r cattle. This en courages farm ers to graze cows rath­
er than m any o f the oth er livestock fou n d around Europe. M an y W estern
Europeans are surprised that one of th eir m ost h ighly-p rized meats, lamb,
is rare in Ukraine, w here sm all quantities o f tou g h m utton im p o rted from
the Caucasus are unlikely to change Ukrainians' eating habits. Q uite simply,
why raise sheep or goats, w ho can survive on p o o r land w hen cows can be
fat and healthy on rich land? The sam e W estern Europeans m ay queue up
to eat som e o f the best veal found in the w orld w hen visiting Ukraine.
The farm ers w h o ch o ose to plant crops, rather than raise cattle o r pigs,
will first o f all co n sid e r cereal crops, especially wheat, as Ukraine can har­
vest huge qu an tities o f the very best wheat. Indeed, anyone w ho isn't sure
w hy the Ukrainian flag is a blue stripe above a y ellow stripe need o n ly to
look at a typical Ukrainian landscape during th e sum m er to see a blue sky
over a field o f yello w w heat stretching to the flat horizon.
For centuries, Ukraine has grow n w heat as a prim e crop and during the
M id d le Ages, earned itself the nicknam e "T he B re ad b asket o f Europe".
H istorians argue over w hen this phrase was first used, but it becam e a co m ­
m on d escription durin g N a p o le o n ic times, w hen both the infam ous French
em p e ror and his British opponen t, th e Duke o f W ellington, used the phrase
to describe Ukraine in various speeches.

258 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. N3. B a c n /iw e H K O • H. C. XoMeHKC>

Today, if you enter the term 'breadbasket of Europe' into a search engine
such as G oogle, you 'll get m any hundreds of th ousands o f hits, practically
all invariably p o in ting to Ukraine. Tragically, the strategic and econ om ic
value of Ukraine's w heat to the Stalinist Soviet U nion m eans that m ost of
those hits will also guide you sim ultan eou sly to in form ation on the g e n o ­
cide o f the 1930's w hen m illions died as Russia stam ped its "authority" on
Ukraine. European history has a vast library of m aterial on those times,
but n o b o d y will ever know ju st how m any m illion died durin g those years.
Today we should sim ply pay ou r respects to the m on u m en t to the fam ine
on M ik h a ilo vskiy Square and pray that w e have learnt from such brutal
imposition o f eco n o m ic p o licy on a nation.
Happily, to d a y such events are fading into history and the revival of a g ­
riculture m eans that any soul can be tou ch ed by the g lo rio u s sight of field
after field o f giant sunflowers. Driving through central Ukraine, o r taking
a train, th rou gh Kirovohrad or Kherson or M ik o lay iv counties during the
summer, is w orth it ju s t to see such vistas of such im pressive flowers.
But Ukraine is rich u nder the soil as well. Ukraine is a leading producer
of m anganese, used in m aking steel and also produces nickel and titanium .
Coal, w here there are still huge deposits, iron ore and oth er such natural
resources in the D onbass region to the east of the co u n try provide the raw
m aterials fo r Ukraine's heavy industries. These produ ce iron and steel and
such finished products as tractors, m achine tools, and m ining equipm ent.
The heavy m achinery in dustry accounts fo r a third o f Ukraine's industrial
o u tp u t and em ploys abo ut a qu arter of Ukraine's workers. Ukraine also
produces cars, trucks, buses, locom otives and railway cars, aeroplanes, and
But still the m ajority of Ukraine's wealth and pro du ctio n cap ab ility is
above the ground, in agriculture and crops. Sugar beet rem ains a key crop,
to g e th e r with the refining capabilities that produ ce a large p o rtio n o f Eu­
rope's sugar. Sweetcorn, know n as m aize by Am ericans, has also becom e
a m ajor source o f revenue fo r Ukraine, especially since Khrushchev's rule.
Since Independence, an increasing am oun t of investm ent is being
poured into agricultural industries that produ ce fruit and veg etab le p ro d ­
ucts for superm arket shelves, both dom e stically and fo r export. The wealth
o f tom atoes, apples, pears, strawberries, cherries and all the o th er natural
products allow juices, sauces and jam s, for instance, to be produ ced in vast

Англійська мова. II КУРС 259

quantities from organic produ ce that is b ecom in g m ore and m ore prized
in countries that have suffered from ch em ically contam inated produce.
The cost of inorgan ic fertilizers, grow th stim ulants and chem icals is being
cou nted in the effect on consum er's health abroad, and here Ukraine has
a head start in co m pe tin g with o ld e r European producers w h o generally
already have revitalized industries, m ore u p -to -d a te technology, but chem -
ically-im pu re produce.
A n d a lot o f this is due to the flat, fe rtile 603.000 square kilom etres that
will prove of increasing im p ortan ce as ou r planet has to feed a p o p u latio n
that has already raced beyond seven billion. Even the hilly areas in the east­
ern Carpathian regions can co n tribu te w ith fo re s try and w oo d products,
and m aybe one day add sheep to th e picture, fo r lam b and w oo l to feed
and clothe the tourists that will surely on e day co m e to those areas fo r both
skiing and sum m er adventure holidays on the m ountains.
The funny thing is, tell som eo n e w h o has cycled or w alked up and dow n
th e hills of Kyiv that Ukraine is flat steppe and ju st see w hat response you

6. D ecide w heth er the fo llo w in g statem ents are true o r false according to
th e text.
1. Ukraine has o n ly flat landscapes. 2. Fertile chernozem allow s both
crops to be grow n and cattle to be grazed and so is especially p ro d u c­
tive. 3. Ukraine can't harvest huge quantities of th e best wheat. 4. Even
since N a p o le o n ic times, Ukraine was called "The Breadbasket of Europe .
5. During the g e n o cid e of the 1930s m illion s o f Ukrainians died as Russia
stam ped its "authority" on Ukraine. 6. Ukraine is not rich u nder the soil as
well as above. 7. O u r co u n try is a leading p ro du cer of m anganese, nick­
el and titanium . 8. Ukraine doe sn't pro du ce cars, buses, locom otives, air­
planes and ships. 9. Sugar beet is no lon ger a key crop in Ukraine. 10. Since
In dependence an increasing am ou n t o f investm ent is being poured into
agricultural industries. 11. O rganic fertilizers are not produ ced in Ukraine.
12. The Carpathian regions can co n tribu te to the Gross D om estic Product
(GDP) with forestry and w o o d products.

7. Retell the fo llo w in g text: a) briefly; b) very close to the text; c) if you were
lo o kin g from the p o in t of view of a foreigner.

260 M. O. B o 3 Ha • O. B. T an oH iB • O. KD. B a c u n w e H K O • H. C. XoM eH KO

8. W rite dow n 15 special questions on the text that you w ou ld ask a visitor
to the country. A sk and answer the questions. W o rk in pairs.

9. Learn the fo llo w in g V o cabu lary Notes.

/ Vocabulary notes
1. Breadbasket, n. N o te th at the O xford English D ictio nary states that
this should be w ritten "bread basket" as tw o w ords alth ou g h th e term is
w ritten m ore often as one w ord in co n te m porary English. The m ain m ean ­
ings include:
1) a basket in w hich you keep or serve bread - хлібниця, кош и к для
хліба; e.g. Pass m e the breadbasket;
2) the part of the co u ntry or area that provides m ost of its foo d
головний зерн ови й район, житниця, e.g. For centuries Ukraine has been
called "The Breadbasket of Europe".
Comb.: bread bin - хлібниця, breadboard - д ош ка для нарізання хліба,
b readcrum bs - панірувальні сухарі, breadfruit - плід хл іб н ого дерева,
b read -kn ife - ніж для нарізання хліба, to be on th e breadline - жити
в злиднях, bread sauce - білий соус, bread-sticki - хлібні палички, bread-
w i n n e r - годувальник.
2. Steppe, п. A large area of land w ith o u t trees, especially in Eastern Eu­
rope and Asia, the w ord derived from the Slavic w ord "степ".
Syn.: plains (AmE) - безлісі рівнини, прерії; savannah (African)
саванна, prairie (Canadian; in US dialect m eans "marsh, a sw am py pond
or lake") - прерія.
3. Scrubland/scrub, n. A area of p o o r qu ality land co m prisin g of stunt­
ed trees and shrubs, roughly halfway betw een desert and grassland -
4. Grassland, n. A large area of land covered with w ild grass - район лук
і пасовищ , e.g. There were a lot of cow s grazing on th e grassland.
Grassless, adj. П озбавлений трав'яного покриву.
Comb.: grass roots - прості лю ди, ш ирокі маси, e.g. W e h op e fo r full
particip atio n at a grass roots level. Grass w id ow - со л о м яна вдова. An
o ld -fash io n ed term for a w om an living apart from her husband, now only

Англійська мова. II КУРС
found in literature from the 19th and early 20th century. Grass snake - вуж.
Grass co u rt - тенісний корт.
Phr.: to let grass grow u nder yo u r feet - м арнувати час, сидіти склавш и
руки. e.g. D o n't let the grass grow u nder yo u r feet.
Prov.: The grass is always greener on the o th er side. Там добре, де нас
немає. У сусіда трава зеленіша.
5. Forest, п. The current m eaning o f the w ord is "a large area o f land that
is covered by trees" and can be translated as "ліс", e.g. M u ch o f Scandinavia
is covered in dense forest. The archaic English w ord "forest" m eans sim ply
a large area used fo r hunting. Today m any place nam es in the UK refer to
such areas, e.g. the New Forest, S herw ood Forest. "A w oo d " is a sm all area
of land that is covered by trees.
C o m b .: pine forest - со сн ови й ліс; oak forest - діброва; forest ca n o p y -
густа крона лісу, forest fire - лісова пожежа.
D e r.: forested, adj. Covered in forest - покритий лісом, засадж ений
лісом , e.g. This territory is densely forested.
Forestry, n. The science or skill of lookin g after large areas o f trees -
лісівництво, л ісове господарство, лісництво.
Forester, forest ranger, n. S om eone w ho w orks in a forest taking care of
planting, cutting dow n the trees - лісник, e.g. A s far as I know his father is
a skilful forester.
6. Graze, v.
1) to put (an anim al) to feed on grow ing grass - випасати (худобу),
e.g. Farmers grazed th eir cattle on the fields w here th ey were not grow ing
2) to eat grass, as a herbivore m ay eat grass - пастися, скубти траву; e.g.
G roups of cattle were grazing on the rich grass;
3) to break the surface of yo u r skin acciden tally - подряпати, здерти,
натерти (шкіру); e.g. I fell on the gravel suddenly, grazing m y knee;
4) to tou ch som eth in g lightly w hile passing it, som etim es dam agin g it -
торкатися, зачіпати, e.g. A bullet grazed his arm.
7. Crop, n.
1) the am ou n t of wheat, rice, fruit, etc. that is produced in a season, har­
vest - урожай; a heavy crop - багатий урожай;
2) plants such as wheat, rice o r fru it that are grow n by farm ers and used
for fo o d - злаки, рілля, посів; p i crops - зерн ові культури; m ain crops, key

262 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

crop, prim e crop - головні посівні культури; cereal crops - хлібні злаки,
e.g. The m ain crops are w heat and barley;
3) m etaphorical crop of so m e b o d y or som eth ing - a group of people
that arrives or things that happen at the sam e tim e - велика кількість, e.g.
South Korea's present crop o f elected politicians.
Crop, v.
1) if a plant crops, it produces grain, fruit, e tc .-д а в а т и урож ай, уродити,
e.g. Strawberries usually crop in June;
2) if an anim al crops grass or oth er plants, it m akes them sh ort by g ra z­
ing - щ ипати траву, об'їдати кущі, e.g. Sheep and goats tend to crop grass
right dow n to the ground;
3) to cut one's your hair short - підстригати, підрізати, e.g. Stella had
her hair closely cropped.
8. Im p o sitio n , n.
1) the in trodu ction of som eth in g such as a rule, punishm ent, tax, etc. -
впровадж ення (закону), накладання, обкладання (податком), оп од атку­
вання, e.g. The im p o sitio n of m artial law is greatly disliked.
2) m aking som eon e d o som ethin g - нав'язування, e.g. I know it's an
im position, but could I use y o u r bathroom ?
Im posing, adj. Large, im pressive and appearing im p ortan t - показний,
враж аю чий, переконливий, e.g. A t th e corner of H on ch ar Road I noticed
an im p osin g building.
9. Deposit, n.
1) an am ou n t of m oney paid into a bank account - депозит, вклад
у банку, e.g. M y friend decided to make a d e p o sit into her accou n t at
Pravex Bank.
2) a part o f the cost of som eth in g you are buying that you pay som e
tim e before you pay the balance - внесок (грошовий), завдаток, застава,
e.g. W e put dow n a d e p o sit on the house last m onth.
3) a layer of mineral, m etal that is left in soil or rock th rou g h a natural
process - родовищ е, поклад, e.g. Explorers found rich dep o sits of g old in
the hills.
Deposit, v.
1) to p u t so m e th in g dow n in a p a rticu la r place - викладати, в ід к л а ­
дати, класти, вносити, e.g. The fe m a le d e p o sits her eg g s d ire ctly into
th e water;

Англійська мова. II КУРС 263

2) to put m oney o r som ethin g valuable in a bank - класти в банк,
деповувати, віддавати на зберігання, e.g. The funds are d ep o site d in
banks ou tsid e the USA;
3) to leave a layer o f a substance on th e surface of som eth in g - ви кла­
дати, наносити, наливати, e.g. As a river slow s dow n, it d ep o sits a layer
o f silt.
10. Fertile, adj. A b le to produce g o o d crops - родю чий, щ о сприяє
родю чості, багатий, e.g. W e co u ld see fertile crop-lan d everywhere.
Comb.: fertile clim ate - клімат, щ о сприяє родю чості, fig. fertile im a g i­
nation - багата уява, a race fertile in genius - народ, багатий на таланти,
e.g. M y friend has a fertile and bright im agination.
Der.: fertility, n.
1) the ability of the land or soil to pro du ce g o o d crops - родю чість,
п родуктивність (про землю), e.g. A t the conference, the renow ned scien ­
tists discussed the fertility o f Ukrainian soil;
2) the ability of a person, anim al or plant to produ ce babies, anim als or
seeds - плодю чість, здатність д о відтворення потомства, e.g. They q u e s­
tion ed the fe rtility of the brood mare.
Der.: fertilizer, n. A substance that is put on the soil to m ake plants
grow - добрива, удобрю вач, м ін еральн е д об риво, e.g. O u r firm decided
to exp ort organic fertilizer.
11. Desert, n. This noun should not be confused with the w ord "des­
sert" -д е с е р т . The m ain m eanings o f th e noun include:
1) a large area o f land w here it is always very hot and d ry - пустеля,
пустиня, e.g. the Sahara Desert;
2) fig. a place where there's no activity or n othing interesting happens -
пустельна, безлю дна місцевість, глушина, e.g. The railroad yard was
a desert.
Der.: deserted, adj.
1) em pty and q u iet because no peo p le are there - пустинний,
пустельний, безлю дний, e.g. The streets were deserted;
2) deserted wife, child, etc. - покинутий, залиш ений, e.g. The deserted
w ife felt lonely.

10. Translate th e fo llo w in g w ords and phrases into Ukrainian. M ake up you r
ow n sentences using them.

264 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Industrial output, revitalized industries, a prim e crop, refining ca p a b ili­
ties, vista, fam ine, im positio n of a policy, infam ous emperor, search engine,
organic produce, European producers, u p -to -d a te technology, to have
a head-start, M o n g o l hordes, h ighly-prize d meat, to stam p authority, d e ­
posits of m anganese, nickel, titanium , iron ore, m ining equipm ent, revenue,
an increasing am ou n t of investm ent, raw material, national resources,
abundant, alluvial black soil, eating habits, genocide, seni-arid and desert
areas, a forested area, to conjure up an image, to leave fallow, to graze
cattle, to be blesses with, to stretch to th e horizon.

11. W rite dow n all the pro per nouns from the text paying careful attention
to th eir English spelling.

12. Learn the Vocabu lary N otes and give all th e derivatives to the fo llo w ­
ing words: bread, grass, a forest, to produce, to impose, flower, land, fertile,
a desert. Translate them into Ukrainian and make up sentences o f y o u r own.

13. Find synonym s to the fo llo w in g words. C onsu lt a thesaurus o r d ic tio ­

nary of synonym s if necessary.
Steppe, rich, to grow, to graze, to be surprised, rare, crop, huge, to ar­
gue, various, value, brutal, to fade into, to produce, natural, up-to-date, to
contribute, revenue.

14. M atch the fo llow in g w ords to th eir Ukrainian equivalents. W rite dow n
yo u r ow n sentences to illustrate these words.
1) rice а) пш ениця
2) buckw heat Ь) рис
3) w heat с) п росо
4) sw eetcorn (M aize AmE) гі) я чм ін ь
5) sunflow er е) кукурудза
6) m illet ^ гречка
7) barley д) овес
8) hops її) со няш ни к
9) oats і) хм іль
10) oilseed rape j) рапс

Англійська мова. II КУРС 265

15. Sort the fo llo w in g list of fruit, vegetables, herbs and crops into c o l­
umns. N o te th at in Britain, tom atoes are considered to be fruit! Translate
each w ord into Ukrainian.
Potatoes, dill, redcurrants, aubergines (eggplants AmE), sorrel, apples,
rice, plums, w ild strawberries, beetroots (beet AmE), cherries, buckwheat,
sage, lettuce, gooseberries, blackberries, wheat, radishes, grapes, raspber­
ries, tom atoes, pears, parsley, sw eetcorn (m aize AmE), sunflowers, onions,
apricots, turnips, peanut, parsnips, strawberries, m illet, blueberries, mint,
courgettes (zucchini AmE), cranberries, barley, cucum bers, basil, swedes,
blackcurrants, hops, garlic, oats, peaches, oilseed rape.

*16. C h o o sin g from the list in Ex. 15, insert th e correct fruit o r vegetable
into the follow in g sentences, co m m o n set phrases o r co m m o n idiom s. The
w rong ch o ice will invariably sound hilarious!
1. You are the ... of my eye. 2. She had lips like ... 3. I w ant to send in
m y C V qu ick - this sou nds like a b! 4. British p eo p le love to eat roast
lam b with ... sauce. 5. The bottom half o f the Ukrainian flag represents ...
6. Instead of confetti, the guests threw m ore t r a d itio n a l... at the bride and
g ro o m as they left the w eddin g cerem ony. 7. He was a g enius - he really
knew his ... 8. A lot o f p eo ple use the phrase "An ... a day keeps the d o cto r
away". 9. He was as cool as a ... 10. She was really em barrassed and turned
as red as a ... 11. Did those new shoes really cost you ... in the sales or are
you teasing me? 12. Being married, she knew th at chasing after you n g men
was fo rb id d e n ....

17. Insert the correct w ord from the fo llo w in g list into the sentences below:
desert, steppe, grassland, forest, wood, scrubland, swamp, field, prairie.
1. They d id n 't dare g o into the Florida ... as th ey were afraid of the a lli­
gators there. 2. The M o n g o l hordes sw ept across the ... 3. The Paris - Dakar
car rally is m ostly held across the African ... 4. There's little real ... left in
Ukraine today. 5. A fte r the farm er failed to establish a herd of cow s on
the ..., he foun d that a flock of sheep did well there. 6. The p eo p le in the
villag e all shared a ... to plant their potatoes. 7. There's a sm all ... near ou r
dacha w here we lo o k fo r m ushroom s in the autum n. 8. The dairy herd
thrived on the ... beyond the hill. 9. It's d ifficu lt to im agine to d a y the m il­
lions of bison th at on ce lived on the Canadian ....

266 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB • O. fO. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoMem <o

18. Find English equivalents to the fo llo w in g Ukrainian w ords and word
com binations.
Ж итниця Європи, район лук і пасовищ , газонокосарка, б е зкр а ї степи,
м арнувати час, бути годувальником, со сн ови й ліс, лісове господарство,
д освід чен и й лісник, пастися, подряпати коліно, п ідпри єм ства з п ер е­
робки, су м н о в ід о м и й імператор, голодом ор, перспектива, видобувна
п ром исловість, багатий урож ай, зерн ові культури, головні п осівні куль­
тури, давати гарний урож ай, підстригати волосся, нав'язування правил,
показний будинок, п оступово відходити в історію, зів'ялі квіти, н ев'я­
нуча слава, вносити грош і на депозит, багаті родовищ а, віддавати на
зберігання, грош овий внесок, род ю ча земля, залиш ати під паром, б а ­
гата уява, родю чість, м ін еральн е д об риво, пустелі та напівпустелі, си ­
ровина, чо рно зем и , нікель, титан, залізна руда, марганець, оновлена
п ром исловість, геноцид, викликати в уяві, простягатися д о горизонту,
продукція пром исловості, органічна продукція, сучасні технології, п о ­
клади, дохід, рясний/багатий, безлю дні вулиці, зробити внесок у якусь

19. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences from Ukrainian into English using the
active voca b u lary of the lesson.
1. С а м о с о б о ю зрозум іло, щ о Україну називаю ть ж и тн и ц е ю Є вропи.
2. Поклади, будь ласка, чо рни й та білий хліб д о хлібниці. 3. Ландшафт
України в о с н о в н о м у рівнинний, проте на те р и тор ії України м ож на п о ­
бачити не тільки безкраї степи, але й густі ліси та високі гори. 4. М и с п о ­
д ів а єм о сь отрим ати під три м ку від ш и роки х мас. 5. Більш ість тери торії
С кан д и н авії вкрита густими лісами. 6. Наскільки я знаю, його батько
дуж е гарний лісник. 7. Корови паслися на луках, о б 'їд а ю ч и кущі. 8. Які
головні п осівні культури в Київській області? 9. М ен і незр учн о нав'я­
зуватися, але чи м ож у я скористатися твоєю ван н ою ? 10. На розі Во-
л о д и м и р сь к о ї вулиці ми побачили враж аю чий будинок. 11. З рокам и
красота М ер і п оступово зникала, але вона все щ е залиш илась п р и ва­
б л и в о ю ж інкою . 12. М ій батько вніс грош і на деп ози т у банку "Надра"
м инулого тижня. 13. У цих м ісцях ріка відкладає багато мулу. 14. Д о ­
слідники знайш ли багаті род овищ а м арганцю та золота у Л ьвівській
області. 15. Без сумніву, україн ці - це народ, багатий на різні таланти.
16. Наша ком панія експортує орган ічн і та м інеральні д обрива. 17. Куля

Англійська мова. II КУРС 267

ли ш е зачепила плече, не заподіявш и се р й о з н о ї шкоди. 18. Туристи б е з­
слідно зникли в пустелі Сахара. 19. Ця вулиця безлю дна протягом дня,
але ввечері вона оживає. 20. З п роголо ш ен н ям незалеж ності України
значні закорд он н і ін вести ції були вкладені в еко н о м ік у України, щ о
сприяло її п о сту п о в о м у розвитку. 21. На щастя, таке явище, як геноцид,
уж е відійш ло в історію н а ш о ї країни, але ми п ови н ні пам'ятати ці події
та м іл ьй он и українців, які п ом ерли від голоду в 30-ті роки минулого
століття. 22. У країнський блакитно-ж овтий п рап ор си м вол ізує голубе
н ебо та ж овті б е зкраї поля пш ениці.

20. Translate the fo llo w in g text from English into Ukrainian in writing. Find
Ukrainian equivalents to the u nderlined w ords and phrases.

The Economy o f Ukraine

Ukraine has h ig h ly-d evelo p e d technological and manufacturing indus­

tries. M ajor co n tribu tors to the Ukrainian GDP inclu d e the p ro du ctio n of
heavy m achinery, steelmaking, non-ferrous metallurgy, shipbuilding, an
au tom otive industry p ro du cing buses, tractors, cars and lorries, agricultural
machinery, diesel lo co m o tive m anufacture, m ach in e-too l m anufacture, the
pro du ctio n o f aircraft engines and turbines, pow er plant construction and
the pro du ctio n of chem ical and petrochemical plants. Ukraine is also a
m ajor p ro du cer of energy.
Taking ju st som e o f these industries individually.
M a ch in e -b u ild in g is represented by well over a thousand enterprises,
som e tw o-th ird s o f w hich have already been privatized o r are in the p ro ­
cess of privatization.
Aviation. Ukraine is one of on ly eight countries in the w orld that have
the necessary technical capability to research, deve lo p and p rodu ce aircraft
and aviation equipm ent. The leading enterprises are Antonov w hich p ro ­
duces a range o f passenger and cargo aircraft recognized by the fam ous
"An" prefix, the Pivdenne Design Centre in D nipropetrovsk that w orks on
m issile co m m a nd and control systems, the Pivdenne Plant that now p ro ­
duces such systems, the Kharkiv State Aviation Enterprise, the Kyiv State
Aviation Plant and th e Motor Sich Automotive group. These ca p a b ili­
ties w hich extend into aeronautics and aerospace m anufacture, currently

268 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

p rodu ce the 'Zenith" and "Cyclone" ro cket carriers and participate in the
"G lobal Star" and "Sea Launch" international space projects.
S h ip b u ild in g . There are nine S h ipbu ilders in Ukraine, w h o n ot o n ly c o n ­
struct vessels, but also d o d e sig n w o rk and research. Con tin ual innovation
keeps these shipyards co m petitive in w orld markets. Their jo in t capability
allow s alm ost every type and class of vessel to be bu ilt or repaired,
Iron and steel in dustry. There were 365 enterprises in this sector
in Ukraine in 2013 before the partial occu pation by Russian terrorists.
These in clu ded 14 m etallurgical com plexes, 7 pipe p ro du ctio n plants,
16 co k e -p ro c e ssin g plants, 17 factories m aking fire-resistant materials,
26 ore-extraction plants, 3 iron a llo y plan ts and 26 specialist plants for
non-ferrous metallurgy, su pported by 10 factories dedicated to m aking
m achinery fo r these fo r them . A t the tim e of w riting no available statistics
exist fo r the current status, but a num ber of enterprises were dism antled
fu lly and shipped to Russia in w hite unm arked Russian trucks alleg ed ly
on Ukrainian territory fo r "hum anitarian aid" purposes. A t th e start of the
Russian invasion, in the overall m etallurgy sector, Ukraine was th e third
largest in Europe and the seventh largest in the world, by volum e. Covering
th e pro du ctio n cycle from the processing o f ore to the pro du ctio n of cast
iron o r rolled steel are several m ajor enterprises w hich rem ain away from
the o ccu p ied territory, w hich include: th e M a riu p o l M e ta llu rg ic a l Factory,
"K ry v o rizh sta l" (in Kryviy Rih), "A z o v s ta l" (also in M ariu p ol) and "Z a po r-
izh sta l'" (in Z ap o rizh zh ya).

(Adapted from "Ukraine: The Concise Encyclopaedia")

21. Translate the fo llow in g text from Ukrainian into English in writing.

Подарунок на всі часи

Гулевичівна Єлизавета Василівна (Галшка) (1575-1642) - одна з за­

сновниць Київського братства, монастиря і школи при ньому. В 1615 році
вона склала заповіт, за яким передавала свою садибу з землями в Києві
для заснування монастиря, шпиталю та школи для дітей шляхти і міщан.
Ім'я ц ієї ж інки назавж ди вписано в історію наш ого народу, в наш у
науку, освіту й культуру. Це ім'я сусідує з ім е н ам и наш их найвидатніш их

Англійська мова. II КУРС 269

д об р отво р ц ів. Н азавж ди вписалося вон о й у наймення К и єв о -М о ги -
ля н ської академії.
Ч о м у дар Галшки Гулевичівни мав для України таке велике значення?
Перебування у складі Польщ і поставило під загрозу сам факт існуван­
ня українського народу. Перед українським суспільством у ті тяжкі часи
постало питання, як зберегти суспільні і культурні традиції й набутки сто­
літь, захистити св ої політичні права і власне національне "я". З появою
козацтва з'явилася реальна мож ливість захистити св ої права збройно.
А ле одним м ечем свободи не завоюєш: потрібно було витворити власну
інтелігенцію, запровадити освіту в значні прош арки українського народу.
Українська культура, як і освіта й наука, в ум о в ах підневільного існ у­
вання народу не мала ж од н ого - о к р ім благодійництва - фактора с п р и ­
яння, щ о їх чи м ало є в ум о вах держ авн ого існування народу. Вп р од ов ж
довгих століть усе розвивалося сам о руш но , головним ч и н ом об 'єд ну­
ю чись у братства, щ о групувалися д овкола монастирів, які виховали
цілі ґен ерац ії д у хо в н о ї та світської інтелігенції. Д ум ка п р о те, щ о тільки
просвіта й наука сп риятим уть н арод ж енн ю н ац іо н ал ьн о ї гідності н а р о ­
ду, виявилася аб сол ю тно правильною .
Галшка Гулевичівна підхопила від Костянтина О стр озького д о р о г о ­
цінну естафету меценатства. Зникла О строзька академія, але н ар о д и ­
лася К иєво-М огилянська. Н ародилася завдяки таким лю дям, як Гуле­
(За М. С л а бош п и ц ьки м "Українські м е ц е н а ти ")

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. S a m o h o n k a is ...
a) fire-water; b) fire-play; c) fire-raiser; d) fire-trap

2. Keys are kept on a ...

a) keyhole; b) keyboard; c) keypad; d) key-ring

3. Som ething extrem ely e xp en sive costs ...

a) a w allet and a purse; b) a cat and a dog; c) a heart and a soul;
d) an arm and a leg

270 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

4. M a rm a la d e i s ...
a) fruit jelly; b) glace fruit slices; c) citrus fru it jam ; d) ice cream to p p in g

5. H a lf a d o ze n is ...
a) five; b) six; c) eight; d) ten.

Section B
1. Learn the pro nu nciation of the fo llo w in g w ords from the text given b e ­
low. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Speleologist, m ountaineer, era, regalia, recipe, route, the Scandinavian
Varangians, the Byzantine Greeks, czarina, enthusiasts, em pire, barrier, sus­
picious, Scythian, Sarm atian, cuisine.

2. Read the text for the first tim e and answer the fo llo w in g questions.
1. W h a t is u sua lly m eant by so m eo n e's "h o b b y"? 2. W h at are th e ex­
a m p les o f realisin g y o u r passion ? 3. W h o were Scythians and V a ra n g ­
ians? W h ich o f th em w ere o u r an cestors? 4. W h at d o you kno w a b o u t the
route from th e Baltic to th e Black Sea? 5. W h at was used to recreate the
ship "B oh un"? 6. W h y w as th e recreated ship ca lle d "B oh un "? 7. W h en
d id th e sh ip "B o h u n -2 " set sail? 8. W h y d id th e Russian czarina C ath erin e
II d isb a n d th e Z a p o rizh y a Sich? 9. W h o to o k part in th e lib e ra tio n o f th e
cities on th e Black Sea from th e Turks? 10. W h e n d id th e czarin a C a th ­
e rine II give th e island o f Tam an' to th e C ossacks? 11. H ow d id th e ship
c o m m e m o ra te th e 11th an n ive rsary o f th e In d e p e n d e n ce o f U krain e? 12.
W h e n d id th e ship return to Kyiv? 13. W h at dishes d id th e crew o f the
sh ip co o k ?

3. Listen to the recording of the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 271

Text 2: For One's Soul by Volodymyr Senchenko

Volodymyr Senchenko, born in 1929, is one of the most

distinguished academic figures of Ukraine. A doctor of eco­
nomics and social planning, he has received very many
honours in his lifetime and now, as part of his time, writes
highly-researched articles on Ukrainian history and culture
for the "Ukrainian Observer" monthly magazine.

Everyone has a p assion fo r som ething, w h e th ­

er to a lesser o r to greater extent, a passion that
reaches to th eir soul, th at satisfies them and brings
pleasure - w hat is usually called a "hobby". That can be som eth in g that's
created w ith y o u r ow n hands, a pu zzle that's solved (such as a crossw ord,
fo r exam ple), this m ay be travel to distant places, clim b in g a m ountain,
sw im m in g over a long distance, catch ing fish, p h o to g ra p h in g places, p e o ­
ple or events, and so on. P sycho logists ob se rv in g us tell us that such p as­
sions are usually in th e nature of m en and th at som etim es m en can d ie as
th o u g h still children - th ey d o not ever leave beh in d the passions o f th eir
ch ild h ood.
All this is fully visible in otherw ise pragm atic Ukrainians. Since Inde­
p en dence and u nder extrem ely tou g h eco n o m ic co n d itio n s Ukrainian
m ountaineers have raised the y ellow and blue flag o f Ukraine on the
highest m ountain top s o f the world, a brave Ukrainian sailor has m ade a
sin gle -ha nde d ro u n d -th e-w o rld voyage, Ukrainian sp ele olog ists have e x ­
p lo re d the deepest caves, Ukrainian farm ers have m astered the art o f rais­
ing ostriches on th eir farm s and m any oth er n o n -p ro fit, n on -com m ercial
w onders have taken place. The very passion o f the soul, a hobby, was the
m otivator fo r all these achievem ents.
There are m any river sailors on the D n ipro River, w ho have already
pleasantly surprised Ukrainian society m any tim es. Thanks to th eir efforts,
a re p lica was m ade three years ago o f a boat dating from Kyivan Rus times,
called the "Princess Ol'ha". The sailors chose an ancient ro u te to take this
boat along - one linking the Scandinavian Varangians to the Byzantine
Greeks - w hich w ent from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea.
For the past co u p le o f years, enthusiasts have been hap p ily recreating
functional sailing boats from the Cossack era o f the 16th century and m ak­

M . O. B o3 H a • O . E. I"a n o H iB • O . KD. ESacn/ibMeHKO • H. C. XoM eH KO

ing v o y a g e s by these boats on tradition al Cossack routes. The first fu n c­
tion al Cossack m ilitary boat, a "chaika" o r "dubok" (from the fact that such
boats were b u ilt from a single m assive oak tree) was called the "Bohun" in
h o n o u r o f the em in en t H etm an Bohdan Khm elnitskiy. A 70-year-old oak
was used to recreate this ship.
A secon d ship, a co m m e rcia l boat, was then re-created from a 147
y ear-o ld p ine th at w as 1.8 m etres in diam ete r and 18 m etres long, u s­
ing tra d itio n a l techniques; however, w hereas th e Cossacks w o u ld have
b u ilt such a sh ip in 15 days, it to o k 105 days to b u ild such a sh ip today.
E q u ip m en t and devices from th e o rig in a l p eriod were in s ta lle d on this
The boat was called the "Bohun-2" and set sail on 22nd July 2002 on its
m aiden voyage with a crew o f 20. The ship sailed a route that had been
o rig in ally used by the Cossacks over 200 years ago, from Kuban' (Russia) to
Ukraine. This route was along the D nipro to the Black Sea, and across the
A zo v Sea to R ostov-o n-th e-D o n, Kuban', Russia.
For th ose w h o m ay not know the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks, it
is im p o rtan t to note that the Russian czarina, Catherine II, d isb a n d e d the
Zap o rizh ya Sich, the m ilitary centre of the Zapo rizh ya Cossacks located on
the island of Khortytsya in 1775. This was don e to re m o ve m ilitary pow er
from Ukraine. However, it soon becam e apparent to the Russian Em pire
that this action was a m istake that rem oved the protective barrier to Turkish
forces. A fte r o n ly five years had passed, the em pire was forced to request
that the Cossack forces re­
g ro u p in Ukraine. The C o s ­
sacks them selves were su s­
p icio u s of such a proposal
and insisted that on e of
the favourites of Catherine,
Prince G rig o riy Potyom kin
and m ilitary co m m a n d e r A l­
exander Suvurov be g u aran ­
tors of the w ord of the cza­
rina regarding the freedom
p rom ised to the Cossacks.
W ith that agreem ent, "The

Англійська мова. II КУРС 273

A rm y o f the Free Cossacks" to o k part in the liberation o f all the cities on
the Black Sea from the Turks.
O n 30th June 1792, the czarina gave a large territory, th e island o f Ta­
man', to th e Cossacks, to g e th e r w ith money, artillery, m ilitary regalia and
awards. D uring the next 70 years, 150.000 p e o p le relocated o fficially to
Kuban', as well as tens o f th o u san d s of fu gitive s w h o had escaped from
serfdom or m ilitary service in the czarina's Russian army. Today, m any res­
idents of Kuban' regard them selves as U krainians o f Cossack o rig in and
this trip by th e "Bohun-2" was seen as less of a co u rtesy visit as a trip to
see relatives.
But as well as visitin g relatives, the ship had a m ajor program m e to fu l­
fil; to co m m e m orate the 11th anniversary of the In dependence of Ukraine.
It visited five key historical Cossack sites on the Dnipro: M ikitin s'ka Sich,
Z ap o riz'ka Sich on the island o f Khortitsya, Tom akivs'ka Sich, Bazaluvs'ka
Sich and Stara C h orto m lits'ka Sich. The crew paid trib u te to the grave of
one of the m ost renow ned Cossack atam ans (Cossack m ilitary co m m a n d ­
er), Ivan Sirko. The ship's crew also inspected the w reckage o f on e ship
which had su n k in 1788, from th e Cossack flotilla u nder the co m m a nd of
A n ton Holovatiy.
The ship returned to Kyiv in the m id d le of Septem ber 2002, u n d o u b te d ly
ju st the first o f a series of voyages to th e places of ou r ancestors, w hether
Slav, Scythian or Sarm atian, to the cities of o u r defenders on the Black Sea
and the w ater routes used durin g W o rld W ar II.
A m o n g the crew on board was an au thority on the cuisine o f the M id d le
A g es and an expert on Cossack cooking, w ho prepared dishes exclusively
from the Cossack period during the voyage. M a n y o f these recipes had
been lost fo r over 200 years and am on g the favourites were M u d riy Bor-
shch ("Wise Borshch"), D niprovs'ka ribna yushka (Dnipro fish soup) and
K hortits'kiy Khlib (Hortitsya bread).
This expert was especially fortun ate as he had the o p p o rtu n ity to c o m ­
bine different interests and hobbies - the C ossack era, Cossack ships, travel
and cuisine - into on e co m ple x activity. If o n ly m ore o f us were so fortun ate
as to be able to co m bin e and fulfil o u r passions.

4. Learn the fo llo w in g V o cabu lary Notes.

274 M . O. B o3 H a • O . B. TanoHiB • O. IO. BacM/ibMeHKO * H. C. XoM eH K O

/ Vocabulary notes
1. Passion, n.
1) a very strong feeling o f sexual love - кохання, пристрасть, e.g. His
eyes were burning with passion. Syn.: desire;
2) a very strong b elie f or feeling abo ut som ething - пристрасть, запал,
пристрасність, ентузіазм, e.g. Не spoke with co n side rab le passion ab o ut
the im p o rtan ce of art;
3) a very strong liking fo r som ethin g - пристрасне захоплення,
пристрасть, e.g. passion fo r football, e.g. G ardening was his passion.
Passionate, adj.
1) show ing or involving very strong feelings of sexual love - закоханий,
палкий, e.g. a very passionate you n g man, a passionate kiss. He had a brief
b ut passionate love affair with an old woman;
2) if you 're passionate ab o u t som ething, you like it or dislike it intense­
l y - пристрасний, захоплений, e.g. She d eve lo ped a passionate interest in
w ild flowers. He passionately declared his hatred o f war.
Phr.: to fly into a passionate state - розлютитися, скипіти, e.g. Suddenly
m y boss flew into a passionate rage.
Phr.: to be passionate ab o u t - захоплю ватися, e.g. I've always been pas­
sionate a b o u t football.
Passionless, adj. W ith no strong feelings of love - безпристрасний, e.g.
It was really a dull passionless m arriage.
Passionately, adv. Пристрасно, палко, захоплено, e.g. Peter is passion­
ately involved in environm ental issues.
Comb.: passion flower. A clim b in g plant w ith large attractive flow ers -
мучениця, пасифлора, e.g. His favourite gift to his lady-friends was a b o u ­
q u et of passion flowers.
Passion-fruit. The ed ib le fru it of several kinds of passion flower, roughly
spherical and from 4 to 8 cm. across, with a w rinkled skin and sw eet yellow
pu lp su rrou n ding sm all black seeds - пасьон.
2. H obby, n. An activity that you enjoy d oin g in you r free tim e - хобі,
улю блене заняття, пристрасть, e.g. W h at are you r hobbies? Sharon's h o b ­
bies in clu de reading and skating.
Related to 'h ob b y' as an acivity is th e term "h obbyhorse" w hich o rig i­
nally m eant "коник-гойдалка" and now has co m e to m ean "a subject that

Англійська мова. II КУРС 275

som eon e has strong op in io n s ab o u t and that they talk ab o ut to o m uch" -
улю блений п редм ет розм ови, e.g. I'm afraid bad driving by Kyiv m otorists
isn't o n ly Jacque's hobbyhorse.
3. Explore, v.
1) to travel around an area in order to find o u t ab o u t it - обстежувати,
роздивлятися, e.g. Venice is a w on derfu l place to explore;
2) to discuss o r th ink ab o u t som eth in g carefully - досліджувати,
з'ясовувати, e.g. I'm g o in g to explore the p o ssib ility of a part-tim e job .
Phr.: to explore fo r som ethin g (oil, minerals, gold, etc.) - розвідувати,
визначати, e.g. The expedition was exploring fo r oil in the Black Sea.
4. Non-profit, adj. Such th at uses th e m o n ey it earns to help p e o p le
instead o f taking p ro fit - н еп ри буткови й , благодійний, e.g. He fo u n d e d
a n o n -p ro fit ed u ca tio n a l o rg a n iza tio n in Ukraine. N o te th at n o n -p ro fit or­
g a n iza tio n s are d iffe re n t from n o n -co m m e rcia l org an ization s. The latter
are not structured and ow ned by in d iv id u als o r shareholders, such as a
g o v e rn m e n t departm en t, a h osp ital o r a p u b lic utility. But often such or­
g a n iza tio n s m ay be expected to be p ro fita b le in A m erica o r (som etim es)
5. Replica, n. A n exact co py o f som eth in g especially a bu ilding, a w ork
of art, a ship - точна копія, репродукція, e.g. In the m useum there was a
m odel that was an exact replica o f the Taj M ahal.
6. Route, n.
1) a way from on e place to an oth er on e - шлях, дорога, курс, e.g. W e
w eren't sure w hich route to take;
2) a way betw een tw o places, that buses, planes, ships, etc. regularly
travel - марш рут, e.g. bus route, air route, sh ipp in g route. Is yo u r office on
a bus route?
3) a way of d o in g som eth ing o r achieving a particular result - засіб,
шлях, курс, e.g. Kenneth cam e to th e sam e co n clu sio n by a different route.
N o te that in AmE, the w ord is usually pro n o u n ced the sam e as rout
/raV t/, w hich m eans to force an arm y to retreat in disarray ("N apoleon's
cavalry was routed").
7. Voyage, n. A rather long journey, esp. by w ater o r air - м ор ська або
повітряна п одорож , e.g. I'd love to g o on a sea voyage. The idea of an
A tlan tic sea voyage terrified her: she was sure she w ould be seasick the
w h ole time. Bon Voyage!

276 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

The act of travelling can be described by a num ber o f synonym s, which
differ by various im plications. They all describe the act o f g o in g from one
place to an oth er one, but differ by length o f tim e taken by the act, by its
purpose, destin ation or by the m ethod o f travelling.
1) travel, n. The act o f travelling, esp. a long one in distant o r foreign
places, either fo r the pu rpose of discovering som eth in g new or in search of
pleasure and adventure - подорож , рух, переміщ ення, e.g. He's w riting a
b o o k a b o u t his travels in Africa;
2) journey, n. The act o f g o in g from one place to an oth er one, usually
taking a rather long tim e - м андрівка, приєм на п одорож , e.g. It's three
days' jo u rn e y by train. You'll have to make the jo u rn e y alone. G o ing on a
jo u rn e y is always exciting;
3) trip, n. A journey, an excursion, frequ en tly a brief one, m ade by land
or w ater - коротка поїздка, п одорож , e.g. Did you enjoy you r trip to the
seaside at th e w eekend?
4) tour, n. A jo u rn e y in w hich a short stay is m ade at a num ber of places
(usually w ith the objective o f sightseeing), the traveller finally returning to
the place from w hich he had started - тур, екскурсія, e.g. On ou r South-
ern-E ngland to u r we visited W indsor, Oxford, C am bridge, S tratford-on-
A von and then cam e back to W indsor;
5) cruise, n. A sea voyage from a port, especially a pleasure trip -
м ор ськи й круіз, м орська п одорож , e.g. The N ile cruise prom ised to show
m any fam ou s landm arks. M an y tourists now cruise along the Dnipro, tak­
ing ten days to travel from Kyiv to Odessa;
6) hitch-hiking, n. Travelling by getting free rides in passing au tom ob iles
and w alking betw een rides - п о д о р о ж автостопом, e.g. H itch -hiking used
to be a w ay o f travelling w hich gave a chance to see m uch w ith ou t sp e n d ­
ing anything.
8. Eminent, adj. Famous, im portant, respected - видатний, знаменитий,
визначний, e.g. Derek Johnson is an em in en t lawyer.
Eminently, adv. To a very high degree, perfectly - надзвичайно,
н а й в и щ о ю м ірою , e.g. She seem s to be em in en tly qualified for the job .
9. Install, v.
1) to put a piece of eq u ip m en t som ew here and co n nect it so that it is
ready to be used - встановлю вати, поміщ ати, розташ овувати, e.g. 800
security cam eras have been installed in the city centre;

Англійська мова. II КУРС 277

2) to add new softw are to co m pu te r so that it is ready to be used -
встановлю вати п р о гр ам н е забезпечення, монтувати, e.g. W e have in ­
stalled new anti-virus software;
3) to put so m e o n e fo rm a lly in to an im p o rta n t jo b o r p o sitio n , e s p e ­
cia lly w ith a cerem ony, to a p p o in t - о ф іц ій н о п р и зн ач и ти на посаду,
e.g. P rofe ssor Kyle S ym o n d s was in sta lle d as th e new R ector o f th e U n i­
10. D isband, v. To stop existing as an o rgan ization o r to m ake som eth in g
d o it - розпускати, розф орм овувати, розходитися, проганяти, e.g. The
regim ent was d isban ded as peace broke out.
11. Rem ove, n.
1) to take som eth in g away from or out o f any place - виносити, забирати,
e.g. Rem ove th e old w allpaper and fill any holes in the walls;
2) to get rid of som eth in g so that it do e sn 't exist any lon g er - зміню вати,
зам іню вати, e.g. The co lle g e rem oved archaic rules that prevented w om en
from enrolling;
3) to force som eo n e o u t of an im p o rta n t p osition or dism iss th em from
a jo b - звільняти з посади, виклю чати, усунути, позбавити посади, e.g.
Congress could vote to rem ove the President from office;
4) to take off a piece of clo th ing - знімати, скидати (про одяг), e.g. Не
q u ickly rem oved his hat and gloves.
Der.: rem oval, n. П ерем іщ ення, перевезення, e.g. furniture removal.
Comb.: rem ovals man - вантажник, rem ovals lorry - фургон для
перевезення меблів, rem ovals expenses - витрати на переїзд.
12. S uspicio u s, adj.
1) th inkin g that som eo n e m ight be g u ilty of d o in g som eth in g w rong or
disho n est - підозріливий, недовірливий, e.g. Som e of his co lleag u es at
w ork becam e suspicious of his behaviour;
2) m aking you th ink that som eth in g bad or illegal is happ en in g - п ід о ­
зрілий; той, щ о викликає підозру, e.g. Call the police if you see anything
suspicious. His friend died in su spiciou s circum stances.
S u spicio n , n.
1) feeling that som eo n e is probably g u ilty of d o in g som eth in g w rong or
d isho n est - підозра, e.g. I d o n 't exactly know, but I have som e suspicions;
2) feeling you d o n 't trust som eo ne - недовіра, підозра, e.g. She always
treated us with suspicion;

278 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

3) a very sm all am oun t of som ething that you can only ju s t see, hear or
taste - натяк (на щось), тінь, подоба, e.g. I could see the faintest suspicion
of a tear in her eyes.
Comb.: on suspicion - за підозрою ; to be u nder suspicion - бути під
підозрою ; have suspicions a b o u t so m e b o d y or som eth in g - підозрю вати
когось, щось.
Der.: su spiciou sly - подозріло, з п ідозрою , e.g. Не saw tw o you ths act­
ing suspiciously.
13. Sink, v.
1) to g o below the horizon or u nder the surface of w ater - тонути,
потопати, e.g. W o o d d o e sn 't sink in water. The overload ed ship began to
2) to becom e low er o r w eaker - опускатися, знижуватися, перен.
погірш ати, e.g. The river is sinking. M y spirits sank;
3) to fall, to allow o n eself to fall - падати, перен. слабшати, згасати. She
sank into the chair and burst into tears.
Saying: This is a sink or swim situation. Пан або пропав.
Sink, n. A fixed basin u nder w ater taps in the kitchen - раковина, e.g.
Put the d irty dishes into th e kitchen sink and d o th e w ashing up.
14. C o n d itio n , n.
1) the state that som ethin g is in, especially th e physical state - стан,
становищ е, e.g. O u r house was in an excellent co n d itio n after repairing.
Phrases: to be in a g o o d (bad, excellent, terrible) co n d itio n - бути
в гарному, поганому, чудовому, ж ахли вом у стані; to be in no co n d itio n
to d o som eth ing - бути нездатном у щ ось робити; to be ou t of c o n d i­
tion - бути не в формі.
2) p i th e situation in w hich p e o p le live or w ork - обставини, умови, e.g.
In May, the staff of the co m pa n y w ent on strike d em an d in g better w orking
co n d itio n s and increased salaries.
Phrases: living (working) cond ition s - у м о в и життя (роботи); u nder such
co n d itio n s - за таких обставин.
3) p i all th e things that affect the w ay som eth in g happens - ум ови, e.g.
The co m pany set strict co n d itio n s in the suggested agreem ent.
Phrases: u n der ... co n d itio n s - за умови; to set (im pose, lay down)
co n d itio n s - встановлю вати умови; to m eet (satisfy, fulfil) co n d itio n s -
задовольняти, виконувати ум ови.

Англійська мова. II КУРС
C o n d itio n a l, adj.
1) an offer, agreem ent will be d o n e if som eth in g else happens first -
обум овл ен и й , ум о вни й , e.g. A co n d itio n al acceptance. His agreem ent to
buy ou r house was co n d itio n al on o u r leaving all the furniture in it;
2) Qf- gram m ar co n d itio n al sentences - у м о в н і речення; co n d itio n al
m ood - у м о в н и й спосіб, e.g. In co n d itio n a l sentences con ju n ction s "if" or
"unless" are used.

5. D ecide w hether the fo llow in g statem ents are true or false accord in g to
the text.
1. A h ob b y is som eth in g that you create w ith y o u r ow n hands. 2. Since
Independence, Ukrainian m ountaineers haven't on ce raised the flag of
Ukraine on the h ighest m ountain o f the w orld. 3. Ukrainian sp ele olog ists
have explored the largest caves. 4. A h o b b y w asn't the on ly m otivator fo r all
these achievem ents. 5. The first functional Cossack m ilitary ship was called
the B o h u n ' in h on ou r of Taras Shevchenko. 6. The Cossacks w ou ld have
bu ilt such a ship in 35 days. 7. The boat "Bohun-2" set sail on the 22nd of
July 2004. 8. The Russian czarina Catherine II d isban ded the Z aporizhya
Sich in 1775. 9. "The A rm y of the Free Cossacks" to o k part in th e liberation
o f all the cities on the Black Sea from the Turks. 10. O n the 30th of July 1782
the czarina gave the island o f Taman' to the Cossacks.

6 . Retell the text "For One's Soul": a) briefly; b) in detail, very close to the

Vocabulary practice

7. Translate the fo llo w in g w ords and phrases into Ukrainian and m ake up
yo u r own sentences using each o f them.
To fly in to a passion, a passion fo r basketball, passionless, h ob b yh o rse,
to be on y o u r h ob b yh o rse, to be in a te rrib le co n d itio n , to be in a c o n ­
d itio n to d o som eth in g , to m eet co n d itio n s, to u g h e c o n o m ic co n d itio n s,
to set sail, co u rte sy visit, sea route, to pay tribu te, to ex p lo re th e city, to
ex p lo re fo r m inerals, an explorer, n o n -co m m e rcia l o rg a n iza tio n , replica,
a d iffe re n t route, an in terestin g voyage, a to u r o f England, a jou rn ey,

280 M. О. Возна * О. Б. Гапонів ♦ О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

a sh o rt b u sin ess trip, M e d ite rra n e a n cruise, h itch -h ik in g , an e m in en t
scholar, em inently, to install eq u ip m e n t, to be in sta lle d as a m anager, to
d isb a n d th e Z a p o rizh y a Sich, to rem ove w allpaper, to m ove m ountains,
rem oval, su sp icio u s behaviour, su sp icio u s circum stances, ab o ve s u s p i­
cion, to be u n d e r su spicion , on su spicion , the sh ip sank, it's sink o r swim,
a kitch en sink.

8 . Learn the V o cabu lary Notes, give all the derivatives to the follow in g
words, translate them into Ukrainian and make up your own sentences.
Passion, condition, to explore, to install, suspect, to sail, to create, to
fulfil, to com m em orate, fortune, to observe.

9. Give synonym s or explain in English the m eaning or m eanings o f the

fo llo w in g words.
Hobby, route, non-profit, trip, em inent, to disband, to remove, to sink, to
install, a puzzle, a ship, a proposal, courtesy, to inspect, an opportunity, to
com bine, im portant.

10. Fill in p re positio n s or adverbs w here necessary.

Nina: Hiya, Alex! I rem em ber so m e b o d y told m e that you had gone... an
interesting cruise ... the Black Sea and ... Russia.
Alex: I had a terrific jo u rn e y ... Ukraine. The route was ... the Dnipro, ...
the Black Sea and ... th e A zo v Sea ... R ostov-on-th e-D on, Russia.
N: A n d w here did you g o ... ashore?
A: O h , ... som e fascinating spots you are not likely to find ... the map. W e
visited five key historical Cossack sites ... the Dnipro.
N: So, exactly w hich places did you explore?
A: The ships crew inspected the w reckage ... one ship w hich had sunk ...
1788. It was ... the Cossacks flotilla ... the com m and ... A n ton Holovatyi.
N: H ow exciting! W hat else d id you see?
A: W e paid tribu te ... the grave ... one ... Cossack m ilitary com m ander,
Ivan Sirko.
N: That m ust have been really interesting ... you. So you enjoyed ... the
journey, d id n 't you?
A: A bsolutely. It goes ... saying, every m inute ... it, th ou g h it w asn't an
easy ride.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 281

Note: Ride is a similar word to "journey" "trip" etc. The phrase "it wasn't an easy
ride" may be used literally but is more often used in a idiomatic way to mean "it was
rather difficult".

11. Replace th e w ords in italics with th eir synonym s from the vo cab ulary
o f the text.
1. The ship went under durin g th e v icio u s storm . 2. The g ro u p w ent into
th e rain forest to search th e terrain fo r the lost city. 3. She had a feeling
th at he h adn 't to ld her all th e truth. 4. A fte r th e occupation, th e tro o p s
took aw a y all the o p p o sin g m ilitary stron gh olds. 5. They b oth had a strong
love for g o in g to art galleries. 6. The punk rock g ro u p d ecid ed to split
w hen th ey started to argue to o m uch with each other. 7. The H um an Re­
sources D irector decid ed to ap p o in t a representative o f her d e p a rtm e n t in
th e overseas office. 8. They co u ld stop him g e ttin g on to his favourite topic
o f irritation, shoes w ith cu rle d -u p toes. 9. The stu den ts flocked to hear
the g u est lecturer, th e distinguished poet and fo rm e r rock star. 10. The
A m erican s b u ilt a life-size copy o f the M a y flo w e r to attract tourists. 11. The
m u ltin atio n al enterprise set up a n on -co m m ercial o rg an izatio n in Kyiv to
su p p o rt local sport. 12. She low ered herself into th e huge armchair. 13. He
co u ld n ot help treating her w ith mistrust. 14. C on g re ss voted to sack from
office th e co rru p t Senator. 15. He qu ick ly took o ff his cloth es and dived
into the lake. 16. There over 5 m illio n security cam eras p u t in p lace in L o n ­
d o n ten years ag o - so, how m any are there set up now ? 17. W h at are yo u r
relocation expenses? 18. I can't w ait to g e t rid o f this old, u n fash io n ab le

*12. Select the best lexical equ ivalen t from the fo llo w in g list using Ukrainian
w ords in brackets as prom pts: hobby, pastim e, recreation, obsession, relax­
ation, amusement, interest, sport, fad, distraction, passing fancy.
1. It seem ed as th o u g h th e fashion fo r shoes w ith tu rn ed -u p toes was
rapidly dying and the trend was no m ore than а (скороплинна мода).
2. The park had been o fficially classed as а (відпочинок) ground. 3. She
fou n d that co lle ctin g m p3 discs had turned into an (настирлива ідея) now
that she had so many. 4. He to o k q u ite an (інтерес) in w atching foo tb all
w hen it was on the television and he had an essay to write. 5. His sin ­

282 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

gle (xo6') was co llectin g banknotes and bon ds from before the Second
W orld War. 6. They decided that teasing th eir arrogant co lle ag u e was g oo d
(заняття). 7. His lips curled up in (здивування). 8. It was no m ore than
а (примха): she w asn't serious a b o u t w anting to learn to ride a m otorbike.
9. It turned o u t that the study o f international m arkets was no m ore than
а (відволікання уваги) from their real business objectives. 10. He had c o l­
lected stam ps since ch ild h o o d as a pleasant (проведення часу) 11 She
found that d ig g in g flow erbeds at her dacha was truly а (розслаблення).

13. Insert th e ap p ro priate w ord into each sentence from this lis t travel
hitch-hiking, jo u rn e y voyage, trip, tour, cruise.
1. I'd be d elig h ted to go on a sea ... but m y wife has never been a g oo d
sailor, so we can't jo in you. 2. Last w eek we m ade a w on d erfu l to the
m ountains. It to o k us fo u r hours by coach. 3. The ... o f Italy was really excit­
ing. W e visited a num ber o f w on derfu l tow ns and then returned to Rom e
4. It is d elig h tfu l to co m e ashore after a long ... and to feel solid ground
u nder y o u r feet. 5. M an y tim es on his long ... in the dep th s o f A frica he
faced danger, starvation and death. 6. A t the begin ning o f the last century
g o in g from Kyiv to Yalta was described as N o w it is o n ly a niqht's ...
by overn ig h t tram, a six hour's ... by day-train or an a i r ... o f an hou r and
a half. 7 . 1 m ju s t reading a very am using b oo k abo ut a party of Am ericans
m aking a C aribbean ... on a yacht. 8. Young p eo ple are naturally fon d o f ...
as a way o f visiting new places and seeing things: it is cheap and gives you
a feeling o f freedo m and infinite horizons. 9. I'm to ld you're g o in g on a ...
to the Far East. 10. They're planning a ... o f som e Baltic resorts. 11. You're
lookin g pale. A ... to the seaside w ill d o you good. 12. The ... to M o sco w by
rail to o k us a b o u t three days.

14. Find English equivalents for the fo llow in g Ukrainian w ords and w ord
com binations. M ake up sentences o f you r own.
Гіристрасно, палкий, кріпацтво, віддати данину, вітрильник, байду-
жии, цариця, м о р сь к и й шлях, візит ввічливості, улю блен ий п р ед м ет
р о зм о в и , говори ти на улю бле н у тему, бути в гар н о м у стані, бути не
В ф орм і, ж ити н е в ід п о в ід н о д о св о їх статків, у м о в и життя, в ста н о в л ю ­
вати ум о ви , у м о в н и й спосіб, у м о в н і речення, обстеж увати, д о сл ід н и к
вчении, бл агодійн а організація, точна копія, автоб усни й маршрут,'

Англійська мова. II КУРС

різні засоби, м о р ськ а п о д о р о ж , м андрівка, п р и єм н а п од ор о ж , п о д о ­
р о ж автостопом , С е р е д зе м н о м о р сь к и й круїз, ви зна чн ий юрист, вста­
новлю вати нове обладнання, призначати на посаду, р озф орм увати,
розпускати З а п о р ізь ку Січ, винести меблі, звільняти з посади, п е р е ­
вертати гори, п ере їзд д о н о в о го будинку, скидати одяг, п ід озр іл и ва
лю дина, бути під п ід о зр о ю , за п ід озрою , поза п ід о зр о ю , п ідозріло,
козацькі вольності, тр а д и ц ій н і технології, фаворит, кухонна раковина,
пан аб о пропав.

15. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using voca b u lary of the
1. Вчитель говор и в п ри страсн о п р о необхідн ість вивчення у к р а ­
їн с ь к о ї мови. 2. Н есп о д іван о для м ен е м ій сусід розлю тився і почав
си л ьно кричати. 3. Н аскільки мені від ом о, у його сестри улю блений
предм ет р о зм о в и - вітрильники. 4. Після р е м о н ту наша квартира була
у дуж е гар н о м у стані. 5. Він був настільки втомлений, щ о був нездат­
ний п ово руш и ти пальцем, б. В яких у м о в а х ви жили, коли навчались
в університеті? 7. Н ова експедиція розвідувала кори сн і копалини на
ц ь о м у півострові. 8. Відваж ні м а н д р івн и ки відкривали нові зем лі та
дослідж ували їх. 9. Завдяки зусиллям народ н и х м ай стр ів точна копія
човна "Княгиня Ольга" була зроб лен а вчасно та ш видко. 10. Інозем ні
туристи не знали, який м ар ш р ут слід обрати, щ о б доїхати д о площ і
П ерем оги . 11. Як ти ставиш ся д о п о д о р о ж і по Д н іп р у від Києва д о
Канева? 12. П ри дб авш и тур по м істах Є вроп и , м оя подруга вже в ід в і­
дала ш ість країн. 13. М о р с ь к и й круїз С е р е д зе м н и м м о р е м п р и вабл ю є
багатьох. 14. М и хай л о Д р а го м а н о в був видатним п олітич ни м д іяч ем
та в ід о м и м у кр а їн ськи м п и сьм ен н и ко м . 15. Н ова система сигналізації
була н ещ о д авн о встановлена в М у зе ї у кр а їн сько го мистецтва. 16. В ій ­
ськовий інститут у Л ьво ві було р о зф о р м о в а н о м инулого року. 17. П о ­
ве р нувш и сь із прогулянки, х л о п ч и к ш ви дко зняв свій одяг та взуття.
18. Вона пом ітила д вох підозріл и х ч о л о віків біля свого будинку та н е­
гайно викликала поліц ію . 19. Н асправді ситуація д осить складна: пан
а б о пропав.

16. Translate th e fo llo w in g text into Ukrainian in writing. Find Ukrainian

équivalents to the w ords and expressions in bold.

284 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

The Cossack Republic

The w ord "Cossack" com es from an old Turkish w ord m eaning a free and
in d ep e n d e n t adventurer. Cossacks were first mentioned in w riting in 1395.
In the sixteenth century the Cossacks united into a single m ilitary o rg a n i­
zation and th eir first hom e was built behind fortifications on M ala Khor­
tytsia Island, in the lower reaches of the Dnipro. The island is beyond a set
of rapids, w here the drops and the rocks m ade navigation extrem ely hard
and risky. Consequently, this first fo rtificatio n was called Zap o rizh ya w hich
m eans "Beyond the Rapids". The w ord "sich" com es from the Ukrainian
verb "sikty" m eaning to chop up or cut - as th e Zaporizhya Cossacks m ade
th eir fo rtificatio n s of w ood, from the su rrou n din g forests.
The appearance of the "Zaporizhya Sich" is inseparably bound to the
form a tio n of the Cossacks as a separate social stratum w ith its ow n tra ­
d itio n s and way of life. The process was th e direct result of a co n tin u ou s
stru ggle betw een settled farm ers and th e nomadic tribes of the Crim ean
Khan and th e Turkish Sultan.
W ith time, the Sich turned into a kind of knightly order in w hich every­
one was required to observe strict discipline and be absolutely dedicated.
Insignia and o th er sym bols of rank and authority (the standard, the mace,

Англійська мова. II КУРС
etc.) were held m the highest esteem by officers and m en alike. Fighting
the enem ies o f the Eastern Orthodox faith and for the in d ep e nde n ce of
the native land were the predominant objectives. Cossack identity and
prestige becam e so strong that a nation took shape, with elem ents o f C o s ­
sack d em o cracy penetrating the w h ole society. Both the H etm an and the
Atam ans were elected rather than appoin ted, o r co m in g to pow er by th eir
birthright, w hich m ade the Sich one o f the earliest democratic institutions
in the world.
The end o f the sixteenth cen tury w itnessed joint peasant-Cossack re­
volts again st the Polish social, econom ic, re ligio us and cultural oppres­
sion^ In 1648, a national war of liberation broke out in Ukraine, led by
Bohdan Khm elnytskiy. O liver Crom w ell, th e Lord P rotector o f Britain (who
had replaced the British King after Britain's Civil War) establishing good
relations w ith w hat was b eco m in g a European N ation, called him a "gen­
eralissimo". The sam e year the Polish arm y lost several battles to Cossack
forces, even th o u g h the Polish K in g d o m was on e o f Europe's strongest
powers. The U krainian Cossacks played an im p o rta n t role in European p o ­
litical history. ^

(Adapted from Ukraine: The Concise Encyclopaedia")

17* Translate the fo llo w in g text into English in w riting.

Ш евченко наш сучасник", - звикли казати ми, але небагато хто р о ­
зуміє, щ о власне значить цей вираз.
Сьогодні деякі лю ди ставляться д о літератури скептично. М овляв
застаріли ц, пристрасті, а час, п ро який ідеться в літературних тв о ­
рах, давн о минув. Це помилка, думати так, і дуж е серй озна помилка!
В українській літературі існує багато чудових авторів, твор ам и яких за­
читується чи м ало лю дей. І, мабуть, одн и м із п ерш их тут треба назвати
наш ого Кобзаря.
Твори Тараса Григоровича Ш евченка, на м ій погляд, не застарію ть
ніколи: надто вже палка душа, осяяна світом м огутнього р о зу м у стоїть
за ними. Кобзар володів д а р о м пророцтва: як інакш е м ож на пояснити
деякі з його вірш ів? Узяти, наприклад, поезію , де Ш евченко звертаєть­
ся д о всієї україн ської спільноти: "І мертвим, і ж и ви м , і н ен ар ож ден -
н и м .... Кожна фраза, кож не слово тут, як опік. Д ійсно, у ц ь о м у творі

286 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

чується ж и ви й голос Кобзаря, який звертається вод н очас д о всіх і кож­
ного зокрем а.
Хтось із ін озем н и х д о слід ни ків зауважував, щ о більш е ніде й о м у не
д ово д ил ося бачити такого ставлення д о поета. Ш евченко став п р о р о ­
ком наш ого п он ево лено го народу. Кожен україн ец ь вірив у те, щ о Коб­
зар і після своєї см ерті лю бить, ж аліє і вчить його.
У незалеж ній Україні зр о б л ен о все, щ о б віддати Кобзареві всю шану,
повернути поету чим алий народний борг. Сьогодн і ми зн а єм о дуже
багато п ро життя і творчість Тараса Григоровича. Нам відом о, щ о Ш ев­
ченко не був ані святим, ані лю диною , зан ур е н ою у надхм арні світи.
Він був л ю д и н о ю розум н ою , інтелігентною та о б д ар ова но ю . А ж и т­
тя Кобзаря м ож на вважати м ір и л о м н аш о ї історії.
Гортаючи сторінки Ш евченкового "Кобзаря", ми м аєм о зм о гу за м и с­
литися й над власним життям. Сучасність зап овн ю є нас, але ми ані на
м ить не забуваємо, чи їм и сучасн и кам и ми є. Так, бути сучасн и ко м К о б­
заря - це велика честь.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W h at is being taken if you're asked to say cheese?

a) a photo; b) you r b lo o d pressure; c) an x-ray; d) an exam

2. A ta ttle r is som eone w ho likes to d o what?

a) eat; b) com plain; c) lie; d) gossip

3. A p iece o f cake is som ethin g w hich is ...

a) tasty; b) messy; c) easy; d) filling

4. W h ich o f these is a co m m o n y e llo w flo w e r?

a) yogurtcup; b) custardcup; c) cheesecup; d) buttercup

5. W hat is the nam e given to som eo n e w h o drops an easy catch?

a) slip p e ry fingers; b) butterfingers; c) oilyfingers; d) w et fingers.

Англійська мова. II КУРС

Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g com m ents before listening to the dialogues.

Com m ents

1. Home town. For no explicable reason, both Americans and Brits will call their
point of origin their home town and never their "home city" - рідне місто.
2. Mates. In conversational Anglo-English, the contemporary affectionate name
for friends is 'mates'. The US equivalent would be 'buddies' - друзі, товариші.
3. Postgrad. Anyone taking a second degree is a 'postgraduate student' (mas­
ter's or doctor's degree) and in conversation this is almost always shortened - ас­
пірант (розмовний варіант).
4. Downright. A synonym for 'absolutely' or 'thoroughly' but more often used in
speech - абсолютно.
5. Victorian redbrick. UK architecture 1839-1902 (Queen Victoria's reign) with
a very large almost Gothic style, literally built of red brick - будинок з червоної
цегли, збудований у вікторіанському стилі.
6. Beaten hollow. Thoroughly defeated; another similar phrase/idiom in use is
Beaten into a cocked hat - розбитий вщент.
7. Classy. Up-market, higher-than-average quality - класний (розм.).
8. A lot going for it. To have advantages over the competition - мати перевагу
в чомусь.
e.g. Let's go for it - that's our decided course of action.
9. To be (our/your/his/her/their) cup of tea. Something suitable, interesting
and/or preferable - підхожий, придатний.
10. Spa, n. A place where mineral waters and/or baths are located - мінеральне
джерело, курорт з мінеральними джерелами.
11. Balneology, n. The branch of knowledge that deals with the medicinal effects
of bathing and drinking mineral waters - бальнеологія. Balneological - бальнео­

2. Listen to the fo llow in g dialogues. Repeat after the speaker trying to re­
p rodu ce in ton ation as best as possible.

288 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

D ialo g u e 1: What's you r hom e tow n like?

Alla: It's terrific being back in my home town. A nd to visit the university
as a Kyiv Shevchenko postgrad with m y best mates is even better.
Myroslav: I've never been to Kharkiv before - I'm pretty am azed at the
A: Yes, it is grandiose, downright m assive in fact.
Yulia: W e've nothing like this in Kirovohrad w here I'm from . It m ostly
looks like post-Revolution, built to impress, like all the Victorian redbrick
buildings w e saw in London last year.
M: It's o b vio u s w hy - this m ust have all been started w hen Kharkiv was
the capital of Ukraine. O r m aybe it's from before then and that's w hy the
city becam e the capital for a while.
A: It's a bit of both. A fte r all, we're over 350 years old, with a p op u lation
pushing that o f Kyiv and we've always been an im p o rtan t centre. Do you
know I've never asked you; w here are you from, Slava?
M: Chernihiv. W e date back ab o u t six thousand years alth ou g h Slavic
tribes o n ly settled around the end o f the first m illennium . A n d we were
the capital of a prin cipality the size of France.
Y: Okay, okay. Kirovohrad was fo u n d ed as a fortress in 1754 and was
never the capital o f anything but I still love m y hom e town. I guess we're
all proud of ou r roots.

D ialo g u e 2: H om e tow ns in the West

Anya: I w o n 't hear any argu m ent - my hom e tow n L'viv is the m ost beau ­
tiful city in Ukraine. A n d if you w ant to argue, ju st lo o k at th e loads of
picture galleries of ou r tow n on the web.
Taras: You m ight get a few Kyivites q u estion in g that, but I'd have th o u g h t
We all agree that as a picturesque, pow erful city, L'viv's g o t the rest beat­
en hollow.
Roman: H old on, we're getting a bit m ixed up here. If you're ju d g in g a
co m p ro m ise betw een m ighty and pretty, then fair enough, L'viv's g o t a
lot going for it. But I'm from K am yanets'-Podilskiy and w here in Ukraine
is there a m ore picturesque castle than ours?
A: W hen I was a student at Kyiv Shevchenko, we used to g o on the train
to spend tim e there quite a few times. It's a lovely place.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 289

T: M y vote is for m y hom e tow n - Truskavets, w here we have countless
visitors to o u r spa in the heart o f a g orge ou s region.
R: If b a ln e o lo g y 's yo u r cu p o f tea and you ju s t need to rest and recuper­
ate then m aybe it's the best o f the spas in the area - but I bet you'd get
a pretty g o o d argu m ent g o in g as to w hich p eo p le prefer.
A: It's really quite sim ple - they're all a reasonable distance from one a n ­
other, so w hy not ju s t g o to the west o f the co u n try and visit all o f them
and several o f the oth er beauty spots? Drink the water, touch and feel
the history and g o to the opera and classy restaurants.

3. Read the d ialog u es in class paying attention to in ton ation and p ro n u n ­

ciation. Translate the d ialo g u es as best as you can.

4. Find synonym s to the fo llo w in g words. C o n su lt the d ictio n a ry o f syn ­

onym s o r thesaurus if necessary.
Terrific, am azed, dow nright, grandiose, obvious, im portant, to settle,
mates, beautiful, to argue, classy, picturesque, gorgeous, prefer.

5. M atch w ords and expressions in the first colum n to their m eanings given
in the second colum n.

1) d o w n rig h t a) beaten into a cocked hat

2) b aln e o lo g y b) very beautiful and attractive
3) spa c) up-m arket
4) beaten h o llo w d) a branch o f k no w ledge th at deals with the m e d ic i­
nal effect of d rin kin g and bathing in m ineral waters
5) h ob b y e) absolutely
6) classy f) place where m ineral w aters are located
7) m ighty g) "your cup o f tea"
8) g org e ou s h) very strong and pow erful
9) you r ch o ice i) pastim e

6 . Replace the fo llow in g italicised w ords with th eir synonym s from the d i­
1. If parascending suits y o u r taste then fine, but d o n 't expect m e to try
it! 2. This sum m er we're planning to g o to a health m ine ral w ater resort.
3. I th ink this new m odel of car has a lot o f advantages. 4. M y university

290 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. B. F a n o H iB • O. KD. B a c n /iw e H K O • H. C. XciMeHKO

m ain b u ildin g in M an ch ester is 19th century architecture. 5. I'm g o in g to the
n ig htclub w ith m y friends as soon as this TV program m e's finished. 6. The
n u m b er o f w ords in this essay m ust be alm ost 5000. 7. The p lace where I
com e from is C oventry in England. 8. The thatched co ttag e was so attractive
that all the tourists ph otog ra p h e d it. 9. The central ad m in istration b u ild ­
ing from the 18th century could only be described as huge a n d imposing.
10. M y origins are in the central regions o f Ukraine.

7. Translate the fo llow in g w ords and expressions into English. M ake up

yo u r ow n sentences.
М о ї друзі, м оє рідне місто, курорт м інеральних вод, ш икарний, це
його улю блена тема, грандіозний, мати перевагу в чомусь, випускник,
абсолю тно, будинок з ч е р в о н о ї цегли, розбитий вщент, класний, це
мені підходить, невелика відстань, бути враж еним, слов'янські п л е м е­
на, фортеця, поселитися, ставити під сумнів, заплутатися, к о м п р о м іс
м іж си л ою та красою , нескінчені відвідувачі, відновити сили, гарні м іс ­
ця, відчути історію.

8 . Review th e voca b u lary of the lesson by qu ickly giving Ukrainian eq u iva­

lents to the fo llo w in g w ords and expressions:


Industrial output, revitalized industries, search engine, organic

produce, u p -to -d a te technology, h ighly-prized meat, to stam p authority,
m anganese, nickel, titanium , iron ore, m ining equipm ent, raw materials,
national resources, abundant, alluvial black soil, eating habits, genocide, a
spa, reasonable distance, m aiden voyage, a breadbasket.
Grassland, scrubland, desert, forested area, to conjure up, to graze, crop,
im position, deposits, fertile, contribution, rice, buckwheat, sweetcorn, sun­
flower, millet, barley, hops, oats, oil-seed rape, non-profit, to sink, to remove.
To fly into a passion, to fulfil your passion, passionless, m y cup of tea, to
be on yo u r hobbyhorse, to explore, a replica, a different route, a journey, a
short business trip, a M editerranean cruise, hitch-hiking, an em in en t sch o l­
ar, em inently, to install equipm ent, to be installed as a manager, to disband,

Англійська мова. II КУРС 291

to remove, to m ove m ountains, rem oval, above suspicion, to recuperate,
a principality, to be u nder suspicion, on suspicion, it's sink or swim.
A postgrad, hom e town, my best mates, d o w n rig h t massive, Victorian
redbrick buildings, obvious, an im p o rtan t centre, to pay tribute, balneol-
ogy, to date back, Slavic ties, to settle around, to be proud o f yo u r roots,
to hear an argum ent, beaten hollow, a co m pro m ise betw een m ighty and
pretty, g o o d argum ent.

9. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English.

1. Після закінчення університету я повернуся д о р ід но го міста.
2. Трускавець - від ом и й курорт м ін еральн и х вод. 3. Стародавнє місто
було розбито вщ ент під час війни. 4. Цей будинок з ч е р в о н о ї цегли,
збудований у вікторіан сько м у стилі, привертає увагу туристів. 5. В ар хі­
тектурн ом у плані Л ьвів має багато переваг. 6. Я кщ о ви надаєте п ер е ва­
гу б альн ео логії і вам необхід н о відновити сили, їдьте д о Карлових Вар.
7. Твої аргум енти д осить переконливі, треба взяти їх д о уваги. 8. Б'юся
об заклад, тут ми зн а й д е м о класні ресторани. 9. Я кщ о ви хочете від чу­
ти історію, відвідайте К ам 'ян ец ь-П од ільську фортецю . 10. П р ой д ем ося
пішки, зам о к не так далеко.

10. M ake up short d ialo g u es using the fo llo w in g phrases you have learned
from the dialogues. Discuss you r hom etow ns.
1. Its terrific ... . 2. It is even b e t t e r ... . 3. I'm pretty am azed a t ... . 4. It's
ob viou s w h y .... 5. It's a bit of both .... 6 . 1 w o n 't hear any a rg u m e n t.... 7. If
you w ant to argue .... 8. W e all agree .... 9. It's a lovely place .... 10. M y vote
is f o r .... 11. But I b e t ... . 12. It's really quite sim ple ... .

11. Dram atize the fo llo w in g situation: on e stu den t should be an English
g u id e translating an excursion fo r a g ro u p o f British students visiting L'viv,
Kam yanets'-Podilskyi and Truskavets. The rest o f the class are British to u r­
ists asking questions. Use the fo llo w in g w ords and phrases.
W e lcom e to... Especially n oticeable is ....
W e start ou r to u r of... W atch you r step ....
To you r right / left... If you pay o u r attention t o ....
In front o f you... The m ost dram atic part of o u r jo u rn e y is ....
Right behind you... This is the end o f ....

M. О. Возна ♦ О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

12. Discuss with yo u r fellow stu dent w hat places you w ould rather visit
w hile travelling in Ukraine using the active vo cabulary of the lesson. W ork
in pairs.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. If you're to ld th e co ast is clear, then there are ...

a) no obstacles in yo u r way; b) no ships left; c) no observers;
d) no sunbathers

2. S om eo ne w ho m anages to be silent is said to be as q u ie t as a ...

a) churchyard; b) owl; c) snake; d) m ouse

3. To end y o u r days is to ...

a) die; b) g o to bed; c) g o to a party; d) finish w ork

4. Som ething w hich is fla k y is ...

a) unstable; b) crazy; c) breaking up; d) unw orkable

5. If you have a choice from u m pteen , yo u r choice is ...

a) none; b) im possible; c) small; d) large.

1. Each m odal verb has several different m eanings. For each of the fo llo w ­
ing sentences tw o explanations are given. C h oo se the p ro p e r m eaning.
Exam ple: I was told I shouldn't drive until I was 18 years old. I d id n 't have
p erm ission to drive until I was 18 years o ld . I d id n 't learn to drive until I was
18 years old.
1. Passengers m ig h t sm oke on ce the plane is airborne. There is a po s­
s ib ility that passengers will sm oke once the plane is airborne. Passengers
have perm ission to sm oke once the plane is airborne. 2. N o on e can sm oke
on the London U nderground. N o one has the a b ility to sm oke on the Lon­
d on U n derground. N o one has perm ission to sm oke on the London U n ­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 293

derground. 3. You should wear contact lenses. M y advice is that you wear
con tact lenses. There is a p ro b a b ility that you will have to w ear contact
lenses. 4. W ill you answ er the d oo r? Are you at som e tim e in the future g o ­
ing to answ er the d oo r? I'm asking you to answ er the d o o r now. 5 .1 couldn't
g et the to p off the bottle. I did not have perm ission to get the top off the
bottle. I did not m anage to get the to p o ff the bottle. 6. You m ust be tired.
I am sure you are tired. I order you to be tired. 7. Sheila's g ot an a p p o in t­
m ent after w ork so she m a y not m ake it to the party. Sheila does not have
perm ission to go to the party. There's a p o ssib ility Sheila w o n 't g et to the
party in time.

2. Identify w hen need is used as a m odal verb and when it is used as a

notional verb.
1 .1 need to g o hom e. 2. You needn't co m e if you d o n 't w ant to. 3. Ian
d oe sn't need to pass all his exam s to get a place at university. 4. M ore m o n ­
ey is desperately needed to protect the w orld's endangered species. 5. W e
d idn t need to hurry. W e had plenty o f time. 6. N eed I pay now o r can I pay
later? 7. I needn't have g o t up so early. I fo rg o t it was Saturday. 8. If you
have any problem s, you o n ly need to tell us and w e'll try to help. 9 . 1 need
to w ater the garden.

3. Respond to the statem ents or qu estions using the w ords in brackets. Put
the verb in th e correct form . Present probability.
Exam ples: Jane's g o t lots o f spots (might, chicken pox). She m ig ht have
chicken pox. Harry is packing his suitcase (must, g o on holiday). He m ust
be g o in g on holiday.
1. Jenny looks really unhappy, (must, miss, boyfriend). 2. W ho's at the
fro nt d oo r? (must, Tom). 3. W here's Kate? It's eleven o'clock in the m o rn ­
ing! (can't, still, sleep). 4. W here are the scissors? (should, the to p drawer).
5. W hy are all the lights on in their house? (could, have, party). 6. Jam es has
been w orking all n ight (must, deadline, to meet). 7. It's been snow ing all
n ig ht (might, difficult, drive, work). 8. Tim m y can't find his little sister (may,
hide, in the wardrobe).

4. Rewrite the sentences to make them refer to th e past.

Exam ple: I m ust post the letters. I h ad to post the letters.

294 M . O . B o3 H a • O. B. T a n o H i B • O. fO. BacM/ibneHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

1 .1 have to take the pills three tim es a day. 2. They m ust be away on h o l­
iday. 3. W e can't see the top o f the m ountain. 4. He can't be a m illionaire.
5. W e m ustn't shout in the auditorium . 6. He w o n 't go to bed. 7. That will
be John on the phone. 8. You should be m ore careful.

5. C o m p le te the sentences, putting th e verbs in brackets into th e correct

1. 'W hat are all those p e o p le d o in g with those lights and cam eras?'
'They ... (must/m ake) a film'. 2. 'I w o n d e r how the th ief g o t into o u r flat?'
'H e ... (could/use) the fire escape o r he (m ight/clim b up) that tree.' 3. 'I saw
W ill w aving som eon e o ff in a taxi.' 'T h a t ... (w ould/be) his cousin from A u s­
tralia.' 4. 'Serhiy to ld m e that he'd spent $50,000 on a b irth d ay present for
his girlfriend, but he ... (may/joke). He ... (can't/spend) that much.' 'I think
you ... (m ust/m ishear) him.' 5. 'It's five past eleven. Kiril and Nastya's p la n e ...
(should/touch down) in Borispil by now.' 'Your watch... (m ust/be) slow. It's
nearly half past. Their plane ... already ... (will/land). 6. 'Bring very warm
clothes. I t ... (could/snow ) w hen w e arrive. I t ... (can/snow) in th e m ountains
even in sum m er'.

6. W h ich o f the fo llow in g m odal verbs will fit the sentences? O ften there is
m ore than on e possible answer.
Will, should, can, ought to, could, must, may, have to, might.
1. You ... get you r hair cut. It's m uch to o long. 2.... I ask you a question?
3. Young children ... be carried on this escalator. 4. You ... never get a seat
on this train. It's always packed. 5 . 1 ... be studying M an d arin Chinese next
year. 6. I ... already speak five languages fluently. 7. You'll ... w ork m uch
harder if you w ant to pass. 8. It's Saturday night. There ... be som ething
g o o d on TV. 9. You ... leave y o u r valuables in the hotel safe. 10. You ... be
over l m 6 0 cm tall to be an air hostess.

7. U n derline the correct option. Som etim es tw o o p tion s m ay be correct.

1. You m u s tn 't/s h o u ld n 't have any problem s w ith Tom. He's such a g oo d
baby. 2. You don't have to / m ustn't use butter in this sauce, but it makes
it m uch tastier. 3 . 1 couldn't / w ouldn't watch m y favourite TV program m e
because Sue rang up fo r a long chat. 4. Rom an's so stubborn. He ju st c a n 't /
w on't d o w hat he's told. 5. I'm afraid I cannot / m a y n ot co m e to you r

Англійська мова. II КУРС 295

w ed d in g as I'm on holiday in the Odessa. 6 . 1 was able to / c o u ld g et 5%
o ff the m arked price by paying in cash. 7 . 1 should have gone / 1 h ad to go
to visit Uncle H en ry in hospital after w ork, but I was to o tired. 8. You don't
have to /m u s tn 't say a w ord abo ut this to yo u r mother. It's a surprise. 9. You
m u stn 't/ needn't/don't have to th ink I'm always this tired and irritable after
w ork. I've ju s t had a bad day. 10. W e m ustn't / needn't / don't have to b oo k
a table, the restaurant w on 't be full on a Tuesday night. 11. Do you really
m u s t / n e e d t o / h a v e to g o now? Can't you stay ju s t a bit longer? 12. You
m u s tn 't/d o n 't need t o / d o n 't have to eat all yo u r vegetables. Just have the
broccoli. 13. You d idn 't need to wake / needn't have woken m e up, I'm not
g oin g to w ork today. 14. The d o cto r said th at I d idn 't need to take / d id n 't
have to take/needn't have taken the m edication any longer.

8. Read the paragraph below carefully and put the correct expression from
the fo llo w in g into the gaps in the sentences of the exercise: cannot ride,
w ill n ot marry, w ill dress, sh all sweep, m a y n ot visit, m a y n ot travel, m ust be,
m ust be at home, should com m and, can o n ly keep.
A t the begin n ing o f the 20th century fem ale teachers had a very restrict­
ed life. There was a set o f 'golden rules' th at they had to ab id e by o r risk
instant dism issal. The rules were there to m ake sure teachers com m and ed
au th ority and respect, but fo r w om en it m eant sacrificing a lot of personal
freedom . N ow adays it seem s quite incredible that such strict rules should
be enforced on fem ale teaching staff.
1. You ... during the term of you r contract. 2. You ... com pan y w ith o th ­
er w om en. 3. You ... auth ority and respect from yo u r pupils at all times.
4. You ... betw een 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless attending a sch oo l function.
5. You ... ice-cream parlours at any time. 6. You ... in a carriage or a u to m o ­
bile with any m an unless he is your father or brother. 7. You ... the s ch o o l­
room flo o r at least once daily. 8. You ... in plain co lou rs of grey o r black and
yo u r dresses ... no m ore than 1 inch above th e ankles. 9. You ... beyond the
city lim its w ith ou t the perm ission o f the chairm an o f the board o f school

9. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using m odal verbs.

1. He м ож е бути, щ о б він уж е повернувся д о Києва, адже він тіль­
ки вчора поїхав до Л ондона. Ви, напевно, пом илились. 2. Д о п о м о г-

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Галонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

ти вам? - Ні, дякую, я все зр о б л ю сама. 3. Не знаю, чи в и кон аю я цю
р об оту за такий короткий термін. - Ви п ови н ні були подумати про це
раніше. 4. Ви не повинні були залишати горіти газ, таким и речам и ж а р ­
тувати не можна, адже м ож е виникнути пожежа. 5. Вам не слід йти на
пошту, я сама відправлю ваш ого листа. 6. Д ж о р д ж п овинен був о б ід а ­
ти у нас вчора, але він не прийш ов. 7. Я, очевидно, неп р ави л ьно вас
зр о зум ів і том у п р и й ш ов так рано. 8. М ій друг повинен був поїхати до
Л ьвова м инулого тижня, але наукова конф еренція затрим ала його на
кілька днів. 9. Вам не слід брати парасольку сьогодні, на небі немає
ж о д н о ї хм аринки. 10. М ен і доведеться залиш ити Тамарі записку, я її,
напевно, не побачу. 11. М оя сестра вчора була у кн и ж к о в о м у магазині,
вона, м ож ливо, купила мені п ід ручн и к з англійської мови. 12. Зазвичай
я ходж у на роб оту пішки, але вчора я вийш ла з д о м у дуж е пізно і мені
довело сь їхати автобусом. 13. Коли Д ж он був м олодим , він міг пробігти
кілом етр м енш ніж за 5 хвилин. 14. Я п овинна була закінчити курсову
р об оту вчора, але не змогла це зробити. М ен і довелося дописати її
сьогодні. 15. Ця книжка, м ож ливо, здалася й о м у нецікавою , але він,
й м о вір но , прочитав її дуж е уваж но, оскільки він пам'ятає всі п о д р о ­
биці. 16. М ій брат, м ож ливо, п риїде завтра, адже він, н ап евн о отрим ав
наш у телеграму. 17. Ви могли б зробити цей переклад, якби у вас було
більш е вільного часу. 18. Не м ож е бути, щ об мій друг поїхав з Києва, не
сказавш и мені п ро це.

Writing #
An article is a sh ort prose co m p o s itio n to briefly d e scrib e a to p ic o r present a
case o r an argum ent. It is a p o rtio n o f a lo n g e r piece o r c o m p ila tio n and as a result
m ay use d ifferen t structures, p ro v id in g th a t th ey are in keeping w ith the w h o le o f
w hich th e a rticle is a p ortion . It need n o t necessarily be in form al w ritten style and
th e w o rd is a d d itio n a lly used fo r all jo u rn a lis tic w riting.

1. W rite an article of 20 sentences ab o ut Ukraine for a new b o o k called

"Countries o f Europe". Give as m any facts as you can a b o u t Ukraine's p o p ­
ulation, geography, clim ate, econom y, national flag, p o p u la r icons, etc.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 297

2. You w ork in a travel agency. W rite a short article o f 1 5 -2 0 sentences g iv ­
ing key in form ation ab o u t Ukraine. Try to m ake this inform ation interesting
and attractive to encou rage tourism .

A f ° rm al l8 tte r is a c o m m u n icatio n to briefly, id e a lly on o n e page, record in

y w ritin g so m e th in g th a t the w riter w ishes to have filed o r stated fo r legal o r o r­
g a n iza tio n a l reasons. Such letters m ay state fact, state o p in io n , m ake a request
o r m ake a claim . Letters m ay be a d dresse d to an o rg a n iza tio n with: a general
gre etin g such as "D ear Sirs" o r "To w h o m it m ay concern"; to a selected part
o f an o rg a n iza tio n "The M ark e tin g D epartm en t. For the atte n tio n o f th e M a r­
keting Director"; o r a spe cific in divid u al, a lth o u g h the in dividu al's title is often
given "M s Karen Singh, H u m an Resources D irector". A ll form a l letters need to
be signed, w ith a date, by the writer.

3 W rite a letter o f 15-20 sentences to the President o f Ukraine explaining

w hy you agree or disagree with the governm ent's p o licy on tourism . Pay
attention to the issues ou r co u ntry faces and how any p roblem s m ay be
solved in the future.

4. W rite a sh ort essay o f 2 5 -4 0 sentences a b o u t Ukraine describ ing the

m ost typical characteristics o f Ukrainian people, their habits, th eir preferred
foo d and tradition al clothes in o rder to allow a foreig n er to better under­
stand the Ukrainian Nation.

Science This is often an extrem ely d ifficu lt w ord to translate as there is
a m ajor cultural difference betw een "наука" and its apparent translation
as science". Despite the English w ord o rig in atin g from the Latin scio (to
know), co n te m p o rary use in English is narrowed to observational and ex­
perim ental physical science' w here objective num erical data is its root. So,
sciences are such d iscipline s as Chem istry, Physics, M ath em atics ("M ath"
AmE), Biology, IT and Genetics. There is a ca teg o ry called "social science"
where objective data is sought, but w ithin a subjective fram ew ork, fo r such
discip lines as Sociology, A n thropology, Business Studies and Psychology.

298 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

History, Geography, Linguistics and Law are regarded as "arts" subjects.
That w hich is believed to be "ultim ate truth", such as religious teaching, is
often regarded as a science, such as Christian Science.
O n e o f the possible alternatives is 'kno w ledge ' where the w ord "знання"
in its o ld -fash io n ed sense is meant. The hum anities, the Arts, m ay often be
translated as "гуманітарні науки".

Task: translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian paying attention

to th e w ords 'science' and 'kn o w led g e ' and their derivatives.
1. M an y leading scientists ackn ow ledge that science cannot provid e a b ­
solu tely reliable know ledge. 2. W h at did you d o in science class today?
3. If you w ant to ask som eone, A lex is best at physical science. 4. Foreign
Exchange dealing is not an exact science - you are always taking a risk.
5 . 1 keep records o f m y observations, but I'm not really scientific ab o u t it.
6. M an y students d id n 't have m uch kno w ledge of Am erican histo ry during
the tim e o f the Soviet Union. 7. O u r co m pan y needs a specialist with a
specific k n o w ledge of b io n ic engineering. 8. W e are g o in g to w rite a G e n ­
eral K n ow ledge quiz. 9. The eq u ip m en t is com plex and requires specialist
kno w led ge to be repaired. 10. She acted with the full k no w led g e of her
boss. 11. The garage m echanic tried to blind her with science. 12. This sp e ­
cies is new to science. 13. Leonardo da Vinci was u n d o u b te d ly a m an o f sci­
ence. 14. Kn ow ledge can be shared, experience can not. 15. The Christian
Science church m ade a presentation in L'viv to attract follow ers. 16. Lon­
don's taxi drivers need to pass The K now ledge exam before th ey can work.
17. "T he ology is the crow n of all the sciences".

Developing translation skills

Translation transform ation o f om ission

O m issio n is the process o f om ittin g certain elem ents w hen translating

from the SL into the TL and is the op p o site o f ad d itio n (see Lesson 2).
It m ust be rem em bered though, that the translator can not deliberately
take ou t any elem ents o f the sense, w hich is also true in the case o f a d d i­
tion. The translator m ay o m it o n ly those lexical elem ents that repeat th e m ­
selves in a certain way in the SL (tautological pairs) accord in g to its norm s

Англійська мова. II КУРС 299

and b ecom e redundant in the TL w hen translated according to its norms,
e.g. Equ ality o f treatm ent in trade an d com m erce is a required condition.
У т о р г ів л і однакове с т а в л е н н я до с т о р ін є необхідною умовою . S o m e ­
tim es om ission applies to structural elem ents o f the sentence in the SL,
w hich b ecom e redundant in translation, e.g. The storm was terrible w hile it
lasted. Буревій був п р о с т о жахливий. The w h ole sub ord in ate clause was
om itted in translation as redundant.

1. Translate the fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian app lying om ission

w here necessary.
1. There in the doorw ay of her bedroom stood Helen, as w hite as the
dressing gow n she was w rapped in. 2. The crim inal was shot and m urdered
by his accom plices. 3. They agreed after the presentation that her opening
remarks were positive and good. 4. The election was ruled null and void.
5. He was deeply upset when his th eory was rejected and repudiated by
his Departm ental council. 6. This is an apt rem ark to make. 7. W hen she
started her new job, she was asked to read the rules and regulations of her
workplace. 8. He w ou ldn't leave as he still had a point to make. 9. Curiously,
a fact to observe is how the rest refused to follow. 10. She was still at work
as she still had so m any tasks to do. 11. The com m ittee had to decide which
procedures to apply under these circum stances. 12. That's all well and good,
but it still doesn't answer the problem . 13. The insurance policy excluded

2. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian using anton ym ic tran s­

1. It is not an unusual case. 2. It was not until I reached the farm that
I fou n d ou t w hat had happened. 3. Joanna Strickland was a w om an of
character. 4. The undead past will be always in my m em ory. 5. It seem ed
there was a very little basis to th eir conversation at all. 6. Pete was reading
a new spaper in his shirt-sleeves. 7. Just ab o u t all he co u ld find in favou r of
the arm y was that it paid well. 8. It was im p o ssib le to talk to him w ith ou t
getting involved in an argum ent. 9. Do you happen to know w here the best
place fo r bird-w atching is around here? 10. I was to o depressed to care
abo ut anything at all. 11. In those clothes she was by no m eans inelegant.
12. Do you m ind this? 13. M in d y o u r ow n business. 14. Take it easy.

300 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

3. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English paying attention to tran s­
lation o f the particle " not".
1. Я вважаю, щ о м о ї колеги не будуть заперечувати. 2. Д ум аю , щ о
він не знає цього граматичного правила. 3. Здається, щ о вони не хотіли
зробити якусь шкоду. 4. Я не вважаю, щ о вони хотіли зробити якусь
шкоду. 5. М и вваж аємо, щ о цій важ ливій п р об л ем і приділяється н ед о­
статньо уваги, б. Думаю , тоді я не зразу зрозум ів, щ о мій с п ів р о з м о в ­
ник мав на увазі. 7. Ц ього не м ож на передбачити. 8. Цей рух не м ож на
зупинити. 9. Д умаю , цього я витрим ати не можу. 10. М и гадаємо, щ о він
не знає п ро це.

Developing interpreting skills

1. Practice the fo llow in g "snow ball" repetition. Repeat th e sentences
after yo u r teacher w ith ou t lo o kin g at the text.
1. Everyone has a passion fo r som ething.
2. Everyone has a passion fo r som ething, w hether to a lesser o r to
a greater extent.
3. Everyone has a passion for som ething, w hether to a lesser or to
a greater extent, a passion that reaches to th eir soul.
4. Everyone has a passion for som ething, w hether to a lesser or to
a greater extent, a passion that reaches to th eir soul, that satisfies
th em and brings pleasure.
Б. Everyone has a passion for som ething, w hether to a lesser o r to
a greater extent, a passion that reaches to th eir soul, th at satisfies
them and brings pleasure - w hat is usually called a "hobby".

1. Ukraine, Europe's largest country, is m ostly flat.

2. Ukraine, Europe's largest country, is m ostly flat, w ith the exception of
the Eastern Carpathian m ountains.
3. Ukraine, Europe's largest country, is m ostly flat, w ith the exception of
the Eastern Carpathian m ou ntains in the very west of th e country.
4. Ukraine, Europe's largest country, is m ostly flat, with the exception of
th e Eastern Carpathian m ou n tains in the very west of the co u n try and
the Crim ean hills.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 301

5. Ukraine, Europe's largest country, is m ostly flat, w ith the exception of
the Eastern Carpathian m ountains in the very west of the co u n try and
the Crim ean hills form in g the southern coast o f the peninsula.

Translator's nightmare
C o u n ty an d Shire A county is an adm inistrative district o f a state of the
USA, or an adm inistrative region o f G reat Britain o r Ireland. For exam ple,
A rizon a com prises fourteen counties w hile N ew York State com prises fifty
counties because o f its m uch greater p opu lation . Sim ilar p o p u latio n rules
determ ine the creation and a b o litio n o f counties in the UK, and p eriod ically
changes are made. For exam ple, such counties as W est M id la n d s or
Greater London were created in England in 1974 to cater for the changing
concentration o f residents and those such as Rutland were ab o lish ed at
the sam e tim e due d im in ish ing rural populations. W ales has since that tim e
had tw o Local G o vern m ent reorganisations.
Australia divides its States and Territories into Shires, and m any British
counties are also called 'Shires", but it is unlikely that H ob b its live in any of
them. 1
In Britain, from A n g lo -S a xo n times, from a b o u t the 7th cen tury to the
ate 19th century, th e origin al "shires" all g radu ally becam e C o u n ties as the
bou n daries were m oved with changes in p o p u latio n and d em o g rap h ic
profiles. Simply, a C ou n ty was m ade up o f H undreds, which them selves
were m ade up o f Tithings.
A hu ndred is an adm inistrative division which historically was used to
d ivide a larger region into sm aller geographical units. The nam e is derived
from the num ber hundred. It was a traditional Germ anic system described
as early as A D 98 by Tacitus. In England a hundred was the division of a shire
or adm inistrative, m ilitary and judicial purposes under the com m on law.
Originally, when introduced by the Saxons between 613 and 1017, a hundred
was supposed to contain approxim ately one hundred households headed by
a h u n d red -m an or h u n d red eolder. He was responsible for adm inistration,
justice, and supplying m ilitary troops, as well as leading its forces. Hundreds
were further divided into Tithings which contained ten households.
C ou n ties were form ed from Shires when the num ber o f h ouseholds
in an area was co u n te d and aggregated. A lth o u g h later som e counties

302 M. O. B o3 H a « O. B. T an oH iB • O. KD. Bacn/ibHeH KO • H. C. XoMem <o

had an Earl or a Duke allocated to them, they were never feudal territories
ruled by a Count" as the British o r the A m ericans have never even had the
title Count". The co ncept o f а "граф" ruling а "графство" was a com m on
m iscon ception in the Soviet Union. The translation o f "County" m ust be
"область", for both the USA and the UK.

*Task: W hich co u n try do the fo llow in g statem ents ap p ly to? Translate

them into Ukrainian.
1. The Kent C oun ty sheriff pulled up in his m arked car.
2. The C oun ty of Kent even to d a y has a b o u n d ary sim ilar to the ancient
K in g dom of Kent.
3. "You from Kent County? W hich one? Virginia, M ich igan , M arylan d or
4. The C ou n ty of Kent trad itio n ally grew hops, cherries and apples.
5. Kent C ou nty C ou n cil is su b -d iv id ed into Borough C ou n cils and District
6. Kent C ou n ty C h am ber of C om m erce Inc. is located in Chestertow n on
the east coast of the State.

N°te: Sentence 3 is worded as an American would actually formulate the question,

rather than follow the strict rules o f grammar.

Task: Translate the fo llow in g sentences into Ukrainian paying attention

to translation of the words: county, shire, district and region.
1. In the USA and in Great Britain cou nty courts are h igher courts that
deal with m ore serious offences than regional o r tow n courts. 2. The co u n ­
ty tow n of Lancashire is Lancaster as M an ch ester is the co u nty tow n of
Greater M anchester County. 3. Kent C ou n ty C ou ncil is supervised by about
100 co u ncillo rs elected from 12 districts. Each co u n cillo r represents one
region. 4. The A n g lo-S a xon s rem oved the system o f Shires from Britain
over a thousand years ag o and replaced them by counties m ade up of
hundreds. 5. A hundred co m prised a hundred h ou seh old s and this was
th o u g h t to be a m anageable unit. 6. The governm en t p o licy is to persuade
em ployers to relocate jo b s from the capital to regional centres. 7. Flooding
is likely in som e coastal regions o f the N o rth east at the b eg in n ing o f March.
8. Australia decided to su b -d iv id e its States and Territories into shires, w hile

Англійська мова. II КУРС

N ew Zealand decid ed to use the co u n ty system as in Britain and the USA.
9. A s far as I know, Jed Black lives in Fairfax County, Virginia.

Note: The SOED recognizes the word “obtast" and defines it as: "In countries o f the
former USSR and earlier in Russia, a second-order administrative division, a province,
a region" A first-order administrative division is a republic. To help Americans and
Brits to understand what an "обл асть " actually is, it is recommended that ‘county' is
used as its translation.

304 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

The Performing Arts

Functional Constructive criticism and destructive criticism

Grammar: N on- finite forms of the verb
Writing: Critical Review
Developing Substitution
Translation Skills:

Practice your pronunciation!
S h e wasn't
Before you start this unit, warm up w ith this verbal always

A t work, yo u d o n 't ju st earn money, you also m ay get

The first bird is also the early bird that gets the worm .
You can be certain to learn a lot at that firm.
The m urky g lo o m tu rned to a sunny m orning, sir.
Earnest e n d e avo u rs w ere helping you learn to not err.
The nurse left the church in a state o f mirth.

1. Discuss the fo llo w in g points:

1. D escribe w hat you understand by the term 'p erform in g arts'.
2. W h at are the m ajor co n cert halls o r venues for such events in Ukraine?
3. H ow w ou ld you com pare and contrast theatre with cinem a?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 305

4. Do you agree that perform ing live on stage is a lost art ruined by
cinem a and TV?
5. W hat is yo u r favourite m usical genre?
6 . W h at is yo u r attitude to co n te m p o rary dance as o p p o se d to classical
7. W h at is the role of m usic in yo u r life?
8 . D escribe yo u r favourite operetta or state w hy you d o n 't like the genre.
9. Do you like opera and ballet? Give yo u r reasons w hy you like or dislike

2. W ith o u t looking in y o u r textbook, listen to the recorded d ialog u e

A fte r the Rock Concert", until you get its m ain m essage, then for­
m ulate it in yo u r own words. Then listen to the sam e d ia lo g u e again
trying to m em orise or write dow n th e expressions o f constructive and
destructive criticism used in it.
(the script is given at the end of the textbook)

3. Learn the fo llo w in g expressions and translate them into Ukrainian. Try to
m em orise as m any of them as possible.

Constructive criticism Destructive criticism

That's excellent. The se co n d p a rt w as best th o u g h it That's ju st rubbish.
still needed... I d id n 't like any o f it at all.
It w o u ld be p e rfe ct if th e y c o u ld o n ly im prove... It w as all ju st hopeless.
T hat show s progress, although... still needs so m e It had no re d e e m in g features.
work. N o n e o f it w as any g o o d .
If th e y can g e t the last section right, it w o u ld im p ro v e I ne ve r heard such tw a d d le
it no end. in m y life.
I p re fe rred th e third scene, as the e n d in g se e m e d to I tried to stay aw ake but
be rushed. failed.

4. Fill in the gaps of the suggested d ia lo g u e with functional expressions

of appraisal and criticism you have learnt. W hich are the tw o exam ples of
constructive criticism ?
Ian: I th o u g h t the con cert was ....
Kate: The d rum m er was ..., alth ou gh the rest were ....

M . O . B o3 H a • O, B. T an oH iB • O. fO. B a c n /iw e H K O • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

A lex: I never heard ... in m y life.
K: The lightin g was ... with the music.
I: If the lightin g technicians can get the first section right, i t ....
A: Nonetheless, I d o n 't th ink it had any ... at all.
K: M ayb e so today, but if during the next few m onths ... .
I: So, you th ink it's w orth w atching them again next year?

5. Do you agree or disagree w ith the fo llo w in g ? Express y o u r own op in ion

using fu nctional expressions o f constructive and destructive criticism .
1. Too often w e enjoy the co m fo rt of op in io n w ith ou t th e d isco m fo rt of
thought. (John F. Kennedy)
2. N o sane m an will dance. (Cicero)
3. A rt is the lie that m akes us realize the truth. (Pablo Picasso)
4 . 1 d o n 't know anything ab o u t music. In m y line you d o n 't have to. (Elvis
5. He w ho pays the fid d le r calls the tune. (Proverb)

6 . Translate the d ialo g u e into English using w ords and w ord co m bin ation s
from the fo llow in g list: p retty good, a drummer, to doze off, lig htin g techni­
cians, lightin g o f the stage, to p la y dynam ically.
Ipa: На м о ю думку, концерт був непоганий. Д руге відділення було
цікавіш им , проте й вон о потребує д ороб ки.
Катя: Справді, гітарист та ба раба н щ и к грали блискуче, інш і виконавці
І.: Останні пісні треба було грати динам ічн іш е.
К.: Але, на жаль, цього не сталося. Я навіть задрімала н ап р икін ці ко н ­
І.: М іж інш им, а як тобі освітлення сцени?
К.: М ен і здається, щ о освітлю вачам треба кращ е знати пісні, щ об
забезпечити від п овід н е освітлення.
І.: Згодна. П об ачи м о , чи будуть зм ін и на кращ е на наступном у
концерті. Ти підеш, якщ о вони знову приїдуть?
К.: Мабуть, якщ о квитки си льно не п одорож чаю ть. Бувай.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 307

Section A

1. Look at the title o f the text and say w hat you th ink the text is about.

2. Think o f ten to fifteen them atic w ords w hich you are likely to find in the
text and write them down. Then read the text and check w hether the w ords
you predict actually appear.

3. Learn the pro nu n ciation o f the fo llo w in g w ords from the text given b e ­
low. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Leicester, chim panzee, cuttlefish, gazelle, species, squid, impala, elaborate,
tem porarily, availability, repertory, violinist, saxophonist, cruising, bom bard,
paradise, plumes, aesthetics.

4. Read the fo llo w in g qu estion s and try to answ er them w ith o u t reading
the text.
1. W h at perform ing arts can you list, w hich are ancient and w hich are
relatively new?
2. W hich of th e perform in g arts are the m ost p o p u lar nowadays?
3. Do you co n side r a play to be an am usem ent or instruction?
4. W hat is the role of the theatre in y o u r life? W hen did you last g o to
the theatre?
5. Is g o in g to the cinem a you r favourite recreational activity? In any case,
w hat film s have you seen recently that im pressed you the m ost?

5. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g co m m en ts before reading the text.

Com m ents

1. Hollywood and Bollywood. Hollywood is the heart of the English-language

cinema and is well known in Europe and the West. Its turnover is by far the greatest
in the world. Bollywood is the generic name for the Indian film industry, whose out­
put is the largest in the world in terms of number of films produced and, possibly,

308 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко * Н. С. Хоменко

number of tickets sold. The main language is Hindustani, although songs often use
Urdu vocabulary, and English is increasingly used in dialogues and songs.
2. Andrew Lloyd Webber is a highly successful British composer of musical the­
atre, now Baron Lloyd Webber, elevated to the peerage after very many years of
success. He has specialised in contemporary operatic musicals and has 15 major
shows to his credit These include Evita, Cats, Starlight Express and The Phantom of
the Opera.
3. London's West End and New York's Broadway are two of the largest
concentrations of theatre in the world.

6. Read the text "Perform ing Arts" fo r the first tim e and answ er the fo llo w ­
ing questions.
1. H ow do peo p le entertain them selves?
2. W h y d o m any creatures use perform ances today? Give som e exam ­
3. W h at fam ous cin e m ato graph ic centres d o you know?
4. W h y do p e o p le enjoy w atching the perform ing arts?
5. W h at kinds of perform ance d o you prefer live or recorded? W hy? Give
yo u r reasons.
6 . H ow is co n te m p orary te ch n o lo g y influencing the d eve lo p m e n t of the
perform in g arts and even its very existence?

7. Listen to th e recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate it

into Ukrainian.

Text 1: The P erform ing Arts

Science tells us that hum ans began to talk and co m m u n icate from abo ut
ten th ou san d years ago - at least, that's as far back as it can be proved that
we have used language. But it seem s probable that we have co m m u n icated
not on ly w ith speech fo r very m uch lo n g er than that, but also w ith song,
dance and stories. Today's p e rfo rm in g arts are the evolved ways in w hich
we e n te rta in ourselves w atching talented p eo ple sing, dance and tell us
stories as actors.
N ature show s us how so m any creatures use p e rfo rm a n ce s fo r m any
reasons. N o t o n ly is there co m m u n ication th rou gh sim ple sou n ds but oth-

А н тій сь к а мова. II КУРС 309

Dancing Raven er form s such as ex p ressio n s (watch the face
o f a chim panzee), co lo u r change (see the 'lig h t
show s' given by cuttlefish and squid as they

com m unicate), songs (listen to a w hale cruising
th rough the ocean o r ju s t a bird on a branch)
or dances (watch im pala or gazelles dancing as
part o f courtship).
N o b o d y w ho has seen one o f the m any sp e ­
cies o f Birds of Paradise prepare a stage and
co n d u ct an e la b o ra te dance w hile s h o w in g o ff th eir startling plum es and
h ig h ly-co lo u red feathers can have any d o u b t th at aesthetics are m ore im ­
p ortant than strength or m uscle in ch o osing a m ate and furthering the
species fo r som e creatures.
H um ans use song, dance and theatre to not on ly tell stories but also
co n ve y m ood, em o tio n and m any abstract notions. They also use the per­
form in g arts to dream, to live an other life - if on ly tem porarily. T rig g e rin g
the im agination and helping us live o u r dream s is w hat H o lly w o o d , B o l­
ly w o o d and o th er cin e m a to g rap h ic centres d o fo r a living, and so m any
authors have aim ed to d o over the centuries. Song, dance and m usic m ay
be aim ed m ore at ou r e m o tio ns than at o u r im aginatio n s - w hen co m bin e d
in a m usical show, such as those o f A n d re w L lo y d -W e b b e r they can leave
us sh attered at the end o f a perform ance, o u r senses b o m b arde d which
excitem ent. Regions o f the b iggest capitals o f the world, such as London's
W e st End an d N e w Y o rk s Broadway, each have a very large n u m ber of
theatres to cater for such dem ands.
In such m usical shows, or the circus, or all events in the past, the per­
form ers and the audien ce were physically close to g e th e r and the em o tio n
o f the p erform e r co u ld be clearly sensed by th e viewer. Today there has
been a m ajor shift in th at m ost o f ou r tim e is spent w atching television or
a co m p u te r screen to see song, dance and stories b ro ug h t to us. This takes
us so m uch fu rth er away from the p erform e r and the song or the dance.
The v io lin ist o r saxo pho nist or ballet dancer o r actor in a trag ed y becom es
an im age on a screen or sound from a loudspeaker.
A re we any the p o o rer fo r this distan cin g? Certainly, a live p erform ance
is so m uch m ore acute and v iv id than m any rem ote equivalents, but re­
corded p erform ances give us the chance to see and hear very m uch more,

310 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

and m ore frequently, than if we had to wait for a live perform er. Ch oice
and a v a ila b ility of digital and recorded entertainm ent have replaced the
travelling m in stre l and the re p e rto ry com pan y.
O u r tech n o lo g y is constantly trying to re -en act for us the experience of
a live perform ance. H i-fi sound, large-screen h igh-de finition televisions and
hom e cinem a are steps in that direction. It is expected that in n ot m any
years' tim e we will be able to watch 3-D projected im ages of perform ers at
the sam e tim e as m aking the equivalent of a virtu a l reality conference call to
hold "virtual m eetings" for business p eo ple and politicians. It is anticipated
that it is the dom estic entertainm ent m arket that will drive such technology,
w hile business will pay for m uch of its developm ent. But d o we really want
to th ink that we see M adon n a singing and dancing in ou r living room s?

8. Learn the fo llow in g vo cabulary notes.

/ Vocabulary notes
1. P erform an ce , n.
1 ) when som eo n e perform s a play or a piece of m usic - виступ, вистава,
гра, постановка, e.g. Luciano gave a m em orable perform ance at th e last
year's festival;
2) the act o f d oin g a piece o f work, duty - виконання, здійснення, e.g.
The perform ance o f his official duties was excellent;
3) how well a car o r other m achine w orks - робота (машини, механізму),
e.g. The car's perform ance on m ountain roads was im pressive. W ith only
150 bhp, w hat can you expect from that m odel's perform ance?
P erform , і/.
1 ) to d o som eth in g to entertain people, for exam ple, by acting a play
or playing a piece of m usic - виступати, ставити (п'єсу), грати (на муз.
інструменті), e.g. The children perform tw o plays each school year.
However, to refer to playing a particular part in a play or film, use "play"
n ot perform , e.g. John W ayne played a Rom an so ld ier in the film. Rick M ay-
all played V la d im ir in Beckett's play in the W est End.
2) to d o som ething, especially som eth in g d ifficu lt or useful - виконувати,
проводити, здійсню вати, e.g. Surgeons perform ed an em ergency o p e ra ­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 311

Syn.: carry out, fulfil, realize.
Der.: perform ance, perform er, perform ing.
Comb.: p e rfo rm in g arts (dance, music, dram a) - виконавчі різновиди
мистецтва або сц ен ічн е мистецтво.
2. Entertain, V.
1 ) to am use o r interest peo p le in a way that gives them pleasure -
розважати, забавляти, e.g. She entertained the children w ith interesting
2) to invite p eo p le to you r hom e for a meal, party - прийм ати гостей,
влаштовувати прийом , e.g. A lex usually does the co o kin g w hen we e n ­
3) entertain an idea, hope, th o u g h t (colloq.) - плекати надію, думку, e.g.
She co u ld never even entertain the idea of living in the country.
Syn.: co n sid e r an idea (formal).
E n te rtainm en t, n.
1) things such as films, television, etc. that are intended to am use or
interest p e o p le - розвага, забава, e.g. The city provides a w ide ch o ice of
entertainm ent.
Comb.: the en tertain m ent industry (business) - індустрія розваг, the
w orld of en tertainm en t - світ розваг.
3. Expression, n.
1 ) the act of conveying som eth in g in words, feelings, em otions, etc. -
вираження, виявлення, e.g. The p o litician was very skilled at u n d erstan d ­
ing the expressions of p ublic feeling;
2) the m anner o r m eans of stating som eth ing in w ords o r phrases -
вислів, вираз, м овн и й зворот, фраза, e.g. Because o f his unusual dialect,
they co u ld n 't understand som e o f the expressions he used;
3) in music, painting and sculpture, the way of showing character, sentim ent
or action - виразність, експресія, e.g. Her musical expression was stunning;
4) the capacity of the face, voice or attitude to co m m u n icate feeling,
em o tio n or character - вираз (обличчя тощо), міміка, e.g. She co n tin u ed
to be very polite, but her expression was one o f disgust.
4. Elaborate, adj. S om eth in g w hich is co m ple x - show n in fine d e ­
tail, acted ou t o r perform ed in a co m plicated way. Складний, старанно
р о зр об лени й або продум аний, ретельний, старанний; e.g. The e la b o ­
rate p erform ance d eeply im pressed the audience.

312 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

5. M ate, n.
1 ) a partner in m arriage but m ore frequently one o f a pair of anim als or
birds - чоловік, ж інка або самець, самиця, e.g. The lion's m ate roared in
the darkness;
2) a h elper o r assistant to a m ore skilled w orker - п ом ічн ик, e.g. The
plu m b er's m ate busied him self w ith rem oving the tap;
3) a way of addressing equals in a frien dly way - приятель. C o llo q u ial in
som e form s o f English but standard in others, such as A ustralian English,
e.g. Sure, mate, I'll be glad to help you with you r suitcases;
4) a friend in inform al English - товариш , друзяка, e.g. I'm g o in g dow n
the p ub w ith my m ates later on.
Phrase: to be m ates with - друж ити з кимось.
6 . Show, v.
1) let so m eb o d y see som ethin g - показати, e.g. Show yo u r ticket to the
w om an at th e entrance;
2 ) to dem onstrate som ethin g - показувати, викривати, з'ясовувати,
e.g. Figures show ed a 9% rise in inflation;
3) explain with action - поясню вати, показувати комусь, як треба
робити щось, e.g. Show him how to d o this drawing;
4) let y o u r feelings, attitudes or personal qu alities be clearly seen -
проявляти почуття, висловлю вати ставлення, e.g. M a ry show ed great
interest in her children;
5) to m ake a film o r television program m e available on screen -
дем онструвати, показувати на екрані, e.g. A new film was show n on te le ­
vision last M onday.
To sh o w off. 1) To try to m ake p eo ple adm ire yo u r ab ilities or achieve­
ments, to boast - позувати, показувати себе, дем он струв ати щось, e.g.
Не co u ld n 't resist show ing o ff on the tennis court.
2) To dem onstrate som eth in g o r em phasise an object - хвалитися,
вихвалятися, e.g. She co u ld n 't w ait to show o ff her new car to all her
neighbours. He was keen to show o ff his new trainers.
A sh ow -off. A vain person, one d em an din g attention - хвалько, e.g. Oh
g o o d grief, he is such a show-off.
S h ow so m e o n e in a g o o d o r bad light. To make people have a g o o d or
bad op in io n of you - виставляти у ви гід н ом у/н еви гід н ом у світлі, e.g. Tom
m anaged to show him self in the best possible light during his interview.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 313

Show somebody the door. M ake som eo n e leave, usually with an u n ­
frie n dly or negative co n n o tatio n - показати на двері, вигнати, e.g. John
show ed th e insurance salesm an th e door.
Show around. To g o around a place with som eo n e to show them w hat
is interesting - суп роводж увати (під час огляду), показувати, e.g. Jam ie
show ed his new m oth er-in -law around the house.
Show up, к
1) to arrive, turn up (inform al) - з'являтися, e.g. Irina fin ally show ed up
ap o lo g izin g fo r being late;
2) to em barrass - осором и ти , збентежити, e.g. She co m plain ed that I
show ed her up in front o f her friends.
To show your face. To appear, usually with a co n no tatio n of em barrass­
m ent - з'являтися, e.g. Rob d id n 't dare show his face around the faculty
after he was caught cheating in his exam.
To show the way. To be an exam ple - бути при кл ад ом (взірцем), e.g.
For m any years his father has show n the way to Nick.
To show willing. To be ready to help - бути готовим д оп ом огти , e.g.
Julia always shows w illing.
I'll show you! That'll show him! To teach so m e b o d y a lesson - провчити
когось, e.g. "I'll show you!" - the m an cried in an ger at his grandson.
Com binations:
Show-and-tell. UK and US exercise fo r sch oo lch ild ren w hen they are
m ade to d o a presentation in front o f the class - виступати перед класом,
e.g. The teacher liked the children to each do a sh ow -an d -tell at least once
a m onth.
Showboat - плавучий театр, e.g. Show boats were the floating theatres
and casinos o f the A m erican W ild West.
Show-card - реклам н и й плакат, e.g. The show fixed new show -cards
around the store.
Showdown - виріш альний поєдинок, сутичка, e.g. The show dow n b e ­
tween the tw o sides was to be the C up Final.
Showroom - виставковий зал, e.g. The furniture in the show room is not
for sale.
Showtime (colloq.) - перен.: початок чогось, e.g. H ow ever rough the
actors m ay feel, once it's showtim e, the adrenalin rushes.
7. Convey, v.

314 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

1 ) to co m m u n icate with or w ith ou t using w ords - повідом ити,
передавати (настрій, інф орм ацію ), e.g. A ll this in form ation can be co n ­
veyed in a sim ple diagram ;
2 ) (formal) to take or carry som eth in g from on e place to an oth er one -
перевозити, транспортувати, e.g. Your lu ggage will be conveyed to the
hotel in a taxi.
8. Trigger your imagination. The verb "trigger" is used here in a fig ­
urative sense to m ean th at som eone's im aginatio n is su d d en ly broug h t
into play and ideas are created and can be translated here as "ввім кнути /
підклю чити уяву".
The basic literal m eanings of the verb is to make som eth in g happen very
qu ickly - пустити в хід, надати руху, призвести д о чогось, e.g. Certain
form s o f m ental illness can be triggered by fo o d allergies.
Phr.: to trigger your m em ory - ш видко пригадати, викликати в пам'яті,
нагадати, e.g. Seeing her face triggered his m em ories of the previous summer.
Trigger, n. The part of a gun that you pull with you r fin g er to fire it -
курок, спусковий гачок (на руш ниці), e.g. Не to o k aim and squeezed the
trig g e r slowly.
9. Shattered, participle. Used in the text in a figurative sense to c o n ­
vey th e em o tio n s o f the audience broken into tiny pieces as th e result of
an on slau g h t of visual images, sound and light and can be translated as
"приголом ш ений".
Shatter, v.
1 ) to break su dden ly into very sm all pieces - розбити на друзки,
розколоти, e.g. The explo sio n shattered the buildings. The plate shattered
into tiny bits;
2) to destroy hopes, beliefs o r aspirations co m ple tely - руйнувати надії,
сподівання, e.g. Their hopes were shattered by th e war. His am bitiou s
progress up the career ladder was shattered when he was arrested fo r p o s­
session o f cocaine.
10. Vivid, adj. Intense, full o f life, stron gly felt - чіткий, ясний, яскравий,
e.g. She was lookin g at his vivid blue eyes.
Comb.: vivid m em ories - яскраві спогади, vivid co lou rs - яскраві
кольори, vivid dream s - яскраві сни, vivid im aginatio n - палка уява.
Der.: vividly, adv. Very clearly, intensely - яскраво, чітко, ясно, e.g. I can
vivid ly rem em ber the day we met.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 315

11. Virtual, adj.
1) effective, in reality - фактичний, дійсний, e.g. Car ow nership is a vir­
tual necessity;
2) a sim u lation or substitute for reality on the Internet or on a c o m ­
puter - віртуальний, м ож ливий, гаданий, e.g. The w ebsite allow s you to
take a virtual to u r o f the art gallery. Virtu al m eetings over th e w eb are very
p o p u lar w ith you n g people.
Com b: virtual office, virtual reality.
12. Re-enact, v.
1) act o r perform again, reproduce - відтворити, e.g. A t school, children
re-enacted the Christm as story. The po lice have re-enacted the crim e step
by step;
2) to enact (a law) again - п овторн о вводити в дію, e.g. Congress
refused to re-enact the bill.
Der.: re-enactm ent, n. Відтворення (подій), п овторне введення в д ію
13. Repertory Company. A theatrical, o pe ratic or ballet co m pa n y that
perform s w orks from a repertoire or set pro gram m e at frequent and short
intervals - постійна трупа з п евним репертуаром .
Repertory, п. A list, catalogue, index or store. A lso the French w ord Rep­
ertoire has been ad o pte d into English as a synonym - репертуар.
14. Minstrel, n. A person em ployed by a patron to entertain, usually by
sin gin g o r reciting poe try to a m usical accom panim ent. A ssociated with
m edieval times. The equivalent nam e in France was "tro ub a d ou r" and
in Ukraine "kobzar". Possible ways of translation into Ukrainian are also
"менестрель", "трубадур".

9. Read th e text carefully and underline the sentences that sum m arise the
main idea o f each paragraph.

10. D ecide w heth er the fo llo w in g statem ents are true or false, o r you d o n 't
know according to the text.
1. Hum ans began to talk and co m m u n icate ten thousand years ago.
2. W e entertain ourselves w atching talented p e o p le sing, dance and tell us
stories. 3. A nim als can't co m m u nicate using sounds, expressions of the face,
co lo u r changes. 4. H um ans use song, dance and theatre to convey their

316 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

m ood and em otions. 5. Today there has been a m ajor shift in th at m ost of
ou r tim e is spent w atching television or a co m pu te r screen. 6 . A live p erfor­
m ance is less acute and vivid than m any rem ote equivalents. 7. Travelling
m instrels and repertory com panies have replaced digital and recorded e n ­
tertainm ent. 8 . O ur te ch n o lo g y isn't trying to re-enact fo r us the experience
o f a live perform ance. 9. Hi-fi sound, large-screen h ig h -d e fin itio n television
and hom e cinem a have been replaced by live perform ances.

Vocabulary practice

11. Learn the V o cabu lary Notes, give derivatives fo r the fo llo w in g words,
translate them into Ukrainian and m ake up your ow n sentences:
To perform , to entertain, to show, to com m unicate, to express, to act,
technical, light, image.

12. Find synonym s to the fo llo w in g words. C on su lt a d ictio n a ry o f syn­

onym s if necessary.
To convey, to express, to perform , to entertain, to shatter, acute, vivid,
viewer, m instrel.

13. Explain the fo llow in g phrases as they have been used in the text. Trans­
late into elegan t Ukrainian.
Evolved way, for m any reasons, light shows given by cuttlefish and squid,
a w hale cruising th rou gh th e ocean, m any species o f birds, to co n d u ct an
elaborate dance, h ig h ly-co lo u red feathers, to convey m ood, a m ajor shift,
to sound from a loudspeaker, m ore acute and vivid, a travelling minstrel,
a repertory com pany, large-screen television, virtual reality, the dom estic
en tertain m en t market.

14. C o m p lete the fo llow in g sentences using the w ords and expressions
from the fo llo w in g list: mate, elaborate, trigger, shatter, convey, expression,
re-enactm ent, repertory, vivid, to cater for, virtual. Then translate them .
1. A s he fe lt the b lo w strike his head, he saw a ... d isp la y o f co lou rs b e ­
fore he blacked out. 2. Her style o f w riting was ... and often poetic. 3. They
w ent to the English H isto ry Society's ... o f the Battle of Naseby. 4. Listening

Англійська мова. II КУРС 317

to Nielsen s 4 th S ym phony w o u ld always ... a range o f e m o tio n s w ithin him.
. He found a sm all restaurant t h a t ... a w ide range o f tastes. 6 . 1 on ce saw
a television p ro gram m e ab o u t how eagles ... fo r life. 7. She loves playing
co m p u te r quest gam es w here she can enter new ... w orlds. 8 . The crystal
vase ... as it fell on the parqu et floor. 9. He asked th e railway carriage at­
te n d a n t to ... a letter to his m oth er in Vinnytsya. 10. The p o litician w ent
"ro u g h his entire ... o f facial expressions as he was m aking his speech.
11. The letter to the M in is try was recorded as a fo r m a l... o f protest by the
Town Council.

15. Read and translate the fo llo w in g text into Ukrainian. Find the best
Ukrainian equivalents for the italicized w ords and expressions.
W est End theatre is a p o p u la r term fo r mainstream professional theatre
in London, or som etim es m ore specifically fo r show s staged in the large
heatres of London's "Theatreland" area around Leicester Square A lo n g
w ith New York's Broadway, W est End theatre is usually considered to rep­
resent the highest level o f theatre in the English speaking w orld Seeing a
W est End show is a co m m o n tou rist activity in London and "taking in a
s h o w is a p o p u lar activity both fo r British visitors to London as well as for
th o se from overseas.
M ost of the theatres in the W est End are late V ictorian o r Edw ardian
and they are privately owned. M o st o f them have great character, and the
argest and best-m aintained are splendid, sim ilar to such grand theatres as
Kyiv's Shevchenko N atio n al O pera Theatre. On the oth er
is often cram ped (people were
srrialler a hundred years ago)
an d audience facilities such
as bars and toilets are often
m uch sm aller than in m odern
W est End show s m ay run
fo r a varying n u m ber of
weeks, d epe n ding on ticket
sales. M usicals tend to have
longer runs than dram as. The
lon g est running m usical in

318 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Галонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

W est End histo ry was A n d rew Lloyd W e bber's "Cats", w hich closed in 2000
after running fo r 9.000 perform ances, w hilst the lon g est running current
m usical is "Les M isérables". H ow ever th e non-m usical A g ath a Christie play
"The M ousetrap" is the lon g est running show in the world, and has been
show ing since 1953.
N ew York City has a h ighly active and influential theatre district, which is
centred around Tim es Square in M anhattan, but best know n as Broadway.
It serves both as the heart o f the Am erican theatre industry, and as a m a jo r
a ttra c tio n fo r visitors from around the world. The dozen s o f theatres in this
district are responsible for tens o f th ou san ds o f jobs, and help co n tribu te
b illio ns of dollars every year to the city's econom y.
W h ile plays and m usicals in N ew York are often classified as either
"Broadw ay" or "O ff-Broadw ay" (or even "Off-Off-Broadw ay") to d enote
theatrical qu ality o r m a s s -m a rk e t appeal, not all "Broadway" theatres are
located directly on Broadw ay itself.

16. Translate the follow in g w ords and w ord co m bin ation s into Ukrainian
and m ake up you r own sentences.
Perform ing arts, to create, a m usical co m ed y theatre, a dram a theatre,
a national opera house, an audience, an auditorium , a scene, scenery, a
stage, an expression, a mate, audien ce facilities, to take in a show, e la b o ­
rate, a m ainstream theatre, a rehearsal, a first night, a repertory com pany,
to re-enact, virtual, to trigger, to shatter, a minstrel, to cater for, off-B road ­
way, an interval, an interm ission, a long run, a stage version, to inspire, to
encourage, a curtain, a playw right, a cast, to encore, a script, leg room,
m ass-m arket appeal.

*17. Fill in the spaces with one o f the verbs entertain, amuse, charm or
please o r th eir derivatives:
1. W h o are you ... at d in ne r tonigh t? 2. His jo k es d id n 't ... us much. 3. He
co u ld ... the hind legs off a donkey. (Irish saying) 4. Do you know any places
o f ... in this city? 5. She felt her defences crum ble as he turned on the ...
6. The play was not very ... . 7. He w ent to play video gam es in the ... .
Arcade. 8 . He was very ... by the attention paid to him by the assem bled
group. 9. The jo b o f a street m usician is to ... passers-by. 10. This pendant
is my lucky ... .

Англійська мова. II КУРС

*18. Fill in th e gaps using th e m ost ap pro priate o f the fo llo w in g w ords and
w ord com binations, som e o f w hich m ay be used m ore than once: show o ff
(two meanings), show the way, show up (two m eanings), show som eone the
door, show y o u r face, show, show -and-tell, show willing, to show round.
1. He co u ld n 't r e s is t ... at this last exh ib ition o f his. 2. W e had 200 p e o ­
ple ... fo r o u r seminar. 3. The teacher to ld her class to prepare fo r a ... m o rn ­
ing. 4. Use a lig ht co lo u r w hich w i l l ... on a dark background. 5. Mr. Jackson
becam e furious and .... 6 . W e were w aiting fo r th e representative fo r a long
time, until at last he .... 7. "I'll ... you!" - the father to ld his son angrily.
8 . N ext tim e you should ... w hen yo u r m anager asks for a volunteer. 9. John
always ... for his slow er colleagues. 10. M y m other to o k th e guest and ...
h e r ... the new house. 11.... m e ... to g o hom e, I'm tired and I w ant to g o to
bed. 12. If you ... around here again, yo u 'll regret it! 13. He was ... w hen it
becam e o b v io u s he d id n 't know w hat he was talking about. 1 4 .1 can't find
this w ebsite - w o u ld you please ... me? 15. She co u ld n 't w ait to ... her new
shoes to her mother.

19. Find English equivalents for th e fo llo w in g Ukrainian w ords and w ord
co m b in atio n s and m ake up yo u r ow n sentences.
Театр оперети, драм ати чн и й театр, виконавчі р ізно ви ди мистецтва,
ляльковий театр, Н аціональна оп ера України, глядацька зала (аудито­
рія), чудова вистава, влаш товувати п ри йом , розвага, проявляти п очут­
тя, приголом ш увати, театр з п о стій н о ю трупою , задовольняти смаки,
зручності для глядачів, виставляти у в и гід н ом у світлі, пустити в хід, з'яв­
лятися (накінець), провчити когось, бути готовим доп ом огти , виступати
перед класом, п очаток сеансу, п ер іод часу (коли йде певна вистава),
о сн о вн е русло, виставковий зал, афіша, гучном овець, палка уява, на­
явність, віртуальна реальність, прем'єра, драматург, склад виконавців,
репетиція, театральні декорації, інсценування, мати великий успіх, за-
навіс, викликати на біс, сценарій, зал ігрови х автоматів.

20. M atch the p e o p le in the left-hand co lu m n w ith the d efin itio n from the
right-hand colum n. Find o u t w hat th ey are called in Ukrainian.
1 ) cast a) the m ain bad character in a play
2 ) ham b) a set of actors in a play
3) hero c) a co m pan y of actors, acrobats in a theatre o r a circus

320 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

4) heroine d) the m ost im p ortan t m ale part in a play
5) stand-in e) a fam ous actor o r actress
6) star f ) an actor w ho learns an im p ortan t part in a play and can
play instead of the m ain actor
7) stunt man g) a person w ho takes the part of an actor at dangerous
points in a film
8 ) tro u p e h) the m ost im p ortan t fem ale part in a play
9) u nderstudy i) a person w ho does dangerous acts in a film so that the
actor d o e sn 't have to take risks
10 ) villain j) the actor w ho acts artificially and unnaturally
11 ) prop k) a p o rta ble object other than furniture o r costum es
used on the set o f a play or film

21. Learn the idiom s and idiom atic expressions on the to p ic "Perform ing
Arts". M ake up sentences using the fo llo w in g idiom s.
A kitchen-sink drama is a play ab o u t fam ily life w hich show s dom estic
reality, w ith ou t any g la m o u r o r co n cealm en t o f the uglier issues o f life -
д рам а (п'єса) на побутові теми.
A stock play is a play co m in g into repertoire - п'єса, щ о входить д о
То pack the house m eans to attract an audience until no tickets are left,
to fill a theatre or co n cert hall - заповнити зал глядачами д о краю. Syn.:
to be full to the rafters.
To raise a laugh (smile) m eans to am use an audience en o ug h to make it
laugh (smile) - викликати см іх (посміш ку) у глядачів.
То get a standing ovation m eans to get enthusiastic applause o r w e l­
co m e w ith the w h ole audien ce standing up to cheer and clap - отримати
гучні оплески від глядачів. Syn.: to applaud (cheer), to give somebody
a big hand (informal) - гучно аплодувати.
To get the bird (inform al) m eans to be b oo ed o ff the stage by an a u d i­
ence - бути освистаним глядачами.

22. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Щ о р о ку актори Театру української д рам и ім. І. Ф ранка ставлять
нові^п єси. 2. Без сумніву, місця в перш их рядах партеру найкращі,
але й н айдорож чі. 3. Щ о йде сьогодні в Н аціон альн ій о п е р і України?

Англійська мова. II КУРС

4. У столиці України Києві м ож на знайти багато м ісц ь для розваги, які
задовольнять будь-які смаки. 5. М е р і вдалося виставити себе у ви гід­
н о м у с в іт л і під час р о зм о ви з д и р екто р о м театру оперети, б. На п о ч а ­
ток вистави глядацький зал Театру р о сій сь к о ї д рам и був п е р е п о в н е ­
ний. 7. М ій друг згадав, щ о він п ридбав два квитки на балет "Лебедине
озеро" заздалегідь. 8 . Я дуж е чітко пам 'ятаю той день, коли я відвідала
Ш експірівськии королівський театр у Стретф орді-на-Евоні. 9 Олена
м ає звичку вихвалятися. Н асправді, якщ о треба виступити перед кла­
сом, вона м ож е розгубитися. 10. П осол суп рово д ж ув ав представників
б р и тан сько 1делегації під час огляду визначних історичних м ісц ь Києва.
11 . М оя подруга плекала надію поїхати відпочивати на Карибські о с ­
трови. 12 . М ен е д ж ер у к о м п а н ії вдалося виставити свій товар у в и гід н о­
м у с в іт л і та продати велику партію обладнання. 13. М ен і п овід ом и ли
що^ багаж буде перевезено д о готелю. 14. Раптом тарілка випала з рук
та Р озб и -лася на дрізки. 15. Яскраві спогади дитинства п р о святку­
вання Різдва назавж ди залиш илися в його пам'яті. 16. Н ові п ід р у ч н и ­
ки з англійської граматики м ож на взяти з універси тетської бібліотеки.
1/. Конгрес С Ш А відм ови вся п овторн о вводити у д ію новий закон про
податки. 18. Н еобхід н о щ е раз звернути увагу на цей детально р о з р о б ­
лений план. 19. Щ о п р и м уси л о тебе п ро це згадати? 20. Виріш альний
п оєд и н ок м іж від о м и м и бо ксерам и було відкладено. 21. М и й д ем о д и ­
витися п рем 'єру вистави в п лав уч ом у театрі. 22. Рекламні плакати цієї
вистави були розклеєні скрізь.

23. Replace the Ukrainian w ords in brackets with English w ords and expres­
sions from the above sections.
O u r co lle g e has an active (драм атичний гурток) where the m ore extro­
vert students can (виступати) in front o f (публіка) w hile w earing (виш укані
костю ми) and playing with the large variety of (театральні реквізити) in-
erited from (м іський театр з п о стій н о ю труп ою та репертуаром ) when
it closed. The (трупа) is form ed from new each year, alth ou g h a few (ак­
тори) and (актриси) from the previous year are som etim es brave en ough
to try a repeat (вистава). Everyone w ho jo in s gets som e (роль) o r oth er
w heth er as (зірка), (головний герой), (негідник) o r ju s t (театральний д у б ­
лер). The real reason they d o it is because it's fun both fo r th e com pan y
and (публіка). They invariably g et (переповнений зал) w hen th ey finally

322 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

perform , usually of a rowdy, cheering m ob on ly to o ready to (освистати)
anyone w h o deserves it. O ver the past five years I've been around there,
they've staged (мюзикл), a surreal Beckett (п'єса), (драма на побутову
тему) by Pinter, a m odern ized Shakespeare play and this year they're at­
tem p tin g (комедія), w hich from w hat I've seen, is guaranteed to (виклика­
ти п о см іш к у у глядачів).

24. Read the text, translate it into Ukrainian, sum m arise it in brief in Ukrainian
and then in English. Use the fo llow in g as prom pts .reviser o f p la y s - т о й , х т о
переписував уж е існ ую чі п'єси, narrative poem - в ір ш о ван а розповідь,
p artnership in ventures - п а р т н е р с т в о в т е а т р а л ь н и х бізн ес-п р о ектах,
artistic achievem ents - худ ож н і досягнення.

Shakespeare as Actor and Playwright

N o evidence has been fou n d as yet to show w hat were Shakespeare's

m ovem ents and activities during the years im m ediately fo llo w in g his d e ­
parture from Stratford. It has been suggested that he m ay possib ly have
tau g h t as a sch oolm aster or served for a tim e in a noblem an's household
but th e general op in io n is that he w ent to London in 1587 to seek his for­
tune in a co m pa n y o f players.
Shakespeare can be traced in London from 1592 onwards, first as an ac­
to r and then as a reviser and w riter o f plays. There is evidence to show that
as early as this date, when
raries were im pressed (and
som e o f them indignant),
ab o u t the qu ality and p o p ­
ularity o f the w ork o f this
"upstart crow" (as Robert
Greene described him).
Shakespeare's first nar­
rative poem "Venus and
A d o n is" d edicated to his
patron H enry W roth esley
was pu blish ed in 1593 and
m et w ith a warm reception.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 323

By this tim e he had already w ritten the three parts of "H enry VI" and from
then onwards, the perform ances of his plays can be traced and dated.
W ritin g in 1598 Francis M eres praised the w ork of "m ellifluous and hon-
ey-ton gu ed" Shakespeare.
Research has established Shakespeare's association w ith com panies of
players and his partnership in various theatrical ventures. From 1594 he
h im self was one o f the C ham berlain's M en (called the King's M en from
Jam es I's accession), w hose duties included the provision o f entertainm ent
at the Court, and it was for his co m pan y that m any o f his plays were w rit­
ten. In 1599 Shakespeare was a sh areholder in the Blackfriars Theatre and
su b seq u en tly one of the proprietors of the G lo b e Theatre, w hich was built
on Bankside in 1599. The poet's business ability clearly co n tribu ted to the
success o f his artistic achievem ents.

(Levi Fox, from the Shakespeare A n n ive rsary Book, G reat Britain)

25. Translate the fo llo w in g text from Ukrainian into English. Use the fo llo w ­
ing w ords and expressions: кобзар - kobzar; г р а т и на бандурі - p la y the
bandura; т у р е ц ь к а неволя - Turkish captivity; зрад а - treason; озброєні
зап ор озькі козаки - arm ed Z ap o rizh ia n Cossacks; воля до ж и т т я - w ill
to live on.


П р огул ю ю чи сь Києвом біля К и єв о -П е ч е р ­

сь кої лаври або С оф іївського собору, ми часто
б а ч и м о лю дей, щ о грають на бандурі та сп іва­
ють україн ськи х народних пісень. Вони часто
сліпі, але інколи зовсім нестарі.
В наш час все більш е й біл ьш е у кр а їн ц ів ц і­
кавляться минулим, ш укаю чи шляхи в и р іш е н ­
ня сучасн и х п роблем . Вони відш укую ть старі
забуті мелодії, н ам агаю чи сь відновити тр а­
д и ц ії та відродити укр а їн ську мову. З д а л е к о ­
го м инулого вони прагнуть взяти те, щ о було

324 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Колись кобзарям и були сліпі люди, які блукали з кобзо ю за сп и н ою
від од н ого села до інш ого, співали пісні на майданах, базарах або біля
церкви. А л е вони не просто співали. Кобзарі були вір ую ч и м и лю д ьм и
і виконували народні казки, псалми та думи. Були вони коли ш н ім и в о ­
яками, які не могли більш е трим ати шаблю . Кобзарі оповідали історії
п ро війни та турец ьку неволю , п ро битви, подвиги та зраду. В піснях
вони вчили лю дей боротися за своє майбутнє. Часто їх талант був си л ь­
н іш и м сотні о зб р о єн и х запорож ців, бо давав українцям , хто страждав
під ч уж озе м н и м ярм о м , волю д о життя.
На жаль, ніхто не знає, чи буде в м ай бутн іх п о к о л ін ь м о ж л и в ість
слухати н арод н и х співців. А л е без сумніву, без к о б зар ів Україн у не
зр озум іти . Нам, укра їн ц я м , слід п очинати з н а й в а ж л и в іш о го - з б е р е ­
ж ення культурних цінностей, в яких від о б р а ж е н о істо р ію н а ш о ї Бать­
ківщ ини.

(За м а т е р іа л а м и ж урн алу "U krainian Observer")

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W h ich specific term m eans the letters sen t by ad m ire rs to celebrities?

a) fan mail; b) chain mail; c) email; d) snail mail

2. W h ich o f these w ords was n o t in ve n te d by Shakespeare?

a) m anager; b) negotiate; c) surf; d) em ployer

3. A litte rb u g is ...
a) an insect that lives in rubbish; b) som eon e w h o litters; c) a dance;
d) a fo o d container

4. Every clo u d has a ... lin in g . W h at exactly?

a) hidden; b) black; c) white; d) silver

5. If som eon e tells you to keep y o u r h air on you should ...

a) put w arm er clothes on; b) shut up; c) calm down; d) g o slowly.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 325

Section B

1. Look at the title of the text and say w hat you th ink the text is about. W hat
d o you know ab o ut Sarah Bernhardt? W hat is she fam ous for?

2. Think of fifteen them atic w ords w hich you are likely to find in the text
and w rite them dow n. Then read the text and check w hether the w ords you
predicted actually appear.

3. Learn the pro nu n ciation o f the fo llo w in g w ords and w ord co m bin ation s
from the text given below. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Sarah Bernhardt, bow, tout, trium ph, hypnotize, cam ellia, Parisian, weary,
bouquet, m elancholy, resonance, extraordinary, technique, exquisite, e c­
centricities, caricaturised, em phasized, enraptured, enunciation, co n scio u s­
ness, captivate, V icto r Hugo, incom parable, renowned.

4. Read the text "Sarah Bernhardt's Three Tours of Kyiv's Theatres" fo r the
first tim e and answ er the fo llow in g questions.
1. W hat was the first Sarah Bernhardt's appearance in Kyiv?
2. H ow was Sarah Bernhardt described?
3. W hy did Sarah Bernhardt shock p u blic o p in io n ?
4. W hat was her m otto in life?
5. W h at were th e rum ours ab o u t the fam ous actress?
6 . W h o resold tickets before Sarah Bernhardt's perform ance?
7. W hat were the theatre-goers m ost im pressed by?
8 . W h y was Sarah Bernhardt regarded as a trendsetter and leader of
9. W hen did Sarah com e to Kyiv fo r the second tim e?
10. W h at was her acting technique?
11. W h y were Sarah's perform ances a great success?

5. Listen to the recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate
into Ukrainian.

326 M. 0. B o3 H a • O. 5. T an oH iB • O. tO. BacM/ibHeHKO » H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

Text 2: Sarah Bernhardt's three tours o f Kyiv's by Pylyp Selihey

In March 2003, the Ukrainian O bserver m agazine publish ed

an especially w ell-researched article by Pylyp Selihey on Sarah
Bernhardt and the w orld-fam ous Parisian actress's three vis­
its to Kyiv between 1881 and 1908. A prom inent figure at the
Institute o f Linguistics at the N ational A cadem y o f Science of
Ukraine, Pylyp Selihey is the author o f a num ber o f academ ic
research papers and a regular contributor to various p e rio d i­

A small, elegant w om an lo o kin g w eary and w ith a slightly m elancholy

face stepped off a railway carriage on to a platform at Kyiv's train station.
A burly m an picked his way through the crowd o f students, new sboys and
bystanders to the w om an and presented her w ith a b o u q u et o f the finest
roses before gallantly leading her to a nearby car. That evening, the 20th
N o ve m b er 1881, there was a perform ance of "The Lady of the Cam ellias"
to a packed a u d ito riu m , hardly surprising, as one o f the m ost renow ned
actresses in the history of theatre, the in com parable Sarah Bernhardt, was
perform in g in the leading role.
This was the "D ivine Sarah's" first appearance in Kyiv and she was to
return twice. Each tim e all her perform ances were sell-outs, the audiences
were en ra p tu re d and the th e a tre critics could hardly co n ta in them selves.
During her lifetim e, Sarah Bernhardt was described in m any ways, in ­
cluding: The Em bodim ent of Poetry, The Q ueen of the Stage, The Star of
A ll th e Stars and universally as the m ost fam ous actress of all. The crow ned
heads o f Europe bow ed to her, the pow erful show ered her w ith jewels. Re­
garded alm ost as a goddess, V icto r H u go said of her "This is m ore than an
actress, this is a W om an".
Even before she first appeared in Kyiv, the gossip in the city was ab o ut
her: her European trium phs, her extraordinary technique, her exquisite co s­
tumes, but also her eccentricities. The residents of Kyiv knew th at she ea­
gerly p erform ed in m en's roles, that she was not only able to cry on stage
but even faint and lose consciousness or even bleed. They had heard that
she loved to shock p u blic o p in io n and create scandals. Som e o f w hat was
rum oured included that she w ent fishing, hunting - even hunting for cro c­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 327

odiles - and that she slept in a coffin. She let it be
known that her m otto in life was "without regard
for anything".
By the tim e she first visited Kyiv, Sarah had as­
sem bled her own com pan y of actors, and w ith this
troupe had started tou rin g extensively around Eu­
rope. A year earlier, she had returned from a su c­
cessful to u r of the U SA and Canada, first playing
New York on 8th N o ve m b er 1880.
Sarah Bernhardt was invited to Kyiv to perform
for 5.000 francs for each performance. Even though
the prices of tickets to her shows were set extremely
high, sales were brisk long before she arrived. W hen it became apparent how
strong ticket sales were, touts becam e to buy up the tickets for four boxes at
the theatre. Three days before the performance, when it was announced that
tickets were sold out, the touts resold their tickets for 100 karbovanets each
and successfully found buyers. Another unusual situation was that som e of the
audience bought tickets by clubbing together, so that several people w ould
occupy one seat, taking turns - one person at each act of a performance.
The theatre critics received Sarah Bernhardt rather cautiously during
her first visit, althou gh theatre-goers were im m ediately im pressed by her
exquisite and rom antic style o f acting. Her o rig in ality and unique talent
were particularly surprising. Reviewing one perform ance, a Kyiv new spaper
w rote "Sarah Bernhardt has the ability to assume m u ltip le characters. She
can change her gait, her voice and even the w ay she looks fo r each differ­
ent role. O n ly tw o characteristics are co m m o n to each role - refinement
and taste ... Sarah Bernhardt has a w on derfu l voice. Everyone can learn
som eth in g new ju st by listening to her dynamics. Her resonance com es
from the soul and reaches the soul...".
Kyivan ladies ten ded to pay less attention to Sarah's dram atic art than to
her costum es. They regarded her as a trend-setter and leader o f fashion.
This was in the context of her looks being such that she could not then be
called a beauty. She was far from being an ideal o f those tim es but very
attractive to m odern eyes. She had fluffy hair, a long nose, a pale face, light-
green eyes and was extrem ely slim. So slim in fact that she was subjected
to having her build caricaturized and jo k e d about.

328 M. O. B o3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. KD. BacM/itf-ieHKO • H. C. XoM eH KO

She herself was proud of being so slim and em phasized this w ith her
clothes. Eventually, Kyiv's w e ll-ro un de d ladies began to be im pressed by
her w a if-lik e looks.
In th e w inter of 1892, Sarah cam e to Kyiv fo r the second tim e. It is inter­
esting to note that during her tour, one local theatre ow ner cancelled his
pro gram m e so that he and his troupe co u ld be present at Sarah's p erfor­
mances, w hich were w on derfu l lessons in acting technique.
This is how a you ng Kyivan actresses recollected Sarah's p erform ance in
the role o f Z hilberta in the play "Froufrou" by Henri M e ilh a c and Ludovic
"The curtain opened. The actress was standing with her back to th e au ­
dience. There was a w ide slit in her dress and her half-naked, rather unat­
tractive, skinny back im m ediately caught you r eye. Then on cue, she turned
fo r the audience to see her aged face covered in grease-p ain t - Sarah was
48 years-o ld at that time. Her face and figure were in contrast to w hat was
expected fo r that role. But after several minutes, the audience was en rap ­
tured and co u ld n 't take their eyes o ff her. Her voice, her e n u n cia tio n , her
m anner and gestures were so charm ing that it was im p ossib le not to be
captivated. The actress filled her role and was carving out her creation like a
scu lp to r carves ou t a beautiful sculpture from stone. As several m ore m in ­
utes passed, the audience was alm ost hypnotized by her and co m ple tely
forg et the gap between w hat they were seeing and w hat they were feeling
em otionally."
By the tim e of her third visit to Kyiv, Sarah was 64 years old and even
th o u g h she co u ld not act with the energy o f her y o u n g e r days, she truly
knew w hen and how to focus her in com parable acting tech niq u es into key
m om en ts during a perform ance. Kyiv was honoured to see Sarah during all
the stages of her career and how her talent not on ly rem ained but indeed
becam e m ore pow erful and w onderful.

6. Learn th e follow in g voca b u lary notes.

• Vocabulary notes
1. A u d ito riu m (pi auditoria), n. The part o f a theatre w here p eo p le sit when
w atching a play, co ncert - аудиторія, глядацька зала, e.g. The theatre has a

Англійська мова. II КУРС 329

stage and an au ditoriu m where spectators sit. N o te that "університетська
аудиторія" should be translated as "a university lecture-room " in co n te m ­
porary English, e.g. O u r first lecture will be in a lecture-room num ber 2-4.
Comb.: packed au ditoriu m - заповнена глядацька зала, e.g. She was
surprised at seeing a packed auditorium .
2. Audience, n.
1 ) a g ro u p o f peo p le w h o com e to watch and listen to som eo n e speak
ing or perform in g in p u blic - публіка, аудиторія, e.g. The audience began
cla p p in g and cheering after the perform ance finished;
2) the p e o p le w ho watch or listen to a particular program m e or w ho see
or hear a particular artist's, w riter's w ork - радіослухачі, телеглядачі, e.g.
The TV show attracts a regular audience of ab o u t 20 m illion.
3) a form al m eeting w ith a very im p o rtan t person (VIP) - аудієнція, e.g.
He was granted an audience with the Pope.
Phr.: to have an audience with — мати зустріч з, to give an audience to —
надати аудієнцію .
3. Theatre {AmE theater), n.
1 ) a b u ild in g o r place w ith a stage where plays and show s are per­
form ed - будівля театру, e.g. Let's have a lo o k at the new theatre;
2) the profession of acting in, w riting and o rgan izin g plays - театральне
мистецтво, театр, e.g. She has been w orkin g in theatre fo r over 30 years.
M asha's really interested in literature and theatre;
3 ) a perform ance, play, show o r ju st an event as a form of en te rtain ­
m ent - розвага, e.g. You have to adm it, foo tb alle rs arguing and falling
ab o u t dram atically is g o o d theatre;
4 ) a place w here specific activity takes place, used in particular set phras­
es, e.g. theatre of w ar - театр військових дій, lecture theatre - навчальна
аудиторія, operatin g theatre - операційна, theatre w orksh op - театраль­
на майстерня, film theatre (m ovie theater Am E) - кінотеатр.
Com pare; будівля - theatre or playhouse (now archaic); оп е р н и й театр -
opera house; театр од н ого актора - on e-m an show. e.g. English actor
Jam es Burbage erected the first theatre in London. The on e-m an show was
a great success. In the N ational O pera H ouse th e ballet "Raym onda" was
perform ed.
Comb.: th eatre -g o er -театр ал , e.g. M y best friend is a keen theatre-goer.
Der.: theatrical, adj.

330 м. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

1) relating to th e perform ing of plays - театральний, сценічний, e.g. A
Parisian theatrical co m pan y perform ed a new play;
2 ) b ehaving in a loud o r very n o tice ab le way th at is in ten d ed to get
peo p le's attention - н еп ри родн ий , показний, e.g. She gave a theatrical
Der.: theatrically, adv. Театрально, неп ри родн о, напоказ, e.g. Every tim e
her husband acted theatrically at din ner parties, she becam e exasperated.
Com pare: She m ade a theatrical entrance once she realized that th e a u ­
dience was ready.
4. "Without regard for anything". A m otto that m eans that everything is
irrelevant except the desired object. Н езваж аю чи ні на що.
5. Actor, п. S om eo ne w ho perform s in a play or film - актор, e.g. W h o is
the leading actor in th e new play?
Comb.: lea din g/prin cipal actor - п ровід н и й /голо вн и й актор.
Actress, n. A w om an w ho perform s in a play o r film - актриса, акторка,
e.g. The fam ous French actress Sarah Bernhardt was called the Q ueen of
th e Stage. This w ord is often now regarded as politically incorrect and
m any H o llyw o o d actresses now call them selves 'actors to rem ove any co n ­
n otations of gender.
Acting, n. The jo b or skill of perform in g in plays and film s - гра,
виконання, e.g. His rem arkable acting w on him th e O scar fo r best S u p ­
p ortin g Actor.
Comb.: acting tech niqu e - акторська майстерність, e.g. H er acting te ch ­
nique was really w onderful.
6. Contain, v.
1 ) to control strong feelin gs of anger, excitem ent, etc. - стримувати
почуття; to contain you rself - стримувати себе, e.g. He was so excited he
co u ld hardly contain himself;
2) to con trol an item from spreading or escaping - стримувати,
призупиняти, e.g. D octors are stru gglin g to contain the epidem ic.
7. Troupe, n. A gro u p of singers, actors, dancers etc. w h o w ork to g e th ­
er - трупа, e.g. The tro u p e of the N atio nal O pera H ouse is well know n all
over Europe.
8. Box, n. A sm all area of a theatre or cou rt that is separated from where
oth er p eo ple are sitting - ложа. e.g. the ju ry box, a box at the Palace The­
atre. W e were sitting in a box at the theatre.

Англійська мова. II КУРС
Stalls, pi, n. The seats on the m ain level o f th e theatre - партер, e.g. W e
were sitting in the fro nt row of the stalls.
Dress circle, n, (Am E) first balcony. The low est of the curved rows o f seats
upstairs in a theatre - бельетаж, e.g. The seats in the dress circle are not
very expensive.
Pit, n. Sunken area in front o f the stage w here an orchestra m ay play -
оркестрова яма. The w ord was once used as a synonym fo r 'stalls' but has
not been w id ely used in this m eaning for alm ost a century, e.g. The c o n ­
d u cto r m ade an entrance as he w ent into the orchestra pit.
Balcony, n. The h ighest u pper flo o r in a theatre - балкон, e.g. The seats
in the b alcony are th e cheapest.
9. Tout, n, (AmE) "scalper". S om eone w h o buys tickets for a concert, play,
etc. and sells them at a higher price - маклер, спекулянт, e.g. There were
som e ticket touts near the Dram a Theatre.
10. To club together. For tw o or m ore p eo ple to get together, to share
the purchase o f som ething. Об'єднатися, щ о б разом придбати один
квиток, скинутися.
11. Assume, V.
1 ) to take on the persona, character or attributes of som eo n e - набирати,
набувати (вигляду, характеру, якостей), вж иватися в роль, e.g. A fte r he
was prom oted, he assum ed the style of a director;
2) to take u pon you rself a job, duty o r o b lig a tio n - прийм ати
командування, брати (на себе) відповідальність, e.g. Не assum ed co m ­
mand. She assum ed the responsibility;
3) to suppose, to take for granted, to take as being true - вважати,
припускати, e.g. She assum ed that he w ould be at hom e by m idnight. He
assum ed that w hat he read was true.
Der.: assum ed. Sim ulated or pretended - вигаданий, несправж ній, e.g.
an assum ed nam e - псевдонім.
12. Dynamics, resonance. Two term s from physics that describe the
physical properties of a voice o r sound. Д и н ам іка і резонансність (голосу).
13. Refinement, п.
1 ) an im provem ent o r process o f im proving som eth in g - покращ ення,
удосконалення, e.g. The article needs substantial refinem ent;
2) the process o f m aking a substance m ore p u re -о ч и щ е н н я , переробка,
рафінування, e.g. Sugar refinem ent is a co m ple x tech n o lo g ical process;

332 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

3) the qu ality of being p olite and w ell-educated - витонченість,
делікатність, e.g. It is apparent that she is a w om an of great refinem ent.
C o m b .: refined taste - витончений смак.
14. Trendsetter, n. S om eo ne w ho starts a new fashion or m akes it p o p u ­
lar - законодавець моди, e.g. A n gelin a Jolie is regarded as being a tre n d ­
setter and leader of fashion.
15. On cue. A t the right tim e. W hen a cue or signal is given backstage;
a literal m om en t during the course o f a play to tell the actors and te ch n i­
cians w hen som ething is su pposed to happen. За ком андою , за підказкою .
16. Enraptured, adj. The qu ality o f m aking som eo n e enjoy som eth in g so
m uch th at they can think of nothing else - захоплений, заглиблений, e.g.
The orchestra played before an enraptured audience.
Phr.: to be enraptured - бути в захваті, захопленні.
17. Enunciation, п. Pron ou n cing w ords clearly and carefully - вимова,
дикція, e.g. I co u ld n 't help adm irin g her charm ing voice and her e n u n cia­
18. Waif-like looks. The appearance o f a hom eless o r ab an d on ed skin­
ny child. In this context can best be translated as "Вона виглядала як
безпритульна дитина".
The noun "waif" can mean;
1 ) a hom eless and helpless person, especially a child - бездом на
лю дина, бродяга, безпритульна дитина, e.g. She to o k pity on the tiny
w aif standing in a city alleyway;
2) le g a l a piece of p ro perty found to be ow nerless - нічия річ (викинута
м о р е м тощо), безгосп од арн е майно, e.g. The barn was deem ed a w aif
and subsum ed into the farm er's estate;
3) p o e tic a puff of smoke, a streak of cloud - клуб (диму тощо), e.g. A
w aif drifted across the clear, blue sky.
19. Gait, n. A m anner o f w alking - хода, поступ, e.g. A s he left the h os­
pital, his gait betrayed his discom fort.

7. D ecide w hether the fo llo w in g statem ents are true or false according to
the text.
1. O n the 30th of N o ve m b er 1881 there was a perform ance o f "The Lady
of th e Cam ellias". 2. The in com parable Sarah Bernhardt was perform ing
in the leading role. 3. Each tim e all her perform ances were not sell-outs.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 333

4. Sarah Bernhardt was described as the E m b odim en t of Poetry, the Q ueen
of the Stage and the Star of all Stars. 5. Sarah Bernhardt d id n 't like to shock
p u blic o p in io n and create scandals. 6 . Touts began to buy up the tickets for
tw o boxes at the theatre. 7. Theatre-goers were im pressed by her ro m a n ­
tic style of acting. 8 . Kyivan ladies disregarded Sarah as a trendsetter and
leader o f fashion. 9. Sarah was asham ed o f being so slim. 10. In w inter 1892
Sarah cam e to Kyiv fo r the third tim e. 11. Her voice, her enunciation, her
m anner and gestures were very charm ing. 12. By the tim e of her third visit
to Kyiv Sarah was 22 years old.

8 . Retell the fo llow in g text: a) close to the text in indirect speech; b) as if

you were a spectator o f Sarah's perform ances; c) as if you were Sarah Ber­
nhardt; d) as if you were a theatre critic.

Vocabulary practice

9. Explain the fo llo w in g phrases as they have been used in the text. Trans­
late them into elegan t Ukrainian.
A slig htly m elan choly face; w aif-like looks, the crow d of students, new s­
boys and bystanders; the audiences were enraptured; to contain th e m ­
selves; to be regarded alm ost as a goddess; to assum e m u ltip le characters;
her dynam ics and resonance com e from the soul; eventually; on cue; to be
clu b b in g together; in the context o f her looks; to be subjected to having
her bu ild caricaturized; to catch yo u r eye; face covered in grease-paint.

10. W rite dow n all the adjectives used in the text to describe Sarah and find
th eir Ukrainian equivalents, giving synonym s in Ukrainian fo r each of them
that m ay then be used fo r translation.

11. Find synonym s to the fo llow in g w ords and w ord com binations, consult
the d ictio n ary of synonym s if necessary.
A tour, elegant, a perform ance, to be enraptured by, to describe, extra­
ordinary, to assem ble, brisk, eccentricity, to arrive, leading, to regard, to be
im pressed by, im m ediately, slim, trium ph, to research, fam ous, gossip, a
costum e.

334 M . O . B o3 H a • O. 5. T a n o H i B • O . KD. B a c n /iw e H K O • H. C. XoM eH K O

12. Translate the fo llow in g w ords and w ord co m bin ation s into Ukrainian
and m ake up you r own sentences.
A burly man, the m ost renow ned actress, a packed auditorium , to per­
form the leading role, to be sold out, to be enraptured, E m b od im en t of
Poetry, extraordinary technique, exquisite costum es, eccentricities, to lose
consciousness, to shock p u b lic opin ion , to create scandals, w ith ou t regard
fo r anything, touts, eventually, her exquisite and rom antic style of acting,
gait, refinem ent, a trendsetter, a leader o f fashion, fluffy hair, extrem ely
slim, to catch an eye, enunciation, to be captivated, to focu s on her in co m ­
parable acting techniques, key m om ents, to carve o u t a sculpture.

13. M atch each part of the theatre in th e left-hand colum n w ith its d e fin i­
tion from th e right-hand colum n. Give th eir Ukrainian equivalents.
a) b alcony 1 ) a ticket office
b) dress circle 2) the hall at the entrance to the theatre
c) box 3) sm all enclosed area of a theatre
d) foyer 4) the seats on th e m ain level of a theatre
e) box office 5) the raised area in a theatre where actors perform
f) stalls 6) line of seats fo r p eo ple side by side
g) orchestra pit 7) the h ighest u pper flo o r in a theatre
h) row 8 ) sunken area before the stage where an orchestra may
i) stage 9) upstairs in a theatre

14. Find English equivalents fo r the fo llo w in g Ukrainian w ords and expres­
sions and m ake up you r own sentences.
Зап овн ен а глядацька зала, виконувати головну роль, втілення поезії,
зірка всіх зірок, євр о пей ськи й тріумф, надзвичайна виконавча м ай с­
терність, публіка (аудиторія), влаштувати скандал, ш окувати суспіл ь­
ну думку, незваж аю чи ні на що, глядацький зал, театр од н ого актора,
напоказ, трупа, стримувати себе, ложа, бельетаж, балкон, оркестрова
яма, партер, спекулянт, перепродавати квитки, закон одавець моди,
дикція, бути в захваті, театрал, зм інити ходу, чудовий голос, надзви­
чайно струнка, п иш не волосся, бути враж еним чим ось, незрівнянна
акторська майстерність, привернути увагу, витісувати п рекрасну скуль­
птуру, головні моменти, займати одне місце, взяти за душу.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 335

15. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian using the active v o ­
cabulary o f the lesson.
1. Коли ми п ри й ш ли д о Н а ц іо н а л ь н о ї о п е р и України, глядацька
зала була вж е зап овн ен а. 2. Після за кін ч ен н я вистави в театрі од н о го
актора, публіка почала аплодувати. 3. Н езрівн ян н а, елегантна, ч а р ів ­
на Сара Б е рн а р ви кон увала гол о вн у р о л ь у виставі "Дама з к а м е л ія ­
ми". 4. її н ад зви чай н а ви кон авча м ай стерн ість, ви ш укан і костю м и,
ч а р ів н а з о в н іш н ість сп равил и велике враж ення на київ ськи х гляда­
чів. 5. Коли п р о в ід н и й актор Театру р о с ій с ь к о ї д р а м и ім. Л. У к р а їн ­
ки з явився на сцені, вся увага п убліки була зо сер ед ж ен а на його
б л и ск уч ій грі. 6 . Як тільки після ф ін а л ь н о ї сц ен и завіса опустилася,
глядачі були настільки збудж ені, щ о не могли стри м увати се б е і п о ­
чали гучно аплодувати. 7. О скіл ьки всі білети в партері та ло ж і на
п р е м 'єр у вистави "К орол ь Л ір" були вж е п родані, нам з а п р о п о н у в а ­
ли м ісц я на б а л кон і аб о в бельетаж і. 8 . На всякий випадок, не купуй
білети у театральних спекулянтів, вони м ож уть легко об в ести тебе
н авколо пальця. 9. Ця п р о в ід н а а м е р и к а н ськ а актриса м ає в и то н ­
чени й см ак, н еаб и які акто рські зд іб н о сті та н ад зви ч ай н о п р и в а б л и ­
ву зо вн іш н ість. 10. Ця м од ел ь вваж ається з а к о н о д а в и ц е ю су ч а сн о ї
м оди. 11. Н авіть заядлі театрали були враж ен і р о м а н ти ч н и м стилем
в иконання, о р и гін а л ь н о ю м а н е р о ю та у н ік а л ьн и м талантом актриси
О льги С ум ської. 12. Критики називали С ар у Б е рн а р втіл ен н ям поезії,
к о р о л е в о ю сцени, з ір к о ю всіх зір о к. 13. Н е зваж аю ч и ні на що, ак-
т о р -п о ч а тк ів е ц ь п р о д о в ж ув а в уд оскон ал ю вати св о ю д и кц ію . 14. Д и ­
н а м іч н ість та р езо н а н сн ість голосу актора п р и го л о м ш и л и публіку.
15. П'єса Чехова "Чайка", в п ер ш е п оставлена в А л е к с а н д р и н с ь к о м у
театрі у П етербурзі, була осви ста н а глядачам и і не мала успіху.
16. Вона зай м ається театральн и м м и сте ц тв о м вж е б іл ьш е двадцяти
р оків. 17. О тр и м ати а уд ієн ц ію у карди нала було нелегко. 18. Всі п р и ­
сутні зверн ули увагу на й ого театральну поведінку. 19. Л ік а р і бага­
тьох країн нам агалися стри м ати е п ід е м ію грипу. 20. Д ів ч и н к а з ц ік а ­
вістю зазирнула в о р к е с тр о в у яму. 2 1 . Її вигляд б е зп р и т у л ь н о ї д и ти н и
завж д и викли кав співчуття. 22. Речі з затонулого корабля вваж алися
н іч и й н и м и і були п ід іб р а н і селянам и. 23. Б ал ери н у м ож н а завж д и
впізнати за її л е гк о ю ходою .

336 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

16. Translate the fo llo w in g text from U krainian into English. Use th e fo l­
low in g key-w ords: "Лебедине озеро" - "Swan Lake", а ф іш а - a p layb ill,
в в ій т и в іс т о р ію - to enter history, б а л е т м е й с т е р і кер івн и к гр у ­
пи - choreography director, н езваж аю чи на невд ач у - in spite o f failure,
п р ем 'єр а - first n ig h t or prem iere, п а р т ія - the role of, суха м узи ка - u n ­
im a g in a tiv e music, п о с т а н о в к а (в зн а ч е н н і х о р е о гр а ф іч н о ї ін т е р п р е ­
т а ц ії) - choreography o r interpretation, нова п о с т а н о в к а (у зн а че н н і
н ового с п е к т а к л ю ) - new presentation, б а л е т н а класи ка - classical
ballet, п е р е н е с т и на сц ен у - to transfer to the stage, з в е р н у т и с я до
ш е д ев р у - to return to a m asterpiece.

"Лебедине озеро" Петра Чайковського

Навесні 1876 року П етро Ілліч Ч айковський заверш ив роботу над

св оїм п ерш и м балетом. Радість і піднесення охопили ком позитора,
який сер цем і р о зу м о м відчув, щ о м узика вдалася.
Захоп лен о взялася за ро б о ту й трупа М о ско в сь к о го Больш ого Те­
атру. Через 10 м ісяців афіша сповістила п ро прем'єру. 20 лю того
1877 р оку ввій ш л о в історію м у зи ч н о ї культури. У цей д ен ь вперш е
було п оказан о "Л ебедине озеро". О д н ак постановка вийш ла невд а­
лою . Для публіки, щ о п рийш ла на п рем 'єрн у виставу, м узика Ч а й к о в ­
ського видалася сухою й м о н о то н н о ю . Та, н езваж аю чи на невдачу
п е р ш о ї постановки, балет П. Ч ай ковсько го не забувся. Правда, м ине
нем ало років, поки до нього звернуться такі визначні хореограф и, як
Л ев Іванов, М а р іу с Петіпа та О лексан д р Горський. Вони зум ію ть п р о ­
читати "Л ебедине озеро" п о -сп р а в ж н ь о м у глибоко й дати друге вічне
життя балетн ом у шедевру.
Сценіч на біограф ія "Л ебединого озера" у Києві розпочалася у д в ад ­
цяті роки XX століття. Балетна трупа підготувала й показала виставу
"Лебедине озеро" у 1926 році. Л е он ід Жуков, зап р ош е н и й до Києва
балетм ейстром і керівн и ко м трупи, зі знанням справи переніс на ки їв­
ську сц ен у постановку О. Горського, здійснену М о ско в сь к и м Больш им
Театром. П артію Зігфріда виконав Л е он ід Жуков, а роль О д іл ії- м олода
київська балерина Віра М архасіна.
В 1937 році Галина Березова здійснила нову п остановку "Л ебед и но­
го озера", вона створила хви л ю ю ч у ром ан ти чн у д р а м у з чітким р о з ­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 337

витком сюжету. Згодом театр щ е тричі звертався д о н еп ер евер ш ен ого
ш едевру російської балетної класики. В 1970 ро ц і кияни озн ай ом ил и ся
з п остан овкою Роберта Клявіна, у 1980 році побачили інтерпретацію
твору, здійснен у хореограф ом А н атолієм Ш екерою . У 1986 р о ц і під
час гастролей к и ївсько ї трупи в Іспанії відбулася прем 'єра "Лебединого
озера" в п остановці Валерія Ковтуна, яка мала великий успіх.

(За м а т е р іа л а м и т е а т р а л ь н о ї програми)

17. H old a ro un d-table discussion on the fo llo w in g topics:

1. A rt speaks a universal language.
2. A rt is a pow erful m edium o f the expression of the national soul and
3. Youth and m odern art.
4. W h at m akes g o o d art?

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. If th ings are h ig g le d y -p ig g le d y , they're ...

a) lost; b. ju st discovered; c) dirty; d) scattered everyw here

2. If you're having an argy-bargy, you 're involved in ...

a) an argum ent; b) a war; c) a rush fo r the exit; d) a scram ble fo r lim ited
su p p ly o f g o o d s

3. If you d o som eth in g w illy-n illy , you d o i t ...

a) carelessly; b) quickly; c) w rongly; d) su perbly

4. If som eth in g's w ishy-w ashy, it's ...

a) clean; b) bland; c) dirty; d) overused

5. A n itw it is a ...
a) bird; b) fish; c) fool; d) large sandwich.

338 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Look th rou gh the fo llo w in g co m m en ts before reading th e dialogues.

Com m ents

1. Werewolf (pi werewolves), n. A person who changes into a wolf every month
when the moon is full - перевертень, вовкулака, e.g. Werewolves are the main
characters of this new film.
2. W ild West Shows can be translated into Ukrainian as "шоу дикого Заходу".
3. Caterwauling. A loud, discordant screeching or screaming noise, originally
from the noise a cat on heat makes. Верещання, крик, тут: безладна гра оркестру.
4. I've just got to. Formal spoken English to mean "I find it necessary to", which
itself would usually only ever be formal written English.

2. Listen to the recording o f the fo llo w in g dialogues. Repeat after the

speakers trying to reproduce all th e intonation as best as possible.

3. Learn the pronu nciation o f the pro pe r nam es and then from a d ictio n ary
find the tran scription o f the o th er words. Practice th eir pronunciation.
Led Z e ppe lin /'led 'zepslin/, Lynyrd Skynyrd /'len3:d skin3 :d/, invariably,
caterw auling, orchestra, series, werewolves, ballet.

D ia lo g u e 1: H ollyw ood legends

Tanya: There it is! The Robin H ood statue. I'm

glad we cam e to N o ttin g h am to see it.
Ian: W ell yes, but I d o n 't really th in k there ever
really was such a person.
T: W hat do you mean? Have you any idea how many
film s and TV series have been m ade about him?
I: Q u ite - cinem a and television have created a

Англійська мова. II КУРС 339

T: Thanks for sp oiling m y illusions, but you could well be right. W e re ­
w o lv e s were created by H ollyw ood, as I read recently.
I: That's right - it ju st seem s as th o u g h it's history. It's actually en te rtain ­
T: Then there are cow boys - o r perhaps I m ean to say, there weren't. That
was a w h ole culture created by H ollyw ood.
I: A lot of that cam e from the "W ild W e st S h ow s" that were m ore like
circuses travelling around the U SA around the tim e the m otion picture
in d ustry was being created.
T: Still, it m akes you wonder. Do you th in k Robin H ood really looked like
Kevin Costner?

D ialog u e 2: Listening to m usic

Ira: I've ju s t g o t to listen to m usic all the tim e - as soon as I wake up, in
Richard: D on't we all know it? I was w oken up by som e unearthly ca ter­
w a u lin g co m in g from yo u r room early this m orning.
I: That was a classic track - "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin.
R: A n y other tim e o f the day I'd alm ost agree with you. Did you know
that song was voted to p rock track ever in a m assive poll they did in the
USA in 2004?
I: W h y alm ost? W hat's y o u r favourite track?
R: The one that was voted n um ber two, "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I
love playing that in the car w hen I'm driving.
I: There you are. That's the sam e thing. I listen to m usic w hen I'm w aking
up, you listen w hen driving.
R: Yes, but you invariably wake everyone else up. I only run the risk of
w aking up a traffic policem an.

D ialo g u e 3: Swan Lake

Darren: You know, that's the first tim e in all my fo rty years that I've ever
been to a ballet perform ance.
N ina: That's really am azing. I try to g et to the theatre to the ballet at least
once a m onth and I've been g o in g since I was little.

340 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

D: No, I'd only ever seen little bits on the telly and it ju st looked stupid
N: So w hat did you m ake o f it on stage?
D: Fantastic - Tchaikovsky from an orchestra, th e lighting, the costum es,
and you co u ld see, alm ost feel, the skill of the dancers. Totally different.
N: So w hy isn't there m ore ballet in Britain?
D: N o t a clue, except m aybe it's ju s t to o expensive to stage, like opera,
since you need so m any highly skilled m usicians and dancers.
N: M m m . I really hope ou r O pera Theatre can co n tin u e to give such per­
form ances at reasonable prices.

5. Find English equivalents to the follow in g w ords and expressions from

the dialogues:
Вовкулака, ш оу "дикого Заходу", статуя Робіна Гуда, створю вати л е ­
генду, ковбой, кінематографія, звукова доріж ка, телевізійний серіал,
поставити оперу, д освід чен і музиканти, розвіяти ілюзії, нестерпне ве­
рещ ання, незм інно, п о м ір н і ціни, зробити фільм про, запис рок-м узи -
ки, який зайняв н айвищ у сходинку в гіт-параді, грати музику, даїш ник.

6 . M atch th e fo llow in g phrases from the d ia lo g u e with th eir possib le trans­

lations into Ukrainian.
There it is! Це дивує!
I've ju st g o t to ... Ну ти даєш! або Справді?
That's really am azing. От бачиш!
It makes you wonder! А ось і вона!
So w hat did you m ake of it on stage? Ж о д н о ї уяви!
N o t a clue! Ну і як тобі це сп о д о бал ось на
There you are! Точно!
That's right! Я м аю на увазі...
I m ean to say ... Я просто повинен...
You co u ld well be right! Ти д ій сн о маєш слушність!

7. Practise reading the dialogues. Translate the d ialog u es as best as you

can. Retell the d ialog u es in class close to the text.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 341

8. Review the voca b u lary of the Lesson by qu ickly giving Ukrainian eq u iva­
lents to the fo llow in g w ords and expressions:


P erform ing arts, to create, a m usical co m ed y theatre, a dram a theatre, a

national opera house, an audience, a packed auditorium , a scene, a stage,
an actor, an actress, a star, the stalls, a box, a circle, a balcony, an orchestra
pit, an upper-circle, scenery, a rehearsal, a first night, a box-office, an inter­
val, a stage version, to inspire, to assum e, a long run, m ainstream theatre,
to encourage, a curtain, a playw right, cast, to encore, to entertain, to show
off, to trigger, to shatter, to convey m ood, vivid, a m instrel, a rep erto ry
com pany, to re-enact, virtual, gait, a script, a tout, a trendsetter, e n u n ci­
ation, to be enraptured by, a leadin g role, to be a sell-out, acting te c h ­
niques, a theatre-goer, grease-paint, to carve out, to contain oneselves,

9. M ake up your ow n d ialog u es on the fo llo w in g topics:

1) G o in g to the N ational O pera House.
2) Listening to yo u r favourite music.
3) Discussing the first n ight at the Ukrainian Dram a Theatre.

10. Dram atize the fo llo w in g situations.

1. You are a fam ous actor (actress). You have ju st returned hom e from
the first night of the play in w hich you starred. Share you r im pressions
with the m em bers of yo u r family.
2. Your friend and you are planning to g o to the theatre together. Discuss
w hat theatre in Kyiv you w ou ld like to attend and w hat perform ance
to see.
3. You have b o u g h t a ticket to the theatre but now you find you w on 't
be able to go. Telephone you r friends to ask w ho w ou ld like the ticket.
4. You are at a ticket agent's w in d o w and you w ant to see either the play
or the ballet of ''Rom eo and Juliet", but you w ant to find ou t w hich
is the better perform ance and w hat is being p erform ed w hen yo u r
cousin is visiting you.

342 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапоьпв • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

5. You are accom panying a Swedish v isitor w ho w ou ld like to g o to the
O peretta but doe sn't know m ost o f the com po sers p o p u lar in Ukraine.
D escribe to him w ho are th e m ost p o p u lar and why.

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W h at can't you teach new trick s to?

a) fat cat; b) heavy horse; c) lazy cow; d) old dog

2. S om eth in g w hich is lo w -b ro w is ...

a) intelligent; b) stupid; c) sad; d) happy

3. If you g o D u tch in a restaurant, you ...

a) share th e bill; b) run away w ith ou t paying the bill; c) eat Edam cheese;
d) eat nothing

4. The ins an d o u ts are ...

a) the exits; b) the ideas; c) the doors; d) all the details

5. C o m p lete th e saying O n e s w a llo w d o e s n 't m ake ...

a) fo r a full stom ach; b) you drunk; c) a spring; d) a summer.

1. Find in Text 1 "The Perform ing Arts" all the exam ples of n on -finite form s
of the verb. State w hich are gerunds, infinitives o r participles.

2. Fill each gap with an ap p ro priate prepositio n from the fo llo w in g list:
about, at, for, in, of, on. Translate the sentences from English.into Ukrainian.
1 .1 d o a p o lo g ize ... brin ging Rachel but she insisted ... com ing. 2. M o st
p oliticians are extrem ely skilled ... speaking in public. 3. Even th o u g h he
had b ecom e bored ... d o in g the sam e th ing day in and day out, he was
nervous ... m aking a change. 4. A g o o d salesperson is c le v e r ... persuading
p eo p le to buy things th ey d o n 't really need. 5. I'm n ot responsible ... brea­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 343

king the vase. It was Greg's fault. 6 . Due to the increasing num ber of bur­
glaries in the area, the police are w arning p e o p le ... leaving th eir w indow s
open durin g the day. 7. A lth o u g h A drian is perfectly capable ... getting
g o o d marks, he never does. 8 . The exam iner congratu lated G raem e ... pass­
ing his driving test first time. 9. Despite the strong wind, we succeeded ...
putting up o u r tent. 10. David is g o o d ... draw ing but he isn't really inter­
ested ... becom in g an architect.

3. Put the verbs to wonder, to make, to buy, to give, to see, to repair, to think
into either the Infinitive or the G erund form and fill in the blanks. Translate
the d ia lo g u e from English into Ukrainian.
A: W here's yo u r new hi-fi?
B: Oh, It w ent wrong. It k e p t ... a funny noise. I to o k it back to the shop.
A: Did you get you r m oney back?
B: W ell, first they offered ... it, so I asked ... the manager. In the end she
agreed ... m e back the money.
A: A n d are you g oing to get an oth er one?
В: I d o n 't know. I w a n t ... abo ut it. I can't help ... if I really need a hi-fi after
all. A n d I can't afford ... a very g o o d one.

4. C o m p lete the sentences, repeating the verb. Use either Infinitive or Ger­
1. M y sister w ent to co llege and I hope ... there too. 2. W ill you ap p ly for
university? - W ell, I am considering ... . 3. W here w ou ld you like to w ork?
In an office? - No, I d o n 't fancy ... indoors. 4. W hen are you starting you r
jo b ? - Next m onth. I am really looking forw ard to it. I can't w a it .... 5 .1 can
operate the m achine on m y own now. It to o k a few days to learn ... it p ro p ­
erly. 6 . H ow m uch will you earn? - I d o n 't know. I w ant ... m ore than I do
now. 7 . 1 sh ou ld n 't m iss this o p p o rtu n ity of getting another qualification. If
I d o n 't take it now, I risk ... my chance of prom otion. 8 . 1 saw Live 8 live on
the television. I w o u ld n 't m ind ... it again on a stream ing site. 9 . 1 found the
vocab ulary com plex. N o w that I've been checking in the dictionary, I'm ... it
easier. 1 0 .1 ate chicken fo r lunch. I'd like ... chicken again tom orrow .

5. C o m p lete the story ab o u t this H o llyw o o d m usical by inserting the

G erund or the Participle. Translate it from English into Ukrainian.

344 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

(To sin g) in the R ain, a 1952 Gene Kelly m usical film, chronicled H o lly ­
w oo d 's transition from silent film s to "(to talk) pictures".
The m ovie has an in telligen t plot, w hich con tribu tes to the w ork (to be)
often classified as the best m usical co m ed y ever. (To focus) on them es of
how certain arts m ay be view ed as (to be) in ferior to others, o r the im ­
m ortal if you 've seen one o f them, you 've seen them a ll are to d a y as vivid
as ever. The film was directed by G ene Kelly and Stanley Donen. Kelly was
also responsible fo r the c h o re o g ra p h y - a ll the (to dance). (To shoot) for the
film began on June 18, 1951 and was co m ple ted on N o ve m b er 21, 1951.
The au d io co m m e n ta ry on the m ovie's "Special Edition" DVD, (to describe)
the (to film), includes a claim that the origin al negative was destroyed in a
fire. (To take) into account such problem s, the m ovie has nevertheless been
d ig ita lly restored to an im pressive standard of picture and sound quality.

6. W rite th e correct form o f the verb in brackets. If tw o form s are possible,

w rite both. Translate the text into Ukrainian.
Christine enjoys ... (to visit) her cousin, Kate, at least every few m onths.
Kate can't resist ...(to do) exciting, even scary, things. She ju st has ... (to ex­
perience) new thrills. Christine decid ed ... (to ascend) with Kate in a hot-air
balloon to experim ent with (to take) p h otogra phs of the region from the
air. Unfortunately, and typically, she d id n 't ... (to re m e m b e r)... (to take) her
camera. Kate ... (to shoot) ph o to g ra p h s by the dozen so that she w ould
n e v e r... (to forget) the w onderfu l view. A fter ab o u t an hour, they co u ld see
lighten in g ... (to flash) and ... (to hear) the crash o f th u n d e r on the horizon.
W hen the hot-air balloon was ... (to fo rc e ).... (to land), several p eo ple dow n
below stopped ... (to goggle). People shouted and began ... (to wave) to the
hot-air balloon. C hristine and Kate ... (to be) h a p p y ... (to be) on the ground.
Kate co u ld n 't w a it ... (to go) parascending.

7. Put the verb in brackets in either Gerund o r Infinitive.

1. R em em ber (to lock) the d o o r w hen you leave the house. 2 .1 rem em ber
(to fall) ou t o f m y pram w hen I was a baby. 3. Stop (to make) such a terrible
noise. 4. Carol stopped (to light) a cigarette. 5. I m ustn't forg et (to buy)
Jane a b irth day card. 6 . I'll never forg et (to meet) my husband fo r the first
tim e. 7 . 1 always try (to d o m y best). 8 . If you can't d o this exercise, try (to
ask) a friend fo r help. 9. Ian started (to play) g o lf last year. 10. Oh, look!

Англійська мова. II КУРС 345

Its starting (to rain). 1 1 .1 need (to speak) to you. 12. The house needs (to
paint). 13. Do you like (to cook)? 1 4 .1 like (to cook) som eth in g special when
guests com e. 1 5 .1 like (to pay) bills on time. 16. M an d y isn't speaking to me
because I fo rg o t (to get) her a birthday present. 1 7 .1 d o n 't rem em ber (to
wish) her H appy Birthday either. 18. British Rail regrets (to inform ) passen­
gers of the cancellation o f the 10:06 to G lasgo w Q ueen Street. 19. It's g o o d
(to visit) lots o f different countries because (to travel) broadens the mind.
2 0 .1 m eant (to get up) earlier but I fo rg o t (to set) m y alarm clock. 2 1 .1 hope
Sharon w on 't regret (to leave) school at 16. 22. M y uncle d id n 't give up (to
sm oke) even after the d o cto r told him he risked (to have) a heart attack if
he continued. 2 3 . 1 can't help (to w onder) how A n d y m anages (to afford)
such an expensive car on his salary. 24. Pleased (to meet) you. Glad (to
hear) that you 're enjoying your stay. 25. Can you im agine (to be) fam ous
and (to have) en ough m oney to d o w hatever you like?

8 . Replace the parts in bold type by geru ndial phrases.

1. When the girl entered the room, she glanced a little w o n d e rin g l
at the faces o f the three men. 2. He felt m uch better after he had been
operated on. 3. Just before I got into my apartment I was app roach ed by
a m an w ho asked m e if I was a doctor. 4. This w om an's face attracted his
attention as fam iliar fo r he rem em bered that she had passed by several
times. 5. Roberta insisted that Clyde should marry her as she had realized
she was pregnant. 6 . While he was writing his report, he rem em bered that
he had forgotten to m ention som e facts. 7. W hen she saw him she stop p ed
reading at on ce and put the letter away and even did not comment in
any way upon what she was reading. 8 . The w h ole n e ig h b o rh o o d was so
dreary and run-dow n that he hated the th o u g h t that he would have to live
there. 9. W hen Tom Griffith cam e back from Leeds on that particular day,
after he had concluded several sales there, he was inclined to feel very
m uch at ease.

9. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences from Ukrainian into English using e i­

th er Gerund or Infinitive.
1. Д ж о р д ж ненавидить, щ о його турбую ть під час перегляду телеві
зійних новин. 2. М аленькі діти дуж е люблять, коли їм читають. 3. Ви не
заперечуєте, щ об провітрити кімнату? Тут дуж е ж арко. 4. М оя тітка з б и ­

346 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко ♦ Н. С. Хоменко

рається їхати поїздом , оскільки вона не м ож е переносити подорож ей
літаком. 5. Й ого бабуся не лю би ть прийм ати гостей. 6 . Ви не проти п о ­
казати св о ї картини? 7. Я купив св о єм у брату в под ар ун ок книгу Дена
Брауна. - А що, він захоплю ється читанням детективів? 8 . Я не лю бл ю
перебивати людей, і не лю блю , коли м ене п еребиваю ть також.

10. Translate the sentences into English using either Gerund or Infinitive
1. Дуглас заперечує, щ о бачив цього чоловіка раніше. 2. Л ікар ска­
зав, щ о він щ е досить слабкий, і п оради в відкласти поїздку на декілька
тижнів. 3. Н амагайтесь бути на со нц і не дуже д овго - це ш кодить ва­
ш о м у зд ор ов'ю . 4. Н езваж аю чи на те, щ о він увій ш ов у кімнату, М ер і
продовж увала говорити по телефону. 5. Читаю чи цю розповідь, ми не
могли не сміятися. 6 . Я так стомилася, щ о мені зовсім не хочеться п р и ­
бирати в кімнаті. 7. Й о м у слід цінувати те, щ о в нього такі батьки, але він
не дуж е уваж ний д о них. 8 . Погода була чудова, і мама запропонувала
пообідати на св іж о м у повітрі. 9. Д ивно, ч о м у він уникає говорити на
цю тему. 10. Не м о ж у терпіти, коли зі м н о ю розм овляю ть таким тоном.
11. П очувш и каш ель Сема, містер Потт перестав читати газету й п од и ­
вився в його сторону. 12. Як довго ви тренувалися грати цю м ело д ію на
скри п ці? 13. Уявіть, щ о вас запросили д о Букінгем ського палацу. 14. Під
час суду підзахисний визнав, щ о розб и в вітрину, але заперечував, щ о
чинив о п ір арешту. 15. На жаль, цього тижня я пропустила перегляд
свого улю бленого шоу. 16. Він так і не кинув палити, не дивлячись на
поради лікаря й благання матері.

11. Use the correct form o f the infinitive o f the verb in brackets in active or
passive voice.
1. This tree should (to cut) dow n. It is dangerous. 2. W e agreed (to meet)
each oth er ou tside the cinem a. 3. It's great (to finish) ou r exams. 4. She's
late. She m ust (to forget) o u r appointm ent. 5. He hopes (to select) to play
in the next week's foo tball match. 6 . 1 offered (to pay) for the meal, but she
refused. 7. I'd like (to meet) Prince Charles. 8 . 1 sent m y suit (to dry-clean).
9. Sue and Richard are always arguing. They seem (to have) a few problem s.
10. I'm sorry (to disturb) you, but can you tell me the tim e? 11. You should
(to work), not still w atching the television. 12. I'd like (to see) her face when

Англійська мова. II КУРС 347

you told her the news! 13. I'm glad I'm not fam ous. I'd hate (to recognize)
all the tim e. 14. You should (to tell) m e you were com ing. 15. This essay is
overdue. It was m eant (to hand) in last week.

12. Insert the particle to where, and on ly where necessary.

1. The brave boy helped the partisans ... find th e w ay to the railway line
in the dead of the night. 2. He w ould s o o n e r ... die than ... betray his friends.
3. Suvorov was never know n ... retreat. 4. W h y n o t ... start ou t now? W e ca n ­
not wait fo r the w e a th e r... change. 5. Have you ever heard him ... com plain
of difficulties? 6 . He was never heard ... co m pla in o f difficulties. 7. You'll be
lon ely tom orrow . You'd b e t t e r ... co m e and ... din e with us. 8 . D o n't let us ...
waste time. 9 . 1 have never know n him ... d o such things. 1 0 .1 know him ...
have been an actor once. 11. W e'd better ... m ake haste. 12. You ou g h t
n o t ... sit up so late. 13. W h at m ade you ... th ink so? 14. "Thanks," A n d rew
answered, "I'd ra th e r... see the cases for myself." 15. He was m ade ... d o this
w ork independently. 16. He seem s ... know a great deal ab o u t music. 1 7 .1
th o u g h t I w ou ld r a t h e r ... get to the gallery alone, but I was o b lig e d ... a c­
cep t his com pany. 18 ... have g o n e th rou gh w hat you have g on e th rou g h is
the lot o f very few. 19. I'll have him ... tell the truth. 20. A ll I have now tim e ...
d o i s ... send them a telegram .

13. Put the fo llo w in g infinitives with and w ith ou t to: look, be, have, buy,
stay, read, get, leave, change, forget, feel.
A: A re you sure you 'll ... all right on y o u r own?
B: Yes, of course. I can m anage ... after myself. I'm pleased Kate invited
you ....
A: W e're g o in g ... som e fun, I ju s t know it.
B: It's a long journey. Let m e ... you a m agazine ....
A: N o t w hen I'm travelling. You know it m akes m e ... sick, even in a train.
I'd rather j u s t ... ou t o f th e window.
B: OK. W ell, you'd b e tte r... in. I think it's a b o u t .... Oh, did I rem ind you ...
at Birm ingham ?
A: Yes, you did. I w o n 't ... .

14. Fill the gaps with on e of the fo llo w in g adjectives: sorry, delighted, safe,
kind, nice, interesting, impossible, m ean. Use th e Infinitive constructions.

348 M. O. B o3 H a « O. B. T a n o H iB • O. IO. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoMem<o

1. It's ... to cut with this knife. It's blunt. 2. It was very ... to m eet you.
I hope w e m eet again soon. 3. Is i t ... to w alk here alon e at night? 4. It was
very ... o f John to buy such a cheap present. 5. W e were all ... to hear you r
g o o d news. 6 . It was very ... o f you to give m e a lift. 7. I'm ... to hear that
yo u r m other isn't well. 8 . She's very ... to talk to. W e had som e g o o d chats.

15. Translate the sentences into English using active or passive infinitives.
1. Й м о в ір н о , щ о вони братимуть участь у цій роботі. 2. Н ем о ж л и во
підтримувати п оря д ок у будинку, м аю ч и п'ятьох дітей. 3. О лена була
дуж е здивована, коли зустріла його на конф еренції. 4. Я п он ц і - дуж е
працьовита нація. В Я п о н ії незви чн о мати довгі відпустки. 5. Й м о вір н о ,
щ о будинок був збудований на початку X I X сторіччя. 6. Я не м аю права
заборон яти тобі. Ти вільний робити, щ о хочеш . 7. Він сподівається, щ о
й о м у пощ астить виграти дж ек-пот у лотерею . 8 . Туристи впевнені,
щ о їм зап р оп он ую ть цікаві екскурсії. 9. Не хвилю йтеся, ви н ео д м ін н о
отрим аєте від п овідь н ай бл иж чи м часом . 10. Діти були розчаровані, щ о
їм не купили м орозива.

16. Chan ge the sentences using on e o f the form s of th e Participle.

1. As he was a skilful engineer, he m anaged to d o th e jo b in a short time.
2. As she was tired, she m ade up her m ind to stay at hom e. 3. There were
no mistakes, as the report had been checked carefully. 4. He often leaves
his keys in the office, as he is absent-m inded. 5. A re they engaged? - No!
He is so shy, that he hasn't p ro po sed yet. 6 . She can't go fo r a walk, as she is
grounded. 7. He hasn't g o t m uch money, because he is unem ployed. 8 . He
org an ized charity dinners, as he to o k pleasure from being a philanthropist.
9. He tends to be invited to each concert, as he has b ecom e very fam ous.
10. He co u ld easily catch thieves, as he was very athletic. 11. The flow ers
lo o k fresh and beautiful. The garden er w aters them every m orning. 12. He
co u ld n 't refuse, because his m oth er asked him to help. 13. This dress suits
you m uch better, now that the ta ilo r has shortened it. 1 4 .1 can't g o with
you, as m y father to ld m e not to. 1 5 .1 m ustn't use m y boss's com puter. He
p ro hib ited me. 16. M y sister d o e sn 't eat much. The d o c to r advised her to
keep to a strict diet. 17. The g o o d s were dam aged. The have been tran s­
ported badly by train. 18. She co u ld n 't pay the bus fare, as pickpockets stole
her purse. 19. He stayed alive. A skilful surgeon operated on him. 20. They

Англійська мова. II КУРС 349

show ed him a beautiful diam ond. He co u ld n 't overcom e the tem p tation to
buy it. 21. All his relatives criticized his work; that's w hy he d id n 't publish
his book.

17. Fill the gaps with one of the fo llo w in g verbs feel, borrow, explain, say,
direct, study, finish, take, know, steal in either its Present or Past Participle
1. A fte r ... her exams, Shirley w ent ou t to celebrate. 2. A n tiq u e silver ...
in the ro bbery has never been recovered. 3. I g o t an em ail from the Elec­
tricity co m pa n y ... that I ow e them £345. 4. ... hungry, I d ecid ed to make
m yself a sandwich. 5. Books ... from the library m ust be returned in three
weeks. 6 . N o t ... w hat to do, she burst ou t crying. 7 . 1 had a long talk with
Jed, ... w hy it was im p o rtan t for him to w ork hard. 8 . ... everything into
consideration, I've decid ed to give you a second chance. 9. The W ar of the
W o rld s ,... by Stephen Spielberg, was released in 2005.

18. C h oo se a verb to use in each pair o f sentences. N o te that in each pair

of sentences the sam e verb is used tw ice as P articiple I and as Participle II.
1. I hurt m y leg ... football. Canasta is a gam e ... by fo u r people. 2. On
m y iPod there is a sticker, w hich says ... in Japan. I have a jo b in a fast-food
restaurant ... sandwiches. 3. I've spent the w h ole m orning ... an essay. On
the wall, there was som e graffiti ... in big black letters. 4. G o o d s ... in the
sales cannot be exchanged. I've spent all m y m oney ... Christm as presents.
5. The police caught the b u r g la r ... into a house. Careful! There's a lot o f ...
glass on the floor. 6 . Books ... from the library m ust be returned w ithin three
weeks. M y relatives all seem ed to co m e at o n c e ,... m oney to pay th eir bills.

19. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English using Participle I.

1. Він п о п р о си в її продовж увати розповідь, о б іц я ю ч и більш е не
перебивати її. 2. Не отрим авш и листів від свого батька, вона послала
й о м у телеграму. 3. Товари, щ о виробляю ться на текстильній фабриці,
користую ться попитом . 4. Боб стояв, сп ерш и сь на стіл. 5. Катаю чись на
ковзанах, хл оп чи к впав і зламав ногу. 6 . Розп овід аю чи тему, слід вж и ­
вати якомога більш е нових слів. 7. Листя, щ о леж ало на землі, нагаду­
вало нам п ро осінь. 8 . Є багато книг, щ о оп и сую ть пригоди відваж них
лю дей. 9. П ереходячи через міст, ми побачили Пітера, щ о р озм овляв

350 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

з яко ю сь дуж е гарною д івчи н ою . 10. Коли я й ш ов д о інституту, я зу­
стрів од н ого із своїх давніх друзів. 11. Всі студенти, щ о беруть участь
у цій роботі, п ови н ні прийти д о інституту в суботу. 12. Ви п ов и н н і бути
уваж н іш и м и , граю чи в шахи. 13. Капітан стояв на палубі, даю чи р о з п о ­
рядження м атросам . 14. Вони йшли дуж е швидко, р о зм о вл я ю ч и про
щ ось із цікавістю . 15. Д е я м о ж у знайти сп и со к ж урналів і газет, щ о от­
ри м ує наша бібліотека? 16. Залізниця, щ о з'єднує це село з містом, була
збудована м инулого року. 17. Вивчаю чи ви м о ву слів, ми запам'ятали їх
значення. 18. Не знаю чи н ічого про небезпеку, ми продовж ували наш
шлях через ліс.

20. Translate the sentences into English. You have to d écid é w heth er to use
Infinitive o r Participle.
1. Коли я повертався додому, я побачив, як вона стояла на зупинці
та чекала на автобус. 2. Д ж он сидів у вітальні й спостерігав, як його
сестра дочитала останню сторінку й закрила книжку. 3. Ти чув, щ о мій
плем ін ни к вступив д о худ ож н ьої ш коли? - Д ивно, я ніколи не бачив, як
він малю є. 4. Ф едір чув, щ о д звонить будильник, але не міг п р о к и н у ти ­
ся. 5. Викладач почув, як прод звен ів дзвоник, і відпустив студентів на
перерву. 6 . Я б хотів побачити, як він грає у теніс. 7. Д івчин а відчувала,
щ о над ним смію ться, але не могла й о м у нічим д оп ом огти . 8 . Я чув, як
його зарахували до ф утбольної ком анди н аш о ї школи. 9. Ти чуєш, щ о
хтось плаче? - Так, я щ о й н о бачив, як маленька дівчи н ка впала. 10. Ти
чув, щ о М а р к і Д ж ейн розлучились? - Д ивно, але ж ніхто ніколи не чув,
щ о б вони сварились. 11. Я бачив, як вона заходила на пошту, мабуть,
щ о б відправити листа своїй тітці. 12. Кейт не побачила, як Том увій ш ов
д о кімнати, й продовж увала розповідати см іш н і істор ії п р о нього.

21. Translate th e sentences into English using the n on -finite form s o f the
1. Було дуж е п р и єм н о гуляти в лісі в такий спекотний день. 2. Н іко ­
ли не пізно визнати св о ї п ом илки. 3. Я почуваю ся досить погано, щ об
їхати з ним д о міста. 4. Чи є хто вдома, хто міг би доглянути за хворим ,
поки приїде сестра? 5. Він чекав, щ о вона заговорить, але здавалося,
щ о він ніколи не почує її відповіді. 6 . Я хочу, щ об ви сказали мені, щ о ви
знаєте п ро ці події. 7. Пізніше, увечері, вони піш ли д о кафе, щ о б д о них

Англійська мова. II КУРС 351

приєднався м олоди й художник, з яким вони зустрілись у студії. 8 . Я д о ­
сить поганий шахіст, щ о б давати вам поради. 9. Коли ми вийшли, ми
побачили, щ о таксі вже поїхало. 10. Газетні заголовки іноді дуж е важ­
ко перекладати. 11 . О лівер почув, як відкрилася хвіртка, і, виглянувши
у вікно, він побачив, як Д ж он іш ов через садок. 12. Чи з ваш им другом
легко мати справу? 13. Чи м ож е бути щ ось зроб лен е для того, щ об
попередити такі випадки? 14. Він отрим ав записку, де говорилося, що
його чекаю ть на сім ей н и й обід. 15. Вона попросила, щ об їй дозволили
взяти участь у цій експедиції. 16. Я написав й о м у листа, щ о б нагадати
й о м у про його обіцянку. 17. Хто п р и й ш ов д о ф ініш у д руги м ? 18. У н ь о ­
го був ш анс поїхати за кордон, але він не використав такої м ож ливості.
19. М е н е дуж е здивувало, коли я побачив його на морі, адже лікарі не
дозволяю ть й о м у бувати на сонці.

л /#
Writing '* % ■ '

A critica l revie w is a piece o f w ritin g that is usually in a jo u rn a listic style in ord er

to a p p e ar on a web-site, a n ew spaper o r a m agazine. It tends to be short, sharp
and punchy, often even m ore so than standard jo u rn a lis tic writing, as it gives m ore
o p in io n than fact. The form gen erally uses spoken, inform al English, som e tim es with
selected co llo q u ia l phrases, and even slang bein g used to h am m er h om e key points.

1. A n alyze this brief critical review o f a play th at was pu blish ed on the w e b ­

site of a m ajor British newspaper. W rite dow n the exam ple of "journalese"
and inform al w riting. Recreate this style in a sh ort review (7-10 sentences)
o f a play you have recently seen at the theatre o r on television.

M ary Poppins - Prince Edward Theatre, London.

December 2004

It has the largest advance sale in W est End history, a built-in guaranteed
fam ily audience, and the co m bin e d m arketing pow er o f Cam eron M a c k in ­
tosh and the Disney co rporatio n behind it. If ever there was a critic-p ro o f
show, this is it.
And, if anyone cares, it's actually pretty good.

352 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

The logical p o in t of co m parison is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, an oth er
show aim ed at fam ilies and peo p le w h o do not ordinarily g o to th e theatre.
But, w here Chitty oozes with co n te m p t fo r that audience, givin g them the
absolute m inim um necessary to keep them co m in g in, M a ry P oppin s is a
w ell-m ade, th o ro u g h ly entertaining musical. It's not M y Fair Lady, but it is
real v alu e-for-m on ey fo r its chosen audience.
The m usical has a new script by Julian Fellowes that draw s on both
the original P. L. Travers stories o f the m agical nanny and the som ew hat
softened 1964 Disney movie, and eig h t new songs by G e orge Stiles and
A n th o n y Drewe to su pple m en t the Sherm an Brothers film score.

2. Prepare a presentation on these actors in w riting and present it to the

class, ch o osing one personality from each o f the fo llo w in g tw o lists.
Sean Bean Benedict C um berbatch
Jack N ich o lso n Robert D ow ney Jr
R obert De N iro Johnny D epp
Dustin H offm an Scarlett Johansson
Sam uel L Jackson Chris H em sw orth
Jod ie Foster Idris Elba
M eryl Streep Chris Pratt
H ugh Laurie

3. W rite an essay (about 1 5 -2 0 sentences) describing you r first visit to the

ballet (opera, dram a) perform ance. Try to use as m any new w ords and ex­
pressions as possible.

4. Im agine th at you have seen a very bad pro du ctio n of a play th at you re­
ally like as a w ork o f literature. W rite a letter to the Stage D irector p o in ting
ou t yo u r appraisal of the play and asking him to m ake changes to the cast
and scenery.

S p ecial and esp e cial The form e r is m ostly used in co nversational En­
glish, w hile the latter is generally used in form al written English. They are

Англійська мова. II КУРС

frequently confused by Ukrainians, even th ose w ith a very g o o d u nder­
standing of English. The exam ple given in the Longm an D ictionary of C o n ­
tem p o rary English fo r the form e r w ord is "Take special care on the roads
t o n ig h t- it's icy", w h ile the equivalent exam ple fo r the latter is "The weather
forecast advised m otorists to take especial care on the roads tonight due
to the icy conditions". The m ost co m m o n equ ivalen t in Ukrainian for both
w ords is "особливий".

Task: insert either special o r especial (or a derivative) into the spaces in
the fo llo w in g sentences:
1. I'm in love - she's really ....
2. Take ... care to ch o ose correctly either the geru nd ive or infinitive form.
3. It was ... dangerous on the m ountain, as th e w eather was changing.
4. You'd better take ... notice o f p oth ole s on th at lousy road.
5. T h ats a ... ed ition o f the DVD - it's g o t extra scenes added.
6 . It was a rare exam ple of m edieval clo ckm akin g and ... valuable.

Developing Translation Skills

Transform ation o f substitution (replacement)

S u b s titu tio n o r re p la c e m e n t is a kind o f gram m atica l tran sfo rm a tio n

w here a gram m atica l un it in the Sou rce L angua g e is tran sform e d into
a u n it w ith a d iffe re n t gram m atica l m eaning. G ram m atical re p lace m e n t
m ay o ccu r at any level o f the lan gu age and affects p ractically all types
o f lin g u istic units: w ord form s, parts o f speech, sen ten ce elem ents, se n ­
tence types, types o f syntactic relations. It can be o b se rved in b oth En-
g lish -U kra in ia n and U k ra in ian -E n g lish tran slation. Typical su b stitu tio n s
1) changes o f voice, e.g.: The door was opened by a m id d le-ag ed woman.
Д в е р і відчинила ж ін ка середнього віку;
2) changes in gram m atical tenses due to the sequence of tenses in En­
glish, e.g.: Вона поскаржилась, щ о п о ч у в а є т ь с я вто м л е н о ю . She co m ­
p la in e d that she was tired;
3) changes in the n u m ber o f a noun, e.g.: They dem and h iq h e r waaes.
Вони в и м а г а ю т ь п ід в и щ и т и з а р о б іт н у п л а т у ;

354 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

4) the replacem ent of a noun by an adjective, and vice versa, e.g.
з більш ення п р о з о р о с т і - greater transparency, гран и ч н а ш в и д к іс т ь -
speed limit;
5) the replacem ent of a noun by a gerund, e.g.: Ч и т а н н я —м оє улю блене
з а н я т т я . Reading is m y hobby;
6) th e replacem ent o f an "adjective + a noun" co nstructio n by "a noun +
p rep ositio n o f + a noun" construction, e.g. добра справа - act o f kindness,
правовий а к т - A c t o f law, держ авні справи - affairs o f state.

1. Translate the follow in g sentences from English into Ukrainian paying

especial attention to substitution.
1. Last m onth I read a novel abo ut the lives o f Cornish miners. 2. M y
friend said he knew this person perfectly well. 3. It is o u r h op e th at we will
pass English Grammar. 4. The w orkers dem and higher wages. 5. Ukrainian
acceptance o f this proposal to the U nited N ations is w ith ou t any doubt.
6. The teacher w anted him to speak English fluently. 7. In Kirovohrad, the
fog stop p ed the traffic. 8 . Unlike all his friends, he is an early-riser. 9. The
perform er co uld be clearly sensed on the dark stage by the audience.
10. A re we any p oo rer for this distancin g from nature? 11. W e entertain
ourselves w atching talented p eo ple sing, dance and tell us stories as actors.
12. People can see "light shows" given by cuttlefish and squid. 13. W e also
can watch im pala or gazelles dan cing as part of courtship. 14. She w anted
som eon e to co n so le her, to assure her, to tell her that it was not w orth w or­
rying about. 15. W hat shall I do? 16. You'll always get a lot of dam n ed fools
to sh ou t them selves silly. 17. C onstan tine stopped to sm oke his um pteenth
cigarette o f the day. 18. It was as easy as that.

2. Translate the fo llo w in g English sentences paying attention to the specif­

ics o f using sin gu lar and plural form s o f nouns in tw o languages.
1. It to o k a great effort to co m ple te the journey. 2. The g raduate stu ­
dents all decid ed to start th eir careers in Kyiv. 3. Each o f the co m p a n y ’s
Board o f D irectors pro po sed th eir policies for the way the co m pa n y should
be run after privatization. 4. There was a g o o d cho ice of fo o d at th e new
superm arket. 5. The lives o f the explorers were detailed in the d o c u m e n ­
tary film. 6 . There was a sharp increase in police num bers after the series
of riots. 7. She chose to study eco n o m ics at university. 8 . There was a w ide

Англійська мова. II КУРС

difference in the econ om ies o f the m em b er nations o f the EU. 9. The Ken­
yan g o vernm en t began a p o licy o f mass repression. 10. The w ork o f Jean
Sibelius is very h ighly regarded in Britain. 11. The p olice began to search
for evidence of the activities o f terrorists in London. 12. The British Prim e
M in iste r called a General Election on M ay 5th.

3. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into English. Pay attention to re p lace­

m ent o f the parts o f speech during translation.
1. Скажіть, будь ласка, яка гранична ш видкість в аш о ї м аш ини. 2. Д е
кращ е зробити зупинку на ніч? 3. Він встає дуж е р ан о . 4. Це не о з н а ­
чає, щ о уряд перестає турбуватися п ро со ц іальн у справедливість. 5 . Іс­
нує декілька п оказників зростання д е р ж а в н о ї сфери у країнах Є вропи.
6 . Вибачте, я не м аю вільного часу. 7. М оя бабуся погано спить. 8 . В чи ­
телі вимагали виплати з а р о б ітн о ї плати, п окращ ення у м о в навчання
і, зокрем а, зм ен ш ен н я числа учн ів у класі. 9 . Збільш ення п р озор ості
цієї р еч ови н и було вкрай важ ливим. 10. Конструктор щ е на початку
д о б р е уявляв собі м ож ли во сті використання свого винаходу. 11. Ці
рослини плетуться.

4. Translate the fo llo w in g Ukrainian sentences into English.

1. Зараз оф іс цієї ком панії знаходиться в ін ш о м у місті. 2. Багато п и сь ­
м ен ни ків п очинали св о ю кар'єру в ж урналістиці. 3. П етру ніколи не
подобалося жити у стол и ч н о м у передмісті. 4. П ош уки найдеш евш их
магазинів зайняли багато часу і сил. 5. О б сяг інвестицій у цю галузь
еко н о м іки зростає. 6 . Багато зусиль було поклад ено на ор ган ізацію ц ієї
п одорож і. 7. Кількість ж ителів Британських остров ів п остій но зростає.
8 . Ескпорт товарів україн ськи х підпри єм ств легкої п р ом и сл о вості п р о ­
д овж ує зростати. 9. Україна прагне участі у СОТ та розш и ренн я то р го ­
вельної діяльності. 10. С вобода слова в А н гл ії має давні традиції. 1 1 . Іс­
торія цих двох сусідніх країн має багато спільного. 12. Життя м еш кан ців
цього острова оп и н илося в небезпеці. 13. П роф есійна діяльність д е ­
яких випускників наш ого факультету заслуговує на о к р е м е вивчення.
14. Нестача о сн о вн и х продуктів харчування часто призводила д о го­
лоду. 15. С м ерть потерпілих настала внаслідок д овгого перебування
в холодній воді.

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Developing interpreting skills
1. For "snow ball" practice repeat the sentences after yo u r teach er w ith ou t
lookin g at the text.
A. 1. H um ans use song, dance and theatre.
2. H um ans use song, dance and theatre to not o n ly tell stories.
3. H um ans use song, dance and theatre to not on ly tell stories but also
convey m ood and em otions.
4. H um ans use song, dance and theatre to not on ly tell stories but also
co n vey m ood, e m o tio n s and m any abstract notions.
5. It goes w ith o u t saying that hum ans use song, dance and theatre to
not on ly tell stories but also convey m ood, em o tio n s and m any a b ­
stract notions.

B. 1. W e have co m m u n icated not o n ly w ith speech.

2. But it seem s probable that we have co m m u n icate d not o n ly with
3. But it seem s probable that w e have co m m u n icated not o n ly with
speech fo r very m uch lon ger than that.
4. But it seem s p ro ba ble that we have co m m u n icated n ot o n ly with
speech for very m uch lo n g er than that, but also w ith song.
5. But it seem s p ro ba ble that we have co m m u n icated n ot o n ly with
speech fo r very m uch lo n g er than that, but also with song, dance and

Translator's nightmare
W e e k M a n y m isun derstan din gs arise from such phrases as I'll see y o u in
a week w hich m eans th at the m eeting will be seven days from now (через
тиждень). Phrases such as I'll see y o u in a fortnigh t (UK only) o r I'll see y o u
in two weeks' tim e (US) (через два тижні) also should be th o u g h t about. A
sim ilar but loose r phrase is I’ll see y o u som etim e next week (на то м у тижні)
w hich states that the m eeting will pro ba bly be next w eek but on a specific
day yet to be agreed.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 357

Task: translate the fo llo w in g into Ukrainian. M ake up you r ow n sen ten c­
es using each phrase.
1. The w eek after next. 2. During the week. 3. During the weekend. 4. In a
week's tim e. 5. A fte r a few days. 6 . In a co u p le o f days' time. 7. A fte r several
days. 8 . The w eekend after next. 9. W ait at least a fortnight. 10. Days turned
into weeks.

‘ Task: translate the follow in g into English:

1. П о б ач и м о ся протягом цього тижня.
2. О біцяю , щ о стаття буде доп и сан а через тиждень.
3. З р о б и м о це наступного тижня.
4. М іж н а р о д н а виставка відбудеться цього тижня.
5. Запланована зустріч відбудеться через два тижні.

C ritica l N ative speakers usually never confuse the different m eanings

o f this w ord but it has been noticed that m any Ukrainian translators and
interpreters au tom atically assum e th at the use of this w ord is always to
m ean expression o r involvem ent o f criticism (критичний) irrespective of the
context. It is m ore likely that a native speaker will use this w ord to mean
decisive or crucial (виріш альний, визначальний), w hether in co m m e r­
cial, technical, political or d ip lo m a tic contexts. A s a result, such phrases as
A critical p o in t (виріш альний момент) w ill alm ost always m ean 'a stage
at which cru cial or decisive decisions m ust be m ad e' and very rarely 'a topic
o f criticism ' (предм ет критики;.

Task: Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian:

1. It was critical that a decision be m ade by tom orrow.
2. The d ev e lo p m e n t o f critical th o u g h t is a very im p ortan t part o f e d u ­
3. The project reached a critical stage.
4. Their need for international aid was critical.
5. The b rid g e su p p o rt reached a critical angle and fell.
6 . The relationship betw een the tw o governm ents was critical and m uch
w ork had to be d o n e to avoid war.
7. She was critical o f his choice o f career.

358 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Functional Promising, breaking a promise, avpiding a com m itm ent
Grammar: Articles and Pronouns :\ ::
Writing: Informal report or account - blog : :

Developing Transliteration and transcription

Translation Skills:

Practice your pronunciation!
S om etim es yo u have to ch o o se betw een the lesser of Sh e w asn ’t
tw o evils. alw ays
W e fo u n d a variety o f w id e -ra n g in g vessels at the pottery. right,

W h e n w alking in the valleys, m any w ild flow ers can be but

viewed. she w as

Various w o b b ly desserts w and e re d into m y view as I tried always

to w illingly diet. atriculate

W h y o h w hy d o e s W estm inster w ant to levy such punitive

I w o n d e red w hy th e voles in m y g a rd en have vanished.
The w eather was v e ry variable in the w est yesterday

1. Discuss th e fo llow in g points:

1. W h at is the difference betw een physical edu cation and physical cu l­
ture? (training vs. lifestyle)
2. H ow im p o rtan t are sp ort and physical culture in co n te m p o ra ry life?
Have th ey changed in the course of history?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 359

3. Do you participate in any kinds of sport? W h at form s o f physical cu l­
ture can you nam e? Are you involved in any o f them ?
4. W h at d o you m ean by a spectator sport? W h at is its op p o site ? W hat
is the role o f both in co n te m p o rary society?
5. W h at b o rderlin e kinds of activity can you nam e that w ould be c o n sid ­
ered either sp ort or som ethin g else?
6 . Can you nam e any kind of sp ort that w ou ld be specific to a particular
country? (indigenous)
7. W h at personal qualities d o you th in k sp o rtsp e o p le should possess to
be successful in sportin g activities?
8 . W h at d o you th in k "honest co m pe titio n" m eans? Give exam ples of
cheating in sport.
9. A re there any boundaries fo r physical achievem ent by hum an beings?
H ow are such boundaries related to "setting a new w orld record"?

2. Discuss the fo llo w in g qu otation s givin g exam ples o f w hat is m eant and
y o u r opinions. Try to say w hat the qu ote is ab o u t in ju s t one word:
a) "A ch am pion is som eo n e w ho gets up w hen he can't" (Jack Dempsey).
b) "At a you n g age, w inning is not the m ost im portan t thing... the im ­
p orta n t th ing is to develo p creative and skilled players with g o o d
con fiden ce" (Arsene W enger).
c) "I love the winning, I can take the losing, but m ost o f all I love to play"
(Boris Becker).
d) "Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it
teaches you to know w hat it feels like to w in and lose - it teaches you
ab o u t life" (Billie Jean King).
e) "S om eon e said to m e 'To you foo tb all is a m atter o f life or death!' and
I said 'Listen, it's m ore im p ortan t than that'" (Bill Shankly).
f) "I've never lost a gam e I ju s t ran o u t o f tim e" (M ichael Jordan).
g) "The reason w om en d o n 't seriously play foo tb all is because 11 of
them w ould never wear the sam e o u tfit in public" (Phyllis Diller).

3. W ith o u t lookin g in yo u r textbooks, listen to the recorded d ialog u e

^ to get its m ain message.
P (the script is given at the end of the textbook)

M . O . B o3 H a ■ O. B. T an oH iB • O. KD. BacM/ibMeHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

4. Listen to the d ialo g u e again and iden tify the fu n ction s used in it. W rite
them dow n and com pare your answers with yo u r neighbour's. A n sw er the
fo llo w in g questions:
a) W as the d ialo g u e you heard the begin n ing o r the end to a conversa­
b) W h o were the three participants?
c) W h at was the subject of their conversation?
d) W h at are the relations betw een the participants in the conversation?
e) W ere there any facts m en tion ed in the dialogue?

5. W o rkin g with yo u r textbook, find am ong the

expressions given below those that were used
in the d ialog u es and oth er expressions of the
sam e function specifying the speech register for
each expression. Try to m em orise as m any of
them as possible.

Promising Avoiding a commitment Breaking a promise

I'm sure I will... I can 't be sure that... I'm s o r r y a b o u t that...
I will undoubtedly... Well, possibly... I ju s t c o u ld n 't m a n a g e ...
You can c o u n t o n me... I w o u ld n 't rule out...but... It d id n 't t u r n out...
It'll be done... M a y b e I'm not the best per­
T h e re w a s a p r o b le m ...
W ith o u t a doubt... son to...
P le a s e f o r g iv e m e , but...
I'm c e rtain ly g o in g to... Instead c o u ld n 't we...
I k n o w I s a id th a t, but...
N o t easy to say yes to that...

Note: contractions are used in a manner that a learner of English should not change.
Learn the above and do not modify them or much of their value may be lost. Lack of
a contraction is often accentuated commitment, while a native speaker will automat­
ically use a contraction to minimise a potential conflict situation.

6 . M ake up y o u r ow n d ialog u es for sportin g events using the functional

expressions th at you've learnt.

7. Translate the d ialo g u e into English using functional expressions from

above and th e fo llow in g words:
Тарас: Д авай п ід ем о на тренування завтра ввечері.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 361

Святослав: Я не впевнений, щ о завтра в м ене вийде. А, може, кращ е
п ід ем о на вихідні? Ти ж об іцяв почекати д о вихідних.
Тарас: Ні, я то чн о піду на тренування завтра. Я вже придбав нову
сп орти вн у ф ор м у і м'яч. Я знаю, я об іц я в тебе не чіпати протягом
тижня, але дуж е вже кортить показати хл оп ц ям останні покупки.
Святослав: Ну щ о ж, м ож ливо, в м ене і вийде. А л е стовідсотково
гарантувати не можу. А л е я то чн о заскочу д о тебе на п'ять хвилин,
щ об побачити, щ о ти там придбав.


1. Look at the title o f the text and say w hat you th ink the text is about.

2. Think o f ten to fifteen them atic w ords w hich you are likely to find in fo l­
low ing text and write them down, checking w heth er the w ords you predict
actually appear.

3. Learn the pro nu nciation o f the fo llo w in g words:

Characteristic, psyche, clim b, endurance, m ountaineering, w restling, ar­

mour, m arathon, crucial, obesity, amateur, blurred, legion, athlete, p e rio d i­
cally, archery, staggering, revenue, m erchandising, prem ium .

4. Read the text "Setting A W orld Record" and find the sentences that su m ­
m arize the m ain idea o f each paragraph.

Text 1: Setting A W orld Record

A fundam ental characteristic o f the hum an psych e is a need to set o b je c­

tives above and beyond those of survival. Since the b eg in n ing o f recorded
history we have had som eth ing in ou r brains th at says "I w ant to clim b that
m ountain . W hy? Because it's there". In this case we co m pete against

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

w hat we see inside o u r m inds as borders,
nature, lim its or qu estion s a b o u t w hat
we can achieve in term s of e n d u ra n ce or
achievem ent.
M ou n tain ee rin g is such a d iscip lin e ,
but then it's o v e rla id by a desire to
achieve before som eon e else does. To
set a W o rld Record, in m odern te rm in o l­
ogy. Be firs t Second is for losers, says the
USA. Better to com e second than not co m pete at all, say the English.
W e can co m p e te again st one person in a sp o rt such as w restlin g or
w e can co m p e te again st m any th o u san d s in, fo r exam ple, a m arathon.
Recent N ew York m arath on s have had over 50.000 finish, and m ost of
th ose en te rin g have dual objectives: eith er th at o f c o m p le tin g th e co u rse
a n d /o r also co m in g first o r sim p ly ahead of a rival. C ity m arath on s also
illustrate a n o th e r crucial point. The Boston m arathon (the o ld e st in the
USA, d atin g from 1897) did n ot allo w w om e n to co m p e te until 1972, from
w hich date 20% o f the e n tra n ts were w om en. Today entries are som e
50% by gender.
Testosterone produced by, especially, you ng males, fired a desire to
co m pete in ways that generally excluded w om en. Yet now as society has
d eveloped, different ways to co m pe te has led to the e volu tion o f a huge
range and variety o f sportin g disciplines, the m ajority of w hich d evelop
organisation, rules and G overning Bodies that include both m ales and fe ­
males. A key exception is A m erican Football where on ly m en dress th e m ­
selves in m ake-up, arm our and helm ets to play this team sport, leaving
teenage fem ales to play football, called "soccer" there in the USA.
A n d th e m ore w e go back in history, the m ore w e valued physical at­
trib u te s over intellectual capabilities. Today we tend to co m b in e the two,
seeing Physical Culture and Fitness as part o f lifestyle and a key to health
and lo n g er lives. "A healthy m ind in a healthy body". This was already a key
fou n d in g principle o f the O ly m p ic G am es w hen they were reintroduced
in 1896 and since the Gam es were to be truly international, sp o rt from
co ld -clim a te countries led to the creation o f the W in ter O ly m p ic Gam es in
1924, to a c co m m o d a te a large n u m ber o f specifically snow and ice-based
sports to be added to the O ly m p ic program m e.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 363

O besity, strokes and heart attacks are greatly reduced w hen we play
sports and w e use all m anner of apps to m easure heart rate, distance co v ­
ered, calories consum ed, and so on. W hen w e are fitter, stron ger and m ore
skilled, we can then co m pe te with others or against others.
O ne qu estion then raises itself. Should sp ort be a m a te u r for the g o o d of
the individual o r professional fo r s p e c ta to r entertain m en t an d /o r national
re p rese n ta tio n ? The lines have becom e blurred with the rise in both per­
sonal fitness and the com m ercial w orld of professional sport. Until 1986,
only am ateurs co u ld co m pe te in the Olym pics, alth ou g h som e nations s u ch 1
as the S oviet-blo c East Germ any, focused on having le g io n s of d ru g -fu elled
d edicated athletes w inning at the O lym pics at any cost.
Team sports p itch groups of players against others w hile individual
sports position one person against o th er individuals. Even w hen people
w ant to p it them selves against others, social co n d itio n in g makes m any
w ant "Representation" to let them co m pe te fo r th eir nation o r gro up
against individuals from o th er nations o r groups. M u lti-d iscip lin e events
such as the O lym pics have m ed als ta b le s as key achievem ents, even ahead
of individual W orld Records.
W hat is defined as "sport" by the IOC? This p erio d ically changes a cco rd ­
ing the society's m oods. Archery, one o f the o ld e st sports on o u r planet
and an o b lig a to ry activity by law in m edieval England, had seven events
from the second M o d e rn Sum m er Olym pics, was d ro p p e d in 1920 and only
reintroduced in 1972. Rugby in its Sevens variation and played around the
world, replaced the U S A -o n ly gam e o f baseball in 2016. Today g o lf has re­
turned to the O ly m p ic calendar - because of D onald Trump's obsession
w ith playing the gam e at every available o ppo rtunity?
Sp ort is Big M oney, both fo r international and USA sports. In football,
N eym ar co m pleted his m ove from Barcelona to Paris Saint-G erm ain fo r a
staggering fee o f €222 m illion in the sum m er of 2017, alth ou g h in 2018
the m edia and spectators called him a dram a queen fo r rolling around in
sim ulated ago ny every tim e an
o p p o n e n t cam e near him. See
one of the very m any videos on
The same's true in the USA
in term s o f cash w here A m e ri­

364 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. 5. F an o H iB • O. KD. BacM/ibHeHKO • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

can basketball Jam es H arden has a б -year contract w orth 228 m illion USD.
Harden is renow ned fo r his bushy beard m uch m ore than fo r his u n sto p p a­
ble desire to cheat like Neymar. Even then, baseball in the U SA turns over
even b ig g e r sums. G iancarlo Stanton of the M iam i M arlin s has a contract
w orth 325.000.000 US Dollars. S pectator sp ort generates m assive reve­
nue from ticket sales, TV fees and m erch an d isin g , alth ou g h Form ula O ne
stop p ed g o in g to the USA w hen a Grand Prix in Phoenix, A rizon a had three
tim es as m any spectators g o in g to an ostrich racing event held on the
sam e day in Arizona, as m otor racing's p re m iu m com petition.
But perhaps to m ost of us, as individuals, sport is a source o f enjoym ent
and an im p o rtan t fe e lg o o d factor in o u r lifestyle. Never m ind if w e d on 't
set a W o rld Record.

5. A n sw er the fo llow in g questions after the first reading of the text:

1. In w hat ways d o team sports and individual sports differ?
2. W h en did w om en becom e participants in different sp ort events? Try
to give as m any exam ples as possible.
3. W h at was a key fo u n d in g prin ciple of the O ly m p ic Gam es?
4. W h y are physical culture and sp ort im p o rtan t nowadays, even m ore
so than in previous tim es?
5. W h y is "representation" im p ortan t in sp ort in m odern societies?
6 . H ow was the defin ition of "sport" ch angin g th ro u g h o u t history?
7. W here does sp ort take its m on ey from ?

6 . Study the fo llow in g vo cabulary notes. Then g o throu g h the text again
and give the Ukrainian equivalents fo r the highligh ted words.

/ Vocabulary notes
1. Psyche, n.
1) th e soul, th e spirit - душа, e.g. A n essential part of her psyche was a
irresistible urge to be the best;
2) th e mind, especially in its spiritual, em o tio nal and m otivational as­
pects; the collective m ental characteristics of a nation, p eo p le - дух, e.g.
Losing his jo b was a m ajor blow to his psyche.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 365

2. Endurance, n.
1) d uration or con tin u ed existence in time, ability to last - міцність,
вговічність, e.g. Running a m arathon is an endurance event;
^ 2) som eth in g w hich is endured, a hardship - випробування, негоди, e.g.
gen in g to the serm on was very m uch an endurance;
з) the fact, habit or pow er of en du rin g som eth in g unpleasant; long-suf-
rjng, patience - витривалість, терплячість, довготерпіння, e.g. He had
(are talen t for endurance, co p in g with insults and injuries w ith ou t com -

Y 3 . D iscip
P | a iP t r v

e , n.
\) the system of order and strict obe d ien ce to rules, enforced am ong
^pils, soldiers or others u nder auth ority - дисципліна, порядок, e.g. The
P sjdents of the institution were subjected to alm ost m onastic discipline;
2 ) a branch of learning or scholarly instruction - галузь знань, д и сци п лі-
справа, e.g. This year the students study such discip lines as b iochem -
H j y and im m unology;
3 ) co n trolled and orderly behaviour resulting from training - д и сци п лі-
0 Ваність, дисципліна, e.g. From th e very first day of training cadets are
** m any aspects of discipline;
^ 4 ) a course of instruction enabling p eo ple to perform certain activities;
-jn in g - навчання, тренування, військ, муштра, e.g. The third day of spy
i(c ^oo\ saw the in trodu ction of the d iscip lin e of lock-picking.
^ 4 . O verlay, v.
\) lit. cover the surface of an object with a coating, covering or se co n d ­
l y item - покривати (фарбою, лаком), e.g. The p h o to sh o p overlay m ade
0 lo o k fat in the image;
П 2 ) fig. add a secondary notion that often becom es m ore im p ortan t than
e o rig in a l co n cep t - додатися, переважити, e.g. A lth o u g h his intention
jg in a lly was to ju st run daily to get fit, this becam e overlaid with an ob -
0 $ sio n to beat 2 h 20 m fo r the m arathon;
^ 2) covered over naturally - перекривати, накладати, e.g. The drive had
e n w ell-kept, but it was now overlaid w ith m oss and leaves;
^ 3 ) (of a qu ality or feeling) b ecom in g m ore pro m in en t than (a previous
^ a lity o r feeling) - вийти на п ерш ий план, переважати, e.g. His open-
$ e $s had been overlaid by his new self-confidence.
5 . C ou rse, n.

М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

1) the path taken by a m oving body, a stream, etc., especially th e in te n d ­
ed route of a ship or aircraft - курс, напрям ок, марш рут, шлях, e.g. W e
fo llo w ed th e course of the sun as it w ent from east to west;
2) the co n tin u ou s process of tim e, succession of events, progress through
successive stages - хід, плин, перебіг, e.g. He interfered at som e tim e or
oth er d uring the course of every m eeting;
3) th e g ro un d on w hich th e race is run, the route to be taken, w ith any
obstacles to be negotiated, in a race - с п о р т , доріж ка, скакове коло,
дистанція, траса, e.g. The Grand N atio n al horse race held annually at A in -
tree Racecourse in Liverpool, England was first run in 1839, with course of
over б km w ith horses ju m p in g 30 fences over tw o laps;
4) a planned o r prescribed series of actions, lessons or th era p eu tic m ea­
sures, the co n tent of or th e textb o o k for such a series of lessons - курс
(лекцій, навчання, лікування), e.g. The course of treatm ent was d aily in ­
je ctio n s fo r tw o weeks;
5) a line of conduct, a person's m anner of pro ceed in g - лінія поведінки,
e.g. He m ade up his m ind to take a certain course of action;
6) each of the successive divisions of a meal, as soup, meat, p u d d in g -
(перша, друга) страва, e.g. The third course was fish, w hich he hated.
C om bin ation s: racecou rse - зм агання в бігу, гонка, п ерегони , g o lf
co u rse - п оле для гри в гольф; crash co u rse п р и ск о р е н и й курс, in d u c ­
tio n co u rse (or o rie n ta tio n co u rse in Am E) - в во д н и й курс, refresher
co u rse - курси п ід ви щ ен н я кваліф ікації, san d w ich co u rse - курс н а в ­
чання, який к о м б ін у є те о р ію з практи кою , к о м б ін о в а н и й курс; o b s ta ­
cle co u rse - с п о р т , см уга переш код, військ, assault co u rse - ш т ур м о в е
м істечко.
Phrases: m atter of course - цілком при род на справа, неминучість,
course of nature - звичайний перебіг п роцесів у природі, in th e course
o f - протягом (чогось), in due course - у свій час, on course - правильним
ш ляхом або м арш рутом ; off course - (збитися) з курсу; run its course -
дійти свого кінця.
6. Entrant, п.
1) a person w ho enters a profession, becom es a m em ber of an o rg a n i­
sation - абітурієнт, вступник (до навчального закладу), той, хто вступає
(у спілку), кандидат на посаду, e.g. This year's first year students were
unusually h ig h ly-q u a lifie d entrants;

Англійська мова. II КУРС
2) a com petitor, a candidate in an exam ination - учасни к (змагання)
e.g. N early tw o-th irds o f the entrants will be co m pe tin g in their first race
7. A ttrib u te , n.
1) a qu ality o r character co m m o n ly ascribed to a person or an object -
відмітна, характерна риса; якість, властивість, e.g. It is surprising how
soon historical personages becom e associated with rom antic attributes.
2)l a m aterial object recognized as ap p ro priate to or sym b o lic of a person
or office - символ, атрибут, e.g. A crow n is an attribute of sovereign power.
3) an inherent, characteristic quality o r feature o f a person o r a thing -
атрибут, невід'єм на властивість, e.g. It had all the attributes and virtues
and sins that history requires o f a great city.
8. Fitness, n.
1) the qu ality or state o f being physically fit - витривалість, н атренова­
ність, e.g. The fencer's fitness was second to none;
2) co n fo rm ity with w hat circum stances require, p ro priety - доречність,
відп овідність, e.g. The lack o f fitness o f his actions upset m any people;
3) the qu ality o f being suitable, qualified o r m orally fit for som ething -
придатність, відповідність, здатність, підготовленість, e.g. N o one q u es­
tion ed her fitness fo r office.
9. A cc o m m o d a te , v.
1) ad apt (one person or a thing to another) - пристосовувати, e.g. The
reason she had no social life was she co u ld n 't acco m m o d ate herself to
com prom ise;
2) provide lo d g in g o r room for, allow space o r tim e fo r - давати
пристановищ е; влаштовувати, розм іщ ати; розквартировувати (війська),
e.g. The o th er b u ildin gs were assigned to acco m m o d ate the num erous
h ou seh old staff o f the oligarch;
3) reconcile (things o r persons), settle (differences) - примиряти;
улагоджувати (сварку, розбіж ності), e.g. She tried really hard to a cco m ­
m odate his passion fo r co lle ctin g m anh ole covers.
10. O besity, n. The co n d itio n o f being obese, extrem e co rp u len ce -
огрядність, ож иріння; н адм ірна повнота, e.g. She th o u g h t that his o b e si­
ty was a m ajor co n trib u to ry factor to his stroke.
11. Am ateur, n.
1) a person w ho practises som ething, especially an art o r a game, on ly as a
pastime, an unpaid player, p e r fo r m e r - аматор, лю битель, непроф есіонал;

368 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів « О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

спортсм ен-лю битель, сп о ртсм ен -н еп роф есіон ал , e.g. G ilb e rt and S u lli­
van are very p o p u lar in the UK with am ateur dram atic societies.
2) (depreciative) a d a b b le r - през. дилетант, e.g. his am ateur approach to
te c h n o lo g y caused m any problem s;
3) a person w ho is fo n d of som ething, w h o has a taste fo r som eth in g -
ш анувальник, прихильник; уболівальник, e.g. Her h ob b y was being an
am ateur chef.
12. Spectator, n. A person w h o looks in at the scene of an event o r an
incident, especially a show o r sp o rtin g event - очевидець, спостерігач,
глядач; відвідувач (театру, стадіону), e.g. There were 11.600 spectators at
the fo o tb a ll match.
Comb.: spectator sp o rt - глядацький спорт.
A ntonym : participation sport.
13. Representation, n.
1) an im age, likeness o r re produ ction of an object o r subject -
зображ ення, образ, e.g. R eligious icons frequ en tly contain an artist's su b ­
jective representation o f a subject;
2) th e action of presenting a fact, a form al and serious statem ent of
facts, reasons and arguem ents, m ade w ith the aim of influencing action
o r co n d u ct - твердження, заява; протест; dun. подання, e.g. She m ade
passionate representations to th e court;
3) a p erform ance of a play or a d e p ictio n o f a character on stage -
вистава, показ на сцені, e.g. O n e of the best representations o f H am let
was th at of Sir Laurence Olivier;
4) the fact o f standing fo r an oth er - представництво, e.g. The notary
w rote ou t a m em orandum o f representation fo r her in her father's affairs;
5) the fact of representing or being represented in a legislative or deliberative
body, those w ho represent an electorate - представництво, парл. делегація;
група депутатів від якого-небудь виборчого округу, e.g. M Ps are m andated
to provide representation of their constituencies when chosen by the elector­
ate. Equal representation for all in Parliam ent must be guaranteed.
14. Legion, n.
1) a b o d y o f infantry in the Rom an or su bsequent armies, ranging in
n u m b er from 3.000 to 6.000, or any o f various m ilitary b od ie s in m odern
tim es - легіон, e.g. The d isappearan ce of Rom e's N inth Legion has long
baffled historians;

Англійська мова. II КУРС 369

2) fig. a vast num ber or m ultitu de - легіон, безліч, велика кількість, e.g.
The political party split into legion factions.
15. Pitch, v.
1) lit. throw roughly or casually - ж бурнути, кинути, e.g. He crum pled
the page up and pitched it into the fireplace.
fig. put in co m pe titio n with one an oth er - виставити (одне проти
одного), e.g. The team s from the tw o rival schools found them selves
pitched against each o th er in the tournam ent.
2) A n g lo A m to try to persuade som eo n e to d o som eth in g - нав'язувати,
агітувати, e.g. She pitched her idea to m e over a business lunch. They
are pitching for business at the m om ent.
Pitch, n. A n area allocated for playing a particular (usually team) sport:
fo o tb all pitch, hockey pitch, cricket pitch. In A m erican English these are
called "fields": baseball field, A m erican foo tb all field. П оле (для гри в фут­
бол, крикет тощо).
16. Pit, V. Set p eo p le o r things in o p p o sitio n or rivalry, m atch one's skill,
strength against an o p p o n e n t - боротися; протистояти, нацьковувати;
виставляти кого-небудь, щ о-небудь проти кого-небудь, чого-небудь,
e.g. The draw pits Djokovic versus Nadal in the first round.
Pits, n. plural. In m o to r racing, the pits (literal use o f pit as автом обільна
оглядова яма) are the m aintenance and repair areas allocated to each
team, for w hich th e Ukrainian w ord бокс is used by Ukrainian co m m e n ta ­
tors and others, m ore properly зап р авн о -р ем о н тн и й пункт. This does not
explain w hy the sp o rt o f boxing is called бокс in Ukraine.
17. Medals table. A table listing the n u m ber and categ ory (usually gold,
silver and bronze) o f m edals aw arded at an event. Таблиця медалей.
18. Event, n.
1) an item in a program m e of sport, an occasion pro vid in g an attraction
to the p u blic - захід (прийом, вечір).
спорт, змагання; вид спорту; н о м е р у п рограм і змагання, e.g.
Fund-raising events are being organised.
2) som eth in g that happens, an occurrence, an in ciden t - випадок, подія,
важ ливе явище; значний факт, e.g. The events reported in the new spa­
pers seem to be to o incredible to be taken seriously;
3) p i w hat is happening or has happened - події, e.g. N o on e co u ld fo re ­
see this turn of events.

370 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

19. Move, n.
1) a m oving or a ch ange of position o f a piece in a gam e o f chess, etc.,
a player's turn to m ove - хід (у грі), e.g. Her h ighly origin al sequence of
m oves resulted in an unexpected checkm ate;
2) an action which initiates or advances a process or plan, a step -
вчинок; крок; акція, e.g. M y first m ove on arriving in the big city was to try
and g et a jo b as a estate agent;
3) an act o f m oving from a stationary position - рух; зм іна полож ення,
місця; військ, перекидання; пересування; перевезення, тр анспо р туван ­
ня (п р од укц ії в меж ах підприємств), e.g. Не said nothing, and m ade no
m ove tow ards th e door;
4) a ch ange of place o f habitation, e m p lo ym en t - перехід (на інш у
роботу, посаду), переїзд (на інш у квартиру, в інш е місце), e.g. His latest
m ove relocated his fam ily to the north of Scotland.
Phrase: to be on the m ove - переїж дж ати, п остійно рухатися, бути
в дорозі.
20. Drama Queen. People w ho like to blow everything to tally ou t of
p ro p o rtio n with an attem pted O scar-w inning perform ance as a m anner of
cheating in sport. Лю дина, схильна д о показних ем оц ій , той, хто лю бить
працю вати на публіку, e.g. S port is often by d efin itio n a spectacle, but
even Brazil supporters becam e fed up of such antics.
21. Merchandising. The sum total o f item s m ade available for sale in
relation to a given them e, such as M an ch ester United, Justin Bieber, or
Batman. W hatever floats y o u r boat (which in co n te m p o rary English m eans
"w hatever causes you am usem ent"). Тематичні товари.
22. Premium, adj. S u perior in qu ality and therefore m ore expensive -
елітний, перш осортний, в и щ о ї якості, винятковий, e.g. Prem ium brands
of fruit ju ice can be quite expensive.

7. Listen to the recording o f th e text, read it aloud in class and translate it

into Ukrainian.

8. Say w heth er each statem ent is true o r false accordin g to th e text. In the
case o f a false statem ent give a correct one.
1. T h ro u g h o u t history hum ans have been always preoccu p ied exclusive­
ly with survival issues. 2. For the English it has always been m ore im portan t

Англійська мова. II КУРС 371

to participate than to com e first. 3. W o m en were excluded from co m pe tin g
in sp ort fo r a very long time. 4. If w e g o back in history, intellectual ca­
pabilities were valued m ore than physical attributes. 5. Today we tend to
see Physical Culture and Fitness as key to health and lo n g er lives. 6. The
O ly m p ic Gam es always included both sum m er and w inter events. 7. Until
1986 on ly am ateurs could co m pete in the O lym pics. 8. M an y athletes w ant
to represent th eir nations w hen com peting. 9. Individual w orld records are
m ore im p ortan t that national team s' achievem ents. 10. The notion o f sp ort
has been u nchanged since the M id d le Ages. 11. Spectator sp ort generates
m assive revenue from ticket sales, TV fees and m erchandising.

Vocabulary practice

9. Give synonym s fo r the italicized w ords and then translate the fo llo w in g
sentences into Ukrainian.
1. The desire to win was d ee p ly rooted in her psyche. 2. The W o rld Cup
m erchandising was on every street corn er in the capital. M o st o f it u n o ffi­
cial. 3. Her next m ove was to jo in the sport's G overning Body. 4. She could
not resist pitch in g him a yarn ab o u t her family. 5. The third event in the
M o d e rn Pentathlon in the O lym pics is equestrian show ju m p in g . 6. A fit­
ness ball is a g o o d way to exercise the hip m uscles. 7. The p re m iu m beer
brewed by the Desna Brewery in C h ernih iv has changed over recent years.
8. The n u m ber o f Liverpool fans d escen din g in Kyiv fo r the 2008 C h a m p i­
on's League final was legion. 9. It was astonishing when G reat Britain cam e
second in the 2016 m edals table with 67 m edals, 27 of them gold. 10. There
are th ousands o f entrants fo r City M aratho ns each year. 11. The representa­
tion of w om en in the Kyiv Euro M arathon in 2018 was d isa p p o in tin g ly low.
12. She found it d ifficu lt to accom m odate the passion fo r physical culture
by her mother. 13. O n e of his key attributes was his stam ina in lo n g -d is ­
tance running events. 14. There was no violen ce am ong the foo tb all specta­
tors, alth ou gh a large num ber were Russian, renow ned for th eir aggressive
behaviour. 15. The A m erican President's obesity was in no sm all part due
to his love of cheeseburgers. 16. The sp ort o f cycling still consists of p ro ­
fessional and am ate ur races, w hich are held m ostly in con tin ental Europe,
the U nited States, and Asia. 17) The cross-cou n try running course was in ­

M . O. B o3 H a • O . B. T an oH iB • O. K3. BacM/ibneHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

adeq uately m arked clearly and he got lost. 18. Her fanatical su p p ort for
Chelsea had to be overlaid by her boyfriend's love of Arsenal, for the sake
of peace. 19. M an y p eo ple see boxing as being the num ber on e endurance
sport, as one round can feel as th o u g h it lasts fo r hours rather than ju st
three minutes.

10. Give antonym s from the text to the fo llo w in g w ords and expressions:
To uncover, second-rate, lean, professional sport, non-tolerance, to go
off course, to stay put, participatio n sport, a sm all am ount, unfit, chaos,
in dividu al sport, include, local, physical, to introduce.

*11. Insert w ords form the fo llo w in g list of synonym s into the sentences
below: pitch, throw, hurl, toss, fling, cast, lob, launch, flip, direct, propel, bowl.
In som e sentences m ore than on e op tion is possible.
1. They decided to ... a coin to see w ho w ou ld go first. 2. The cricketer
was an all-ro u n d er and so able to ... well. 3. The prisoner was so w ound up
he ... his lunch at the wall. 4. A m erican s like to ... horseshoes at a stake in
th e ground. 5. The m issile was .... 6. The little boy ... him self at his friends in
th e playground. 7. The tennis p la y e r ... her o p p o n e n t w ith a cu nning shot.
8. The b ob sleig h (bobsled Am E) was ... dow n the track at a frightening
speed. 9. The fisherm an ... a line into the lake. 10. She ... o ff her sunglasses.
11. He ... dow n his w et coat in the hall. 12. He ... the ball away from the

12. Read and translate the fo llo w in g texts, paying especial attention to the
w ords in bold. C o m m e n t on th e ways of translating the English and A m er­
ican sp ortin g term s used in the texts into Ukrainian. W h at is the prevailing
m ethod?
a) There are 8000 indigenous and in ­
ternational sports and sp o rtin g gam es ac­
cord in g to the W orld Sports Encyclopaedia.
W h at is indigen ou s and w hat is interna­
tion al can be debatable and the nam es and
the language can som etim es change.
Two im p ortan t exam ples are football, a
truly international gam e played in alm ost

Англійська мова. II КУРС 373

every co u n try o f the w orld by both m en
and w om en but in the U SA the gam e is
called "soccer" and is played m ostly by
children and teenage girls.
In Britain there is a children's' gam e
called roun ders, a nam e that M ic ro ­
soft's W ord spellchecker does not even
recognise since that gam e is called
"b a se b a ll" in th e USA, w here it is re­
garded as international alth ou gh it is o n ly played in Puerto Rico, Dom inica,
Venezuela, South Korea, and Taiwan. The so-called 'W orld Series' is only
contested in the USA. M o st oth er sports have on ly one nam e recognised
th ro u g h o u t the English-speaking world.
b) "It's really w eird you know. I grew up in England w here they played a
lot of hockey. A t school during the w inter th e pupils chose to play football,
ru g b y o r hockey durin g the winter. A n d by the way, the choice in the su m ­
m er was cricket, tennis, b a d m in to n o r ath letics. Anyway, I chose rugby,
and som etim es w atched som e of my friends play hockey. But w hen I w ent
to live in Ukraine, I realised that w hat the p eo p le there knew as hockey
was ice h o cke y to me. A n d the gam e I knew, played on grass was "хокей
на траві". Fair enough, the Soviet U nion was dom in ated by territories that
had snow and ice m uch o f the year, like Canada, w here ice hockey is pretty
m uch the national sport, and not like England w here there are grass p itc h ­
es ju st ab o u t all year long. They're very differen t games: the ice version is
very m uch faster, vastly m ore dram atic and spectacular. But I still like both."
c) C ricke t is a gam e generally in com pre h en sible to Ukrainians. It is a
m ajor sp ort in England and m any cou ntries that were once part o f the Brit­
ish Empire, such as Australia, India, Pa­
kistan, South Africa, N ew Zealand and
the W est Indies.
This m akes the w orld's p o p u latio n
o f cricketing nations ab o u t five tim es
th at o f those that play baseball, so it is
interesting how m any Ukrainians know
a b o u t each of these tw o sports. Clearly
the influence o f A m erican culture! U n ­

374 M, О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

fortunately, th e term in o lo g y of cricket is either in com p reh en sib le o r at best
A lth o u g h there are m any e so teric baseball term s in Am erican, th e BBC
languages dep a rtm en t cam e to the co n clu sio n that the m ost d ifficu lt word
in the English language for translation is g o o g ly. A g o o g ly is a d e liv e ry
w hich looks like a norm al le g -s p in n e r but actually turns tow ards th e b a ts­
man, like an off-break, rather than away from the bat. Unlike a norm al leg-
break, a g o o g ly is delivered ou t of the back of the hand, w ith the w rist 180
degrees to the ground. G o t it? G ood.

13. a) D ifferent sports utilise different verbs w hen participating in that ac­
tivity. There are at least five such verbs, but also a few sports have the
g ram m ar and sentence structure changed in o rder to use th e nam e of the
sp ort as the verb. For example:
1. To p la y football.
2. To do gym nastics.
3. To g o surfing.
4. To com pete in sumo.
5. To w atch horse racing.
6. To h ike (follow ed by location such as 'the m ountains') fo r hiking.

Have you noticed a particular rule in how certain English verbs are used
for certain kinds of nam es o f sport? Pay attention to the sem antics and
gram m atical form s o f the latter.
b) C h o o se the correct verb for - or convert to a verb - the fo llow in g
sports. Translate the w ord co m bin atio n s into Ukrainian and then give som e
o th er exam ples with different kinds of sp ort that w ou ld use the sam e verbs.
a) darts n) archery
b) g lid in g o) artistic gym nastics w om en's vault event
c) ice dan cing p) bobsleigh
d) m artial arts q) ski ju m p in g
e) fo o tb a ll r) tram p o lin e
f) chess s) synchronized sw im m ing
g) surfing t) orienteering
h) dressage u) basketball
i) figure skating v) luge

Англійська мова. II КУРС 375

j) volleyball w) ice hockey
k) decathlon x) fencing
I) slalom y) row ing
m) hurling z) dow n h ill skiing

*14. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with w ords from the fo llow in g
lists. Translate you r answers:
a) bat, racquet, stick, foot, hand, shuttlecock, puck, ball, stone;
b) throw, thrust, feint, check, shoot, bounce, oar (v).

1. A cricket .... is m ade o f w illow w ood, w hile a hockey .... is now m ade
of fibreglass and Kevlar. 2. He swung the baseball ... furiously. 3. He broke
his squash ... on M onday. 4 . 1 g o t hit in the face accidentally by a hockey ...
when I was still at school. 5. Her tennis ... cost her 1000 Euros. 6. In football
it's a foul to touch the ball with y o u r ... That's w hy it's called football. 7. In
Am erican football a ... off is when you pass the oval ... to a team m ate with
y o u r ... 8. Curling is an international sport played with ... each w eighing
the best part of 20 kilogram s. 9. An ice hockey ... is only 76 m m in diameter.
10. Badm inton ... usually have nylon feathers attached, as those using real
feathers break to o easily. 11. As well the arm s and hands, contact with the ...
is generally legal in volleyball. 12. The fencer's ... was enough to fool their
o p p o n e n t into m aking a mistake. 13. The Am erican fo o tb a lle r... the ball to
his team m ate. 14. The Grandm aster easily put his o p p o n e n t in t o ... 15. A sec­
ond ... in tennis m eans the end of the point. 16. There are som e com plex
rules about when to ... in the biathlon. 17. The crew ... its way to success in
the sculls rowing event. 18. In the foils event she achieved a p e rfe c t....

*15. M atch the fo llow in g co m m o n sportin g id io m a tic term s in the first

colum n to th eir m eanings in the second colum n:
1) across the board a) to su p p o rt passionately
2) blow the co m pe titio n away b) h ighly-skilled player
3) call the shots c) experienced player
4) dive right into d) equal for everyone
5) dro p the ball e) m ake the decision s
6) five tool player (US) f) to win easily
7) front runner g) an average o r norm al am ount

376 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. TanoHiB ■ O . KD. B acn/ibneH K O • H. C. XoM eH K O

8) gam e plan h) likely w inner
9) give it you r best shot i) try yo u r hardest
10) g o overboard j) d o m ore than you need
11) g o to bat fo r som eone k) defend som eon e
12) hairy-arsed player (UK) I) say o r d o som ething unfair
13) hit b elow the belt m) alm ost the con clu sion
14) level playing field n) w inn in g strategy
15) ou t of left field (US) o) you r turn to act
16) par fo r the course p) m ake a m istake
17) the ball's in you r court q) very surprising or unexpected
18) the hom e stretch r) becom e excitedly involved
19) to bleed for s) activity fo r a project
20) kno ckou t blow t) w hen n o b o d y has an advantage

16. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences using w ords and expressions from
the text and the V o cabu lary Notes.
1. Д уш у нації, її дух н е м о ж л и в о зрозум іти без глибокого знання її іс­
т о р ії та традицій. 2. Витривалість Олексія під час п іш ого походу Карпа­
тами з важ ким рю кзаком за плечима та лиш е коротки м п ер е п очи н ко м
вразила реш ту групи. 3. На п е р ш о м у курсі студентам зап роп он ували
низку предметів, п ро які вони м айж е н ічого не знали. 4. В казармах
панували д и сци п лін а та порядок. 5. Д о р о гу в лісі було важ ко знайти,
адже вона заросла підліском та вкрилася опалим листям. 6. Виїздка ко­
ней відбувалося на о кр ем ій арені, а тренування в перегонах на скако­
в о м у колі нещ од авн о поб уд ован ого іподром у. 7. Багато видів бо й ови х
мистецтв походять зі Сходу і м аю ть д авн ю історію . 8. К о м анд и р у загону
довелося прокласти м ар ш р ут через район, де м ож на було зіткнути­
ся з п ід розділ ам и противника. 9. П іратський корабель взяв н ап р ям ок
на південний схід. 10. П ід час війни льотчики проходили пр и скор ен и й
курс навчання, і вже через декілька м ісяців йшли у бій. 11. У свій час
ви опануєте і цю дисципліну. 12. Н асправді елітні чаї не завж ди м ож на
знайти на полицях суперм аркетів. 13. Лавки і м агазинчики п р од ава­
ли товари на тему Д ав ньо го Єгипту скрізь, де тільки могли з'явитися
туристи. 14. Та сцена з футболістом, свідкам и якої ви стали, це все п о ­
казуха, гра на публіку. 15. У часники змагань виш икувалися для ц е р е­
м о н ії вручення нагород. 16. Ви приписуєте цій співачці якості, яких

Англійська мова. II КУРС 377

вона ніколи не мала. 17. Н атренованість спортсм ена, його готовність
д о змагань цього рівня була бе ззап еречною . 18. Студентів на час сіл ь­
ськогосп од арськи х р об іт розм істили в п р и м іщ е н н і школи. 19. В С е р е д ­
ні віки володарі вели кої кількості зем лі та маєтків постій но п ереїж ­
дж али від од н ого св ого зам ку д о інш ого з м етою збирання податків
і відправляння правосуддя. 20. П ерехід сп ортсм ен ки д о ін ш о ї ком анди
став н еспо діван ко ю для її ш анувальників. 21. Цей вчи н ок був результа­
том д о б р е п р од ум ан ого плану. 22. П ерелік видів спорту, які входили до
складу літніх та зи м о в и х О л ім п ій ськи х ігор, п остій но зм ін ю вався в ході
історії. 23. С портивні ком ентатори і тренери не змогли передбачити
такий перебіг подій під час змагань. 24. У п е р ш о м у турі давніх з н а й о ­
мих поставили змагатися один проти одного. 25. І ім'я їм було легіон.
26. Таблиця медалей О л ім п ій ськи х ігор була оголош ена всім и засо бам и
м а со в о ї ін ф орм ації. 27. Зображ ення членів племені під час п о л ю в а н ­
ня було од н ією з п ош и ре н и х тем наскельних м алю нків д оісто р и ч н о го
періоду. 28. Склад членів парлам енту пови н ен гарантувати п редстав­
ництво всіх п р о ш а р ків суспільства. 29. Заплакана дитина ж бурнула
іграш кою на знак протесту. 30. Н адм ірн а вага є се р й о зн о ю п р о б л е м о ю
сучасного суспільства. 31. Садовод и -л ю би тел і пр од ем он стр ув али св о ї
досягнення у ви рощ уванн і різних плодів під час щ о р іч н о ї виставки.
32. Глядацький сп о рт має набагато більш е прихильників, ніж той, де
треба са м о м у брати бе зп осе р ед н ю участь.

17. Ukraine com petes in m ore than 50 of the 60 O lym p ic events alth ou g h
not necessarily in every discipline. Give English equivalents to the fo llo w in g
English terms:
Л ітн і о л ім п ій с ь к і ви д и спорту: бадмінтон, баскетбол, бейсбол, бокс,
боротьба вільна, боротьба греко-рим ська, важка атлетика, в е лоси пед ­
ний спорт, веслування академічне, вітрильний спорт, водне поло, в о ­
лейбол, волейбол пляжний, гандбол, гімнастика спортивна, гімнастика
художня, гольф, дзю до, кінний спорт, легка атлетика, плавання, скеле­
лазіння, стрибки у воду, стрибки на батуті, стрільба з лука, стрільба ку­
льова, сучасне п'ятиборство, теніс, теніс настільний, триатлон, тхеквон-
до, фехтування, футбол, хокей на траві.
З и м о в і о л ім п ій с ь к і ви д и спорту: біатлон, бобслей, гірськолиж ний
спорт, ковзанярський спорт, ли ж н е д воб орство, лиж ні гонки, санний

378 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

спорт, сноубординг, стрибки на лиж ах з трампліна, ф ігурне катання на
ковзанах, фристайл, хокей з ш айбою , ш орт-трек.

18. Translate th e Ukrainian term s in the left hand colum n o f the tab le and
then fill o u t th e right-hand colum n w ith the respective events th at are part
of each co m petitio n. C o m m en t on the etym o lo g y o f English sp o rtin g term s
in the first colum n.


19. Give English equivalents to the fo llo w in g w ords and expressions:

Вид спорту, заняття спортом , дисципліна, легка атлетика, важка ат­
летика, кінний спорт, виїздка коней, змагання з бігу, альпінізм, м етан­
ня молота, футбол (європейська назва), футбол (ам ериканська назва),
ам ер и кан ськи й футбол, регбі, крикет, англійська гилка, гра в "дроти­
ки", планерний спорт, б о й о ві мистецтва, ірландський трав'яний хокей,
керлінг, бобслей, тобоган-одиночка, стрибки з ж ердин ою , стрибки на
лиж ах з трампліна, подача, штовхання, кидок/метання, відволікаю чий
випад, веслування, стрільба з лука, сп орти вн е ходіння, піш ий туризм,
ком анд н и й спорт, індивідуальний спорт, уч асни к змагання, турнір,
чемпіонат, змагання, кубок світу з футболу, вболівальник, ф утбольне
поле, глядацький спорт, смуга переш код.
Бита, кам ін ь (для гри в керлінг), клю чка, ф утбольний м'яч, фехту­
вальна рапіра, тенісний м'яч, шайба, ракетка, воланчик, сани, коротке
весло, корінний, езотеричний, елітний, представницький, п р оф е сій ­
ний, лю бительський, займатися спортом , брати участь у змаганнях,
представляти св о ю країну.

20. Translate the fo llo w in g text into English on sight:

О л ім п ій с ь к і ігри (грец. оі ’О А и р т а к о і Aywveq) — м іж н а р од н і с п о р ­
тивні змагання, які проводяться кож ні чотири роки під егід ою М іж н а ­
р од н ого ол ім п ій ськ о го комітету. Види спорту, які входять д о п рограм и

Англійська мова. II КУРС 379

■(ор, називаю ться о л ім п ій ськи м и . П ер е м о ж ц і змагань
А .ц^е звання о л ім п ій сько го чемпіона.
^ ііі^ п ій с ь і^ д^.грИ діляться на літні й зим ові. Літні О л ім п ій сь к і ігри про-
1 > г р и м у ю ть ^ \ ^°ТИР И Ро к и ' в Рік, кратний чотирьом . З и м о в і О л ім -
а ) л ім п ій ^ ^ / ^ н У ють зи м о в і види спорту й від окр ем и ли ся від літніх,
ться ^ Р о кУ- Д° середини 90-х літні й зи м о в і О л ім п ій ські
П і р і с ь к і ігрИ ^ в один рік. П о ч и н аю ч и із з и м о в о ї О л ім п іад и Ліл-
^ .^ и н а ю ч И У регія), зи м о в і О л ім п ій ські ігри проводяться через два
, и пров0 ^ 0
^ аммера фінські ігри проводилися в грецькій О л ім п ії з VIII сто-
ІЛ &
, К И після \V століття н аш о ї ери. Вони зародилися в Стародавній
Р С?
д н т и ч н і & рР раз на чотири роки у місті О лім пія і були ви-
л і'Г тЯ н' 0 ж и тт' стародавніх греків. Ігри були заб о р о н ен і р и м -
г е ц ії, де 0 р ам и як поганські з м етою утвердж ення християнства.
з И аЧНОЮ античності були н изкою змагань, щ о проводилися
г і _ і/ ц м и ім п Є '.\ 1^ м и кількох м іст-держ ав і царств С та р од авн ьої Греції,
(^ л ім п іи с^ ^ ір о го атлетичнии характер, а також змагання б о р ц ів та
_ —
1V' . Л V .і и ^ІІЛЛ(1П
-■і#иі/ !р
-і Р
К«! н...... ! ... ..±_•_
М ІУ ^ П Р ЄДСТ^^/^Р|/І^Ь' На час О л ім п ій ськи х ігор всі воєнні конфлікти м іж
„ л м а л и здЄ ( ^ ^ и , які брали участь у змаганнях, припинялися д о їх
я К>' /|І
п е р е г о н и к о 'У
М іс т а м и - д е р 7 ,^оиз датою початку О л ім п ій ськ и х ігор античності є 776
з а к ін ч е н н я . ^ ^УєТЬСЯ на н аписах, знайдених в О лімпії, в яких названі
І^ а й п о ш и р п роводи вся кож ні чотири роки п о ч и н аю ч и з 776 р.
р і к Д ° н ' е' ^ у / ' НІ 'ГР И вк-пюча-пи бігові дисципліни, п 'ятиборство (що
п е р е м о ж ц і & л^ ґ> ^ к 'в' метання д и ску і списа, змагання з бігу та бо -
0 н . е. С т а р ° 'с ^ ротьбу, панкратіон і кінні змагання,
с ^ а д а л о с я & ^ ^ у іім п ій сь к и х ігор пов'язую ть з ім е н ем барона П'єра де
п с іт ь б и ) , б о ^ ' л і с н у в а в у 1894 ро ц і М іж н а р о д н и й о л ім п ій ськи й ко-
р ід р о д ж е И О у з тих пір став керівним ор ган ом о л ім п ій сько го руху,
К \ / 6 е Р тена<^ / Р /)Ґ ° визначаю ться О л ім п ій сь к о ю хартією.
м іт Є т (МОК). ^ ф ін сь к о го руху в XX і XXI століттях призвела д о певних
с т р у к т у р а і ДІ1 і'і^/Их ігРах- Ці зм ін и вклю чаю ть, зокрем а, створення зи-
^ волю ція іо н ій с ь к и х ігор для сп о ртсм ен ів із ф ізичним и вадами,
зМ ЇН 6 О л і м П ' ^ А / О л ім п ій ськ и х ігор для н еповнолітніх спортсм енів.
мС)Би хІгор, А ^ ^ й адаптуватися д о е к о н о м іч н и х і політичних зм ін та
а т а К °ж Ю н З ^ ^ і й XX століття. В результаті О л ім п ій сь к і ігри зм істи-
М О К був з м У ^
, О- Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

380 м-о-
лися від чисто лю бительського спорту, як це передбачалось Куберте-
ном, д о участі п роф есійних спортсм енів. Зростання значення засобів
м а со в о ї ін ф о р м а ц ії створило п р об л ем и корп оративно го спонсорства
та ко м е р ц іа л іза ц ії О л ім п ій ськи х ігор. Світові війни призвели д о скасу­
вання Ігор у 1916, 1940 і 1944 роках. Бойкотування деяки м и країнами
Ігор під час хо л о д н о ї війни призвело д о о б м е ж е н о ї р еп р езен тативно с­
ті Ігор у 1980 і 1984 роках.
Ем б л ем ою о л ім п іад є п'ять переплетених кілець р ізного кольору,
які си м вол ізую ть єдність п'яти різних частин світу (Європа - блакит­
ний, Азія - жовтий, Аф рика - чорний, Австралія і Океанія - зелений
і А м е р и ка - червоний).
О л ім п ій ськ и й п рап ор - п олотнищ е із зоб раж ен н ям о л ім п ій сь к о ї
е м б л ем и на б іл о м у тлі. П ідіймається на відкритті О л ім п ій сь к и х ігор,
опускається під час ц е р е м о н ії закриття.
П ід час О л ім п іад горить о л ім п ій ськи й вогонь, який запалю ю ть
в О л ім п ії і який доставляється д о м ісця проведення ол ім п іад и естафе­
тою. П о ч и н аю ч и з 1968 р оку кожна олім піада має свій ол ім п ій ськи й
(За м а т е р іа л а м и Вікіпедії)

Test your knowledge o f English!

1. W h ich girl's nam e is th e nam e o f a seasonal song?

a) Carol; b) Natalie; c) Noella; d) Christina

2. A q u ip is?
a) one o f five children; b) a firework; c) an English Pound Sterling;
d) a w itty rem ark

3. S om eo n e w h o is flu sh is?
a) rich; b) g o o d at cards; c) drunk; d) em barrassed

4. If you need to be patient and wait, you need to "h o ld your..." W hat?
a) cats; b) horses; c) cows; d) Dogs

Англійська мова. II КУРС 381

j In polite co m pan y you say that you w ant to "see a m an a b o u t a d og ".
You're g oin g?
a) to the toilet; b) home; c) ou tsid e fo r som e fresh air; d) to th e shops to
buy a pet.

j a) L o o k a t t h e t it le o f t h e te x t. H a v e y o u e v e r re a d a n y b o o k s o n th e t o p -
? By w h a t a u t h o r s ? b) R e a d t h e a b s t r a c t a b o u t t h e a u th o r.

^ t r a n s c r ib e a n d p r a c tic e p r o n u n c ia t io n o f th e f o llo w in g w o r d s f r o m th e
■ft c o n s u lt in g th e d ic t io n a r y if n e c e s s a ry .
in e x p lic a b ly , m e m o ir, o b s e s s iv e , a n a ly s is , rig o u r, im p ro p e r, fia n c é e , s tre n -
0 js ly , e c c e n tric , p r e te n tio u s , la d d is h , w a c k in e s s , p a n to m im e , a ffin ity , c o n -
^ t e d , in te rio r, v is u a lis e , filth , c h o ru s , c h o rd .

g e fo r e r e a d in g t h e te x t lo o k th r o u g h th e f o llo w in g c o m m e n ts :

^ m ents _________________ _
^ Fe ve r Pitch. A co m p le x play on w o rd s m e a n in g "a state o f v ery stro ng e m o -
p", e.g. Excitement at the stadium had reached/was at fever pitch. Футбольна
V°^0iviaHKa, The co m p o n e n ts o f th e m e ta p h o r include:
^ a) ^e v e r 's an extrem e state o f illness.
a pitch is th e English term for a field in Am erican, e.g. football pitch or "soccer field".
T h e D o u b le -w in n in g te a m is a team w h ich has w o n both the N a tio n a l C u p and
^ eague. Ком анда, яка виграла двічі: н а ц іо н а л ьн и й ч е м п іо н а т і є п е р е м о ж ц е м
\Ф дОЇЙ лізі.
$^ A rs e n a l is a fam o u s L o n d o n fo o tb a ll club, n am e d a fte r its o rig in a l a ffilia tio n
t f ie L o n d o n A rse n al rather like Kyiv's A rse n al side, and in its o rig in a l in carn ation
iO ^ id have draw n its players from its e m p lo ye e s as a W o rks Team. Kyiv's Arsen al
t h e sp o rts clu b o f th e A rse n al Factory until th e 1960s and at th a t tim e th e re was
^0 A r s e n a l hockey team as w ell as the fo o tb a ll team .

M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • H. C. Хоменко

4. Stax records. A s w ell as foo tball, N ick H o rn b y is ob se sse d b y m u sic and is a
vinyl record collector. High Fidelity - his th ird b o o k and first novel - w as p u blish e d
in 1995. The novel, a b o u t a n euro tic record c o lle cto r and his failed relationships,
was a d a p te d in to a 2000 H o lly w o o d film starring John Cusack, and a Broadw ay
m usical in 2006. This reference is to th e U S A record Label th a t issued m any classic
Soul M u sic and (original genre) Rhythm & Blues tracks.
5. David Pleat, Charlie George, Bob Wilson are references to re n ow n e d fo r­
m e r A rse n al players, w hich can be b e st translated as « коли ш ній в ід о м и й гравець
"Арсеналу"» in brackets after a tran sliteration .
6. The Guardian is a rg u a b ly th e m ost in te llig e n t d a ily n e w spaper in Britain.
7. Wimbledon and Luton are low er-level English fo o tb a ll clubs.
8. Gilbert & Sullivan w ro te a n u m b e r o f p o p u la r co m ic op e re ttas in th e 19th
ce n tu ry th a t are still p e rfo rm e d to d a y in th e U K and are loved by h o b b y ists w h o
pe rfo rm in local am ate u r dra m atic societies.
9. A volley in sp o rts te rm in o log y, e sp e cia lly tennis o r foo tb all, is a strike o r kick
o f th e ball m ade b efore it to u ch e s th e g ro u n d and bounces, e.g. 'a forehand volley'
in tennis. Удар з льоту.
10. Football programmes are part o f th e m e rch a ndising o f th e g a m e and are
b o o k le ts so ld b e fore and d u rin g a m atch co n ta in in g team sheets and a rticles o n the
clu b and players. M a n y p e o p le co lle ct them . Футбольна програмка.
11. The night of 26th of May 1989. T he fin al m atch o f th e 1 9 8 8 -8 9 English Fo ot­
ball League season was co n te sted at A n fie ld (Liverpool's h o m e g ro u n d ) betw een
L ive rp ool and Arsenal, th en th e to p tw o te a m s in th e First D ivision, on 26 M a y 1989.
The clu bs w ere clo se e n o u g h on p o in ts fo r th e m atch to act as a d e cid e r fo r th e
ch a m pio n sh ip . A rse n al w o n by tw o goals, th e m argin th e y required to take th e title.
T he d e ta il o f th e dates itse lf is in d ica tive o f an obsessive.
12. Fever Pitch. A 2005 H o lly w o o d film rem ake o f Fever Pitch, d ire cte d by the
Farrelly Bro th ers w ith H o rn b y as an execu tive producer, starred Jim m y Fallon and
D rew Barrym ore. In th is a d a p ta tio n (based on th e 1997 English film , n ot th e 1992
book), the a ctio n is m ove d from L o n d o n to Boston, th e fo cu s o f th e p ro tag o n ist's
o b se ssio n , th e foca l p o in t o f th e film is sh ifted from fo o tb a ll to baseball and the
sto ry is based o n th e 2004 Boston Red Sox season, w h ich cu lm in a te d w ith the
team 's first M a jo r League Baseball W o rld Series v icto ry in 86 years. The m ovie was
renam ed The Perfect Catch o u tsid e N o rth A m e rica to avoid co n fu sio n w ith th e 1997
film a b o u t fo o tb a ll.

4. Read th e fo llo w in g extract from th e b o o k "Fever Pitch" by N ick H ornby

and answ er the fo llow in g question s checking you r general understanding
of the text:
1. W h at is th e genre of the book, from w hich this extract is taken? 2. W hat
is th e general to p ic o f the book? 3. W h at is the relationship betw een N ick

Англійська мова. II КУРС 383

H orn by and fo o tb all? 4. W h at is th e ultim ate m essage a reader can receive
from the au th or after having read this extract? 5. Can the idea o f being
obsessive with foo tb all be a pplied to o th er sport, o r even o th er topics, not
related to sport? 6. Is there a m ention of such equivalent ob session in the
text o f the extract? 7. W h y d o you th ink N ick H ornby's novels were adapted
into film s? 8. W h y fo r one o f such ad aptatio ns the action was taken from
London to Boston and the sp o rt itself changed?

Text 2: Fever Pitch by Nicholas Hornby

Nicholas Hornby (born 1 7 A pril 1957) is an English writer and

lyricist. He is best known for his m em oir Fever Pitch and nov­
els High Fidelity and A bout a Boy all o f which were adapted
into feature films. Hornby's work frequently touches upon music,
sport, and the aimless and obsessive natures o f his protagonists.
His books have sold m ore than 5 m illion copies worldwide as of
2018. In a 2004 poll for the BBC, H ornby was nam ed the 29th
m ost influential person in British culture.

I fell in love w ith foo tb all as I was later to fall in love with wom en: su d ­
denly, inexplicably, uncritically, giving no th o u g h t to the pain or d isru p tio n
it w ou ld bring w ith it.
'W hat are you th in kin g about?' m y w ife m ight ask m e today.
A t this poin t I lie. I w asn't th in kin g a b o u t literature o r film or p olitics
at all. But then, ob se ssives have no choice; they have to lie on occasions
like this. If we to ld the truth every time, then we
w ou ld be unable to m aintain relationships with
anyone from the real w orld. W e w ou ld be left to rot
w ith o u r A rse n a l program m es or o u r co lle ctio n of
o rigin al blu e-label Stax record s or ou r King Charles
spaniels. O u r tw o -m in u te daydream s w ould b e ­
com e lo n g er and lo n g er and lo n g er until we lost
o u r jo b s and stopped bathing and shaving and eat­
ing, and we w ould lie on the flo o r in o u r ow n filth,
rew inding the v id e o again and again in an attem pt
to m em orise by heart the whole o f the co m m e n ­
tary, in clu d in g D avid Pleat's expert analysis, fo r th e

384 M. O. B o 3 H a • O. B. T an oH iB • O. KD. Baci/i/itMeHKO • H. C. X 0 MeHK 0

night of 26th of May 1989. (You think I had to look the date up? Ha!) The
truth is this: for a la rm in g ly large chu n ks o f an average day, I am a m oron.
I w ould not wish to suggest that the contemplation of fo o tb all is in itself
an im p rop e r use of the im agination. David Lacey, the chief foo tb all corre­
spon d en t for the G u a rd ian , is a fine w riter and an obviou sly intelligent man,
and presum ably he m ust devote even m ore of his interior life than I d o to
the game. The difference between Lacey and m e is that I rarely think. I re­
member, I fantasise, I try to visualise every one of Alan Smith's goals, I tick
off the num ber of First Division grounds I have visited; once or twice, w hen I
have been unable to sleep, I have tried to cou nt every single Arsenal player
I have ever seen (When I was a kid I knew the nam es of the wives and g irl­
friends of the Double-winning team; now, I can only rem em ber that Charlie
George's fiancée was called Susan Farge, and that Bob Wilson's w ife was
called Megs, but even this partial recall is terrifyingly unnecessary).
N o n e o f this is thought, in the pro per sense of the word. There is no anal­
ysis, o r self-awareness, or m ental rigour going on at all, because obsessives
are den ied any kind of perspective on their ow n passion. This, in a sense,
is w hat defines an obsessive (and serves to explain w hy so few of them
recognise them selves as such. A fe llo w fan last season w ent to w atch W im ­
bledon reserves against Luton reserves on a freezing January afternoon on
his own. N o t in a spirit of one-upmanship or som e kind of self-m ocking,
laddish wackiness, but because he was genu in ely interested. He recently
strenuously denied to m e that he w as eccentric in any way).
Fever Pitch is an attem pt to gain som e kind of an angle on m y ob se s­
sion. W h y has the relationship th at began as a sch o o lb o y crush endured
fo r nearly a quarter of a century, lon ger than any o th er relationship I have
m ade of my own free will? (I love m y fam ily dearly, but they were rather
foisted on me, and I am no lo n g er in touch w ith any of the friends I m ade
before I was fou rteen - apart from the only other Arsenal fan at school.)
A n d w hy has this affinity m anaged to survive my p eriod ic feelin gs of in d if­
ference, sorrow and very real hatred?
The b o o k is also, in part, an exploration of som e of th e m eanings that
foo tb all seem s to contain fo r m any o f us. It has becom e quite clear to me
that m y d evotion says th ings ab o ut my own character and personal history,
but also th e way the gam e is consum ed seem s to offer all sorts of infor­
m ation ab o u t o u r society and culture. (I have friends w h o will regard this

Англійська мова. II КУРС 385

as p re tentiou s, self-serving nonsense, the kind o f desperate ju stification
on e m ight expect from a m an w ho has spent a huge chunk of his leisure
tim e fre ttin g m iserably in the cold. They are particularly resistant to the
idea because I tend to overestim ate the m etaphorical value o f football, and
therefore in trodu ce it into conversations w here it sim p ly does not belong.
I now accept that foo tb all has no relevance to the Syria conflict, Putin's
im perialism , th e Yem eni War, natural childbirth, clim ate change, Brexit, etc.,
etc. I w o u ld like to take this o p p o rtu n ity to a p o lo g ise to anyone w h o has
had to listen to my pathetically strained analogies).
I'd been to p u b lic entertainm ents before I fell in love w ith football, of
course; I'd been to the cinem a and the pan tom im e and to see my m other
sing in the chorus o f G ilbert an d Sullivan at the Town Hall. But th at was
different. The audiences I had hitherto been a part of had paid to have a
g o o d tim e and, th o u g h occasionally on e m ight s p o t a fid g e ty child o r a
yaw ning adult, I h adn 't ever noticed faces c o n to rte d by rage o r desp air or
frustration. Entertainm ent as pain was an idea entirely new to me, and it
seem ed to be som eth in g I'd been w aiting for.
Finally, Fever Pitch is ab o u t being a fan. I have read boo ks w ritten by
p eo p le w ho ob v io u sly love football, but that's a different th ing entirely; and
I have read boo ks written, fo r w ant o f a better word, by hooligans, but at
least 95 per cent o f th e m illion s w h o watch gam es every year have never
hit anyone in th eir lives. So this is fo r the rest of us, and for anyone w h o has
w on d ered w hat it m ight be like to be this way. W h ile the details here are
uniq u e to me, I hope th at th ey will strike a chord with anyone w ho has ever
fou n d them selves d riftin g off, in the m id d le of a w orkin g day or a film or a
conversation, tow ards a le ft-fo o t v o lle y into a to p right-hand corner, ten or
fifteen or tw enty-five years ago.

5. Learn th e fo llo w in g voca b u lary notes:

/ Vocabulary notes
1. O bsessives, n. A generic nam e fo r th ose obsessed by som ething,
generally not directly connected to th eir lifestyle, but a celebrity, sports
team, m ach in ery such as classic cars, etc. О д е р ж и м и й н ав'язли вою ідеєю,
баж анням . English uses this w ord as a noun as well as an adjective w hereas

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A m erican prefers to restrict its use to that of an adjective. English uses this
as an strong form fo r fan o r supporter - п оцін овувач - w hile A m erican
intensifies the m eaning to m en tally m aladjusted, deviant, psychoneurotic
or hysterical - психоневротичний. Rem em ber w hen reading the text that
N ick H orn b y is English and writes in English, e.g. He was obsessive ab o ut
having orange m arm alade on his toast for breakfast each m orning.
2. Filth, n. Here used as a eu ph em istic term fo r 'b o d ily excretions' to
resonate stylistically with the A m erican use of 'obsessive'. Тут: бруд, екс­
3. Chunk, n. A piece, an am ount. Ш маток, кусок.
4. Moron, n. A n idiot, halfwit, lam ebrain. Used here in a very deliberate
self-deprecating manner. Ідіот, виродок, недоумкуватий, e.g. "Oh, stop
being such a m oron and watch som eth in g o ther than foo tb all on the sports
5. Contemplation, n. Deep reflective thought, carrying with it w isdom and
a learned approach. Міркування, роздуми, споглядання, e.g. W hen life got
on top of her, she w ould retire to her room for m editation and contem plation.
6. Ground, n.
1) the earth, land - земля, поверхня землі, ґрунт, e.g. She co u ld see
from a distance that the g ro un d was rich, alluvial soil;
2) p lu ra l The territory o f a m ajor building, th at covers the w h ole es­
tate - ділянка землі, територія маєтку, сад, парк, м айданчик, e.g. They
searched th e gro un ds all night searching for the m issing child;
3) a facility fo r playing a sp o rt in clu ding the pitch, seating and buildings.
A m erican s prefer either the term 'park' or 'fields' - територія і споруди
стадіону, ф утбольне поле, сп орти вн ий майданчик, e.g.There was little
covered seating at the fo o tb a ll ground, so the incessant rain often led to
com plaints;
4) th e basis of an opinion, argum ent, th e reason or m otive fo r an action -
підстава, причина, мотив, e.g. The fam ily disapproved of th e engagem ent,
partly on social grounds;
5) p lu ra l a residual s e d im e n t- о с а д , гуща, e.g. There were coffee grounds
in the b o tto m of the cup;
6) a first coat of a paint serving as a base or as background fo r a design -
фон, ґрунт, ґрунтовка, e.g. Dyers first prepare the w hite g ro un d and then
lay on th e dye of purple;

Англійська мова. II КУРС 387

7) subject matter, object of study or discou rse - предмет, тема (розмови,
дослідж ення), e.g. The gro un ds fo r the in d ictm en t were unclear.
Ground, adj. This can be a con fusin g w ord since A m erican s have a d ­
op ted it to m ean minced as in m inced m eat (фарш), and a m eat m in c­
er (м 'ясорубка) is even called a "m eat grin der" in Am erica. In English 'to
g rin d ' m eans to reduce to a fine pow der or sm all particles. П ерекручений,
перем олотий, e.g. The chef from Arkansas added som e g ro un d cinnam on
to the g ro un d beef before it was cooked.
Phrases: above ground —живий, below ground — похований, cover much
g ro u n d —доладно щ ось дослідити, cut the ground from under a person s fe e t—
підрізати під корінь, down to the ground — повністю, forbidden ground
заборонена тема, get off the ground - успіш но розпочатися, злетіти, give
ground - поступитися, відступити, go to ground - сховатися (в нору), зник­
нути з поля зору, hold one's ground - стояти на своєму, into the ground - до
повного виснаження, до повної зупинки, lose ground - втратити опору,
занепасти, відстати, on solid/firm ground - мати вагомі причини, on on ess
own ground - на своїй території, on the ground - на місці.
7. Rigour, n.
1) literally harsh and dem an d in g co n d itio n s - суворість клімату, перен.
негоди, нещастя, e.g. The rigours of a harsh, long w inter were unbearable
for some;
2) severity or strictness - строгість, безжальність, суворість, невб ла­
ганність, e.g. His h oolig an ism at the foo tb all m atch was m et w ith th e full
rig ou r of the law
3) the qu ality o f being extrem ely th o ro u g h and careful - точність,
старанність, ретельність, e.g. Her doctoral thesis was rejected by her aca­
dem ic su pervisor w h o felt that her analysis is lacking in rigour.
8. Reserves, n p i The seco n d -ch o ice m em bers of a squad from w hich a
team is m ade up — другий або запасний склад, e.g. Failing to m ake the
first team, he was relieved to be on th e bench as one of the reserves.
9. Crush, n.
1) an infatuation; blind love of som eone or som ething, often te m p o ­
rary - сильне захоплення, предм ет обож нення, e.g. W h en he was fifteen
he d eve lo p ed a crush on his m aths teacher;
2) a large d isorderly crowd - тиснява, штовханина, e.g. There was a
huge crush at the d epartm en t store on the first day of the January sales.

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3) freshly-squeezed fruit ju ice - щ о й н о вичавлений ф руктовий сік,
e.g. She always greatly enjoyed a glass of orange crush. In Am erica, a fruit
sm ooth ie (UK and USA) can be called a fruit crush. Смузі.
10. Foist, v. • u
1) to force som eth ing on to som eone, usually against th eir w ishes or
som etim es fraudu len tly - усучити, нав'язати, e.g. She had a course in
English translation foisted upon her in her second year of study;
2) to bring, put, or in trodu ce surreptitiously o r fraud u len tly - нав'язати,
протягти, втиснути, e.g Putin's style is to foist his political view s as spin
into every news story.
11. A ffin ity, n.
1) a natural liking fo r o r attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc. -
близькість, духовне споріднення, прихильність, симпатія, рідна душа,
e.g. H er affinity for w ildlife protection was very strong;
2) relationship by m arriage or by ties other than those of b lo o d - св о я ц ­
тво, сп ор ід н ен ість по чоловіку або друж ині, e.g. His affinity to his m o th ­
er-in-law was extrem ely strained.
12. P reten tio us, adj.
1) full of pretence or pretension; having no factual basis, false
претензійний, показний, e.g. His pretentious m anner irritated his c o l­
leagues w h o knew w ho he really was;
2) characterized by assum ption of d ig n ity o r im portance, especially
w hen exaggerated o r undeserved - зарозумілий, пихатий, гоноровитий,
e.g. The restaurant was d om in ated by a pretentious, self-im p ortan t Head
3) m aking an exaggerated outw ard show; ostentatiou s - показнии,
хвалькуватий, e.g. His pretentious beh aviou r co m ple tely failed to im press
the you n g student.
13. Fret, v.
1) literally to cause corrosion; gnaw into som ethin g - роз їдати, підто­
чувати, розмивати, e.g. Strong acids can fret away at the strongest metals,
2) to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the like - д р а­
т у в а т и с я ) , т р и в о ж и т и (с я ), хвилю вати(ся), e.g. Fretting a b o u t the lost
ring isn't g o in g to help.
14. Spot, v. A highly polysem an tic word, in this context used to mean
to detect or recognize; locate or iden tify by seeing - помітити, побачити,

Англійська мова. II КУРС
упізнати, виявити, засікти, e.g. Trainspotting is a h o b b y where enthusiasts
try to see as m any different trains as possible and list th eir nam es or n u m ­
„15"„Fidgety, adj. Im patiently unable to sit still - невгам овний, неспо-
кіинии, неп оси дю чи й , метуш ливий, e.g. As the tim e for his dentist's a p ­
p o in tm e n t drew nearer, he becam e very fidgety.
16. C o n to rt, v. Twist into an unnatural or unpleasant expression or
p o se викривляти, деф ормувати, спотворю вати, e.g. Her face was c o n ­
to rte d with pain.
17. In te rio r life. A n u n com m on term for 'th o u g h t w hich seeks G o d in
e v e ry th in g . Used here as an extended m etaph or fo r foo tb all as a reliqion
вн у тр іш н є життя, футбол як релігія.
18. Laddish, adj. The English eq u ivalen t o f m acho, the Spanish term
a d o p te d into A m erican, to m ean ex aggeratedly m asculine and d isp lay-
jn g behaviou rs h ig hly characteristic o f an aggressive male. W h ile a form al
d ic tio n a ry tran slation is "муж ній, властивий сп р а в ж н ь о м у чоловікові-
^ іц н и и ; ен ерпиний", th e tran sliteration "мачо" is used c o llo q u ia lly in
jk r a in e . В дусі "мачо", агресивна ч о ловіч а (поведінка). The w ord is а
d e riv a tiv e o f lad - "хлопець", "пацан" and co n te m p o ra ry English has a
d e riv a tiv e using the French d im in u tive suffix - la d e tte - fo r fem ales acting
j0 an aggressive m ale m anner (getting drunk, swearing, fighting, etc.) -
^ ц а н к а e.g. Their laddish b eh aviou r caused the g ro u p o f ladettes to be
{ ^ ro w n o ff the bus.
19. W ackiness, n. A pure synonym o f e c c e n tric ity used in the sub-
^ q u e n t sentence. Crazy, odd, irrational, p ro b a b ly derived from being
p a c k e d on the head to o m any tim es. Eccentric is som ew hat m ore form al,
15 o m ean ing d eviatin g from a recogn ized o r cu stom ary character, prac-
c e, etc.; irregular; erratic; p ecu liar - дивацький, ексцентричний, e.g. His
^ ck in e ss and eccen tric b eh aviou r often m ade p e o p le stop in the street
f \ d stare.
0 2 0 . O n e -u p m a n sh ip , n. A highly co m pe titive desire; the tech niq u e or
r ^ ctice o f g ain ing an advantage o r feeling o f su p erio rity over an oth er
^ r s o n to d o better o r achieve m ore than another, g enerally as a psycho-
f 0 \ca I advantage. Уміння дом огти ся переваги, поставити суперника
^ е в и г ід н е положення, e.g. The o n e -u p m an sh ip betw een sib lin g s as to
S p O g ets the best presents at Christm as can be horrendous.
q M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • H. C. Хоменко
6. Listen to the recording o f the text, read it aloud in class and translate it
into Ukrainian.

7. Say w hether each statem ent is true or false accord in g to th e text:

1. The author's love fo r foo tb all was rational and practical. 2. Being o b ­
sessed w ith foo tb all m ay m ean that you co u ld lose yo u r jo b and sever
relationships with all y o u r friends and family. 3. The au th or can rem em ber
all th e nam es o f foo tballe rs and the date of m any gam es w hich happened
tw enty years ago. 4. The m em oirs contain o n ly personal in form ation hav­
ing no relation to society and culture. 5. Obsessives are often denied any
kind o f perspective on th eir own passion. 6. The au th or never overesti­
m ates the m etaphorical value of football. 7. Football is a co m p le te ly differ­
ent kind o f en tertain m en t as com pared w ith cinem a or theatre. 8. A t least
95 per cent o f the m illions w ho watch gam es every year are n ot hooligans.
9. The b o o k is ab o ut being a fan. 10. The au th or hopes that th e b o o k will
strike a chord w ith anyone w ho has ever found them selves d e e p ly in love
w ith som ething.

Vocabulary practice

8. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian paying especial atten ­

tion to the m eaning and translation o f the italicised words.
1. She preferred to be entertained than watch pretentious art films. 2. He
refused to fret abo ut th e m issed g o ld e n opportunity. 3. They felt no a ffin ­
ity w ith th eir cousins on th eir father's side. 4. Like so m any sm all children
H arry was fidgety as he w aited his turn. 5. She had had a crush on Rick since
she was fifteen. 6. The reserves were all hopin g they w ou ld not be called
up as th e co n flict escalated. 7. She co u ld ju s t ab o ut spot her bro th er in the
crowd. 8. He was obsessive ab o u t Germ an death m etal rock. 9. She was
able to contort her b o d y to fit into a suitcase. 10. The tourists behaving in a
laddish w ay were barely tolerated by the locals. 11. She was co n vin ce d that
acting stupid was an inverted form o f one-upm anship. 12. He was u nhappy
to have soup foisted u pon him fo r his tea. 13. The rig o u r o f m ilitary training
was ju s t to o m uch fo r her. 14. He was co n vin ced that his general wackiness
was cool. 15. She had a large chunk o f w ork to d o to co m p le te her d isserta­

Англійська мова. II КУРС

tion. 16. He tried to explain to M arina that passionately su p p o rtin g foo tb all
did not au tom atically m ake him a m oron. 17. The hostages were forced by
the terrorists to live in th eir own filth fo r weeks. 18. His contem plation of life
often distracted him from practical matters.

9. Translate the fo llo w in g text:

The heroic failure - Eddie the Eagle

A glorious exam ple of the British at­

titude to sport is the story of England's
Eddie Edwards, a heroic failure at W inter
O lym pics ski-jum ping. Although the con­
cept of "heroic failure" is an oxym oron in
the USA, which is geared to only winners
or losers, the term describes the British
love for an adventurous competitor, even
if their achievements may be catastroph­
ic in terms of com petition results.
Eddie saw that Britain had not been represented in the ski-jum p event
at the W in ter O lym pics since 1928 and resolved to represent Britain in the
1988 W in ter O lym pics. He was then the on ly ski-ju m p er in Britain and had
tw o especial disadvantages: he was b ig g er and heavier than th e average
ski-ju m per and needed to wear thick, strong glasses for his p o o r eyesight.
The O lym pics C om m ittee were persuaded to let him co m pete in Calgary
and he cam e last in each o f the tw o events he entered. S ubsequently the
O lym p ic C om m ittee instituted the Eddie Rule w hich placed strict q u a lifica ­
tion requirem ents on potential com petitors. Eddie failed to qualify fo r the
next tw o O lym pics. Even so, he held the British record, ab o u t on e -th ird of
the distance of the w orld record, and his enthusiasm and 'never-say-die'
attitude m ade him a m ajor m edia celebrity. A H o llyw o o d b iop ic called "Ed­
die the Eagle", starring H ugh Jackm an as his trainer, was released in 2016.

10. Give synonym s or paraphrase the fo llo w in g English expressions:

H eroic failure, to be geared to, adventurous com petitor, to be cata­
strophic, to resolve to represent, to enter tw o events, to institute a rule, to

392 M. О. Возна « О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

place strict restrictions, qu alification requirem ents, to fail to qualify, to hold
a record, a 'never-say-die' attitude, a m edia celebrity, to release a biopic.

11. Study the m eanings and usage of the w ord g ro un d and translate the
fo llo w in g sentences into Ukrainian. C o m m en t on w here g ro un d was used
m etaph orically and w here id iom atic usage in English and Ukrainian was
1. The h oun ds ran the fox to ground. 2. The spy w ent to g ro un d as the
security services closed in on him. 3. The cost of m aintaining th e gro un d s
was staggering. 4. The coffee g ro un ds were added each m orning to the
co m p o st heap as she believed in th eir fertiliser value. 5. The g roun d under
his very feet was shaking as the earthquake built in m agnitude. 6. He had
no factual g ro un ds for his m u ltiple accusations. 7. The children created an
im provised foo tb all groun d in the park. 8. The favourite in the horse race
lost g roun d in the second half o f the race. 9. Talking ab o u t A m erican p o l­
itics was fo rb id d e n ground for her. 10. He decided to give g roun d during
the course o f th eir argum ent. 11. The police had th eir ow n m an on the
ground d uring the disturbances. 12. The p h ilo so p h e r felt th at he was on
solid g roun d in this thread. 13. He felt co m fo rta b le on his ow n ground
when talking ab o u t basketball. 14. The artesian well was burrow ed 60 m e­
tres b elow ground. 15. The police failed to m ake m uch g ro un d during the
first w eek of investigation. 16. She could not resist cutting th e g ro un d from
under her brother's feet w h ile he was trying to im press the girl. 17. They
co u ld n 't get the kite o ff th e ground how ever m uch they tried. 18. H er par­
ents g ro u n d e d her fo r a w eek fo r staying ou t to o late. 19. H er co n fid e n ce
was totally cut to the ground. 20. They were nearly electrocuted to death
as the electrician had forgotten to g ro un d the appliance. 21. The artist
prepared the ground on th e canvas fo r his next painting. 22. Third-year
courses cover less groun d but g o into m ore depth.

12. M atch the English expressions w ith spot and its derivatives in th e left-
hand co lum n to th eir possible translations in the right-hand colum n.
1) spot rate (finance) а) бути в центрі уваги
2) on the sp ot b) ви біркова/раптова п еревірка
3) spot on c) горбатого м огила виправить
4) sp otter d) зачепити за ж иве

Англійська мова. II КУРС 393

5) beauty spot е) мати слабкість д о чогось
6) put on th e spot 0 мертва/сліпа зона
7) to hit the spot д) м ороси ти (про дощ )
8) to have a soft spot for її) на м ісці
9) blind spot і) навідник
10) spot kick І) найваж ливіш а подія/кульм інація
1 1 ) spot check к) небезпечне м ісце на д ор озі
12) to spot a ball І) отрим ати п ереконливу п ер ем о гу
13) spotting with rain т ) пенальті
14) to be in th e sp otlig h t п) перемістити м'яч у певне м ісце
15) rooted to the spot 0) поставити в складне становищ е
16) a leopard doe sn't change р) потрапити в десятку
its spots
17) accident black spot д) п рирости до місця
18) to knock spots off г) родим ка
19) to touch a sore spot 5) СПОТ-курс
20) the high spot 1) то чн о

13. Give antonym s to the follow in g adjectives from the text:

Obsessive, rigorous, pretentious, fidgety, eccentric, laddish, contorted,
sudden, inexplicab, uncritical, strained, interior, desperate, pathetical, im ­
proper, alarm ing, intelligent, interested, self-serving, public, obvious, unique.

14. M atch the fo llow in g basic foo tball te rm in o lo g y in the left-hand colum n
to their translations in the right-hand colum n:
1) goalkeeper a) б о м б ар д и р
2) first half b ) воротар
3) second half c) гра рукою
4) half tim e d) другий тайм
5) full tim e e )за хи сн и к
6) defen der 0 зіграти внічию
7) attacker д) кінець гри
8) m idfielder її) кутовий
9) to draw і) м'яч у грі
10) to build an attack ]) нападаю чий
11) a pass к) передача

394 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васи/іьченко • H. С. Хоменко

12) to cross the ball І) передати м'яч з флангу на середину поля
13) foul т)п е р е р в а
14) striker п) п ерш ий тайм
15) handball о) півзахисник
16) In play р) п оруш ення правил гри
17) corner q) розіграти ко м б ін ац ію
18) VA R (video-assisted г) система ВАРа (суддівство за д о п о м о го ю
refereeing) відео)

*15. Som e sportin g term inology, even that w hich can seem extrem ely o b ­
vious in the SL, can often cause problem s in translation, w hen the term
m ust be h ighly context-specific. A n exam ple o f this is the term ta c k le
used in football, Am erican football, hockey, and m any o th er team games.
It m ay be translated as перехоплю вати або віднімати (м'яч, шайбу);
заволодіти (м'ячем, шайбою); блокувати (гравця); збивати (гравця) and
m ay have o th er translations in n o n -spo rtin g context. Find o th er such w ords
in the table belo w w hich m ay have m ultiple m eanings. M atch the foo tb all
related id iom s in the first colum n to th eir m eanings in th e second colum n.
Find Ukrainian equivalents or offer o th er translation m ethods.
1) betw een the sticks a) a tackle at the very last m om ent
2) to nutm eg b) pass the ball between a player's legs
3) th e ref blew up fo r full tim e c) the referee ended the gam e
4) a last-ditch tackle d) the ball not in m otion after a foul is
com m itted
5) to put it in the back of the net e) to catch the o p p o sitio n defence u n ­
6) to blast the ball w ide f) to play as a goalkeeper
7) a d ea d-ba ll situation g) to run with the ball
8) to d rib b le h) to score
9) to steam roller the o p p o sitio n i) to sh oot at goal but miss
10) to catch a defence flat-footed j) to w in co n vin cing ly

16. Insert w ords from the text and exercises into the fo llow in g sentences
using Ukrainian w ords in brackets as prom pts.
1. A s she was reaching the end of the m arathon, she felt proud o f her
(витривалість). 2. His face (скривитися) as he listened to th e hunter boast

Англійська мова. II КУРС 395

of his kill of a rare anim al. 3. She felt a strange (спорідненість душ) for
her new boyfriend. 4. The critics generally felt that his new album was to o
(показний). 5. The director's display of (конкурентоздатність) was pret­
ty m uch em barrassing. 6. He becam e increasingly (знервований) as his
turn at the dentist drew near. 7. She was furious as the d em eaning task
was (нав'язаний) upon her. 8. She was (хвилюватися) fo r a w h ole week
w aiting for her exam results. 9. There was a serious (тиснява) in the M etro
carriage that m orning. 10. Since they d id n 't believe his CV, there was a
(ретельний) exam ination of his credentials. 11. A m erican culture is g e n ­
erally (націлений) total rejection of losers. 12. M an y th o u g h t it tragic that
Ukraine failed (пройти відбір) fo r the 2018 W orld Cup. 13. The Am erican
from California (поставити рекорд) fo r eating 73 hot d ogs and buns in 10
minutes. 14. There are still so m any co m pe tin g organ ization s that n o b o d y
can say w h o really (мати звання) of W orld H eavyw eight boxing ch a m p i­
on. 15. The shape of th e (м'яч) in rugby is actually due to the shape o f a
pig's bladder. 16. It to o k her a long tim e to decide to (зареєструватися
для участі) at her local tournam ent. 17. Because his parents were of differ­
ent nationalities, he co u ld n 't decide w hich co u n try (представляти) at the
O lym pics. 18. H aving a sp ot on the bench in the (запас) was better than
nothing. 19. His (спостерігання) o f his navel was a bit much. 20. W ritin g the
exercise to o k a g o o d (відрізок) of time.

17. Give synonym s to the fo llow in g Ukrainian w ords and then a row of
English synonym s of the sam e or sim ilar m eaning:
Д р атув ати (ся )...
П ом ітити ...
Н евгам овн и й ...
Д и вац ьки й ...
Цятка ...
Споглядання ...
Ш м а т о к ...

18. Give English equivalents to the fo llow in g w ords and expressions.

Бруд, шматок, територія маєтку, підстава, на місці, навідник, з а б о ­
ронена тема, д о п о в н о ї зупинки, героїчна поразка, супротивник, су­
ворість, найваж ливіш а подія/кульмінація, н ебезп ечн е м ісце на дорозі,

396 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

сильне захоплення, агресивна чоловіча поведінка, ум ін н я дом огти ся
перемоги, духовне споріднення, цятка, стоїчне ставлення, раптова пе­
ревірка, мертва зона, родимка, спот-курс, на своїй території, на місці.
Д о ладн о щ ось дослідити, підрізати під корінь, отрим ати п ер е ко н ­
ливу перемогу, усп іш н о розпочатися, зникнути з поля зору, стояти на
своєму, поступитися, втратити опору, мати вагом і причини, бути н ац і­
лен им на щось, нав'язати, поставити в складне становищ е, потрапити
в десятку, прирости до місця, дратувати, помітити, деф ормувати, вста­
новити правило, накласти суворі обмеж ення, випустити біограф ічний
фільм, бути в центрі уваги, м оросити, зачепити за живе, мати слабкість
до чогось.
О держ и м и й , перемолотий, похований, ж ивий, показний, н ев гам ов­
ний, дивацький, точно.
Ф утбольне поле, команда, запасний склад, представляти країну, зар е­
єструватися для участі у п евн ом у виді змагань, пройти відбір, кваліфі­
каційні вимоги, встановити рекорд, пенальті, перемістити м яч у певне
місце, бом бардир, нападаю чий, воротар, захисник, півзахисник, п ер е­
дача, гра рукою, перш ий тайм, перерва, зіграти внічию, кінець гри, ку­
товий, м'яч у грі, передати м'яч з флангу на середину поля, блокувати
(гравця), розіграти ком бінацію , поруш ення правил гри, система ВАРа.

19. Translate th e fo llow in g Ukrainian sentences into English:

1. Не будь ідіотом, дослухайся д о поради старших. 2. О лена не відчу­
вала д у хо в н о ї близькості зі св оїм сином , щ о м дуж е засм учувало. 3. Він
просто о д е р ж и м и й всім, щ о стосується цього ф утбольного клубу, який
м айж е весь час програє. 4. Д ивац ька поведінка Олексія просто ш о ­
кувала всіх м оїх знайомих. 5. Весь цей бруд, щ о н акопичився в хаті,
п отр іб но негайно прибрати. 6. Значну частину проекту складали сп о ­
стереження на п ри род і та їх ретельний аналіз. 7. Екскурсія тери торією
зам ку проводилася о к р е м о від екскурсії п р и м іщ е н н я м и . 8. Багато тем
у сталінські часи були заб о р он ен і для п ублічного обговоренн я. 9. Та­
мара стояла на св о єм у всупереч усім сп р о б а м нав'язати їй додаткові
обов'язки. 10. Я побував уже на шести стадіонах, де проводяться м іж ­
народні футбольні матчі. 12. Фарш м ож на купити готовий у с у п е р м а р ­
кеті. 13. Кавову гущ у м ож на додавати у компост. 14. Таке тренування
м ож е призвести до п овн ого виснаж ення. 15. У п ереговорах ця сторона

Англійська мова. II КУРС 397

ніколи не поступається. 16. М и зразу не пом ітили ворога, адже велика
будівля створю вала мертву зон у для спостереж ення. 17. Тетяні не вда­
лося видалити пляму від кетчупу на футболці. 18. На м ісці розвідка вже
мала св о ю людину, яка працю вала під прикриттям. 19. Олег вільно п о ­
чувався в цій конкретній темі з д авн ьо ї історії. 20. Ви повинні мати се р ­
йозні підстави, якщ о намагаєтесь переконати Івана в н еп р аво м ір н ості
його дій. 21. Він скрю чи вся в три погибелі, аби пролізти в к о м ір ч и н у
і сховатися там. 22. Гоноровита поведінка твого товариш а не має під
со б о ю ніякого підґрунтя. 23. Ця тема була д оклад н о дослідж ена істо­
риками, ви навряд чи знайдете нові історичні джерела. 24. На в и р о б ­
ництво були накладені суворі о б м еж ен н я щ о до викидів в атмосферу.
25. О станній твір у виконанні ан са м б лю став кульм інацією концерту.
26. Будь о б ереж н им , ми наближ аєм ося д о місця, де вже сталося б а ­
гато аварій. 27. В другий раз атлету не вдалося встановити світовий
р екорд у стрибках в довж ину. 28. О ф іцери запасу відбули на тр и м ісячн і
навчання. 29. Я впевнений, щ о цій ком анді не вдасться утрим ати титул
ч е м п іон а світу. ЗО. Ти п оводиш ся як пацанка, це просто неприпустимо:
така поведінка підрізає під корінь всі м ої аргум енти на тв ою користь.

20. Translate th e fo llo w in g text:

Цікаві факти з розвитку спорту в Україні

Так уж е повелось, щ о спорт в Україні завж ди був н евід 'єм но ю скла­

д о в о ю життя. Спочатку бути ф ізично розви н ен и м було необхідністю ,
в и кли кано ю чи слен н и м и боями. Проте згодом пріоритети зм інилися
і лю ди почали займатися сп ортом для п ідтрим ки ф орм и та п о к р а щ е н ­
ня здоров'я.
Уж е в кінці XIX століття жителі України озн ай ом ил и ся з є в р о п е й сь к и ­
ми видам и спорту. Серед ком андних видів спорту н айулю бленіш им и
стали регбі та футбол, а серед індивідуальних - фехтування, гімнастика
та р ізно м ан ітн і види боротьби.
Згідно з деяки м и дослідникам и, перш е сп орти вн е товариство - С о ­
кіл" - було орган ізо ван е вже в 1867 році у Л ьвові. Загалом на початку
XX століття в Україні налічувалося 196 сп орти вн их об'єднань, де понад
8 тисяч лю дей займалися активними видам и спорту.

398 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

Участь україн ців у світово м у о л ім п ій ськ о м у русі почалася щ е в 1894
році, коли 56-річн и й український генерал Олексій Бутовський із с. Пя-
ти б ор ец ь на П олтавщ ині став од н и м із засновників ол ім п ій сь к о го руху.
В Україні народилось чи м ало прославлених спортсм енів, проте деякі
імена горять о со б л и во яскраво, зм уш ую ч и повірити, щ о на цій планеті
існую ть лю ди з надм ож ливостям и. О дне з таких ім ен - Іван П іддубний,
який не програв ж од н ого ч ем п іон ату з гр еко-р и м сько ї боротьби. Н а­
полегливою п рацею та н езлам н ою вол ею він зароб и в собі прізвисько
Залізний Іван, Руський Богатир та Ч е м п іо н Ч ем піонів.
Із 1917 року спостерігається значне піднесення розвитку у кр а їн сь ко ­
го спорту та ф ізи чн ої культури. А саме, з 1921 року почали проводитися
Всеукраїнські спартакіади, олім п іади та інші змагання. У післявоєнний
п ер іод спорт в Україні п род овж ував розвиватися. В цей час численні
українські спортсм ени ставали п ер е м о ж ц я м и євро п е й ськи х ч е м п іо н а ­
тів, вигравали кубки світу та о л ім п ій ські медалі. Наприклад, з 1964 по
2012 рік гімнастка Л ариса Латиніна була вол од аркою н ай більш ої кіль­
кості о л ім п ій ськи х нагород (18 медалей) за всю істор ію О л ім п ій ськи х
Ф утбольна ком анда "Динамо" (Київ) ви бо рола Кубок володарів куб ­
ків Є в р оп е й ськи х країн в 1975 та 1986 роках, а також С уп ер куб о к Є в ­
ропи в 1975 році. О лег Блохін та Ігор Бєланов назавж ди залишаться
золотим и ім ен ам и в історії україн сько го футболу.
О л ім п ій ськ и й чем піон, ж ерд и н н и к століття - Сергій Бубка, встано­
вив 35 світових рекордів і здобув світову славу та визнання навіть після
закінчення сп о р ти в н о ї кар'єри.
С в о ї сам остій н і виступи на О л ім п ій ськи х іграх українська збірна п о ­
чинає з 1994 року. С ам у тоді фігуристка О ксана Баюл здобула перш у
золоту о л ім п ій ську медаль для незалеж ної України.
Сьогодн і з'являється все більш е нових українських спортсм енів, які
п ід кор ю ю ть світові верш ини та зм уш ую ть своїх співвітчи зн и ків радіти
й пиш атися ними. Тож вкрай н еоб хідн о підтримувати їх ініціативи та
створю вати благодатні у м о в и для виховання м айбутніх олім п ій ців.

(за м а т е р іа л а м и г а з е т и "Українська правда , 16 липня 2018)

Англійська мова. II КУРС
Test your knowledge o f English

1. An ou tfit you're w earing is described as "tacky". This m eans it's?

a) wet; b) stained with foodstuffs; c) badly made; d) in p o o r taste

2. S om eone who's called a "son o f a g u n " is seen as a?

a) lovable rogue; b) an enemy; c) a friend; d) d espised fool

3. Som eo ne who's disgraced m ay find that th eir "n am e is ..." W hat?

a) George; b) mud; c) earth; d) clay

4. A pedestrian n o t o b e y in g tra ffic sig n a ls is?

a) pigeonw alking; b) m agpiew alking; c) crow w alking; d) jayw alking

5. W hile in the USA you see "X in g " on road signs. This tells you;
a) to burst into song; b) g o to the nearest Chinese language school;
c) beware of pigeons; d) cross the road here.

Listening and speaking. Vocabulary practice

1. Look through the fo llo w in g com m ents before listening to the dialogues;

Com m ents

1. K a n ye W est. M a rrie d to Kim Kardashian, W e st is a m o n g th e m ost critica lly

a ccla im e d m u sician s o f th e 21st ce n tu ry and on e o f th e b e st-sellin g m u sic artists of
all tim e. Time m a g azin e nam ed him on e o f th e 100 m o st in flu ential p e o p le in the
w o rld in 2005 and 2015.
2. Poxy, ra g g e d y -a rs e d . Pejorative, co llo q u ia l term s. Literally "poxy" m eans "dis­
eased" (з в и си п а н н ям на ш кірі). In its fig u rativ e m eanings, fo r lo n g tim e part o f
its sem antics, it m eans "н езн ачни й, убогий , н ік ч е м н и й ”. "R a g g e d y-a rse d " m eans

400 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

3. O u tfit, informal. A g ro u p o f p e o p le u n d erta k in g a p a rticu la r activity to g e th ­
er, esp e cia lly a g ro u p o f m usicians, a team , o r a business concern. Група, партія,
ансам бль, ком панія.
4. T h e b e a u tifu l gam e. A n icknam e fo r foo tb all, p o p u la rise d by th e le g e n d ary
Brazilian p rofessio nal fo o tb a lle r Pelé. П ре кр а сн а гра.
5. C ro issan ts, Esca rg ots d e B o u rg o g n e a n d C o q au V in . Classic stereo typ es o f
French cuisine. Croissan ts are tra n sfo rm e d in to "круасани" in Ukraine, Escargots de
B o u rg o g n e are snails baked in th e ir shells w ith parsley and ga rlic butter, and Coq
au V in is a d ish o f chicken braised w ith d ry red wine.
6. C h ris tia n o R o n a ld o played fo r M a n ch e ste r U n ited in England b e fore being
transferred to Real M a d rid in Spain to b eco m e th e ir star player. Fo otball jo u rn a lists
en joyed an annual sp o rt (тут: забава, розвага), sp e cu la tin g each su m m e r if he'd
return to England, b efore in 2018 he d e cid e d to m ove to Italy.
7. S n o o k e r is played w ith 22 balls o n a ta b le 3.5 m etres by 1.75 m. Pool is played
on a ta b le from 1.07 m b y 2.13 m to s lig h tly la rg e r sizes. The n u m b e r o f balls d e ­
pen ds on th e g a m e v ariation played. Billiards is played o n a fu ll-size d sn o o k e r table
bu t w ith o n ly three balls. M a n y co u n tries have th e ir ow n v ersion s o f b illia rd s to local
rules, ta b le sizes and ball sizes. The accuracy and e q u iva len ce of th e term більярд
as a tra n sla tio n fo r b illia rd s is extrem ely context-specific, a lth o u g h the loan w ord
сн уке р has recently appeared. S n o o k e r is ra p id ly e xten din g its in tern ation a l char­
acter by b e co m in g o n e o f th e m ost p o p u la r sp orts in C h in a and m any o f th e to p
100-ran ked players in th e w o rld are C hinese. There are no US players in te rn atio n a lly

2. Listen to the recording of the fo llo w in g dialogues. Repeat after the

speakers trying to reproduce all in ton ation as best as possible.

D ia lo g u e 1: S u p p ortin g yo u r own

Ian: I've been a passionate fan o f the Sky Blues,Coventry City Football
Club, since I was a you n g child.
Kate: But w hat for? They're rubbish and they're o n ly in D ivision 3.
M ykyta: W hy d o n 't you su p p o rt PSG like me, or M an U? A big clu b with
w orld -class players.
Ian: You've never even been to France so you su p p o rtin g PSG is like
being a Kanye W est fan. Remote, u n connected and purely based on a
subjective appreciation.
Kate: So w hy a poxy, raggedy-arsed o u tfit like Coventry?

Англійська мова. II КУРС 401

Ian: Because I grew up in C ove n try and the foo tb all clu b is very m uch
part o f the local co m m u n ity - th ey represent m e in the beautiful game.
M ykyta: Then you're not im pressed by a € 2 00 m illio n -p lu s player, crois­
sants, Escargots de B ourgogn e and C oq au Vin?
Ian: I d id n 't say that. It's ju st that they're not part of m y heritage, m y
b lood and m y local culture. Sm aller clubs are the lifeb lo o d o f football's
Kate: I still can't see C hristiano R onaldo returning to English foo tb all and
playing fo r Coventry.

D ialog u e 2: D efining a spo rt

O liver: I m really lo o kin g forw ard to the Snooker W orld C h am p io n sh ip

final this week.
Harry: Seeing it live is som ethin g - m uch better than ju s t w atching it on
Dasha: But w hat on earth m akes knocking co loured balls around a table
a sp ort anyway?
O liver: S p o rt is all a b o u t skill and achievem ent as well as physical exer­
Harry: A n d international co m petitio n. There're ab o u t 10 Chinese players
in the w orld to p 50 rankings.
Dasha: Still seem s a pointless exercise to me. It can't be th at d ifficu lt a
O liver: Try it for yo u rself ju s t once and you 'll never say that again.
Harry: Indeed, it takes a lot of talent and years o f practise to be any
g o o d and m aybe that's w hy Am erican s o n ly play pool with a relatively
tin y tables, and big pockets.
Dasha: I beat m y bro th er at p o o l last w eek in a bar in Kyiv, but you still
th ink I'll be no g o o d at snooker?
O liver: Probably not fo r a few years anyway.

3. A nsw er the fo llo w in g questions on the contents o f the dialogues.

1. W h at are the to p ics in general term s o f the first and the second d ia ­
logues? 2. W h at tw o clubs d o Ian and M ykyta support? 3. W h at is the m ajor
difference betw een these tw o clubs? 4. W h at m essage does Ian w ant to

402 M . O. B o3 H a • O. B. TanoHiB • O . KD. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoMeHKO

convey a b o u t the reasons fo r su p p o rtin g a particular foo tb all club? 5. W hat
p oin t is Kate m aking w hen m en tionin g C hristiano Ronaldo? 6. Is sn ooker a
sport? 7. W h at are the criteria that define a sport? 8. W h at is the difference
betw een snooker, pool, and billards? 8. W hich gam e is m ore d ifficu lt in
O liver's o p in io n - snooker o r poo l? 9. Does Harry see a difference between
w atching sn ooker on television live and recorded? W hat does he say in this
respect? 10. Does Dasha sound like an expert in snooker? W h at m akes you
th in k so?

4. Practice the reading o f the dialogues. Translate the d ialog u es as best as

you can. Present the d ialog u es in class close to the text.

5. M atch w ords and expressions in th e first colum n to th eir translations in

the second colum n:
1) passionate fan а) безцільна / безглузда справа
2) a poxy o utfit Ь) виграти у пул
3) raggedy-arsed с) ганяти кулі по столу
4) rem ote гі)го л о д р ан ец ь
5) w orld-class players е) гравці світового класу
6) subjective appreciation ^ далекий
7) local co m m u n ity д) д ж ерело ж и ттєвої сили
8) beautiful gam e її) м ісцева спільнота
9) lifeb lo o d і) нікчем на ком анда
10) heritage j) прекрасна гра
11) w orld ranking к) пристрастний вболівальник
12) pointless exercise 1) світовий рейтинг
13) beat at pool т)сп а д о к
14) knocking balls around a table п) суб'єктивна оцінка

6 . Insert w ords from the fo llo w in g row o f synonym s into th e sentences b e ­

low. Try to ch o ose the best contextual equivalent or standard co llo ca tio n in
each case: outfit, set-up, organisation, enterprise, company, group, business,
partnership, house, band, body, crew, team, organisation, clique, firm.
1. The m em bers o f the boy ... were all old; they were all over twenty!
2. They were form er m em bers of an obscure 1990s Germ an death m et­
al ... . 3. The ... was form ed to help victim s of the civil war. 4. The co m m e r­

Англійська мова. II КУРС 403

cial ... was show ing a healthy profit. 5. The lawyers left th eir f o r m e r ... en
m asse and set up a new ... . 6. The w orkforce was set up as ... to enable
efficient w ork-sharing. 7. The ...journal was d istribute d to every em ployee.
8. The ... o f thieves had now been targetted by the N ational Crim e Agency.
9. The students form ed a ... that scorned everyone w ho was not a m em ­
ber. 10. The N ew Business ... received a large gran t from the G overnm ent
11. The ... o f w ater was su rprisin gly large. 12. The film ... was designated
weeks before sh o o tin g com m enced. 13. H ogw arts was organized in ..., like
m any British p ublic schools. 14. The ... o f tourists stood lookin g o u t for their
g u id e w ith a red um brella. 15. They set up a ... to capitalise on the m arket
niche they had discovered.

7. Explain the difference betw een a su p p o rte r and a fan? To help with this,
study the sentences below where these w ords are used in a variety of c o n ­
texts. Then give as m any English synonym s as you can find to these w ords
and their Ukrainian translations.
1. The Brexit su pporters co u ld not understand the eco n o m ic problem s
that resulted. 2. The D ynam o su pporters travelled to g e th e r in charter air­
craft. 3. Suppo rters o f th e various Creation ist theories regard Charles Dar­
win as being the spawn o f Satan. 4. The w ebsite existed o n ly by having
a g ro u p o f regular com m ercial supporters. 5. President Lyndon B. Johnson
was a strong su p p o rte r of civil rights. 6. Labour su pp orters are regularly
d enigrated by m any o f the British ta b lo id m edia. 7. She was a fan o f Taylor
Swift. 8. A ll o f the g ro up o f students were co in cid en tally fans of straw berry
ice cream. 9. It is a m yth that fo o tb all fans always fig h t one an oth er in the
streets. 10. She was a die-hard fan o f opera. 11. M em b e rs o f the singer's fan
clu b all b o u g h t m atching t-shirts.

8 . Insert p reposition s into the fo llow in g phrases and w ord com binations:
To be ... Division 3, a big clu b ... w orld class players, I've never been ...
France, to be based ... a subjective appreciation, to grow ... in Coventry, to
be p a r t ... the local com m unity, to re p re s e n t... the gam e, to be im pressed ...
a player, to be p a r t ... the heritage, to play ... a club, to lo o k ... to the ch am ­
pionship, to watch ... Eurosport, to knock b a ll... a table, to be ... the w orld
rankings, to be ... som ething, to try som eth in g ... yourself, to b e a t ... at pool,
to be a pointless exercise ... som ebody, to be g o o d ... snooker.

404 M. O. B o s H a « O. B. TanoHiB • O. fO. BacwiweHKO • H. C. XoMem<o

9. Translate the fo llo w in g Ukrainian sentences into English.
1. М и зустрілися з ін ш и м и вболівальникам и задовго д о початку м ат­
чу. 2. П рихильники н ового політичного курсу виступили з низкою се р ­
йозних заяв. 3. Українські народні пісні є важ ли вою части н ою культур­
ної спадщ ини. 3. Я з нетерпінням чекаю новин п ро те, які нові гравці
будуть грати в н аш о м у ф утбольн ом у клубі. 4. На ч о м у базується ваша
оц ін ка потенційних м ож ли востей цього гравця? 5. М ісц ева спільнота
дбає п ро краєзнавчий музей, ф утбольний м ай данч и к і багато іншого.
6. Я бачу, щ о останній матч не сп равив на тебе сильного враження.
7. С п орт - це навички та вміння, а не тільки фізична підготовка. 8. Без-
глузде це д іло годинам и ганяти кулі на столі. 9. Я дуж е д о б р е граю
в більярд, навряд чи ти в м ене виграєш. 10. Вугільна п р ом исло вість
є д ж ер ело м ж иттєвої сили краю. 11. Н аціональна збірна в такому
складі вже не п ерш ий раз представляє наш у країну на м іж нар од ни х
змаганнях. 12. Я ніколи не був на змаганнях, де би виступали гравці
світового рівня. 13. За рейтингом ця ком анда входить д о десятки най-
сильніш их ком анд світу. 14. Ш анувальники таланту співачки зібралися
на н сольний концерт. 15. П рихильники цієї те о р ії не навели достатньо
аргум ентів на її користь.

10. D ram atize the fo llow in g situations:

a) tw o friends discussing the chances o f the team s they su p p o rt in the
next season to im prove their league table positions;
b) a person from the USA and a person from Europe talking ab o u t fo o t­
ball and A m erican "soccer" fo r teenage girls;
c) a person from the USA and a person from Europe talking ab o u t the
differences betw een N A S C A R and Form ula 1;
d) tw o friends discussing th eir visit to a sports shop and the relative
costs of oufits and e q u ip m en t fo r th eir favourite sports;

11. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the active vo cabulary of th e lesson.

Discipline, psyche, overlay, course, endurance, armour, athlete, archery,
entrant, attribute, fitness, obesity, amateur, spectator, representation, le­
gion, m edals table, event, a move, m erchandising, a dram a queen, race­
course, g o lf course, crash course, in duction course, refresher course, san d ­
wich course, obstacle course, assault course, m atter o f course, course of

Англійська мова. II КУРС 405

nature, an event, bat, racquet, stick, shuttlecock, puck, ball, stone, volley,
memoir, an obsessive, analysis, rigour, wackiness, affinity, filth, com petitor,
qualification requirem ents, fo rb id d e n ground, spotter, beauty spot, filth,
chunk, m oron, co ntem plation, reserve, a crush, affinity, one-upm anship,
fever pitch, blind spot, spot kick, sp ot check, acciden t black spot, the high
spot, a pass, foul, goalkeeper, first half, half time, full time, defender, attack­
er, m idfielder, striker, corner, VAR (video-assisted refereeing), outfit, life­
blood, heritage.
M ou n ta in e e rin g , w restling, m arathon, darts, g lid in g , ice dancing,
m artial arts, foo tball, chess, surfing, dressage, fig u re skating, b iathlon,
decath lon , slalom , hurling, archery, artistic gym nastics, b ob sleig h , ski
ju m p in g , tram p olin e, orien teering, luge, ice hockey, grass hockey, fe n c ­
ing, row ing, d o w n h ill skiing, billards, snooker, pool, sum o, surfing, horse
racing, hiking.
To accom m odate, to pitch, to pit, to run its course, to hike, to throw, to
thrust, to feint, to check, to shoot, to bounce, to oar, to contort, to visualise,
to be geared to, to represent, to enter an event, to institute a rule, to place
restrictions, to qualify, to hold a record, to cover m uch ground, to cut the
g roun d from u nder a person's feet, to get off the ground, to give ground, to
g o to ground, to hold one's ground, to lose ground, to foist, to fret, to spot,
to contort, to tackle, to score, to pass, to put on the spot, to hit th e spot,
to have a soft sp ot for, to spot a ball, to be in the spotlight, to be sp ottin g
with rain, to be rooted to the spot, to knock spots off, to touch a sore spot,
to draw, to build an attack, to cross the ball, to beat at pool, to knock balls
around a table.
Am ateur, blurred, prem ium , indigenous, pretentious, laddish, fidgety,
obsessive, poxy, raggedy-arsed.
In the course of, in due course, on course, o ff course, dow n to the
ground, into the ground, on solid/firm ground, on ones's ow n ground, on
the ground, sp o t on, in play.

12. Translate the fo llo w in g text on sight, after having read the com m ents
before the text. Then try to give a sum m arised translation of it.

406 M . O . B o3 H a • O. B. fanoniB • O. HD. BacM/ibMeHKO • H. C. XoMem <o

Com m ents

7. The Grande Boucle Feminine Internationale, formerly known as the Tour Cycliste
Feminin. was one of the Grand Tours of womens cycle races. Grande Boucle means
"big loop" and describes the individual stages which form a circuit around France.
2. Am aury Sport Organisation (ASO) is a company that ov/ns, designs and organises
top international sporting events.
3. The writer uses the term "play off not as in the standard collocation as used in
football (see helow) nor as the American term, but to mean reflect or even capitalise
on. which may be translated here as "підкреслювати".

Tour de France 2018: W hy is there no women's equivalent?

Tour de France Fem inin w inner M aria nn e M artin shared the p o d iu m with
Tour w in n er Laurent Fignon in 1984 - has cycling gon e backw ards since?
W h y is there no w om en's Tour de France? Sim ply business o r "blatant sex­
ism", as form e r cyclist Kathryn Bertine claim s? A n d w ill there be one any
tim e soon?
O n Tuesday 17 July 2018, before the m en's Tour resum es w ith stage 10,
the w orld's to p fem ale riders raced in La Course. It was o n ly run as a single
m ountain stage that summer, having been a tw o -d a y event in 2107 and
held on th e Cham ps-Elysees before th e final stage o f the m en's race in its
previous three o utin gs since it began in 2014.
Bertine, w h o helped found
cam paign g ro u p Le Tour Entier
to press th e case fo r a w om en's
Tour, d escribes that as "throw ing
w om en a token". "It should be a
five to 10-day race m inim um by
now," she to ld BBC Sport. "They
pro ba b ly d o n 't even see it as sex­
ism, but you co u ld also say that
it's ju s t very lazy. The very to p of
the sp ort is where sexism is still
strongest and that's w hat needs to be dism antled."

Англійська мова. II КУРС 407

But w hat is the view from the w orld o f w om en's cycling? W h at w ou ld a
w om en's Tour look like? A n d will finance always be an issue? 'I need to push
fo r change with my voice as well as m y legs'. Form er British cyclist N ico le
Cooke, w ho w on the 2004 G iro Rosa and the G rande Boucle in 2006 and
2007, to ld a parliam entary select co m m ittee last year th at cycling is a sp ort
"run by men, for men".
Do fe m a le riders still fear th e co n se q u e n ce s o f sp ea kin g out? Bertine
is h ea rten ed by hearing m ore cu rren t p ro fessio n al riders sp eakin g w ith
"courage" but says b ein g u n d er co n tra ct w ith team s m akes th at d ifficu lt
fo r m any others, e sp e cia lly because o f th e cu rren t lack o f a m in im u m
w age in the sport. A u stra lia n T iffany Crom w ell, w h o rides fo r C an yon
SR A M , to ld BBC S p o rt it is a fin e line" betw een w an tin g to be p o sitive
to have o p p o rtu n itie s and "n e ed in g to spea k up'' to ensure progress
d oe s n ot stall. A n d Britain's fo rm e r w orld ch a m p io n Lizzie D eignan says
a lot o f w om e n "m ay be p u t o ff sp ea kin g o u t a b o u t sexism " b ecause o f
re action s th ey have had and "there is no d o u b t stayin g q u ie t is th e easier
Crom w ell believes a w om en's Tour needs to "play off" the m en's race "to
have the exposure", w hile Britain's four-tim e O ly m p ic ch am p ion Laura Ken­
ny, w ho w on the national road race title in 2014, su p p orts "shorter, m ore
exciting" stages in both m en's and w om en's Grand Tours. Bertine, w h o rode
the inaugural 2014 edition of La Course, says w om en are still fig h tin g "the
o ut-dated p h ilo so p h y of the g o o d old boys' netw ork" w ho th ink fem ale
riders can o n ly race shorter distances. However, she does believe a French
equivalent o f the G iro Rosa is "technically not far o ff at all" and the only
th ing "standing in the way" is ASO 's reluctance.

(from the article by Jack Skelton, B B C Sport Ju ly 2018)

Test your knowledge o f English

1. A n A m erican offering you a "saw bu ck" is trying to give you a?

a) punch; b) glass o f strong beer; c) m assive beefburger; d) $10 bill

2. The hierarchical office team was very careful to m aintain t h e ir ... ord er?
a) biting; b) sucking; c) scratching; d) pecking

M. O . B o3 H a • O. 5. T an oH iB • O. tO. B acM /iw eH K O • H. C. XoMeHKC)

3. In w hich co u n try w ould you find an English m u ffin ?
a) England; b) the USA; c) France; d) Scotland

4. He had to p ro ve his c o m p e te n c e - they had to see that he co u ld ...?

a) talk the talk; b) w alk th e walk; c) see th e sights; d) fig h t the g o o d fig h t

5. A d in g is a ...?
a) Chinese snack; b) sm all dent; c) sound of a doorbell; d) im m ature snake.

*1. Insert articles as and w hen necessary into the fo llo w in g pairs o f sen ­
1.... physical exercise is g o o d fo r your health. M arina was d o in g ... phys­
ical exercises her d o c to r prescribed.
2. Som e peo p le see ... foo tb all m atch as a m ajestic s p e c ta c le .... football
m atch m ade the spectators cringe as th eir team co u ld n 't get started.
3. ... audien ce w atched ... fencing attentively. During the afternoon, the
schedule of events includes fencing.
4.... crow d a t ... cricket m atch broke into ... applause as ... batsm an h i t ...
six. There was ... large crow d a t ... cricket m atch being held on ... Bank H o l­
iday M onday.
5. To g o ... surfing requires ... suitable b o a rd .... w inner of ... surfing co m ­
petition was ... Hawaiian.
6. ... Tham es was w ide at th at p oin t and so very suited to ... rowing
events. A cco rd in g to ... regatta rules, ... prim ary respon sib ility o f ... cox is
always to ensure ... crew safety and ... cox is also in charge o f ... steering.
7. ... Boxing is ... co m ba t sp ort in w hich tw o people, usually w earing ...
protective gloves, th row ... punches at each oth er f o r ... p redeterm ined set
o f ... tim e in ... boxing r in g .... co m ba t sp ort o f ... boxing has ... tw o peop le
fig h tin g for ... predeterm ined set of ... tim e until ... punches they throw
bring ... end to ... bout.
8. They tossed ... coin to d ecid e on ... pitch where ... gam e was to be
held. ... hockey pitch in ... UK is ... 91 m etres w hile ... ice hockey rink in ...
Ukraine is ... 61 metres.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 409

9. ... figure skating is ... sp ort in w hich ... individuals, duos, o r g roups
perform on ... figure skates on ... ice. It was ... first w in ter sp o rt included in
... Olym pics, in 1908.... figu re skating event was held in ... Palace of Sport
venue in ... Kyiv.
10.... artistic gym nastics is ... d iscipline o f gym nastics in which ... athletes
perform ... short routines (ranging from approxim ately 30 to 90 seconds)
on ... different apparatuses, with less tim e f o r ... v a u ltin g .... sp ort is governed
b y ... Fédération Internationale de G ym nastique (FIG), w hich d e s ig n s ... C od e
o f Points and regulates all aspects o f ... international elite c o m p e titio n .... FIG
regulation determ ines which athletes qu alify f o r ... com petition.

*2. M atch the fo llo w in g sport-related idiom s in th e first colum n to th eir

m eanings in the second colum n:
1) across the board - cards a) at this p o in t in tim e
2) at this stage in the gam e - any sp o rt b) be chosen to be m ove to the
next phase
3) the ball's in yo u r co u rt - tennis c) d o o r say som eth in g th at is
very unfair o r cruel
4) bark up the w rong tree - hunting d) d o in g the right th ing s to
achieve o r succeed
5) dow n to the wire — horse racing e) equal fo r everyone
6) call the shots - billiards f) escape blam e fo r a w rong
7) g et a head start - horse racing g) have a better chance o f w in-
ning or succeeding
8) get off th e h o o k - fishing h) have a burst o f energy after
gettin g tired
9) get a second w ind - sailing i) it's yo u r decisio n o r responsi-
bility to d o som eth in g now
10) have the u p p er hand - cards j) m ake the decision s
11) hit below the belt - m artial arts k) right to the very end
12) ju m p the gun - track athletics I) d o som eth in g to o early o r
start before all others
13) learn the ropes - sailing m) understand new things

410 M. O. Bo3Ha • O. 5. FanoHiB • 0. IO. BacM/iweHKO • H. C. XoMem<o

14) m ake the cut - g o lf n) you've g o t the w rong person
or idea
15) on target - darts o) to be in the position of strength

3. Insert articles into the fo llow in g sentences co n tain in g id iom s related to

sport. R em em ber that idiom s have a stable form, w hich m eans that even
the slightest change, for instance, o f an article inserted or altered, changes
the m eaning and makes the phrase n on -idiom atic.
1. Ten percent raises were given across ... board to all the em ployees.
2 . 1 th in k you 're barking up ... wrong tree by blam ing M att fo r the m iss­
ing money.
3. "D o you think I should accept the jo b offer?" "D on't ask me. ... ball's
in your court now".
4. N o b o d y know s w ho is g o in g to win the election at this stage in ...
5. W h ile o u r boss is on vacation, Bob will c a ll... shots.
6. They gave the w alkers ... head start in th e run for cancer.
7. It's co m in g down to ... wire to get these d o n e on time.
8. The child got o f f ... hook fo r stealing because the security cam era was
9 . 1 was exhausted after 3 kilom etres o f running, but I got ... second
wind after I passed the beach.
10. The Blues have ... upper hand in the tournam ent, because none of
th eir players is injured.
11. A m an da was hitting below ... belt w hen she called A d rian an unfit
12. The first w eek on the jo b you will ju s t be learning ... ropes.
13. W e are on ... target to m eet o u r b u d g et this m onth.
1 4 .1 d id n 't get a second interview, so I'm pretty sure I w o n 't make ... cut.
1 5 .1 guess I jumped ... gun by buying Pam and Steve a w ed d in g gift. They
called o ff the engagem ent.

*4. Insert articles w here and if necessary:

... Coventry City loan star Dujon Sterling has hinted that he hopes to
win ... promotion to ... Sky Bet Championship with the club this season.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 411

... 18-year-old Islin gton -bo rn d efen der jo in e d ... Sky Blues from ... En­
glish Prem ier League club Chelsea last m onth on ... loan deal f o r ... entire
2018/2019 cam paign.
Sterling has m ade tw o sen ior appearances f o r ... parent club Chelsea and
his m ove to The Ricoh Arena should see him handed ... regular first team
foo tb all as he looks to im press ... new Blues boss M au rizio Sarri. W hen
speaking to ... C oventry T e le g ra p h ,... you n g ste r adm itted that he can't w ait
to pull on ... C oventry City shirt w hile w in n in g p ro m o tio n this season w ould
be ... ultim ate dream . "For me, personally, I w ant to g et as m uch exp eri­
ence and gam e tim e as I can and try to im press ... new Chelsea m anager
M a u rizio Sarri", said Sterling. "But m y am b ition s fo r C oventry are th at we
g e t ... p ro m o tio n to ... C h am p io n sh ip and h opefully m e playing ... big part
of that."
Since jo in in g ... parent club Chelsea a t ... age of eight, Sterling has been
no stranger to ... silverware. ... player has w on both ... FA Youth C u p and
UEFA Youth League on tw o occasions w ith ... Blues w hile he was also ... Un-
der-18 Prem ier League w inn er with ... club. Sterling w on ... UEFA European
Under-19 C h am p io n sh ip w ith England last year w h ile he was ... m em ber
of Paul Sim pson's squad for this sum m er's tournam ent. ... d efender's new
clu b Coventry City are aim ing fo r ... back-to-back p ro m o tio n s after w in ­
ning ... Sky Bet League Two Play-O ffs last term.

*5. Insert articles w here and if necessary:

S lo an e Steph en s drove ... spirited co m eb ack to ... 2017 US O p en ch a m ­
p ionship. Now, Stephens is riding ... new partnership w ith ... m ajor US O pen
s p o n s o r.... 25-year-old Stephens has signed on with ... M erce d es-B en z as ...
brand's newest global am bassador.
"I am absolutely honored to be ... part o f ... M erce d es-B en z g lob al fa m ­
ily," Stephens said in ... statem ent. "M e rce d es-B e n z is constantly raising ...
bar in ... au tom otive industry, w hich is sim ilar to how I approach tennis. W e
both w ant to perform a t ... h ighest level and be ... best in ... w orld.
Stephens jo in s R oger Federer, Lewis H am ilton and Rickie Fow ler
am ong ... autom aker's elite athlete am bassadors. Sloane Stephens is ...
perfect athlete to represent ... M erce d es-B en z brand globally, said M o ­
nique H a rris o n ,... D epartm en t Head o f ... Brand Experience M arketin g a t ...
M ercedes- Benz USA. "She has em erged as ... pow erhouse in ... w orld of

412 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

tennis, and has her sights set on being ... best. "W e are excited to see her
strive fo r ... greatness and help grow ... gam e. A t such ... you n g age, she
has already proven to be ... star, m aking h e r ... ideal fit for ou r brand." Last
S e p te m b e r,... 83rd-ranked Stephens w on her m aiden Grand Slam title a t ...
US Open, w here she becam e ... fifth unseeded w om an in ... O p e n Era to
win ... major.

A /
In recent years, m uch jo u rn a lism has tra n sfo rm e d in to w ritin g b lo g s o n blog
sites rather th an a rticles in new spapers. A lth o u g h in m any respects th ey essentially
are th e sam e thing, b lo g s are often n ot so g ove rn e d by th e co m m e rcia l interests
o f m edia e m pires and co n tro l by editors. A lth o u g h th e m ass m e dia is n ow takin g
o v er m any blogs, th e y rem ain m ore in form al, less o b je ctive and still less likely to toe
th e p arty line. Consequ ently, th e la n g u a g e te n d s to be m ore c o llo q u ia l and m ore
geared u p to g e ttin g 'likes' th an presentin g fact.
In th e ab ove exercises on articles are tw o b lo g s th a t w ere ch osen to be m ore
restrained lin g u istica lly th an th e y co u ld have been. The C o ve n try C ity b lo g tries to
be factual, w h ile th e S loan e S tephens blo g is w ritten by a m arketing PR unit.

1. A nalyse the tw o blogs and give exam ples of subjective spin, inform al
lan g u ag e and pro m o tio n of the authors' interests or paym aster s o b je c­

2. C h oo se yo u r favourite sp o rt and w rite a short blog on a to p ic of interest.

Linguists' headaches
Intralingual translation or rew ording, w hich is also called intersem iotic
translation, is an interpretation of verbal signs by m eans of o th er signs of
th e sam e language. A cadem ics differ in their op in io n w heth er intralingual
translation should be part of translation studies, w hich focus m ostly on
interlingual translation or translation proper, i.e. an interpretation of verbal
signs by m eans of som e o th er language. Everybody agrees th o u g h that

Англійська мова. II КУРС
intralingual translation is part o f linguistics, and its p rinciples and m eth ods
are w id ely used fo r localisation, precis-w riting, expert-to-laym an c o m m u ­
nication, etc., all o f w hich constitute part o f o u r m odern life. Linguists in
general and translators in particular find intralingual translation helpful in
translating texts soaked in specific term inology. The approach is to tran s­
late such m aterial w ithin the SL into sim ple, basic text that avoids such
te rm in o lo g y and then translate it into the TL.

Task: firstly, translate into English the w ords in bold, w hich are s o le ­
ly A m erican sp o rt term inology, using g o o g le or w hatever resources you
need, co m pilin g y o u r list o f terms, secondly, translate the text into sim p ler
English, and thirdly, translate the text into Ukrainian. W h ich part o f the task
is intralanguage translation?

Note: This short extract is from "The President Is Missing" (2018) by Bill Clinton and
James Patterson. Here the US President goes to a baseball game (a "ball game" in
American terminology). Clearly, the former POTUS (President of the United States)
believes English-language readers are interested in American baseball:

"But there's n oth ing I can d o here but sit and w ait and w atch the game.
The M ets pitcher has a live arm but overthrows his split-fingered fastball
w hich is w hy it won't drop. The N ation als leadoff hitter, a lefty, is in an o b ­
vious bunt situation with men on first and second and the third baseman
staying back. The pitcher should throw high and inside, but he d o e sn 't He
gets lucky w hen the batter can't get the bunt down either tim e he tries.
Ultim ately, with two strikes, the kid lofts a long fly ball to deep left field
tow ard me. Instinctively the crowd rises, but he got under it too much, and
the M ets left fielder hauls it in short o f the warning track."

Developing translation skills

Transcription (транскрибування) and transliteration (транслітерація)
are m eth ods o f translation, w hich in Ukrainian translation studies have re­
ceived the general nam e o f "транскодування", literally the transition from
one form o f co d ed representation to another. A t the sam e tim e one should
be aware of using the English w ord "transcoding", as it is m ostly used for

414 M. О. Возна ■ О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

d ig ital conversion, such as th e conversion from H264 to H265 codecs and

a tra n s la tio n m V t h o f ^ * ^ Ш “ m aSi0,09y 3nd n 0 t t0

w o ld Г п ^ Г iS i m eth ° d ° f translation w hen the p h on etical form o f a

d m the source language is conveyed by letters o f the alp h ab e t o f the
rget language (H apom ev - Гапон1в o r sn ow board in g - сноубординг)
w hereas tra n s lite ra tio n is a m ethod o f translation w hen the g r a p h i c a l

Ы а Т о т Т л , '5 Т т Г ЬУ 1е“ еГ5 ° f th e 8 lphabet ° f the tar9 et language

° m : ел+а л о ^ - There are also mjxed form s o f conveyance w hen part o f
th e w ord is transliterated and part o f it is transcribed (handball - гандбол)

S th T nSCribin9
^ ueagTed(decathlon
g geB adapted ,0 ,he ph0nemes ° f ,he
- декатлон). ^ Ian-

There are certain instances w hen people, w ho try to d o such a con-

the e S heXPenenC? f fiCU'tieS and co n sequ en tly m ake mistakes, not in

the least because of th e Russian language influence on th e w h ole process
w here the Russian alp h ab e t is different from Ukrainian

r e m e m b ^ d l l u d e ^ С° ГГе5Р° П^ ПСе5 fr° m E" 9 lish to Ukrainian to be

G -» Ґ
Г and n ot X.

Ukrainian football com m entators can often have big problem s with the

innЛ 9Є+Г Г t0 П атЄ5 ° Г дЄОдгарИУ- This maV happen for tw o rea­

sons. firstly, they do not know how such proper names are pronounced in

the Russia S Wh8n П атІП9 C,UbS and рЄОрІЄ' th0y often fal1 under
To W p pr°bnUnCia tra d iti0 a ThUS' f° r inStance' D e n h a m turns into
отенҐем which is wrong. This w ord m ay be translated either through tran­
scribing (Т а та м ) or through transliteration (Тотенгам). Both these approach-
are acceptable, except the one, which utilises the Ukrainian letter "Ґава".
istoncally, m any place nam es were transliterated (London - Л ондон)
e current ten dency puts em phasis on fo llo w in g the phon etical form of

Англійська мова. II КУРС

the word. D oing it accurately helps to avoid mistakes, such as not seeing
the difference betw een tw o English names: Harry and Gary, w hich should
not end up being the sam e w ord in Ukrainian. The first m ay be translated
as "Гарі" and the second should use the "Ґава" (lapi).

1. C o m m en t on the conveyance m ethods w hen the fo llo w in g w ords were

b orrow ed from English into Ukrainian.
Бадмінтон, баскетбол, бейсбол, бокс, важка атлетика, поло, волейбол,
гандбол, гімнастика, гольф, дзюдо, теніс, триатлон, тхеквондо, хокей, б і­
атлон, бобслей, сноубординг, стрибки з трампліна, фристайл, шорт-трек.

2. Translate the fo llo w in g English text into Ukrainian. C o m m e n t on the

translation of pro per names, sportin g term s and idiom s. Use the fo llow in g
prom pts: undisputed cruiserw eight w orld cham pion - абсолю тний чем п іон
світу в п ерш ій важ кій вазі, h o ld the title - мати звання або володіти
титулом, to до the distance - дійти до фінішу, to have the edge - мати
перевагу, bout - зустріч.
O leksan dr O leksandrovych Usyk is a Ukrainian professional boxer. He is
the un dispu ted cruiserw eigh t w orld cham pion, h old in g the W B O title since
2016, the W B C title since January 2018, and w in n in g the IBF and W B A titles
on July 21, 2018.

Ukrainian fig h ter O leksan dr Usyk beat Russian rival M u rat Gassiev by a
unanim ous decision to becom e the first m an to hold all fo u r w orld cruis­
erw eig h t titles. The pair w ent the distance in M o sco w but it was Usyk w ho

416 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко ■ H. C. Хоменко

had the edge. The win also sees him claim the inaugural W o rld Boxing Su­
per Series A li Trophy. O ly m p ic g old m edallist Usyk, 31, cam e into the b ou t
as the h older of the W B O and W B C belts.

Developing interpreting skills

1. Repeat each gro up of w ords after y o u r teacher, w ith o u t op e n in g you r
1. Бадмінтон, баскетбол, бейсбол, волейбол, гандбол.
2. Боротьба вільна, боротьба греко-рим ська, легка атлетика, важка
атлетика, гімнастика спортивна, гімнастика художня.
3. Велосипедний спорт, вітрильний спорт, кінний спорт.
4. Водне поло, стрибки у воду, плавання, веслування.
5. Гольф, дзю до, скелелазіння, фехтування, теніс.
6. Стрибки на батуті, стрільба з лука, стрільба кульова.
7. Теніс, триатлон, тхеквондо, футбол, хокей.
8. Гірськолиж ний спорт, лиж ні гонки, стрибки на лиж ах з трампліна,
ли ж н е двоборство.
9. Ковзанярський спорт, ф ігурне катання на ковзанах, біатлон, б о б ­

Translators' nightmares
A rtis tic g y m n a stics in English is in fact спортивна гімнастика, and n ot
художня гімнастика, as you m ay think. The literal translation is m isleading
and wrong, and is thus a false translator's firend. A rtis tic g y m n a stics ty p i­
cally involves the w om en's events o f vault, uneven bars, balance beam and
flo o r exercise as well as the men's events of flo o r exercise, p om m el horse,
still rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bar.
R h y th m ic g ym n astics, on th e o th er hand, is художня гімнастика. It is
sp ort in w hich individuals or gro ups of five m anipulate on e or tw o pieces
o f apparatus: rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon and freehand (no apparatus).
Rhythm ic gym nastics is a sp ort that co m bin es elem ents o f ballet, g ym n as­
tics, dance, and apparatus m anipulation. The ch o reo g rap h y m ust cover

Англійська мова. II КУРС 417

the entire flo o r and contain a balance o f jum ps, leaps, pivots, balances and
flexibility m ovem ents. Each m ovem en t involves a high degree of athlet­
ic skill. Physical abilities needed by a rhythm ic gym n ast include strength,
power, flexibility, agility, dexterity, endurance and hand-eye coordination.
Tram poline is in fact батут, and not трамплін. Стрибки на лиж ах
з трампліна should be translated as ski-jum ping, whereas стрибки на б а ­
туті should be translated sim ply as tram p olin in g. Yet an oth er false tran sla­
tor's friend.
The Ukrainian term п л ей-о ф ф means, in Ukraine, a series o f gam es to
finish a com petition, w hich defines the w in n er of a tournam ent. It usually
starts from the round p rior to quarter-final (1/8 фіналу), w hich are follow ed
by quarter-finals, sem i-finals and th e final. However, this is not the sam e
as the English term p la y -o ff w hich is used to d en o te the m ost successful
losers of a co m p e titio n or tournam ent. For exam ple, in the W o rld Cup,
the losing sem i-finalists co m pete in a p la y -o ff g a m e to d ecid e w ho takes
third place. In England's Football League, the autom atic p ro m o tio n places
are taken by th ose w ho finish first and second in a division but there are
play-offs fo r the next fo u r team s w ho hold a m ini-tournam ent, the w inner
of w hich is prom oted.

In English, the w ord o v e rtim e is used to m ean w ages paid fo r w ork in

excess o f an agreed shift. О вертайм or додатковий час in Ukrainian is
a d d ition al tim e to define the w inner of a gam e in fo o tb all and som e other
gam es. This is called extra tim e o r a d d itio n a l tim e in English and tim e a d d ­

418 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

ed to a half in fo o tb all for stoppages is sim ply called added time. O vertim e
in sp ort is a loan w ord from A m erican English, w hich has shifted its sem an ­
tics w hen borrow ed into Ukrainian.
П ерш ий тайм should be translated as first half, and другий тайм should
be translated as second half correspondingly. It is yet an oth er loan term
w hich has significan tly changed its m eaning w hen borrow ed from English
into Ukrainian.
To do the double in English is for a team to win both th eir League and a
d o m e stic C up com petition. However, in Ukraine the term дубль, in ad d ition
to this m eaning, is also used to describe tw o goals being scored by one
fo o tb a lle r durin g one gam e. To render this particular m eaning in English
the w ord brace is used, and the term hat-trick is used in foo tb all w hen a
player scores three goals (not necessarily consecutive) in a single gam e. The
term was used in print for the first tim e in 1865 and eventually ad o p te d by
m any o th er sports in clu ding hockey, w ater polo, cricket and team handball.
The Ukrainian хет-трик or гет-трик are neologism s, but u n fortu n ately the
form e r incorrectly uses Russian transliteration, whereas the latter is slightly
m ore correct (гат-трик w ould actually be the accurate option). A translator
should be aware o f the particular m eaning in the context to translate the
above described term s correctly.
К о р н е р is yet a n o th e r n e o lo g ism ap p e a rin g in fo o tb a ll co m m e n ta r­
ies, a lth o u g h th ere is a p e rfe ctly g o o d w ord in U krain ian fo r corner -
кутовий. W h e th e r it is in fact n ecessary to use a fo re ig n w ord w here a
U krain ian w ord w ith exactly th e sam e m ean in g exists, rem ains a c o n te n ­
tio u s issue. A t the sam e tim e it m ust be a d m itted th at the use o f fo re ig n
w ord s in U krainian, even w hen it can be easily avoided, is q u ite a strong

Task: translate the fo llow in g sentences.

1. A fte r Chelsea w on the D o uble u nder Carlo A n ce lo tt in 2009/10, the
Reds w restled the title back to O ld Trafford with a success based on
the fou n d a tio n of an incredible hom e record.
2. England w ent through to the W orld C up knockou t stage as a Harry
Kane hat-trick led to a 6 -1 rout of Panama.
3. The hockey player stam ped his auth ority on the m atch by scoring a
brace before half-tim e.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 419

4. C om p e titive artistic gym nastics is the best know n of the gym nastic
events alth ough o ther Fédération Internationale de G ym nastique (FIG)
d isciplines include rhythm ic gym nastics, tram p o lin in g and tu m ­
bling, acrobatic gym nastics, aerobic gym nastics and parkour.
5. The away team had w on eigh t corners in the first tw enty m inutes of
the m atch but still co u ln 't score.
6. The w orld's m ost infam ous ski-ju m per for m any years was Eddie Ed­
7. The goalkeeper's serious injury m eant that there were eig h t m inutes
add ed to the half as ad d ition al time.
8. The W orld C up m atch had to produce a result, so before a penalty
sh oot-ou t there was a 30-m in u te period o f extra tim e in the event of
a draw at full-tim e.
9. Tum bling, also known as pow er tu m bling, is an acrobatic sp ortin g
d iscip lin e w hich co m bin es skills of artistic gym nastics with those
o f tram polin in g. It is som etim es practiced on a 2 5-m eter-long spring
10. Україна має двох о л ім п ій ськи х ч е м п іо н о к з худ ож н ьої гімнастики -
Катерину С е ребря н ську та О лександру Тимош енко.
11. Ч оловіча спортивна гімнастика вклю чає вправи на поперечині,
кільцях, брусах, коні, вільні вправи, о п о р н и й стрибок.
12. О вертай м використовується у таких видах спорту, як футбол, х о ­
кей, баскетбол, регбі, греко-рим ська боротьба та в деяких інших.
13. Змагання зі стрибків з трампліна на зи м о в и х О л ім п ій ськи х іграх
2010 року проходили у Ванкувері.
14. Стрибки на батуті вперш е з'явилися в цирку. На дум ку фахівців,
батут ви н ай ш ов ф ранцузький ц и ркови й акробат се р е д н ь о в іч ­
чя Д ю Трамполіне. П рипускаю ть, щ о й о м у спочатку вдалося ство­
рити підкидну д о ш к у (що зараз називається трампліном ), а п ізн і­
ше м одернізувати її в підкидну сітку.
15. Після п ерш ого тайм у вже було зрозум іло, хто буде п ер ем ож цем .
16. В Англії п е р ш о ю ком андою , якій вдалося здійснити дубль, став
клуб "П рестон Норт-Енд" у 1889 році.
17. Виконувати кутовий удар м ож е будь-який гравець атакую чої ко ­
манди, вклю чаю чи воротаря.

420 М. О. Возна ♦ О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. С. Хоменко

Transcripts to Functional Dialogues

Lesson 1
D ialogue: Jo b Interview
Interview er: C ou ld we expect such a success rate at o u r co m p a n y if we
offered you this jo b ?
C an d idate: I w ou ld certain ly hope not o n ly to m eet but exceed such tar­
I: I w ould prefer to co n sider you fo r a slightly m ore ju n io r position.
C: I feel that I o u g h t to describe in detail som e of the successful contracts
I w on last year.
I: I believe it's essential that we agree on the right level for you to start on.
C: I w ould expect to w ork hard and progress quickly.

Lesson 2
D ialo g u e 1: M eeting up again

Clint: Hi, how you doin g today?

B etty-Lou: Hey, how's it g oin g? I haven't see you fo r weeks - w here you
been hanging out?
C: Just here and there. You're lookin g great - that a new dress?
B-L: Yeah, I've been dow n the mall a few times.
C: G otta run - when we m eeting up for lunch?
B-L: For you, any old time.

D ia lo g u e 2: Form al introduction

Jason Sm ith: Ah, you m ust be Valentina, Head of the Ear, N ose and Throat
U nit here. I've been lookin g forw ard to m eeting you. I m ust say you're
lo o kin g radiant tonight.
V: Dr. Smith, w elcom e to our Clinic. I trust you had a pleasant journey?
J: Please call m e Jason. O n ly my patients and nurses call me "Dr.".
V: D elighted to. Jason, so tell m e ab o u t yourself.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 421

J: I was a H ou se D o cto r fo r fo u r years before b e co m in g a G P fo r eig h t
years, then I becam e a S pecialist in ear diso rd e rs at th e Royal Berkshire
H osp ital in England. W h ich m ain areas o f tre atm e n t d o you co ver here in
V: W e're a C ou n ty hospital to su p p o rt city and regional hospitals and we
requested yo u r secon d m en t to treat ear co m plaints as part of a TACIS p ro ­
gram m e. W h at are y o u r plans during you r stay?
J: I'll be training five o f you r H ouse D octors w hile also treating patients.
Please tell m e w hat o th er aspects we should be lookin g at durin g my sec­
ondm ent.
V: O b vio u sly lecturing at the M ed ical School o f the University, but w e'll
have to see ju s t how busy you r schedule will be. It's a sham e you have to
leave now go to y o u r new apartm ent so soon. I hope you have an en joy­
able stay in ou r city.
J: I very m uch look forw ard to o u r next m eeting. See you tom orrow .

Note: 1) A County Hospital in the UK is an almost identical structure to Обласна

лікарня in Ukraine. 2) A Medical School of a British University is a Faculty of that
university, or Медичний ф а кул ьтет університету. 3) Secondment Anglo-English.
A period of time that is spent away from a usual job, for reasons of study or doing
another job - відрядження, стажування. 4) House Doctor, CP and Specialist See
Vocabulary notes on p. 83, 85.

Lesson 3
D ialogue: Askin g directions

Tourist: Excuse me, co u ld you tell m e please w here the Em pire State B u ild ­
ing is?
N e w Yorker: Hey, I d id n 't get that. W hat? You English or som ething?
T: Scots, but how d o I get to the Em pire State Building?
NY: Right. You know w hat it looks like?
T: I've seen K ing Kong m ore than once. Should I g o north from here?
NY: Four blocks east. Do you w anna take the subw ay o r walk?
T: I'll h appily w alk but w ould you m ind ju st taking a qu ick p h oto of me here
w ith m y cam era?

422 M. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • H. C. Хоменко

Lesson 4
D ialogue: Isn't trad ition great!

N atasha: H aven't you anything better to d o than sit on the internet again?
Ian: Look at this fantastic p hoto of W arw ick Castle I've found. Isn't it great?
N: It's stunning.
I: It's on e of the best I've ever seen.
N: It's m ore im pressive than the one you to o k w ith you r ow n camera.
I: I prefer it too, but ju s t look at the list of hundreds of W elsh castles on
this site.
N: Isn't it terrific to have so m uch history!

Lesson 5
D ialogue: M akin g decisions

W ayne: H ow on earth can I m ake such a decision?

M aria: I w o u ld n 't w orry abo ut it to o much; I'd ju st follo w my instincts.
W: But how can I avoid upsetting m ost of those involved?
M: It's not g oin g to be easy, but in you r shoes I'd prioritize what's m ost
im p o rtan t to me.
W: That's easy to say, but how can I g o ab o u t avoiding argum ents?
M: You can't always - if I had to m ake that decision, I'd co n sid e r what's
g o in g to cause less friction in the long term.

Lesson 6
D ialogue: A fter the Rock Concert

Ian: I th o u g h t the co ncert was pretty good, even th o u g h the lead singer
to o k a co u p le o f songs to get into th e m ood.
Kate: The d ru m m er was great, alth ou gh the rest were ju st rubbish.
I: If th ey co u ld play as well as th ey d id for the last fo u r songs, they'd be
K: I alm ost dozed off tow ards the end.

Англійська мова. II КУРС 423

I TyJ h,e ti m8 th8y fini5h this t0ur' th e y '" be P lay in 9 tog e th e r superbly.
K. The lightin g was not always in tim e with the music.
I: Yes, the lightin g technicians need to learn the songs better.
K: I'm never w atching them again.
I: By this tim e next year, it'll be to o expensive fo r us to go to their concerts.

Lesson 7
D ialogue: Planning the W eekend

Ihor: Right, that's settled. Next w eekend we will g o to the seaside.

M asha: I've som e do u b ts as to w heth er I can.
Ihor: I m g o in g to m ake sure there are no jo b s o u tstan d ing to stop me

h a p ^ e n e d ™ ^ 6 ' fU" We" 1 Said W8 d 9 ° th 'S w eekend but V ° u know what

M asha: As an alternative, how ab o u t seeing if Bohdana will be free?

Taras: Oh no, n ot Bohdana. Last week, I ju s t clean fo rg o t the date of our
w ed d in g and I cannot face her yet.

424 M , O. B o 3 H a • O. B. T a n o H iB • O. to. B acM /im em co • H. C. XoMem <o

Список літератури

1. Великий тлум ачни й сл о в н и к су ч а сн о ї у к р а їн с ь к о ї м ови/Уклад. і голов. ред.

В. Т. Бусел. - Київ: ВТФ "Перун", 2004. - 1426 с.
2. Гапонів О. Б., Возна М . О. Л ін гв о кр а їн о зн а в ств о . А н гл о м о в н і країни:
п ід руч ни к. - Вид. 2-ге. - Вінниця: Н ова Книга, 2017. - 352 с.
3. Карабан В. І., Мейс Дж. П ереклад з у к р а їн с ь к о ї м о в и на англійську мову. -
Вінниця: Н ова книга, 2003. - 606 с.
4. Карабан В. І. Переклад англійської наукової і т е х н іч н о ї л іт е р а т у р и .
Ч а с ти н а 2. - Вінниця: Н ова Книга, 2001. - 302 с.
5. Комиссаров В. Н. С о в р е м е н н о е п ер е в од о ве д е н и е . - М осква: ЗТС, 2002 -
6. A d a m s S. The D ilb e rt Future. - Kent: Boxtree, 1997. - 258 p.
7. Baker, M on a. In O th e r W o rd s (a c o u rs e b o o k on translation). - R o u tled g e Taylor
& Francis, 2004. - 304 pp.
8. Blamires, Harry. Plain English. - Penguin, 2000. - 360 pp.
9. Bryson, Bill. N o tes fro m a Sm all Island. - London: Black Swan, 1996. - 352 pp.
10. Bryson, Bill. T rou b le som e W ords. - Penguin, 1987. - 192 pp.
11. C u rricu lu m fo r English Lan gu ag e D e ve lo p m e n t fo r Years O n e to Four in U niver­
sities and Institutes. - Kyiv: the British C o un cil, 1999. - 186 pp.
12. English U krainian D ictionary. M. Балла. - Київ: Освіта, 1996. - 752 pp.
13. G rish am J. The Runaw ay Jury. - Berkshire: A rro w Books, 1996. - 485 pp.
14. H o rn b y N. Fever Pitch. - Penguin R and o m House, 1998. - 220 pp.
15. M o o re M. S tupid W h ite M en. - Penguin, 2004. - 320 pp.
16. O xfo rd G u id e to British and A m e rica n Culture. - O xfo rd U n iversity Press, 2004. -
17. Partridg e Eric. Use and A b usag e. - Penguin, 1999. - 401 pp.
18. Q u irk R., G re en b au m S., Leech G., Svartvik J. A U n iversity G ra m m a r o f English. -
Longm an, 1980. - 390 pp.
19. Selihey P. Three Tours o f Sarah B ernhardt to Kyiv// "The U krainian O b se rv e r" -
N 3 2 / 3 . - 2 0 0 3 . - P . 16-17.
20. S ench e n ko V. For O ne's S ou l//"T h e U krain ian O bserver". - N 31/3 - 2003 -
P. 16-17.
21. S ho rte r O xfo rd English D ictio n a ry (SOED). - O xford: O xfo rd U n iversity Press,
2004. - 3750 pp.
22. The P enguin A -Z Thesaurus. - Penguin, 2001. - 442 pp.
23. T ho m son A. J., M a rtin e t A. V. A Practical English Gram m ar. - O xfo rd U n iversity
Press 1996. - 383 pp.
24. Trask R. L. M in d th e Gaffe. - Penguin, 2002. - 300 pp.

446 М. О. Возна • О. Б. Гапонів • О. Ю. Васильченко • Н. С. Хоменко

Навчальне видання

Возна Марина Олександрівна

Гапонів Олександр Борисович
Васильченко Ольга Юріївна
Хоменко Наталія Сергіївна

Англійська мова
II курс
Підручник (англійською мовою)

Редактор С. І. Мазур
Комп’ютерна верстка: О. С. Парфенюк

Підписано до друку 25.10.18. Формат 60x84/] 6. Папір офсетний.

Гарнітура Тайме. Друк офсетний. Ум. друк. арк. 26,13. Зам. № 1005.

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