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Розгорнутий ПЛАН-конспект заняття з англійської мови

за професійним спрямуванням для студентів

1 курсу вищих навчальних закладів

Тема: «Англійська мова як робочий інструмент

у міжнародних організаціях»

Мета заняття:
- розвивати у студентів навички аналізу тексту, уміння визначати найважливішу
- формувати навички упорядкування отриманої інформації;
- розширити і поглибити знання студентів про міжнародні організації та
значення англійської мови як основного робочого інструменту у світовій
спільноті .
- розвивати пам'ять, мовну здогадку, увагу;
- вміння працювати в команді;
- розширити мовний світогляд студентів.
- виховувати почуття взаємодопомоги та підтримки;
- формувати громадянську позицію студентів.

Тип заняття: практичне.

Методи: ознайомлення студентів із лексичним матеріалом, бесіда,

повідомлення, тлумачення, виконання вправ.
Схематичний план заняття
І. Початок заняття (вступна частина)
 Вітання, warm-up (5 хв).
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
 Creating interest (5 хв.)
Введення нового матеріалу (10 хв)
Вивчення і закріплення нового матеріалу (35 хв)
 Презентації (7 хв.)
 Робота з текстом (10 хв.)
ІІІ. Заключна частина
 Підсумки (3 хв.)
 Домашнє завдання (3 хв.)
 Оцінки? прощання (2 хв.).


Хід заняття

I. Вступна частина.
Вітання зі студентами, пара речень про те як вони провели вихідні.
Перевірка присутності на занятті.
- Good morning! It`s nice to see you here today. How are you doing? How did
you spend your weekend? Have you got good impression of it? Were you busy
reviewing English last weekend? What is the best activity for you to do on
weekends? How long does it take you to carry it out? Is it always beneficial for
II. Основна частина.
1. Creating interest. Зацікавлення студентів, підводка до теми заняття.
Today we are going to get acquainted with some of the International organizations.
But first of all, let`s do a short geographical quiz.
1)What is the capital of Cyprus? (Nicosia).
2)What is the capital of the UK? (London).
3)What is the capital of Greece? (Athens).
4What is the capital of Luxembourg? (Luxembourg).
5)What is the capital of Finland? (Helsinki).
6)What is the capital of Denmark? (Copenhagen).
7) What is the capital of Belgium? (Brussels).
8)What is the capital of France? (Paris).
9)What is the capital of Czech Republic? (Prague).
10)What is the capital of Poland? (Warsaw).
11)What is the capital of Bulgaria? (Sofia).
12)What is the capital of Germany? (Berlin).
13) What is the capital of the Netherlands? (Amsterdam).

So, the topic of our lesson is International Organizations and English language in
their work.
2.Введення нового матеріалу.
The formation of international organizations is a 20-th century phenomenon.
Nowadays there are more than 2500 international organizations. Among them are
more than 130 intergovernmental unions. The United Nations Organization is the
most notable.
The influence of international organizations is great. They deal with political,
social and economic problems and, of course, they are concerned with environmental
problems as well.
-What international organizations do you know?
Today we’ll get acquainted with such international organizations as:
-the United Nations;
-the Commonwealth of Nations.
3.Вивчення і закріплення нового матеріалу.
- Робота з лексичним матеріалом.
You have the list of the words which will be used during our lessons and can be
unknown for you. Let’s read them.

To be а witness –свідчити, показувати
Earthquake-prone region – область, схильна до землетрусів
Refuge – сховище
Peregrine falcon – сокіл звичайний
To intercept – зупиняти, затримувати
To spark a flurry of interest –збудити хвилю інтересу
The voice of reason – голос протесту

Sanctuary – заповідник
Headquarters – штаб-квартира
Pass a law – прийняти закон
Threat – небезпека, загроза
Biodiversity – біорізноманіття
Eliminate – знищувати, ліквідувати
Coin – видумувати
Allies – союзники
Foster – сприяти
Famine – голод
Draft – складати план
Charter of the UN – статут ООН
Dignity – гідність, гордість
Donation – дар, пожертва
Fulfill – виконувати
Reunification – возз’єднання
Crisis management – антикризове управління
Safeguard – охороняти
Constitute – створювати
Undertake commitments – прийняти зобов’язання
Enlargement – розширення
Scourge – покарання
Tackle – братися
Allocate –виділяти
Expenditures – витрати
Impetus –поштовх
Temple – храм
Dismantle – знімати, розбирати

- Вправи на закріплення нових лексичних одиниць.
*Put the letters into the right order, make up the new words and translate them into
Ukrainian. We have two variants, so divide into two teams.

1) etrHiaeg- .
2) ltAlacoe- .
3) aistmDlne - .
4) iyntDig - .
5) atoDnion- .
6) litIcili- .
7) eRfueg - .
8) inetficuaRnoi- .
9) islAle- .
10)ytarSacnu- .


1) tsIpume - .
2) lfliFlu - .
3) ahTrte - .
4) aclekT - .
5) epTmel - .
6) dtepirxsenuE - .
7) gdSfauaer - .
8) iaFmen - .
9) erastdHqruae- .
10) gSeucro - .
Interchange your papers and check each other. One right variant is one point.
Right variants are on the blackboard.

* Fill in the missing words. Choose the best option.

1) Soldiers will be under … (famine, threat, impetus) death if they not fight.
2) During World War I Britain, France, Russia and the USA were … (allies,
temples, enemies).
3) Several reporters sought … (safeguard, scourge, refuge) in the US embassy.
4) Freed was the disk jockey who … (tackled, fulfilled, coined) the term “rock-n-
5) One million dollars has been … (allocated, constituted, eliminated) for
disaster relief.
6) UNESCO convention prohibits the … (illicit, legal, dignity) import, export and
transfer of cultural property.
7) The dictator … (safeguarded, coined, eliminated) anyone who might be a
threat for him.
8) NATO’s membership has increased from 12 to 28 countries through six rounds
of … (biodiversity, welfare, enlargement).
9) The boat carrying 120 refugees was (intercepted, allocated, fulfilled).
10) Greenpeace’s (refuges, temples, headquarters) are based in Amsterdam.
Here we also have a list of proper names. I will read them. Listen and pay
attention to the pronunciation.
Aswan Dam in Egypt – Асуанська гребля в Єгипті
Bayon Temple in Cambodia – храм Байон в Камбоджії
Garganta del Diablo - Гарганта дель Діабло
Iguazu National Park - Національний парк Ігуасу
Argentine province of Misiones – аргентинська провінція Місьйонс
Salisbury Plain – рівнина Солсбері

4. Презентації.
Now, let’s get down to international organizations. We’ll watch presentations about
every organization. While watching, write down the most important information into
your notepads. After watching, please answer the questions.

-the UN;
1) What is Greenpeace?
2) What is the common mission of this organization?
3) Where are its headquarters based?
4) What is the UN?
5) When was it established?
6) How many member states does it consist of?
7) What are the official languages of the UN?
8) Where are the main headquarters of the UN situated?
9) Who can become the member of the UN?
10) What is NATO?
11) What are the official languages of NATO?
12) How many countries does NATO include?
13) What is the fundamental role of NATO?
14) Who can be the member of NATO?
15) What is UNESCO?
16) When was it founded?
17) What is the main goal of UNESCO?
18) How many members are in UNESCO now?
5.Робота з текстом.
The Commonwealth of Nations
The Commonwealth of Nations, commonly known as the Commonwealth is an
intergovernmental organization of 53 member states that were mostly territories of
the former British Empire.
The Commonwealth dates back to the mid-20th century with the decolonization of
the British Empire. It was formally constituted by the London Declaration in 1949,
which established the member states as "free and equal". The symbol of this free

association is Queen Elizabeth II who is the Head of the Commonwealth. The
Queen is also the monarch of 16 members of the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth covers almost a quarter of the world land area.
The Commonwealth comprises 53 countries. The members have a combined
population of 2.1 billion people, almost a third of the world population.
The three largest Commonwealth nations by area are Canada, Australia and
The Commonwealth has adopted a number of symbols: the English language; the
flag of the Commonwealth consists of a gold globe surrounded by emanating
“rays”, on a dark blue field and a common date of commemorating Commonwealth
Day, the second Monday in March.
Answer the questions:
1) What is the Commonwealth of Nations?
2) Who is the Head of the Commonwealth?
3) How many countries does the Commonwealth consist of?
4) What is the population of the Commonwealth?
5) What are the largest countries of the Commonwealth?
6) What are the symbols of the Commonwealth?
7) When is Commonwealth Day celebrated?
III. Підсумок уроку.
- What international organizations have we learnt today?
- What is the role of English language in work of international organizations?
- What was the most informative for you? Why?
- What was the most difficult? Why?
Домашнє завдання. Make a list of international organizations that use the English
language in their working process and classify them according to the countries they
are situated in. make a scheme showing the percentage of usage of English in these
Оцінювання роботи студентів на занятті.
Прощання, побажання вдалого дня.


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