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My Senior High School VS My University

My name is Lathifa Azhary. Many people call me with Thifa or Ef. I am eighteen years

old. I was an alumna of Islamic Senior High School 1 Model Bukittinggi and now as an English

department student in Padang State University. I found many differences when I was in senior

high school and now as a college student.

My school located in Gulai Bancah, center of Bukittinggi City. Whereas, my home is at

Kubang Putih Complex. I needed 15 minutes to get there, so I went to that school with my

lovely motorcycle. Now, I am in Padang because I am a student UNP. I should have to have a

renthouse, so I just need one minute to get my class. That is a short time but I am far from my

family. That is the first point.

At senior high school, students usually wear same uniforms. There are some rules just

for clothes that wear for each day. However, I cannot find that rules in my college, except if

there are some certain ceremonies or last exam. The student allows wearing any clothes with a

provision, polite. Every Monday, students held a flag ceremony that committee from

themselves, but now I cannot see that activity in my college.

Internet is one of device for sharing information, so a college student should have a

self-phone. If you have a changing schedule with some lecturers, you are informed by social

media such as WhatsApp. If you want to know your scores for each semester, you will find in a

website of that university. Everything depends on the internet. In contrast with senior high

school period.
Those are some differences between my senior high school and my college. For

instance: the rule, the situation, and information. Actually, there are so many differences that

arise between them in other sides.

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