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Core Vocabulary

Part 1:

Unit 1: Sociology

Fundamental Skill: The Game of Go

1. Ardent Nhiệt tình
2. Sphere Lĩnh vực
3. Lateral thinking Tư duy ngoại biên
4. Allocation Sự phân phối
5. Concede Thừa nhận
6. Minivan
Supporting Skill 1: Skimming for gist: Memories that Define the Self
1. En masse
2. Autobiographical
3. Episodic
4. Generic
5. In terms of
6. Fluid
Supporting skill 2: Scanning for Details: Nationalism and Sports
1. Buoy
2. Anthem
3. Foster
4. Reinforcement
5. Disparate
6. Infuse Rót vào

Reading- Writing Connection: Annotating and Taking Notes: Athletics in

Classical Times
1. Imbue Thấm
2. Antiquity Cổ xưa
3. The Cradle of Western
4. A la modern brass
5. Corporate activity
6. By and Large

Part 1:

Unit 2: Economics

Fundamental Skill: Recognizing main ideas and supporting ideas:

Comparative Advantage
1. Exposition Trìm bày
2. Tackle Giải quyết
3. Subtleties Sự khôn khéo
4. Counterintuitive Vô lý
5. Prove useful Chứng minh là có ích
6. Idealized Lý tưởng hóa
Supporting Skill 1: Identifying sentence functions Comparative Advantage
Theory in a Global Economy
1. Exploit Khai thác
2. Rebound Hồi phục
3. Go awry Trở nên tồi tệ, không theo kế hoạch
4. Pin hopes on Đặt niềm tin vào
5. Coupled with
6. Set off
Supporting skill 2: Identifying Topics and Main Ideas: Patriotic Purchasing
1. Unprecedented Chưa từng có
2. Mainstream Xu hướng
3. Steadfastly Ổn định, 1 cách chắc chắn
4. Safeguard
5. Retaliatory Báo thù
6. Rally Tập hợp

Reading- Writing Connection: Summarizing: Comparative Advantage and

Job Hunting
1. Incur Gánh chịu
2. Stand above the crowd Nổi bật trong đám đông
3. Postulate cho rằng, mặc định rằng
4. Calculus
5. Fruitful
6. Savvy Hiểu
7. Better suited

Part 1:

Unit 3: Biology

Fundamental Skill: Understanding Cohesion: What is a Vaccine?

1. Mimic
2. A wide array of
3. Run through
4. Bona fide
5. In effect
6. Ward off
Supporting Skill 1: Recognizing Pattern of Cohesion
1. Nonpathogenic
2. Inoculate
3. Render Làm trở nên
4. Confer
5. Potent
6. Safeguard
Supporting skill 2: Understanding cohesion in description: The MMR
Vaccine and Anti-Vaxxer
7. Rising tide
8. Slanted
9. Tubular
10. Hold still
11. Trauma
12. Flagging

Reading- Writing Connection: Using outlines and Graphic Organizers:

polio Virus
1. Gastrointestinal tract

2. Endemic
3. Paralysis Bệnh tê liệt
4. Eradication efforts Nỗ lực xóa bỏ
5. Mucous membrane
6. Infiltrate Xâm nhập

Part 1:

Unit 4: Humanities

Fundamental Skill: Developing Reading Fluency: What does Education

1. Proximately
2. Dissected
3. Hone
4. Avenue
5. Of increasingly less
6. Play out
Supporting Skill 1: Increasing Fluency: Aristotle and Alexander The Great
1. Mentorship
2. Usher in
3. Hubristic
4. Extant
5. Blatantly
6. Ethnocentric
Supporting skill 2: Tolerating ambiguity: Plato’s Academy
1. Secular
2. Metaphysic
3. Make manifest Vén màn
4. Intelligible
5. A play on
6. thread

Reading- Writing Connection: Recognizing and using Rhetorical

techniques: Socratic Dialogue
1. Vehicle
2. Carry a negative
3. Film buff
4. Eponymous
5. To great effect

6. Evil twin
7. Had a misfortune of Gặp bất hạnh
Misfortune( N)

Part 1:

Unit 5: Environmental Engineering: Visuals

Fundamental Skill: Interpreting Visuals: Pollutants and the Respiratory

1. Continually Liên tục
2. Land Hạ cánh
3. Impaction
4. Asbestos
5. Sedimentation Lắng đọng
6. Buoyancy Sự nổi
Supporting Skill 1: Understanding Text References to Visuals: Internal
Combustion Engine
1. Degradation Sự hạ cấp
2. Respiratory Hệ hô hấp
3. Retrofit =upgrade : nâng cấp
4. Pressing Cấp bách. Cấp thiết
5. Stationary Cố định
6. Plethora Nhiều
Supporting skill 2: Interpreting visuals : Air Quality and Athletic events
1. Advent Đến
2. Boast Khoe khoang
3. Scrap Đồ dư thừa, bỏ ra
4. Blanketed in Nằm trong
5. Marathon
6. Outcry Phản đối

Reading- Writing Connection: Referring to visual data

1. Biosphere Sinh quyển
2. Development
3. Execution Thi hành
4. Adopt Ôm lấy nó, chấp nhận nó
5. Pass
6. Address (V) giải quyết
7. towel Khăn tắm
8. blank chăn


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