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Evidence-Based Practices

By Isabella Abbinante

Practice Description & Examples

• The application of reinforcement
designed to reduce the occurrence
of interfering behaviours, such as
aggression, self-injury, or stereotypic
• Reinforcing only the appropriate
Differential Reinforcement response or behaviour you wish to
increase, and reinforcing behaviours
that serve as alternatives to the
problem behaviours
• Example: rewarding a child for
brushing their teeth before bedtime,
while withholding the reward when
the child does not brush their teeth
before bedtime
• PECS is used to teach learners with
limited functional communication
skills to initiate exchanges and
interactions in a social context
• Specific prompting and
reinforcement strategies are used
Picture Exchange that will lead to independent
Communication System communication
(PECS) • It begins by teaching an individual
to give a single picture of a desired
item or action, then how to
discriminate pictures and put them
together in sentences. In more
advanced phases, individuals learn
how to answer questions and make
• An ABA technique that breaks skills
down into small, “discrete”,
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
• The trainer teaches these skills one-
by-one, and along the way, uses
tangible reinforcements for desired
• Example: When teaching colours to
a child, the trainer might begin with
the colour red. They would ask them
to point to the colour, then reward
the behaviour. Next, they would
move on to teaching the colour
blue by itself, again reinforcing the
behaviour. Then they would ask
about both colours, and so on.


Autism Speaks. (2018, September 5). What is Discrete Trial Training?

Retrieved February 10, 2021, from

Bondy, A., & Frost, L. (n.d.). Picture Exchange Communication System

(PECS). Retrieved February 10, 2021, from https://pecs-

Differential Reinforcement - Special Learning Article. (n.d.). Retrieved

February 10, 2021, from https://www.special-

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