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Note special clinical expressions!

Habǐtus aegrōti appearance of a sick person in general

Status praesens (aegrōti) the present condition of a patient
(at the moment of examination)
Praesente medico in the presence of the doctor
Absente aegrōto in the absence of the patient
Exǐtus letālis lethal outcome
Facies Hippocratica Hippocrates’ face (face of a dying person)
Rubor, tumor, calor, dolor Redness, swelling, fever, pain and disturbed
et functio laesa function
Sedes morbi site of a disease
Mortalǐtas alta high mortality rate
Prognosis dubia doubtful prognosis
Prognosis mala bad/discouraging prognosis
Prognosis pessǐma very bad prognosis
Prognosis letalis lethal (death) prognosis
Prognosis bona good/encouraging prognosis
Prognosis optǐma very good prognosis
Foetor ex ore bad breath
Locus minoris resistentiae point of the least resistance
Bene dignoscǐtur, bene curātur what is well diagnosed is well cured
Cadavěris inspectio examination of a corpse
Anatomica exploratio anatomic exploration
Symptomǎta et diagnosis symptoms and diagnosis
Stadium primum first (early) stage
Stadium secundum second stage
Decursus morbi et exǐtus course of a disease and its outcome
Aetiologia morbi establishing the cause of a disease
Complicationes complications
Causae praedisponentes causes determining predisposition for
Causa proxǐma most immediate cause


-logia a science
-logo- related to speech disorders
-scopia instrumental examination, observation
-metria measuring
-graphia 1) roentgenography, radiography
2) the process of recording a signal
-gramma the result of roentgenography (an X-ray) or of
registering smth.
-therapia treatment (non-operative) noso-
a disease patho-, -pathia (the most general nomination
of) a disease
-algia pain, ache
-odynia pain, ache

Names of Organs and Body Parts

Greek Latin English Russian
kephalo-, cephalo-, caput, itis, n head голова
cephalia (kephale)
somato-, soma- (soma, corpus, oris, n body тело
osteo- (osteon) os, ossis, n bone кость
acro-, acria (akron) membrum, i, n member, дистальный
limb, отдел части
extremity тела,
stetho- (stethos) pectus, oris, n breast грудь грудная
thorax, acis, m chest клетка
spondylo- (spondylos) vertebra, ae, f vertebra позвонок
cardio-, -cardium (kardia) cor, cordis, n heart сердце

arthro- (arthron) articulatio, articulatio сустав

onis, f n, joint
stomato- (stoma, os, oris, n mouth рот
glosso-, -glossia (glossa) lingua, ae, f tongue язык
rhino- (rhis, rhinos) nasus, i, m nose нос
odonto-, odontia (odus, dens, dentis, m tooth зуб
cheiro-, chiro-, - cheiria, manus, us, f hand рука
chiria (cheir)
podo-, -podia (pus, podos) pes, pedis, m foot стопа, нога
gon- (gony) genu, us, n knee колено
r(h)achi- (rhachis) columna spinal позвоночный
vertebralis column столб
odonto-, odontia (odus, dens, dentis, m tooth зуб
cheilo-, -cheilia (cheilos) labium, i n lip губа
urano- (uranos) palatum, i n palate нёбо
ul-, ulo- (ulon) gingiva, ae f gum десна
melo- (melon) bucca, ae f cheek щека
gnatho-, -gnathia maxilla, ae f upper jaw верхняя
(gnathos) челюсть
-genia (genys) mandibula, ae f lower jaw нижняя
-genia (geneion) mentum, i n chin подбородок

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