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Name : Muhammad Agil Azis Al-Hany

NIM : F1021201015
My experience in learning English
In October 2019, twenty students from my school included me, had an opportunity to
learn English and the entrepreneur at Rumah Pintar UPT Bahasa. The training had conducted for
two months.
In the first month, we were learning English. We had taught by Miss Stella, Miss Ana,
Miss Suu, and other volunteers in Rumah Pintar. I started to fell in love with English. Because
the way they taught us made me want to be like them. That’s why I joined the English study
program. To increase and develop my English skill so I could be an English teacher.
In the second month, we were learning the entrepreneur. We had taught by Mr. Aji. He
said we have to be smart in seeing business opportunities even from the problem around us, we
can create a business idea.
After two months, we celebrate our graduation at UPT Bahasa Untan for two days. We
held many games, and a lot of prizes. I also got a chance to give a speech to represent my friends
in front of my principal and the teachers who had taught us in Rumah Pintar. That is the most
amazing experience for me.

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