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• Guillemets en anglais (citation ou dialogue) : " … "

• Le pronom ‘I’ est toujours écrit avec une majuscule
• Toujours souligner les titres de livres ou de films (We Rise)
• Ne pas abuser des citations ; reformuler avec ses propres mots dans la mesure du
possible (en général, la citation vient illustrer un argument)
• Construire des paragraphes distincts (marqués par un alinéa) pour chaque nouvelle idée
• Relier les idées par des mots de liaison dans la mesure du possible (firstly,
moreover/besides/in addition, however, finally/to conclude…)


Author – for example – the Earth – which – government / environment – personally – species –
Disparition = disappearance
Manifestation = demonstration
Masque en tissu = cloth mask
Jetable = disposable
Instead of = au lieu de, à la place de
Sensitize = sensibiliser
Share = partager
Ramasser = pick up
Jeter = throw (away)
Permettre = allow, enable
Ex : Martinez’s actions allow people to be informed about environment.

Singulier → (irregular) pluriel

1 person → 2 persons / 2 people
1 child → 2 children
1 country → 2 countries
1 rally → 2 rallies
1 phenomenon → 2 phenomena
▲Advice = des conseils
▲Waste = les déchets

EVERYBODY / NOBODY + singulier

Ex : Everydody is concerned. Everybody doesn’t want to make an effort.


Ex : He wants us to take action. He encourages people a lot.
A la 3ème personne du singulier au présent, on met un -s au verbe

Nominalisation des verbes (V-ING)

Ex : Writing songs could be an interesting thing to do (= écrire des chansons / l’écriture de
chansons pourrait être quelque chose d’intéressant à faire).

WANT x TO verbe
Ex : He wants to sensitize people. / He wants people to be sensitized.

MODAL verbe infinitif

Ex : We must respect the environment. / People should be aware of the situation.

WHO (humain) / WHICH (objet / non humain)

Ex : Pollution is an issue which causes serious consequences on the planet.

EXPRESSING GOAL/PURPOSE (to, in order to, so as to)

Ex : We must stop using our car in order to reduce pollution.


First, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez is 17 years old / a 17-year old teenager. He is an eco-warrior,

hip-hop artist / performer, but also Earth Guardians youth director. He fights against the fossil
fuel industry, and he is the leader of a new generation of environmental activism. He wrote his
autobiography in 2017 ; this autobiography has actually been co-written with Justin Spitzman
(who helped Martinez write it).
As a matter of fact, Martinez wants to inspire people to take action ; in order to inspire
them, he uses the imperative form like "break free from the traditional tactics", "put your
passion". Those imperative forms, which are similar to orders, urge people to react.
Overall, Martinez encourages people to take part in original events : in "innovative,
creative, and fun" events such as climate marches or clean walks, during which people could
pick up trash to throw it in garbage cans / bins. This would therefore combine practical actions
with pleasure.
Consequently, he encourages people to be active and creative. In fact, there are
multiple ways to act / make an impact according to him : for instance, you can write songs,
create a social media page, or even grow a garden. This shows that Martinez wants to change
from the "traditional tactics of activism".
In my opinion, the most inspiring sentence of the text is : "Put your passion into a cause
you want to put energy towards". To my mind, this sentence is full of positive feelings, and the
repetition of the consonant <p> makes the sentence even more powerful/catchy.


Soyez vigilant sur le format attendu :

• Sujet d’imagination (blog, discours, texte narratif, etc.)

• Sujet de réflexion (introduction, développement en deux ou trois parties, conclusion)

Exemple de format de blog (from :

• un blog s’adresse à des lecteurs potentiels : il est donc pertinent d’utiliser le pronom
‘you’ dans le texte

• un blog cherche à informer (présentation claire et structurée), convaincre (arguments,

exemples et références précises), voire dénoncer : les questions rhétoriques (=
questions qui n’attendent pas de réponse) peuvent attirer l’attention d’un lecteur de
façon efficace

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