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Zero waste has been an actively working society for

these past four months I have been its part. In
future, I believe that the society will be working the
same way and carrying out its projects actively, also
the projects from this term will be continued if they
have not been yet completed.
 Our foremost important goal will be to continue
practicing the wastage reduction we are doing right
now, like using separate dustbins to categorise the
waste and eliminating plastic usage completely from
the college canteen and other areas. Students, admin
and the photocopier will still be encouraged to use
both sides of the paper and the trays for used paper
will be continued to be used.
 Moreover, the society will work on making good use
of the leftover food in the canteen. This can be done
by setting up a group of students who will collect the
leftover food from the canteen at the end of the day
and give it out to the needy ones. This can be done in
the way Robin hood army works, the society can
cooperate with them and give the leftover canteen
food to them and they could further distribute it.
 The society can talk to the cantonment board Clifton
and arrange meetings with them and cooperate with
them to clean out the areas in Clifton with excess
garbage and trash, even if they take no initiative to
help students can identify some areas like there is a
plot around the corner of my house and it has now
become a place for all the residents to empty their
trash cans, so the ZW society can work together and
go to such areas to clean out. The same way, beach
trips can be done, and students can actively help in
the beach cleanliness and make the locals aware the
importance of eliminating wastage.
 The current practices will be continued and if any
plan has not been achieved it will be done as soon
as possible also involving the new AS that are
bound to join the society.
 The society can arrange meetings with robin hood
army and cooperate with them, if the plan works out
fine it can be implemented as soon as the college
 The areas in Clifton and defence with very high
garbage can be explored and the locations can be
taken, the society can then see which areas are
more approachable and therefore work on going
there and cleaning.

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