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How We Chose Our Topic

Abortion is a crucial topic for women in today’s society so we decided to do our topic on
something women have finally been able to communicate about, among other things as well.
New information regarding abortion was semi-recently duscussed on the news that was quite
shocking; women are now able to get an abortion when the baby is practically developed. It
wasn’t so surprising as it was devastating to us because we had already known the advancement
in technology would have been able to conduct it sooner or later. We both have controversial
opinions regarding abortion but found this new information quite sad because of the fact it’s
basically developed and the way the children are killed is just dreadful. Not only did this
information strike us but other ipast information about women and not being able to
communicate whether they want an abortion or not. We felt this was a serious topic people
should know the history of, how it has changed overtime, and the change in how women can
express and have a say in keeping their child, which is how we came to our decision in choosing
abortion as our topic.

How We Conducted Our Research

Research was somewhat difficult since there wasn’t much on how women could communicate
whether or not they wanted to keep their child but the overall history of abortion was quite
frankly easy, we just had to dig a little deeper to obtain certain information. We created a
document for our notes/information we found, figured out what pieces of information seemed
more important and we grabbed a couple of photos and videos to add on to give different
perspectives by different women.

How We Selected Our Presentation Category and Created Our Project

We felt that a website would be less stressful yet interesting and fun and making a website
seemed fairly easy rather than some of the other categories. We both weren’t familiar with
website building/making but we impressively had no issues and it helped surface our creativity
and advance our knowledge. It was a time consuming and fun process that we would most likely
enjoy doing it again. It was mainly time consuming because we kept changing our minds on the
structure of the website and because of the research process.

How Does it Relate to The Theme?

Although it isn’t obvious, but abortion does relate to the theme of communication because of the
fact that women couldn’t communicate certain things such as abortion. This is a factor in
women’s rights, something women have been fighting for for many years. Women used to be
seen as weak or were just there to serve a man and bear children but as time passed women
started to gain a voice and that is why now women can speak out against things and have the
same opportunities as men. Women couldn’t really speak out on the keeping of her child because
most of the time the father/head of the household was the one to make that decision. But now
women can express their thoughts and emotions.

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