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SACANLE, Sean Charles T.

Reflection Paper for March 21, 2021 Facilitation

Financial problem is one of the most common challenges that we encounter in

our lives. When we are faced with financially challenging scenarios, we tend to feel
distressed and exasperated. When pending bills are nearing to their due date, we feel
anxious and lethargic especially if we do not have the capacity to pay our expenses all
at once. The previously mentioned statements are a reflection of the reality that we are
facing even before the pandemic. It significantly influences our mental well-being, hence
its importance as a focal point of discussion.

Last week, March 21, 2021, Ms. Sastre facilitated the meeting of ECE Top
Scholars – Manila. She discussed about the underlying concepts of economic factors
and its effects on the mental health of an individual. Instead of focusing on the negative
side of her topic, she presented her ideas in a fair and well-balanced manner. In lieu of
dwelling on the effects of economic factors to our physical and mental well-being, she
also emphasized the practical things that we can do to remain victorious against our
economic problems and to achieve financial freedom. Moreover, among the economic
factors that she mentioned, poverty as one of the major factors captivated my attention
the most. As we belong to one of the developing countries, indubitably, the poverty
incidence rate is still quiet high compared to other nations. Getting out of the shackles of
poverty is definitely not an easy task; it requires time, failure, wisdom, and
determination. As an individual who grew up witnessing the horrors of having financial
problems, it has been my mission to break the cycle of poverty in our family and to be
financially successful in the near future.

Ms. Sastre successfully facilitated last week’s meetings. As I mentioned earlier, it

is commendable that she did her best to balance the optimistic and pessimistic views in
her presentation. However, based on my personal observation of her presentation, I
saw that she was quite nervous and preoccupied. She also displayed ambivalence on
her stand towards a particular issue on her discussion; albeit being careful and fair in
giving your perspective is just, I think it would be much better if the points that she
wants to present were prepared beforehand. Overall, I am glad for the way she
facilitated the meeting. It was organized, interactive, relevant, and I learned a lot not
only from the presenter, but from my co-scholars as well.

MARCH 21, 2021

Life in a Ladder

Hug my parents
Exercise every
Finishing my
Eating fast food assignments,
Eat 3 times a day whenever I feel finishing my
Get 8 hours of stressed studies, and being
Being overly
sleep an engineer and a
lawyer in the future
Always staying
late at night

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